BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Jim Carpenter, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, FP 618-A Forest Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-296-7558 E-mail jjcarpentr@aol.com 1st VICE PRESIDENT Stephanie Garr Adams, M. Photog., CPP, FP 8742 Shadymist Drive Richmond, VA 23235 804-477-6617 E-mail stephanie@stephaniesportraitdesign.com 2nd VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER Tracy McGee, CPP 401 Waters Road Virginia Beach, VA 23322 757-382-9537 E-mail tracy@kaiserphoto.com SECRETARY Jeff Kaiser, M. Photog., CPP, AFP 401 Waters Road Virginia Beach, VA 23322 757-382-9537 E-mail jeff@kaiserphoto.com CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Kevin Hurley, M. Photog. Cr., FP 1360 Maple Avenue Roanoke, VA 24106 540-345-3055 E-mail hurleyphoto@aol.com EXEC. SECRETARY Renny Cave, Cr. Photog., AFP, CPP 9909 Chancellor Place Bon Air, VA 23235-2711 804-272-0119 Fax 804-272-7510 E-Mail rbcave319@gmail.com EXEC. TREASURER Polly Frye, M. Photog. Cr., FP CPP 1585 Pine Court Harrisonburg, VA 28802-2485 540-438-0223 Fax 540-438-0223 800-552-VPPA E-Mail pfrye25@myvmrc.net ASSISTANT TO EXEC. TREASURER Don Aittama, CPP 1960 Floyd circle McGaheysville, VA 22840 540-249-2035 E-Mail aittamava@aol.com BLUE RIDGE GOVERNOR Michael Corbin P.O. Box 3201 Lynchburg, VA 24503 434-845-0613 E-Mail michael@Expressions-Photographics.com CAPITAL GOVERNOR Charles Lawson, CPP, AFP 310 North Main Street Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 804-436-9999 E-mail: info@thehighlanderstudios.com NORTHERN GOVERNOR Jeanette Burkle, FP 508 Brindley Place SW Leesburg, Virginia 20175 703-850-1474 E-Mail jeanette@galiephotography.com TIDEWATER GOVERNOR Richard St. Peter, FP 22461 Sundown Drive Carrollton, Virginia 23314 757-203-7838 E-mail rstpeter@charter.net PPA COUNCIL MEMBERS Kevin Hurley, M. Photog. Cr., FP 1360 Maple Avenue Roanoke, VA 24106 540-345-3055 E-mail hurleyphoto@aol.com Charles Lawson, CPP, AFP 310 N. Main Street Kilmarnock, VA 22482 804-436-9999 E-mail: info@thehighlanderstudios.com Anthony Rumley, M. Photog., Cr., FP, CPP 6964 Forest Hill Avenue Richmond, VA 23225 804-864-5700 E-Mail anthony@anthonyrumley.com WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER/ PPA COUNCILOR David Lee Michaels, CPP AFP 905 Winona Avenue Roanoke, VA 24015 540-342-9129 E-Mail davidleemichaelsphotography@cox.net
In this Issue 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 12 18 26 26 28 29 31 32 35 35 35 36
In the News Editor’s Corner President’s Message Images by Jen Chairman of the Board Message Welcome, New Members! 50mm . . . A Lens For Every Bag From the Desk of . . . Convention Chair’s Message VPPA Board of Directors Speaker Info begins Convention Schedule Convention Committees The ROI of VPPA Membership The Business Corner The Benefits of Association From the Desk of . . . Virginia’s Degrees & Award Recipients Treasurer’s Report Mark Your Calendars Cover Note Directory of Advertisers
Kitty L. Pugh Jim Carpenter Jan Carson Kevin Hurley Jim Sanders Renny Cave Stephanie Adams
Ritchie Gregory Doug Mattice Robert Harris Robert Holman Don Aittama
Magazine Deadline Dates for Upcoming Issues For the submission of Articles and Ads for advertising Dates are subject to change without notice
Issue: Spring/Summer 2014
Submission Deadline Date: April 30, 2014
Do You Have Questions About the VPPA? Check our website at: www.vppa.org Look under General Information — Handbook. There you will find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions and lots that are not asked frequently! You can also find the VPPA Constitution and By-Laws there.
SEPPA REPRESENTATIVE PRINT SALON CHAIRMAN EDITOR, VPPA MAGAZINE Robert G. Holman, M. Photog. Cr., FP, CPP Patricia Hansen, M. Photog., Cr. EIC., FP Kitty L. Pugh, Cr. Photog., AFP, CPP 1917 Laskin Road, Suite 111 418 West Palmetto 1917 Laskin Road, Suite 111 Virginia Beach, VA 23454-4250 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Virginia Beach, VA 23454-4250 757-491-9111 Fax 757-491-0869 252-480-0194 757-491-9111 Fax 757-491-0869 E-Mail rholman@visi.net E-Mail phskandi@charter.net E-Mail holmans@visi.net
Virginia Professional Photographer
IN THE NEWS • REMINDER - ADDRESS CHANGES: The VPPA Website is now the official database for our organization. This is where you must now go to up-date and/or change your member information. YOU DO IT YOURSELF. If your information is wrong there, it will be wrong everywhere else; i.e. Wrong on District lists, vendor mailing lists, magazine mailing list labels, - EVERYTHING. So, PLEASE, go to www.vppa.org now and check to make sure your listing and member information is correct. For exactly how to do it, please see Renny Cave’s article on Page 11. • REMINDER - The only VPPA membership categories eligible to be listed on the VPPA website are those members with Active, Additional Active or Active Life Membership classifications. All other types of VPPA memberships are not eligible to be listed. • Web Manager - David Lee Michaels is serving as Web Manager for the VPPA website. David Lee will add events and other announcements to the Events Schedule page of the VPPA website as necessary. Links to members’ sites may also be requested by contacting David Lee at: www.davidleemichaelsphotography@cox.net. Most Convention and Seminar information can be found on line at the website. Other items such as: Print Competition Forms, VIP Applications and VPPA Membership Applications can also be found on line. David Lee updates membership directory listings almost daily. If you have any questions concerning your listing or about the website, contact him via e-mail or by calling him at: (540) 342-9129. • Our Thoughts, Prayers and Condolences go out to Tidewater District member Eva –Kersti Freyss, Eva’s husband, David Freyss, who was also a Tidewater District member, passed away on Saturday, October 5th. A Memorial service was held on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013, at the Lynnhaven United Methodist Church, in Virginia Beach. Cards and letters may be sent to Eva at her home address: 2830 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. • Get Well Wishes go out to Tidewater District member Sandra Thigpen who was in the hospital in October for surgery for an aneurysm. Get Well Wishes, Cards and letters may be sent to Sandra at her home address: 2740 Burning Tree Lane, Suffolk, VA, Virginia, 23435, or she may be reached by telephone at: (757) 538-9656 or by e-mail at: sankie27@hotmail.com • Our Thoughts, Prayers and Condolences go out to the family and friends of Phil Hunter. Phil was a member of our Association many years ago. His wife, Robin Reid, reports that Phil passed away on Sunday, December 8th. Phil was known for his brilliant commercial photography and his dedication to the principals of sharing knowledge. • Congratulations goes out to Tidewater District member Timorah Beales – Timorah has just be appointed to the position of Librarian for the VPPA. This position is appointed by the President and approved by the Board. She will maintain the VPPA library of books, CDs and DVDs for use by the members of the Association. You may contact Timorah by calling: (757) 705-3733 or by e-mail at: timorah@timorahbeales.com VPPA BOARD MEETING MINUTES (CONDENSED) FROM BOARD MEETING OF MONDAY, AUGUST12TH, 2013, IN RICHMOND VA. • The Meeting was Called to Order by Sharon Younce and an Invocation was given by Jim Carpenter. • Proxy Votes conferred in writing • Renny Cave held proxy for Polly Frye • Jeff Kaiser held proxy for Keith Forest • Minutes from last meeting – A Motion was made and carried to accept the Minutes as presented. Executive Treasurer’s Report – as presented by Don Aittama • Don presented the Treasurer’s Report which is attached to the permanent minutes. • He pointed out that the Association is close to breaking even for the year, but there are some outstanding bills or debts. • In light of some recent financial problems concerning SEPPA and some States, Don suggested that he provide copies of the bank statements to the finance committee as a safeguard. New Member Applications – as presented by Don Aittama • Don reported that there are currently no new applications. He reported that so far this year the VPPA has 13 new members, compared to the 39 new members who came in last year. • A Motion was made and carried to accept Don’s Report as presented. Executive Secretary’s Report – as presented by Renny Cave • Renny stated that the District Governors need to make sure that any new member information makes it to the district Secretary for the newsletters. If the Governors receive any change of address information from the members, they are asked to make sure the state receives this. Governors are asked to remind their members to make any changes on the website. • Renny stated that district elections should be held at the August district meetings and that Tidewater needs to appoint a nominating committee. • District Governors should be receiving affiliate renewal information between now and November. Governors must be prepared to assist the incoming Governors with this paperwork. • Kevin requested that Renny look into having all 4 affiliate renewal applications sent to her and for those to then be given to the new Governors at the November board continued on page 3
Winter/Convention Edition
By Kitty L. Pugh, Cr. Photog., AFP, CPP
Wonder Woman! Batman! Robin! Bat Girl! Hell Boy! The Joker! Posion Ivy! Lex Luther! Cat Woman! Superman! Spiderman! The Lantern! The Incredible Hulk! So, which one do YOU want to be? Okay, so some of them aren’t “Super Heroes”, but we’ll let you slide – this time. This year’s VPPA Convention is your chance to be a Super Hero. Photographers ARE Super Heroes, Right? We create images that make people smile, and laugh, and cry; and images that capture life and last forever. Convention 2014 is right around the corner and we’re going to – POW! WHAM! and BLAST! our way into the new year. If you’ve ever wanted to pretend for a day or a couple days, that you were (or are) superhuman; well, you’re in luck. Richmond will be the place to be. Stephanie Adams has used her ‘magic lasso’ and roped in some really good speakers. Don’t miss this opportunity to ‘Be a Believer’ and say ‘Yes, I can. I can do ‘superhuman’ things.’ Come help fight the bad guys at Virginia’s 2014 Annual State Convention. The date is: February 21st - February 25th, 2014. Place: Sheraton Richmond Park South 9901 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, Virginia, 23235 Telephone: (804) 323-1144 Print Competition Entry Deadline: Friday night, Feb. 21st, 2014 All print cases MUST be in by 4:00 p.m. SHARP Note: Print Entry Forms can be downloaded on line at the VPPA website: www.vppa.org. If you have any problems, contact: Pat Hansen at: (252) 480-0194 or by e-mail at: phskandi@charter.net Important Note: There will be NO walk-up print case registratio this year. You MUST register on-line. If you have not pre-registered, you will be required to register on line before you can enter your print case. Print Judging: Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 2014, starting at 8:00 a.m. and continuing, if necessary, Sunday morning, Feb. 23rd, at 8:00 a.m. until completion. Annual Breakfast/Brunch/Business Meeting: Saturday morning, Feb. 22nd, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Trade Show: Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Open to the Public) CPP Exam: Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. For more details: contact David Lee Michaels, CPP Liaison, at [(540)342-9129] New Member Orientation: Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 23rd, 1:30 p.m. Past Presidents’ Dinner: Sunday Night, Feb. 23rd, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (You MUST be a Past President to attend this dinner.) Print Critique: Sunday Night, Feb. 23rd, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. All Convention Party: Sunday Night, Feb. 23rd, starting at 9:00 p.m. Theme: “Super Heroes” It’s a rough world out there so come dressed in your best ‘Super Hero’ outfit so you can fight off the bad guys/girls. Be prepared for some ACTION! Note: Don’t forget to buy your Raffle Tickets for the Polly Frye Scholarship Raffle Event. $10 each or 3 for $20. Contact Jim Sanders (540) 828-3375 or your District Governor to purchase tickets. CPP Luncheon: Monday, Feb. 24th, 12 o’clock noon – 1:30 p.m. Executive Board Photos: Monday Night, Feb. 24th, 6:00 p.m. – Hotel Lobby (Group photo of entire VPPA Executive Board and District Governors) VPPA Membership Group Photo: Monday Night, Feb. 24th, 6:15 p.m. – Hotel Lobby President’s Reception & Awards Banquet: Monday Night, Feb. 24th, 7:00 p.m. -10:30 p.m. Grand Door Prize Drawing: Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 1:00 p.m. – You MUST be present to win. continued on page 31
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The VPPA 2014 Convention is finally here. Months of preparations have converged into an exciting week of comraderie where educational classes will be presented and captivating speakers will share their diverse knowledge of photographic styles and techniques for our benefit. We are proud to Jim Carpenter, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, FP announce that our coordinator, Stephanie Adams, has done a fantastic job of assembling an array of popular speakers whom are second to none. Expect to be dazzled by the information they have to share. From its earliest beginnings in 1898, the VPPA has offered a platform for professionals to improve their craft and become more successful in their daily business operations. An examination of the history of our organization outlines many changes in its 110-year existence. At times, the multitude of changes bought frustrations and challenges. Even today, we continue to endure difficult times within our profession. When faced with those challenges, I often refer to a book written by Robert Fulghum entitled “All I Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten”. The content of the book talks about playing fair, putting things back where we found them, living a balanced life, and sticking together. The most valuable lesson the author cites in his book is “share everything.” As VPPA members, we are exceptional at doing just that. We freely share our knowledge, equipment, and even personnel when needed. I constantly find myself learning valuable lessons and business pointers from longtime VPPA members as well as discovering creative ideas and tips of the trade from the newest members in our industry. The author discloses that everything he once learned in his elementary classroom is also applicable in today’s expansive world. Fulghum’s ideas suggest that we can enhance our photographic skills from the instructions offered in our first school primer. The storyline in Dick and Jane taught us to “LOOK”. As photographers we are always “looking” for a subject, a moment to capture, and history to preserve. As we “look” into our past, we see the great heritage our association has afforded us. Now as we set our sights toward the future and “look” eagerly with anticipation toward a great convention agenda, we can seek to learn more skills in our ever-changing profession that will carry us through another year. As we are reminded each day, our profession is and will always be a developing process. Motivate, improve, and enhance yourself through the opportunities that this year’s convention has to offer. Support the VPPA and it will support you!
