David Lee Michaels From: Sent: To: Subject:
Debra Curtis [debracurtis=comcast.net@mail77.atl51.rsgsv.net] on behalf of Debra Curtis [debracurtis@comcast.net] Friday, February 27, 2015 8:16 PM =?utf-8?Q??= VPPA Capital District Newsletter for March 2015
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VPPA Capital District Newsletter
March 2015
Wow! What a convention! A GREAT BIG congratulations go out to all the award winners and especially to those from Capital District. Our meeting date has changed. Please see the letter below from Debbie Fisk:
IMPORTANT: Meeting Change
Hope this note finds everyone safe and warm on this snowy day. As for me, I am thinking about warmer weather, enough of this white stuff.
It was so nice to see so many of you this past weekend at our VPPA Convention. I don’t know about you, but as for me my head is still spinning. A really exciting group of speakers; the education available at these events, not to mention the fellowship, leaves me with so many new ideas to try out as I try to get back into my studio workflow.
I apologize but I find it necessary to change our monthly meeting date which was scheduled for Monday 3/2 to the following Monday 3/9. I must admit that I was not really prepared but it is also so close to our convention that trying to get back into a routine is sometimes difficult.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Real Life – 825 Grove Road, Midlothian; phone: (804) 794-
Print Competition
I am in the process of asking several of our peers who have been involved in print completion/judging for many years. I plan to have at least 3 or 4 photographers who will be able to give you hands on information about questions that you may have about the process. 1. How do you select prints from your body of work to enter? 2. Should your entries be printed or digital files? 3. What are the judges looking for in a strong print? 4. How much does it cost to enter? 5. What are the specs for entering state competition vs. district or IPC? 6. How do you get your entries printed or how do you format a digital entry? I hope you will be able to join us. If you were able to enter in state competition I hope you did well and certainly hope you were able to use this valuable teaching experience to expand your craft a. We would like to help you prepare a print case to enter at Flash 2015 (formerly SEPPA) which is in May 1-3 b. We would like to plan a couple of Social Shoot Outs. Perhaps one at Dover Hall or the Canal Walk or perhaps the Northern Neck on the River. c. There are a couple of outings available on the James River, which takes advantage of the fish and fowl along the river. d. We are thinking about changing the May date because Flash 2015 is so close to our scheduled date. e. We want to work together to make our group responsive to what you need as a professional. We know that for as many members in our District there
could be that many levels of experience. We need your input so that we know everyone feels comfortable and that we are reaching everyone.
I know this was a long message. The snow has hindered my progress a little but I will let you know more about the program on March 9th and I look forward to getting together again.
Deborah Fisk
If you have any news or announcements that you want to share with your fellow members or equipment that you would like to sell or that you are looking for, please send your information to me: Debra Curtis, Secretary – Capital District VPPA (e-mail: debracurtis@comcast.net) no later than the fifteenth day of the month so I can include it in the following month’s newsletter. If you have a special announcement that needs to be sent to the Capital District members between newsletters, please send me an e-mail.
Special Note
Also, I (Debra Curtis) am presently working on my CPP. I passed a very extensive and comprehensive exam last March in Raleigh and am presently working on my image submission; however, I have a bit of a dilemma. The image submission requires that I have a minimum of fifteen photographs to submit of which nine must be from clients. My business is basically starting from ground zero since I left teaching about a year and a half ago. I would appreciate any advice or help anyone can give because there is a deadline. Thank you.
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