Eng mlad kl karlova

Page 1

CepuR «6e3 penemumopa»

E.Jl. Kapnoea

fl 4111TAIO ""'

nO-AHr.nllllllCKlll! Yl/e6HUK aHznuiJcKozo fl3bJKa dnfl Mnadwux Knaccoa. Kypc no l/meHUJO, nuCbMY u mpaHcKpunu,uu dnfl demeiJ 7-12 nem 6 cmuxax, c 3apucjJM068HHb/MU npaaunaMU l/meHUfl u ?JYdUOdUCKOM

MocKBa «Cyqmep» PocTOB-Ha-,Il;oHy <«l>eHHKC»


Y,IJ:K 373.167.1:811.111 BBK 81.2AurJI-92

KTK441 K23 KapJioBa E.JI.


51 lJYITAIO I10-AHfJil1HCKl1! : yt1e6ttHK attrn11il:cKoro 513hIKa JJJI51 MJia,LJ;ru11x KJTaccoB / E.JI, KapJioBa. M.: Cyqmep; PocToB tt/,11;: <l>ettHKC, 2014. - 134 c . : 11J1, + CD. - (oe3 perrennopa),


ISBN 978 -5-222-21541-8 (<l>ettHKC) ISBN 978-5-4452 -0119-9 (Cyqmep) He ceKpeT, qTQ B Harne BpeMJI, cne11yJ1 HOBOMO,!IHhlM TeH,lleHWIJIM B npeno11asamn1, 11eTdi B lIJKOJie He yt1aT qHTaTh, ,[\a H TpaHCKpHill\HH BHHMaHH.JI y11enJ1eTCJI oqeHh MaJIO. KaK cne,!ICTBHe, B llaJibHeiirneM OHH y)i(e He MOfYT HayqHTbCJI qHTaTh caMH, IlOTOMY qTo He 3HalOT rrpaBHJI qTeHI1JI H He yMelOT q11TaTh TpaHCKpl!Ill\HOHHhie 3HaqKH, JJ:aHHhlll Kypc IlOMO)l(eT lIJKOJibHl!KaM npeo11oneTh ::ny npo6JieMY,

B HeM Bbl HaH,!(eTe ynpa)l(HeHl!.JI, CTl!Xl!, pmpMOBKl!,

CKoporosopKH Ha see npas11na qTeHl!.JI H ynpa)l(HeHHJI Ha qTeHHe l! HaIIHCaHl!e TpaHCKpHIIl\l!OHHhlX 3HaqKQB, flpoii,!(JI ero, BalIJl! ,!(eTl! 6e3 Tpy,!la 6y11yT q11TaTh TeKCThl JII06oii CJIO)l(l;IOCTH H scema noiiMyT, KaK Ilp01!3HOCHTC.JI He3HaKOMOe C.lOBO, Hall,!IJI ero TpaHCKpl!IIl\HlO B cnosape, fnaBHaJI 3a11aqa 11aHHOrO noco6l!.JI -

06yt1HTh pe6eHKa qHTaTh, IlHCaTh, IlOHHMaTh TpaHCKpHill\HOHHhie 3HaqKlf,

ro aopl!Th, IlOHHMaTh aHrnHHCKYlO peqi. Ha cnyx H IIOJih30BaThCJI CJIOBapHbIM 3anacoM 113

600-800 CJIOB,

flpoi111eHHhlll Kypc ll36aBHT pe6eHKa OT IlCHXOJIOr11qecKoro 6api.epa, CTpaxa c11enaTh ourn6Ky, IIO,!(fOTOBHT K 3aH.JITJ I.Jl.1\1 B cTaprnHx Knaccax,

Y,IJ:K 373.167.1:811.111 BBK 81.2AurJI-92

Y'le6Hoe u3oaHue

Kapnoea EereHMfl .neoHM.QOBHa

~ 4"1TAIO nO-AHfJ1"1illCK"1! Y4e6HUK aHanuucKoao R3btKa onR Mnaowux Knaccoa. Kypc no 1.JmeHUJO, nucbMY u mpaHcKpunu,uu onR oemeiJ 7-12 nem a cmuxax, c 3apucjJMoaaHHbtMU npaaunaMu 1.JmeHUR u ayouooucKoM pe,D,aKTop M noaopenoaa pe,D,aKrnp IO . .aaabtOoaa 13 "i:4!;tX::;:ci'--''ri1- pe,D,aKTop r: floaauHoaa ~·.. ~-..-.uHK A CapKucoa -<a: M Kypy3bflH

~;::JE:::;::-;:c- -



000 «¢eHli1KC» 344082, r. Pocrns-Ha-,QoHy, nep.Xanryp1i1HcK1i1ilt,80 TenJtjJaKc: (863) 261-89-50, 261-89-59 Cai/tr 1113,[J,arenbcrsa: www.phoenixrostov.ru V1HrepHeT-Maraa1i1H: www.phoenixbooks.ru 000 AreHrcrso «Cycpnep»

cernas:i . . 3aKaa NQ 489.

119049, r, MOCKBa, 1-ilt ,Qo6pb1H1i1HcK1i1il! nepeynoK, ,LJ,. 15/7

© © ©

'--i=-==-=·..r-. 3 3AO





2013 A. , 11J1J1IOCTpau;1m, 2013

Ocj)opMnettHe: 000 «<l>em1Kc», CapKHCOB

«KHi.ffa» . 344019, r. Pocrns-Ha-,QoHy, yn. CosercKaH, 57.

OT aBTopa He ceKpeT, qTo B Harne BpeM51, cne;::i:y» HOBOMOLJ:HbIM TeH;::i:eHQIDIM B rrperro;::i:aBamu1, ;::i:eTeii B IIIKOJie B006IQe He yqaT qHTaTb. Ilpe;::i:rronaraeTC», qTo OHH KaK-TO HayqaTC» 3TOMY caMH B rrponecce o6yqeHH». Pe3yJibTaTbI BrreqaTJI»JOT! Mb1 HaKoHeQ-TO ;::i:orHaJIH H rreperHaJIH AMepHKy! Terrepb H HarnH ;::i:eTH 0KaHq1ma10T rnKony, He YMe» qHTaTb rro-aHrnHHCKH. A TaK KaK OHH He H3yqaJOT H TpaHCKpHIIQHJO, B LJ:aJibHeiirneM OHR y)Ke He MOryT HayqRTbC» qHTaTb caMH, IIOTOMY qTo OHR He 3HaJOT rrpaBHJI qTeHR» H He YMeJOT qHTaTb TpaHcKpHIIQROHHbie 3HaqKR . .Il:aHHbIH Kypc IIOMO)KeT IIIKOJibHRKaM rrpeo;::i:oJieTb 3TY rrpo6JieMY.

B HeM Bbl Haii;::i:eTe yrrpa)K-

HeHIDI, CTHXR, pmpMOBKR, CKoporoBOpKR Ha Bee rrpaBHJia qTeHIDI H yrrpa)I(HeHIDI Ha qTeHRe H HaIIRCaHHe

TpaHCKpHIIQROHHbIX 3HaqKOB. Ilpoii;::i:» ero, BaIIIH ;::i:eTH 6e3 Tpy;::i:a 6y;::i:yT qRTaTb

TeKCTbl JIJ06o.H CJIO)KHOCTH R BCer)l;a IIOHMyT, KaK rrpOR3HOCHTC» He3HaKOMOe CJIOBO, HaH)l;» ero TpaHCKpRIIQRIO B CJIOBape. KpoMe Toro, )l;aHHblH Kypc pa30BbeT y pe6eHKa crroco6HOCTb BOCIIpH»TR» aHrJIHHCKOH peqR Ha cnyx H 6a30Bbie pa3roBOpHbie HaBblKH. rnaBHa» 3a;::i:aqa ;::i:aHHOro rroco6IDI -

o6yqRTb pe6eHKa qRTaTb, IIRCaTb, IIOHRMaTb TpaHc-


600-800 CJIOB.

Ilpoii)l;eHHbIH eypc H36aBHT pe6eHKa OT IICRXOJIOrRqecKoro 6apbepa, CTpaxa c;::i:eJiaTb OIIIR6ey, IIO)l;I'OTOBHT K 3aH»TR»M B CTapIIIHX KJiaccax. CJIOBapb yqe6HRKa BKJIJOqaeT CJIOBa «6JIH)I(Hero Kpyra», KOTOpble pe6eHOK RCIIOJib3yeT B POLJ:HOM »3b1Ke LJ:JI» o6IQeHIDI, a TaK)Ke «KHH)I(Hble CJIOBa»; BBOLJ:HT B MHp repoeB aHrJIHHCKOro <l.>oJibKJIOpa, IIO)l;roTaBJIHBa» pe6eHKa K qTeHHIO aHrJIRHCKRX CKa30K H rrpOCMOTpy MYJibT<l>HJibMOB H <l>HJibMOB Ha aHrJIRHCKOM; »3b1Ke. CTaBbTe ay;::i:HOLJ:HCK, rrpRnaraeMbIH K Kypcy, HOBoii MYJblKH. 3aHHMaiiTeCb c pe6eHKOM ITO

Ha rronqaca yTpoM H BeqepoM B pe)KHMe <Po-


MHHyT B ;::i:eHb, HrpaiiTe, yqHTe CTHXH,

;::i:enaiiTe yrrpa)lrneHIDI, R Bbl rronyqRTe YLJ:HBHTeJibHbie pe3yJibTaTbI. Ha H3yqeHHe Ka)KLJ:Oro ypoKa y Bae yiiLJ:eT OT

1 .rtH» ;::i:o He;::i:enR.

IlpeKpaCHble pe3yJibTaTbl )l;a)l;yT 3aH»TIDI c KBaJIR<l.>HQRpOBaHHblM rrperro)l;aBaTeJieM HH)l;HBHLJ:yaJibHO RJIH B rpyrrrre . EcJIR Bbl HeMHoro 3HaeTe aHrJIRHCKHH »3bIK, TO MO)KeTe caMR 3aHRMaTbC» co CBORM pe6eHKOM.

Yqn aurnniicKHH KaK po.uuoii HJhIK! IlpocJiymaii, IIOBTOpH, roBOpH!


Ynpow;euuaH Ta6Jiuu;a aurJiuii:cKoii: TpancKpunu;uu B COOTHOilleHHH c pyccKHM npou1uomeuueM rJiaCHhie 3BYKH

CornacHbie 3BYKH

AttaJiornqttoe pycc1me nponJHomettne







r,1 rm1

MJITKHH f)I(l MJITKHH f)1,)1(l

fAl fa:l fil fi: l






r;-,: l










fnl fPl fsl ftl fvl fzl rn

fH] -Jnl fcl (T] fsl f31 fIIIl fTrn/q1 3ByK [p ], npOH3HOCHMblll C IlpHilO)J,HRTblM KOHqllKOM H3bIKa


rtn [r]

AttaJiornqttoe pyccKoe nponJttomettne

Oouuo11ub1e ZJlQCHble

KPaTKllll [a] rnv6oKHH:f a1 KPaTKllll fHl )J,OJirllll [II] KpaTKllll [0], npe)J.CTaBJUieT co6oH: HeqTO cpe)J.Hee Me)l()J,V f0l H fa l rny6oKHH [0] IlOXO)I( Ha KpaTKllll [y], npOH3HOCHMblll 6e3 HanpH)l(emrn )J.OJirHH (y] KaK [e] B CJIOBe «ITJie)J,» (6e3 fH:l)

feil fedl fidl

fayl foyl [aH:] roH:l f3H:l f331 fHel



faul fdul fail



[8] [oJ

Me)l(Jy6Hhiii rnyxoii, noxo)I( Ha cpe)J,Hee Me)l()J,V fCl H fcb l. Me)l(Jy6HbIH 3BOHKHH, noxo)I( Ha Cpe)J,Hee Me)l(lIV f3l H fBl.


Hocosoii 3ByK [n].


3ByK, IlOXO)l(llll Ha cpe)J,Hee Me)l()J,V fVl H fBl.

[re] [d]



rny60KHH OTKpbITbIH [3] C IlPll3BVKOM fa l HeH:TpaJibHhiii rnacHbIH 3BVK, KaK e B CJIOBe CBHTep 3TOT 3BYK IlpOH3HOCHTCH KaK [e] B CJIOBe "Me))," (6e3 npH3BYKa fH:l).

Bb1 )')Ke 3HaeTe MHO)J(eCTBO aHrnHHCKHX cnos! MHor11e aHrnHttCKHe cnosa oqeHb ITOXO)J(H Ha pyccKHe H 3ByqaT IToqT11 TaK )Ke.

1. llpottmume u cpaeHume. 2. HaITmIIHTe cnosa Ha KapToqKax.

IlycTb pe6eHOK .nora.naeTc», qTo 3Haq11T Ka)J(_noe cnoso.

Ecllu ecmb HeCKOllbKO yttacmHuKoe, MO:JICHO nouzpamb. llo6eoume.nb nollyttaem KapmottKy.

Cafe ['krefei]

Restaurant [' restdr:Jnt]

Bank [brenk]

Tiger ['taigd]





Machine [ma' Ji:n]

Supermarket [' sju:pd ,ma:kit]

Bar [ba:]

Hippopotamus [,hipd' p:JtdffidS]





Coffee ['k:Jfi]

Cat [kret]

Wolf [wult]

Pilot ['paifat]





Sister [' sistd]

Water [w:J:td]

Nose [Il:JUZ]

Zebra ['zi:brn]





Television [' telivi3n]

Radio [' reididu]

Secret [' si:krit]

Pony ['pouni]





University [' ju:ni' vd:siti]

Cosmos ['k:Jz:mds]

Telephone ['telifaun]

Internet ['intdnet]





Army [' a:mi]

Computer [' kdm' pju:td]

Sport [sp:J:t]

Giraffe ['<ti' ra:t]





Politics [' p:Jlitiks]

Chocolate ['1f:Jkfat]

Alcohol [' relkdh:Jl]

Crab [krreb]





Police [pd'li:s]

Stop [st:Jp]



,[(oporoH: q11TaTeJib, Bbl Haq11HaeTe 3aHHMaTbC}I c pe6eHKOM ITO ITOC06HIO, C03)1;aHHOMY Ha OCHOBe HHTeHCHBHOro MeTO)J;a


KapJIOBOH H HarrpaBJieHHOMY Ha o6yqeHHe q TeHHIO, 113yqe-

HHe TpaHcKpHITllHH, pa3BHTHe ycTHOH peq11 H cnyxosoro BOCITpH»Tlf}I. CTporo co6JIIO)J;attTe peKOMeH)J;allHH ITO pa6oTe c yqe6HHKOM, H pe3yJibTaTbl ITpeB30H)J;YT BaIIIH O)J(H)J;aHH». Kypc paccq11TaH Ha MJia)J;IIIHX IIIKOJibHHKOB, a TaK)J(e yqeHHKOB cpe)J;HeH: IIIKOJibl, HCITblTblsa1011111x TPY.ZJ;HOCTH c qTeHHeM aHrnHHCKHX TeKCTOB. OH ITO)J;Ott)J;eT H B3pOCJihlM, ITblTaIOIIIHMC» HayqHTbC}I qJITaTb caMOCTO»TeJibHO .

1/2 1. 3a K. 489


KaK pa6oTaTh c yqe6uuKoM


)J,aHHblH Kypc HanpasneH, ITpe)l(,n;e scero, Ha pa:mnn1e HaBblKOB qTe: Hllj{, H3yqeHHe TpaHCKpHITQHH, a TaK)l(e pa3BHTHe HaBblKOB ycTHOH

peqn H ITOHHMllHllj{ aHrnHHCKOro j{3b1Ka Ha cnyx. Il03TOMy, ITpe)l(,ll;e qeM HaqnHaTb pa6ory ITO yqe6HHKy, cne,n;yeT ITapy ,n;Heii ITpocTo craBHTb ,ll;HCK c MaTepnanoM ITepsoro ypoKa KaK HerpOMKYIO <PoHOBYIO MY3b1Ky, H~ ,n;aBaj{ HHKaKHX ITOj{CHeHHH, TaK qTo, Kor,n;a Bbl y)l(e ITpHCTyITHTe K 3aHj{Tlfj{M, MaTepHan ITOKa)l(eTCj{ pe6eHey 3HaKOMblM.

2 3

IloMHHTe, qTo Ka)l(,n;oe 3a,n;aHne cHaqana qlfTaeTCji ITpeITo,n;asaTeneM (ttnn cnyrnaeTCj{ ,n;HcK). Ka)l(,n;Oe 3a,n;aHHe ITOBTOpj{eTCj{ eme pa3 c nepeBo,n;oM, a 3aTeM nporoBapttsaeTCj{ no CTpoqKe BMeCTe c ,n;eTbMH (ITepBblM npoH3HOCHT

<l>pa3y ITpeITo,naBaTenb, a ,n;eTH 3a HMM ITOBTOpj{IOT).



3HaqoK TpaHcKpHnQHH.

5 6 7

3aTeM cn~.n:feT ITpoqHTaTb TeJ(CT, MO)l(HO HeCKOnbKO pa3; ecnn 3TO ,IJ;Hanor, TO ITO pOMM. TeITep: MO~Ho noITpocHTb nepeBeCTH TeKCT c pyccKoro j{3b1Ka Ha aHrnHHCKHH, nocne qero cne,n;yeT ITepexo,n;HTb K yITpa)l(HeHllj{M, Ilepe,n; TeM KaK HaqaTb 3aHHMaTbCj{ ITO cne,n;y10meMY ypoey, Ha,n;o OITj!Tb nocnyrnaTb HOBYIO rnasy npOCTO KaK <l>oHOBYIO MY3b1KY Hnll

«lllYM» B TeqeHHe 2-3



KmK,IJ;blH ,neHb yTpoM n BeqepoM cneeyeT no


MHHYT cnyrnaTb

,ll;HCK c 3aITHCblO Toro ypoKa, KOTOpblH Bbl B ,n;aHHblH MOMeHT npo-

XO,IJ;HTe. TaKnM o6pa30M ,n;ocTnraeTCj{ ITpaKTnqecKn cTonponeHTHOe 3aITOMHHaHHe neKCHKH.


3a,n;asaiiTe ,n;ernM yqHTb CTHXH HamyCTb ,ll;OMa. BbiyqeHHble B ,IJ;eTCTBe CTHXH OCTaIOTCj{ B ITaMj!Tll Ha BCIO )l(ll3Hb H nocny)l(aT ITpoq-

HOH OCHOBOH nx cnoBapHoro 3anaca.



Ilepe.n HaqanoM o6yqemui: crre,n;yeT HeCKOJILKO pa3 rrpoq11TaTb 11rr11 ( ecrr11 3HaeTe Meno,n;mo) crreTb an<}laBMT BMeCTe c yqeHMKaMM. Harr11caTb see 6yKBbI Ha KapToqKax 11 rrorrpocMTb pe6.SIT 11x Ha3BaTb. Be,n;b qacTo ,n;a)l(e mKOJibHMKH 4-5 Krracca He 3HaIOT 6yKB 11 He YMeIOT 11x q11TaTb! Haq11HaTb c 3Toro yrrpa)l(HeHM.SI Ka)l(JJ:blif ypoK, rroKa yqam11ec.SI He Bb1yqaT arr<}laBMT. KoHeqHo, He crre,n;yeT O)l(M,n;aTb, qTo sanrn yqeHMKM 3arroMH.SIT arr<}laBMT c rrepsoro 3aH.SITM.SI. Ho, ,n;o6aBJI.SI.SI no 5-6 6yKB Ha Ka)l(JJ:OM 3aH.SITMM, Bbl 6blCTp0 c 3TMM crrpaBMTeCb.

1. Repeat after me! (noemopu 3a MHoiJ!)

A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g,

H h, Ii, J j, K k, L 1, Mm, N n, 0 o, Pp,

Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v,

w w, x x, y y, z z That's the alphabet you see It's as easy as it can be. 2. Sing the alphabet with me! (Gnau ancpaeum co MHoiJ!)

3. Hanuwume aHcflUUCKUMU 6yKBaMU UMfl pe6eHKa U UMeHa ezo apy3eiJ. nycmb nonpo6yem npolfumamb. nouapaume, nycmb Ka>KabtiJ Hanuwem UMfl, npolfumamb. (TANIA)

a ocmanbHbte nonpo6y10m ezo

4. nouw,ume coomeemcmeufl, 6yKBbl, Komopb1e noxo)l(e 3Byl.fam Ha pyccKoM u aHanuiJcKoM. MO)l(HO caenamb aaa ancpaauma Ha Kapmol.fKax u nouzpamb, Kmo Hauaem 6onbwe coomeemcmeuu. (B - 5)

5. Pa3no)l(ume 3HaKOMbte 5-6 6yKe Ha cmone. nonpocume pe6eHKa ux 3anoMHUmb u 3aKpblmb zna3a. Y6epume oaHy 6yKey u nonpocume ezo yaaaamb, l/eao He xeamaem. Ecnu OH yaaaan, mo OH eoaum. TaK Bbt olfeHb 6b1cmpo BbfYl./Ume ancpaeum! 112




•..••............•..........•...........•.•............................... [ei] May, day, today, play, say, tray [re] bat, cat, rat, that, mat, black, sack [a:] bar, car, far, half [:J:] all, ball, small, tall, always



.............................•..........•..•..•............................ 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)

3. np04mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu CaMOCmORmenbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3ayK) [ei] May, day, today, play, say, tray b) Sound (3ayK) [re] bat, cat, rat, that, mat, black, sack c) Sound (3ayK) [a:] bar, car, far, half d) Sound (3ayK) [:J:) all, ball, small, tall, always 4. Bbtyl./U npaauno Hau3ycmb!

Ec1n1 error Ha a KOHqaeTc.si, 3HaqHT, a KaK [ei] qfITaeTc.si! EcrrH p.si;:i;oM 6yKBa r - a qHTaeTc.si KaK [a:]. a+ I qHTa:ii KaK [:>:], KaK B crroBax KTO H qyo. AB crroBax cat, bat H rat a qHTaeTc.si KaK [re]! ·'\

fat, black, cat 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY.)

3. npocnywa(J pUc/JMOBKY, Hauau U noa1.1epKHU 3BYK (re] . .


airplane 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY)

2. npo4mu eMecme c duKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Airplane, airplane! Why are youflying 'Jn. the rain? Who are you carrying away? Will you fly back here again? Airplane, airplane!

