Women In Leadership Workshop
Guest Speaker Dr Penny Haughan Dean of Students
Email: HAUGHAP@hope.ac.uk
Sabbatical Elections What’s going wrong with women’s representation
Female students (56.6%) outnumber male students (43.4%) despite a steady increase in male students over the last 4 years
Student Movement Nationally
70 60 50 40 Candidate Elected
30 20 10 0 Male
Prefer Not To say
Perhaps unsurprisingly, those elected were 43.2% female and 56.8% male
Although this suggests that female students are actually more likely to be elected than male, it shows that not only are male students standing in elections more often, they are also elected to make up the majority of the elected officers and particularly disproportionately the role of president. Anecdotal evidence from attendances at conferences and the NUS ODP programme also suggest that the only role (other than women’s officer) which women are consistently more likely to hold is welfare.
Despite some unions having relatively good gender balances on their sabbatical teams: • The Presidents are almost exclusively male • Often the ‘balance’ is not a recurring event and is largely not as a result of targeted efforts
Of elected officers, 45.7% identified as women
In unions with Presidents, 38% identified as women and 56% identified as men
Female students (56.4%) (HE and FE) outnumber male (43.6%)
5pm, 7pm and 8pm…
levels of participation
watch the clocks‌
levels of participation: students Gender Women Men
HESA data, 2012
levels of participation: volunteers Gender Women Men
Participation data, 2012
levels of participation: volunteers Gender Women Men
Course Rep
Participation data, 2012
levels of participation: volunteers Gender Women Men
Participation data, 2012
levels of participation: volunteers Gender Women Men
Clubs and Societies
Participation data, 2012
levels of participation: volunteers Gender Women Men
Participation data, 2012
levels of participation: elected
Gender Women Men
NUS delegate
NUS Equality Monitoring, 2012
levels of participation: elected Gender Women Men
Executive Committee
NUS Officer Diversity Survey, 2012
levels of participation: elected
Gender Women Men
Sabbatical Officers
NUS Officer Diversity Survey, 2012
levels of participation: elected Gender Women Men
Trustee Board
NUS Officer Diversity Survey, 2012
levels of participation: elected Gender Women Men
NUS Officer Diversity Survey, 2012
Now let’s see about our Students’ Union …..
Liverpool Hope University Gender Ratio
Women Male
Liverpool Hope University has; 75% Women 25% Men
Course Reps
Women Male
Over all there are 185 Course Reps to date; 43 are Male 142 are Female
Women Male
Since 1982/3 there have been; 19 Male Presidents 12 Women Presidents
Vice Presidents
Women Male
Since 1982/3 there have been; 25 Male Vice Presidents 11 Women Vice Presidents
Student/Liberation Officers
Women Male
This year in the Students’ Union we have; 8 Male Student/Liberation Officers 9 Women Student/Liberation Officers
Presidents of Socities
Women Male
Overall there are; 20 Women Presidents 19 Male Presidents
Discussion Time Do you think men and women are represented equally in the media? Split into 2 groups and discuss for 5 minutes
Groups present their findings back
Miss Representation- key lessons “The more power women gain, the stronger the backlash against them�
Miss Representation- key lessons
“Women [in leadership] are twice as likely to be described emotionally as men�
Miss Representation- key lessons “As women have been challenging men’s power in business, in the professions, in education, in politics…the images of women that have been flooding our culture have literally been taking up less space. They are less threatening, they are highly sexualised, and therefore a certain kind of power has been taken away from them…I don’t think those things are coincidental…”
Miss Representation- key lessons
“People who employ other people, tend to
hire people who are a reflection of themselves�
Miss Representation- key lessons “97% of everything you know…comes from the male perspective. It doesn’t mean that it’s wrong, it just means that in a democracy where you talk about equality and full participation you’ve got more than half of the population not participating”
So, what is actually wrong with women’s representation?
Which came first?
What came first 1. Are women not leaders because they are portrayed negatively in the media? 2. Or are women portrayed negatively because they are not leaders?
The chicken and egg model In order for more women to be in leadership positions: barriers and cultures must change
The chicken and egg model In order for barriers and cultures to change: more women need to be in political power
Without women in representative and legislative positions: barriers will not be addressed, role models will not exist and cultural attitudes will not change
The chicken and egg model The other structures in our society (outside of politics) will not change until political life does Because: a) They are not legally required to, and b) There are not enough women leaders in positions of power to fight for it
The chicken and egg model Political life will not change in our lifetimes when we continue to do the same things we have always done
The student movement still remains at 45%, with only 38% of Presidents being women 56% of students are women
The chicken and egg model Political life will not change in our lifetimes when we continue to do the same things we have always done
In terms of equality of representation, the UK is 56th out of 119 countries (22.5% women) Below countries like: Rwanda, Sweden, Norway, Mozambique, Belgium, Argentina, Mexico, Tanzania, Uganda, Kosovo, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Iraq, Canada, China and Israel; almost all of whom have legislated quotas (QuotaProject.org)
The vicious chicken and egg circle Lack of women in leadership
Women do not participate in leadership
Everything stays the same
Organisations have a lack of experience in the barriers women face
Barriers are not addressed
Creating the virtuous circle So what do we do?
The virtuous circle More women participate in leadership
The culture of organisations change
There are more women role models
Barriers are addressed
Leadership becomes accessible
Gender Bias What is gender bias? Gender bias describes the attitude and behaviour towards women and men at work and in particular women as leaders.
Unconscious Gender Bias Activity. Man
Woman Peter Bob Alison Clare Gemma Jack Michelle Sally Hannah Fred James
We are surrounded by subtle cultural messages linking men with leadership and women with communal qualities.
