VR FIB Quiz 9 Solutions

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Question 1

Explanation Since no connecting word — such as and, for, so, etc. — follows the comma, the phrase “seemingly with an endless reserve of energy” defines the missing word. Now, a person with an endless reserve of energy would be lively, which is the meaning of vivacious. So, the correct answer choice is (B).

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Choice Jejune: Immature, Callow, Puerile, Juvenile


Vivacious: Full of life Solicitous: Caring, Concerned Impudent: Insolent, Rude, Imperious, Impertinent Indolent: Lazy, Slothful

Question 2

Explanation Man is a social being; to function properly, he needs to be an integral part of society. When a person fails to integrate himself into society, he often feels alienated and incomplete, which, without a social support system, can lead to suicide. The author believes that those who commit suicide do so because they are unable to integrate themselves into the society. So, the correct answer choice is (E).

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Choice Materialize: Come into reality, happen Seclude: Confine, Cloister, Sequester, Withdraw Homogenize: To make similar Secure: Assure, Guarantee


Integrate: Incorporate, Make part of a whole

Question 3

Explanation The first sentence describes AIDS as a big threat; it also describes another disease that is unreported and is on a greater rampage. Yet, the author says there is a cure for this silent killer. It is ironic that the silent killer disease, which causes more harm than AIDS, is curable. So, the correct answer choices are rampaging and irony.

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Rampaging: Act violently Conundrum: A difficult problem, Confusion Digressing: Deviating, Rambling Conflict: Clash, Dispute Alleviating: Mollifying, Assuaging, Relieving


Irony: What is expected differs from what happens

Question 4

Explanation The show was organized to tell the stories of successful celebrities. By profiling these celebrities, the show narrates the stories of the influential newsmakers from all walks of life. So, the correct answer choices are profiling and


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Choice Narrating: Telling, Recounting


Influential: Powerful, Prestigious


Profiling: Writing about, Representing Ordinary: Commonplace, Normal Parading: Displaying, Flaunting, Exhibiting Pedestrian: Prosaic, Lacking imagination

Question 5

Explanation The second sentence contains the phrase “for example,” indicating that it provides clarification for the previous sentence. An argument over where to place a comma, then, indicates that the subjects of debate are often negligible (insignificant). If sides are arguing merely to gain power over the other side, then politics have become polarized. Finally, if both sides are struggling for power, then they wouldn’t give in—or show deference to the other side. So, the correct answer choices are polarized , negligible and deference.

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Choice Antiquated: Old, Antediluvian, Ancient, Archaic


Negligible: Paltry, Trifling, Insignificant, Minor Ambivalence: Mixed feelings


Polarized: Two contrasting or conflicting positions Exigent: Urgent


Deference: Respect, Oblige Homogenized: Made similar Convoluted: Complex and intricate Favouritism: Inclined to favor someone over other

Question 6

Explanation This is an example of a multiple blank question in which the answers heavily depend on each other. The sentence following the colon explains the sentence before it. For this question, perhaps the easiest blank to answer first is the third blank, “_____ to him but injurious to others,” which can be solved without referencing the rest of the sentence. Usage of ‘but’ helps figure out the third blank. The blank must be opposite of “injurious” and therefore advantageous. Now, reread the entire sentence with “advantageous” in the blank. If someone is performing acts that help one but hurt others, the first blank must mean something like “support.” The word here, then, is rationalize. Reread the sentence with both blanks filled in. If a person is rationalizing evil, then they are “supporting”—or justifying—that belief system. So, the correct answer choices are rationalize, justifying and


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Rationalize: Justify, Defend by reasoning Converting: Changing Adverse: Unfavorable Thwart: To prevent or foil something Impugning: Attack as false or wrong Asinine: Fatuous, Inane, Vacuous, Stupid Condemn: Criticize, Castigate


Justifying: Rationalize


Advantageous: Beneficial, Profitable

Question 7

Explanation The key words in this sentence are “indigents,” meaning impoverished people, and “refuse,” meaning garbage. So, if poor people are building their homes out of garbage, they must have limited resources. So, the correct answer choices are (B) and (D).

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Choice Myriad: Multitude, Too many


Dearth: Lack of, Paucity Dichotomy: Twofold


Paucity: Lack of, Scarcity Perpetuity: Continuity, Eternity, Indefinite Profusion: Abundance, Plethora

Question 8

Explanation Burnt hair smells terrible. If you don’t know this, the key phrase is “unpleasant result.” You might come up for a word to fit the blank such as “nasty.” So, the correct answer choices are (D) and (E).

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Choice Querulous: Complaining, Fretful, Whiny Banal: Hackneyed, Trite, Repeated too often Pithy: Concise, Terse, Laconic, Sententious


Acrid: Strong and sharp, Corrosive


Pungent: Acrid Dull: Boring, Tedious, Wearisome

Question 9

Explanation Pretentious people put on airs, so a new neighbor that stands out would be genuine or sincere. So, the correct answer choices are (C) and (E).

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Choice Exigency: Emergency Guile: Deceitful, Chicanery


Artlessness: Innocent, Ingenuous Ambiguity: Confusion, Equivocal


Ingenuousness: Naive Cheekiness: Being rude, Inclined to take liberties

Question 10

Explanation Picturesque would make sense in the sentence, but does

not have a synonym. The other answer choices do not fit the sentence, except for vast and spacious, which mean the same thing. So, the correct answer choices are (D) and (F).

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Choice Picturesque: Beautiful, Colorful, Expressive Cloistered: Confined, Secluded Prim: Affectedly (artificially) refined


Vast: Big, Huge Confining: Limiting


Spacious: Broad, Vast

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