DXC, Luxoft, Excelfore and asvin Whitepaper Whitepaper DXC, Luxoft, Exelfore & asvin
Track and trace
the automotive software supply ecosystem Providing regulatory-compliant DevOps process monitoring and software provenance documentation for automotive software along the entire software supply chain, from supplier via OTA update to the software-defined vehicle.
The software-defined vehicle will require full digital lifecycle management which needs to be cybersecure, trusted and regulatory compliant. asvin and Excelfore, two member companies of the eSync alliance, DXC and Luxoft have set up a joint initiative to address the automotive-specific challenges on Software Supply Chains Security and Software Update-Management-Systems (SUMS), and provide a best practice solution. To increase trust and integrity, this solution shifts the perspective from a ‘supply chain’ to a ‘supply ecosystem’, where software components and suppliers are interconnected and a single, small supplier entity from the bottom can have a huge impact on tier 1 suppliers and OEMs.
Introduction In the rapidly changing automotive industry, cars are
The challenges in the complex automotive
becoming software-enabled Internet of Things devices
software supply chains:
on wheels. Today’s cars contain electronic control units (ECUs) with 100 million lines of code. By 2030, the number
• Safety / Security risks on vehicle due to lack of
of code lines will triple to 300+ million, including software
transparency of software integrity in complex supply
components and libraries from multiple sources along
the automotive supply chain and software industry. This software-defined vehicle is a fundamental change to the
• Management of complexity and dependencies
car platform, but also to digital lifecycle management
of software processes from supplier to a specific
and the software supply chain. New processes like
vehicle setting
DevOps are introduced to increase software development cycles and manage continuous software deployment by
• Increased regulatory compliance demand on
over-the-air (OTA) updates. This increasing complexity
documentation of software settings and approval
and the associated dependencies on the software supply
chain are challenging for OEMs and suppliers. Beyond these structural challenges, the software supply chain
• Dynamic software deployment processes to
has become a valuable target for cyberattacks aimed at
secure / safety fulfillment of end-user demand for
inserting malicious software code or penetrating software
dynamic software updates
backdoors into OEM’s vehicles by exploiting vulnerabilities in supplier systems and processes. A vehicle’s security is
• Implementation of regulatory requirements
dependent on a secure software supply chain from over-
toward the secure software OTA deployments by
the-air updates toward OEMs’ DevOps and the secure
UNECE WP 29 / UN R156 and the implementation of
deployment and delivery of software from suppliers. A new
Cybersecurity Risk Management Systems required
approach is needed to handle these complex procedures
by UN R155 and the upcoming ISO/DIS 24089 (en)
and provide trust and integrity in the entire ecosystem of
standard for secure software update management
tiered supplier and OEM vehicle technologies.
(SUMS) for road vehicles
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OEMs gaining ownership of software IP and software supply ecosystems The shift toward software-defined vehicles, that will
When OEMs gain ultimate control over their vehicle
allow for quick updates of vehicle software to either bug
software development process, the business model of
fix, enhance, or add additional feature content, requires
tier 1 suppliers will shift to providing hardware-software
OEMs to have full control over the software ecosystem
combined solutions (but integrated differently to today),
in which software is developed and deployed.
hardware-only solutions and software-only solutions. This will also open opportunities for new entrants by
OEMs today have limited ownership of the software
lowering the entry barrier for software innovators. Each
intellectual property in electronic control unit(s) which
piece of new software that’s integrated must be taken
creates a reliance on tier 1 suppliers to update software
through a central CI/CD process, going through testing
based on change requests. These change requests may
and integration, then finally deployed into a central
take 9 months or longer from design time to testing. This
engagement model limits the number of contributors of software in an ECU to two or fewer (see diagram below).
Next generation E/E architectures are being developed
Moving forward, OEMs will need to take full control
with far more future-proof planning built in, which helps
of their software development ecosystem to properly
support scalable software architectures and further
align software design, development, testing and release
feature enablement post-sale of vehicle. OEMs are
based on their feature roadmap that will be much more
relying on this new model to enable additional revenue
aggressive than we see today. An additional driver for
streams and to differentiate themselves from their
this change is to support consolidation of the software
competitors. Software OTA updates are crucial and
from a distributed set of ECUs to a centralized computer.
critical to enabling this functionality, but will also
This challenge may only be achieved when there is
become mandated through legislation in the very near
knowledge of all software that is being consolidated.
future to ensure that software fixes deliverable to consumers quickly after any critical bug is discovered.