CaMOJieT, caMoJI.~T! , JJoqeMy Tbl JieTHIIlb B.TaKOH ~O)K;lJ;b? Koro Thl yHOCHWb ~aJieKo? IlpHJieTHIIlb JIHTbI CHOBa? CaMOJieT, caMOJieT!

What is it? Do you like flying by plane? 3. npocnywa{J puc/JMOBKY, HBUdU U nod4epKHU 36YK [ei].

plane, train, to work, from work 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoeKy.) 2. npo4mu eMecme c duKmopoM,

a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

A train is longer than a plane But it can never fly! It carries pepple .!o work every day And back from "'.;Ork at night. ,,


MHHHee caMonern, Ho OH HHKOr~a He JieTaeT. OH OTB03HT .mo~eii Ha pa6ory Ka:>KJJ:bIH ~eH.b H o6paTHO c pa6oTbI HOqb10. I!(.

What does a tr~in do? And a plane? 3. npocnywa{J puc/JMOBKY, HBUdU U nod4epKHU 36YK [ei].



bald, tall, small, ball


1. Listen to the poem. (npocnyw8iJ pucfJMOBKy.)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmopOM, 8 38meM npollmU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCnyx. Jack is bald and tall. He has a small black ball.

,lJ,)J(eK JlblCbIH M BhICOKMH.

What does he.have? A small qlack;;,1";ilL . .

lfro y Hero ecn~?


Hero eCTh MaJieHhKMH qepHbIH Wiq,

M?Jie!JhKMif q~PHD.Iii WI.1!-~:n~,'.

3. npocnyW80 pUc/JMOBKY, H8uau U no(Jl/epKHU 3BYK (;,:].

EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey «A 8» u H8nuwu

ee C8M oo KOHU.8 cmpoKu.

aaa 2. 06eeou 6yKey «A»

a cnoe8x.

apple, apple, apple, apple b at, b at, b at, b at, b at, b at c at, c at, c at, c at, c at, c at 3. nponUWU 3H8KU mp8HCKpUnU,UU.

[ei] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (~]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10

[a:] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [J:] 4. noalfepKHU 6yKBY 'a' U Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaBUflbHb/U 3HaK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npolfmU CflOBa:

cat, car, bat, star, hall, plane, apple, train, cake, ball 5. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 aaHHbJX 6yKa*:

I PLAPE II ECKA II LABL * EyKBbl CJie.ri:yeT 3a1rncaTb Ha KapToqKax, qTo6bI pe6eHOK caM COCTaBmIJI H3 HHX CJIOBa.



LESSON 2. Letter B b

.....................•.•...•..............................•.....•..••...........•.. .. Bb : [b] bat, boy, black, bad, ball, bus, book, bubble . . .•..............................•...•........•...•..•.•................•..•.•..••.. 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol.lmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [b] bat, boy, black, bad, ball, bus, book, bubble 4. Bbtyl./u npaauno Hau3ycmb!

IIocKopeii 3arroMnHaii, 6yKBY b KaK [b] qnTaii!


bee, bear, beetle, banker 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ puc/JMOaKy.) 2. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM,

Bees like honey, Beetles like honey, Bears like honey, But bankers like money!

a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx. IJqerrhI·mo6u Me,zJ,. )Ky1rn .IIIOOHT Me,lJ,. Me.n;Be.n;Fi ic106.Si:T Me.n;. A 6amrn:pl>I mo6HT ,lJ,eHhrM!

What do bees like? What do bears like? ~To J]IOPHT rrqeJih~J Me.n;Be.n;M? 3. npocnywaiJ pUc/JM08KY, HaiJOU U nOOllepKHU 38YK [b).


build, break, brick, block 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoeKy.)

2. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx.

IIOCTpOHJI ,ll;OM H3 KHpnttqeii. 5[ IIOCTpOHJI ,ll;Bope~ H3 IIaJioqeK. 5l rrocTPOHJI 3aMOK H3 KY6HKOB, Ho 3aTeM H ace CJIOMaJI. 5[ CJIOMaJI ,ll;OM H3 KHpIIHqeii, 5[ CJIOMaJI ,ll;Bope~ M3 IIaJioqeK, 5l cJioMfilI 3aMOK H3 KY6HKOB. I1 Terrepb H Mory BCe 3TO CHOBa IIOCTpOHTb! 5( Bee IIOCTpOIO CHOBa. KaKaH qy,n:ecHaH Hrpa!

I built a house out of bricks. I built a palace made of sticks. I built a castle made of blocks. But in the end I broke it all! I broke the house made of bricks! 路I broke the palace made of sticks! I broke the castle made of blocks. And now I can build them all!


I'll build it all over again! What a nice and lovely game! What do you need to build a house? .How many bricks do you have? 路. How many blocks do you have? How manY. ~tis.~~ .QQ ygu haye?

lfro Te6e Hy:>KHo, qro6hl IIOCTPOHTb ,n;oM? CKOJibKO y Te6H KHpnnqeii? CKOJibKO y Te6H Ky6HKoa? CKoJibKO y Te6H naJioqeK? 3. npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY, HaiJau U noallepKHU 3BYK [b].

bad 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY) 2. npo4mu BMecme c auKmopoM,

a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx.

What is bad? It's bad to lie! It's very bad! It's bad to spend all day in bed! It's bad to be angry, unhappy or sad! 路It's very bad to fight with your friend.

qTO IlJIOXO? QqeHb IlJIOXO BpaTb. 3To OlJeHb IIJIOXO. Ilrroxo Beeb ,n:eHb rrpoBeCTH B KpOBaTH. IlJioxo 6bITb 3JibIM, Hec11acTJIHBbIM H rreqaJibHbIM. IlJioxo ,n:paTbCH c ,n:pyroM!

What is bad? Ai:~ ygu angry? Are you sad?

qTo rmoxo? Tb1 cepJl.!fJbIH? Tb1 ne11aJibHblil? _

3. npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY, HaiJau U noallepKHU 3BYK [b].


EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey «B b» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOHU,a cmpoKu.

BBB bbb 2. 06eeou 6yKey «B b» e cnoeax.

boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy book, book, book, book, book, book bus, bus, bus, bus, bus; bus, bus 3. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[b] 4. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 oaHHblX 6yKe.


II,...----DA_B_l I






5. noo'-lepKHU 6yKey 'b' U HanUWU HBO Heil npaBUflbHb/U 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npO'-lmU cnoea:

bat, ball, table, bull, bus, bear


LESSON 3. Letter C c

................................................................................... .. ~







[k] cat, can, car, clock, cook, candle, cream [s] cent, ice, nice, place, face, lace

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoD.)

3. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

a) Sound (3ByK) [k] cat, can, car, clock, cook, candle, cream b) Sound (3ByK) [s] cent, ice, nice, place, face, lace 4. BbfYl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBY c KaK [s] q11Taif rrepe,z:i; e, y Hi! H KaK [k] rrpoqTH ee rrepe,z:i; u, a Ho ! H KaK c 3THMH rnacHbIMH, q11Taif rrepe,z:i; cornaCHbIMH.

icicle, nice, ice, ice cream 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.}


2. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.


e To find such a big icicle Is my greatest dream! What is an icicle made of?

Il3 tJero c,n;enaHa cocym.Ka?

3. Hauou u noollepKHu 3ByKu [k] u [s] e pucjJMoeKe.


cow, give milk 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKy.) 2. npO'-lmU BMecme C auKmOpOM,

a 3ameM npo1.1mu C8MOCmORmenbHO.

Cows can'tfly! Cows can't sing! Cows can't dance! But cows give inilk!

KopoBI.1 He Moryr .JieTan,~' KopoBLI He Moryr rren, KopoBLI He TaHizyroT, Ho KopoBLI ,na100;; MOJIOKO !

Can cows fly? No,•they can't.

Moryr KopoBLI.JieTaTI>?. HeT, He Moryr. KTo MO)l(eT JieTaTb?


Who~ 9_an !IY.~,



3. Hauau u noa1.1epKHU 3BYKU [k] u [s] 8 pucfJMOBKe.

cookery book, cook, can 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoeKy)

2. npo1.1mu BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu C8MOCmOflmeflbHO. I have a cookery book! 1 can cook! I can cook! It's not enougq to have the book! To be able to cook!

Can you cook? No, I can't. Can your mom cook? ._

Y Mewl ectI> rrosapeHHruI KIUITa. .51 Mory rDTOBHTb! .51 Mory roTOBHTb!

He,nocTaTOqJIO HMeTb KHHry, fro6LI )'MeTb roTOBHTb!


TLI ;.yMee111L roTOBHTL? HeT, SI He ;.yMe~ . .,. A I~251. ~afd,a?

3. Hauau u noa1.1epKHU 3BYK [k] 8 pucfJMOBKe.



EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKey «C c» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.


2. 06eeau 6yKey «C».

cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake crab, crab, c rab, crab, crab, crab clock, c lock, clock, clock, clock, clock 3. nponUWU 3H8KU mp8HCKpun4uu.

[k] [s] 4. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 daHHblX 6yKe .









5. nod4epKHU 6yKey 'c' U HBnUWU Had HSU npaeUflbHb/U 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU. np04mU cnoea:

car, cat, cake, place, face, crab, clock, icicle 2. 3aK. 489


LESSON 4. Letter D d

.................................. ............... ................................................ .. ... ..: D d ..: [d] do, don't, doll, dog, duck, desk, door, dream, dear, drum

············· ····················································································

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoD.)

3. np04mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmU caMOCmOflmeflbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [d] do, don't, doll, dog, duck, desk, door, dream, dear, drum 4. Bbtyl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!


d KaK [d]


l.J:To nerKO 3aITOMHHaeTC51!

do, dear, Danny 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoeKy.}

2. npo1.1mu BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu CaMOCmOflmeflbHO.

Dear.p~nilY~. 'Yhat d~l yo~sfPZ

I am a p\lpiL,That's:what Id9.·,. ,- '

'/ ,,-~.

, ....

What Clby~u clo? Ate yo~~ap~pil? ····' 3. Hauau u noallepKHu 3BYK [d) e pucfJMoeKe.


drink 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKy.)

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.

I can drink anything! Tea and coffee, juice and milk!

5I Mory IIIITh Bee: "lJaii, KoQ:>e, COK II MOJIOKO!

What do you like to drink?

"lJTO Thl mo6mIIh IIIITb?

3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [d] 8 pucjJMOBKe.


dragon, dinosaur 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.

A dragon and a dinosaur Once were lying on the floor. The dragon said, 'What a strange beast! I can't believe it could exist!'

,l.l;paKOH II ,IJ:IIH03aBp KaK-TO ne)KaJIII Ha nony. ,l.l;paKOH CKa3arr: «KaKOH CTpaHHblH 3Bep1>! He Mory IIOBepHTh, 'ITO OH cy1IIeCTBOBaJI!»

Did dinosaurs exist? Did dragons exist?

,l.l;IIH03aBpbl cymecTBOBaJIII? A ,z:i:paKOHhI 6hlm1?

3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [d] 8 pucjJMOBKe.



EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKey «D d» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOHU.a cmpoKu.

DDD ddd 2. 06eeau 6yKey «D».

doll, doll, doll, doll, doll, doll, doll dog,dog,dog,dog,dog,dog,dog duck,duck,duck,duck,duck,duck 3. nponuwu 3HaK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[d] 4. nodllepKHU 6yKey 'd' u Hanuwu Had Heu npaeunbHblt1 3HaK mpaHcKpunu.uu. npOl/mu cnoea: 'A

doll, dog, bed, dad, donkey, duck 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 daHHblX 6yKe.



UCDK I l~_DB_E~l I



LESSON 5. Letter E e

................................................................................... .. . . : : [e] egg, beg, leg, men, ten, then, pen, when : be, me, bee, tree, three, tea, cream, dream .: .:: Ee .:: [i:] [i;J] beer, near, clear, tear, engineer .................................................................................. . .: 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

a) Sound (3ByK) [e] egg, beg, leg, men, ten, then, pen, when b) Sound (3ByK) [i:] be, me, bee, tree, three, tea, cream, dream c) Sound (3ByK) [i;J] beer, near, clear, tear, engineer 4. BbJYl./U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EcJIH CJior Ha e KoHqaeTC51, 3Haq11T e KaK [i:] q11TaeTC5I. E + a HJIH .n;Be e TO)l(e rrpoq11Taii KaK [i:] ! Ea+ r q11Taii KaK [fa] KaK B cJioBax near, clear, a c corJiacHoii, He 3eBaii, 6yKBY e KaK [ e] q11Taii !

hen, egg, leg, seven, eleven, women, men, shell 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoBKY)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmeflbHO.

A hen had an egg. Once it fell and broke a leg. Eleven women and seven men Couldn't help the poor hen. When the hen broke its leg~ The egg fell, its shelLcracked!

y KYPHU:bl 6bIJIO }lHit;O. OnHa)l{):(bI oHa yrrana H crroMana Hory. 0)1,HHHa.nu;aTb )J(eHID;HH H CeMb My)J(qfiH He Moryr ITOMOqb 6e)l,HOH Kypttu;e. Kor.n;a Kypttu;a crroMarra Rory, 5IM.u;o ynarro, cKoprryna TpecHyrra.

Why路 did the eggshell crack? Because the hen fell and broke a leg. 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [e] .

IloqeMy cKoprryrra HiliJ;a TpecHyrra? IlOTOMY qm i<ypttu;a ynarra H CJIOMarra HOry.

)/2 2. 3aK. 489


Sound (3ByK) [fa]

engineer, clear, beer 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.) 2. npol/mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoflmenbHO.

I'm Den Lear, I'm an engineer. It's quite clear that I don't like beer.

51 ,D;eH JIMa. 51 HH)J(eHep. . CoBepmeHHo ~ICHo, qm 51 .He mo6mo I1HB0..

What does he do? He's an engineer. Does he like beer? No, he 'doesn't like beet!

KeM OH pa6orneT? OH lmlKeH:ep. OH mo611T ri1rno? HeT,)Ie. mOQHT!

3. Hauou u noo4epKHU 3BYK [i~].

\ elf, dwarf, ogre 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.)

2. npol/mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoflmenbHO.

An elf and a dwarf Once went to dinner to anogre. To see tht1m he was very glad, For dinner both of them he had. With his teeth shining in the light, He smiled and said, 'Have a nice bite!' What did.the ogre have

for dinner?

3nbcp l1 l'HOM Pa.3 nomntt Ha y)J(J1H Kmo,n:oe,n:y. YBH)J;eTb HX o6ottx OH 6brn oqeHb pa,n:, H OHH o6a 6brnH Ha y)J(HH . . CBepKa51 3y6aMH, OH ym.16Hync51 H CKa3an: «IlpH51THOro anneTHTa»l qTo en Ha y)J(HH mo,noe.u?

3. Hauou u nool/epKHU 3BYKU [e] u [i:].


EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey «Ee» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOH4a cmpoKu.

EEE eee 2. 06eeou 6yKey «Ee».

egg,egg, egg,egg,egg,egg,egg pen,pen,pen,pen,pen,pen,pen pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil 3. nponuwu 3HaK mpaHCKpun4uu.

[e] [i:] [i~]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. noiJllepKHU 6yKey 'e' U HaOnUWU HBO Heu npaeunbHb/U 3Hal/OK mpaHCKpun4uu. npollmU cnoea:

egg, pen, pencil, tree, bee, cream, beer, dream, near 5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 iJaHHbtX 6yKe.


1/2 2*




LESSON 6. Letter F f

........................................................•........•...............•....•. ... ..: Ff ..: [f] fox, fog, fat, frog, fare, fur, flat, five, often, soft ·································•········•·········••·····•·························· "

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) 3. npol/mu aMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3Byi<) [f] fox, fog, fat, frog, fare, fur, flat, five, often, soft

4. 8bJY4U npaauno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBa f KaK [f] q1naeTc5I, qTo nerKo 3arroM11HaeTc5I!

funny, not funny 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf:JMOaKy)

2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

Monkeys are funny, frogs are funny, Clowns are funny. But it's not funny to s~ll honey. It's not funny to have nfrmoney. It's not funny to upset your mommy!

06e3LHHKH CMeIIIHLie, mrrymKH CMeIIIHLie. KnOYHLI CMeIIIHLie Ho He cMemHo npoJIHTL Me.n;! He cMemHo He HMeTL .n;eHer. He cMeIIIHO paccrpoHTb MaMy.

What is funnyJ W!Jat is notfunny? 3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [f].


It's fun! 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucpMoaKy.}

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npol./mU C8MOCmOflmeflbHO.

:It's fun to i;un! One, one, pne!, . 'It's fun to hop! Please, don't stop! ,Jt's fun to rjcie bacrk ho111e by bus. It's fun to come fo English class!

3TO 3,n;opoao "'---- 6e;'!'fl•! l>,'!3, P~; pa3!" .· · 3To 3,n;opoao- npi.IraTi.! Ilo)l(ajryHcTa, He ocTaHaBJ:rnaaiicH. 3~9poao - nqexaTI:. ,n;oMo·~•Ha a~~?6yce. 3TO 3.D;OpOBO. . npHXO.D;HTb Ha ypoK aHrJUIHCKOro.


.Is itfiln tg'iun? Is it fun to hoI?? 3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [f]


1. 06aeau 6yKay «Ff» u Hanuwu ee caM

ao KoHu,a cmpoKu.


ff f 2. 06aeau 6yKay «Ff».

fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, fox frog,frog,frog,frog,frog,frog

finger, finger, finger, finger, finger 3. nponuwu .3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[f] 25

4. noa4epKHU 6yKey 'F f' U Haanuwu Haa HSU npaBUflbHb/U 3Ha40K mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npo4mU cnoea:

fox, finger, flat, frog, fog 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHbtX 6yKe.








LESSON 7. Letter G g

..: G g ...: [g] gold, good, glad, goose, dog, frog, fog, girl, give, get, ghost ... [<i3] gentle, cage, stage, giraffe, age, page, giant, gingerbread .......................................................................................................


1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.) 3. npo4mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

a) Sound (3syK) [g] gold, good, glad, goose, dog, frog, fog, girl, give, get, ghost b) Sound (3syK) [<i3J gentle, cage, stage, giraffe, age, page, giant, gingerbread

4. 8bJY4U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBY g q1nali KaK [cf.3] rrepe,n; y, i He! I1 KaK [g] rrpoqTH ee rrepe,n; u, a. H o ! , A rrepe,n; cornacHbIMH q11Tali, KaK rrepe,n; rnacHhIMH (u,

a, o).

good 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf>MoeKy.}

2. npo4mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

Good - bad! Good - bad! What is good and what is bad? I would like to tell you that!

Xoporno - rrJIOxo. Xoporno - rrJioxo. qTo xoporno, a qro IIJioxo? .5.l 6DI xoTeJia Te6e paccKa3aTD.

What is good? My mom is good. My dad is good and I am good! It's good when everyone's at home. It's not so good to be alone!

lJTo xoporno? MoH MaMa xopornaH. I1 rrarra xopOIIIHM, H }I xopOIIIHM. Xoporno, Kor.na see .noMa. He oqeHh xoporno 6nITh o.nHoMy.

What is good? Do you feel good? 3. Hauou u noiJ4epKHu 3BYK [g].

qTO xoporno?



ce6H xoporno qyscTByernh?

giant, gingerbread 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.) 2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmU CBMOCmORmenbHO. I

A giant and a gingerbread man

BeJIMKaH'lirrpHHl:PIBhfii qeJioaeqeK O.zi:Ha)l(,ZJ# pemMJIM rroKaTaThCH B <l>yproHe. BeJIMKaH He cMor B Hero 3aJie3Th. TaK OHM MHe rrpoKaTMJIMCb!

Once decided to.drive a van. 路 The giant couldn't get inside, So they didn't go for a ride! i

Did they go for a ride? Why? 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 38YK [ci31.

ghost 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy)

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl/mU CaMOCmORmeflbHO. A ghost in my closet is such.a nice thing!

It always helps me in everything! If I forget, it switches off the light. When I sleep late - it always sits there quiet! It never frightens me. It's always polite! Well, sometimes it scares my neighbors at night. But for all of my friends it's a nice friendly host! It's so good to have your own ghost!

Is the ghost nice? Where does it live?

IlpMBlf)J;eHMe a MoeM qyJiaHe TaKoe MMJioe! 0Ho acer.zi:a MHe BO aceM rroMoraeT. EcJIM H 3a6hrnaio, TyIIIMT cBeT. EcJIM .zi:oJiro CIIJIIO - CM.1i:MT TaM TMXO. 0Ho HMKor.zi:a He rryraeT MeHH. 0Ho acer.zi:a Be)l(JIMBOe. Hy, irnor.zi:a no HoqaM OHO nyraeT coce.zi:ell:. Ho )J:JUI acex MOMX .zi:py3ell: OHO rocTerrpMMMHhIM, .zi:o6pblll X03HMH. TaK xopomo MMeTb co6cTBeHHOe rrpMBM)J:eHMe ! IlpMBM,lJ;eHMe XOpOIIIee? r.zi:e OHO )l(MBeT?

3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [g].


giant panda 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy.)

2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmORmenbHO.

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay «G g» u Hanuwu ee caM

ao KoHu,a cmpoKu.


GGG ggg 2. 06aeau 6yKay «G g».

goose, goose, goose, goose, goose goat, goat, goat, goat, goat, goat girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe, giraffe giant, giant, giant, giant, giant 29

3. nponUWU 3H8KU mpaHCKpUnU,UU.


[d:J] 4. noo4epKHu 6yt<ey 'g' e cnoeax u noonuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHb1D 3HaK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo4mu cnoea.

gold, good, glad, goose, dog, frog, fog, girl, give, get gentle, cage, stage, giraffe, page, giant, gingerbread 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 oaHHblX 6yKe.