IN THE NEWS continued from page 2 meeting, where assistance can be offered at that time as needed. Each Governor will still need to send these in along with a check from their district. District Governor’s Reports – submitted in written form • A Motion was made and carried to accept the reports which were presented. Convention 2013 – as presented by Jim Carpenter • Jim stated that he had nothing new to report. Convention 2014 – as presented by Pete Wright for Stephanie Adams • Pete presented Stephanie’s reports showing the current speaker lineup and schedule. • Pete stated that Stephanie was wondering how the board would feel about charging $59, instead of $79, for the pre-con classes, due to having multiple classes. • David Lee proposed offering classes to members first for $59. • David Lee made a Motion and it was carried that 2 weeks before registration is opened up to the public the pre-con classes, with the exception of Victor Ha’s class, will be offered to VPPA members for $59. After that time, the price would then go up to $79 for members, $99 for non-members and that there be a cap at 15 participants for each pre-con class. • Kevin Hurley made a Motion and it was carried that VPPA receive the entire amount of the first 4 pre-con application fees from each class. Then the remaining fees will be split 60/40 between the speaker/VPPA, with the exception of Victor Ha’s class. • Tracy McGee made a Motion and it was carried to offer two options for Victor Ha’s class - the first being $200 with the monopod, the second being the regular pre-con fee option without the monopod. • Kevin Hurley pointed out that Stephanie needs to have all contracts completed before the November board meeting. She also needs a working budget to present. • Kevin also stated that the registration form for the 2014 convention needs to be completed by Tracy before the November meeting. Convention 2015 – as presented by Tracy McGee • Tracy discussed some speakers who have shown possible interest. She is just waiting to get all sponsors and fees before starting to present them to the board. • Tracy has already started reaching out to her vendor contacts for possibly getting them to attend the tradeshow and/or provide door and raffle prizes. The convention is still quite a ways out, so most vendors prefer for her to wait until a little closer to the time of the convention and approach them again then, but they assure interest in participating in one way or another. Tracy requested that a current vendor tradeshow contract be sent to her to have on hand for these vendors. • Tracy mentioned that because a toga theme had been done previously, she was moving more towards the idea of a Luau, Mardi Gras, or Fiesta theme for the 2015 Convention. There are also a lot more possibilities for decorations and fun theme stuff and such with these themes than with the Egyptian theme. • Kevin recommended looking into WPPI’s date for their 2015 and 2016 conventions to ensure there isn’t a date conflict. Convention 2016 – as presented by Jeff Kaiser • Renny suggested appointing a hotel liaison to go ahead and find a hotel for the 2016 convention. Anthony Rumley will look into the Richmond area, Kevin Hurley will look into the Roanoke area, and Jeff Kaiser will look into the Tidewater area for possible hotels for the 2016 convention. Seminar Reports - Summer • Robert Harris stated that everything is lined up and that Doug Mattice will be the replacement speaker in the place of the Muncys. The deadline to register for a hotel room with the special rate is Wednesday, August 14th. • Sharon Davidson reported that as of now, 24 people are registered, with 8 attending the extra day program. She stated that the room minimum needs to be met in order for the rates for the meeting spaces not to increase. • Elizabeth Bailey requested information for any vendors that may be interested in sending door prizes or offering any form of support for the Seminar. • Robert Harris requested someone from Tidewater take responsibility for the hospitality suite because as of yet no one has taken care of this job. Tracy agreed to take care of either finding someone to handle the hospitality suite or covering it herself. It was suggested that she contact Margie Hatcher. Ethics Committee - Nothing to report Finance Committee - as presented by Don Aittama • Don made a Motion and it was carried to reinvest the CD that is coming due into a new 4 year CD. Print salon - as presented by Pat Hansen • Pat stated that she had nothing to report. Magazine - as presented by Kitty Pugh • Kitty handed out copies of the magazine and the Executive Board photos. The group and the Board photos were donated to the Association by Richmond Camera. Kitty requested that Don pay the bulk mailing fee that she is expecting for mailing out the magazine. Kitty needs at least 200 pieces in order to use the bulk mail permit. We are getting close to not having enough. She reported that the soft deadline for the next magazine issue is December 1, 2013 and she needs images and an article from Jim Carpenter, convention items, and a pdf of anything that anyone would like to submit to the magazine before that time. Website - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee reported that he is currently working on a new website and that Photobiz is interested in partnering with the VPPA for the new website. David Lee would like to send out to the Board of Directors a link to check out the progress of the new website so far. Photobiz has offered to provide the VPPA with the website at no cost, continued on page 5
Virginia Professional Photographer
“Images by Jan” Portrait and Wedding Photographer JAN CARSON By Kathy Kupka
Jan retired this year after having her own photography business since 1978. She was a long standing award winning member of the VPPA and PPA. Aside from being a great photographer, she is a very nice, caring person, so I wanted to share her background with you. I met Jan in 1998 when I joined the VPPA. Jan’s studio was in Ashburn, Virginia, not far from my home in Leesburg. I had just finished all my photography classes at NOVA, trying to start my own business, and was checking out all the local photographers (like we do!). I had seen Jan’s work and ads for her business in the local paper. Jan was well known for being one of the good, successful local professional photographers. I went to her home studio. She had beautiful portraits of children hanging on her walls. I loved it because I was specializing in child photography myself; but, the one portrait that caught my eye and impressed me was the one of her pet dog, Shylough, a Russian Wolfhound, a white on white portrait. I thought “now there’s an idea, a portrait of someone’s pet!” Back then there weren’t many dog photographers, and it was before I got my dog, Buddie. So, I really have to thank Jan for that inspiration. Jan told me that years before she got into photography, she was living on a military post in Fort Levenworth with her husband. She took a wood working class with him and was better working the lathes than he was. She then decided to take photo classes (process of elimination), ended up liking it, and turned her powder room into her darkroom for nine months. She moved back to Virginia and started taking photography classes at NOVA with Orville Daniels. She learned to use her camera, a German Kodak 35mm. Orville also had his own business and asked her to work for him. He sent her to her first PPA class held in Winona, Indiana to learn retouching. Jan opened her own studio, Images by Jan, in 1978, in Sterling, Virginia. She liked working from home because she was also raising her two children. She built an addition to her house. Her studio was on the main floor and darkroom behind her studio. She joined the VPPA, and in her first year entered the print competition, and won first place for her portrait of a bull dog. Jan started getting business by bartering with a local garden center, Meadows Farms, photography for designing her outside photo garden. She also advertised in local newspapers, joined the Chamber of Commerce, and Sterling Park Organization for Professionals. Two of the many stories Jan told me involved dogs and darkrooms. (See what new photographers are missing? No darkroom stories.) The first was about the night she was in charge of the darkroom at NOVA by herself. (Need to remember, Jan is tiny.) She happened to have her friend’s dog with her. There was someone in the darkroom causing a problem and out of control. Jan walked into the darkroom with the dog, told the guy she only had to give the dog one command and he’d be in trouble. The guy ran out and never came back. The funny part was the dog wouldn’t hurt a fly. Another story was about the time she was working in her darkroom at home. One day she walked out of her darkroom into her home studio and saw a stranger standing there not moving because her Doberman was sitting on his foot and he was afraid to move. She asked the stranger what he was doing there, the dog got off, the guy took off. Jan’s photography business was great - but not her neighbors! She moved from her home in Sterling to Ashburn because her neighbor used to sit on the edge of his driveway with his pet snake wrapped around his neck and scared away her clients. When she moved to Ashburn, a neighbor got a petition to try to get her out of business. She somehow talked him out of it, partly because Jan believes that “you shouldn’t treat nastiness with nastiness.” Snakes and bad neighbors couldn’t stop her, but then the digital camera along! Jan’s business started to slow down, but she was able to keep up because of her referrals, repeats and some advertising. Jan is now retired with many great memories of her photography business. She is interested in attending more bible study classes, and spending more time with her grandson, but is grateful for all the classes, conventions, and seminars from being a member of the VPPA and PPA.
Winter/Convention Edition
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MESSAGE It looks as if this will be my last official address to VPPA, so I am going to jump onto my soap box. “Phoneography”. This is a term that the current generation is engaged in. My made up term means: Take a picture with your phone, post it to facebook, get a few likes and forget about it. Fast forward a year or two when the cell phone dies and you get that shiny new one. The old one is stuck in the drawer and forgotten, goodbye birthdays, vacations, and Kevin Hurley, M. Photog., FP graduation. Last month we did a green screen event for a local college’s graduation. Within an hour, we had PRINTED over 200 photographs. These will be given to families, friends, and hung on refrigerators. I’m sure a few will be scanned and posted to social media. The fact remains that they were printed. I think there will be an entire generation that will not have photos to look back on. If my Mom & Dad had a cell phone, I may not know what my grandparents looked like. This may seem extreme, but you get the point. As Professional Photographers we need to educate our customers and the public about “Phoneography” In January, I attended Imaging USA. As one of your PPA councilors, I had the privilege of hearing David Trust, the CEO of PPA, as he spoke about how he is hearing so much negative talk from photographers about the industry, that he didn’t want it to become a self-fulfilled prophecy. He also said, as long as people have families that love one another, and have space on the walls there will always be a need for PRINTS. Finally, I’d like to thank everyone in the VPPA for their help over the last five years.
