October -December 2013 January - March, 2014 Volume1, Issue Volume 2, Issue 1 2
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Vickie Tricke Managing Editor David Beach ContribuƟng Writers David Beach Carol Fox Lisa Romeo Jake Jarvis CollaboraƟons David S nson, MyMorgantownWV.com Kirk Skasik, Edward Jones Financial Photographers Bobbie Hawkins Lisa Romeo Vickie Tricke AdverƟsing ExecuƟve Angela Kauffman
Questions, submissions and feedback: Submissions: Story ideas should be submi ed to David Beach at david.beach@my-morgantown.com or mailed to My Morgantown eMagazine, 722 Brookhaven Road, Morgantown, WV 26508. Photograph submission should be submi ed on our web site or emailed to info@my-morgantown.com. Adver sing rates are available at www.my-morgantown.com.
PUBLISHED BY FATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, LLC. 722 Brookhaven Road Morgantown WV 26508 Phone 866.711.1677 | Fax 304.932.0273 www.my-morgantown.com info@my-morgantown.com
Send us your photos an story ideas! We’d love to include your photos of the Greater Morgantown area throughout the magazine, possible future feature stories on your work or the photo subject or featured on the cover. Please include the name of the photographer, a brief description of the photo, and a sentence giving
Hometown Famous
Special Update:
Table 9:
Fred Fiorini and Family
Operation Welcome Home
Morgantown’s Gastropub
Representing WV
Ted Webb
Bobby Wolfe
Local Theatre Heads to Mobile Morgantown Poet/Author
Making it to the Big Screen
Financial Focus
Girls On The Run
Within 3 Hours
Oh So Sweet Valentine’s Gifts
Making a Difference in Young Lives
Snowshoe Mountain Resort
Editor’s Corner From the Editor: As we start a new year, we start new chapters in Morgantown: a new semester at WVU, new music and theatre seasons, new recreational opportunities. We also find new businesses in Morgantown. In this issue, we profile Morgantown’s first gastropub, Table 9.
Your one-stop-shop for everything happening in and around Greater Morganown. Visit mymorgantownwv.com for the area’s most comprehensive directory of restaurants, events, entertainment, shopping and more. Lis ngs added daily!
We also profile two local artists, writer and poet Theodore (Ted) Webb, and actor Bobby Wolfe. I recently read the first book of Ted’s STARLING series and was struck by how his futuristic story mirrors our current lives. I’ve had the pleasure of acting with and directing Bobby, and his versatility as an actor literally gives me goose bumps, and I can never wait to see his next performance.
Budding Young Poets!
Be sure to check out our partner, MyMorgantownWV, (www.mymorgantownwv.com) to see all the upcoming events and find local businesses to serve your needs. As we move into 2014, we welcome your ideas for features, profiles and local events. Please feel free to contact me with suggestions and comments at david.beach@my-morgantown. com.
Red is good. Green is better. Let’s have fu and do stuff together.
~ Kiersten Timmons-McCormick Rainbows are pretty. You are too. You’re the prettiest girl I ever knew. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Youre’ the best mom and I love you!
~ Tyler Timmons-McCormick
A Deep-rooted Family Business Continues to Bring Fanfare to the Morgantown Community By Lisa Romeo Mountaineer fans shopping for WVU merchandise to support their favorite team may be familiar with Mountaineer Zone and Mountaineer Na on but they may not be aware that these businesses, along with Champion Trophies & Awards, all spawned from one business that has a nearly 30 year history in the Morgantown area. When Fred Fiorini, Jr., opened Mountaineer Corner in 1986, he specialized in sporting goods, team uniforms, and engraving trophies for community and University spor ng events and award ceremonies. Fiorini recruited the help of his two oldest daughters, Lisa and Tina, to run the family-owned business while they were going through high school and college. A er college, Lisa Fiorini worked as a middle school science teacher at various schools in the Morgantown area. When she married her husband, Ahmad Mudasser, they moved to the New York City area where Ahmad worked for the New York City Transit Authority. Lisa and Ahmad were living there with their young son, Sheraz, when the terrorist a acks of September 11, 2001, occurred. A few years a er
experiencing this life-changing event, Lisa and Ahmad decided to move back to West Virginia and take over her father’s business upon his re rement in 2004. In 2007, Lisa and Ahmad expanded the business to a second loca on, Mountaineer Zone, in the University Town Centre, specializing in WVU and Mountaineer paraphernalia, clothing and personalized gi s. Then in 2010, they opened a third loca on appropriately named, Mountaineer Na on, in the Suncrest Towne Centre. For several years they have also sold their blue & gold products from a tent setup at WVU home football games outside of Milan Puskar Stadium. This past summer, they decided to close the Mountaineer Corner loca on on Beechurst Avenue that also housed Champion Trophies and Awards. Tina Fiorini Huggins moved Champion Trophies and Awards to its new loca on at 550 Beechurst, which is on the second floor of the State Farm Insurance building. Tina has run the trophy shop since her father re red. She is the sole owner and does most of the work herself with the help of her sons on occasion.
