David Lee Michaels From: Sent: To: Subject:
Debra Curtis [debracurtis=comcast.net@mail72.atl51.rsgsv.net] on behalf of Debra Curtis [debracurtis@comcast.net] Monday, June 01, 2015 1:57 PM =?utf-8?Q??= VPPA Capital District Newsletter for June 2015
VPPA Capital District Newsletter for June 2015
We want to thank Doug Hinckley for hosting our May meeting at his studio. We also want to thank Robert Harris and Dan Butler along with Doug for answering questions about wedding and portrait photography. Save the Date Our June meeting is canceled. The speaker is in the process of moving and could not make it work out.
July 13, 2015 – Lisa Carter will be our speaker with her program on women and glamour. Time and location will be announced at a later date.
Summer Seminar: August 30 – September 1, 2015 – Fredericksburg Hospitality House Hotel and Conference Center. 2801 Plank Road, Central Park, Fredericksburg, VA.
If you have any news or announcements that you want to share with your fellow members or equipment that you would like to sell or that you are looking for, please send your information to me: Debra Curtis, Secretary – Capital District VPPA (e-mail: debracurtis@comcast.net) no later than the fifteenth day of the month so I can include it in the following month’s newsletter. If you have a special announcement that needs to be sent to the Capital District members between newsletters, please send me an e-mail.
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