Welcome, New Members! New Members voted into membership at recent VPPA Board meetings: Jessica Arnest Timorah Beales April Bennett Shayla Mae Blackwell Linda Cagney Mary G. Denson Gayle Driver Donna Gentry Joan Grippo Julie Morrone William S. Harper Kristi Higgins Misty Higgins Phillis Isemann Jenny Lijana Jean Lua Sharon Morris Ashly Paraham Anita Pearson Lynn Phelps Kristen Rawls Tyler A Swartz Denise Wood Barbara L. Underwood
Capital District Tidewater District Northern District Tidewater District Tidewater District Blue Ridge District NorthernDistrict Northern District Tidewater District Capital District Tidewater District Capital District Northern District Capital District Tidewater District Capital District Northern District Tidewater District Tidewater District Blue Ridge District Tidewater District Tidewater District Capital District Capital District
IN THE NEWS continued from page 3 in exchange for booth space and sponsorship recognition at the convention. The value for this website would be roughly $300-400 for the platform, as well as the monthly fees. • Robert Harris made a Motion and it was carried to accept David Lee’s proposal to work up a mock website to see if this is the direction in which the association would like to go, offering PhotoBiz a possible tradeshow booth in exchange. Membership - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee reported that he is finding that getting people to join the association is being challenged by people who choose to go to PPA, Creative Live, and those types of places for their education. He would like to see VPPA providing more press releases and promotional information, pumping up the association and exciting VPPA members. He mentioned promoting things such as how VPPA members have done at IPC, VPPA members achieving their Master Photographer and Craftsman designations, new VPPA CPPs, etc. He stated that he would like to see VPPA marketing more outside of the box. • David Lee mentioned an interest in offering swag, such as t-shirts and other products, in order to help get the VPPA’s name out there. Tracy mentioned Café Press, which specializes in offering customized products that can be ordered individually, on an asneeded basis, so that the VPPA could design and offer their own swag, without having the expense of having an inventory on hand. Library - No Report was presented. Old Business - There was no old business to discuss. New Business • Kevin Hurley stated that there are two (2) Ethics Committee positions coming up for reelection this coming November - Capital and Northern Districts. He requested that Renny reach out to the individuals who currently hold these positions regarding reelection. PPA Report - as presented by Anthony Rumley • Anthony reported that the PPA Imaging Convention will be held January 12-14, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona, with pre-con classes starting on January 9th. • David Lee reported that there will be a 3-day CPP class offered in Atlanta beginning on October 21, 2013. SEPPA Report - as presented by Robert Holman • Robert reported that all expenses for the 2013 Convention have been covered. Arrangements have been made for the money to be paid back that was embezzled from SEPPA and payments are being received. At present there are no charges being filed. There is no decision on a location for the 2014 and 2015 SEPPA conventions. Future Board Meetings • The next VPPA Board meeting will be held on Monday, November 4, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at the Sheraton Park South in Richmond. • A Motion was made and carried to Adjourn. VPPA Board of Directors’ Minutes from Meeting of Monday, November 4, 2013, held at the Sheraton Park South Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. • The Meeting was Called to Order by Sharon Younce and a Moment of Silence was observed. • Proxy votes conferred in writing: None • A Motion was made and carried to accept the minutes from the last meeting as presented. • Renny questioned why the due date for dues went from 11/1 to 12/1. That it wasn’t voted for nor was it in the minutes. She suggested we go back to fiscal year next year so the notices will go out sooner, as stated in the manual. Kevin asked David Lee to send out a notice to get the dues in asap. Executive Treasurer’s Report - as presented by Don Aittama • Don presented the balance sheet, scholarship information and the general fund budget. Mary Fisk Taylor and Jamie Hayes allowed us to keep the WHCC sponsorship money they received and did not charge us for their program. Convention expenses are much greater in Richmond vs Roanoke and will be a problem in the future. Pat Hansen asked about our credit card rebate dropping. Don got it back to us this year and the rebate will be smaller going forward. A Motion was made and carried to to accept Don’s Report as presented. New member applications - as presented by Don Aittama • Don reported he had applications for eight new members and acknowledged that Bob Harper brought in 4 of the 8. All membership applications were approved contingent upon completing all missing tax identification information on the applications. A Motion was made and carried to conditionally accept all applications as presented. Executive Secretary’s Report – as presented by Renny Cave • Renny stressed that all board members need to be more visible and attend seminars, conventions and monthly meetings. She also requested that everyone return all emails from VPPA and reply to all on all group emails. Packets were given to the new governors containing applications, etc. to be in hand at every meeting. Governors were urged to go over the VPPA Policy Manual and Renny stressed keeping mailing lists updated. All new member applications should be turned in ASAP. Don has the rebates checks that go back to the districts to be used for the benefit of their members. Renny & Jim Carpenter are great resources for the district officers. District Governor’s Report - submitted in written form • All districts submitted written reports, except for Northern. Kevin Hurley from the Blue Ridge District, updated the Blue Ridge District Report. • Capital District Report did not have attendance numbers and was questioned by Anthony. Robert Harper will get some updated numbers – he estimates 12. • Pat Hansen reported that Gordan Kreplin was impressed with the turn out at the Northern district meeting and that he was just accepted as an international judge. A continued on page 8
Virginia Professional Photographer
50mm . . . A Lens For Every Bag By Jim Sanders, AFP
Tucked into the corner of my camera bag is a lens that is small in dimensions and light in weight. It’s optics are superb and with its f1.8 aperture, it’s fast. The focal length of this lens is generally referred to as a “normal” or “standard” lens because it renders perspective that closely matches the human eye. And with a purchase price of only $125, it is one of photography’s best values for a quality lens. The lens, of course, is a 50mm and be it a Nikon or a Canon; this is one terrific little lens! The 50mm lens has a long history in photography. Since at least from the 1930s, the defining documentary instrument in photography were rangefinder cameras like Leica and Contax and later Canon and Nikon and all used with a 50mm lens. Henri Cartier-Bresson pretty much made his career with this combination. So, why a 50mm prime lens when zoom lenses offer a wide range of focal lengths in a single lens. No doubt, zoom lenses are a staple with all of us. But to the point of this article, there are good reasons for photographers to have this unobtrusive little lens as a part of their “What’s in my bag” list. And, as just mentioned, the unobtrusive nature of a 50mm is a big reason why this lens is such a joy to use. There is a liberating feeling that comes from carrying a camera where the lens barely protrudes from the body. After purchasing the 50mm a couple years ago, I took it on a self-assignment where each picture was shot using manual exposure mode. I even chose to set the f-stops using the aperture ring on the lens barrel. To stay with my intended goal of working in manual, each exposure was focused manually as well. Missing from the experience was not being able to throw my right thumb to advance the film. Yikes, we used to do that didn’t we? The combination of a prime lens and working manually brought about a deliberateness that
was renewing. My thought processes were concentrated on pairing the 50mm focal length with the subject of each shot. There was no zooming in and out to reach a point of desired composition. I am reminded of a quote from Jay Maisel. “Sometimes your best zoom is your feet.” And it was Ansel Adams who said, “A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” Move... closer/further away... where to be...here/there... I love the dance! Fast f1.8 or f1.4 apertures are the norm for 50mm lenses. The wider apertures used in low light or the bokeh resulting from larger apertures can bring new beauty to the images we create. Jeff Ascough, a photographer in England, photographs weddings with 6
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prime lenses. In an interview he was asked if he had to choose one lens which one would it be and why. His reply, “50mm f1.2L. I could cover almost anything on that one lens. It’s super fast, very sharp, and it’s a focal length that sees in the same way I do.” The 50mm f1.8 is fast, sharp, and inexpensive. If not already in your camera bag, consider adding this gem of a lens. It’s a lot of fun to use and very likely will be the lens used for some of your favorite images. Note: The pictures included with this article were taken at the Summer Seminar with a Nikon 50mm f1.8D lens.
Virginia Professional Photographer
IN THE NEWS continued from page 5 Motion was made and carried to accept the Reports which were presented. Convention 2014 - as presented by Stephanie Adams • Stephanie passed out reports, programs and an agenda. She went over speakers and their programs. The Wescott rep will be in Asia and won’t be able to supply the equipment for the Friday night open sessions, as planned. Right now there is a $26,907 deficit. Speakers and sponsors were discussed. Lisa Akers is the door prize chairman. Tracy McGee gave suggestions on how to get prizes and auction items. The Photographers’ auction was also brought up and how to get photographers to volunteer. It was mentioned about emailing members to ask for suggestions on who they would like to get on the auction. It was mentioned that Stephanie needs to email her proposed schedule. Jeff brought up monitoring the programs. Having a Sergeant at Arms was brought up and David Lee suggested that the programs’ hosts monitor non-member and guest entrants. Jim Carpenter mentioned talking to Richmond Camera and having post cards sent to their delivery people to distribute with their order deliveries. Also, each district needs to try to distribute the post cards to local photo schools and clubs. • Renny has usually ordered the awards and Kitty may take over getting two of the awards from a company located in Norfolk. The camera awards are no longer in production and so we will be going back to plaques for everything. Kevin will take care of that. Don wants to take over billing the trophy sponsor responsibilities from Polly. Don will take care of sending the cards to the memorial scholarship sponsors. • Tracy stated that she thinks only members should be getting the discounted price for signing up early for the Pre-Con classes. • Stephanie presented the proposed registration form and stated that they will not be mailed this year - registration will only be done by email and through the website. The same applies for the scholarship applications. Cris Duncan increased his class size from 15 to 20, leaving the size of the Pre-Con classes to Stephanie and the individual speakers. Discussion followed regarding an extra charge of $20 for late registrations to cover the extra charge for brunch, even though they are current members. Many Board members were not in support of this. It was suggested to add an “administrative fee” to explain the extra $20. The cut-off date for hotel reservations for the cheaper rooms is January 30th. A Motion was made and carried to approve the registration form with the changes mentioned. • Pat discussed the location of the print room and the offsite viewing room for print judging. Convention 2015 - as presented by Tracy McGee • Tracy has decided that Mardi Gras will be the theme. She mentioned that the WPPI convention starts a day after our convention and she is worried about vendors not coming to our convention. She is talking to potential speakers. Convention 2016 - as presented by Jeff Kaiser • Jeff wants to have a Luau theme. David Lee suggested looking at hotels in Suffolk to help on expenses. The former Koger Center in Richmond was also suggested and it was stated that it is under new management and has been renovated. Summer Seminar Report • Robert Harris was very pleased with the seminar and thanked Betsy and Sharon for their assistance. They were short by only 3 rooms being rented to meet the minimum guaranteed under our contract with the hotel, but then more were canceled. Attrition happened and they went into the hole by $1600 to cover the rooms. Robert negotiated $852.34 that could be credited towards next year’s seminar if we held it at The Renaissance Hotel again in 2014. The dates set aside for next year’s seminar is 9/13 - 9/15. That would put the 2013 Seminar $201.13 in the red. Don talked about negotiating a lower room number guarantee. The room guarantee would drop from 70 to 40 and keep the $99 room rate. Robert commended the AV committee on all of their work. Kevin Hurley made a Motion and it was carried to return to Portsmouth to take advantage of the credit, if it can be applied and put in writing. Renny reminded the board that they couldn’t approve the contract for the incoming governors and it was tabled to new business. The Motion was retracted. Tracy stated that 7 of the 8 people who registered for the CPP test attended. Jim Carpenter mentioned that he got some good ideas out of the extra day/extra pay and had a successful three-day park event with 12 appointments due to the ideas he got from the Burtons. Ethics Committee • Only one issue has come to the attention of the Ethics Committee and it is being handled by the committee at this time. There was not details to report at this time. Finance and Audit Committee - as presented by Don Aittama • Don report that the investment fund has a balance of $27,000. Don suggested they we turn it into an endowment fund and just use the dividends and interest to pay for general expenses. We should keep the capital gains in the fund to keep it growing. Don made a Motion and it was carried to proceed as he outlined. • Also, discussion was made regarding the past president’s dinner and perhaps charging for the spouse or guest to attend. Pat Hansen suggested that she would pay up to $20 to attend the past presidents dinner and she didn’t know that the guest didn’t have to pay. Pat made a Motion and it was carried that the guest pay full amount and past presidents have their cost covered by the association. The amount to be put on the registration form will be $35. A Motion was made and carried. A Motion was made and carried to approved an amended registration form. It was confirmed that the following individuals’ rooms are paid for by the association: president, convention chair, treasurer, a/v and the executive secretary. Renny mentioned she’d be happy to stay at home and Jim will pay for his own room. Don will pay for his own room if Polly continued on page 9
Winter/Convention Edition
From the Desk Of... Renny Cave, Cr. Photog., AFP VPPA Executive Secretary
The Secrets of the Hospitality Suite. Shhhhhhhh!: If you are a new member or a seasoned member who has avoided the Hospitality Room, you are missing an incredibly rich source of information, assistance and encouragement. (Plus goodies thanks to Margie Hatcher and her committee.) Your fellow VPPA members are always eager to talk shop. They can give you suggestions and tell you what has worked for their studio. If they haven’t faced the situation that concerns you, perhaps they know someone who has and will introduce you. The hospitality room is a great place to brainstorm. You can learn a lot in conversation with your peers. Maybe you’ll hear of a technique or marketing idea you haven’t tried. Frequently the speakers and judges appear in the Suite. They are usually willing to give you an even broader perspective from their area of the country. It’s fine to take a general business course, but photographers face different economic problems than butchers, carpenters, CPAs or any other type of business. So why not ask someone who does what you do? The members of VPPA are encouraged to be generous and thoughtful, willing to lend you a helping hand or a piece of equipment. Getting to know them is one of the best perks of belonging to the Association. The point of the title of this piece is that there are no secrets. Let’s all pool our expertise and experience. If you do know some of secret photographic tips, please come to the Hospitality Suite and tell us about them.
We Need Your Directory Photograph for the upcoming 2014-2015 directory So, you are a photographer and your mug shot is not in the directory. Come on, give me a break and send me your photograph by March 15, 2014 Email rbcave319@gmail.com 2.5" x 3.5" head shot in jpg format 300ppi with your name as the file name or Snail Mail a wallet print to 9909 Chancellor Place, Bon Air, VA 23235-2711
Get Her Done Today!
