Baandhavya March 2014

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Baandhavya ಬಾ೦ಧವ್ಯ Veerashaiva Samaja of North America

March 2014

HIGHLIGHTS  Editor’s Note  President’s Message


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 Sharana Sati, Linga Pati  Vēda References in Basavaṇṇa’s Vaĉanas  Vēda References in Prabhudēva’s Vaĉanas  A Fight Well Worth It

 !  World News  Central VSNA Updates  VSNA Chapters’ Updates

Editorial Board Supriya Antin Kaddargi Danashree Suresh Basu Mudenur Abhinav Reddy (Youth) Channu Kambalyal

An ice Linga at Amaranth in the western Himalayas forms every winter from ice dripping on the floor of a cave and freezing like astalagmite. [Source: Wikipedia]

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Central VSNA & VSNA Texas North Chapter Invites you all to the VSNA 37th Annual Convention – 2014 At Dallas, Texas July 4-5, 2014


Editor’s Note

Sharanu Sharanarthi! Hope the year has kicked off wonderfully for all sisters and brothers alike; alike and aligned to Sharana patha. We have all endeavored to celebrate Veerashaiva principles of universal application and continue to do so by planning better socio-spiritual gatherings that not only enrich our spiritual quotients but also enhance one another’s association with the fraternity. In the light of some major festivals and occasions that have passed by in the first quarter - Sankranti, Maha Shivaratri, Ugadi, Allama Prabhu Jayanthi, Akka Mahadevi Jayanthi, etc. we came together to commemorate our culture and legacy. The Linga is just the means to seek the truth and Lingavanthas come together to scale better spiritual heights together. Our gurus and forefathers have laid a profound path in front of us that must always be upheld and cherished. Unfortunately, times have changed to also allow this beautiful and simple philosophy of Lingayath dharma to be overtaken by the notion of a Lingavantha belonging to a particular sect. What’s worse, with the majority of people who got attracted and adopted this faith could not escape getting inflicted by social, economic and political influences of society. Man is still to be blamed. Basavanna said, ! ! ? ; ? '

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, Society has ironically instated a caste just for the followers of Basavanna’s principles. It is imperative to revert to what Basavanna envisioned - a casteless society. With that spirit, let us steer our focus to the code of righteousness. A big thank you to all contributors of Bandhavya so far… Let us use this medium of print and continue to share rich content on Veerashaiva principles. Team Bandhavya earnestly wishes to spread the light by kindling your spiritual and academic eye. Please send us your feedback, recommendations or just comments to the team of Bandhavya at Thank you and warm regards, Supriya Antin Kaddargi


President’s Message

Dear VSNA Members, Wish you all a happy Ugadi. I would like to take this opportunity wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. The progress made by our friends in Texas is really admirable. They are putting in lots of effort to bring about a fantastic program. My request to all the members is to attend the convention and help them to make it a grand success. We are also experiencing some financial difficulties. If you are not planning to attend please help us with some financial donations. Anything little will help us go a long way. This is also the time to recognize some of our members who have gone above and beyond to contribute to the betterment of our organization. Also we will be recognizing some of our members who have done us proud by excelling in their chosen field of profession and brought laurels to themselves, to the organization they work and to our community as a whole. Like last year, we will be giving away 4 awards – life time achievement award, professional achievement award, women’s achievement award and youth achievement award. The criteria for the awards and other details are uploaded into our website. If you think any of our members needs to be recognized, please send in the nominations. This is the election year. The term of the current office bearers will be ending end of the year. The announcement for the election process is already made. Anybody interested in taking over any position in VSNA, now is the time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the editors of our newsletter, Bandhavya for one more edition of our newsletter. Please send information about your chapter and we will publish it in the newsletter. Let us all get connected through the web media. I request all the chapters to update their chapter information in our web site. We are yet to find a volunteer chapter to host the next VSNA convention for 2015. Any chapter who has not hosted the convention for a long time or any chapter who has not hosted at all, I humbly request you to come forward. I know it is lot of commitment in terms of time, effort and finance. I promise all help and support from VSNA if you were to come forward. We will be working together to make it happen. Finally, I would like to request all the VSNA members to pay their membership dues for 2014. encourage you to become life members.