Collaboration model The landscape is changing for the automotive software supply chain
OEM SW Supply Ecosystem
OEM • System integration
Integration partner
Tier 1 supplier
Base stack supplier
• Development • Configuration • Integration
Tier 2 software supplier
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
• OEM.OS configuration • System integration • Software integration
Base stack supplier
Tier 1 supplier
Development partner • OEM.OS • Development
Tier 2 software supplier
• HW module • Software application
From software supply chain to software supply ecosystem for the software-defined vehicle The software-defined vehicle will require a full
multiple stops to the OEM. As a result, the information
digital lifecycle management which needs to be
related to such a software component is usually
cybersecure, trusted and regulatory compliant.
changed, transformed and wrapped multiple times to
asvin, DXC, Luxoft and Excelfore have set up a joint
be imported and exported at each stop. This results in
initiative to address the automotive specific challenges
incomplete meta-information on software stacks, broken
on software supply chains security and software
trust-chains and unknown integrity of software on
update management systems (SUMS) and provide a best
software stacks. This missing information and integrity
practice solution. To increase trust and integrity this
is an obstacle to implement a useful cybersecurity risk
solution is changing the perspective from a supply chain
management system required by UN R155 regulation
to a supply ecosystem, where software components and
on automotive cybersecurity, in alignment with UN R156
suppliers are interconnected and a single small supplier
regulation on automotive SUMS and new upcoming
entity from the bottom can have a huge impact toward
standards as ISO/DIS 24089 (en). Huge costs that
tier 1 suppliers and OEMs. In today’s traditional linear
arise due to manual procedures on cybersecurity risk
based process workflow, a software component and
mitigation in case of vulnerabilities in the software
its meta-information is routed from n-tier supplier via
supply chain shall be prevented.
UN Regulation No. 156 makes management and
ISO 24089 will define technical requirements related to
documentation of software updates mandatory
software updates and cybersecurity covering the vehicle
for vehicles. These requirements cover type approval
lifecycle. This standard will also define organizational
relevant systems and components, as well as safety and
and procedural requirements for the entire automotive
continuous operation related functions.
supply chain:
Vehicle software updates
Processes and continuous
Create shared awareness of
are secure and come from
improvements for software
safety and cybersecurity along
verified sources
updates are implemented
the entire automotive supply chain
Both regulatory frameworks are challenging for OEMs
procedures toward the OEM. No information shall be
and their entire supplier ecosystem. Software related
lost, manipulated or cut from the n-tier supplier toward
information, processing of software and the provenance
routing to the OEM. Only trusted parties in the supply
needed to be recorded to implement automated
chain should be permitted to process, aggregate and
procedures for a regulatory compliant SUMS. To achieve
create such information and the provenance of software
this, the software related information from supply chain
and related information needs to be logged to provide
stakeholders must be routed on trusted and reliable
forensic data.
