VPPA Blue Ridge Newsletter April

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VPPA Blue Ridge District March 2015

From The Governor:

In this issue: •

From the Governor P.1

Member Moment P.2

From the Lt Gov P.3

Upcoming P.3

Helpful Links P.4

HAPPY SPRING to all! What a great program we had at Lisa Carter’s new studio! Lisa did an amazing job sharing her new “Allure” photography line with all of us and we had the pleasure of having a beautiful model, Laurie Bateman. The studio was absolutely gorgeous and the knowledge Lisa shared was extremely informative and inspiring!!

Gov Jen Chaconas Jen@jollyjenphotography.com Lt Gov Marjorie Stallard, CPP mkstallard@comcast. net Treasurer Sharon Davidson, CPP, AFP sharon@sharondavidsonphotography.com Secretary Robert Hedge robert@rwhedgephoto. com

As the behind the scenes planning is taking place with the governors, please make sure you have your calendars for our upcoming Summer Seminar! August 30- Sept 2! We are planning a night shoot on Saturday, a fun-filled Sunday with presenters from our VPPA membership (schedule is forthcoming), Chris Garner, Cathy Anderson, and Sandra Pearce! Sandra will also be offering a 2-day extra pay following the seminar. More details will be forthcoming in the very near future! It will be a seminar you will NOT want to miss. Make sure you continually check the facebook page for frequent updates on the seminar.... RIP to the queen!! We will all miss the lovely Polly Frye! We will all think of her when we see the color PURPLE! Remember: Pass along program ideas to Marjorie for things you want brought to the Blue Ridge District.... She is doing a super job with our monthly meetings and she has shared some things she has coming up! Make sure you read your monthly newsletter (published by the awesome Robert Hedge) to stay up to date on all we have going on in our district (yes, Kevin and David Lee... this is for you!) :)

In Memoriam

The Secretary’s second.... I left the Richmond VPPA seminar with regret. I saw how people flocked to Polly Frye and genuinely enjoyed conversation and spending time with her. Being new to the group, I didn’t take the initiative to introduce myself to her. Even seeing how loved she was by everyone. I learned a very valuable lesson that day. Take that chance, put yourself out there, shake that hand and make that friend. You never know when you may not ever have that opportunity again. I apologize, Mrs. Frye. I dedicate this newsletter in your memory.

Clara Nelson “Polly” Frye June 25, 1921 - March 21, 2015 “Small in stature, Larger than life”

From Fromthe theLt.Lt.Governor... Governor...

Information from Micheal: "Whether you are an old hand or recently introduced to Lightroom, I’ve some tips and tricks to show you. In the 4 hours we’ll spend exploring how to

make Lightroom sing for you, we’ll take RAW photos and jpegs as well as videos

• Monthly VPPA

through the import, process/develop, retouch, and export processes to help you

Blue Ridge Meeting

Micheal CorbinLightroom Tip & Tricks Sunday April 19th 1pm-5pm

use this invaluable photographer’s tool. We’ll use some plugins, explore using


Photoshop droplets to further adjust your photos, and explain making and using April is here and with it so is Spring and the new growth that comes with it! I cannot wait until everything is in full bloom so I can get outside to my gardening! Thanks to out to Lisa Carter for hosting and speaking at the March meeting, by the looks of the pictures everyone in attendance had a blast. Sorry I had to miss, but I'm dealing with some crazy health issues at the moment. We had a request to have a weekend meeting, so April's meeting has been moved to a Sunday. Micheal Corbin will be speaking on Lightroom on Sunday, April 19th from 1:00 to 5:00. Those that attended his speaking engagement at the Convention said they wanted more, so Micheal agreed! We will be meeting at David Lee Micheal's studio located at 905 Winona Avenue SW, Roanoke. Please let David Lee know of your plans to attend. We are putting together a “shoot-out” in downtown Roanoke for the month of May. I am looking for someone familiar with the area to be our “leader.” Anyone interested please let me know. We will have a few models to play with also. Be sure to invite other photographers that are not members of VPPA! More information coming soon on this. Thanks everyone for making VPPA the best ever! Marjorie Stallard, CPP

presets, watermarks, and geotagging. If you’ve been using Lightroom for years, some of what I will cover will be old hat. If so, perhaps you have insights to add to our understanding of the program. I’ve never taught a Lightroom or Photoshop class at which I didn’t learn a trick or two. Both programs are so extensive and powerful. We’ll be using Lightroom 5, although much of what I have to say applies to earlier versions. It should be noted that Lightroom 6 is rumored to be announced soon, maybe before this Blue Ridge meeting, and if so, we may have a look at it as well. Please feel free to bring along a laptop with Lightroom on it so you can follow along with me. Let’s have some fun with this wonderful tool. I’ve been a working shooter since 1978, and a member of VPPA since the early ‘80s. I’ve attended every workshop and seminar I could find on both Lightroom and Photoshop since I got PS at version 3 (NOT CS 3, just 3, and we’re at what, 14 now) and LR version 1 about 6 months after its release. I’ll have handouts. I’ll have a CD of goodies. I’ll recommend books. We’ll give away the sun and the moon above, not to mention stars and whole galaxies. Invite photographer friends. Especially ones you think should join VPPA! Give them a taste of why they should belong. This is YOUR chance to get your name in the pot for the drawing for the FREE membership for yourself. Don’t delay, invite somebody, and RSVP to David Lee Micheals."

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