Also, I

Thank you, Vijay Kumar President - VSNA 4

Sharana Sati, Linga Pati In a land that always worshipped Power - Shakti as Goddess and still does to date, ironically, women from time immemorial have always had to break, what were considered to be the ‘societal norms of womanhood’ in the struggle to uplift their surroundings or themselves. Women today are better able to fulfil their aspirations but the stars who shone before us and for whom it meant breaking all shackles to achieve excellence in their fields, have catalyzed inspiring paths for the generations next. Akka Mahadevi is one of those luminary stars who stands out as the extraordinary Veerashaiva saintess from the 12th century and reached the highest order of Shiva Sharanas. She is an epitome of ascetic spiritual enlightenment. Her’s is an image of mysticism, austerity, courage, faith and conviction. In her childhood itself she was propelled by strong internal desire to unite with Shiva or Lord Chennamallikarjuna as she addressed her God. She grew up renouncing all material fantasies and her course of emancipation only became more extreme upon a forced marriage to King Kaushika. Defying all bonds including marital, she refused even her clothing and set forth to seek Lord Chennamallikarjuna. Her journey was profound; it was characterized by a spiritual sojourn in Basava Kalyan’s Anubhava Mantap with Allama Prabhu and Basavanna, her poetic compositions of Vachanas that reveal sublime depth and lyrical beauty and, finally her merging with Lord Chennamallikarjuna in the forests of Kadali near Srishailam. In that orthodox era, one can only imagine what stir she must have caused everywhere she went with her passion for uniting with God and her appearance of just long tresses covering her body. Her intense desire and the means to realize God was put to test by Guru Allama Prabhu at the Anubhava Mantapa and she excelled by answering fearlessly and projecting her faith in the Absolute. To all exalted seekers of Anubhava Mantapa, they had experienced through Akka Mahadevi, the dictum ‘Sharana Sati Linga Pati’! Her fervor and devotion for achieving her God Chennamallikarjuna exemplified the divine relationship between a Sharana, considered to be the wife and Linga, her husband. The transcendental association she obtained with Guru Allama Prabhu, Basavanna, Channabasavanna, Siddarameshwara and other great Sharanas in Anubhava Mantapa helped her advance further in her quest for God. To the rest, Akka Mahadevi became a beacon of inspiration and showed how gender does not come in the way of realizing God. In her Vachanas, while the focus remained on uniting with the divine personality Chennamallikarjuna, she also elaborated the esoteric methods of Shivayoga sadhana and how to overcome the hurdles in devotion. Besides Vachanas, Akka Mahadevi wrote some works of which Yoganga Trividhi, Shrstiya Vachana, Akkagala Pithike are popular. Her spiritual progress is said to have followed the six phases 5

as described in the Shatsthala of Lingayat dharma. Her last destination was the forests of Kadali in Srishailam where her spiritual journey culminated in merging with her God.

Her devotional spirit can be gauged through her vachanas… “I am no helpless woman I utter no futile threats I am nothing daunted I shall dare hunger and pain I shall steal out of withered leaves A wholesome meal And on pointed sword Shall make my bed. I am ready for your sake To dare the worst To die this instant The readiness is all Oh! my Chennamallikarjuna”

“Listen Oh! mother, I love him He is the one, the only one He knows no birth and death He is uncabined by caste or clime He is boundless, changeless, formless He is beautiful beyond comparison All other fade away and die at last I will have none of them My Lord shall forever be The One Chennamallikarjuna.”

“Does the peacock leave the hills And play in the meadows? Does the swan shun the lake And seek shallow streams? Does the cuckoo sing Before the mango sprouts? Does the butterfly go To a flower bereft of fragrance? Tell me, my friends: can I Desire someone other than God Chennamallikarjuna?”

Akkamahadevi was one of a kind. It may not be realistic for most of us to adopt her ways but what Akkamahadevi has demonstrated through her life stands testimony to the power of faith and courage. Empowering the spirit also holds the key to women’s empowerment in today’s world and for that spiritual advancement, Shivayoga Sadhane and having the legacy of the legendary saints like Akkamahadevi is second to none. Vachanas’ References:;; Pictures’ References:;;

About the author: Smt. Supriya Antin Kaddargi is banking professional and an active VSNA member from Chicago chapter. She has authored the book 'Spiritual Transcendence', a biography of Sri. Jadeya Shantalingeshwara Swamiji.