LESSON 8. Letter H h

........................................................................................ .. .~ H h .~ [h] hot, hat, have, horse, how, who, hero, holiday 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syK) [h] hot, hat, have, horse, how, who, hero, holiday 4. Bbtyl./u npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBa h KaK [h] q11TaeTc.s1, qTO nerKO 3aIIOMl1HaeTC.sl ! II B cnoBax Who 11 Whose! He 3a6y.z:t;h, MOTaii Ha ye!

hero, horse 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ puc/JMOBKY) 2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

A hero' on a big whi{~~~m;se epoii Ha 6oJThIIIOH 6erro~ 112nra~M 0 Brought a prit).c~§S ~~tte4 fose. . . ,>'·tf!PHiiec npmntecce 6enyri5 po3y. ., The h6rse \ya§ b.itert.~~ xose W~,S bright," ;"<\ Jlom~~b 6hrna ClfMIIaTMqHa5I, p03a I<pacnBajJ, So she agreec( to 1'~J1isbrid~! Ilono:My QHa'GornaCMJiaCb CTaTb ero 'HeBe¢ifoft2 '<,>,;-: ;(, ·...,


Why d(d:tbe princess agre~1 t0Qe. his pride? ;~·

' - . . ~ · <-





Iloqe1dy nplimJ;ecca cornacMnacb HeBeCTOH?

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [h].


hobbit, hole 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY.)

2. npo4mU BMecme C auKmopOM, a 3ameM npo4mU CBMOCmORmenbHO. A hobbit lives in a deep, deep hole

,With a low ceiling and thick walls. His windows are round. .He lives under the ground! Where does a hobbit live? What does his house look like?

Xo66HT xmseT B my6oKoii Hope, C IDl.3KHM ITOTOJIKOM H TOJICTbIMH cTeHaMH. Y Hero KpyrnL1e OKOIIIKH . OH xarneT no.ri; 3eMneii! r.z:i;e )J(HBe'f xo66HT?


3. Hauau u noa4epKHU 3BYK [h].

How do you say ... ? 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY.)


2. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CBMOCmORmenbHO.

-Can I ask you a question? ·7 Yes, of course, go ahead. - How do you say «MbIIIII»>? -A mouse. - How do you say «KOIIIKa»?

-. A..xsiJ.

-Mory H 3a.z:i;aTb saM sonpoc? - ,n;a, KOHeqHo, .n;asaii. - KaK CKa3aTb «.MbIIIIb»? - «MbIIIII»> - KaK CKa3aTb «KOIIIKa»? ..,.., · ~--·-· ....,. ,. . .__ ,.~ ·•":;, .<~K()IIIKa».

3. Hauau u noa4epKHU 3BYK [h].

Pa3.ri;aiiTe KapTHHKH co 3HaKOMbIMH cnosaMH. Ilycn, ,ll,eTH crrpocHT: «KaK 3TO CKa3aTb ?»


EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKey «H h» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KoHu,a cmpoKu.

HRH hhh 2. 06eeau 6yKey «H h».

horse, horse, horse, horse, horse hat, hat, hat, hat, hat, hat, hat, hat hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog 3. nponUWU 3H8KU mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[h] 4. noal/epKHu e cnoeax 6yKey 'h' u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaeunbHbliJ 3HaK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npolfmu cnoea.

hot, hat, have, horse, how, who, hero, holiday, hare, hedgehog 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHblX 6yKe .

.____T_l\H_l I SERRO

3. 3aK. 489




LESSON 9. Letter I i

.. :

.. :

..........•............................................................... Ii


. :

[ai] I, time, fine, like, tie, bike, hike [i] milk, sit, little, bit, it, fit, him, in, thin [r:] girl, bird, third, dirt


........................................................................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) 3. npol/mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM np04mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3ByK) [ai] I, time, fine, like, tie, bike, hike b) Sound (3ByK) [i] milk, sit, little, bit, it, fit, him, in, thin c) Sound (3BYK) [s:] girl, bird, third, dirt 4. 8bJY4U npaauno Hau3ycmb!

Ecn11 cnor Ha i KOHqaeTc~ -

3Haq11T i KaK [ ai] q11TaeTc~.

Ac cornacHoii 6yKBY i ThI KaK [i] Be3,z:i;e q11Taii!

I+ r


q11Taii KaK [E:] -TaK, KaK B pyccKoM cnoBe «Me)],».


. ice, ice cream . Usten to the poem. (npocnywau pue/:JMOBKY)

2. n po4mU BMecme C auKmopOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmORmeflbHO.

3_ HaiXJu u noal/epKHU 3BYK [ai].



( (,

interesting, have a look, difficult 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ p11cf>MoeKy.}

2. npol/ml1 BMecme C a11KmOpOM, a 3ameM np04ml1 CBMOCmORmenbHO.


·Have a look! Have a look! Jt's .~,.book. My n:~?ook!

·It's so interesting, so nice! It's difficult but rve read it twice.


IIOCMOTpM! IIOCMOTpM! 3To KHMra, MOH HOBaH .~HH:ra! 0Ha TaK~ IIHTepecHa.SI,taKaH qy.z:i:ecua.SI~ 0Ha Tpy.n:HaH, HO H ee .l(Ba pa3a rrpoqen.

Is the book interesting? 3. Hauau 11 noallepKHU 3BYK [i] .


~~.~~-~~~.~~·············· · ·· ···· · ···· ··· ··· · · ····· ··· ······ ···· ········· 1. 06aeau 6yKey «Ii» 11 Han11w11 ee caM ao KOH~a cmpoK11.

...... ............ ... ..... ................ .... .. ............

III 111 2. 06aea11 6yKey «Ii».

tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger lion, lion~ lion, lion, lion, lion, lion bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, bike . . . . . . . pig, pig, pig, pig, pig, pig, pig, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk 3*


3. nponUWU 3HBKU mpBHCKpUnU,UU.

[ai] - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - [i] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [e:] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. nodllepKHU a cnoeax 6yKey 'i' u Hanuwu Had Heu npaeunbHblU 3H8l/OK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npollmu cnoea.

I, milk, fine, little, like, girl, bike, bird, hike, tiger, lion, thin, pig, it 5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 daHHblX 6yKe.









LESSON 10. Letter J j

.. .......................................•................................... Jj .: [ci3] joy, job, joke, jam, jail, just, justice . .•......•.......................................•......................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)

3. npol../mu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npOl../mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3syK) [ci3] joy, job, joke, jam, jail, just, justice 4. Bb/Yl../U npaauno Hau3ycmb!

6yKBY j KaK

IlocKopeif 3aITOMRHaif -

ld:31 qlfTaif!

What's your job? 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pu<jJMoaKy) 2. npol../mU BMecme C OUKmOpOM,

a 3ameM npolimU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

3. Hauou u noo4epKHU 3BYK [ct].

1/2 3, 3aK. 489



job 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ puc/JMOBKY) 2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmORmenbHO.

My father is a do~tor. He likes his job. My father has a gun. ·He works as a cop. · My father is a salesman. '. He sells milk and meat. My fitther is a farmer. .He grows wheat! 'My father is an astronaut. ·He flies to the stars! My father is a salesman. He sells chocolate bars! ·\.

Moii nana Bpaq. OH mo6HT CBOIO pa6ozy. Y·Moero nanbI ·ecTb nHcToneT. OH pa6orneT nonHueilcKHM. Moil nana npo.naBeu. OH npo.naeT MOJIOKO H Wico. Moil nana <j:>epMep . OH BbipaI.IJ.MBaeT mnem1uy. Moil nana KOCMOHaBT. OH nerneT K3Be3.l(aM. Moil nana npo.naBeu. OH npo.naeT rnoKona.nKH.

What's your father's job? He is a cop. What's your mother's job? She is a.cook.

KeM pa6oTaeT TBoil nana? OH nomfueilcKHH. KeM pa6orneT TBOj{ MaMa? 0Ha noBap.


3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [d:J].

IloKa:JKHTe ,IJ;ernM KapnrnKH c npe.IJ;CTaBHTeAAMH pa3HhIX npo<j:>eccHil: a doctor, a soldier, a driver, a teacher, a cook, an engineer, a worker.

EXERCISES ..... .......... ....... ...... .... .... ........... .. ......................... ..... ................................... .. .......... . ..... .... ......... ... .. ;

1. 06aeau 6yKay «J j» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.


2. 06aeau 6yKay «J j».

. . . . . . . Jatn,Jatn,Jatn,Jatn,Jarn,Jarn,Jatn . . . . . Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar, Jaguar . . . . . Jeans,Jeans,Jeans,Jeans,Jeans

3. nponuwu 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[ct] 4. noa1.1epKHU a cnoaax 6yKa 'J j' u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHbtU 3Ha1.10K mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo1.1mu cnoaa.

joy, job, joke, jam, jaguar, Jane 5. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 aaHHbtX 6yKa.


1/2 3*



LESSON 11. Letter K k ................................................ .... .......... .................•.......•.......•............ ... ..: K k ..: [k] kettle, key, OK, work, clock, smoke, look, book, shake, snake .

..• •.................................... .........•... ....... ............•..............•.......•..........

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.) 3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoL1mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ayi<) [k] kettle, key, OK, work, clock, smoke, look, book, shake, snake 4. BbJYLIU npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

H11Kor,IJ;a He 3a61>rnaii- 6yKBY k KaK [k] q11Taii!

kitten 1. Listen to the poem. (n pocnywau pucfJMOBKY.) 2. n pol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOL/mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

I have a kitten! I have a kitten! Playful and soft, and as small as a mitten! I'll give it milk, I'll give it cat food And it will grow healthy and good! My kitty says, "Purr, purr, purr! You are a kind and loving girl! Purr, purr, purr - purr, purr, purr! What a nice and lovely girl!"

y MemI ecn. KOTeHOK! y MeIUI ecTh KOTeHOK! BeceJih!H H WITKHH, MaJieHhl\HH, KaK aape)l(Ka! 5I .n:aM eMy MOJIOKa li KOlllaqheH e.n;hl, II OH Bh!pacTeT 3.n;opoBh!H n xopolllHH. KoTeHoK roaopnT: "Myp-Myp-Myp, Th! .n:o6paH, mo6~aH .n:eaoqKa. Myp-Myp-Myp-Myp ! KaKaH MHJiaH, qy.n;ecHM .n:eaoqKa!"

What food will you give to a kitten? Cat food.

°l!TO H~HO .n:aaan. KOTeHKy? Kolllaqhro e.n:y.

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [k].


king, crown, queen 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy.)

2. npol/miJ 8Mecme C auKmopOM, a 3BmeM npollmU CBMOCmORmenbHO.

Every king has everything 'His state,J1is thro11e and his crown, •. Many golden rings, many beautiful things And he wears a beautiful gown. :. But withugt a queen he's just half a king!

Y Ka)K;::i:oro Kopom1 ecTh Bee:

Ero rocy;::i:apcTBo, rpoH H KopoHa, MHoro 30JIOTblX KOJie~ H KpaCMBbIX Bemeii, ll OH HOCHT Kpac1rny10 MaHTHIO. Ho 6e3 KopoJieBhi OH- JIMIIIb I;IOJIKopom1!

)Yhat does eyery ~:ing haye?,

lfro ecTb y Ka~;::i:oro KopoJUI?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [k].

EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKey «K k» u Hanuwu ee caM ao



KKK kkk 2. 06eeau 6yKey «K k».

kettle, kettle, kettle, kettle, kettle key, key, key, key, key, key, key clock, clock, clock, clock, clock cake,cake,cake,cake,cake,cake 41

3. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[k] 4. nod4epKHU 6yKay 'K k' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Had Heu npaaunbHbti1 3HB40K mpaHcKpunu,uu. npo4mu cnoaa.

kettle, key, clock, block, book, snake, cake, break 5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 daHHbtX 6yKa.






LESSON 12. Letter LI ......................................................................................... .. .. ..: L l ..: [l] look, like, lucky, gloomy, flower, little, school, tool .............................................................•......•.................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)

3. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [l] look, like, lucky, gloomy, flower, little, school, tool 4. BbfYl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBa I KaK [I] qHTaeTC51, qTo nerKo 3anoMHHaeTc51!

ladybird 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pu<jJMOBKY)

2. npol/mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO. ,





A ladybird is not a lady! A ladybird is not a bird! It's a tiny spotted beetle. Now you know one more word!

EmKMI ·KopoBKa - He ne,n:n. H He IITWIKa coBceM.

What is a ladybird? Is it a bird?

1ITO TaKOe 60iKMI KOpOBKa? 3TO IITmi:a?

3TO MaJICHbKHH IDITHHCTbIH iKyqOK. Terrep1> Thi 3Haem1> e:rn;e o,n:Ho cnoBo.

3. Hauou u nool/epKHU 38YK [l].


EXERCISES · 1. 06eeau 6yKey «L I» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.



! I1 2. 06eeau 6yKBY «L I».

lamp, lamp, lamp, lamp, lamp, lamp lizard, lizard, lizard, lizard, lizard lemon, lemon, lemon, lemon, lemon 3. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUn4UU.

[!] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. noa4epKHU 6yKBY 'L /' B c_noeax U HanUWU Haa HeLJ npaBUflbHblLJ 3Ha40K mpaHCKpun4uu. npo4mu cnoea.

look, like, lock, lucky, lamp, lizard, lemon, wolf 5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 aaHHbtx 6yKe.







LESSON 13. Letter M m

......•..............•..............•...............•.........•.................................................. .. ..: M m ..: [m] me, my, man, money, mother, milk, moon, morning, warm, storm ....•..............................•....•....•..................................................•..............

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syi<) [m] me, my, man, money, mother, milk, moon, morning, warm, storm 4. Bbtyl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBY m KaK [ m] qMTaii, KaK B cnoBax «MHp» M «Maii» !

monster 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy.) 2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM,

a 3ameM npOllmU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

A monster, living under my bed, Doesn't like inilk, doesn't like bread. It doesn't like noise, it doesn't like light. It comes out only at night. It sits by the wind9w, looking so sad! The loneliest monster I've ever met!

lJy;::i:osm.n:e, :KoTopoe )J(IIBeT no;::i: MoeH: 1<poBaT1>10, He JII06HT MOJIOKO H xJie6. Ono ne JIIo6HT IllYM, He JI106in CBeT. Ono s1>ure3aeT TOJI1>Ko no HoqaM. QHo CHJ:J:HT y OKH(l, Ta.Koe neqaJI1>Hoe. CaMoe OJl:HHOKoe qy;::i:osmu;e, KoTOpoe MHe BCTpeqaJioc1>!

Does the .monster like l;:>read? 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [m].

lJy;::i:osmu;e JII06HT XJie6?

IlyCTb ;::i:eTH HapHCYIOT qy;::i:osmu;e. y KOro OHO caMoe rpycTHOe? 45

money 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy.)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 38meM npollmU C8MOCmORmenbHO.

,Mister Moneybag has a big, big bag Wliere he can keepall hls money, His car is big, his house is big. He is fat and big and he)ooks like,apig ,:But he thinks he is a real Prince Charming! , W:hatdbe~ Mr. Moneybag hav.e? Is he nice? What does-· he look like? 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [m]. '

Y.,M1;tpTepa ,[(eHe)l{"H()ro MeiµKa e.C'I'J> 6oJIJ>mruI-rrpe6oJIJ>IDaH CYMKa, r)J,e OH xpa~HT ~C~ CBOH )J,eHJ>rH. . · . <. . Y Hero 6onJ>maH Mamnli~, ero .IJ.OM 60JIJ>I1IOU,. \ CaM OH. 6oJIJ>u:toii H ){(HpHJ>Iij, noxm1n1H:.Ha CBHHbIO, Ho oH c"C!HtaeT cefo1 npeKpacHJ>IM npmmeM! '





)!;:··· ·

ql'O ecTJ>..y MHCTepa ,[(eHe:>Irnoro MemKa? ,OH ~opom~H:? K(lK on BJ>I!'JI}i)J,HT?

mermaid 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOllmU C8MOCmORmenbHO. . . A mermaid lives under the sea PycaJIKa )l(HBeT Ha )],He MopH, In a castle made of a shell. B 3al\1Ke, C.IJ.eJiaHHOM H3 paeymKH. She has long hair, and big blue eyes y Hee )J,JIHHHJ>Ie BOJIOCbl, roJiy6J>Ie rnroa And a slippery, fishery tail! H CKOJIJ>3KHH p1>I6HH XBOCT!

What does the mermaid look like?


KaK BJ>IrJIH.IJ.HT pycanKa?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [m].


EXERCISES 1. 06aeou 6yKay «Mm» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOHU,a cmpoKu.

MMM mmm 2. 06aeou 6yKay «Mm».

man, man, man, man, man, man money, money, money, money monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

4. nool./epKHU 6yKBY 'm' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Hei1 npaaunbHbti1 3HBL/OK mpaHcKpunu,uu. '\

npollmu cnoaa.

man, money, mother, milk, moon, morning 5. Cocmaabme cnoaa u3 oaHHbtX 6yKB.







LESSON 14. Letter N n

..................................•...............................................• .. : Nn : [n] note, nose, net, name, next, nothing, noon knight, knit, knot, knife ..: Knkn:..


1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM np04mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ayi<) [n]: a) note, nose, net, name, next, nothing, noon b) knight, knit, knot, knife 4. 8biy4u npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

IIocKopeii 3arroMHHaii, 6yKBY n KaK [n] q11Taii! K + n KaK [n] rrpoqn1 KaK B cnoBax knit H knee!

night, knight 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKy.} 2. npo4mU 6Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmORmenbHO .


.Once af fiight, a}cr#g~t ouffor-:ajiig~t. ,,K~.K~TcfHoq~iqp1>1Hap1> qTnpaBRJJCj{ pa3B;JieqPG,11· 1 Tne nignt 'Was'dark.fhefe_was no'lignt! ··. ,,·· Jfoq.r, 61,ma reMHIDI;,caeTa He61>1iio. .... ,. ·. " . , . • ,i)S. _, ·.· . \ , ..;.,\, ,· --;,(-.• .>. ,:'J:.... ,:. ,.,· '\ : -';';°•\, -i,-· -<y, .•., '· :::;\': ·--. -k':·\·: ,_\>.i •t +'<:\> '·\_-\'., .;:i' ·, · /'- >:·.·1>\'1 .'}':'.> . ' ·:·-: ,,,, ,. _(: ::'' \'t '- "';·, S1hcethenn<! one has seeQ. th?t klligµt L •,' . c tex iiop HHkTO ~e .BH,D;e.ft T01p .pn1~ap~. " }-~\ .

:i~:·;? :·,-: :·


\2 · ~\·_i .:· > -

~--./'.'" '\ '::;


Whe~ did the)rnight g~:oli_t fo{ a night'? ' 3. Hauau u noa4epKHU 36YK [n].



:;_: / :'.'/.

\::.<· .,.,,,

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay «N n» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

NNN nnn 2. 06aeau 6yKay «N n>>.

nose, nose,nose, nose, nose, nose needle, needle, needle, needle, needle knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife knight, knight, knight, knight, knight 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU.

[n] 4. noal./epKHU 6yKay 'N n' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHblD 3Hal./OK mpaHcKpun4uu. npol./mu cnoaa.

nose, name, nothing, needle, knight, knot, knife 5. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 aaHHbtx 6yKa.


4. 3aK.489





LESSON 15. Letter 0 o .......................•................................................



.. .. .. .. :

open, note, close, nose, rose, pose [au] cow, owl, plow [d] o'clock [;:,: ] door, floor (u] book, look [ dU]

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) 3. npollmU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmeflbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3ByK) open, note, close, nose, rose, pose b) Sound (3ByK) cow, owl, plow c) Sound (3ByK) [d] o'clock d) Sound (3ByK) (;:,:]door, floor i) Sound (3ByK) (u] book, look 4. BbfYl./U npaauno Hau3ycmb!


B CJIOBa~ qlfTaii KaK [au]' KaK B CJIOBax

0 + r qlfTaM KaK ,lI;Be 6yKBbI o qlfTaii KaK

no, go. [~:], KaK B CJIOBaX door M floor. [ u], KaK B cnoBax book, look M shook.

owl 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoaKy.}

"' 2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO. An owl always'. sl~eps all day. ,, ·~ At night it comesou~ to catc~prey} But C>nceit ~ash~d · ' ~li~le ~nack, · It goes back to sl~ep again: .,

CoB~ Bcer~a emu BecI:. ~eHn . · ·, Hoqr,ro OHa BLme3aer, q1'o6DI no~MaTb ~06n1qy. ·

Ho, nepeKyc1rn, '. 0Ha CHOBa OTIIpaBIDleTC.SI cnaTb. 50




It's difficult to sleep all day! You have no time to learn and play!

Tpy;:i;Ho crraTb Beeb ,neHb! y Tefo1 He 6y,neT BpeMeHH, qTQ6bI yqMTbC}I H mpaTb.

When does the owl come out? At night.

Kor.na BbIJieTaeI' coBa? HoqbIO.

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YKU [au] u [au].


good, food 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy)

2. npol/mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CBMOCmOflmeflbHO.

0,nHa)l()J;bl CBMHbR.Hanrna 30JIOTO H CKa3aJia: «CnaBa 6ory! 3m 30JIOTO TaK()e xopornee! EcnM 6b1 }I BbIKonaiia eIIJ,e 30JIOTa, J.[ Obi eynHna MHoro e,nb1!»

A pig once found some gold

and said, 'Thahk God! ,,, This gold is so good! . Ifl could dig out some more gold, I would buy a lot offood!' ·\,.

What didthe pig find? _Some gold. 3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YKU [u], [au] u [au].

qTO Harnna CBHHb}I? 3o_!IOTO:.,

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay «0 o» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KoH4a cmpoKu.

000 000 2. 06aeau 6yKay «0 o».

orange, orange, orange, orange, orange tnouse,tnouse,tnouse,tnouse,tnouse 4*


rose,rose,rose,rose,rose,rose owl, owl, owl, owl, owl, owl, owl cow, cow, cow, cow, cow, cow 3. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[gu] [au] [g] [~:]

[u] 4. noallepKHU 6yKay 'O o' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3H8l./OK mpaHcKpunu,uu. npollmu cnoaa.

open, orange, ocean, nose, rose, cow, owl 5. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 aaHHblX 6yKB.




LESSON 16. Letter Pp

...••..•.....................•..............................................•............... .. . Pp [p] pen, pan, plot, pasta, pet, problem, potato, pebble ' ......••..•...•••...•......•............................................................... . . ~


1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)

3. npol/mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmo.RmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syK) [p] pen, pan, plot, pasta, pet, problem, potato, pebble 4. Bbtyl/u npaeuno Hau3ycmb!



p KaK [p]


. . prince, princess, pretty 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoeKy.}

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmo.RmenbHO. -

A prince orice sai(fto a princess, "Among all girls you're the best! Roses are red, lilies are white, You are so pretty! Please, be my bride!"