CONVENTION CHAIR’S MESSAGE By Stephanie Adams, M. Photog., CPP, FP
Hello True Believers! It’s almost time for the battle between good and evil to begin and we are looking for some heroes. We hope you will join us for a truly epic convention. The battle begins on Friday with four incredible preconvention classes. No need for a radioactive spider-bite or freak nuclear accident to enhance your photography skills with these programs that will deepen your understanding of light, photoshop, print competition, and video. Make sure you enlist early as seats are limited and only those who join the fight early will be able to join in on these all day episodes presented by Cris Duncan, Nathaniel Dodson, Adrian Henson, and Victor Ha. Later Friday evening, with great knowledge comes great photography! Joe Edleman will show us all about “Photographing Beauty” followed by Larry Lourcey digging up some dirt on “Social Media for the Photographer.” Then, use your super-vision and brave the night in our open shooting bays. We will have all the equipment you need to save the night - lighting, backdrops, and models will be available for you to hone your super-heroic skills. Don’t forget your camera! On Super Saturday, Steve and Debi Ragland are going to show us some amazing “Set Design for Small Spaces;” never get backed into a corner again. You are not going to want to miss this! Then Karen Goforth will help us introduce people to their friendly neighborhood photographer with “Smart Marketing in 2014.” Keep your business ahead of the competition with these marketing tips you are sure to find full of pizzaz. Then fine tune your super hearing when Andy Armstrong teaches us about “The Art of Better Portraits through Better Communication.” If that all isn’t enough for one day, we are going to be amazed with Victor Ha and his mad video skills as he teaches us “Video for the Photographer” - the same great super-heroics, now in motion! Make sure to hit up the trade show Sunday from 9-3 to stock up on all the equipment you'll need in your fight for spectacular photography. Our vendors are very excited to have you visit with them. Later that day, Mark McCall is going to help us SMASH through the challenges of wedding photography with “Weddings Made Easy.” Make sure to attend the Print Critique where you can visit with a few of the judges and get insight on how to make your work better. And we’ve got the party you’ve all been waiting for... Let out your inner super hero. Photographer by day, saving the world by night - whatever your mild-mannered alter ego, there will be no need for secret identities among your fellow heroes. On Monday... in brightest day, in darkest night, let all those who worship evil’s might beware the power of Randy
IN THE NEWS continued from page 8 doesn’t attend. Anthony questioned if it was for this convention or for those going forward. Print Salon Report – as presented by Pat Hansen • Pat has been in contact with Jeff Burton at Proof Cast regarding using his print judging/scoring system. He will not be able to be here since he’ll be in Massachusetts so the system is free since he won’t be here. She spoke of the advantages of the system. The only item that needs to be purchased is a bar code reader. Premium service cost would be $25/event. Others are wondering if there’s a smart phone app that would accomplish the same thing. Pat advised that five of the male speakers will be judges, so she will be looking for a couple of woman to judge. She would also like to pick a woman for the jury chair position. A Motion was made and carried to purchase a bar code reader with a price not to exceed $200. Magazine Report - as presented by Kitty Pugh • Kitty distributed the board of directors’ memo. All new board members need to have a photo and bio to Kitty ASAP, at least by Thanksgiving. She’ll advised that the President has the cover image and she will be getting with Jim Carpenter for that. Richmond Camera and Millers have renewed their advertising. She’s still waiting for the convention information from Stephanie that will be published in the magazine. She advised that she had the Polly Frye Raffle tickets printed and sent them on to Jim Sandaers, who will be getting raffle tickets together and sending them to the governors for them to distribute. Website - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee went to Greensboro, North Carolina, to check out Photobiz’s home office and was very impressed. He showed his proposed website and suggested switching from Proof Cast to PhotoBiz. A Motion was made and carried to switch from Proof Cast to PhotoBiz. Updating the VPPA logo was also discussed. Membership - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee stated that he’s been more focused on the new website and therefore hasn’t made any progress on membership. Jim Carpenter suggested going to local universities to speak to photography classes and push VPPA membership. Library Report - submitted by Eric Green • Eric submitted a written report presented by Kevin Hurley. Kevin stated that he talked to Eric about bringing the library to the convention. There was discussion about one member who is having a problem paying a late fee. A Motion was made and carried to accept the report as presented. Appointed Committees: Hotel Committee • No report: Jeff, Anthony and Kevin will be checking for hotels for the 2016 convention. Old Business: • Ethics Committee Re-appointments - Ethics committee appointments are needed. It was stated that Fred Powell & Jim Carpenter are the two current members from the two Districts that are up for re-appointment and they are willing to serve again. A Motion was made and carried to accept their re-appointments. • Bank Statements - Renny made changes to the VPPA Policy Manual regarding the districts needing to supply bank statements with their treasurer’s report. • Robert Good Scholarship Proposal - Patty Good wants to set up a memorial scholarship in Robert Goode’s name. Questions were raised as to how it would be funded and how applicants would apply for the scholarship and its terms and conditions. These details will be brought to the Board at a later date. • Transition of Officers - At the conclusion of Old Business, the Transition of new officers occurred. All outgoing officers and Governors were recognized and thanked for their service. Sharon Younce stepped down as Chairman of the Board and a new gavel and 2 merits were given to Kevin for taking over being the new Chairman. Jim Carpenter is the new president. Kevin passed out a new code of civility to the board of directors and incoming governors. Plaques will be forwarded. New Business: • District Rebates - Don Aittama reviewed the new rebate check amounts given to the new districts Governors. It is based on 5% of the dues (approx. $400). $300 goes to PPA, leaving only $170 for programs. He said some districts are almost better off than the state. It was brought up how can the state help out the districts financially. One suggestion was giving a base of $500 to the districts, but may not be fair to all districts. It was stated that the South Carolina and Delaware associations have closed and Maryland is not doing well. Anthony asked about the PPA affiliation fee and wondered about the state subsidizing or paying the fee for the districts. PPA is going to need to be contacted for further information about the distribution of merits. • Convention & Seminar Consultant - Kitty brought up for discussion the fact that there was a vacancy in the position that was once established for a Convention & Seminar Consultant and that this was an ongoing position that hadn’t been filled since Fred Powell stepped down several years ago. She recommended that Anthony Rumley agree to fill this position. Anthony thanked Kitty for her vote of confidence but was hesitant about taking the position at this time. Anthony wants more efficiency in the process and feels details concerning the positions need to be reevaluated. Kitty laid out that the position is needed and the skills needed to fill that position. The position is used as a resource for others putting on Conventions and Seminar events. continued on page 28
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Virginia Professional Photographer
VPPA’S 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board/PPA Council Member Kevin Hurley M. Photog. Cr., FP 1360 Maple Ave Roanoke Va. 24016 (540) 345-3055 hurleyphoto@cox.net Kevin Hurley is the owner of Kevin Hurley Photography. The studio is located in a 100 yr old home in the Historic District of Old Southwest Roanoke. Kevin Graduated with a BA in Photojournalism from Morehead State University in 1981. He worked for a local camera store managing six photo labs, while perusing his photography part time. In 1996 he opened his studio full time. In 2002 he joined VPPA, and under the guidance of several giving photographers, his business continues to grow annually. He is excited at the opportunity to serve the VPPA for the years to come. Kevin is married to a elementary art teacher (Marian) and they have two girls (Emma and Ellen) President Jim Carpenter, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, FP 618-A Forest Street Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 296-7558 e-mail: jjcarpentr@aol.com Jim Carpenter has been a photographer in the Charlottesville area recording history and creating family heirlooms for over 40 years. Jim spent 20 years as photographer at The Daily Progress newspaper before purchasing Gitchell’s Studio in 1988. He has earned from the PPA his Master’s, Photographic Craftsman, Certified Professional Photography and Photographic Excellence degrees and the Virginia Fellow Photographer degree. He has been the Grand Photographic Winner for the state of Virginia 5 times in 10 years. He has been the recipient of the prestigious Eastman Kodak Gallery Elite Award, 12 FUJI Masterpiece Awards, 4 Kodak Gallery Awards, and Best in Show for State and Region 4 times. His works have been displayed at Walt Disney’s Epcot Center in Florida 3 times and 2 of his photos have been a part of the Traveling Loan Show for the Professional Photographers of America in Korea. Jim has had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to photograph 9 United States Presidents, Queen Elizabeth of England, Russian Prime Minister, Mikhael Gorbachev, among many others. On a personal level, Jim and his wife Joan are both natives of the Charlottesville area. Jim has been an active member of the Lions Club, Dogwood Festival, Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad, and is a Deacon at Belmont Baptist Church. First Vice President Stephanie Garr Adams. M. Photog., CPP, FP 8742 Shadymist Drive Richmond, VA 23235 (804) 477-6617 e-mail stephanie@stephaniegarr.com
Stephanie Garr Adams is a Certified Professional Photographer. Stephanie fell in love with photography as a young girl and while driving on vacation was known to ask to stop by the road to photograph the scenery. Her consistent interest in photographing led her parents to buy her her first SLR camera. From a young age Stephanie always wanted to be a physician and had never considered photography as a career, although she always planned on having a darkroom in her home. But after receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and beginning the interview process for Medical School, she decided she wanted more flexibility in her family life than a medical career could provide and so enrolled in the Hallmark Institute of Photography in Western Massachusetts. Stephanie owns a studio in Richmond, VA and specializes in environmental portraiture of families and children. Stephanie has won various awards from VPPA and SEPPA and has been honored as a PPA Photographer of the Year in 2010. ‘What I love about being a photographer is creating memories and touching people’s lives.’ Second Vice President
Tracy McGee, CPP 401 Waters Road Virginia Beach, VA 23322 (757) 282-9537 e-mail: tracy@kaiserphoto.com Tracy McGee is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and she has a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and Information Technology Management. In addition to being an active full time professional photographer, she also serves on both the Tidewater District and VA State Board of Directors for the Virginia Professional Photographers Association, and volunteers for various other organizations. Ever since she was a small child, Tracy has been active and involved in one art form or another. Shortly out of high school Tracy went into banking, while continuing to practice and learn photography on the side. She was a bank manager by the time she was 23 and loved her 8 year career in banking. After the birth of her first child in 2003 she left banking and used the additional knowledge that she had attained over the years to start her photography business. Tracy and her husband, David, have two children, a 10 year old son and a 7 year old daughter.
Winter/Convention Edition
Secretary Jeff Kaiser, M. Photog., CPP, AFP 401 Waters Road Chesapeake, VA 23322 (757) 382-9537 e-mail: jeff@kaiserphoto.com Growing up in Virginia Beach with a darkroom in his house, Jeff Kaiser developed a strong skill in photography at an early age. Jeff attended the University of Richmond, where he became an assistant darkroom instructor during his freshman year. After graduating from Old Dominion University in 1986 with a degree in Economics, he spent eight years working for Allstate. Soon his love for photography took over, and in 1996, he decided to go full time. In 2004, Jeff received the AFP degree from VPPA. The five images he entered into competition in 2005 received blue ribbons in the VPPA, SEPPA & PPA. He also received PPA's Silver Level Photographer of the Year from PPA. That year he also received his first loan print, which was published in the May edition of Professional Photographer Magazine along with the story behind the print. Jeff received his second loan print in 2012 and in 2013 received his Master in Photography degree and earned his CPP. Jeff and his wife, Lyn, have been married for 25 years and have a 7 year old daughter, Samantha.
Executive Treasurer Polly Frye, M. Photog., Cr., FP 1585 Pine Court Harrisonburg, VA 28802-2485 (540) 438-0223 (540) 438-0223 Fax (800) 522-VPPA (8772) e-mail: pfrye25@earthlink.net Polly has been a member of the VPPA since 1952. Now in her 28th year serving as Executive Treasurer, she is retired from portrait photography but still involved with two art organizations. You will find her at the convention with checkbook in hand taking care of the financial business of the organization. Assistant to Executive Treasurer Don Aittama, CPP 1960 Floyd Circle McGaheysville, VA 22840 (540) 249-2035 e-mail: aittamava@aol.com
Don’s first camera in 1966 was a $20 35mm Sears rangefinder camera that had manual settings for aperture and shutter speed. Don learned photography with this camera and quickly learned how to get good exposures without using a light meter. After starting a career as an accountant in 1983, Don set aside his camera and with the exception of family pictures, rarely took it out. In 2001, Don received a digital camera for Christmas and became interested in photography again. This led to a strong interest in pursuing professional photography as a second career and he started photographing weddings in 2004. Don joined the PPA in 2005 and the VPPA in 2008. Don’s accomplishments so far include completing the CPP Exam in 2010 and earning the PPA Silver Level Photographer of the Year award for 2011. Don works with his wife, Julie, on many of his photography assignments and has two daughters and one grandson.
Executive Secretary Renny Cave, Cr. Photog., AFP 9909 Chancellor Place Richmond, VA 23235-2711 (804) 272-0119 (804) 272-7510 Fax e-mail: rbcave@earthlink.net A Past President of the VPPA and the current Executive Secretary, Renny runs a home studio specializing in children, families and seniors. During the Convention you might meet her at New Member Orientation or see her doing her favorite things—awarding scholarships and degrees. Feel free to stop her in the hall or send an e-mail with any suggestions you may have for making the VPPA a better organization. Print Salon Chairman Patricia A. Hansen, M.Photog., Cr., MEI 418 W. Palmetto Street Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 (252) 480-1908 e-mail: phskandi@charter.net A VPPA member for over twenty years, Pat is a graduate of Duke University, with a background in the arts and sciences. Before retirement she co-owned f2 Photographic Design in Northern Virginia, specializing in children and families. Now living on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, she photographs the scenic wonders of the coast and wherever else her travels take her. Because of her great interest in competition, Pat presently serves the VPPA as Print Salon Chairman. She also holds degrees from the Maryland and North Carolina associations and serves as a nationally approved juror, judging and teaching whenever possible.