Vēda References in Basavaṇṇa’s Vaĉanas Linga Raju Plainview, NY

Basavaṇṇa was very well versed in the Vēdas. At Kūḍala Saṅgama, Basavaṇṇa studied Vēdas and other sacred religious material under a learned scholar Īśānya Guru. In order to ascertain what exactly Basavaṇṇa says about the Vēdas, some of his vaĉanas that have already been translated into English by scholars were reviewed. One of Basavaṇṇa’s vaĉanas stating ‘Dēvanobba nāmahalavu’ meaning ‘One God, many names’ seems to have been taken directly from Ṛgvēda, maṇḍala I, sūkta 164, verse 46 which says ‘They call Him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and He is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān, To what is One, sages give many a name, they call It Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan’. There is another vaĉana of Basavaṇṇa that is taken verbatim from Ṛgvēda X.81.3. This sūkta # 81 of Ṛgvēda is titled Viśvakarmā which means ‘maker of the universe’. The first part of the verse 3 is as follows. ‘Viśvataśĉakṣu viśvatōmukhō viśvatōbāhuruta viśvataspāt …’ The corresponding Kannaḍa vaĉana of Basavaṇṇa is transliterated as follows: ‘ettetta nōḍidaḍatta nīnē dēvā; sakala vistārada rūhu nīnē dēvā; viśvataśĉakṣu nīnē dēvā; viśvatōmukha nīnē dēvā; viśvatōbāhu nīnē dēvā; viśvataspāda nīnē dēvā Kūḍalasaṅgamadēvā’. The vaĉana starts with ‘wherever we look you (God) are there’. And the words taken verbatim have the same meaning in Sanskrit and Kannaḍa: Having eyes everywhere, having face everywhere, having arms everywhere, and having feet everywhere. In the Śūnyasaṁpādane chapter called ‘Prabhudēva’s Apotheosis’, Basavaṇṇa sings as he waves the propitiatory lamp on the occasion. It starts with ‘Jaya jaya Śrī Mahādēva’ sung three times; it means ‘Hail hail to the glorious Great God’. Then the song has these mystic words taken from the Vēdas – ‘Ōṁ bhūḥ ōṁ bhuvaḥ…bhargō dēvasya dhīmahi - śaraṇeṁbudenna manavu’. Taittirīya Upaniṣad I.5.1 says - Bhūḥ, Bhuvaḥ and Suvaḥ are the three celebrated mystical utterances. What is called Bhūḥ stands for this world, the fire, the sacred verses called Ṛks (of Ṛgvēda), and the air that is breathed-in (Prāṇaḥ). What is denoted as Bhuvaḥ stands for the intermediate space between heaven and earth, the air, the Sāman chants (of Sāmavēda), and the air that is breathed-out (Apānaḥ). What is noted as Suvaḥ stands for heaven, the sun, the sacrificial formulae called Yajus (of Yajurvēda), and the vital airs that sustains life when the breath is arrested (Vyānaḥ). These mystic words are also in many other Upaniṣads such as Ĉhāndōgya Upaniṣad II.23.2 and Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad VI.4.25. The mystic words ‘bhargō dēvasya dhīmahi’ are part of the famous Gāyatrī Mantra which is the celebrated verse of the Vēdas (Ṛgvēda III.61.10; Yajurvēda III.35; Sāmavēda 658,662). These words have been translated as ‘may we attain God’s glory’. The full Gāyatrī Mantra is something like this ‘Let us contemplate the beautiful splendor of God Savitur, that he may inspire our visions’. Vaĉana number 8 on page 23 of ‘Thus Spake Basava. Published by Basava Samithi, Bangalore, India 1965’ is as follows.