Ilp1rnu, KaK-TO CKa3aJI rrp1rnu,ecce: «Cpe,n;H scex ,r(esyrneK -TbI 11yqrne scex! Po3bI KpacHbie, JIHJIHH 6e11b1e. TbI TaKa» xoporneHbKa», l>y;i:i:b Moeii Hesecmii!»



did the prince say to the princess?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 38YK [p]. J/2 4. 3aK. 489


CKa3a11 rrpllHQ rrp1rnu;ecce?

. pin 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKY.)

2. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoflmenbHO.

Pms and needles, needles and pins ;Buttons, hooks, tllreads and shiny beads! I'm learning to knit, I'm leamingto sew! 'I can sew on a button and do much more!

BynaBKH If HroJIKH, JITOJIKH If 6ynaBKH! IlyroBJfl_\hI, Kp10qiq-i, .JiHTKJf If 6JieCT5Ill.l,He 6ycHHKJf! . JI yqych a.snaT.h, H yqych IIIHTh! JI yJKe Mory npHIIIHTh nyroBHU,Y » MHOroe .n;pyroe! ThI MoJKeIIIh IIIHTh? Thi MOJKeIIIh BH3afi,?

.Can y01.i sew? Can you knit? 3. HaiJau u noallepKHu 3BYK [p].

peahen, peacock 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy.}

2. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoflmenbHO. A peahen and a peacock Once decided to buy a clock. · The clock was ticking, "Tick-a-tock! It's time for work! It's time for work!" The peacock didn't want to work And in the end he sold the clock!

Ilaaa H rraamui KaK-TO pa3 peIIIHJIH eyrrHTh qachI. qaChI THKamI: «THK-TaK! Ilopa Ha pa6ory!» IlaBJIHH He XOTeJI pa6oTaTh 11, B KOHU,e KOHU,OB, rrpo.nan qacbI.

Why did the peacock sell the clock?

IloqeMy rraBJIHH rrpo.n;an qacb1?

3. HaiJau u noallepKHU 3BYK [p]. 54

EXERCISES 1. 06aeou 6yKay «Pp» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOH4a cmpoKu.


PPP 2. 06aeou 6yKay «Pp».

pen, pen, pen, pen, pen, pen, pen pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil, pencil pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony potato, potato, potato, potato, potato pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot, pilot 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU.



4. noollepKHU 6yKay 'o' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaaunbHbtu 3Hal/oK mpaHcKpun4uu. npoL1mt1--£neaa.

pen, pencil, pony, pan, plot, pasta, pet 5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 oaHHbtX 6yKa.



LESSON 17. Letter Q q •. ... ......................•.....................•...•...•.................•... .. .· [kw] quiet, queue, square, quarter, quality ' .: Qq . .


1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.) 3. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ayK) [kw] quiet, queue, square, quarter, quality 4. Bbtyl./U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!


[kw] rrpoqn:1 H rronyqrne 3ayqH !

queen, square

1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pu<jJMoeKy.}

2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

A queen was ti.uuling across the square!

She was trying to catch a hare! But, alas! She slipped and fell Into a dark.and empty well! 'My God,' she uttered wit~ a frown! 'I could have lost my precious crown!

Koponeaa 6e)l(aJia no ITJiorn;a,II.H, 0Ha IlblTaJiaCb IlOMMaTb 3aii.u:a. Ho, yan1! 0Ha rrocKOJib3HYJiacn n yrrana B TeMHbIM nycmii KOJIO,II.e.u;. «nO)l(e ! - BOCKJIMKHyJia OHa, HaXMypRCb J[ Bef);b Morna IlOTepRTb MOIO ,II.paro:uemiyIO KOpoHy. 56

I can lose my throne and state If I run in such a haste! ' And she added in despair, 'All for a stupid little hare!'


Mory IIOTepHTb H TpOH H rocy,napCTBO, EcrrH 6y,ny TaK crrernHTb !» H oHa ,no6aBJma B oTqaHHHH: «H Bce H3-3a KaKoro-To ,nypau;Koro 3aifu;a!»

Did the queen catch the hare? Why? What could the queen lose?

KoporreBa rroliMarra 3aifu;a? floqeMy? "llTO OHa Morna IIOTepHTb?

3. Haaau u noa4epKHU 38YK [kw].

EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKey «Q q» u Hanuwu ee

ao KoH4a cmpoKu.

QQQ qqq 2. 06eeau 6yKey «0 q».

queen, queen, queen, queen, queen square,

s q~are,

square, square, square

squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4uu.

4. noa4epKHU 6yKey 'Q' e cnoeax u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaeunbHbliJ 3Ha40K mpaHcKpun4uu. npo4mume cnoea.

square, queen, quick, squirrel 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHblX 6yKe.


LESSON 18. Letter R r

. ............................................................................................. . Rr [r] rat, red, row, rattle, rabbit, rose, cream, crocodile ..................•......................................................•..............•.... . 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHou.)

3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ayK) [r] rat, red, row, rattle, rabbit, rose, cream, crocodile 4. 8b1Yl./U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!


q1uaeTC}I KaK [r] -

OH He IIOXO)J( Ha' pyccKMH


rhinoceros, horn 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKY.)

2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

A rhinoceros has a horn. In hot Africa it was born! A rhinoceros lives in a field, · Its thick skin covers it as a shield. A rhinoceros seems so tough, A rhinoceros stepsso hard! But inside it is warm and nice And it has such a loving heart!

Y Hocopora ecTh por. OH po,n;tmc» B )l(apKOH A$pHKe. Hocopor )l(HBeT B none. Ero TOJICTa» KO)l(a IIOKpbIBaeT ero KaK IIJ,HT. OH BhirM)J,HT TaKHM KPYThIM, OH czynaeT TaK rn)l(eJio. Ho B )J.yil1e OH )J,06pbIH H MHJibIH, Y Hero TaKoe mo6»111ee cep)J,u;e!

Is rhinoceros nice? Is rhinoceros kind? How many horns does it have?

Hocopor CHMTiaTHqHbIH? OH )J,06pb1H.? CKoJihKo,y Hero poroa?

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [r].


. . ra1n1ng 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoaKy) 2. npo'-lmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npO'-lmU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.

A hotdog is not a dog, It's just a sausage hot and long!

lien CHJibHbIH )l,0)1{)],b (KaK 6y)l.TO c He6a rra)l,aJIH KOIIIKH If co6aKH). 51 6bl rrpe)l.rroqeJI rrn:pmKHI>Ie ll COCHCKH! XoT)l.or - 3TO He co6aKa, 3TO rrpocTO rop.srqa51 )l.JIHHHaH COCHCKa.

What is a hotdog?

lfro TaKOe XOT)l,Or?

It has been raining cats and dogs! I wish it rained cakes and hotdogs!

3. Hauau u noa'-lepKHU 3BYK [r].

ITpe)l.JIO)KJfTe )l.eTHM HapHCOBaTb KapTHHKY KCTHXOTBOpeHmo, nocpaHTa.3HpOBaTb.

raincoat 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoaKy)

2. npo'-lmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npO'-lmU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.

A hamster walked along the road In a fancy new raincoat.

The day was gloomy, cold and wet But warm and safe the hamster felt Inside the pocket of my coat And I was gloomy, wet and cold.

XoM.sIK IIIen no .ll.Opore B MO)l.HOM HOBOM rrnarn,e. )J,eHb 6bIJI MpaqHbJH, XOJIO)l.HblH ll MOKpbIH, Ho Terrno H yIOTHO 6i,mo xoMÂťKy B KapMaHe Moero rrnarn,a. A MHe 6hIJIO rpycTHO, MOKpO If XOJIO)l.HO.

3. Hauau u noa'-lepKHU 3BYK [r].


EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey «R r» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOHU,a cmpoKu.

RRR rrr 2. 06eeou 6yKey «R r».

rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat, rat rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, crab crocodile, crocodile, crocodile 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[r] 4. noollepKHU 6yKey 'R r' 8 dnoeax U H8nUWU H80 Heu npaBUflbHb/U 3H81./0K mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npollmu cnoea.

rat, rattle, rabbit, rose, crocodile, crab, crow 5. _Cocmaeb cnoea U3 oaHHbtX 6yKe.







LESSON 19. Letter S s


[s] son, sun, snake, Miss, mouse, soup, pasta, kiss [z] museum, rose, prose, closet, close ill fish, dish, ship, sheep, wish, shoe, shallow, shadow


........................................................................................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npol.fmu aMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol.fmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3syK) [s] son, sun, snake, Miss, mouse, soup, pasta, kiss b) Sound (3syK) [z] museum, rose, prose, closet, close c) Sound (3syK) [f] fish, dish, ship, sheep, wish, shoe, shallow, shadow 4. Bbtyl.fu npaauno Hau3ycmb! P5I~OM

c cornacHoii s qttTaii KaK [s], BCer~a Me)l(~y rJiaCHbIX s qttTaii KaK [ z]' a eCJIH p51~0M s ll h, KaK 1HX CJie~yeT rrpoqecTb!


I'm sorry! Forgive me, please. 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKY.)

2. npol.fmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol.fmU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

I'm sorry, Miss. Forgive me, please. That's OK. Never mind. Now it's your turn to write. Please write A, B, C. 3. HaiJau u noal.fepKHU 3BYKU [s] u [z].

lI3BHHHTe, MHCC. IlpoCTHTe Meilll, IIO)l(aJiyHCTa. Bee B nopa,n;Ke. Her npo6rreM. Tenepb TBOH oqepe,n;b IIHCGTb. Ilo)Karryiicra, Hanm1rn A, B, C. 61

snake, sly, sleek, shrewd, shiny, dish 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy)

2. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

A sly and sleek scarysnake Once went out fishing in the lake. But a shrewd and shiny little fish Didn't want to be its dish.

XHTpaH, CKOJib3KaH H CTpaIIIHaH 3MeH 0.ri;HaJK,!J:bl OTnpaBHJiaCb JIOBHTb pb16y Ha 03epo. Ho mycTpa» H 6necrnIIJ,aH ManeHLKaH pL16Ka He xoTena cTaTb ee 6mo.ri;oM.

Did the snake catch the fish? 3. HaiJau u noallepKHU 38YKU [s] u [f].

snow 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy.) 2. npol.lmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

I'd like,to know. What is it~- snow? It's water, fallen from the sky, When the weather's cold and dry. It's frozen rain, turned into ice!

.5l xoqy 3HaTb, qTo TaKoe cHer. 3TO Bo.ri;a, ynaBinaH c He6a, Kor.ri;a rroro.ri;a xoJio.ri;Ha» H cyxa». 3TO 3aMopo:>KeHHbIH .ri;O)l()l;b, npeBpaTHBIIIHHCH B Jie.ri;! That's why it .looks so white and nice! BoT noqeMY OH TaKOH 6eJJLIH H KpaCHBbIH.

What is snow? It's frozen rain. 3. HaiJau u noa4epKHU 38YK [s].

lJTO.TaKOe CHer? 3TO 3aMep3IIIHH ,D;o:>K.[l;b.


EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey « S s» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

SSS sss 2. 06eeou 6yKey «S s».

sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun lTIOUSe,lTiouse,lTIOUSe,lTIOUSe house,house,house,house,house fish,fish,fish,fish,fish,fish,fish ship, ship, ship, ship, ship, ship 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU.

[s] [z] [f]


4. noo4epKHU e cnoeax 6yKey 'S s' u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHbJU 3Hal/OK mpaHcKpun4uu. npo4mu cnoea.

son, sun, rose, snake, ITiouse, ITiuseuITI, kiss, house, fish, ship 5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 oaHHbJX 6yKe.







LESSON 20. Letter T t

.···•············•········•······•············································•············ . .: T t .: [t] tree, tank, toy, trouble, tent, two, tea, tiger, too .. .. ······································•·•·······················•························· 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [t] tree, tank, toy, trouble, tent, two, tea, tiger, too 4. BbfYl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBY t KaK [t] rrpoqTM, KaK B cnoBax tree M tea!

TV set 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoeKy)

2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

My TV set, my TV set! You are my buddy, my best friend! In front of you I sit and sit. I never play! I eatand eat! Do you like.watching TV? Do you watch TV every day? Who is your best friend?

TeneBH3op,TeJ1eBH3op! TbI Moii M.PJihill, MOH nyqrnnM: .n;pyr! Ilepe.n; To6oif>I CHJKY ll CHJKy, 5[ HHKOr)J,a He Hrparo, a eM H eM! T.hLf!IDfuililld'~Mrrtp'e'r tn~resnJop'!

TbI ero cMoTpmnh KaJK.IJ;bIH .n;eHh? KTO TBOH nyqrnHM: .n;pyr?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [t]. 64

turtle, time 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoaKy.) 2. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npollmU C8MOCmOHmenbHO.

Time flies fast. I grow and grow! A turtle is slow, a worm is slow. I learn and study really fast! I like to come to my English class!

Bpewr nenn 6bICTpo . .5I pacry H pacry. qeperraxa Me;::i:neHHa», qepBfil< Me;::i:neHHhIH. A » yqycb H 06yqa10cb 6blcTpo. .5I Jil06JilO rrptt:XO)J,HTb Ha ypoK aHrJIHHCKOro.

What is fast? What is slow? 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 38YK [t].

qTO 6bICTpoe? qTO Me;::i:neHHoe?

tin soldier 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY.)

2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npol./mU C8MOCmOHmenbHO.

ManeHbKHH OJIOB»HHbIH COJI)J,aTHK, O)J,eTblH B 3eneuoe. qTO Tbl 6y;::i:eIIIb )J,eJiaTb, eCJIH HaqHeTC» 6HTBa? What will you do if a battle begins? I'll jump on my horse, I'll blow my horn! .5I BCKOqy Ha KOH», 6y;::i:y )J,yTb B ropH, I'll stop the enemy in the fields of com! OcTaHOBJilO Bpara B non»X p)Jili. I'll fight day and night till the enemy's flight! .5I 6yey ;::i:paTbC» )J,eHb H uoqb, IIOKa He yamKy 6ercTBo apara. It's good that tin soldiers never die in a fight! Xoporuo, qTo OJIOB»HHI>Ie con;::i:aTHKH HHKor;::i:a He nortt6a10T B 6010 ! MoryT OJIOBHHHbie COJI)J,aTHKH rrorH6HyTb B Can tin soldiers die in a fight? \Vhy? 6010? IJoqeMy?

A little tin soldier, dressed in green,

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 38YK [t]. 5. 3aK. 489


EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay «T t» ·u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

TTT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ttt 2. 06aeau 6yKay «T t».


tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree

tank, tank, tank, tank, tank, tank toy, toy, toy, toy, toy, toy table, table, table, table, table 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4UU.

[t] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. noa'-lepKHU a cnoaax 6ykay 't' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3HB'-IOK mpaHcKpun4uu. npO'-lmu cnoaa

tree, tank, toy, tea, tiger 5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHbJX 6yKB.






LESSON 21. Letter U u ...... ........... ........................ ....... ........................... ... . . . [A] sun, but, uncle, butter, button, ugly ..: u u ...: Liu] music, tune, June, prune, unicorn . 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat affer me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npo1.1mu aMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3ayK) [A] sun, but, uncle, butter, button, ugly b) Sound (3ayK) uu] music, tune, June, prune, unicorn 4. 8bfYl/U npaauno Hau3ycmb!

u B OTKpbITOM crrore [ju], U B 3aKphITOM crrore [A]. IIocKopee rrpoq1uaM: 3Tl:I HOB1>1e crroBa: sun, tune, but, June.

* 0TKpbITbIH error COCTOHT H3 cornaCHOH H rnacHOH, 3a KOTOpbIMH crre.zzyeT ern:e cornacHa5I H rnacHa5I (t!!ne, t!!be). 3aKpbITbIH error - 3aKpbIT corrracHOH HrrH ,l{BYM51 cornaCHbIMH (S!!n, b!!t) .


unicorn 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY) 2. npo1.1mu BMecme C auKmopOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

Four hooves and a horn! Four hooves and a horn! Who are you? A unicorn!

qeTb1pe KOIIbITa H por. qeThipe KOIIbITa H por. Krn TbI? E,ri:ttHopor!

How many hooves does a unicorn have? How many horns does a unicorn have? 3. Hauau u noa1.1epKHU 3BYK Uu].

CKorrhKO KOIIhIT y e,ri:ttHopora? CKorrhKO poroa y e,ri:ttHopora?

IIpe,z:i:rrmKHTe ,z:i:ernM HapttcoBaTh e,ri:HHopora. S*


It's fun! 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywai1 puc/JMOBKY.) /

2. npollmU BMecme C OUKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CBMOCmORmenbHO.

路It's fun Jo run in the su11! It's fun to jump when you run! lJp and downin the sun! Run and jump, jump and run! I~

Beceno 6eraTb Ha coJIHbIIIIKe. Beceno npbiraTb, KOr,ll,a 6eraeIIIb. BBepx-BHH3 Ha conHbIIIIKe. EeraTb H npbiraTb, np~iran~ H 6eraTb !

it f'.un.t9 run in the Sl1l1?

3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [A].

ketchup, lunch, much 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywai1 puc/JMOBKY.) 2. npollmU BMecme C OUKmOpOM, ~

~ -

a 3BmeM npol./mU CBMOCmORmenbHO.


"My dear burger! My Big Mac! I love you so", said Scrooge MacDuck. 路"With French fries and ket<;hpp, With chicken or fish, you're forever My best.. loved dish! I eat you for breakfast, for dinner and lunch. In bed, in my car _::____ I love you so much! Wherever I go, wherever I fly, Without McDonald's I'll certainly die!"

"Moil ,ll,oporoii raM6yprep! 1foii Enr MaK! KaK j{ 1'e6j{ mo6mo", CKa3aJI CKpy,ll,)J( MaK)::{aK. "C )J(apeHOH KapTOIIIKOH, .KeTqynoM, C Kypnuoii HJIH pb16oii - TbI Bcer,ll,a Moe mo6nMoe 6mo,ll,o! .51 CM re6j{ Ha 3aBTpal(, )')KHH H o6e,ll,, B nocrenn, BMaIIIHHe, - j{ TaK Te6j{ mo6mo ! Ky.D.a 6b1 j{ HH noexan, Ky.D.a 6b1 HH noneTeJI, Ee3 MaK,ll,OHaJib,ll,Ca H npocm YMPY!"

Do you like eating in McDonald's? Can you live without it? 路 3. Hauou u nool./epKHu 3BYK [A].

Tb1 mo6Hrnb ecrb BMaK,ll,OHaJib.zi;ce? TbI MO)J(eIIIb 6e3 Hero o6oiiTHCb? 68

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKey «U u» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KoHu,a cmpoKu.

uuu 2. 06eeau 6yKey «U u».)



. . unicorn, unicorn, unicorn, unicorn

umbrella, umbrella, umbrella, umbrella sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun duckling, duckling, duckling truck, truck, truck, truck, truck 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpunU,UU. \

[A] uu]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. noa1.1epKHu e cnoeax 6yKey 'U u' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaeunbHbti1 3Ha1.10K mpaHcKpunu.uu. npo1.1mu cnoea

sun, music, butter, ugly, unicorn, June, duckling, truck 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHbtx 6yKe.

@KTUR 1/2 5. 3aK. 489



1 1


LESSON 22. Letter V v •..........•.................................. ..•..•...................................... .. ..: V v ..: [v] visit, seven, eleven, twelve, view, vase, ever, never


1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) J

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [v] visit, seven, eleven, twelve, view, vase, ever, never 4. Bbtyl/u npaauno Hau3ycmb!

IlocKopeli 3aIIOMHHaM - V BCer.z:i;a KaK [v] qHTaM!


van, vehicle, vegetable, valley 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMoaKy.}

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

A van is a vehicle. A carrot is a vegetable! A wagon goes on four wheels. A valley lies between the hills.

IlHKarr - 3TO MaumHa. MopKOBKa - :no oBoru;. BaroH e,D;eT Ha qeThipex Konecax. ,l(on.Hpant'.)l(!fT_cpe~H xbnMOB.

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [v].


EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay « V V» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

vvv vvv 2. 06aeau 6yKay «V v».

van, van, van, van, van, van, van vase, vase, vase, vase, vase, vase olive, olive, olive, olive, olive, olive 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpun4uu.

[v] 4. noa'-lepKHu a cnoaax 6yKay 'v' u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbliJ 3Ha'-IOK mpaHcKpun4uu. npo'-lmu cnoaa.


seven, eleven, view, vase, van, olive 5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.


l I

1/2 5*





LESSON 23. Letter W w

..........................................................................•.............................• .. . .. [w] water, what, wolf, when, where, weather, wine, Willy, why ...: Ww ..: [h] whose, who ....................................................................................................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.) 3. npol/mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

a) Sound (3syK) [w] water, what, wolf, when, where, weather, wine, Willy, why b) Sound (3syK) [h] who, whose 4. BbfYl/U npaeuno Hau3ycmb!



3ry 6yKBY W 5I IIOBCIO,lJ;Y Y3Hal0 ! [w] ee rrpoqTy, KpoMe CJIOB whose M who!

white, wolf, water 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKy.} 2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

A small white wolf wants to drink some water. The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

ManeHbKHH 6e11L1ii BOJIK xoqeT BbIIIHTb BO)l.bl. Iloro)l.a CTaHOBHTC~ see )Kapqe 11 )Kapqe.

What does the wolf want to drink? Why?


3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [w].


EXERCISES 1. 06eeou 6yKey «WW» u Hanuwu ee caM oo KOH4a cmpoKu.

WWW WWW 2. 06eeou 6yKBY «WW».

w olf, w olf, w olf, w olf, w olf, wolf wi?ard, wizard, wizard, wizard, wizard w orm, w orm, w orm, worm, worm flow er, flower, flower, flow er, flower 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUn4UU.


[h] 4. noo4epKHU 6yKey 'w' a cnoeax u Hanuwu Hao Heu npaeunbHbtu 3Ha4oK mpaHcKpun4uu. npo4mu cnoea.

water, wolf, when, where, weather, .wizard, worm, who, whose 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 oaHHbtx 6yKe.







