February northern 2014 newsletter

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Virginia Professional Photographers Association

Northern District Newsletter

Northern District Officers Governor Jeanette Burkle, FP

Do you want to see OLD FRIENDS, make NEW FRIENDS, dress up in COSTUMES, party at a HOSPITALITY SUITE, all while you’re learning to stay current in photography during your CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS?

jeanette@galiephotography.com Lt. Governor Kathy Kupka, FP kathykupka@aol.com Secretary Mike Patch

Then it must be time to register for the annual VPPA convention!


is is when I leave my camera behind and learn about the latest in photography, get together with fellow photographers, try to relax while listening to judges during the print competition, and pray for blues!

Treasurer / Newsletter Editor Jim Sanders, AFP

I joined the VPPA in 1998 and entered six prints for the competition. During the “New Members” meeting, Bill Piacesi came in and told me that I received three blue ribbons. I thought well that wasn’t so hard, but NEVER got three blues at the same time again. I did receive two Judge’s Choice Awards in the past and one was a RED ribbon. You never know what the judges are thinking, but showing ribbons and awards in my home studio helps with business.


“Eighty percent of success is showing up!” Woody Allen

February 2014

Every year I learn something new from the great speakers at the programs, but I learned a lot by sharing experiences with other photographers while in the hospitality suite. Also, you don’t have to dress up in a costume to attend the party. I didn’t dress up the first year because I didn’t know anyone, but that has changed! It’s fun, and I think everyone has a favorite superhero. Can’t wait to see what Polly will be wearing this year. Oh, one thing I’d like to share especially if you’re a new member, everyone does get dressed up for the awards dinner. I didn’t know that the first year, and I think most will agree it’s worse to be underdressed than overdressed. Just an FYI.

Hope to see you on February 21st in Richmond! Minor White Kathy Kupka

Think On It Overnight Jim Sanders

From around 2006 to the fall of 2009, I was mostly absent from VPPA functions. It was a period where I was just not taking advantage of the opportunities that are always available to us. en, at the summer picnic in 2009, Polly Frye and Marie Piacesi asked me if I would consider becoming a district officer. I had to think on it overnight. e next day, on Monday, I called Polly and agreed to take the treasurer position. It turned out that a secretary could not be found, so I ended up filling that position too. Well, here it is four years later, and I’m still writing the checks and putting together this little newsletter. I learned from that period of limited participation. Don’t shy away from opportunities that will improve your skills as a photographer. is year’s convention is going to be a fantastic experience. I say this every year, I know, but it seems each year’s convention just keeps getting better. ere’s no doubt that the VPPA convention is a great opportunity to up your game. To make it work for you, though, YOU HAVE TO BE THERE! at’s the simple truth. e convention is only days away. If you have already registered—GREAT! If you DO know that you are attending but have not yet registered, go ahead and do that today. If still not quite sure, think on it overnight.

PRECON CLASSES Adrian Henson Cris Duncan Victor Ha Nathaniel Dodson


It’s All At The 2014 VPPA Convention! Ralph and Cindy Romaguera



Roma-Therapy - Seniors

• This program will show you how, even through the adversity of Katrina and the recession, the Romaguera studios have had constant growth. • Lighting and posing, as well as marketing to today’s high school senior will be shown. • Three bullet points will be how we GET’EM, how we SHOOT’EM and how we SELL’EM.

Drake and Richard Busath

Family and Children’s Portraiture

Drake Busath will help you refine your family portraits. He will detail his lighting techniques for large and small groups as well as specific posing helps for families and children. Topics will include: • Outdoor lighting enhancements with larger reflectors and flash. • Studio lighting that is large and soft, even in a small camera room • Drake’s “un-posing” ideas for a more relaxed look • How to freeze children and still draw out great expression and body language • Multi-generational groups, how to get them and step-by-step posing • Busath’s composite technique for up to 50 people in a small camera room

Steve & Debi Ragland

Set Designs—Creating Images From Start To Finish


Steve and Debi will show you simple and easy techniques to create sets that will wow your clients and electrify your creativity.