Ascribe not love of music to the Lord, no lover of music He; Nor lover of Vēdas for Vēdic lore loves not He. Consider Rāvaṇa, for muses’ favor forfeited half his life’s span! Or Brahma, versed in Vēdas, with head, paid he his fee! No lover of music, nor lover of Vēdas He, Save; hold the devotee in felicity, O Kūḍala Saṅgama Dēvā. The explanatory note on this vaĉana is on pages 77-78 of the same reference. Rāvaṇa was the king of Laṅka; he had sung the Sāmavēda in praise of Śiva; but this did not rescue him from being killed by Rāma whose wife he had kidnapped; Vēdas did not prevent his life being cut-short by half. Brahma is said to have uttered a lie to Śiva; Brahma, his name itself meaning Vēda, is well versed in the Vēdas; but this did not prevent one of his heads being cut off by Śiva. In the above vaĉana, Basavaṇṇa is not saying that reciting or singing his vaĉanas instead of the Vēdas would have prevented the above two incidents. No, not at all, nothing can rescue from such atrocities. Basavaṇṇa is merely making the point that it is not necessary to know the Vēdas, and that true devotion is more important. Two vaĉanas, 93 and 94, are on page 67 of the same reference, and they are as follows. Like the lamb led to the sacrificial fire Blithely nibbles the green leaves adorning the altar, Unmindful of its doom awaiting, deeming most the passing present, So prospers all mortal life, O Kūḍala Saṅgama Dēvā. O dear lamb! Cry unto the Lord and lay thy cause before Him. In vain were thou slain to flattering unction claim, This, thy slayers have done! Make thy pleading known Before those that propound the Vēdas and Śāstras. Thou shall surely be avenged by my Kūḍala Saṅgama Dēvā. The explanatory note on these vaĉanas is on page 81, and this is what it states – The lower classes believe that diseases like small-pox are caused by the disfavor of petty gods such as Mari, and that sacrificing sheep or other animals, and offering them to her, she will be appeased. Similarly, the higher classes believed that by sacrificing goats and other animals in what were known as Yagnas, and offering to the Gods, they would acquire merit. Both these practices are condemned, and it is asserted that all religions are based on kindness. Here, the sacrifices are condemned, not the Vēdas. Basavaṇṇa does not condemn the Vēdas. He condemns the sacrificial rituals contained in the Vēdas, and also the people who perform those rituals. He makes it known that the study and the knowledge of the Vēdas is not necessary to attain the Absolute (Śūnya).

About the author: Dr. Linga Raju is VSNA life member, native of Davaṇagere, India. Dr. Raju is a prominent Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases physician. He has written spiritual publications - “A Journey through Hindu and Vīraśaiva Concepts’, and ‘SIDDHĀNTA ŚIKHĀMAṆ; The one hundred one sthala doctrine A concise composition’.


Vēda References in Prabhudēva’s Vaĉanas Linga Raju Plainview, NY Allama Prabhu was very well versed in the Vēdas. In order to ascertain what exactly Prabhudēva’s vaĉanas say about the Vēdas, some of his vaĉanas that have already been translated into English by scholars were reviewed. In the Śūnyasaṁpādane book, in the introductory chapters about Allama Prabhu, two of Prabhu’s vaĉanas are given with some introduction and then a comment. The introduction for the vaĉanas states - if the seeker is to gain strength in the pursuit of truth, the seeker cannot have it by blind belief or perverse argument, it is necessary for the seeker’s faith to be coupled with thought and practice; only in this sense that Prabhu has said of the Vēdas in the following vaĉanas: The Vēdas failed because they could not weigh; The Śāstras failed because they could not seize; The Purāṇas failed because they could not prove; When the elders failed because they did not know themselves, And were consumed by their own brains, How could they know Thee, O Guhēśvara? What you call Vēda is a work to be read; What you call Śāstra is market news; What you call Purāṇa is a bullied boast; What you call Logic is butting of rams; What you call Bhakti is only a show for profit of a meal; What you call Guhēśvara is the Absolute beyond bounds. The comment on the above vaĉanas states that - this does not mean that Prabhu belittles the Vēdas; he merely suggests that if they become feats of intellect, their very purpose fails; thus Prabhu upholds direct experience of the Divine -. Here, the scholars have stated that Prabhu does not belittle the Vēdas, and that he upholds the Upaniṣadic views of the Divine; no further explanation is needed. Then Śūnyasaṁpᾱdane gives these vaĉanas which are in the context that Prabhu is guiding Siddharāmayya, an accomplished Śivayōgi, through his spiritual transformation. Prabhu tells Siddharāmayya that the One who has neither form nor body nor motion, and is beyond the reach of word or thought, cannot be attained by praise, for the One transcends praise and scorn alike: All those who have known Him in singing His praise, Lo! They have become the slaves of form! Look you, Siddharāmayya! The three worlds know through Guhēśvara’s witness, The scriptures (Vēda-śāstras) and several paths cannot attain to Him By hymns of praise! Siddharāmayya submits to Prabhu: Thou art not fond of the Vēdas, good sir, Thou art not fond of the Scriptures, too, Thou dost not love the music of hymns; … 9