LESSON 24. Letter X x ..........................................................

. .:


[ks] box, fox, wax, tax, axe

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)

3. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO BCnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [ks] box, fox, wax, tax, axe 4. Bbtyl/u npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

EyKBY x qnTaii KaK [ks], KaK B cJioBax box n fox!

oxygen 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pu<.jJMOBKy.)

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

We need oxygen to breathe, Without it we cannot live!

HaM Hy)J(eH KHCJiopo,D;, qT06h1 ,D;hIIIIaTb. Ee3 Hero MhI He MO)J(eM )J(liTh.

What do we need to breathe? Can we live without oxygen?

lJ.To HaM ~HO, qTo6hI )J;bIIIIaTb? MbI MO)J(eM )l(liTh 6e3 KHCJiopo,D;a?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [ks].


EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKey «XX» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

xxx xxx 2. 06aeau 6yKBY «XX».

box, box, box, box, box, box, box fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, fox axe,axe,axe,axe,axe,axe,axe 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUn4UU.

[ks] 4. noal/epKHu 6yKey 'Xx' a cnoeax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaeunbHbtu 3Hal/oK mpaHcKpun4uu. npollmu cnoea.

box, fox, wax, tax, axe 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHbtx 6yKe.





LESSON 25. Letter Y y

...........................................................•................. .. ~ y y ~ rn you, yes, yellow, boy, toy, enjoy, employ : [i] mommy, Tony, pony, bunny, rainy .: .. 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.)

3. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoHmenbHO acnyx.

a) Sound (3ByK) [j] you, yes, yellow, boy, toy, enjoy, employ b) Sound (3BYK) [i] mommy, Tony, pony, bunny, rainy 4. Bb1y4u npaauno Hau3ycmb!


c rnacttoH: 6y1rny y Thi KaK [j] Bcer,ri;a qHTaH:, a nocne cornacttoH: OHa Ha [i] cornactta!

you, yell, yard, yacht, yawn 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKY.)

2. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoflmenbHO.

Don't yell in my yard! Don't ya~n on my yacht! If you want to be my friend · You should listen to my words! 3. Hauou u noollepKHU 3BYK UJ.

He opa y Mem1 BO ,n;Bope ! He 3eBaii Ha Moeii HXTe ! Ecna xoqemh 6hITh MOHM ,n;pyroM, Thi JJ;OJI)J(eH rrpMcnymirnaThCH KMOMM cnoBaM.


EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay « Y y» u Hanuwu ee caM

ao KOH4a cmpoKu.


yyy 2. 06aeau 6yKay « Y y».

boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy toy, toy, toy, toy, toy, toy, toy, toy pony, pony, pony, pony, pony, pony 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnl{UU.

4. noa'-lepKHu 6yKay 'Y y' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa Heu npaaunbHbtiJ 3Ha'-loK mpaHcKpun4uu. npo'-lmu cnoaa.

you, yes, yellow, boy, toy, mommy, Tony, pony, bunny 5. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 8aHHbtX 6yKB.

__ll~o_TY~l I

~Y_ OB



LESSON 26. Letter Z z ..........................................•.................. ... .. . : Zz .. ...: [z] zoo, zebra, zero, buzz, zed ............................................................. 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx. Sound(3ByK) [z]zoo,zebra,zero,buzz,zed

4. Bbtyl/u npaeuno Hau3ycmb!

qTO nerKO 3aIIOMHHaeTC5I? To, qTo z KaK [z] q11TaeTc5I!

zebra 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKY)

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CaMOCmORmenbHO. MarreHbKa~

A little zebra asked one night Am I black or am I white? You are striped in broad daylight But at night you are white!

<<ll qepHa~ ttmI 6ena~?» TbI rronocaTa}I ,ll.HeM H 6eJia}I Hoqb10.

What color is the zebra?

KaKoro UBern 3e6pa?

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [z].


3e6pa KaK-TO crrpocirna Hoqb10:

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau 6yKay «Z z» u Hanuwu ee caM ao KOH4a cmpoKu.

zzz zzz 2. 06aeau 6yKBY «Z Z».

zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo zebra, zebra, zebra, zebra, zebra wizard, wizard, wizard, wizard 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnL{UU.

[z] 4. noallepKHU 6yKay 'z' a cnoaax u Hanuwu Haa HeiJ npaaunbHbtiJ 3Hal/OK mpaHcKpun4uu. npollmu cnoaa.

zoo, zebra, buzz, wizard, zone 5. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHbtX 6yKa.

c____o_oz_ l I BRZEA 11 nwrzRA I 6. noa6epu ManeHbKYIO 6yKBY K 60flbWOU U coeauHU UX.






g F d b e





J I k f q



u v w x








t 79


p z y x v w u n


LESSON 27. Letters Ch ch ............................................................................................ .. .. .. . ..: Ch ch ..: [tj'] chalk, chair, cheese, watch, much, such, charming ...: ............................................................................................ 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl./mU CaMOCmQflmenbHO BCnyx.

Sound (3syi<) [tl] chalk, chair, cheese, watch, much, such, charming


, cheerful, charming, ditch, witch, watch 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMOBKY.)

2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl./mU CaMOCmOflmeflbHO.

A cheerful and charming witch Once dropped her watch into a ditch! But when she tried to get it back Into the ditch she fell herself! A crowd came to stand and watch The poor witch looking for her watch. She looked and looked, They watched and watched, And in the end she found the watch.

)Kif3Hepa;:i;ocTHa5I H oqaposaTeJihHa5I se,n;hMa KaK-TO pro yponHna HOBhJe qacb1 B Kanasy. Kor.n;a ona rrorrbuanach nx ;:i;ocTaTh, CBaJIHJiaCb B KaHaBy caMa. Tonrra rrpm1rna H cTana cMoTpeTh, KaK 6e;:i;Ha5I Be,n;hMa Hrn;eT qachI. Ona HCKana, HCKana. 0HH CMOTpeJIH, CMOTpeJIH, H, B KOH11e Konu;os, ona nanrna qachI.

Did the witch find the watch?

Be,n;hMa nanrna qacb1?

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [1Jl


EXERCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKeocolfemaHue «Ch» u Hanuwu eco caM ao KOHU,a cmpoKu.

Ch Ch Ch ch ch ch 2. 06eeau 6yKeocolfemaHue «Ch».

chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk chair, chair, chair, chair, chair, chair cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[lf] 4. noal./epKHU 6yKBOCOl./emaHUe 'ch' U H8nUWU Haa HUMU npaBUflbHbtiJ 3H8l./OK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npolfmu cnoea.

chalk, chair, cheese, watch, charming 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHbtX 6yKe.


-. 3aK. 489


LESSON 28. Letters Sh sh

............................................................................................. .. . . ..: Sh sh ..: [n shoe, sheep, ship, shine, wish, dish, shadow, shame .•..•..••..••..•••••••••••••..••.......•••••••.••...•.•••.•............•...................

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npol/mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [f] shoe, sheep, ship, shine, wish, dish, shadow, shame

sheep, shoes, shiny, polish 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKY.)

2. npo4mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoflmenbHO.

Sheep never wear leather shoes. They are afraid that they may lose Their shiny shoes in dirt and mud, So they just polish them at night! They keep their clean shoes on the shelf. You don't believe me? I've seen it myself!

0BeqKM HMKOr,n;a He HOC5IT CBOH KO:lKaHI>Ie ryqmM. OHM 6o5ITI>C» noTep»TI> CBoM 6Jiecrnrn;tte TyQ)JIM B rp5I3M H TII>IJIH, Ilo:noMy OHM JIMIIIb qifCTHT HX no HoqaM. OHM xpaH5IT CBOH qMCTble Tyq)JIR Ha TIOJioqKe. He BepMIIII> MHe? ,[(a» caM 3TO BM,n;eJI!

Do sheep wear their leather shoes? Why? 3. Hauou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [f].

0BeqKH HOC»T KO:lKaHI>Ie ryqmM? lJoqeMy?

goldfish, make a wish 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKy.)

2. npo4mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoflmenbHO.

A cat once caught a big goldfish! "Please, don't eat me!

KoT KaK-TO noiIMaJI 6oJII>IIIYIO 30JIOTyIO pI>I6Ky. - ITo:lKaJiyilcrn, He eIIII> MeHa! 82

Better make a wish!" I wish to eat a goldfish. This is my greatest wish.

3ara.naH: )l(eJiamte! - )KerraIO C'beCTb )l(l:IPHYIO 30JIOT)'IO pbI6Ky. 3To Moe caMoe 6orrhrnoe )l(erram1e!

What was the cat's greatest wish?

KaKoe 6blrro caMoe 6orrhrnoe )l(eJiaHI:Ie Korn?


3. Ha uau u noa1.1 epKHU 3BYK [f].

EXE RCISES 1. 06eeau 6yKeoco1.1emaHue «Sh» u Hanuwu ezo caM

ao KOHu,a cmpoKu.

Sh Sh Sh sh sh sh 2. 06eeau 6yKaoco1.1emaHue «Sh» .

shoe, shoe, shoe, shoe, shoe, shoe sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep, sheep fish, fish,fish,fish,fish,fish,fish 3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

4. noa1.1epKHU 6yKBOCOl./emaHUe 'sh' U H8nUWU Haa Hl/MU npaBUflbHb/U 3H81./0K mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npo1.1mu cnoea.

shoe, sheep, ship, shine, wish, dish 5. Cocmaeb cnoea u3 aaHHbJX 6yKB.


LESSON 29. Letters Th th

............................................................................................. .. .: Th th .: [o] this, that, these, those, bathe, weather, together, .. ... brother, mother, father, with, clothes ........................................................................................... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) 3. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmo>1menbHO acnyx. Sound (3ByK) [o] this, that, these, those, bathe, weather, together, brother, mother, father,

with, clothes

bathe, weather 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY.) 2. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmo>1menbHO.

My brother bathes in any weather. These days we go to bathe together. 3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [o].

Moll: 6paT KynaercH B mo6yi0 noro.ey. B 3TM ~HH MhI KynaeMcH BMecre.

..:··············:······························································································ ... ~ Th th ~ [8] thick, thin, moth, think, myth, thistle, things, nothing, everything ............................................................................................................... . 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHou.) 3. npol./mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmo>1menbHO acnyx. Sound (3ByK) [8] thick, thin, moth, think, myth, thistle, things, nothing, everything


thin, thick 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoBKY.)

2. npol/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmOflmenbHO. .5I mo6mo Bee KHHTH - TOHKHe H TOilCTbie. .5I xoqy Bee 3HaTb. .5I rrpoqry Bee KHHrH - TOHKHe H TOilCTbie H 6y.zzy 3HaTb Bee!

I like all books - thin and thick. I want to know everything!

I' 11 read all books - thin and thick, Then I'll know everything!

KaKHe KHIDKKH TbI mo6mnb "CmTaTb, TOHKHe HilH TOilCTbie? Tb1 mo6mnb qHTaTb?

What books do you like thin or thick? Do you like reading? 3. HaiJau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [8]

EXERCISES 1. 06aeau u nponuwu 6yKaocol/emaHue «th».

Th Th Th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - th th th 2. 06aeau 6yKaocol/emaHue «th».

this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this that, that, that, that, that, that, that thick, thick, thick, thick, thick, thick thin, thin, thin, thin, thin, thin, thin J/2 6. 3aK. 489


3. npo4mU acnyx:

[8] thick, thin, moth, think, myth, thistle, things, nothing, everything [o] this, that, these, those, there, mother, father, brother, weather 4. noal/epKHU 6yKBOCOl/emaHUe 'th' U HanUWU Haa HUMU np88UflbHb/U 3H8l/OK mpaHCKpUnU,UU. npo4mu cnoaa.

this, that, thick, weather, brother, thin, mother, father, think 5. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[8] [o] 6. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.



LESSON 30. Letters Ph ph

................................................................................................................ .. . ...: Ph ph ..: [f] philosopher, Physics, photographer, catastrophe, elephant, trophy 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npo1.Jmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.Jmu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx. ·

Sound (3ByK) [f] philosopher, Physics, photographer, catastrophe, elephant, trophy

elephant 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucjJMoeKy.) \

2. npol./mU 8Mecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmOHmenbHO.

Two tusks and a trunk. Who is it? An elephant!

,[(Ba 6MBIDI Mxo6oT. KTo :no? Cnott!

How many tusks does an elephant have? 3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 38YK [f].

CKOJibKO 6MBHeii y cnotta?


--- ········· ······ ·· ······ ····· ·· ······· ··· ····· ········· ····· ····· ·············· ················ ············ ··········································

1. 06aeau u nponuwu 6yKeoco1.JemaHue «ph».

Ph Ph Ph ph ph ph /




2. Hanuwu 6yKaoco1.1emaHue «ph» a uHmepaane.


ele__ ant



I __otogra__er I 3. noo1.1epKHU 6yKBOCOl/emaHUe 'ph' U HanUWU HBO HUMU npaBUflbHblU 3H8l/OK mpaHCKpun~UU.

np04mu cnoaa.

philosopher, photographer, photo, elephant 4. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 oaHHbtX 6yKa.






LESSON 31. Sounds [a:] u [J:]

................................................................................................................... .. .. Sound (3BYK) Example (npHMep) .:................................................................................................................. ..: Spelling (HanucaHHe) .: ~ •

~ •

a, ar, al, ea, au

~ dance, bar, car, far, half, calf,

h :..................................................................................•.............................. : . eart, aunt [a:]

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npoymu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [a:] dance, bar, car, far, half, calf, heart, aunt

1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMOBKy.)

2. npoYmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOYmU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

My aunt comes from so far by car To bring me a cake and a chocolate bar. Who comes from so far by car?

Mo5I TeT5I rrptte3)KaeT Ha ManrnHe M3JJ,aJieKa, 1


KTo rrptte3)KaeT Ha MaIIIIme M3JJ,aJieKa?

3. Hauau u noaYepKHU 3BYK [a:}.

.................................................................................................................... .. ... .. sound spelling example ..:.................................................................................................................. ..: .: .: ~ ~ door, floor, four, port, short, ~ . oo, ou, au, aw, or, al, ar .d h d . :.................................................................................................................. : : aug ter, raw, sport, all, warm:

["'.,·.] \

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.) 2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npoYmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [:'.):] door, floor, four, port, short, daughter, draw, sport, all, warm


door, storm, daughter, warm 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKy.)

EXERCISES 1. nocJt.lepKHU COl./emaHue 6yKe, KOmopoe l./UmaemCR K8K (a:].

dance, bar, car, far, half, calf, heart, aunt 2. noal./epKHU COl./emaHue 6yKe, KOmopoe l./UmaemCR K8K (::>:].

door, floor, four, port, short, daughter, draw, sport, all, warm 3. Hanuwu npon~eHHble 6yKeb1 e uHmepeane.


I ~I-h-rt~



II'---_fl_ r _

4. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[a:] [J:]


5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 aaHHblX 6yKe.

~oRD_o~l I

EAHRT II.____LF_c_A~ 90

LESSON 32. Sounds [i] u [i:]

.·····•···••······················•·················•····························································· . . ·


: ~


1 •

: this, his, listen, thin, ~gym, typical, pretty, build, guitar

. y, e, m

.. .........................................................................•....•....•.............................. .. 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywai1 cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [i] this, his, listen, thin, gym, typical, pretty, build, guitar

pretty, slim, gym, swim 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywai1 puc/JMOBKY) 2. npollmU BMecme C OUKmOpOM,

a 3ameM npollmU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

Pretty Kim is very slim. She spends all her free time in the gym. She's so keen on being slim That she never leaves the gym! She eats and sleeps in the gym. She's so slim that she can't swim. When she sleeps in her dream She's still trying to get slim.


you slim? Can you swilp?

XopoIIIeHI>KaJ.1 Kli:M oqeHb CTPoilliaH. 0Ha rrpOBO.D;HT Bee CB06o.n;Hoe BpeW! B crropTHBHOM 3aJie. 0Ha TaK xo11eT .6b1Tb CTPoif!Io:H:, . qTO HHKOr.D;a He IIOKH.z:i;aeT 3aJI. 0Ha ecT H CIIHT B 3aJie. Otta YiKe TaK cTpo:H:Ha, qm He MOiKeT IIJiaBaTb. Kor.z:i;a o:Ha CIIHT, BO CHe Otta rr1>1TaeTc» rroxy.n;eTI> eme 6on1>IIIe. Thi

3. Hauau u noallepKHu 3BYK [i].



T1>1 MOiKeIIII> rrnaBaTb?

.................. ................................................................................................... ... .. .. : : : green, sheep, sleep, deep, niece, piece, :





ee, 1e, ea, e, ey, ei, 1


believe, read, bead, teacher, these, sea, complete, key, keep, receive, police :

.................................................................................................................... . .. .. :



1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npolfmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmoHmenbHO ecnyx. Sound (3ByK) [i:] green, sheep, sleep, deep, niece, piece, believe, read, bead, teacher, these, sea, complete, key, keep, receive, police

sea, sailor, key 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucf>MoeKy.)

2. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmOHmenbHO .


In a deep green sea A sleepy sailor lost his key. The key the sailor failed to keep Now is lying really deep.

B rny6oKOM c1rneM Mope CoHHbIH MopxK rroTepxn Kmoq. Kmoq, KOTop1>1M: OH He CYMen coxpaHMTh, Terrep1> ne)J(MT oqeHh rny6oKo.

Where is the key? Why is the key lying in the sea?

f.n;e Kmoq? lJoqeMy OH ne)J(MT B Mope?

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [i:].

EXERCISES 1. noal./epKHU e cnoeax 6yKey, KomopaH l./UmaemcH KaK [i].

this, his, listen, thin, gym, typical, pretty, build, guitar 92

2. noal./epKHu e cnoeax 6yKey, Komopa>1 4umaemc>1 KaK [i:}.

green, sheep, sleep, deep, niece, piece, believe, read, bead, teacher, these, sea, complete, key, keep, receive, police 3. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHbte 6yKBbt e uHmepeane.

sh_ p t


cher I l._____k_y_路_

4. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[i] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [i:] 5. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 aaHHbtX 6yKe.




LESSON 33. Sounds [ai], [ei] u


.................................................................................................................... .. .. l.



! like, time, island, fly, try, cycle, light,

i, y, ie, igh, ei, ey, uy

h' h fl' ht d'


h 路 ht


: 1g , 1g , 1e, 1e, e1g , eye, uy .................................................................................................................. .: . . 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npo'-lmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3ByK) [ ai] like, time, island, fly, try, cycle, light, high, flight, die, tie, height, eye, buy

1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucpMoeKy)

2. npo'-lmU BMecme C auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

If you can fly you don't need to buy

Any tickets for a flight. You can fly at any height! You can fly to any place Like a rocket in space!

EcJlll TI>I MO)J(elllb neTaTI>, Te6e He H)l)KHO rroKyrraTI> forneTI>I Ha caMoJieT. TI>1 MO)J(elllI> neTan Ha mo6oii BI>ICoTe. TI>1 MO)J(elllI> neTaTb B mo6oe MecTo, KaK paKeTa B KOCMoce!

Would you like to learn to fly? Why? 3. Hauau u noal../epKHU 3BYK [ai].





. ay, ey, ei, ea

take, lake, snake, wait, train, say, play, may, rain, they, wait, grey, obey, eight, weight

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.) 2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.)

3. npo'-lmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx. 94

Sound (3ByK) [ei] take, lake, snake, wait, train, say, play, may, rain, they, wait, grey, obey, eight, weight

wait, late 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoaKy.} 2. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

A little wolf cub nice and grey Went to the forest in the rain. Under a tree it had to wait, So it came back home very late.

MarreHbKHM BonqoHoK, cepbIM tt MMJihIM Ilornen B nee B ,n:O)l(Jl:h, EMy rrp11rnnocb )l(Jl:aTb rro,n: ,n:epeBoM I1 OH rrpttIIIeJI ,n:OMOll oqeHb II03Jl:HO.

Why did the wolf cub come home late? 3. HaiJou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [ei].

IJoqeMy BOJiqOHOK I103Jl:HO rrpttIIIeJI Jl:OMOtt?

•..•.........••.••••.....••..•....•• ••....... ....•...••.... ....•.•••.••••..•..••.•.... .. . .: [::ii] : boy, toy, joy, enjoy, employ .. ... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.) 3. npol/mu BMecme c ouKmopoM,

a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO


4. npol/mu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

Sound (3ByK) [oi] boy, toy, joy, enjoy, employ

toy, joy, enjoy 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKy.)

2. npol/m u BMecm e c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

This birthday cake and a new toy Are birthday presents for my boy.

3TOT rrpa3,n:HJ1qHblll TOpT I1 HOBa51 MrpyrnKa rro,n:apKH Ha ,n:eHh po)l(,n:eHH51 ,n:n51 Moero MaJII>q11Ka. 95

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 36YK [::>i].

EXERCISES 1. noallepKHU collemaHuR 6yKa, Komopb1e L1uma10mcR KaK [ai], u npollmu cnoaa acnyx.

like, time, island, fly, try, cycle, light, high, flight, die, tie, height, eye, buy 2. noallepKHU collemaHUR 6yKa, Komopb1e 1.wma10mcR KaK [ei], u npol/mu cnoaa acnyx.

take, lake, snake, wait, train, say, play, may, rain, they, wait, grey, obey, eight, weight 3. noallepKHU collemaHuR 6yKa, Komopb1e l./uma10mcR KaK [::>i] , u npOl./mu cnoaa acnyx.

box, toy, joy, enjoy, employ 4. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHble 6yKBbl a uHmepaane.

sland t - - c- cle









5. nponUWU 3HaK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[ai] [ei] [~i] 6. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHblX 6yKa.




II 96




LESSON 34. Sounds [:J] u [A]

. ... ..:

.. . : ..




. ..: .

o, a

top, pocket, hop, frog, fog, hog, what, watch, want

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoiJ.) 3. npol/mu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Sound (3syK) [:)] top, pocket, hop, frog, fog, hog, what, watch, want

frog, \

hop, fog 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMOBKY)

2. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

A frog was hopping in the fog A tasty lunch had a hedgehog. A raven cried, "Croak-croak-croak! What a stupid little frog! Where else did it hope to hop? On such a day, in such a fog?"