VPPA’S 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Editor, VPPA Magazine Kitty L. Pugh, Cr. Photog., AFP, CPP 1917 Laskin Road, Suite 111 Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2405 (757) 491-9111 (757) 491-0869 Fax e-mail: holmans@visi.net Kitty is a native of Norfolk and a graduate of Princess Anne Business College and Tidewater Community College. She has a para-legal degree and in 1994 earned her CPP. She co-owns and operates together with her partner, Robert Holman, Holman’s Photography Studio, which they opened in 1985. For her hard work and dedication to the VPPA, she was awarded the Virginia Award in 1995. In 2001 she received her Craftsmans degree and was the recipient of the State SEPPA Award. In 2007 she was the recipient of the National Award and the SEPPA Board of Governors Award. She is a past Tidewater District Governor, Past VPPA President and has served as Magazine Editor since 1997. Blue Ridge District Governor Michael Corbin P.O. Box 3201 Lynchburg, VA 24503 (434) 845-0613 e-mail: michael@Expressions-Photographics.com After earning a BS in chemistry from Ohio State (GO BUCKS!) and 3 years in the plastics industry, Michael returned to grad school to study environmental chemistry. This scientific and engineering background prepared him well for a career in photography back in the days when the darkroom was king. Michael was always an early adopter, so the transition to digital came with only the usual bumps. It wasn’t long after Michael hung out his shingle that he was invited to join the VPPA, and that changed everything. The VPPA has been a godsend to his career. Capital District Governor,PPA Council Member Charles R. Lawson , CPP, AFP 310 North Main Street Kilmarnock, Virginia 22482 (804) 436-9999 e-mail: info@thehighlanderstudios.com Charles owns and operates The Highlander Studios / Quantum Imaging, Inc. in the beautiful Northern Neck of Virginia. Specializing in portraiture and technical printing—mostly high school seniors, antique image conservation, and fine art reproduction / Giclee printing - Charles has dedicated more than a decade to the craft of photography. His photographic journey began as a tour photographer for traveling musicians and recording artists beginning at the age of 17 - teaching him to deal with difficult, uncontrollable lighting situations. In addition to his duties for the VPPA, Charles is an active member of PPA, the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and is a Microsoft Certified Partner. He offers printing services to VPPA members on a variety of media up to 44” wide as well as computer consulting for the professional image maker. His studio also offers courses and workshops in digital camera basics, photography fundamentals, and Basic Photoshop. Northern District Governor Jeanette Burkle, FP 508 Brindley Place SW Leesburg, VA 20175 (703) 850-1474 e-mail: jeanette@galiephotography.com Jeanette is an award-winning professional photographer who owns and operates Galie Photography - a successful photography business primarily serving the artistically and logistically demanding markets of architecture and high-end events. In addition, Jeanette has extensive experience in image database management and consulting, studio and portrait lighting, post-production in Photoshop and Lightroom, and graphic design. She teaches digital photography, Lightroom, and Photoshop at ArtSquare in Leesburg, Virginia, where she lets her passion for photography shine in each lesson
Tidewater District Governor Richard St. Peter, FP 22461 Sundown Drive Carrollton, VA 23314 (757) 203-7838 e-mail: rstpeter@charger.net Richard began his career in photography when he joined the Air Force in 1966. During the 12 years he served, he was a motion picture photographer, aerial photographer- flying 112 missions in Vietnam; still photographer and video photographer. After his Air Force years, Richard worked for the Army as a Government Employee, script writing, producing and directing video productions to train Army truck drivers at Ft. Eustis, Virginia. His final years before retirement, he was employed 15 years as a Contractor for Northrop Grumman working at the Joint Forces Command in Suffolk, script writing, producing and directing video productions and editing productions. He retired in July, 2011, after a combined 40 years in the Audio Visual career field. He joined VPPA in 1994 and since 1992 has partnered with his wife, Shirley Whitenack, to operate Diverse Images Photography. He is the past president, past publicity and past program director with the James River Camera Club in York County. PPA Council Member and Web and Social Media Manager David Lee Michaels, CPP, AFP 905 Winona Avenue Roanoke, VA 24015 (540) 342-9129 e-mail: davidleemichaelsphotography@cox.net After a successful career in Radio and the music industry, David Lee took his passion for photographing events, concerts and musicians and opened his photography studio in Roanoke, where he specializes in Portraits, Weddings and pets. In addition to serving as webmaster and PPA Councilor, he has served as Lt. Governor and 2 terms as Governor of The Blue Ridge District. David Lee is married, has 1 grown son, 4 dogs and 2 cats. PPA Council Member Anthony Rumley, M.Photog., Cr., FP, CPP 6964 Forest Hill Ave. Richmond, VA 23225 (804) 864-5700 e-mail: anthony@anthonyrumley.com Anthony Rumley owns and operates a retail studio in Richmond, Virginia. He has represented the VPPA for over 11 years by occupying various positions on the board. Last year Anthony received the SEPPA award and was also nominated as it’s newest board member. In addition to creating custom portraits for his clients, Anthony also donates his photographic talent to various community associations and is the Richmond Area Coordinator for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. He contributes much of his success to the ongoing support of his family, Jennifer, Alexandra and Ashton. SEPPA Representative Robert P. Holman, M. Photog. Cr., FP, CPP 1917 Laskin Road, Suite 111 Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2405 (757) 491-9111 (757) 491-0869 Fax e-mail: rholman@visi.net Robert opened Holman’s Photography Studio with his partner, Kitty Pugh, in 1985. Robert was fortunate to have received an extensive photographic education as a photographer’s mate in the Navy. He joined PPA in 1985 and the VPPA in 1986. He obtained his CPP in 1988, his FP in 1997, his Craftsman in 1997 and Masters in 2001. He has won two Kodak Gallery awards for his commercial photography and is a past President of VPPA. He is the recipient of both the SEPPA and National Awards, as well as the SEPPA Board of Governors and Virginia Awards. When the weather is nice, you can find him catching a ride on his Harley.
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Sheraton Richmond Park South • 9901 Midlothia February 2
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OTOGRAPHERS’ ASSOCIATION n Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23235 • 804-323-1144 1-26, 2014
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Virginia Professional Photographer
Convention Committees Registration Tracy McGee, Chairperson Bob Harper Richard St. Peter Jeff Kaiser Trade Show Jim Sanders, Chairperson Kevin Hurley Jim Carpenter David Lee Michaels
Group Image Jeff Kaiser, Chairperson Tracy McGee
Audio/Visual John Warters, Chairperson
President’s Reception & Banquet Joan Carpenter, Chairperson
Print Display Bobby & Sandra Thigpen, Chairpersons
Awards Presentation Pat Hansen, Chairperson
Trophy Committee Polly Frye, Chairperson Renny Cave Kitty Pugh Kevin Hurley Props & Models Pete Wright, Chairperson Hospitality Room Margie Hatcher, Chairperson Door Prizes Lisa Akers, Chairperson Program Signs Kevin Hurley, Chairperson Entertainiment All Convention Party Andee Morr, Chairperson Jessica Arnest Mary Fisk-Taylor Marketing Tish Underwood, Chairperson Phillis Eisman Erin Clark Scholarship Fundraising, Jim Sanders, Chairperson Photographers’ Auction or Other Fundraiser, David Lee Michaels, Chairperson
Photography, Candid Images Kitty Pugh, Chairperson Robert Holman Jim Sanders Don Aittama Michael Corbin Charles Lawson
Winter/Convention Edition
Orientation Renny Cave, Chairperson
The ROI of VPPA Membership by Ritchie Gregory Sometimes it’s truly hard to measure the return on the dues we pay every year. Many of us experience the benefits through Friendship, Education, Inspiration, Mentoring or a feeling that we are not alone out there in the world of photography and business. Someone’s got our back. I have always said that another reason I belong and participate is for the support that if I had an accident or illness and needed someone to cover for me, I know I would have it. Unfortunately, the illness turned into reality for me this past summer on my way to a wedding! I’ve been self-employed for 30 years. It takes a force close to an elephant gun to keep me from working. You know what I’m talking about. Who hasn’t been there? But a level 9 on the pain scale, while throwing up, does not make one a welcomed guest at a wedding. I could hardly crawl. So, off my assistant went to handle the wedding without me while my husband took me to the ER. This started a nearly two-week ordeal of hospital stays, antibiotics and morphine along with a misdiagnosis. They couldn’t figure out why my symptoms didn’t make sense. This is why they call it practicing medicine! I lost over 10 lbs. and became weaker. Finally, my Primary Care Provider sent me to the right doctor (a GYN Oncologist) and she whisked me into surgery the next day. I remember telling her I loved her and I needed to get back to work right away. Seriously...when I could work again was what I wanted to know. Surgery went fine. However, I had been in a toxic condition pre-surgery for a long time and recovery was going to take more time then I realized. (No cancer though!) Summer is my busiest season. I make 50% of my income in the summer. I’m a family beach photographer. This all started Memorial Day weekend. It could not have happened at a worse time of the year. The stress of the timing along with being sick was beyond anything I could have imagined. Being invincible, or so I thought, I would be back in no time. I’m so glad that I didn’t know that I would be down for two months. Having friends that came to the rescue during a crisis like this brought me to tears on several occasions. I had to learn to receive help and support on a whole new level. I am so grateful to these people and to the organization where I met them. I would have been in pretty rough financial shape without this help. My Photography angels: Adelaide Rooney, Don Monteaux, Bill Piacesi, Charles Hartman, Ramon Permel and Marcus Holman, I don’t believe that any jobs were missed over the course of those two months. These dear people donated their time away from their businesses and photographed my sessions for me. Adelaide, who has worked for me for three years went to each session to keep the groupings in tune with my style. She took control of the entire business, did both of our jobs including all the sales, worked over 12 hours a day and handled it like a rock star. She is one amazing person. Don and Bill photographed the majority of the jobs in a truly cheerful and professional manor. I am humbled by their generosity, love and selflessness. Hugs and Kisses to all of you. And if you ever get sick, I’m there for you as well! As for the ROI (Return On Investment) from my VPPA dues, I’m speechless and it’s Priceless. VPPA– You Rock!
continued from page 25
continued on page 27
Virginia Professional Photographer
IN THE NEWS continued from page 9 • PPA Affiliate Dues - A Motion was made and carried to pay the affiliated dues for PPA. 2014 Summer Seminar Report • Only three Districts Governors were present at the Board meeting. However, it was discussed that Governors need to get to work on the 2014 seminar. The VPPA Policy Manual lays out the responsibilities. Jim Carpenter volunteered to get the information to them. It is the Blue Ridge District’s turn to choose the location. Don Aittama has the contract provided by Robert Harris for the Portsmouth Renaissance Hotel from 2013 Seminar. Don will look over the income and expenses from the Seminar and advise accordingly. PPA Report • Convention dates were given for Imaging 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona. The $129/$219 member/guest price was mentioned and it was stated that an increase will be coming soon. The first Loop reception will happen. David Lee brought up info about the equipment insurance that PPA provides as part of your membership. He stated that it’s actually a supplemental policy and not a primary one. He discovered that things have changed with the PPA insurance. If you have a loss, you now need proof of ownership of the item that’s covered. David Lee discovered that a letter from your insurance agent listing the covered equipment would suffice. SEPPA Report – as presented by Robert Holman • Robert reported that the SEPPA Executive board is trying to pull things back together after their recent financial problems. Several states are wondering why they are even paying their affiliate dues. Florida, for instance, only had 6 members attend SEPPA. The next affiliate judging will be held on March 30th, 2014 in Atlanta. SEPPA is thinking about rotating the judging locations again. He stated that the judging needs to be held by 4/30 and Florida has their convention in June. He reminded the Board that each state gets 2 free pages for advertising their state functions, etc. in the magazine. A new program from PPA will pay for a 90 day membership to that states membership of those members of PPA who are not members of their state association. PPA thinks it will be a great recruitment tool for the states since there are many more PPA members than state members. Charles Larson mentioned that PPA has produced videos that can be downloaded and used by the members on their own website. One is about the history of PPA and another about the value of portraiture – these are just two of the topics available, but there are many more. Future Board Meetings • The next VPPA Board meeting will be held on Monday, January 6th, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. The location is still to be determined. VPPA Board of Directors’ Minutes (Condensed) from Board Meeting of Monday, January 6th, 2014, at Wolfgang Jasper Photography in Richmond, Virginia. • The Meeting was Called to Order by Kevin Hurley and an Invocation was given by Jim Carpenter. • There were no Proxy votes to be confirmed. • Minutes of last meeting - as submitted by Jeff Kaiser Due to the fact that the Minutes were not submitted in a timely manner, Renny has not had time to review them; therefore approval of the Minutes has been tabled until they can be reviewed. Executive Treasurer’s Report - as presented by Don Aittama • Don distributed the balance sheet and reconciliation reports for the Association. Don also passed out a list of members who are delinquent in dues, those members wishing to cancel and those wishing to have their memberships reinstated. Don stated that he has transferred money from the scholarship fund to the investment fund, as was previously discussed. He also stated that the convention income is far behind the expenses at this point, but we haven’t received much income from the convention as of yet. The Association's bank account is behind last year at this time due to the convention and other misc. reasons. The Scholarship funds only have investment income earned, with no other deposits made into the funds. Three scholarships from last year have not been used at this point. Polly mentioned that the Searle fund has a current balance of only $100 and asked if the association can afford to award it this year. Kevin Hurley stated that he will check with Greg Finney about funding for the scholarship, and he and Anthony will try to help raise money for the scholarship fund. A Motion was made and carried to fund the Searle scholarship from the current scholarship funds. New member applications - as presented by Don Aittama • One application was presented for membership. A Motion was made and carried to conditionally accept the application as presented pending completion of all items needed. Executive Secretary’s Report - as presented by Renny Cave • Renny reminded all Governors that they are the face of the VPPA and they should be sure to introduce themselves to all guests and new members. Governors should always have applications at meetings and insure things are running smoothly in their district. They should be sure to let new applicants know how long it will take to have their applications approved. Governors should be sure to advise new applicants that they can still attend meetings until the application is approved. • Renny also stated that we have not received approval from PPA concerning our affiliate status and merit allotment and that she has sent them messages concerning this. continued on page 29
Winter/Convention Edition
The Business Corner By Doug Mattice
New Year, New Plan: 5 Steps to Building a Yearly Plan for Your Photography Business One of the biggest mistakes I see as a business coach is that many studio owners do not have a clearly defined direction for their photography business. I’m not talking about a 20-page business plan you would share with a bank to receive a loan. I’m talking about simple; yearly plans to guide your activities, marketing and overall direction. This piece is essential before developing any marketing strategy. If you don’t know what you are working towards, you won’t be using your marketing efforts strategically. This leads to a lot of missed opportunities and wasted time. Do you need to create a yearly business/marketing plan? Well, ask yourself, “How much farther along in my business am I this year than I was at this time last year?” If your answer is, “Not much” you need to develop and work on a yearly business/marketing plan. Creating a yearly business/marketing plan can take place in 5 easy steps. Step 1: Where do you want your business to be one year from now? What products and services do you want to offer this year? Are you going to sell frames, offer a higher end wedding package, and create a new product that you have never sold before? How many clients would you like to have? What are you going to do to increase the names in your client database so you can market to more people? What partnerships would you like to establish? By the end of the year, how would you like your business to be positioned in the marketplace? What is your business purpose and who represents your target market? Determining this piece will help guide the marketing activities you choose to do. You might also want to include any personal goals you would like to attain. Also, ask yourself questions such as “How much monthly revenue would I like to make?” “How many hours per week would I like to work?” and “How much vacation time do I want?” Although we need to think about these goals and outcomes for your business, you also need to define how you want your business to look and feel. Is your style more traditional or free spirited? Does the décor of your business reflect this? Are their things in your studio that shouldn’t be in front of your clients? Take a look around and note anything that is out of place. Step 2: Determine your marketing promotions and launch dates. How many different marketing campaigns do you want to run this year? What date do all of your marketing materials have to be completed? How are you going to track the response to these offers? Evaluate approximately how long it will take you to create each marketing piece. Don’t forget to factor in any materials that need to be created or additional resources that need to be organized. Then determine when you would like to launch and complete each project and schedule it on your calendar. Step 3: Breakdown tasks & delegate. What steps are required to complete each marketing campaign? What actions need to be taken in order to reach your goals? Break down each project task by task. Be as specific as possible. Know when everything needs to be ready so you can market effectively to your client base. Once you have the tasks outlined, it is time to determine who is responsible for completing each one. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Now, create SMART goals to help you with this step. For each task you are listing, develop a SMART goal – S – be specific M – be sure it’s measurable A – make sure it’s achievable (do you have the required skills and knowledge to complete the task. If not, where can you find the person to assist you?) continued on page 34
The benefits of association....