Prabhu then responds by telling what true devotion (Bhakti) means: He is truly devout who unaware of self Has flung all else away, to such, Śiva responds! Lip-homage without works is not the way to the goal; That is not the way at all of making Śiva respond. Will our Guhēśvaraliṅga respond To one who spits fire in a state of forgetfulness, And the moment knowledge comes, says here I lie at thy feet? Here again Prabhu does not belittle the Vēdas, he makes the point that true Bhakti is not merely reciting/singing the hymns of praise of the Vēdas; it is much more than that. After Prabhudēva takes the Śūnyapīṭha, the seat of the Absolute, He, Basavaṇṇa, Ĉennabasavaṇṇa and others start praising one another. In the first instance Prabhu is praising Basavaṇṇa, and in the second Ĉennabasavaṇṇa is praising Basavaṇṇa. The, term Vēda comes in these vaĉanas; there is nothing derogatory about the Vēdas there. After predicting the coming of the end of the Śaraṇa movement in Kalyāṇa, Prabhudēva prophesizes about himself in this vaĉana. Compassion, powerless to compare, declared it was beyond compare; Awareness, unaware that it was screened from knowledge, Declared it higher than the highest; And meditation not knowing to meditate was lost in meditating itself Since, he transcended all efforts of meditation. What other knowledge can there be To knower, knowledge and the known? The ‘That Thou art’ and other sentences The Vēda regards as knowledge, Are turned to falsehood and are gone. All who expound Brahma – the dualists and the non-dualists – As Being, Bliss and Consciousness are routed and destroyed. He comes and does not come; he joins and does not join; Guhēśvara is one, the Absolute Tranquility. Once Prabhudēva attains Śūnya, the Absolute state, there is nothing else, not even the Vēdas (‘That Thou art’ comes in Ĉhᾱndōgya Upaniṣad). Knowledge of the scriptures and the knowledge of everything else, are considered as the lower knowledge; all this knowledge along with the identity of the individual-self is lost in the Supreme State. Prabhudēva, Basavaṇṇa, and other Śaraṇas, do not condemn the Vēdas. They condemn the sacrificial rituals contained in the Vēdas, and also the people who perform those rituals. They make it known that the study and the knowledge of the Vēdas is not necessary to attain the Absolute (Śūnyasaṁpᾱdane). About the author: Dr. Linga Raju is VSNA life member, native of Davaṇagere, India. Dr. Raju is a prominent Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases physician. He has written spiritual publications - “A Journey through Hindu and Vīraśaiva Concepts’, and ‘SIDDHĀNTA ŚIKHĀMAṆ; The one hundred one sthala doctrine A concise composition’.


A Fight Well Worth It Ms. Thrusha Puttaraju Youth Member, New England Chapter Winner of Alpha Omega Council 2014 Marathon Essay Contest Essay Topic Given: It is the year 490 B.C.E. and the Persians are going to invade mainland Greece. Explain why an Athenian citizen would join fellow Athenians on the plains of Marathon to defend their homeland