Jfa:ryrrn<a npI>Irana B JYMaHe. Y e)KRKa 6I>m BKYCHI>IH o6e.n:. BopoH npoKapKan: «Kap-Kap! KaKa5I rnyrra5I JUiryIIIKa ! ll Ky.n:a oHa Ha,n:e5IrracI> ynpI>IraTI>? B TaKoH. ,n:eHI>, B TaKoM JYMaHe?»

What did the hedgehog have for lunch?

lfTO CbeJI Ha o6e,ll, e)K}fK?

3. HaiJou u nool/epKHU 3BYK [:J].

- . 3aK. 489


fairy, magic wand 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY)

2. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [:::>].

.................................................................................................................. .. some, mother, month .. . \

but, fun, sunny, sun, husband, butter, plug, but.. .. ton, cousin, bug, truck, double, trouble, young ................................................................................................................ :




1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoD.)

3. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syK) [A] some, mother, month, but, fun, sunny, sun, husband, butter, plug, button, cousin, bug, truck, double, trouble, young

double, trouble, butter 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucjJMOBKY)

2. npol./mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.


It's double trouble When hot butter bubbles Right in the middle of your frying pan! Such butter bubbles can cause troubles And all your efforts will be in vain! 3. Hauau u noallepKHU 3BYK [A].

3To 6oJII>IIIM npo6JieMa, Kor.n;a ropjfqee MacJio ny3nipttTC}l Ilocpe,ntt cRosopo.n;Ktt. TaKMe ny3I>Iptt MacJia MOrYT npttHecTtt npo6JieMDI II see TBOM ycttJilf}l 6y,nyT mmpacm.1.

EXERCISES 1. noallepKHU 6yKBY, KomopaH l/umaemcfl KaK [A], u npollmu cnoaa acnyx.

top, pocket, hop, frog, fog, hog, what, watch, want 2. noallepKHU 6yKBY, Komopafl llumaemcfl KaK [A] u npollmu cnoaa acnyx.

some, mother, month, but, fun, sunny, sun, husband, butter, plug, button, cousin, bug, truck, double, trouble, young ~,

3. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

4. Cocmaab cnoaa U3 aaHHbtX 6yKB.





LESSON 35. Sound [t:]

.................................................................................................................... . .. . . .: .: : bird, shirt, skirt, her, third, burn, world, er, ur [ £:] .. .. fur, furniture . . .................................................................... ............................................. ir,

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.) 3. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx

Sound (3ByK) [£:] bird, shirt, skirt, her, third, burn, world, fur, furniture 0 0


0 0



bird, shirt, skirt 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoaKy.}

2. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

A little bird bought a shirt ' but it didn't buy a skirt! Had the bird known this word, it would have bought a nice new skirt!

I1n1qKa KYilHJia py6arnKy, HO He KynnJia 106Ky. EcJIH 61>1 oHa 3HaJia 3TO cJioBo, Otta 61>1 KynnJia HOBYIO 106Ky.

What did the bird buy? 3. Hauou u noollepKHu 3BYK [e:].

..·····························································••&••··············································· .. -er [~] ..: mother, father, sister, brother, weather, together, forever ..: ················································· · ············~······················· ····························

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoaa.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoi1.) 3. npollmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx

Sound (3ByK) [~] mother, father, sister, brother, weather, together, forever 100

forever, together, weather 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucfJMoeKy.) 2. npol/mU BMecme


auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npollmU C8MOCmOflmenbHO.

"Forever we'll be together in any weather Until we wither", said a rose to a thistle!

«MbI 6y,D;eM BMecTe HaBcema B mo6y10 IIOro,D;y, IloKa He 3aBsrneM», - CKa3aJia po3a qepToIIonoxy.

What did the rose say to the thistle?

1ITO CKa3aJia po3a qepTOIIOJIOxy? .

3. Hauau u noal/epKHU 3BYK [a].

EXERCISES 1. noal/epKHU 6yKeb1, Komopb1e l/uma10mcfl KBK [c:], u npollmu cnoea ecnyx.

bird, shirt, skirt, her, third, bum, world, fur, furniture 2. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHble 6yKBbl e uHmepeane .

..__w_tc_h_____,II'---_b_tt_on_l .___I_b_d____J 3. noallepKHu 6yKeb1, Komopb1e lluma10mcfl KaK [a], u npollmu cnoea ecnyx.

mother, father, sister, brother, weather, together, forever 101

4. Hanuwu npony11.4eHHbte 6yKBbt a uHmepaane.

~m_o_th_~ll~_f:_ath_~ L___s_is_t~___,ll~~b_ro_th~~~ 5. nponUWU 3HBK mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[e:] [~] 6. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 aaHHbtX 6yKa.








LESSON 36. Sounds [g]



................................................................................................................... .. .: song, ring, sing, thing, everything, nothing, feeling, bring, long : ng [IJ] .. ... ..••••••..••..•••....•.......•.....•.....••••.••••••••••.............•.........••••..••...•.....••............... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.) 3. npoymu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syK) [IJ] song, ring, sing, thing, everything, nothing, feeling, bring, long

. . ring, sing 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ puc/JMOBKY.)

2. npoymu BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOYmU CaMOCmORmenbHO.

Ring your bell! Ring, ring, ring! Sing for me! Sing, sing, sing! I will sing you a song! If you like it- sing along! 3. Hauau u noayepKHU 3BYK [r:J].

3BOHH B KOJIOKOJU,qHK! 3BOHH! CrroH: MHe! CrroH:! 5I CIIOIO Te6e rreCHIO ! Ecntt HpaBHTC5I, rro.n;rresaH:!

:····················:··························································································· .. ... ...; -tion [Jn] ..: generation, revolution, evolution, population, nation, civilization ...••••......•••••••••..........••••••••••••••••• •••••••.....•............................•••••...........•...... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywaiJ cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoiJ.) 3. npoYmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoymu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sound (3syK)

[fnJ generation, revolution, evolution, population, nation, civilization 103

nation, civilization 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywaiJ pucfJMoeKy.) 2. npol/mu eMecme c duKmopoM, a 3ameM npOl/mu caMocmoRmenbHO.

What is a civdJi~.!!Q9nZ~路 路"路 . 3. HaiJdu u nodl/epKHU 3BYK Un].

EXERCISES 1. nodl/epKHU 6yKeb1, Komopb1e l/Uma10mcR KBK {fJ], u npol/mu cnoea ecnyx.

song, ring, sing, thing, everything, nothing, feeling, bring, long 2. nodl/epKHU 6yKeb1, Komopb1e l/uma10mcR KaK Un], u npol/mu cnoea ecnyx.

nation, generation, revolution, evolution, population, civilization 3. Hanuwu nponyut,eHHbJe 6yKeb1 e uHmepeane.

so .








I everythi_ _ 4. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHbte 6yKBbt e uHmepeane.

na_ _ _ _ lrevolu ___


genera ___


J evolu ____ I


5. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[lJ] [fn] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. Cocmaeb cnoea U3 oaHHbtX 6yKe.


8 . 3aK. 489




LESSON 37. Sounds

[tfa], [3n] H [aua]

.................................................................................................................. . ..~ -tu re [tj'~] ..~ nature, sculpture, architecture, picture, structure, puncture, furniture ................................................................................................................. 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.) 3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO BCnyx.

Sound (3syK) furniture


nature, sculpture, architecture, picture, structure, puncture,

literature, architecture, sculpture, culture 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau puc/JMOBKY.)

2. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU CaMOCmOflmenbHO.

Literature, painting, architecture, sculpture all put together are called culture!

JlttTeparypa, )l(MBOIIMCb, apxttTeKrypa, cKyn1>11rypa - see BMecTe 3TO Kyn1>rypa!

What is culture?

11To TaKoe KYJI1>Typa?

3. Hauau u noal./epKHU 3BYK [tfa] .

.................................................................................................................... ... ... . . .: : - sion [3n] : division, provision, television, conclusion, invasion .. .. ... ••.....•...•••.•••••.•••..•.......•........•....•••••..••••..••...•...•••••••..•••.••.....••.••••........•...••... 1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noemopu 3a MHoi1.)

3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU caMOCmOflmenbHO Bcnyx.

Sound (3syK) [3n] division, provision, television, conclusion, invasion 106

v1s1on, television 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf>MoBKy.} 2. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

After watching Eurovision, Mary came to a conclusion To stop watching television!

ITocne rrpocMOTpa Espos11,nemrn: M1p11 peumna rrepecTaTb cMoTpen, Tenes11,neH11e!

Do you like television? 3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [3n] .

Tb1 mo6m1Ib TeneB11,neH11e?

... ..:

. ...: ..

................................................................................ -ower


flower, power, shower, tower

1. Listen to the words. (npocnywau cnoea.)

2. Repeat after me. (noamopu 3a MHoD.)

3. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npolfmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx. Sound (3ByK)


flower, power, shower, tower

flower, shower, tower 1. Listen to the poem. (npocnywau pucf>MOBKY.)

2. npolfmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO.

Ann is as pretty as a flower. She lives in a tall tower. She likes singing in the shower. 3. Hauou u nool./epKHU 3BYK [aua]. 8*

AHHa rrpeKpacHa, KaK u;BeToK. 0Ha )l(HBeT B BbICOKOH 6arnHe. 0Ha mo611T rreTb B ,nyrne.


EXERCISES 1. noa4epKHU 6yKBb1, Komopb1e l/uma10mcR KaK

[tfa], u npol/mu cnoaa acnyx.

nature, sculpture, architecture, picture, structure, puncture, furniture 2. noa4epKHU 6yKBbl, Komopb1e 4uma10mcR KaK [3n], u npol/mu cnoaa acnyx.

division, provision, television, conclusion, invasion 3. noa4epKHU 6yKBbl, Komopb1e lfuma10mcR KaK [aua], u npol/mu cnoaa acnyx.

flower, power, shower, tower 4. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHble 6yKBbl a uHmepaane.



larchitec ___


sculp ___ _

J, _p_i_c_-_-_-_-___, L-

5. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHble 6yKBbl a uHmepaane.

~d_i_v_i_________l provi____ I


televi___ _

6. Hanuwu nponyw,eHHble 6yKBbl a uHmepaane.

~fl-__-_-~I ~I_sh___-_-_I ~I_t-_--_-__ 108

7. nponUWU 3H8K mpaHCKpUnU,UU.

[tfg] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [3n] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [aug] 8. Cocmaab cnoaa u3 oaHHblX 6yKB.







[ / 2 8. 3aK. 489




1. npo1.1uma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM: 0

alien 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo1.1mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu eao caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

An alien lives in space. His home is on Venice or Mars. From where he comes to see us! I wonder why he comes? I hope that he likes us!

I1HomrnHernmrn )KJrneT B KOCMoce. I1HorrnaHernmrn rrpm1erneT co 3Be3)],. Ero )],OM Ha BeHepe mrn Mapce, 0TKy)].a OH rrpirnerneT rroB11)],aTb Hae. I1HTepecHo, 3aqeM OH rrp1u1erneT? Ha)],eIOCb, MbI eMy HpaBl1MC5I.

Where do aliens live? Why do they come?

f)],e )KI:IBYT 11HorrnaHernHe? IloqeMy OHll rrp11neTaIOT?

An alien comes from the stars.

1. npo1.1uma(J BMecme C auKmopoM:

baby, eyes, ugly, lad, feel sorry, give back 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo1.1mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

My baby brother is not very nice Moil 6paT11K He oqeHb c11MrraT11qH1>IH. With a red wrinkled face and tiny blue eyes. Y Hero KpacHoe Mopm11H11crne mm,o 11 ManeHbKMe rony61>1e rna3a. I feel so sorry for mom and dad. MHe oqeab )Kanb MaMy Mrrarry. He'll grow into an ugly lad! OH BbipacTeT B ypo)],nMBoro rrapmi:. OH KpMqMT Msecb )],eHb rre)KMT Ha crrMHe. He cries and lies all day on his back. If he were mine, I would give him back! Ecm1 61>1 OH 61>rn MOH, OT)],ana 61>1 ero o6paTHO! What does the baby look like? Is it ugly?

KaK Bblrn5I)],MT Mna.neHeu;? OH HeKpac11B1>rii? 110

1. npo'-lumau BMecme c OUKmopoM:

Spiderman, Batman, plan, save the world 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npo'-lmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmu caMocmoHmenbHO acnyx.

Two heroes, Batman and Spiderman Once devised a glorious plan! They decided to save the world To destroy all evil right on the spot! To clear the world from all monsters and crooks, But at this moment I closed the book. I'll put it back on the bookshelf. If my world needs saving, I'll do it myself!

,l],Ba repoa, .63TM3H MCna!mepM3H, 0,IJ,Ha)l()J,bl C03)J,aJIM 3aMe':laTeJibHbIH TIJiaH. OHM pernMJIM cnacTM MHp. YHM':ITO)l(MTb 3JIO npaMo Ha MecTe. 0':1MCTMTb MMp OT MOHCTpOB l1 )l(YJIMKOB. Ho B 3TOT MOMeHT a 3aKpbIJI KHMry. .5I ITOCTaBJIJO ee o6paTHO Ha ITOJIKY. EcnM MOH MMp tty)l(HO cnacaTb, a 3TO c,nerraro caM !

Who wanted to save the world? How?

Km xoTeJI cnacTM Mttp? KaK?

1. npo'-lumaiJ BMecme C OUKmOpOM."

beetle, octopus 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npo'-lmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo'-lmu caMocmoHmenbHO acnyx.

Four paws, one body, one tail, one headThis is what most animals have. Two hands, one body, one nose, one mouth This is what people have and so have monkeys.

112 s路

qeTbipe nan11, O)J,HO Terro, O)J,MH XBOCT, O)J,Ha fOJIOBa3TO ecTb y 60JI1Illl1HCTBa )l(l1BOTH1IX. ,l],Be pyKM, O,IJ;HO TeJIO, O)J,MH HOC, O)J,HH poT 3rn ecT1 y nro,neH: Mo6e3baH.


Two legs, two arms, two ears, two eyes, 32 teeth-you look really nice! One hand - five fingers! One foot-five toes! Six legs - a beetle! Eight legs - an octopus!

,n:se HOrH, .n;se pyKH, .n:sa yxa, .n;sa rrra3a, 32 3y6a -ThI BhITJl51.ll:Mlllh npeKpacHo! 0,n:Ha pyKa - n51Th naJI1>u;es. 0,n:Ha Hora - n51Th naJihqifKOB. llleCTh HOr - 3TO )l(yK! BoceMh Hor - oc1>MHHor!

How many legs does a man have? A beetle? An octopus?

CKOJihKO Hor y qeJioBeKa? )l{yKa? OchMHHora?

1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM."

2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue. 3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npollmu eao caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

boring, sad It's so boring to get up in the morning! 路 It's so sad to go to bed! When I grow up, I'll never get up! When I'm as old as dad, I'll never go to bed!

TaK TOCKJIHBO BCTaBaTh no yTpaM! TaK rpycTHO JIO)l(HThC51 cnaT1>! Kor.n;a 51 Bhipacry, HHKOr,n:a He 6y.n;y BCTaBaTh ! Kor.n;a 6y.n;y 60JI1>moif, KaK nana, HHKor.n;a He 6y.n;y JIO)l{HThC51 cnaT1>!

Is it boring to get up in the morning? Is it sad to go to bed?

TocKJIHBO BCTaBaTh no yTpaM? rpyCTHO JIO)l(IfThC51 cnaTh?

1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

hardworking, lazy, drive crazy, be fond of Cinderella is very hardworking. She gets up very early each morning. She cleans and cooks And finds time to read books 'Cause she's fond of studying and learning.

3oJiyIIIKa oqeHh Tpy,n:oJII06HBa. 0Ha paHO BCTaeT Ka)l{,n:Oe yTpo. 0Ha MOeT If roTOBHT ll HaXO,L(HT BpeM51 noqHTaTh KHif)l(Kif, IlOTOMY qTQ JII06HT yqHThC51. 112

Her sister Daisy is very lazy. She drives her mother really crazy! She stays all day in bed. And now she's so fat That about Prince Charming she'll have to forget!

Ee cecTpa ,D,eii3H oqeH1> neHHBa». 0Ha CBO)J.HT CBOIO MaTh c yMa. 0Ha Bech )1.eHh npOBO)J.HT B IIOCTenH I1 Terrepb OHa TaKa» TOilCTa», tfro o rrpeKpacHoM rrpttHii:e EM: rrptt.IJ.eTc» 3afa1Th !

Are you lazy or hardworking? Do you help about the house?

T1>1 TPY.IJ.OnI06HBhIH ttnH neHHB1>1M:? ThI IIOMOraeUih no )1.0My?

1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmopOM:

computer, mouse, screen, joystick, button, press, use, start, plug 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npol./mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

I have a computer! Computer, computer! I have a mouse, I have a screen. I have many CDs with games And a joystick. I just don't know how to begin! How to start it? Where to plug it? Maybe you know which button to press? It looks so good but how to use it? I wish I knew it or at least I could guess!

Y MeH» eCTh KOMilbIOTep! KoMIIhIOTep, KOMIIhIOTep! Y MeH» ecTh MhIIIIh, 3KpaH, MHoro .IJ.HCKOB c ttrpaMH, I1 )1.)l(OHCTHK! .5I Ton1>Ko He 3HaIO, KaK HaqaTh! KaK BKnJOqlfTh ero? Ky.IJ.a IIO.IJ.KnIOqMTh ero? Mo)l(eT, BhI 3HaeTe, Ha KaKyIO KHOIIKY Ha)l(aTb? OH Bhiril»)J.HT KnaCCHO, HO KaK HM IlOilh30BaTbC»? XoTen 61>1 » 3HaTb MnH xorn 61>1 )1.0ra.IJ.1>iBaT1>C»!

Can you use a computer? Do you like playing computer games? What do you need to be able to operate a computer?

T1>1 yMeeIII1> non1>30BaT1>c» KOMilhIOTepoM? Te6e HpaBHTC» HrpaTh B KOMIIhIOTepHbie HrphI? lJTO Te6e tty)l(HO, qTo6bI IIOilh30BaThC» KOMilbIOTepoM?


1. npol/umau 8Mecme c OUKmopoM:

keep, put, cupboard, wardrobe, clothes 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu eao caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

In the cupboard we keep cups. In the wardrobe we keep clothes. On the table we put plates. In the vase we put fresh roses!

B 6y<PeTe MbI xpamIM qanurn:, B rrnarnHOM IIIKa<Py - o)],e)J{.n;y. Ha CTOJI cTaBHM TapeJIKH, A B Ba3Y - CBe)J{He p03bl.

What do you keep in the cupboard?

qTO Bbl )],ep)J{HTe B 6y<PeTe?

IIorrpoCHTe )],eTeH HapHCOBaTb CBOIO KOMHaTy H paCCKa3aTb 0 Hell.

1. npollumau 8Mecme c OUKmopoM:

days of the week 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npollmu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, \Vednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, two days off and five working days. Every week has seven days!

BocKpeceHbe,rroHe.n;eJibHHK,BTOpHHK,cpe.n;a, qeTBepr, II5ITHHIJ;a, cy66orn - )J,Ba BbIXO)J,HbIX H II5ITb pa6oqHX )],Hell. B Ka)J{)J,OH He)],eJie ceMb .n;Heli.

What do you do on Monday? On Tuesday? On Sunday?

qTO Tb! .n;enaeIIIb B IIOHe)],eJibHHK? BTOpHHK? BocKpeceHbe?

IIposepbTe .[{HH He.[{eJIH rro KaJieH.[{ap10. IIorrpocnTe Ha3BaTb .[{CHb He.ll,eJIH rro KaJieH)J,ap10.


1. npol/umau BMecme C OUKmOpOM:

dirty, dirt, word, thought 2. npocnywaD cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npol/mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

"I'm not dirty'', said a pig. "I'm not as dirty as you may think!" You can always wash off dirt, But it's so hard to wash off dirty words. And it's even harder to wash off dirty thoughts!

51 He rp5I3Ha5I, CKa3aJia CBMHh5I. 51 He TaKa5I rp5I3Ha5I, KaK BhI MO:>KeTe rro.n.yMaTh. T1>1 Bcer.n.a MO:>KeIIIh CMhITh rp5I3h, Ho TPY.ll.HO CMhITh .n.ypHhie cJioBa, ll eIIIe Tpy.n.Hee - .ll.;YPHhie MhICJIM!

Is it easy to wash off dirt? Is it hard to wash off dirty words?

Jierno JIM CMhITh rp5I3b? JlerKO JIM CMhITh .n.ypHhie CJIOBa?

Do you know the answer? 1. npol/umau BMecme C OUKmopoM:

see, look, mystery, world, explain 2. npocnywaD cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npollmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Do I see a star or does the star seem~? It's a real mystery. Am I looking at the sky or is it looking at me? This is what I would like to see. Am I for this world or is this world for me? If you know the answer, please explain it to me!

51 BM:>KY 3Be3.n.y mm 3Be3.n.a MeH5I BH,ll,MT? 3TO HaCT05IIIJa5I 3ara.n.Ka. 51 CMOTpIO B He6o MJIH He6o CMOTPHT Ha MeH5I? BoT, 'ITO sr xoTeJI 61>1 rroH5ITh. 51 ,ll,JISI 3Toro MMpa MJIH MMP .n.m1 MeHsr? EcJIH 3HaeIIIb OTBeT, rro:>KaJiyikrn, o6bSICHH!

Do you know the answer?

T1>1 3HaeIIIh orneT? 115

1. npOl./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

dragon, body, heart, head, tail


2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

A dragon has a long, long tail, Three heads, two legs, Sharp claws, three necks, Six eyes, one body and one heart. Three brains - that's why it's very smart! It has two wings, a lot of gold And it is very, very old!

y .n;paKoHa )l;JIHHHhlM XBOCT, Tpn rorroBbI, LJ;Be rrarrhI, OcTphle KOITH, TPH men, lllecTh rml3, o.n;Ho Teno, o.n;Ho cep.n;u:e, Tpn M03ra - BOT rroqeMy OH TaKOM YMHhltt! y Hero .n;Ba Kphrna, MHOI'O 30JIOTa 11 OH oqeHh CTaphIM !

How many tails does a dragon have? How many heads does a dragon have?