Champion Trophies and Awards specialize in Engraving, Trophies, Plaques, Medals, Ribbons, Clocks, and Personalized Gi s. The majority of her business comes from WVU with various departments purchasing plaques for awards; community sport teams (soccer, football, basketball, baseball leagues) who need trophies, medals, and/or ribbons; public schools in the area; and the general community wan ng items engraved. Tina’s busiest me is March to June due to WVU’s gradua on because she supplies all of the award plaques. She can engrave any metal item such as plaques, nameplates, trophy plates, and knives. She is currently working on developing a webpage for the business. The tradi on of working in a family-owned business is con nuing with Tina’s sons, Zane and Ryder, and Lisa’s son, Sheraz. Their younger sister, Lori Fiorini Brozik, also works with Lisa and Ahmad at the Mountaineer Na on loca on. The family has close es with WVU and deep roots in the Morgantown area. Sheraz is a junior at WVU in Business & Marke ng and helps manage both of his parents’ stores. He is the president of the WVU Marke ng Club and plans to con nue his educa on to receive an MBA in the future. Fred and his wife, Barbara, have lived in Morgantown all their lives. Barbara worked alongside Fred at Mountaineer Corner un l he re red.
These close-knit family businesses make it a point to please their customers. Unlike their compe tors who carry generalized Mountaineer items, they make a point to oer their customers personalized and specific Mountaineer gear that can’t be found in other loca ons. Lisa and Ahmad work closely with vendors such as, Adidas, UnderArmor, Columbia, and Champion to provide the blue and gold color placement and design of their clothing items. At Mountaineer Zone and Mountaineer Na on you can find everything from customized t-shirts, hoodies, hats, performance wear, shorts, and flip-flops. They carry all sizes of apparel from infant to adult. They also have an extensive inventory of flags, blankets, car emblems, pet apparel, jewelry, hair accessories, Christmas ornaments, and tailga ng accessories.
Mountaineer Zone in the University Towne Centre is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 12 p.m. to 5 .p.m on Sundays Mountaineer Nation in the Suncrest Towne Center is open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and on Sundays during WVU home football games
In December, Opera on Welcome Home held is First Annual Open Holiday House. Student volunteers from WVU helped decorate OWH’s loca on in Mylan Park for the event that was open to the public. The Open House helped raise the community’s awareness and reinforced OWH’s mission to serve the Morgantown area. “We had a great turn out of both Veterans and the public. It was an excellent way to say ‘thanks’ to the community who helps this organiza on support the Veterans that have selflessly served all of us,” said Bre Simpson, Program Manager for Opera on Welcome Home.
Operation Welcome Home Update
by Lisa Romeo
A welcomed surprise concert was held this past fall at Schmi ’s Saloon in Morgantown which featured one of the top American country music singersongwriters of our me. Ronnie Dunn, previously of Brooks & Dunn, performed at Schmi ’s on October 25, 2013 in a free concert that was open to the public. Schmi ’s did not sell ckets or have a cover-fee, but instead asked patrons who came for the concert to make dona ons to benefit Opera on Welcome Home. They also sold only beer in aluminum bo les and donated the money from recycling the aluminum to OWH. The packed house sang along with Dunn as he performed well-known past hits as well as new songs he has released since going solo in 2011. Not only was a significant amount of money raised to support Veterans in the Morgantown area, but the concert also raised awareness of Veterans, Opera on Welcome Home and their mission through this event. Some of the local Veterans who work and volunteer for OWH got an extra perk by helping set up and break down the stage before and a er the concert. It was a big morale booster for them to work alongside the road crew and band. Many of the Veterans who volunteered were from the local group of Hogs & Heroes-Chapter 3 who support various Veterans events and chari es in the Morgantown area.