Descending the hilltop adjacent to the pounding shores of Marathon Bay, I haul myself alongside my fellow brothers of Athens against the harsh winds. While we hasten down the grassy hill, the Persian’s vast infantry astonishes me. Everywhere I look, I see thousands of warriors from all across Asia Minor to Ethiopia standing confidently, outnumbering us two to one. Minute by minute, my body becomes wearier just by the thought of losing Athens. But why would we go through this struggle, rather than surrendering our land? Well, the answer lies within Athens. Behind the gates of our polis, lies the land of freedom for the people. Without cruel tyrants, like Hippias, we Athenians can finally decide on our own matters with the People’s Court, and come to a fair consensus on government business with the People’s Assembly. Citizens over 20, ranging from farmers to aristocrats have an equal say on what goes on in our polis. We call it democracy. Apart from our rights in government, Athenians are the scholars that contrive the “School of Greece.” As soon as anyone enters the land of Athens, the sight one sees is indescribable. Our polis flourishes with citizens showcasing their unique talents from sculpting to mechanics. The array of gift and power that Athens retains is everything one desires. The last gust of wind blow across my trembling body, drifting me back into reality. As the first set of Persians tromp towards us, we Athenians get ready for battle. No matter what, I will protect my homeland at all costs. I will fight for Athens!



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About the author: Nagaraj M is a VSNA member of Connecticut Chapter. Nagaraj is native of Mayakonda in Davangere district, Karnataka, married and blessed with two kids. Nagaraj is an IT professional in Hartford CT. Nagaraj is interested in photography, tourism, and Kannada literature.


Veerashaiva News around the World Basavashree Award presented to Malala

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani student who survived being shot in the head by the Taliban for promoting girls’ rights to education, was honored with Basavashree award by Shri Murugamath in London on January 9. The award is given every year to “distinguished personalities who struggle for the welfare of the mankind”. Source: The Hindu, January 16, 2014



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LOCAL CHAPTER – UPDATES VSNA – Connecticut The newly created VSNA – Connecticut Chapter celebrated Mahashivarathri on March 15th in Sri. Swaminarayan auditorium in Connecticut. For detailed article on the celebrations, please see article by Nagaraj in this newsletter. Here are few snapshots:




VSNA – Chicago Chapter

VSNA – Chicago started off the 2014 year programs with Makara Sankramana celebrations on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at Itasca Park District with attendance of about 100 members. The program was very well organized and planned with stage arrangement consisting of Basavanna’s statue donated and brought from India by Srishail Hadimani. Following are few snapshots of the program. More details are on VSNA site – Chicago Chapter Events page.

The second program of the year was Mahashivarathri, celebrated on Saturday, March 1, 2014. The program included shivapuja by kids and adults. Few snapshots from Mahashivarathri program are given here.

This quarter the local chapter had to endure loss of Dr. Mrs. Rajashri Manoli, VSNA Life Member from Wisconsin. Another loss was lingaikya of Mother of VSNA BOD Member - Nandish Dhananjaya.


The VSNA – Chicago chapter has added few more activities for this year as part of Dasoha and Kayaka concepts in the form of “Feed My Starving Children” and Food Drive”.



VSNA – NC Chapter Shivappa Palled President, VSNA – NC Chapter

VSNA-NC chapter members met at 4 P. M. on Saturday, March 1, 2014 in Apex Community Center, Apex, NC to celebrate Maha Shivarathri festival. The celebration began with the group Linga Pooja followed by three prayers. Every member participated in the Linga Pooja and the prayer. The Linga Pooja was lead by Dr. Jayraj Kalmat. This was followed by Vachana recitation. Dr. Jayraj Kalmat recited two Vachanas and then he explained the meaning of the Vachanas and their relevance to our daily life. Dr. Kalmat talked about the significance of Maha Shivarathri and also he explained how it is celebrated in many different parts of the world. Four children read the Maha Shivarathri story. The families did the Abhishek and Aarati to the Linga. The devotional songs were sung by Nihaanth and Thejaswini Nandeesh, and Ayush Sunil. The Akka Mahadevi story was narrated through costume and actions by the Korategere family (Ashwini, Pooja, and Divya). The Thabala performance was given by Praneel Hawaldar. Few other members provided the entertainment. Members enjoyed the delicious dinner prepared by the ladies. Nandeesh Kaggere, Culture Secretary of the Chapter, introduced the new members. This was followed by the open forum. The members discussed the following topics: VSNA Affiliated Centers, the central VSNA membership due, and VSNA-NC 25th Anniversary Celebration. The discussion was very interesting. Many new ideas were proposed by the members. The members unanimously supported the proposal by Shekar Guddimath and Raj Galagali to reduce the central VSNA membership due from $35 to $10. The discussion about the 25th Anniversary celebration was quite out of the ordinary and members decided to celebrate it in a distinctive way. Shivappa Palled thanked ladies for cooking the delicious food for the function. He also thanked Veeranna Chinnappa and Ambuja Umapathi for renting the Community Center for the event and also for their contribution to the event. Finally, he thanked the NC board members and others for their help and support. The event was completed at 9 P. M.