CKOJihKO XBOCTOB y .n;paKOHa? CKOJihKO y Hero rorroB?

Ilpe.n;rrmKttTe .n;eT5.!M HapncoBaTh .n;paKOHa H paccKa3aTh rrpo Hero.

1. npollumaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

easy 3 npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol./mU CaMOCmORmenbHO BCflyX.

What is easy? h's hard to say. It'~ very easy to sleep all day! It's very easy to eat and play! It's not that easy to study in May!

qTO rrerKo? Tpy.n;Ho cKa3aTh. QqeHh rrerno cnaTh u:errhIH .n;eHh ! Jierno ecTh H ttrpaTh. He'lerKo y1uIThC5.! B Mae!

What is ea v'? What is hard?


1. npo4UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

son, husband, daughter, house, garden 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomsopeHue. 3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU C8MOCmOflmenbHO BCnyx.

Hi, my name is Emily. I have a Barbie doll. It's nice and small. I have her husband - Ken and their son, called Den. Their daughter is called Kate. She likes to paint. I have a toy house. It's nice and clean. I have a garden. It's pretty and green. I have a toy kitchen. It's nice and big. There's a table there, a cooker and a sink. My favorite hero is Winnie-the-Pooh. Potatoes with meat are my favorite food.

Mem1 30BYT 3MHJIH. Y MeH5I ecTh KyKJia Eap6H. 0Ha MHJia5I Ii MaJieH.bKa5I. Y MeH5I ecTh ee MY)K - KeH il HX CbIH IIO.HMeHH ,lJ;3H. Mx .n:oqb 30BYT KeiiT. 0Ha mo6HT pHCOBaT.b. y MeH5I eCTb HrpyrneqH.bIH .[(OMHK. MHJI.bIH Ii qHCTbIH. y MeH5I eCTb Ca.[(HK. XoporneHbKHH H 3eJieHbIH. Y MeH5I HrpyrneqHa5I KyxH5I. 0Ha xoporna5I H 6oJibIIIa5I. TaM ecTh CTOJI, rrmITa H paKOBtrna. MoH: mo6HMbIH repoii BHHHH Ilyx. M5Ico c KapTOilIKOH - M05I mo611Ma5I e.na.

What toys does Emily have? Describe your house. Describe your kitchen.

KaKHe HrpyrnKH ecTb y 3MHJIH? OrrHIIIH CBOH .n:oM. OrrHIIIH CBOIO Kyxmo.

IlorrpocHTe .n:eTeH: HapHcoBaTb CBOH .[(OM, KYXHIO H paccKa3aTh o HHX.

1. npo4UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

get dressed, dress 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomsopeHue.

3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmopOM, a 3ameM np04mU C8MOCmOflmenbHO BCnyx. 117

It's so hard to get dressed! Every day it makes me stressed! I put on my panties, I put on my shirt, I put on my jacket, I put on my skirt, I put on my shoes and I always forget To put on my tights or to put on my belt! I do it all over, time after time That's why I'm late. I'm seldom on time! Oh, it's so hard to get dressed! Every day it makes me stressed!

TaK Tpy,n;Ho o,n;eBaThc51! Ka)l(.IJ;bIH ,n;eHb 3TO MeH51 TaK HepBHpyeT! 5I Ha,n;eBaIO TpycHKH, Ha.n;esaIO py6aIIIKY, Ha,n;eBaIO IIH,IJ;)l(aK H I06Ky. 5I Ha.n;eBaIO 6oTHHKH H Bcer.n;a 3afarna10 Ha,n;eTb KorrroTKH HJIH peMeHb. 5I Bee HaT.JHHaIO CHaT.Jarra, CHOBa H CHOBa! BOT IIOT.JeMy 51 OIIa3,Ll;bIBaIO. 5I HHKor.n;a He rrpHXO)l(y BOBpeM51. Ox, KaK Tpy,n;Ho o,n;eBaTbC51! Ka)l(,IJ;bIH ,n;eHb 3TO MeH5l HepsHpyeT!

What do you put on in the morning? What are you wearing now?

lfro Tbl Ha,n;eBaernb no YTPaM? lfro Ha Te6e ceiIT.Jac Ha,n;eTO?

A goblin 1. npo4Uma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM.'

goblin, gobble up 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue. 3. npo4mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

A goblin likes to gobble up. He gobbled up a car, a cup, A house on a big, big hill, Two lovely children - Jack and Jill. He gobbled up a cow, a cat, A dog, a bull, a bird, a bat! He gobbled up the sun, the moon! He got as big as a balloon! Then with a strange and loud bang He burst to pieces and out came All swallowed objects back again!

fo6JIHH JII06HT Bee fJIOTaTb. OH rrpornoTHJI ManrnHy, T.JarnKy, ,l(oM Ha 6oJibIIIOM XOJIMe, ,l(Byx qy,n;eCHbIX ,n;eTeiI - ,l()l(eKa H ,l()J(HJI. OH 3arnoTHn KopoBy, KOrnKy, Co6aKy, 6b1Ka, IITHT.JKy, neryT.JyIO MbIIIIb. OH npornoTHJI conm:i;e, nyH)', CTan orpoMHbIM, KaK map. 11 B,n;pyr co CTpaHHbIM rpOMKHM 3BYKOM OH norrHyrr, II H3 Hero II051BHJIH:Cb Bee npornoT.JeHHbie npe.n;MeThI.


Back came the house and the hill, Two lovely children - Jack and Jill, The bull, the cow, the dog, the cat! Flew out the bird and then the bat! Out came the sun and then the moon! Back came the car, the cup, the spoon!

06paTHO Il051BHJIC51 ,D,OM Ha XOJIMe, ,n:Ba MHJibIX pe6eHKa - ,n:)l(eK H ,n:)l(HJI, bbIK, KopoBa, co6aKa, KOIIIKa. BbIJieTerra nTMqKa, a 3a Hell: Jieryqa51 MbIIIIb. BbIIIIJIM COJIHI.(e H rryHa, CHoBa n051BMJIMCb MaIIIMHa, qaIIIKa, JIO)l(Ka!

What did the goblin gobble up?

"llTo npornonrn ro6rrMH?

1. npoL/umaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

I play the piano. 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npoL/mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

I play the piano, the flute, the guitar. When I grow up, I will be a star! I'll travel and travel all over the world I'll play music you've never heard!

.5I HrpaIO Ha IIMaHMHO, cprre:H:Te MfHTape. Kor,D,a 51 BbipacTY, To CTaHy 3Be3,D,oll:. Ey,D,y nyTeIIIeCTBOBaTb no BCeMy MHpy, HrpaTb MY3bIKy, KOTopyIO Bbl HMKOr,D,a He CJibIIIIaJIH.

Can you play the piano? The flute?

Tb1 MO)l(eIIIb HrpaTb Ha nMaHMHO? Ha cpJiell:Te?

I see with my eyes! 1. npoL/UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

eyes, ears, teeth, lips, hands, fingers, toes, nose see, hear, eat, drink, do, make, smell, dance 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.


3. npol/mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

I see with my eyes, I hear with my ears,

I eat with my teeth, I drink with my lips! I run on my legs, I draw with my fingers, I smell with my nose, I dance on my toes!

Jl BH)KY rna3aMH. Jl CJihIIIIY yurnMH. "1 Jl eM 3y6aMH, 51 nhro ry6aMH. Jl 6eraro Ha Horax. J[ pHcyro nanha;aMH. Jl Hroxaro HOCOM H rnuu;yro Ha ITarihtJHKax Hor!

How do you see? How do you hear?

KaK Thi BH.ZJ:Hlllh? KaK Thi CJihIIIIHIIlb?

1. npOl/umaiJ 8Mecme C auKmOpOM:

What will you do when you grow up? scientist, lab, actor, doctor, vaccin~, worker, machine, designer, band, farmer 2. npocnywai1 cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

'When 1am big:-when fgrow up, I will be a scientist. I'll wor.lc in a lab. I'll be an actor. I will star in films. I'll be a doctor. I'll find new vaccines. I'll be a worker. I'll work with machines. I'll be a designer. I'll design shirts and Jeans. I'll be a rock star. I'll sing in a band. I'll be a farmer. I'll farm the land. And what will you do When you grow up, my friend? What will you do when you grow up?

Kor,z:i;a 51 crney 6onw i>mliM, Kor,z:i;a 51 Bhipaczy, 51 6y,z:i;y yq:eHhIM, 6y,z:i;y pa60TaTh B na6opampHH. Jl 6y.n;y aKTepoM, HrpaTh rnaBHhie ponH B <l>HnhMax. J[ 6y~ ,ll;OKTOpOM, 51 Haii~ HOBhie BaKD;HHhl. J[ 6y,z:i;y pa6otIHM, 6y,z:i;y pa60TaTh c MaIIiHHaMH. J[ 6y.n;y ,ll;H3aHHepoM, 6y.n;y npH,z:i;yMhIBaTh HOBhle py6a1IIKH H,ll;)KHHChl. Jl 6y.n;y poK-3Be3.n;oii, 6y.n;y neTh s rpynne. Jl 6y.n;y <PepMepoM, 6y~ 06pa6aT1>rnaT1> 3eMJIIO. A KeM Thi 6y.n;emh, MOH .n;pyr, Kor.n;a BhipacTemh?

qeM Thi 6y.n;emh 3aHHMaThC51, Kor.n;a BhipacTelllh?


I'm ill.


1. np04Uma(J BMecme C auKmopOM."

runny nose, ill 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 38meM npo4mU C8MOCmORmenbHO ecnyx.

Tm ill. I h~ve a runny nose. ,Whei:e is it running? I wonderwhere it

;goes? ·

<JI ~oneiO·. V iV!eIDi liac~opK (0ef)pUfii Hoc). I}Y.ha 6~?,KHT? u HJITepeCHO, K.qeMy 3TO Be,n;er? .

Ifmy nose runs away from my face, ·. Will there be just an'empty place? I don't want to steep! . Dbn't swi.toh _off the light! ... What .ifmy nose ,.disappears at night?


EcnH MOM HOC y6e)J(HT c nnua, .. Ey.n:er .iIH raM npocio rrycroe .Mecl'o? He rroii.n:y cnat1>! H~ BbJKJIIOqaifie cBeT! · qTO ecJIH HOC HC1Ie3HeT H01Ibl0?

.c .an your nose rqn away from the. face?

1. npo4UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM."

sweet, salty, bitter, juicy 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Ja111is sugary and sweet! Ham is juicy and so is meat! P~ppefi$bitter. Sugar issweet. Lemon is sour! I don't like it! Salt is salty! But we need it: Without it we couldn't eat! What is sweet? ~at is salty? What is bitter? .What is sour? 9 . 3aK. 489


,[()l(eM caxapH1>1ii ncna,n;Knii! Berqirna cocrna» H M»co TO)J(e. Ilepeu rop1>KHii. Caxap cna,n;KHii. J1HMOH KHCJI1>1ii. MHe OH He HpaBHTCH. Con1> coneHa», HO oHa HaM tty)J(Ha. Ee3 Hee MbI He MornH 6b1 ecTb! l.J.rn cna.n:Koe? l.J.rn coneHoe? l.J.TO ropbKOe? l.J.TO KHCJioe? 121

1. npol/umau BMecme C auKmOpoM:


Jim is bad! 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npollmu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Jim is really bad! He's a ten-ible lad! He won-ies his granny and mom! -He lies and swears And pulls girls by the hair, And sometimes even steals chewing gum!

,l.t;)l(llM oqeHb rrnoxoH:! OH yJKaCHbIH napeHb! OH paccTpairnaer 6a6yrney H MaMy! Ott speT H pyraeTCH, ,l.t;epraeT .n;esoqeK 3a sonocbI, A Hlior.n;a .n;aJKe nopyeT )l(eBaTeJibHYIO pe3HHKy! ,l.t;)l(HM xopomttH:?. floqeMY QH TaKOH y)l(aCHbIH?

Is Jim good? Why is lie terrible?


1. npol/Umau BMecme C auKmOpOM:



2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

I like to study languages. I like 'to read and learn. I want to know everything! When I grow up, I'll change the world!

MHe HpaBHTCH H3yqaTJ:dI3bIKH. Mtte ttpanHTCH qffTaTb 1:1 yqHTbCH. 5l xoqy 3HaTb nee! Kor.n;a H BI>Ipaczy, H H3MeHIO 3TOT MHp!


Do you like studying English? What will you do when you grow up?

TI>I n106ttrnI> YlJHTI> attrn11H:cKHH:? qTO ThI 6y.n;elllb .n;enaTb, Kor.n;a BI>ipacTelllb?

1. npol/Umau BMecme C auKmOpOM:

hurt, don't feel well, get lost, chase 122

2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 38meM npol./mU C8MOCmORmenbHO ecnyx.

·Seven little mice came for a dance Right in the middle of my kitchen! One didn't feel well, One slipped and fell, One got lost in a mitten! Four little mice went to ski on the ice Right in the middle of the forest. One froze its toes! One scratched its nose! And two more were eaten by foxes! No little mice now come to dance Right in the middle of my kitchen! ;But a big grey rat comes to chase my cat Every night when the light is switched offi

CeMb MbIIIIeK npm:rum TaHUeBaTu IIpnMo nocpe)lH Moeif K)'XIDI. 0)lHa IIIlOXO ce6x IIOII)'BCTBOBana, ,ll;pyrax rrocKOilb3Hynacb H yrrana, 0)lHa 3a6ny)lHnacb B aape)l(Ke. lleTbipe ManeHbKHe MbIIIIKH IIOIIIIlll KaTaTbCH Ha IlbI)l(ax Ha IlbJlY rrocpe)lH neca. 0)lHa OTMOp03Hila rranbqllKH, ,ll;pyran - rrou:apanana Hoc, Eiu:e )lByx coenn nHCbI. bOilbIIIe MbIIIIKH He IIpHXO)lHT TaHu:esaTb Ko MHe Ha Kyxmo. Ho 6onnIIIax cepax Kpbica npHXO)lHT oxoTHTbCH Ha MOIO KOIIIKY Ka)l()lYIO HOt:Ib, Kor,n;a BblKilIOt:IaIOT CBeT.

What happened to the mice? Retell t4e story.

llm cnyqnnocb c MbIIllaMH? I1epecKa)l(H!

1. npol./Uma(J 8Mecme C auKmOpOM."


It's Monday!

2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmopOM, 8 38meM npollmU C8MOCmORmenbHO ecnyx.

It's Monday and mommy goes to work! She'll be back at 6 o'clock! When I grow up, I will work from home, So my children won't be alone!

CerO)lHH IIOHe)leilbHHK, H MaMa H)leT Ha pa6ory. 0Ha aepHeTCH TOilbKO B IIIeCTb! Kor)la H Bb1pacTy, H 6y)ly pa6oTaTb ,n;oMa, II MOH )leTfI He 6y,n;yT OJJ:HH !

On what days do your parents work? On what days do they stay at home?




1. npoYuma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM:

aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue. 3. npoYmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

A little mouse has a house, A little mouse has ten kids, An aunt, a husband and an uncle, Two nephews, a cousin and a niece.

Y MhIIIIKH ecTh JJ:OM. Y MhIIIIKH ,[{ecuh ):{eTeii.

Tern, M)')K H ):{51,IVI, )J.sa mieM5IHHHKa, JJ:BOIOpOJJ:HhIH 6paT H rrJieM5IHHH~a.

Do you have an uncle? An aunt? Tell about your family.

Y Te651 ecTh JJ:51JJ:51? EcTh Tern? PaccKa)l(H o csoeii ceMhe.

IIorrpocttTe ,[{eTeii HapttcosaTh MhIIIIHHYIO ceMhIO, 3aTeM rrycTh HapttcyIOT CBOIO ceMhIO H paccKa)l(yT o Hett.

My name is Nicky! "

1. npoYuma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM."

boring, cool 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npoYmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npoYmu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

Hi, my name is Nicky. I study at school. I think school is boring. Playing football is cool! I don't like reading. I like playing ball. I don't like studying. I don't like it at all! I like to eat pasta and meat. I like to drink coffee with milk. I don't like fish. It's not my dish.

IlpttseT, MeH51 30BYT HHKH . .5:I yqych B IIIKOJie. .5:I ,I(JMaIO IIIKOJia - 3TO TOCKa. lirpaTh B M51q - 3.I(oposo! .5:I He n106n10 qHTaTh . .5:I JII06JIIO ttrpaTh B M51q. .5:I He JII06JIIO yqHThC51, cosceM! .5:I n106JIIO ecTh MaKapoHhI c M5ICOM. .5:I JII06JIIO IIHTh KOQ:>e c MOJIOKOM. .5:I He JII06JIIO pb16y. 3TO 6mo.no He ,I(JI51 MeH5I.

Does Nicky like studying? Tell about yourself. Do you like school? What do you like?

HHKH JIIOfoff yqHThC51? PaccKa)KH o ce6e. Thi JII06HIIIh IIIKOJiy? lfro Th! JIIOfiHIIIh? 124

When I grow up


1. npol./uma(J BMecme c OUKmopoM:

kind, polite, brush teeth 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npol./mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

Get up, brush your teeth, Eat your porridge, drink your tea! Do this, do that! Sometimes it nearly drives me mad! When I grow up, I'll be nice and polite. I'll let my children stay up all night! I will allow them to watch TV, To eat only chocolate and drink fizzy drinks, To play all the computer games that they can get! think I will be a perfect dad!

BcrnBaii, q11cTH 3y6r,1, Emr, Kamy, neii qaif! ,ll;erraii :no, .n;erraii To! HHor.n;a 3TO MeIDI yJKacHo 3JIHT! Koma H Bbipacry, TO 6y.n;y MHJiblM H BeJKJIHBbIM. ' JI Il03BOJIIO CBOHM .n;eTHM He JIOJKHTbCR cnaTb, H pa3pemy HM CMOTpeTb TerreBH30p, eCTb TOJibKO IIIOKOJia)J; ll IlHTb ra3HpOBaHHhie HaITHTKH, MrpaTh BO see KOMIT1>IOTepH1>Ie Hrpbl, KaKHe TOJibKO MO/KHO .n;ocTaTh.


,lJ;JMaIO, R 6y.n;y tt.n;earr1>H1>IM nanoii!

Will he be a good dad? Why?路

Ott 6y.n;eT xopoIIIHM OTIJ.OM? JloqeMy?

1. npol./uma(J BMecme c OUKmopoM:

Little Red Riding Hood, cheat, swollen belly, healthy, unhealthy, diet 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npol./mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol.fmu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx.

Little Red Riding Hood Once went alone to the wood To bring her granny some fresh food And a pie so warm and good! 1/2 9. 3aK. 489

MarreHhKaR KpacHaH IllanoqKa KaK-TO nomrra o.n;Ha B rrec, qTOfaI OTHeCTH 6a6yIIIKe e.n;y, A TaKJKe Tenrrr,1ii qy.n;H1>1ii m1po1KOK. 125

qro6bI peurn:Tb :ny 3a.II.aqy, HY'.II<HO 6bmo 6bITb )'MHOH, 1 Because it turned out to be really hard. TaK KaK 3TO oKa3anocb TPY.II.HO. 0Ha CMOrna HaHTH .II.Opory B necy, She managed to find her way in the wood Ho He cMorna o6MaHyn. crnporo rono.II.HOro But failed to outsmart an old hungry wolf! BOnKa. The wolf gobbled up the girl and her granny BonK rrpornoTHn H .II.eBO'lKy, H 6a6ym-0, Ho cKopo rrol.fyBCTBOBan 6om> B )l(lfBOTe. But soon started feeling a pain in his bellyL He hiccupped, he coughed and turned about OH HKan, OH Karnmm, sopoqanc», II, BKOHIJ,e KOHIJ,OB, MX BhIITill(>Hyn. And, in the end, he spat them out! Eo)l(e, cKa3an BOnK. "My God", said the wolf! 3To 6hmo y)I( CilHllIKOM. "That was really too much! This bony old lady was too much for a lunch! 3Ta 6hmO ~ CilHllIKOM - eCTh TaKyIO KOCTMBYIO )J.aMy Ha o6e)J.. Cpapa» 6a6ymKa 6hlna HeBKycHa», oHa 6hma This old granny just wasn't yummy! KaK KaMeHb B "MoeM 6e.n;HoM )l(MBOTe. She felt like a stone in my poor tummy! To eat such old women is out of the question! 51 .n;a)l(e He 06cy)l(.n;a10 rroe.n;aHMe TaKHX crnpbIX )l(eHIUMH ! I nearly died of indigestion! 51 'lYTh He )'Mep OT HecBapeHMH! MHe TaK rrnoxo, TaK TH)l(eno! I feel so bad, I feel so heavy! ,[()'MaIO, ecn. 6a6ymeK Bpe.n;HO .IJ;IlH 3,Il;OpOBhH. I think eating grannies is unhealthy! ,[(eBoqeK If 6a6ymeK c 3TOro MOMeHTa Girls and old ladies From now on I'll never eat! IlepecrnHy eCThl II 6y.n;y ecT1> TOilhKO Manb'lllmeK, TaKMX coqI'll eat only boys - so juicy.. and sweet! HhIX II cna,IJ;KMX! Oh, Gosh! I've nearly died! Eo)l(e ! 51 l.fYTb He )'Mep ! Now I'm on a diet!" Tenep1> »Ha .n;tteTe! To solve this problem she had to be smart

Why did Red Riding Hood go to the wood? What happened to her? What did the wolf do? Was the granny tasty? What did the wolf say? What is the wolf going to eat from now?

IloqeMy KpacHa» lllarroqKa rrornna B nee? l.JTo c Heil npomornno? qTO c.n;enan sonK? Ehma nn 6a6yrnKa BKYCHa»? qTo CKa3an sonK? qTo OH Terrepb co6npaeTc.H ecTb?

IlorrpoCMTe .n;eTeii rrepeCKa3aTb MCTOpHIO.

1. npol./uma(J 8Mecme C auKmOpOM.'

Santa Claus 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npollmu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npollmu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx. 126

. I canhear from the kitchen There's someone in the chimney! Can it be ·s anta Claus? In his red coat, with a red nose? But how can he get in, I wonder, In my chimney - a real Santa? My chimney is narrow and Santa is fat. I£-he gets in, he will be trapped! Then all the presents that he has Will be for me and all my friends!

.5I CilblllIY Ill)'M C K}'XHH .