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
From chain to ecosystem asvin is providing a novel approach to ensure trust
• Instant creation of software bill of materials (BoM)
and integrity for software-defined vehicle lifecycle
based on the information contributed by suppliers in
management. It enables OEMs and tier 1 suppliers
the ecosystem
to manage the increasing complexity on software supply and supplier dependencies, monitor risks, and
• Up-to-date information on changes of software
speed up the flow of trustful information related to
stacks directly reported by the supplier contributing
software from n-tier supplier toward OEM to a specific
the updates
vehicle. The asvin architecture gathers all software related information in a distributed ledger network,
• Linking of metadata of software building process
where suppliers can check in their software related
in the supplier ecosystem to improve quality of
meta-information by standard API services to the
management processes in the DevOps cycles for
network. Higher ranking entities like tier 1 suppliers
software-defined vehicles
and OEMs can instantly retrieve the software related meta-information from the ledger information instead
• Creating a chain of trust by providing fingerprints
of downstreaming the request for information in the
of software components in the ledger to avoid
supply chain and waiting for the upstream report from
DevOps process bypasses by integrity check points
their suppliers. asvin’s novel network ledger approach
in the software supply chain and vehicle lifecycle
will enable an instant mapping of software components
in use, their integrity and provenance — • Lower efforts for all stakeholders in the supply chain to provide trustful information toward OEMs to contribute to their needs on cybersecurity risk management on the vehicle type approval and lifecycle management
OEM vehicle is an individual software batch size 1 configuration
OEM over-the-air software update
1st tier supplier
2nd tier supplier
n tier supplier
Track software related action in asvin ledger
Vehicle software documentation and history via asvin dashboard
All stakeholders in the software supply ecosystem can commit their software related information for SBoM and software integrity to the decentralized asvin ledger network architecture.
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
Specific industry challenges, risks and their solution Challenge
Risk Loss of time / money by missing
Recall management full picture of software deployed on
Solution Time / Cost savings by asvin’s instant creation of software bills of material for vehicles to
optimize need of recalls or OTA patches
Loss of reputation / money by
Detect warranty violation by DIFF of software
missing forensic data of software
state on vehicle and expected state by OEM
changes on vehicles
setting created by the software bill of material information provided by the asvin’s ledger.
Loss of reputation / money by
Detect critical software components in the
Security / Safety
uncertain risks on complex software
supply chain, providing data for risk mitigation
risk mitigation
stacks and its vulnerabilities
(e.g., Log4J dependencies by direct scan of supplier’s contributions to the asvin ledger)
Loss of money / operational risk by
Transparency of software sourcing in supplier
uncertain dependencies on n tier
ecosystems, traceably of software from n-tier
software suppliers and licenses
supplier to vehicle by asvin’s advanced graph analytics on top of the information recorded in the ledger
Financial / operational risk by
Immutable software bill of material for each
regulatory violation due to n tier
vehicle (WP.29). Lower risk on type approval
software suppliers and software
compliance checks based on the trust
deployed on vehicles
and integrity technology of asvin’s ledger technology. R155 / R156, ISO/DIS 24089
Individual embedded systems in
eSync-compliant OTA software integrated in
Secure OTA to all
any vehicle cannot be specifically
vehicle E/E system;
embedded systems
controlled, analyzed, updated and
Cloud OTA campaign management system
managed from the cloud; unreliable
with automatic generation of log files to
bidirectional data access
support the ledger
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
Best practice setting to solve the challenges Software-defined vehicles running on million lines
The deployment / release process
of code require software and firmware updates
takes place on the Excelfore eSync OTA
to fix errors, change configurations, import new
functionality, and patch security vulnerabilities in order to avoid accidents and cyber-attacks or just to provide customers with new features. Non-connected cars receive updates at irregular
• Creation of the update package after uploading the CI/CD pipeline and validating the signature • Creation of a campaign
intervals during workshop visits. Connected cars can receive updates at any time via OTA updates — these can now be applied at any time. To secure and
• Deployment of the campaign to make updates available for devices
document this rapid update process, asvin, DXC, Luxoft and Excelfore developed the following process.
The deployment of the campaign is documented in the blockchain in order to record the release date of the update.
The process can be divided into development, deployment/release and installation of the update and all steps are documented in the asvin blockchain. In the last step, the update is installed on the devices. A custom update client must be developed for this using the Excelfore eSync Client SDK. The development process is automated through a CI/CD pipeline and consists of
• Load the update package from the eSync platform
three steps: • Install the update and, if necessary, rollback in case • Development of the update and final check-in of the
of failure
code in a version control system • Log the result in the blockchain • Quality assurance through automated testing where only a successful result continues the process • Signature of the update component and transfer to Excelfore eSync platform — the signature ensures that
This process:
updates are only imported from trusted sources • Is fast and efficient due to automation Test results and the signature of the update are logged in the blockchain.