VSNA – Detroit Chapter Karuna Hiremath, President Sapna Dhake, Treasurer Bharathi Sulabelle, Secretary Aashika Sulabelle, Youth President

The year 2014 started cold and frigid but life moved on. Our Shivaratri function was hosted by Lansing VSNA families. We as a group participated in performing Linga pooja. Our highlight of the day was a very nice presentation on Akka Mahadevi from our secretary Bharathi Sulabelle, she explained in simple language but with in-depth facts. Here are few snapshots of the program:

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VSNA – Publications Note: For latest updates please visit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Veerashaivism and Bhakti, Dr. Somashekhar Munavalli (Ed). Bel Air, Maryland, 1988 Veerashaiva Religion - An Introduction, Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1989 Veerashaivism - A Collection of Essays, Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1990 Veerashaivism - History and Fundamental Concepts, Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1991 Veerashaiva Religion - Questions and Answers, Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1991 Veerashaivism - Comparative Study of Allamaprabhu, Basava Sunya Sampadane and Vachana Literature, Sri Kumara Swamiji and Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1993 Lingadharana, Smt. Vimala Channabasappa, 1993 Veerashaiva Sharaneyaru, Dr. S. Munavalli and Siddayya Puranik, 1994 In Search of Shiva, Dr. Saroja Ullagaddi, Clifton, Virginia, 1995 VSNA Brochure - Questions and Answers, Dr. Saroja Ullagaddi,, 1996 Life, Legacy and Lyrics of Devara Dasimayya, Prof. C. S. Bennur (Translator) Dr. S. Munavalli (Ed), 1998 Commemorative Volume - First World Veerashaiva Conference, VSNA Toronto Chapter, Dr. S. Munavalli (Rd), 2000 The Veerashaiva Religion, Its Practices and Principles, Dr. S. Munavalli, Sponsored by JSS, 2002 Cardinal Principles of Veerashaiva Religion, Dr. S. Munavalli A Study of VSNA History, 2007 The Lingayat Dharma, Dr. S. Munavalli, 2007 ABC of Lingayath Dharma, Dr. S. Munavalli, 2007 Veerashaivism Made Simple, Sateesh Kavi, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2007 Veerashaiva Religion for Preschoolers, Dr. S. Munavalli, 2007 30th VSNA Convention Souvenir, VSNA Detroit Chapter, 2007 31st VSNA Convention Souvenir, VSNA California Chapters, 2008 ARIVU - 32nd VSNA Convention Souvenir - Main, VSNA Chicago Chapter, 2009 ARIVU - 32nd VSNA Convention Souvenir - Supplement, VSNA Chicago Chapter, 2009 33rd VSNA Convention Souvenir, VSNA Toronto Chapter, 2010 34th VSNA Convention Souvenir, VSNA New England Chapter, 2011 The Maker's Mint, A Biographical Novel on Basavanna, Sadanand Kanavalli, VSNA & Basava Peetha Karnataka University, 2011 35th VSNA Convention Souvenir, VSNA California Chapters, 2012. Siddanta Sikhamani, Dr. Linga Raju, 2013 A Journey Through Sacred Hindu Scriptures, Dr. Linga Raju, 2013 Origin of The People of India and The Vedic Culture, Dr. Linga Raju, 2013 Philosophy and Practice of Vīraṡaivas, Dr. Linga Raju, 2013 A Journey Through Hindu and Vīraśaiva Concepts, Dr. Linga Raju, 2013.



FROM VSNA Newsletter – Committee


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