VPPA Blue Ridge Newsletter- October 2014

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Blue Ridge Region September 2014

Thoughts from the Secretary...

Ahhhh... Fall, that crispness in the air, apples in season coming from all around, leaves giving grren to orange... Let the flood of pumpkin pie flavored everything flood in!

Cover Image Memories of Summer Exif: Canon 5d mkII ISO 100 1.3 sec f/5 50mm terrible pinhole via lensbaby © Michael Sink To have your image featured here, email to

info@michaelsinkphotography.com with details.

this issue From the Governor P.1 From the Lt.Governor P.2 Upcoming Events P.2

From the Governor... Your VPPA Board (along with the boards of many other state affiliates) have been pondering for some time the difficulties of attracting young photographers just starting their careers. Some have suggested that it is because young folks these days have become convinced that they can get any question they may have answered via the internet, so there’s no need to join professional organizations or attend professional seminars and workshops. Pondering this theory, I’ve come to realize that it’s not a matter of getting your questions answered, it is a matter of discovering what questions to ask that is the real reason to participate in those seminars and workshops.The youngsters are right: you can get just about any question answered on the internet. But what you can’t find there is which questions you should be asking in the first place. And without the questions, there are no answers. I’ve recently talked to a couple of new photographers who were singularly uninterested in joining the VPPA, or even, for that matter attending one of our monthly meetings. One of them went so far as to tell me that she wanted to do things her own way

and had no interest in wasting her time and diluting her talent learning how we thought she ought to do things. The sad part was that her work, though showing a good eye, also showed an unpracticed hand. I have no doubt she will be good one day, but I fear it may take her a while to get there because it always takes longer to reinvent the wheel than it does learn how to use one from somebody else. But we are attracting some of them. One young woman showed up for the recent Summer Seminar (BTW, where were YOU that weekend?), having been gifted by her husband with a our Seminar because he supported her efforts to start a photo business. She was so excited by what she learned over the weekend that she joined VPPA, looks like she’ll be attending a lot of Northern District meetings, and can’t wait for the convention in February. So where will you be for the Blue Ridge’s October meeting? Lt. Gov. Jen Chaconas has lined up a good one. Don’t blow it, make sure you get your money’s worth out of your dues, and ATTEND. -Michael CorbinGovernor, Blue Ridge Region, Virginia Professional Photographers Assoc.


From the Lt. Governor...

Side Notes...

Lisa Carter will rock your socks with newborns at Jen’s studio, don’t miss it!

Where did the summer take you? Did it inspire you, tire you out, recharge your batteries? All of the above? Stop by the VPPA Facebook page and share your images and stories while the air cools and the leaves turn! Get inspired, make art! - Michael Sink, CPP

Hello Blue Ridge VPPA! We have a very special program lined up for the Blue Ridge VPPA October meeting. Lisa Carter will be sharing her expertise on newborn photography on October 13th from 1-4pm. We will be meeting for lunch before the presentation Lunch address: (12pm) Homestead Creamery 7254 Booker T Washington Hwy, Wirtz, VA 24184

Please review bio and some of Lisa’s amazing images... Location:JollyJenPhotography studio 6675 Booker T. Washington Hwy (studio is in the lower level of Burnt Chimney Family Medicine) Wirtz, VA 24184 Phone: (540) 521-1378 Please call or email jollyjenphotography@gmail.com to reserve your seat. I will need everyone to RSVP to me by Friday, October 10th

Hope to see you in the studio on the 13th... -Jen Chaconas

Upcoming Events October 13th - Lisa Carter with Newbrorns in Wirtz, VA

Newborn Program with Lisa Carter will start promptly at 1pm. lunch location & studio are less than 1/4 mile apart I will need RSVP via email so I can contact attendees with specific details re: studio

Lisa Carter, of Photography by Lisa, will discuss how she works with newborns. We will talk openingly about tips and techniques to achieve the artful images of newborn babies that everyone is in love with today! We will go over posing tips, props, how to prepare the parents for this once in a lifetime session. You can visit her site at www.photobylisa.com Also, follow her on FaceBook Lisa H. Carter http://www.facebook.com/lisa.h.carter https://www.facebook.com/pages/Photography-by-Lisa Bio: Lisa Carter, Cr. Photog., CPP Lisa started her photography career as a part time photographer while working a full time job in textile and raising her two children. Her business grew thru word of mouth referrals and she made to move to FULL TIME in 2002. Her business has remained a residential studio to this day. She is a member of PPA and PPNC since 2002, and VPPA since 2006. Lisa earned her CRAFTSMAN DEGREE in 2010 and also passed the Certification Exam for CPP. Currently working towards her Masters degree, Lisa has two PPA Loan Print in the 2007 and 2012 collections.

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