Another event open to the public is planned for this spring. Totally 80’s, Totally Murder Mystery Dinner is scheduled for March 21, 2014. All proceeds will go to Opera on Welcome Home’s Veterans Facility at Mylan Park. For more informa on on this fundraising event, please go to h p://morgantownmystery.com .
M. T. Pockets Theatre Production to Represent West Virginia at National Theatre Competition In early March, M. T. Pockets Theatre Company’s produc on of French playwright Yasmina Reza’s play “Art” will represent West Virginia at the Southeastern Theatre Conference’s (SETC) Community Theatre Fes val in Mobile, Alabama. Produced at the theatre last September, the play is about the friendship among three men which is tested when one buys a monochroma c pain ng for an outrageous price. Billed as a “tragicomedy,” Reza’s play, translated by Oscar-winning screenwriter Christopher Hampton (Dangerous Liaisons), won acclaim in both London (Olivier Award for Best Comedy) and New York (Tony Award for Best Play) in the late 1990s. Directed by David Beach and starring Ben Adducchio, Josh Rocchi and Jim Stacy, “Art” took first place at the West Virginia Theatre Associa on’s
Community Theatre Fes val last November in Clarksburg. In addi on to winning Outstanding Produc on, Adducchio took home an Outstanding Actor award, and Rocchi received a Dis nguished Actor cita on. A er each level of compe on, the cast receives feedback from adjudicators. “We got incredible feedback from the judges, and I think it will help us when we prepare for SETC,” Adducchio said. “I think we are going to represent West Virginia well.” The performance for compe on is limited to 60 minutes, so edits needed to be made to the play which typically runs around 95 minutes without intermission.
“Our license for compe on allows us to perform a sequence of scenes from the play in chronological order, but we cannot ‘alter, update or amend the me, locales or se ngs of the play’,” said Beach. He cut the first five scenes, replacing them with short monologues from the characters in order to set the exposi on. Stacy, who has performed in community theatre for many years, says it has become part of home for him. “To represent West Virginia community theatre at this fes val is an opportunity to say thank you to all the crea ve West Virginians I’ve worked with over the years.” However, ge ng to Alabama to represent West Virginia will cost the company several thousands of dollars. M. T. Pockets’ founder and ar s c director, Toni Morris, says, “Though it is a great honor to be asked to come, it does take some major fundraising to make it happen.” Several events have been planned for fundraising, including an Ero c Art & Ta oo Show on Saturday, February 8. During the weekend before heading to compe on, February 27 through March 1, there
Beehive boxed lunches are made with the freshest ingredients. Named after Morgantown neighborhoods, gourmet sandwiches made on artisan bread are piled high with delicious meat, cheese, and toppings; all enjoyed with kettle cooked chips, a pickle spear, and crisp coleslaw. To finish the meal a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie will be sure to satisfy any sweet tooth and the lunches will always include a little surprise! Call the Beehive located at Pace Enterprises at Mylan Park at 304-983-2665.
will be three benefit performances of “Art.” Patrons will receive a tax-deduc on voucher. The suggested minimum dona on is $20. Dona ons can be made directly to the theatre by clicking on M. T. Pockets’ home page, h p://mtpocketstheatre.com/, or by contac ng the theatre directly at 304284-0049 or info@mtpocketstheatre.com.