IN THE NEWS continued from page 28
Robert Harris M.Photog.Cr,CPP,FP
Remember the days when you wanted to research a topic you were unfamiliar with? You would reach onto the shelf where a row of World Book Encyclopedias were waiting to be explored. I remember pulling the letter M or P, etc. off the shelf and just flipping through the pages to see what interested me. I remember the letter P well. This was how I first explored Photography. I also learned from my dad, as he was a very good semiamateur photographer in his day. We had a darkroom in the house where I spent countless hours exploring the magic of photography. I've learned from books, trial and error. You name it, I've learned from it! The most important resource I have found, however, is the knowledge and experience of someone with more experience than me. Working in the employment of another photographer, assisting a friend or being a part of a collective group of people who share my same interests; I've learned the most while in the presence of other photographers. Fast forward to today, you no longer have to invest in a set of encyclopedias. Just log onto a personal computer in the privacy of your own home and explore the world to your content. There are literally no limits on what subject can be explored and is available at your fingertips. The subject of photography is not limited to a few pages in an aging book; fresh content is available every day. The one key element that is missing while sitting alone with your computer in your room is the knowledge and dynamics that can only be found in the presence of others. A spark of knowledge sometimes comes wrapped in a conversation at dinner, or an impromptu question in the classroom or workshop. And yes, I've learned from others while instructing them! Attending a week long seminar, or sitting across the table from a colleague, I have found treasure that has kept me gainfully employed for what has now become a career. What price can be placed on this valuable resource? The answer is “much more” than the price of dues or the major expense of attending a week long workshop. Let’s all stay ahead of the constantly changing curve. See you at a monthly meeting, and convention in February! Like you, I'm excited to turn the next page of my career!
District Governor’s Report - submitted in written form • No Governor’s Report was submitted from the Capital District, but they did submit a treasurer’s report. Jeanette Burkle, Governor, advised that she will email her report. A Motion was made and carried to accept the Governors’ Reports as submitted. Convention 2014 - as presented by Stephanie Adams • Pete Wright will be helping with Adrian Henson. Stephanie is still struggling with trade show vendors and any ideas are welcome. The photographer auction will be conducted by David Lee and he’s working on getting volunteers. Stephanie is trying to reach out past the VPPA membership to get more attendants at the convention. She commended David Lee Michaels for getting so much information out to the membership and reminded everyone the information can now be found on the website. • Renny reminded the Board that the scholarship applications can now only be found online and that this information needed to be publicized. The Gary Carter scholarship however will still be mailed due to the fact that only new members are eligible. • A grand door prize has not been obtained yet. Don Aittama suggested that no more than $500 be spent towards the grand door prize if it’s not donated. It was mentioned that Richmond Camera is donating $750 towards the annual breakfast/brunch. Richmond Camera usually sponsors the People’s Choice award too. • Kevin and his staff have been looking into different options for purchasing convention t-shirts. One option is that the members order and pay for their shirts from an online vendor. The Association doesn’t take any risk with unsold shirts, but the profit potential is quite low. The other option is the Association to invest $545 for 60 shirts at a much lower cost, but will be much more room for profit potential. It was agreed that the later is the preferred route. A pre-order price and convention price was discussed. Kevin has eight awards left over from last year and has agreed to take care of the awards for the category winners, Court of Honor and sponsored awards. Ms. Polly and the trophy committee will take care of ordering the rest of the awards. Convention 2015 - as presented by Tracy McGee • Tracy has spoken with most of her speakers and has been contacting vendors. Most speakers will also judge. She will present a list of speakers at a future board meeting Convention 2016 - as presented by Jeff Kaiser • Jeff advised that the Williamsburg Double Tree Inn presented information to Anthony as a prospective site. Kevin Hurley has checked with the Roanoke Holiday Inn and it is available at this time for the 2016 convention dates. Jim Carpenter advised that he has asked Cathy Benton to look over the hotel contracts to prevent any problems arising as they did at the last seminar. 2014 Summer Seminar Report • The Renaissance Hotel in Portsmouth is looking to be the site for the 2014 Summer Seminar. Charles Larson was supposed to contact them in regards to signing a contract. The Seminar dates will be: Sept. 13th – Sept. 15th. The VPPA is only guaranteeing 40 rooms this year as opposed to the 70 that were guaranteed last year. Discussion followed regarding costs for rooms and speakers. Don Aittama suggested that perhaps the Finance Committee could come up with a way to compensate VPPA members for speaking at the conventions and seminars. Ethics Committee • One situation is still standing that has not been resolved. Finance & Audit – as presented by Don Aittama • Don brought some recommendations forward from the Finance Committee. Last years’ general fund deficit was only $1000; however, Don is worried that this year’s deficit may be much worse. Don expects to see further drops in membership, but not as much as in the last several years. Last year’s Convention income paid for all but approximately $1000 of the expenses. He is expecting this year’s convention to have a greater loss that will add to the general fund deficit. He has concerns about where the general fund is heading but is pleased with the investment fund’s direction. All investment dividends and checking account interest will go back into the scholarship fund. He stated that the Board needs to be aggressive in selling the convention, keeping our expenses in line, watching convention expenses and increasing membership. He also stated that we need to be more aggressive in scholarship fund raising. Print Salon - as presented by Pat Hansen • Pat advised that we will be using Jeff Burton’s software during print competition at the Convention; but, unfortunately, he will not be able to be here. She has plans to do a trial run of the program right after the conclusion of today’s Board meeting. The bar scanner has been purchased. • She advised that the date for late dues being paid has not been enforced for print case fees and the date will be set back to Feb 15 instead of the current Dec 1. This year all print case entries must all be registered on the website, so no there is no point in two prices for print case entries. No more walk ups with print cases. There will be an early registration discount offered. The early deadline will be February 7th. A Motion was made and carried with regard to same. • The February 7th price will be $60 & $75, as it stands now. Kevin Hurley brought up that people have always paid their dues and print case fees on the same date and that it's a problem for the registration desk and the convention chair. This was also brought up during the Finance committee meeting. Much discussion was made on enforcing the deadlines and whether or not to begin enforcing it this year or next continued on page 34
Virginia Professional Photographer
Winter/Convention Edition
Editor’s Corner . . . continued from page 2 Here to help you become a ‘Super Hero’ is a list of all of our ‘Super Amazing’ speakers. Stephanie Adams, our Convention Chairperson, has a whole lot of expert talent just waiting to show you how to wage the battle between good and evil and be the best photographer ever. Chris Duncan – Pre-Con Adrian Henson – Pre-Con Victor Ha – Pre-Con Nathaniel Dodson – Pre-Con Joe Edleman Larry Lourcey Steve Ragland & Debi Karen Goforth Andy Armstrong Victor Ha Mark McCall Pat Hansen & Judges Randy Collier Drake & Richard Busath Ralph & Cindy Romaguera
“Photography for Profit” “The Merit Box: Print Competition” “Video for the Photographer” “Lighting for Impact and Dramatic Retouching” “Photographing Beauty” “Social Media for the Photographer” “Set Design for the Small Space” “Smart Marketing in 2014” “It’s the Communication Stupid” “Video for the Photographer” “Weddings Made Easy” “Print Critique” “Light It Right” “Family and Children’s Portraiture” “A-Roma-Therapy: Seniors”
Tracy McGee will be the person in charge of the Registration Desk this year at the Convention. If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes right now and go to the VPPA website and register. There will be NO Registration forms mailed out this year or in future years. Everything is now being done on-line. If you cannot or do not pre-register on line, you will be filling out a form when you stop at the Registration Desk to check in. David Lee Michaels has been working really hard to make the VPPA website user friendly and easy to use. PLEASE, give it a try. NOTE: Please pay especially close attention to the meal functions. Check those that you will be attending. If you will be bringing a quest, check that also. It is very important for us to get an accurate head count for cost/expense reasons. Some functions require you pay an extra fee for your guest – please make a note of that also. Remember: You have to register if you want to attend the convention. Forms can be downloaded from the VPPA website at: www.vppa.org. However, please, pre-register on line if at all possible. It will make things so much easier AND FASTER for you when you arrive at the Registration Desk if you’ve already pre-registered. A Packet with your name on it will be ready and waiting for you at the Desk. Tracy will have had time to check the spelling of your name, your degrees, your committee ribbons, and whether or not you’ve filled out and registered for the proper functions. Please, do this now and save yourself a lot of time at the Registration Desk. Last year at our Convention, thousands of dollars worth of Scholarship money and door prizes were awarded. Many of our Scholarships are by application process and others are by drawing. Forms to register for scholarships can now only be found on line at the VPPA website. This year we are pleased to announce a new scholarship in memory of Robert Good. Here is a list of just a few of some of the morewell known scholarships. • Polly Frye Scholarship - This scholarship pays tribute to our Executive Secretary Polly Frye. Polly is a Past VPPA President and has been a member of our Association for over 61 years. She has received every honor the Association can bestow, including a Life Membership. This is a $1,000.00 scholarship and is drawn at the end of the Convention. • VPPA Memorial Scholarship - This scholarship was begun in 1988 with funds generated from contributions in memory of W.E.A. ‘Billy’ Moore, a past President of the VPPA. This a $750.00 scholarship and the winner is announced at the convention awards banquet. • Gary ‘King’ Carter Scholarship - This is a $500.00 scholarship established in 1999 with a bequest from the estate of Gary Carter. This scholarship is limited to only those persons who have been Active or Additional Active members of the VPPA 3 years or less. Newer members are notified of their eligibility to receive this scholarship. Those interested must fill out and return a post card signifying their interest in receiving the scholarship. The winner is announced at the Awards Banquet. • Archie McDearmid Scholarship - This scholarship honors Tidewater District member, Past VPPA President, Past SEPPA President and Past PPA President Archie McDearmid. Archie passed away in 2010 but was a long-time member of the VPPA. He always had a twinkle in his eye, enjoyed serving our organization and mentoring new members. This is a $750.00 scholarship and the winner is announced at the awards banquet. • Carlton O’Neal Scholarship – This Scholarship was originally funded by the Joseph Lust Foundation and continues to be sustained by general scholarship funds. This Scholarship honors a Past President and long time member of the Tidewater District. Carlton has been a mentor to many aspiring photographers by encouraging the development of both the artistic and the business aspects of the profession. This is a $750.00 scholarship and the winner is announced at the awards banquet. • Bruce Hobbs Scholarship - This Scholarship was founded and continues to be funded by many of the people who have benefited over the years from Bruce’s guidance, counsel and support. Mentoring was been a continued on page 35
From the Desk of: Robert Holman, M. Photog. Cr., FP, CPP Virginia SEPPA Representative
SEPPA 2013 I just wanted to shoot out a reminder to all of you seasoned print competition fanatics and to all of the new entries, … The 2014 PPA Affiliated Judging Event will be held in conjunction with Georgia’s annual state convention which is scheduled to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, March 27th – 29th, at the Wyndham Atlanta Galleria. All of the newest print rules and shipping information may be found on-line at PPA’s web site, as well as at SEPPA’s NEW web site: www.seppaonline.com Since this a national judging event, digital entries will be accepted, as well has the traditional print entries. I will be attending the Board of Governors meeting on Sunday, March 30th, which has also been designated as SEPPA Sunday - a day set aside to promote the future of SEPPA. Included in that day’s program will be an Affiliate Executive meeting, a Board of Governors’ Leadership Training session and a Vendor appreciation event. I will be bringing back all the exciting news and plans about the 2015 full-blown SEPPA convention. If you have any questions about the competition, please do not hesitate to contact me at my e-mail: rholman@visi.net or by telephone at my studio: (757) 491-9111.
