! Affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America !
January 2014
Governor ~ Kathy Kupka, FP Lt. Governor ~ Barbi Barnum, CPP Secretary ~ Andrew Clark Treasurer / Newsletter ~ Jim Sanders, AFP
Jim Carpenter The 26th Bar
Polly Frye raffle tickets will arrive in your mailbox this week.
Imaging USA February 1-3 Nashville
VPPA CONVENTION February 20-24 Richmond
Jim Carpenter will be receiving the Imaging Excellence Bar at Imaging USA in February. The IE Bar is awarded to photographers who have had twenty-six prints to enter the PPA loan collection—a very prestigious achievement. At our January program, Jim will be presenting “The 26th Bar” highlighting the loan prints he has earned over the years. You will be greatly inspired—and way, way up on your knowledge for creating compelling competition images. The afternoon will also give you an opportunity to have your competition considerations critiqued by Jim Carpenter and Jeanette Burkle. This is a great opportunity to receive some constructive comments that can help to strengthen your competition considerations. We are meeting at the studio of Tim and Johncie Carlson in downtown Culpeper. See page 8 for directions.
Monday, January 19th 1:00 - 4:00 Studio C Photography 142 N. Main Street Culpeper
some excerpts…
Petal To The Medal The Ribbon Is Not The Finish Line In the current December issue of Professional Photographer (page 34), Larry Lourcey, M.Photog.Cr., CPP provides some of his insights into the value of participating in print competition. Constantly improving your craft is the only way to survive in the modern era of photography. …In other words, we must be good at things that require real professional expertise.
Most Affiliates (like the VPPA) have annual conventions with a wide variety of speakers and It’s truly topics. Imaging like being a kid in a USA takes it to candy the next level shop. with speakers on just about any subject you can imagine.
If you’ve stopped competing, it’s time to get going again. Put together your best few images from the past couple of years and Sometimes enter a PPA Affiliate just sorting competition at the through local or state level. images will jumpstart your creativity.
Once you’ve earned the distinction, you’re freer to In my mind, experiment being a and try new master things. photographer You can push is more about yourself the journey in more creative directions than a final destination. without worrying about getting merits.
A personal project gives you an excuse to do something you might not They’re an otherwise do. opportunity to take chances without the risk of failing a client.
Governor’s Message I hope you were all very busy with your photography businesses before Christmas, and then were able to relax and enjoy the Holidays. Every year I set a deadline of mid-November for photo sessions, and then break it every year and work up to the last minute. Oh well, I know I’ll be able to rest in January because my business usually comes to a screeching halt. Now it’s time for me to treat myself with my continuing education starting with Jim Carpenter’s program on January 19th, and then our Convention in February. Convention! If I can’t make it anywhere, I make sure I get to the VPPA Convention! Time to get together with fellow photographers, education, partying, education, laughs, hospitality suite, education, and the print competition. Best part is waiting patiently for the BLUE. You have to enter the print competition, that’s where you really learn! Speaking of waiting patiently, I’ve been working on something for close to ten years now, and I am happy to announce that I finally completed my photo book, “Cancer is Ruff.” It consists of precious images of dogs I’ve photographed over the years and tells a story about the side effects of cancer treatment. It’s a great feeling that I’m helping cancer survivors smile because of my photography. I’ve sold around 250 books since November. Couldn’t have done it without all I’ve learned over the years. Hope to see you at Jim’s program — and the Convention! Kathy Kupka Governor, Northern District
It All Happens In February!
VPPA Convention Imaging Usa Two Great Organizations Two Great Events 4
“Weddings: Good, Better, Best!” “Fashion Photography “Managing Challenging Clients” “20 Photoshop Tips That Can Be Done In 20 Seconds Or Less” “Giving Your Studio The Fine Art Edge” “Disabling Excuses That Get In The Way Of Success” “Macro Photography” “What Seniors Want” “Fine Art PhotoSynthesis”
from the editor...
Mardi Gras 2015 Continuing education is one of the keys to being at the forefront of any profession. As VPPA members, we are fortunate to have wonderful opportunities for learning throughout the year —from the district programs to the summer seminar to the annual convention to our network of working professionals. And the annual convention just mentioned is coming up next month. The list of VPPA convention programs over the years reads like a Who’s Who’s of nationally known photographers. Mardi Gras 2015 will be no different. Tracy McGee has put together a stellar group of speakers who will be sharing with us a wealth of inspiration and knowledge — program after program after program! The convention is several weeks away yet, but it’s not too early to begin preparations. Clear your calendar for these dates—February 20-24—that’s Friday through Tuesday. You may book your room now at the Four Points by Sheraton Richmond and up to January 29 to receive the VPPA rate of $89. Be sure to use the dedicated link below. The number of rooms booked under the convention code helps to keep our convention costs down and ensures that you get the group rate.
https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation? id=1412178319&key=3B5C3434 Yes, this link is dedicated just for us. Booking your room couldn’t be easier!
Irving Penn 1917-2009
Penn, whose visual style was defined by a "less is more" aesthetic, is seen during a photo shoot with a New Guinea mud man and child. Penn traveled widely, carrying his own studio to the ends of the earth.
One of the most prolific photographers working in the 20th century (and certainly one of the most famous fashion magazine photographers of his era), Irving Penn shot a series of minimalist studio portraits back in the 1940s and ’50s that were celebrated for capturing the personality behind the celebrity. “Sometime in 1948 I began photographing portraits in a small corner space made of two studio flats pushed together, the floor covered with a piece of old carpeting… this confinement, surprisingly seemed to comfort people, soothing them,” he once explained. “The walls were a surface to lean on or push against. For me the picture possibilities were interesting; limiting the subjects movements seemed to relieve me of part of the problem of holding onto them.”
Studio C Photography — 142 N. Main Street, Culpeper Thanks to Tim and Johncie Carlson for hosting.
Studio C Photography
Davis Street
Main Street
Business 29