We will focus on creating signature imagery using inexpensive materials or those found easily around the house. Creating shockingly transformative set designs can be accomplished with these materials and little or no construction skills, within a 12 ft. x 12 ft. space. 3

PRECON CLASSES Adrian Henson Cris Duncan Victor Ha Nathaniel Dodson


Randy Collier

Light It Right



“Light It Right”, will provide you with the nuts-and-bolts to master the complexities of one of the most important aspects of taking your photography to the next level: Lighting! You will discover a dependable foundation to make every client absolutely love the way they look...not to mention dozens of innovative ways to manipulate the light to create fabulous results. • comprehend the three laws of light • learn to master the five keys of controlling light • grasp the four principles of light!

Karen Goforth

Smart Marketing For 2014

Find out what Irresistible Portraits is doing to stay fresh and offer new ideas, promotions and products to entice their clients to visit them again and again. Being focused and persistent is key to continually getting clients in the door. Learn how creating a plan for the year can help to create repeat business. Karen will explain how to plan your marketing strategy with little or no expense, using tools you already have!

Joe Edelman

Photographing Beauty: The Creative Art Of Glamour Photography

A behind-the-scenes look at how Joe consistently creates “wow” glamour and beauty images. Photo techniques are only half the battle if you want to create great images with a model. You must understand the central roles of psychology and observation. • • • •

How do you create a comfortable, creative working environment for the model? What do you look for in body language and micro expressions? How do you communicate to create a dynamic collaboration with your model? How do you generate flattering poses and expressions?

PRECON CLASSES Adrian Henson Cris Duncan Victor Ha Nathaniel Dodson


Victor Ha



Victor Ha is a former professional photographer who has transitioned into understanding the complexities of HDSLR filmmaking. Understanding the various challenges involved with making a transition from shooting stills to capturing video, Victor takes a very practical approach in explaining how to sidestep and overcome those various challenges. He has spent the last three years helping other photographers make the transition to HDSLR by leveraging their photographic knowledge into filmmaking prowess.

Larry Lourcey

Social Media Marketing

The rules of marketing have definitely changed. The days of sending out a thousand postcards and sitting back to wait for business are behind us. The key to finding new clients now is inbound marketing. Social media is no longer a fad—it’s a way of life. Topics include: • What is inbound marketing and why should I be using it? • Why would I want to tweet? • I’m on facebook, isn’t that enough? • Social media results in an hour a day

Andy Armstrong


Video For The Photographer


It’s The Communication, Stupid — The Art Of Better Portraits Through Better Communication

Only about half of the skill set necessary to make great portraits lie in technical and artistic skills. The other half of those skills are firmly grounded in the ability of the portrait photographer to communicate effectively with the subject and without those skills, the portrait suffers. “It’s The Communication, Stupid” shows photographers the importance of becoming great communicators and teaches the tips, tricks, and methods of effective communication.





Mark McCall

Weddings Made Easy



Join Mark in this exciting and informative program and share his tips, tricks and techniques that have made him a 6 time photographer of the year award winner. Learn Mark’s trick for capturing award winning wedding images and portraits using a single, inexpensive, automatic flash. That’s right, automatic. It’s not TTL, but it’s magic! Learn Mark’s tricks: • Off camera lighting, without external batteries, umbrellas or other equipment and no metering… completely automatic!!! Learn special effect flash tricks using the same automatic flash. • Melt you client’s heart within seconds of them coming into your place of business. • Raise your worth in the eyes of your clients. • Sell the CD or not? Which makes the most money? • Simple, quick and effective posing. • Double the amount you’re getting on wedding reorders, using a creative yet simple order form.


• Cheap and free insurance to protect you and your equipment from unforeseen problems. • See Mark’s simple and solid solution for file storage, and how to prevent corrupt memory cards. • Find out how Mark uses co-oping to lower his studio rent to almost nothing per month. It’s not how much you make… it’s how much you keep.

It’s All At The 2014 VPPA Convention! SEE YOU THERE! 6

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