Virginia Professional Photographer
Virginia’s Degrees & Award Recipients NATIONAL AWARD Presented By STATE OF VIRGINIA 1958 1959 1960 1961 1963 1965 1966 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
* Ralph Bray Lexington * Hugh W. Tribble Portsmouth (Westfield, NJ) * Wendell B. Powell Richmond Van P. Moore Richmond (Greenville, SC) * Margo Kent Staunton * Robert A. Dementi Richmond Polly Frye Keezletown William S. McIntosh Virginia Beach * Archie McDearmid Virginia Beach Irby N. Hollans, Jr. Richmond (Arlington) * J. David Woody Bristol Patricia Woody Bristol * W.E.A. “Billy” Moore Suffolk Esther Bunch Virginia Beach Arthur Cournoyer Salem * George Ambrester Lanexa * David B. McClung Lexington * Phil Rich Alexandria Carlton O’Neal Newport News (Carrollton, VA) Tony Christiana Catlett James W. Taylor Waynesboro Jayne Opfer Benson, NC Phil Aull Charlotte, NC Haroldine Aull Charlotte, NC * Nancy Justice Fairfax * Robert Opfer Benson, NC * Aubrey Whitenack Richmond Lewis Longest Richmond * Jesse Pennell Richmond * Paul Huffman Richmond Mike Kessler Roanoke Renny Cave Richmond Randy Pearce Mechanicsville * Troy Justice Fairfax Ray Leahy Mt. Rainier, MD Kent Saunders Chesapeake Gene Campbell Forest James & Wanda Crawford Covington Mollie Isaacs Alexandria Glenna Taylor Waynesboro Pat Hansen Alexandria Marian Linett Virginia Beach Judith Whitmore Stafford Robert Holman Virginia Beach Bill Piacesi Dulles John Warters Newport News James Mitchell Moneta Kitty Pugh Virginia Beach Fred Powell Hanover * Bruce Hobbs Chesapeake Bill Garrett Danville * Richard Whitmore (posthumously) Stafford Shelba Powell Lake Wales, FL Jim Carpenter Charlottesville
SEPPA BOARD OF GOVERNOR’S AWARD RECIPIENTS 1985 1985 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1993 1995 1997 1999 1999 2003 2005 2007 2007 2009 2009 2011 2013
* Paul Huffman * J. David Woody * Patricia Woody Randy Pearce * Archie McDearmid Mike Kessler Tony Christiana Polly Frye Renny Cave Arthur Cournoyer Robert Holman James Crawford Fred Powell Bill Piacesi Greg Finney Kitty Pugh Bruce Hobbs Pat Hansen Anthony Rumley Kevin Hurley
PPA PAST PRESIDENTS * Hugh Tribble * Archie McDearmid *Deceased
Richmond Bristol Bristol Mechanicsville Virginia Beach Roanoke Catlett Keezletown Richmond Salem Virginia Beach Covington Hanover Dulles Abingdon Virginia Beach Chesapeake Kill Devil Hills, NC Richmond Roanoke
NATIONAL DEGREES Master of Photography & Photographic Craftsman (M. Photog., Cr.) Jeff Bowman Jim Carpenter Tony Christiana Mary Fisk-Taylor Keith Forrest Polly Frye Priscilla Good Patricia Hansen Robert Harris Jamie Hayes Robert Holman Mollie Isaacs Suna Lee Marian Linett Jeff Lubin William S. McIntosh Bruce Muncy Carlton O’Neal Bill Piacesi Anthony Rumley Beverly Toves Shannon Turner John Warters Pete Wright
Photographic Craftsman
Master of Photography
(Photog. Cr.) Cathy Benton Bobby Carlsen Lisa Carter Renny Cave Arthur Cournoyer Rick Dawson Bill Garrett Mike Kessler Michael Linett Randy Pearce S. Fred Powell Kitty Pugh Kent Saunders Fred Sergio Elizabeth Vance
(M. Photog.) Stephanie Adams Morris Burchette Susan Cecil Kevin Hurley Jeff Kaiser Les Miller Don Monteaux Rosanne Rainville
Approved Photographic Instructor (API) Marian Linett Michael Linett Fred Powell
SEPPA PAST PRESIDENTS * Hugh Tribble * Archie McDearmid * J. David Woody Arthur Cournoyer Tony Christiana
Winter/Convention Edition
Portsmouth (Westfield, NJ) Virginia Beach Bristol Salem Catlett
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) Stephanie Adams Don Aittama Cathy Benton Teresa Bernard Jeff Bowman Bobby Carlsen James Carpenter Lisa Carter Erin Clark Rebecca Clark Anne Companion James Cook Sharon Davidson Rick Dawson Francis Dowdy Mary Fisk-Taylor Eric Green Ritchie Gregory Jamie Hayes Robert Herrman Jeannie Hobbs-Klink Robert Holman Jeff Kaiser Stephen Kancianic Charles Lawson Suna Lee Clements Mayes Connie McDearmid Tracy McGee David Lee Michaels Lester Miller, III Don Monteaux Bill Piacesi Kitty Pugh Rosanne Rainville Anthony Rumley Fred Sergio Michael Sink Tyler Swartz Shannon Turner Liz Vance Sandra Worrell
Electronic Imaging Certified (EIC) Beverly Toves
Master of Electronic Imaging (MEI) Pat Hansen Mollie Isaacs Beverly Toves
Mike Kessler *J. David Woody *Paul Huffman Randy Pearce Lewis Longest Ray Southard Patricia Woody Renny Cave Tony Christiana Arthur Cournoyer Polly Frye *Archie McDearmid Rosalie Cournoyer James & Wanda Crawford Bill Piacesi Fred & Shelba Powell Mollie Isaacs Robert Holman Kitty Pugh Pat Hansen John Warters James Mitchell Bruce Hobbs Cathy Benton Jim Carpenter Pete Wright Anthony Rumley Charles Hartman Kevin Hurley David Lee Michaels Jim Sanders
Roanoke Bristol Richmond Mechanicsville Richmond Danville Bristol Richmond Catlett Salem Keezletown Virginia Beach Salem Covington Culpepper Hanover Alexandria Virginia Beach Virginia Beach Alexandria Newport News Moneta Chesapeake Portsmouth Charlottesville Richmond Richmond Portsmouth Roanoke Roanoke Harrisonburg
Virginia’s Degrees & Award Recipients VIRGINIA AWARD RECIPIENTS
VIRGINIA DEGREES Fellow of Photography
Associate Fellow of Photography
(FP) Stephanie Adams Allen Austin Cathy Benton Jeff Bowman Morris Burchette Jeanette Burkle, James Carpenter Susan Cecil Tony Christiana Bob Cohen Arthur Cournoyer James Crawford Debra Curtis Mary Fisk-Taylor Keith Forrest Eva-Kersti Freyss Polly Frye Bill Garrett Priscilla Good Rodney Good Eric Green Pat Hansen Robert Harris Jamie Hayes Jeannie Hobbs-Klink Robert Holman Kevin Hurley Mollie Isaacs Wolfgang Jasper Mike Kessler Kathy Kupka Ray Leahy Suna Lee Marian Linett Michael Linett Lewis Longest, Jr. Jeff Lubin Joseph Lust Connie McDearmid William S. McIntosh Don Monteaux Bruce Muncy Carlton O’Neal Randy Pearce Bill Piacesi Fred Powell “Slick” Reeves Anthony Rumley Ray Southard Richard St. Peter Jennifer Stoneman Beverly Toves Shannon Turner John Warters Shirley Whitenack Judith Whitmore Pete Wright Sharon Younce
(AFP) Don Aittama Lisa Akers Elizabeth Bailey Teresa Bernard Julia Bowman Bobby Carlsen Lisa Carter Renny Cave Rebecca Clark James Cook Earl Dashiell Sharon Davidson Don Gardner Bill Garrett Ritchie Gregory Charles Hartman Margie Hatcher Doug Hinckley Ralph Housden Jeff Kaiser Kathy Kupka Charles Lawson David Lilly Jim Markey David Lee Michaels Lester Miller Joe Moss Brian Muncy Joe Parker Shelba Powell Kitty Pugh Rosanne Rainville Jessica Robertson Jim Saunders Kent Saunders, Jr. Joeseph Schultz Liz Vance John Westervelt
Polly Frye Dora Tribble Carlton O’Neal Ray Leahy Ray Southard Morris Burchette Gene Campbell Colbert Howell James Taylor Glenna Taylor Renny Cave Tony Christiana Arthur Cournoyer Randy Pearce Judith Whitmore Richard Aufenger Mike Kessler Joeseph Schultz Kenneth Saunders Jayne Opfer B.J. Longest Lewis Longest Jim Crawford Fred Powell Mollie Isaacs Pat Hansen Robert Holman Kitty Pugh Bill Piacesi Anthony Rumley
Wayne Conner Pulaski Arthur Cournoyer Salem Irby N. Hollins, Jr. Richmond * Patricia Woody Bristol * James Chandler Suffolk * Troy Justice Fairfax James Taylor Waynesboro * Ray Hash Petersburg Esther Bunch Virginia Beach * Archie McDearmid Virginia Beach Polly Frye Keezletown * David McClung Lexington * John H. Smith Virginia Beach Al Cothran Quinton, FL * Nancy Justice Fairfax * Jesse Pennell Richmond Carlton O’Neal Newport News * Robert A. Dementi Richmond * Aubrey Whitenack Richmond Lynwood Atkins Roanoke Kent Saunders Chesapeake Renny Cave Richmond John Westervelt Winchester Glenna Taylor Waynesboro * J. David Woody Bristol B. J. Longest Richmond Ray Leahy Mt. Rainer, MD Lewis Longest Richmond * Gary Carter Roanoke * Richard Whitmore Stafford Judith Whitmore Stafford John Warters Newport News Kitty Pugh Virginia Beach Mollie Isaacs Alexandria Patricia Hansen Alexandria Marian Linett Virginia Beach Shelba Powell Hanover Cathy Benton Portsmouth Tony Christiana Catlett Fred Powell Hanover Doug Graves Chesapeake Charles Hartman Portsmouth Jim Carpenter Charlottesville Robert Holman Virginia Beach Mary Fisk-Taylor Richmond Bill Piacesi Fredericksburg * Randy Searle (posthumously) Williamsburg Deborah Woodson Danville Cary Philbrick Powhatan Kevin Hurley Roanoke Anthony Rumley Richmond
19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 19?? 1941 1942 1945 1947 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977
* A.W. Orpin * Fred Hamblin * Billy Lum * A.L. “Tony” Dementi * W.E. “Happy” Cheyne * Ralph Holsinger * Andy McClung * David Kent * Foster Orpin * Francis Hermann * Robert A. Dementi * Wendell Powell Carlton O’Neal * Lewis Allen * Arthur Clarke * Hugh W. Tribble * Phil Rich * Lewis G. Berry * Margo Kent * Herman Boaz * Van Moore William McIntosh * W.E.A. “Billy” Moore Gene Campbell Polly Frye Raymond Cournoyer * Jim Gentry * Archie McDearmid Morris Burchette Al Cothran * J. David Woody Arthur Cournoyer Irby N. Hollans, Jr. * John H. Smith * James Chandler James W. Taylor Tony Christiana * Esther Bunch * Patricia Woody
PRESIDENT P. Frye R. Cournoyer J. Gentry A. McDearmid M. Burchette A. Cothran D. Woody A. Cournoyer I. Hollans J. Smith J. Chandler J. Taylor T. Christiana P. Woody T. Christiana L. Longest K. Saunders N. Justice P. Huffman R. Pearce M. Kessler P. McDearmid M. Hatcher R. Good R. Riddle R. Cave G. Carter J. Kelley T. Penrose M. Isaacs M. Isaacs J. Crawford R. Holman P. Hansen J. Whitmore J. Schultz F. Powell J. Warters B. Piacesi J. Mitchell B. Hobbs C. Benton D. Graves K. Pugh P. Meinen A. Rumley B. Piacesi W. Garrett S. Younce S. Younce K. Hurley
LIFE MEMBERSHIPS 1976 1981 1986 1990 1990 1991 1991 1993 1994 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2013
1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Keezeltown Virginia Beach Newport News (Carrollton) Mt. Ranier, MD Danville Norton Lynchburg Raleigh, NC Waynesboro Waynesboro Richmond Catlett Salem Mechanicsville Stafford Norfolk Roanoke Newport News North Carolina North Carolina Richmond Richmond Covington Hanover Kill Devil Hills, NC Kill Devil Hills, NC Virginia Beach Virginia Beach Memphis, TN Richmond
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Tony Christiana Lewis H. Longest Kenneth H. Saunders, Jr. * Paul Huffman * Nancy Starkey Justice J. Randolph Pearce Mike Kessler * Polly McDearmid Michael Hatcher Robert W. Good Rodger D. Riddle Renny Cave * Gary D. Carter James Kelley T.T. Penrose, III Mollie Isaacs James Crawford Robert Holman Patricia Hansen Judith Whitmore Joseph Schultz Fred Powell John Warters Bill Piacesi James Mitchell * Bruce Hobbs Cathy Benton Doug Graves Kitty Pugh Pat Meinen Anthony Rumley Bill Piacesi William “Bill” Garrett Sharon Younce Sharon Younce Kevin Hurley
Virginia Professional Photographer
IN THE NEWS continued from page 29 year. A Motion was made and carried that the deadline for print fees will be moved to Feb 7th, the same date as the early convention discount registration date. A rate increase will apply thereafter. • A Motion was made and carried that for print cases that have not been registered on the website by Feb 15th, the print case fee would be $100. • Pat also talked about the advantages of the new program for the magazine and banquet slide show. Jeff Burton suggested going to a fee per print system verses a case fee. This might be an option to explore when we go to digital judging instead of our current print-based judging system. Wolfgang Jasper presented to the Board that new competition lights are needed due to the fact that ours are in poor condition. A new kit would cost $800 at B&H. A Motion was made. Discussion followed on whether or not an entire kit was needed as opposed to just getting the new pieces needed. Anthony offered to bring his personal lights to use in the mean time. Renny thought to ask Randy Pierce if he had any for us to purchase. Pat amended her motion to put the purchase on hold and to purchase a new set only if all other options failed. Motion passed. • A Motion was made and carried that Patti Goode’s $500 scholarship to be given in memory of Robert Good. An automatic entry will be made into this scholarship pool for each member who enters print competition and whose prints score 79 or below. The name will be drawn randomly at the Awards Banquet. Magazine - as presented by Kitty Pugh • The magazine is at the printers and the typesetting almost done. Jim Carpenter’s image is on the cover and they are in. Kitty is working with Dominion Printers to see if we can get a cheaper price on the covers since MWM Dexter is not willing to give us a break on the cost of the covers even though we now only need 300 as opposed to 500. The magazine should be going to print very soon. Website - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee advised that Photo Biz has proven to be a great choice as our new web site provider. David Lee has built the new registration page and it can be customized immediately. Guests and non-members can register and receive notification immediately. A thank you note and PayPal receipt is emailed to the registrant. David Lee advised that PhotoBiz is more cooperative in making changes than the previous web company. After PPA Imaging, David Lee be going to their office to complete the finishing touches to the website, making it as member friendly as possible. There will be a downloadable convention schedule on the site. David Lee has also set up an Instagram account for the association, naming it Virginia PPA. David Lee will go to Jim Carpenter’s studio to tape his President’s Message to be put on the website. Discussion was made about wanting some members to make short video lessons that would be a member exclusive. The length would be about 5 minutes each. A VPPA Facebook print competition page was also created. Tracy wanted to know when she would get the registration information for the badges. David Lee was thanked for the time he has put into the website. Membership - as presented by David Lee Michaels • David Lee advised that he sent an e-mail to the Membership Committee, which is made up of Jim Sanders, Chris Taylor, Lori Nordstrom and Sharon Davidson, to see if they were interested in remaining on the committee and he received back confirmation that they are. The Monte Zucker Education Series registration officials offered VPPA a trade show booth at their tour in May. David Lee will man the booth. Renny asked if the membership committee could have someone to help new members and make sure they are not ignored. Library Report • The Board was advised that Eric Green has resigned as Librarian. Tidewater District member Tamara Beales has agreed to step into the position. There is no job definition for the Librarian position; therefore, Renny is writing one to be included in the manual. A Motion was made and carried to to appoint Tamara Beales as the new librarian. As a way to thank Eric for his hard work and dedication to the Association, a Motion was made and carried to waive Eric’s 2014 dues to the Association. Old Business None New Business • Anthony Rumley presented information to the Board suggesting a new membership category: Enthusiast. This would be a non-professional category and the cost would be $100 per year. A Motion was made and carried to approve same. PPA Report • Imaging is January 12th – 14th, in Phoenix, Arizona. It was advised that Mary Fisk Taylor is running for a Board position from the floor. Councilors stated there would be more to report after Imaging. SEPPA Report - as presented by Robert Holman • Robert stated that SEPPA’s affiliated judging event would be March 30th and that it would be back in Atlanta, Georgia. Robert advised that for some reason, printed images being submitted for judging are scoring higher than the digital images. Future Board Meetings • The next VPPA Board meeting is scheduled to be held in conjunction with our Annual Convention in Richmond on Friday evening, February 21st, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. at the convention • A Motion was made and carried to adjourned.