• Is securely logged in a blockchain for audits • Provides feedback on update problems • Makes it possible to track which software is running on which car • Allows for software errors to be viewed in different versions in case of accidents
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CI/CD pipeline Generate software update Development
Log software version
Quality Assurance Log test result
Sign components Log signature
Upload software update
Decentalized Ledger (Blockchain)
eSync OTA Cloud Platform
Create update package
Create update campaign
Deploy update campaign Log deployment
Install software update
Edge device
Log result
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
DXC Technology DXC Technology is a Fortune 500 global IT services leader with more than 130,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We use the power of technology across the entire technology stack and our long-standing industry expertise to deliver mission critical IT services. DXC has great knowledge in the automotive and manufacturing industry and is a partner of several research projects within the ARENA2036. ARENA2036 stands for “Active Research Environment for the Next Generation of Automobiles” and is one of nine research campuses of the funding initiative “Research Campus – Public-Private Partnership for Innovations” in Germany. ARENA2036 is supported by the Federal
GBS: Global Business Services GIS: Global Infrastructure Services
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is run as a registered association with members from science
In its role as a system integrator DXC designed the
and industry. One of the ARENA2036 research projects
solution architecture of the use case and brought
DXC is involved in is the development of the FlexCAR1.
asvin and Excelfore together. Using its capabilities
FlexCAR is an open vehicle platform with open interfaces
in application development, DXC was also involved
for the updatable and upgradeable vehicle of the future.
in implementing the joint solution. The DevSecOps
DXC developed a prototype for the over-the-air update
principles were applied with suggested CI/CD pipeline
process with Excelfore and afterwards realized
to automate the rollout process for updates increasing
additional governance demands
speed of the entire process.
Assess and plan
Threat landscape, regulatory changes, change impact analysis, prioritized backlog, respond to new threats
(Security) test-driven design, app best practice (OWASP, etc.)
Transition and health check Configure and deploy, security settings, penetration test
Secure build, trusted repositories, secure open-source usage
Log collection, SIEM, analytics, event alerting, intrusion detection
Production Respond
Verify and test
Vulnerability scanning, trusted source (digital signed); functional, compliancy and security testing
Monitor and detect
Maintain and stabilize
Block attacks, turn off services, roll back
Assess against security baseline, return to baseline, return to stable state after attack/compromise
1 https://arena2036.de/en/flexcar 2 https://bit.ly/3MH9r3r
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
Luxoft, a DXC Technology Company Luxoft is the design, data and development arm of DXC
challenges. Our passion is building resilient businesses,
Technology, providing bespoke, end-to-end technology
while generating new business channels and revenue
solutions for mission critical systems, products and
streams, exceptional user experiences and modernized
services. We help create data-fueled organizations,
operations at scale.
solving complex operational, technological and strategic
Excelfore Excelfore delivers a full software solution to implement
eSync provides validation of the root of trust, a secure
an eSync OTA data pipeline.
link from the cloud to the vehicle, a secure link from the vehicle to the device, and verification of the integrity
The eSync software technology for secure and
of the payload to the root of trust before installation
bidirectional over-the-air data communication provides
to the device, all within a fault-tolerant environment.
an industry standard for deployed fleets of up to millions
eSync also provides flexible interfaces for consumer
of vehicles in the field for any OEM. The eSync pipeline
approvals and full logging of all steps in the OTA process.
provides the basic infrastructure for the OEM to install software over-the-air, independent of device technology
The pilot project has been supported by the eSync
or operating system.
SDK, which is available for purchase on the commercial marketplaces of the three largest public clouds, and is
eSync cloud control and updating distinguishes any
provided free-of-charge to members of the eSync alliance.
individual device of any individual vehicle, within a
eSync technology covers the OTA data pipeline of the pilot.
firewalled secure environment. The security requirements mandated by the UN-ECE are fully observed. The eSync APIs and message protocols are defined and listed in the specification published by the eSync alliance.
