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A year in the eyes of the Academy
Just 10 years ago, the idea of a world connected byimmersive technology seemed like a distant future.Today, it is becoming an increasing possibility. Withthe barrier to entry smaller than ever before, we areseeing more VR in the homes of consumers, the desksof businesses, and thewards of hospitals.
The Academy ofInternational Extended Reality was founded on the principle of connecting the pioneers driving this adoption together. We believe that the growth and development of our industry depends on those who continuously present a positive image of the immersive industries that resounds around the world. Hence, we published our code of conduct this year, focusing on our three core pillars: responsibility and accountability, quality and best practices & Integrity and honesty.
Those who align with our mission can join us on our ultimate goal; to identify, celebrate and exemplify the very best in immersive technology. We work to create a solution-orientated community of like-minded creatives, helping them reach new audiences, and maximising their growth through warm, 1 to 1 introductions to the people who matter most to them.
This feeds into our three pronged approach: people, projects & knowledge. People, is about tightening our community and ensuring that this feeds into our relationships with government bodies. Projects include securing a sustainable ecosystem for VR- from our industry advisory groups to our XRGeneration program getting young people into careers in tech. Lastly, knowledge is about creating an informed industry, be it through insights program, webinar series, or free industry resources.
Everyone from multinational corporations looking to stay on the bleeding edge with aVR deployment, to individuals trying to tell their story through VR, have a place in the Academy. Whatever you’re looking to achieve, AIXR has the initiatives or the community to help. If you think you could be a good fit for the Academy, get in touch to set up an interview.
For more information, please visit aixr.org.