Winter/Convention Edition
Convention Chair’s Message . . . continued from page 9 Collier’s light! Randy will be giving a live demo to teach us to “Light it Right.” After that, come learn the secrets of the trade from Drake and Richard Busath as they teach us to photograph beautiful “Family and Children’s Portraits”. We end the night with the Banquet - come celebrate with us all and those who make these adventures possible. The epic battle will end on Tuesday when Ralph Romaguera, PPA President, shares some “A-RomaTherapy”, teaching us how to separate ourselves from the pack and give ourselves the creative edge in photographing Seniors. Don’t forget you have to be present to win the Grand Door Prize. You don’t want to miss this. The world will never be the same after the Photographers Assemble this February. Excelsior!
The Business Corner . . . continued from page 28 R – make sure it’s reasonable and can be done in the timeframe you allowed. T – time sensitive (when do you expect to complete this task?) Step 4: Divide activities quarterly It’s time to break out your calendar and determine what projects and marketing campaigns you would like to complete this year based on each quarter. Each year is divided into 4 quarters – January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December. Don’t forget that you also need to plan your marketing activities for each month. You don’t want to overload your time. Keep that in mind when developing your plan. A good marketing campaign takes a tremendous amount of time and effort in order to be successful. Check with your lab and see if they have a promotional marketing calendar that you can have when planning out your campaigns. Many times you will be able to either offer your client’s a deeper discount or reap the savings for yourself and your bottom line. Step 5: Write it out & stick with it. I know from working with photographers that sticking to this plan can be difficult. Many of us jump toward the “shiny object” and if you are not careful, this can derail your plan. Practicing the pursuit of “the next cool thing” can easily pull us off task, which can lead us into a different direction. I’m not saying don’t take on new opportunities through the year. If it fits with your business plan, if it leads you in the direction you want your business to go, and if it lends to the feel you want your business to have, by all means adjust your plan accordingly. Don’t try to be superman or superwoman. You can’t do everything at once. You’d never get anything done if you tried. Slow and steady will get you there as long as you are focused and directional. That’s the point of having a yearly business plan for your photography business. Let it be your compass for 2014! Doug Mattice is the owner of Onward to Excellence Coaching, specializing in business and leadership development and peak performance. As a coach, he helps photographers increase their income and productivity by partnering with them so they learn HOW to grow their business without going broke or crazy in the process. Doug begins by looking at the overall business model to determine the most lucrative offerings and strategies available that will take the business to the next level. Then, he works directly with the studio owner to clarify what they need to do each day, week and month to create a highly profitable business and amazing lifestyle. He has a variety of coaching programs that combines business, marketing and money strategies that teach photographers the essential foundations they need to create a six-figure business and beyond. To learn more about his services, visit his website: www.o2ecoaching.com
Treasurer’s Report 31 October 2013 General Fund Cash: Checking Accounts 5,834.82 CD’s: Investments Accounts Receivable Monthly payments 18.80 Deposits 1,000.00 Fixed Assets 21,706.00 Accumulated Depreciation (16,593.00) TOTAL ASSETS
Investment Scholarship Fund Funds Totals 3,448.65 28,182.25 27,169.23
9,283.47 28,182.25 27,169.23 18.80 1,000.00 21,706.00 (16,593.00)
27,169.23 31,630.90
Deferred Dues Income 2,325.00 Fund Balances, Beginning 13,365.33 Net Change in Fund Balance (3,724.21)
22,961.75 4,207.48
33,166.47 (1,535.57)
2,325.00 69,494.052 (1,052.30)
27,169.23 31,630.90
MARK YOUR CALENDARS Feb. 21 – 25, 2014 - VPPA Annual Convention to be held in Richmond, Virginia, at the Sheraton Richmond Park South Hotel, in Richmond. For more information, contact Stephanie Adams by telephone at: (804) 477-6617 or by e-mail at Stephanie@stephaniesportraitdesign.com May 4th- 9th, 2014 – MARS – Mid-Atantic Regional School Location: Cape May, New Jersey. Speakers: Darton Drake – Advanced Portraiture; Hanson Fong – The Joy of Wedding Photography; Lou Freeman – Fashion/Glamour/Boudoir; Richard Sturdevant – Digital Composition; Chuck Arlund – Go Beyond the Senior Trend and Martin Tremarco & John Pacetti – A Comfortable Beginning. For More Information go to: www.marsschool.com or call: 1-888-267-6277 Sept. 13-15, 2014 - VPPA Summer Seminar to be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Portsmouth. Speakers are still to be determined. For more information contact your local Governor. Feb. 20-14, 2015 - VPPA Annual Convention to be held in Richmond, Virginia, at the Sheraton Richmond Park South Hotel, in Richmond. The Convention will have an Egyptian theme. For more information, contact Tracy McGee by telephone at: (757) 382-9537 or by e-mail at: tracy@kaiserphoto.com For more information regarding District Programs, contact the following individuals: Blue Ridge District Governor: Sharon Davidson at (540) 314-5600 Capital District Governor: Robert Harris at (804) 276-1200 Northern District Governor: Elizabeth Baily at (540) 429-3686 Tidewater District Governor: Keith Forrest at (757) 464-68006
COVER NOTE “Welcome Home”
Virginia Professional Photographers Association Statement of Cash Reciepts and Disbursements Year Ended October 31, 2013 Income Convention Donations Investment Income Membership Dues Other Income Raffle Income Summer Seminar
27,844.00 4,207.48
550.00 129.43
38,592.33 2,076.73 2,586.00 1,897.00
Expense Convention General and Administrative Depreciation District Rebates Memorials PPA and SEPA Dues Summer Seminar VPPA Directory VPPA Magazine Scholarships
32,282.34 21,076.23 2,133.00 1,848.50 250.00 3,170.00 5,098.13 850.74 7,425.33
Net Change in Fund balance
27,844.00 550.00 4,336.91 38,592.33 2,076.73 2,586.00 1,897.00
32,282.34 21,076.23 2,133.00 1,848.50 250.00 3,170.00 5,098.13 850.74 7,425.33 4,801.00
by Jim Carpenter, M. Photog. Cr., CPP, FP The image shown on the front cover of our magazine is entitled “Welcome Home.” It is dedicated to the memory of my mother-in-law, Mary Beverley. She is pictured with her great-grandson at the Amtrak train station in Charlottesville, Virginia. Mrs. Beverley passed away on November 4, 2008. She was one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Throughout the years, scenes depicting her life were entered in competition and, by winning awards, were able to grace the front cover of several VPPA magazines in addition to appearing in three PPA Loan Collection Books. This particular image was taken several years prior to her death, but was never entered in competition. Our 2014 convention marks the five-year anniversary of her passing, and I could think of no better way to honor her posthumously than to allow her to once again grace the magazine cover. I hope you appreciate the sentiment in this photo as much I appreciate the opportunity to share it with you. (This photo was taken from the top of a bridge using a Fuji S5 camera and a 70200 Nikkor lens.)
Editor’s Corner . . . continued from page 31
Respectfully submitted by Don Aittama Treasury Assistant for Polly Frye, Exective Treasurer
very important part of Bruce’s life. Bruce passed away in June, 201l; but his philosophy was to always help others in their pursuit of this profession. This is a $500.00 Scholarship and is awarded at the end of the Convention. • Robert Good Scholarship – This is a $500.00 scholarship established by Robert’s wife, Patti Good, to be given in memory of Robert. An automatic entry will be made into this scholarship pool for each member who enters print competition and whose prints score 79 or below. The name will be drawn randomly at the Awards Banquet. The VPPA Board is constantly striving to continue the same quality of programs and events as we have always had in past years. Constantly increasing hotel expenses, speaker fees and reductions in sponsorship monies and membership have continued to make the task an on-going challenge. A great deal of care and thought goes into arranging things in order to make sure you, our membership, still have access to a lot of great quality programming, fun events and networking opportunities. Your support by attending the convention is what’s needed. It’s important for us to book a certain number of rooms (referred to as a room block) in order to get ‘discounted’ rates on our function/speaker rooms. So, make this the year you attend. There IS something for everyone. No Excuses! Come spend some time with your friends and fellow photography associates. Thousands of dollars in door prizes, auction items and big discounts will be given away. If you’re not already a ‘Super Hero’, come learn how to be one. Don’t forget about that Grand Door Prize – remember, you MUST be present to win.
Virginia Professional Photographer
DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS Dominion Printers, Inc. (Ad page 31) Contact: Steve Pahno 2927 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757/340-1300 E-Mail: steve@dominionprinters.com www:dominionprinters.com
Richmond Camera Shop, Inc., (Flier Insert) Contact: Sherry Sexton or Blake Bullard 213 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23220 800/262-0515 E-Mail: proinfo@richmondcamera.com www.richmondcamera.com
Photobiz, LLC (Ad page 30) Contact: Jen Roeder 516 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC 27401 886/463-7620 www.photobiz.com
Miller’s Professional Imaging (Ad inside front cover) Contact: Dick Coleman 610 E. Jefferson Pittsburgh, KS 66762 800/835-0603
Advertising Info Publisher’s Statement Virginia Professional Photographer is the official publication of the Virginia Professional Photographers’ Association, Inc. and is published 3 times year: Spring/Summer, Fall and Winter. Permission to reprint articles or information in this magazine is granted to similar publications provided the author and the Virginia Professional Photographer are acknowledged. Persons wishing to submit articles, with or without photographs, for publication in the magazine are welcome to do so. All articles will be reviewed for content and printed on a space available basis. The editor reserves the right to decline and/or edit all articles. All articles/correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Articles appearing in the Virginia Professional Photographer reflect the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor or the VPPA.
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: Any and all Changes or Corrections to your mailing address, your e-mail address or other membership information can now be made by you (the VPPA member) directly to your listing on the VPPA Website by logging on to the VPPA website at: www.vppa.org. For More Information or Assistance Contact: Renny Cave, Executive Secretary 9909 Chancellor Place Bon Air, VA 23235-2711 E-Mail rbcave319@gmail.com 804-272-0119 For information about or questions concerning the VPPA Website, Facebook page, Twitter or other VPPA media sites, please contact: David Lee Michaels, VPPA Web and Social Media Manager By E-mail: davidleemichaelsphotography@cox.net By Telephone: (540) 342-9129 905 Winona Avenue Roanoke, VA 23015 Magazine Questions/Comments/Articles should be directed to: Kitty L. Pugh, Magazine Editor 1917 Laskin Road, Suite 111 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 E-Mail: holmans@visi.net Telephone: (757) 491-9111
Winter/Convention Edition
2014 Summer Seminar Sept. 13th - Sept. 15th Renaissance Hotel Portsmouth Speaker Information Still to come Contact Your District Governor for More Information
“How to Contact PPA” By Web Site: www.ppa-world.org By Telephone: 404/522-8600 • 800/786-6277 By Fax: 404/614-6400 By Mail: 229 Peachtree St. N.E. Ste. 2200 International Tower, Atlanta, GA 30303-6400