Firmware 2.1 running
Over-the-air distribution
Edge device
20.03.21 installed 20.01.21 OTA received 19.01.21 OTA scheduled
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
asvin The automotive software supply chain is
The ledger grows with the rules of consensus protocols.
characteristically convoluted because of its multi-tier
It determines the legitimacy of a transaction, secures the
OEM hierarchy. asvin facilitates a decentralized solution
network, reaches trust among contributors and most
powered by distributed ledger technology (DLT) to
importantly establishes agreement. Since the advent
secure automotive software supply chain. It incorporates
of blockchain, multiple consensus protocols have been
cryptographic algorithms, DLT, and web application tools
devised such as Proof of Work (PoW)8, Proof of Stake
to trace the track of software. Additionally, it helps to
(PoS), Proof of Authority (PoA). Each protocol has its own
establish software provenance, unbroken chain of trust
pros and cons. There is a tradeoff between transaction
and transparency. At each stage of the software supply
security and performance with consensus algorithm. In
chain the digital signature of the software is calculated
Network B, Istanbul Byzantine-fault-tolerant (IBFT) 2.09
and stored with other critical metadata on a distributed
is used for consensus mechanism. It makes a perfect
ledger. Consequently, this information can be utilized for
balance between security and performance of a
regulatory and compliance purposes.
blockchain transaction. It ensures safety and liveness in the blockchain network.
The distributed ledger technology is the heart of the solution. A DLT is inherently immutable because of the
Nowadays, software is built, tested and deployed using
way data is stored in ledger and how it evolves with
sophisticated DevOps pipeline. It combines a set of
time using consensus protocols. Therefore, data stored
automated processes and tools to develop quality
in a ledger provides a single source of truth (SSOT).
software in a collaborative fashion and publish them.
Nevertheless, the solution is DLT agnostic. It can be
The DevOps practices have resulted in concrete benefits.
combined with Blockchain , Tangle , Hashgraph or
It streamlines the integration and delivery processes
other DLT technology. For this project, asvin has utilized
for large development teams. Additionally, it allows
blockchain Network B provided by Alastria community.
you to deploy software to multiple environments.
It is built on Hyperledger Besu7 , which is an Ethereum
Consequently, it reduces the risks of failure and also
client written in Java. The network encompasses regular
makes it possible to react swiftly in a situation of
and validator nodes. It is a private permissioned network
unforeseen errors. The DevOps pipeline is quite flexible
based on Ethereum blockchain.
in terms of implementation. One can customize it based
on specific requirements. Typically, a DevOps pipeline consists of automated build, test, and deployment to test environment and a manual step to deploy to production environment.
Blockchain Satoshi Nakamoto, https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf The Tangle, Serguei Popov https://assets.ctfassets.net/r1dr6vzfxhev/2t4uxvsIqk0EUau6g2sw0g/45eae33637ca92f85dd9f4a3a218e1ec/iota1_4_3.pdf
4 5
Hedera: A Public Hashgraph Network & Governing Council, https://hedera.com/hh_whitepaper_v2.1-20200815.pdf
Hyperledger Besu, https://besu.hyperledger.org/en/stable/ Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform, https://ethereum.org/669c9e2e2027310b6b3cdce6e1c52962/ Ethereum_Whitepaper_-_Buterin_2014.pdf
IBFT 2.0: A Safe and Live Variation of the IBFT Blockchain Consensus Protocol for Eventually Synchronous Networks, https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.10194
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
Firmware 2.1 running CI/CD pipeline
QM / Auditing approval
Distribution platform
Over-the-air distribution
Edge device
20.03.21 installed 20.01.21 OTA received 19.01.21 OTA scheduled
01.12.20 clearance by Audit XYZ 10.11.20 deployment by UDB
Software supply chain trace on vehicle asvin view on track and trace software actions from CI/CD toward edge decvices
asvin decentralized ledger
The DevOps pipelines have become a norm in the
3. Deploy: The deploy stage uploads the software to
industry. Therefore, it is vital to secure each stage of
OTA software distribution platform. In our case, it was
the pipeline to deliver quality software and eventually
deployed to Excelfore esync system.
increase trust in the automobile software supply chain. We targeted two popular DevOps software namely,
4. Distribution: This stage deals with distributing
GitLab CI/CD10 and Atlassian Bitbucket11. Our pipeline
software to Electronic Component Units (ECUs) installed
included the following stages.
in a car. Once a campaign created on esync system, the edge device can download and install software
1. Build: This stage builds software based on the build
instructions. It is a completely automated stage. This is run for each commit made by developers using
At each stage in the DevOps pipeline, cryptographic
continuous integration practice.
algorithms are utilized to generate critical software metadata specific to the stage. Consequently, it is
2. Test: In this stage, the quality of the software is validated.
recorded on a distributed ledger. The figure below
It contains various tests carried out for code quality, code
depicts the metadata stored after the build stage.
analysis, secret detection, security analysis etc.