Navigating Gender Bias
Is gender bias always obvious? Unconscious gender bias and obvious gender bias. Women leaders are targets of more negative displays of emotion, they are subject to greater scrutiny and are often accused of being too tough, uncaring, overly ambitious or ‘acting like a man’. Women leaders who are more relationship focused, inclusive, supportive and cooperative, in contrast are liked, however, tend not seen as competent leaders. What can women do to navigate gender bias? • • • •
Talking about inequality Consciously preventing inequality Supporting each-other Sponsorship http://www.twee-q.com/ Project Implicit - https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ https://www.mentoringscotland.org.uk/account/national-union-of-students/scheme/27
Raising Your Profile The First Step To Building Your Personal Brand
Tell me some brands?
So do people need a brand?
• When you interact with people they will build up an image of you • Your personal brand is all about who you are and what you want to be known for
• Develop your “brand mantra” – a quick simple memorable statement • • • •
“I am a creative connector of people & places” “…….holds onto authenticity, not fear” “A citizen of the world and a natural networker” “Through my intuition and genuine concern forand interest in – others, I build long-lasting, fruitful relationships” • Disney: fun, family entertainment
1. Determine Your Emotional Appeal • Think broadly about your personality and how it affects the experience someone will have with you. Are you great at putting people at ease? Do people love working with you for your sense of humour? • Make a list of words that best describe these features of your personality. These words are known as emotional modifiers. Hint: They can be as simple as Disney’s “fun.” Questions to Consider: • How do I make people feel? • How do people benefit by working with me? • What words do others use to describe me?
2. Determine Your Description • Come up with a descriptive modifier that brings clarity to the emotional modifier, identifying what or who your brand is for. • In Disney’s case, it’s “family.” Questions to Consider: • What field or industry am I in (or do I want to be in) e.g. student politics, education, welfare? • What are the words I would use to describe my work? • Who is my target audience?
3. Determine Your Function • Lastly, write down what exactly you do (or will do). • It might be something that directly relates to your career: writing, graphic design, or financial planning, for example. Or, it might be something more broad, like Disney’s “entertainment.” • Are you a leader, a creator, an advocate, a representative? Questions to Consider: • What do I have to offer people? • What do I do that makes me stand out from everyone else?
4. Put it All Together • Finally, look at your three lists of words, and see how you can combine them into a short sentence or phrase. • Your brand mantra should communicate clearly who you are, it should be simple and memorable, and it should feel inspiring to you. • You might be a “dependable, strategic planner” or “a creative professional connector.” • Or, your mantra might be something like, “motivating others to do their best.”
The Sabbatical role include;
President The President is the primary representative of the students and the lead political voice of the Union – they also oversee Clubs and Societies. The President implements policy from the Hope in the Union Forum.
Vice President Welfare and Community The Vice President Welfare & Community is the lead representative of the Union on welfare matters and is responsible for students’ relationship with the local community. The Vice President Welfare implements policy from the Hope in the Community Forum.
Vice President Education The Vice President Education is the lead representative of the Union on educational matters and primarily concerned with learning, teaching and influencing University policy. The Vice President Education implements policy from the Hope in the University Forum.
Tips on how to write a good manifesto •
Be concise and use clear language. Avoid long, complicated words – you won’t win awards for being clever and you might just alienate important voters.
Type it out – you may be able to read your own writing, but can anybody else? Please ensure you use an easy to read font, like Arial or Times New Roman; text should not be smaller than font size 12.
Set out your goals for your time in office and ensure they are realistic & achievable – officers are answerable to the student body who might decide to ask why you’ve not managed to rebuild the Union building.
Your manifesto is about you and not about your opponents. Avoid discrediting and disrespecting others as it is not professional and ultimately it could lead to a libel lawsuit!
Be relevant. There’s not much point telling everyone you like cute bunny rabbits when you’re standing for President. However, instances where you have shown leadership, tenacity, and tact would indicate to voters your suitability for the role.
Keep it to a maximum of one side of A4. They are the rules, and, after all, voters will want to read what you have to say and are likely to give up if you write the equivalent of ‘War and Peace’.
Be creative and inspiring. However, there are rules so make sure that you are not overstepping the mark.
How to run a successful campaign Stay positive and promote your message. Voters don't appreciate negative campaigning why even mention your opponents?
Use the three step process: Anger - Hope - Action. Create a sense of injustice about an issue, show that you can offer hope and a solution, THEN ask them to vote for you.
Tailor your message to each student. Ask what they study, are they in a club or society, what issues do they care about. Build a Campaign Team
Be Organised- Know where you will be around the 3 campus everyday and what times. Make yourself known- Tshirts, Posters, Leaflets and stickers. Use Social Media Come up with a catchy slogan
What you can get involved in; Women's Forum Reclaim the Night- Manchester- 27th February Liverpool - TBC SLTA Steering Committee Run for a Sabbatical/Student Officer Start your own Society Be a Course Rep Run for NUS Delegate
Useful Links
http://www.nusconnect.org.uk/campaigns/womens/ https://www.facebook.com/events/439068732888265/?fref=ts (Reclaim the Night Event) http://ukfeminista.org.uk/ http://www.theguardian.com/education/mortarboard/2014/jan/29/u niversity-societies-gender https://www.facebook.com/hopewomensforum?fref=ts (Liverpool Hope Women’s Forum)
Ted Talks • Why we have too few Women Leaders http://www.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_wh y_we_have_too_few_women_leaders.html
Any questions?