Promoting and showcasing the beautiful and original work of talented West Virginia artisans. 240 High Street Morgantown WV 26505 304.296.6230 info@thewvmarket.com thewvmarket.com
h t s g n i r B Table 9 e h t o t b u Gastrop
Table 9 is one of Morgantown’s newest dining spots. Located along the Monongahela River near the Waterfront Place Hotel, it has taken the tle of “Morgantown’s 1st Gastropub” by focusing its menu on the cra of food and drink. Owner and chef, Mark Tasker, thinks of food as an art form and a ributes his desire to open this type of restaurant on his love of art. Mark says that his mother told him she didn’t want him to be a starving ar st, so he found a way to express his ar s c talents by crea ng whimsical, small plates of New American cuisine that can be found on the menus at Table 9. The restaurant opened November 1, 2013, in the building that used to house The Boathouse Bistro. Choosing to open his first signature restaurant in this loca on was not on a whim. The modern structure of the building, with its unique tower that rises above, was a perfect fit for Mark’s crea ve business plan. The added touch of being on the waterfront with a wall of windows in the dining area that overlook the river and a deck for dining in warmer weather made the loca on even more a rac ve.
m r e T y d he Tren a e r A n w o t n a g r o M e omeo
By Lisa R
Table 9 is open Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday & Saturday from 11 a.m. to Midnight. Reservations: 304/554-2050 Location: 40 Donley Street, Morgantown For more information: DineTable9.com or follow on Twi er or Facebook or email Owner/Chef Mark Tasker at mailto:mark@dinetable9.com
“It reminds me of home,” Mark told me during our interview, speaking of the waterfront views from some of the restaurants he worked at in Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. He began his culinary career as a sous chef for Silver Tree at Deep Creek Lake. From there he decided to move to California, where he gained further culinary experience in the San Diego area at such restaurants as Cendio’s, Vigilucci’s Ristorante, and JRDN. When he returned to Maryland, he served as sous chef for the Will ‘O Wisp on Deep Creek Lake and also staged at Newton’s in Washington, DC and the world-renown, Eleven Madison Park in New York City. With his wife, Laura, who is employed by Ruby Memorial Hospital, he made the move to Morgantown a few years ago and con nued working on his dream to open his own restaurant. A er a few years of hard work and willful ambi on, Mark saw his dream come to frui on with the opening of Table 9. His desire for the gastropub to reflect the seasons of West Virginia and its local farms has been accomplished by purchasing pork and beef from Gardner Farms of Waverly and Hawthorne Valley Farms of Clarksburg. When the local Farmers’ Market is opera ng, Table 9 will feature menu items made from the fresh produce sold by its vendors. The goal is to keep the menu seasonal and use what grows in the area.
Table 9 conveys a casual and fun atmosphere where folks can enjoy affordable food and drink with friends and family. As Mark puts it, “It’s all about having a good me,” and his goal is to make sure that his customers know that. Table 9’s diverse menu changes daily and includes gluten free and vegetarian choices. The chefs are also willing to make anything on the spot for a customer to accommodate individual diet needs. Favorites on the dinner menu include the Grilled Lamb and the Blackened Tuna. The menu is laid out to enjoy three to four courses which include Snacks, First Course, Second Course and Sweets. Snacks include unique appe zers such as Fried Rico a with Roasted Tomato Jam and Garlic Olive Oil or Devils on Horseback with Pepper Jam. Along with the Blackened Tuna served with Picked Cucumbers, Corn, Radish, and Horseradish, the First Course includes Prince Edward Mussels with Bloody Mary Mix, Celery, Tomato, and Hot Sauce or Roasted Beets with Goat Cheese, Arugula, and Candied Pecans. You’ll find the Grilled Lamb served with Salted Yogurt, Eggplant, Zucchini, Red Pepper, and Pickled Red Onions in the Second Course list, along with Seared Salmon with Brussels sprouts, Fried Shallots and Hollandaise or Pan Seared Filet with Roasted Cauliflower, Chimichurri and Watercress. Delectable choices from the Sweets