Do you believe in Santa? What does Santa ·bring? What does he)ook lik~?

T1>1 aepHillh B CaHTa Knayca? qTO OH npHHOCHT? KaK OH BhirJIH.D:H1:?

TaM KTO-TO ecTh B Tpy6e! J Mo)KeT 3TO CaHTa Knayc? B KpacHOH Illy6e c KpaCHbIM HOCOM? Ho KaK, HHTepecHo, MO)KeT rronacTh B MOI-O Tpy6y HaCTOHII(HH CaHra? Tpy6a y3KaH, a CaHTa ToncTbIH! EcnH OH Bne3eT ry.D:a, OH TaM 3acTpHHeT! Tor,lJ;a Bee IlO.D:apI<H, KOTOpbie y Hero eCTb, ,D,ocTaHYTCH MHe H MOHM .D:PY3b.SIM!

1. npol./umaiJ BMecme C OUKmopoM:

(Learn to read rap! HayqMcb qlfTaTb p3n!) married, wife, children, state '•

2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npol.fmu aMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoflmenbHO acnyx.

Scrooge McDuckA greedy old duck! Has a lot of money. Quack-quack-quack! He has no friends, he has no wife. He's married to his money. Do you call this life? Scrooge McDuck A stupid old duck! One day fell ill and died. Quack-quack-quack.! He had no children, he had no wife. So the state took all his money! What bad luck!

CKpy.n;:>K MaK,ll,aK CrnpaH 1Ka.D:Ha.SI yTKa. y Hero TaK MHOro ,lJ;eHer! KpH-KpH-Kp.SI! y Hero HeT .D:py3eif, HeT :>KeHbI! OH :>KeHaT Ha CBOHX ,lJ;eHbrax! 11 Bbl Ha30BeTe 3TO :>KH3HbI-O? CKpy.D::>K MaK,D,aK CrnpaH rnynaH YTKa. 0.D:Ha:>KlJ:hI 3a6onen H )'Mep! KpH-KpH-KpH! Y Hero He 6bmo ,n;eTeii, He 6J,rno :>KeHbI, TaK qTO rocy.D:apcrno 3a6pano Bee ero .D:eHbrH. KaKoe HeBe3eHhe !

\Vho took all his money? Why? Was Scrooge McDuck smart or stupid?

KTO 3a6pan Bee ero .D:eHbn1? lJoqeMy? CKpy.D::>K 6brn )'MHhIM HnH rnyrrhIM?

l/2 9•


1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:



too short, too long



2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npol./mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

MY shorts are too short! My shirt is too short! 路My shoes are too small! And so is my coat! 1My clothes seem to shrink as I grow up! I'm afraid that mommy will go bankrupt!

MmI mopTbI CJIHillKOM KopoTKHe. Mm1 py6amKa cJIHmKOM KopoTKruI. MoH 6oTHHKH CJIHIBKOM MaJieHbKHe. H naJI1>To TO)Ke! Ka)KeTcH, MOH o.n;e)K.n;a YMeH1>IIIaerc.s1 no Mepe Toro, KaK H B1>1pacrn10. Eo10c1>, MaMa pa30pHTc.s1!

Is your shirt long or short? ,Your dress?

TB0.s1 py6aIIIKa KopoTKa.s1 HJIH .n;nHHHa.s1? A nJiaT1>e?


1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM:

shower, clean, fresh, tickle 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npol./mu BMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu eao caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

路I take a shower eve1f day ,to wash all the dust and dirt away! 路It tickles my nose! It tickles my toes! J feel as clean and as fresh as a rose! How often do you take a shower? Do you like it? Why?

JC npHHHMaio

iiYIII Ka)K.n;1>1ii .n;eH1>,~

qT06b1 CMhITh BCIO n1>rn1> H rp.s131>. OH m:eKoqeT MOH Hoc, m:eKoqeT na.rr1>qHKH Hor, H H qyBcTBYIO ce6H qHcToii H cse)Kett, KaK po3a.


KaK qacTo ThI npHHHMaeII11> ,lJ;YIII? Te6e 3TO HpaBHTCH? IfoqeMy?


1. npol./UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM.'

snail, rail 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npol./mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npOl./mU CBMOCmORmenbHO acnyx.

A big fat snail was ().llce crawling across a raiL Eonbllla51 )l(MpHa51 ynMTKa rromna qepe3 peJibC, Abig fast train once was rolling along a rail. EonbIIIOii noe3JfKaTMJICH no penbcaM. Hurry, hurry, stupid snail! ToporrMCb, rnyrraH YJIRTKa! You still have time to cross the rail! Y re6H eme ecTb apeMH rreperromrM .~epe3 peJibC.

Does the snail have time to cross the rail?

EcTb JIM y ynMTKM apeMH rreperromTM qepe3 penbc?

Snowpeople 1. npol./umaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM.'

snow, girl, snowman 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npol./mu aMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npol./mu caMocmoRmenbHO acnyx.

I'll make a snowball.to ma.Re .a snow girl. I'll make O!le more again - to make a snowman. Three snowballs for a snow girl, I'll stop and then I'll make a snowman. I'll work aUday and little by little I will create.my snow people, Whowill live in my snow world. I think I will be their God!

C.n.ena10 cHe)l(OK ,n:JIH cHe)l(HOii 6a6bI. C.n.ena10 eme o,n:MH )l.JIH cHeroaliKa. TpH cm~)l(Ka )l.JIH cHe)l(HOH 6a6b1, IloTOM OCTaHOBJIIOCb Mc.n.enaIO CHefOBMKa. Ey.n.y pa60TaTb Beeb .n.eHb MIIOTMXOHbKY C.n.ena10 CHe)l(HbIX n10.n.eii, KOTOpbie 6y.n.yr )l(MTb B CHe)l(HOM MMpe. ~)'MaIO, H craHy MX EoroM.

How many balls do you need to make a snowman?

CKOJibKO HY)l(HO KOMKOB CHera, qro6bI c.n.enaTh CHefOBMKa? 129

1. np04Uma(J BMecme C auKmopoM:

snail, rail 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 38meM np04mU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCnyx. A big fat snail was once crawling across a rail. nOJihIIIa.51 )IUipHa.51 ymnKa rroJI3Jia qepe3 peJibC. DOJibllIOH rroe3.n. KaTMJIC5I ITO peJibCaM. A big fast train once was rolling along a rail. ToporrMch, rnyrra5I YJIMTKal Hurry, hurry, stupid snail! Y Te65I eme ecTh BpeM5I rreperroJI3TM qepe3 You still have time to cross the rail! peJibC.

Does the snail have time to cross the rail?

EcTh JIM y yJIMTKM BpeM5I rreperroJI3TM qepe3 peJibC?

Snowpeople 1. np04Uma(J BMecme C auKmOpOM."

snow, girl, snowman 2. npocnywau cmuxomaopeHue.

3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, 8 3ameM npo4mU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCflyX.

I'll make a snowball to make a snow girl. I'll make one more again- to make a snowman. Three snowballs for a snow girl, I'll stop and then I'll make a snowman. I'll work all day and little by little I will create my snow people, Who will live in my snow world. I think I will be their God!

C,neJiaIO cHe)KOK .UJI5I CHe)KHOH 6a61>1. C,neJiaIO eme o,nMH .UJI5I CHeroBMKa. TpH cHe)KKa .UJI5I cHe)KHOH 6a61>1, IloTOM OCTaHOBJIIOCb H c,neJiaIO CHeroBHKa. Ey.uy pa6oTaTb Bech ,neHh H TIOTMXOHbKY C,neJiaIO cHe)KHhIX JIIO,neH:, KOTOpbie 6y.uyr )KHTb B CHe)l(HOM MHpe. .D.YMaIO, 5I crnHy Mx EoroM.

How many balls do you need to make a snowman?

CKOJihKO Hy)KHO KOMKOB cHera, qT061>1 c.ueJiaTh CHeroBMKa? 129

1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM."


poor, swing, bump your head 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo4mu eMecme c auKmopoM, a 3ameM npo4mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.

Poor Ted now feels so bad!

Ee,DJUDKKa Te.n Terrepi, qyacTByeT cefo1 TaK IIJIOXO! OH J<aqanc.s1 Ha .nepeae, He was swinging in a tree, Ynan H y,napHJICH roJioaoii . Fell and bumped his head! . qTO 3a myn@H hapeHI,! c rrycTOH roJIOBOH! What a stupid lad! With an empty head. He's a pain in the.neck for his mom and dad! OH- roJIOBHa.sI 60JI1> MaTepH H orn;a! Why does Ted feel bad?



1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM."

wicked witch, troll, gnome 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo4mU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM np04mU C8MOCmORmenbHO BCflyX.

An old and ugly wicked witch Once was walking along the beach. When she was taking her morning stroll She met a big and scary troll. "What a beauty", said the troll. "I invite you to a ball!" "No, I have to go home! I am married to a gnome!" "What a shame", replied the troll. "It's sad that you can't be my girl!"

Crnpa.s1 H ypo,nJIHBaH se,nbMa 0.zJ;Ha)l()J;bI ryJI.s1Jia no ITJIH)l(y. Kor,na OHa coseprnana cso10 yrpeHHIOIO nporyJiey, 0Ha BCTPeTirna 60Jib111oro H cTpa111Horo TpoJIJIH. «qTO 3a Kpacamni;a, - CKa3an TpOJIJib. 51 npHrna111a10 Te6.s1 Ha 6an!» «HeT, .s1 .IJ;OJI)l(Ha H.IJ;TH ,noMoif:, 513aM~eM 3a rHOMOM». «KaK o6H,nHo, - OTBeTHJI TpOJIJib. )l{aJib, qm Thi He MO)l(e1111> 6bITb Moen .nesy111Koif!»

Was the witch young and beautiful?

bbIJia JIII Be,IJ;bMa MOJIO)l;a II KpacIIsa? 130


1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C OUKmOpOM:

We are friends! 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npo1.Jmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.Jmu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx. A white bear and a brown bear can be friends - am I right? A white hare and a grey hare live in the forest side by side. A white kitten and a red kitten eat together from the same plate. White skinned, black skinned and yellow skinned children - we are all brothers, we are all friends!

Eenhlif 11 6yp1>1ll: Me,nBe,n:1> MoryT ,n:py)l(ttTh npaB,n:a? 3aa116eAAK113aa11 pycaK )J(HBYT B necy pa,n:oM. Een1>1ll: H p1>I)J(Htt KOTeHoK e.n:n c 0,I(HOH rnpenKH. .lJ:eTH c 6enoll:, qepHoll: H )l(enmll: KO)l(ett M1>1 Bee 6paT1>a, Bee ,n:py3MI!

Can different animals make friends?

MoryT nH pa3HhJe )l(HBOTHble no,n:py)J(ttT1>ca?

1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C OUKmOpOM:

werewolf, full moon 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxomeopeHue.

3. npo1.Jmu BMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npol/mu caMocm<

Werewolves like full moons. They like dark nights. They hide from the light! They like to eat only fresh meat! If you ever meet one, Run, little one, run! The problem is - they don't exist!

BonKH-o6opoTHH mo6aT nonHyIO nyHy. 0Htt n10fo1T TeMH1>1e HoqH. 0HH npaqyTca OT cBern! 0HH n106aT ecT1> mn1>Ko cBe)l(ee Maco. Ecntt Thi Kor,n:a-n1160 BCTpeTHlllh rnKoro, Eer11, ManDilll, 6em! Ton1>Ko OHH He cyllleCTBYIOT!

Do you believe in werewolves? Why?

T1>1 BepH1llh B o6opoTHell:? IJoqeMY?

Hapttcyll: o6opoTHa. 131

1. npo1.1uma(J BMecme C OUKmopoM:

wizard, world, magic wand, magic crystal, magic ring 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo1.1mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu caMocmoRmenbHO ecnyx.


A wizard has a magic wand. A wizard lives in a magic world. A wizard has a magic book, A magic crystal where to look. A wizard has a magic ring. That's why he knows everything!

OH )l(lfBeT B BOJIIIIe6HOM ~mpe .

y Hero eCTb BOJIIIIe6HaH KHHra, H MarnqecKHii KpHcTarrrr, Ky.na OH 3arJIH.l(b1BaeT. y Hero eCTb BOJIIIIe6Hoe KOJibU:O,

BoT noqeMy OH Bcer.na Bee 3HaeT! qTO eCTb y KOJI.l(yHa? IlqqeM)' OH BCe 3HaeT?

What does a wizard have? Why does he. lqiow everything?

Ilpe,l(JIO)l(HTe .nernM HapHCOBaTb BOJIIIIe6HHKa.

1. npo1.1uma(J BMecme c OUKmopoM:

woodcutter, woodpecker 2. npocnywau cmuxomeopeHue. 3. npo1.1mu eMecme c ouKmopoM, a 3ameM npo1.1mu caMocmoflmenbHO ecnyx. A woodcutter and a woodpecker Once went fishing in the lake. The woodcutter caught a lizard. The woodpecker caught a snake. The woodcutter and the woodpecker Once decided to stay at home.

,lWoBOCeKH ,l(HTeJI KaK-TOpa3 JIOBHJIH p1>r6y B 03epe. ).J,poBOCeK IlOHMaJI H.mep11u:y. ).J,HTeJI - 3MeIO. ,lWoBoceK c ,l(HTJIOM KaK-TO pa3 peIIIHJIH ocTaTbCH .noMa. 132

The woodcutter ate a burger. The woodpecker ate a worm. The woodcutter and the woodpecker Once went out for a walk. The woodcutter found an old shoe. ·The woodpecker found a sock. The woodcutter and the woodpecker Once went hiking in the wood. Since that time no one has seen them. ·Now they are lost for good!

,l..ij>OBOCeK C'beJI 6yprep, A ,JJ,UeJI qepm1Ka. ,l..(poBoceK c ,JJ,HTJIOM " KaK-TO pa3 rroIIIJIH rroryIDITb. ,l..(poBoceK HaIIIeJI crap1>1ii 6aIIIMaK, A ,JJ,51TeJI HOCOK. ,l..(poBoceK II ,JJ,51TeJI KaK-TO pa3 IIOIIIJIH B IIOXO)J, B Jiec. c Tex rrop HIIKTO HX He BH)J,aJI. Terrepb OHM IIOTepHHbl HaBcer,JJ,a!

What did they catch? What did they eat?


IIpe,JJ,JIO)l(HTe ,JJ,ernM HapncoBaTD rrpnKmoqeHH» ,JJ,HTJia H.JJ.POBoceKa.

1. npol/UmaiJ BMecme C auKmOpOM.'

yard, go for a walk 2. npocnywaiJ cmuxome._apeHue.

3. npollmU BMecme C auKmOpOM, a 3ameM npol/mU CBMOCmORmenbHO BCnyx. I am sitting by the window. All my friends are in the yard.

They are screaming, running, fighting, They are playing, laughing, hiding! I wish I could be outside, Playing with them in the yard! But I'm doing my homework. I won't go for a walk! Look out of the window. What are the children doing outside?

.51 clf)l(y y OKHa.

Bee MOH .JJ.PY3I>H BO ,JJ,Bope. OHM BH3)1(aT, 6eraIOT, ,JJ,epyTc», MrpaIOT, CMeIOTCH, rrp51qyTcH. · .51 xoTeJI 61>1 61>1T1> Ha yJim1e, MrpaTb c HHMM BO ,JJ,Bope. Ho » ,JJ,eJiaIO ypoKH, .51 Hepoii.JJ.Y ryJUITh. B1>IrJIHHM B OKHO. llTO TaM )J,eJialOT )J,eTJ:I?


OCHOBHblE nPABlt1nA 4TEHV1rl ..................... ._............ . ......... 7 LESSON 1. Letter A a .. .. .......... . ........... . ..... . ...... .. . . .. . ........ 7 LESSON 2. Letter B b .. .... . . . ......... .... ... .. ... . .......... . .. . . . .. ... . 12 LESSON 3. Letter C c .... . ............. . .... . .. 路.... . ........... . . . ..... . .. 15 LESSON 4. Letter D d ....... . ............... .. ..... . ...... . ............... 18 LESSON 5. Letter Ee .... . ........... '. ....... . ..... . ................. . . . .. 21 LESSON 6. Letter F f ...... . ..... . .... . ........... ... ........... . .......... 24 LESSON 7. Letter G g ....... . ...... . ... .... . . .. .. .................. .. ..... 27 LESSON 8. Letter H h .. . ... . . .... . . ........ . ......... .. ..... . ... ... .. . .... 31 LESSON 9. Letter I i ...... . . . ......... . ............. . ........... . .......... 34 LESSON 10. Letter J j .... . ........... .. ......................... .. ........ 37 LESSON 11. Letter K k ............ , ..... . ............. . .. . ... . .... . . ....... 40 LESSON 12. Letter L I ...... . ... . .... .. ... . ...... . .. . ......... . ...... . ..... 43 LESSON 13. Letter M m . . ...... . ......... .... ........ ........... . ..... .. .... 45 LESSON 14. Letter N n . .... . ........... . ........................ . ......... 48 LESSON 15. Letter 0 o .................................................... 50 LESSON 16. Letter P p ............................................ . ....... 53 LESSON 17. Letter Q q ..... . ........... . .............. . ................... 56 LESSON 18. Letter R r .. . ... . ........ . .... . ...... . ............. .. .......... 58 LESSON 19. Letter S s ... ....... ..... . ......................... . . . .. . .. . ... 61 LESSON 20. Letter T t . ...... .......... . . .. ...................... . ......... 64 LESSON 21 . Letter U u ..... . .... . ................... . ...... . ............ . . 67 LESSON 22. Letter V v ... . :, . .. . .......... . ......................... . ....... 70 LESSON 23. Letter W w............. . ....... .. ....... . .... . .... .. .... . ..... 72 LESSON 24. Letter X x ..................................................... 74 LESSON 25. Letter Y y.................... . . . .......... . .. . ...... . ...... ... 76 LESSON 26. Letter Z z . .... . ................... . ................. . ......... 78 .QOnonHvtTEnbHblE nPABvtnA 4TEHV1rl . ......... . ..... .. .................. 80 LESSON 27. Letters Ch ch . .. ... . ....... . ........... . ................... . ... 80 LESSON 28. Letters Sh sh ..... .. ......... . ....... . ........ . ...... . .. ..... .. 82 LESSON 29. Letters Th th ... . .... ..... . .... . ...... ... .. .. . .. .. . ... . ........ 84 LESSON 30. Letters Ph ph . ... ........... .. .. . ....... .. .......... . .......... 87 LESSON 31. Sounds [a:] 111 [:J:] . ......... . ... ..... . ........ . ......... . .. . .. . .. 89 LESSON 32. Sounds [i] 111 [i:] . . .... . . . . . .... . ........... .. ... . ... . ........ . . . 91 LESSON 33. Sounds [ai], [ei] 111 [oi] .. ... . ........... . ... . ..... . ... . ............ 94 LESSON 34. Sounds [:J] 111 [A]. ... . ....... . . .. . .... . ... . .... ..... ... . .. .. . .... 97 LESSON 35. Sound [e:] .. .. .... ... ........ . . . . . ..... . . . ... .... .. ... .. . . .. . 100 LESSON 36. Sounds [IJ] 111 [fn] . ............. . ...... . . . ... . ....... . . . ........ 103 LESSON 37. Sounds [tfo], [3n] 111 [au~] ... . ...... . .. . . . . . ... .... .. ....... ... .. . 106 POEMS FOR READING (Crnx111

AilH 4TeHlllH) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .



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PentoHanbHble npe.qcTae111TenbCTBa Ha'lanbHHK OTAena no pa6ore c npeACTasnrenbcrsaMH L(yKepMaH MapK BanepbeBML/ (.Qo6. 186) mark_fenix@mail.ru

MOCKBA MonceeHKO Cepreit HnKonaesH'I r. MOCKBa, yn. HOBO,QMHTpOBCKa51, ,Q. Sa, CTp. 3 (M. «,QMHTpOBCKa51») Ten.: (499) 558-03-09, (499) 558-03-11 E-mail: fenix-m@yandex.ru; fenix-mos@mail.ru MR'IHH Bnrannit BacnnbeBH'I r. MOCKBa, Wocce <Dpe3ep, 17 (M. «ABHaMOTOpHa51») Ten.: (495) 517-32-95, (495) 789-83-17. E-mail: mosfen@pochta.ru, mosfen@bk.ru

EKATEPlllH6YPr WBHAKOB AneKcaHAP BnaAHMHpOBH'I Ten.: (343) 382-43-01, 8-922-154-01-81 E-mail: fenix-ekb@mail.ru ICQ 396-869-385

CAMAPA (Hlll>KHEE noeon>KbE) MnrpoxnH AHApeit MnxaitnosH'I CaMapa, yn. TosapHa51, 7«E» (TeppHTopi.·rn 6a3bl «Y4e6HHK») Ten.: (846) 951-24-76, 8-917-112-96-85. E-mail: fenixma@mail.ru

CAHKT-nETEP6YPr Opnos tlMHTpHit CepreeBH'I r. CaHKT-neTep6ypr, yn. CTpenb6HL1..1eHcKa5l, .Q. 15, K. 2 Ten.: 8-812-600-47-41, 8-952-248 -49 -38 E-mail: orlov@fx-spb.ru

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344082, r. PocTos-Ha-.QoHy, nep . XanTyp~HCK~~ . 80 Ten.: (863) 261-89-50; www.phoenixrostov.ru

0Kono 100 HOBblX KHllff Ka.>f<AblVI MeCSU..I,.

6onee 6000 Ha111MeHOBaH111VI KHll1>KHOL71 npOAYK4111111 co6CTBeHHOro np01113BOACTBa.



OnTosyto 111 po3Hll14HYto Toprosnto KHll1>t<HoL71 npoAYK4111eVI.


CsoespeMeHHyto AOCTaBKY KHll1r B nto6yto T04KY CTpaHbl, 3A CYET 1113.QATEnbCTBA, aBTOTpaHCnopTOM 111 >KIA KOHTeVIHepaML-1.


+ +

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Ten.: (863) 261-89-53, 261-89-54, 261-89-55 261-89-56 , 261-89-57, cpaKC. 261-89-58




AHuKuHa EneHa HuKonaeeHa Ten.: (863) 261-89-52, torg153@aaanet.ru

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