GitLab CICD pipeline, https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/
Atlassian Bitbucket pipeline, https://bitbucket.org/product/features/pipelines
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
As the pipeline progresses, the relevant data is produced and stored on the blockchain. An example of final JSON data is shown in the figure.
Key takeaways The software-defined vehicle will change the way that
the ENISA’s report titled Understanding the increase
software is created, deployed, and distributed to a
in Supply Chain Security Attacks14, have stressed the
vehicle. OEMs are seeking for secure methods to serve
need to protect the software supply chains. The solution
vehicles with instant, weekly, and monthly update cycles
proposed and demonstrated in the whitepaper addresses
based on the software levels and urgencies to apply
the issues raised by the regulatory bodies. The solution
patches. To achieve this the DevOps process must
ensures the integrity of software at each stage of the
be based on a high level of integrity for all software
software supply chain. It provides intuitive functionality
components served by suppliers. As well as this,
to verify that only intended software is run on edge
secure DevOps needs to be implemented into a vehicle
devices. The software integrity is the most important
lifecycle and cyber risk management system to fulfill
idea emerging from the exercise performed under the
the regulatory requirements of UNECE WP.29, R155,
whitepaper. Furthermore, it emphasizes transparency,
R156 and the ISO/DIS 24089. Over the course of 2021,
security and regularity compliance procedures for the
security attacks on software supply chains have been a
software supply chain. The use of distributed ledger
neoteric expanding threat to our digital ecosystem. They
technology makes all of these certain.
have targeted open-source software as well proprietary
asvin, DXC, Luxoft and Excelfore have successfully
software. The recent global regulations, in the US two
implemented an overall architecture to achieve these
executive orders by
12 13
the Biden administration, in
Germany the Information Technology Security Act 2.0, 12
goals. The principles and advantages have been shown and demonstrated on the FlexCAR platform for ARENA2036.
xecutive Order on America’s Supply Chains, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/02/24/executive-order-onE americas-supply-chains/ Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, Sec. 4. Enhancing Software Supply Chain Security, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefingroom/presidential-actions/2021/05/12/executive-order-on-improving-the-nations-cybersecurity/
ENISA report, Understanding the increase in Supply Chain Security Attacks https://www.enisa.europa.eu/news/enisa-news/understanding-the-increase-in-supply-chain-security-attacks
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
Acknowledgements The research for this paper was conducted in the course of the joint project ‘FlexCAR’ within the ARENA2036 research campus and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF (Förderkennzeichen: 02P18Q645). We want to thank all our academia and industry project partners for being part of the ‘FlexCAR’ project and for their support with this paper.
Track and trace the automotive software supply ecosystem | luxoft.com
About the authors DXC Technology:
Luxoft, a DXC Technology Company:
Jürgen Dettling
Suat Kusefoglu
Technical Strategy Consultant
Consulting Director
Moritz Glandien
Manish Singh Dhek
Business Innovation Automotive
System Architect
Moritz Kordt
Marek Jersak
Professional Application Designer
Vice President Advisory Automotive
Mirko Ross
Volker Haninger
CEO and Founder
Director of Sales, Europe
Rohit Bohara Chief Technology Officer
About Luxoft Luxoft is the design, data and development arm of DXC Technology, providing bespoke, end-to-end technology solutions for mission-critical systems, products and services. We help create data-fueled organizations, solving complex operational, technological and strategic challenges. Our passion is building resilient businesses, while generating new business channels and revenue streams, exceptional user experiences and modernized operations at scale.
luxoft.com © 2022 Luxoft, A DXC Technology Company. All rights reserved.