sec on include Sautéed Apples with Pound Cake, Vanilla Ice Cream, Walnuts and Bourbon Maple or Olive Oil Cake with Blackberries, Whipped Goat Cheese and Salted Almonds. The lunch menu features Snacks, Salads, and Sandwiches priced under $10. Lunch highlights include: Garlic Aioli and Sriracha Fries; Caesar, House, or Spinach salads with the op on to add Chicken, Bourbon Steak, or Garlic Herb Steak; BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich on Brioche, Buffalo Chicken on Ciaba a, or Roasted Turkey with Avocado Ranch on WV Wheat. To accompany these exclusive dishes is a list of specialty wines, beers, and liba ons. Over two dozen white and red wines are available on the menu, along with several locally-brewed beers such as The Morgantown Brewing Company’s Eighty Shilling Scotch Ale or Mountain State Brewing Company’s Almost Heaven Amber Ale. Speciallymade liba ons feature spirits from local dis lleries such as Smooth Ambler’s Greenbrier Gin and Pinchgut Hollow Dis llery’s Mason Dixon Premium Whiskey. Back in Blackberry Fashion, Apple Spice Sangria, or Smooth Ambler Spritzer are just a few of the specialty drinks currently on the menu. Kate Lewis makes a point of seeing that the customers are happy with their choice
of beverage from the full bar which extends nearly the length of the dining area. Kate worked with Mark in the Deep Creek Lake area and agreed to move to Morgantown to take on the role of Bar Manager at Table 9. Mark says Kate and Sous Chef Don Orr have been invaluable in making Table 9 successful. While the indoor dining area can seat up to 106 people, another 49 can be seated on the deck that overlooks the Monongahela River when warm weather arrives. A new extra-long table to accommodate large par es has been installed in the back of the restaurant. As you look around the dining area, you’ll no ce the walls are decorated with artwork provided by local ar sts. This artwork is available for purchase by the public. In the spring, Table 9 plans to have live entertainment on the deck to enhance the dis nct dining experience. It is not necessary to make reserva ons for lunch or dinner, but if you choose to reserve a table for a large party or a par cular me, you may call the restaurant at 304/554-2050 or send a request on Table 9’s Facebook page. Don’t forget to ask to have your parking voucher validated if you park in the Waterfront Parking Garage just around the corner.
Drones have been circling overhead for such a span of me that we hardly no ce them any longer. Mountains are being ravaged by explosives, efforts to find the last bits of their coal and other natural resources. And a communica on network serves as an ever-watchful eye linking everyone constantly.
Local Poet/Writer
Though this might sound like the evening news, it’s actually a descrip on of the poli cal, environmental, and social climate of local author and poet, Theodore Webb’s, latest piece, a four-book dystopian fic on series called “The STARLING Connec on.”
Theodore Webb
Webb is a talented local author whose face is familiar to many of Morgantown’s residents because he is ac ve in so many organiza ons and events that promote and enrich the literary arts within the community—an ac vism reflected in Webb’s humble demeanor.
Explores Dystopia, Promotes Writing in Morgantown by Carol Fox
“I’m an indie author. I’m just a local guy. I’ve been here in Morgantown since 2005. I grew up in Braxton County,” he said. “The STARLING Connec on” is set in the United States in the year 2045. A fi een-year-old boy named Simon Laramie is the narrator. He goes to Briarwood High School; he’s an outcast, and he is bullied by hyper-aggressive, gene cally engineered athletes. Simon meets a senior named Jaya Ceyes at his lowest moment, and she introduces him to two other people. And it turns out that they’re all hackers. “They’re not really like bad hackers, like the ones who exploit your average person. Really, the only reason why they hack is to express themselves because in this future everyone is constantly watched. Basically they hack just to have some privacy outside constant surveillance,” Webb said.
The group collaborates to create a portal within the omnipresent governmental web SUPERNET. They name their portal STARLING, an acronym for spirit, truth, art, rights, life, independence, news/ knowledge and growth, and use it as a space to explore freedom through the arts. “The portal is unauthorized; it’s illegal. It’s a bit like underground newspapers or zines. My friends and I did that kind of stuff in high school, as well. So a lot of this is based off stuff we did in high school. Even though it’s all fic on, I’m trying to think about what we would be doing if we were kids in the future.
“It’s pre y dangerous. They’re working in secret. But it’s not only about the technology, it’s more about friendship and what that means and how far you would really be willing to go to help a friend, especially when it’s someone who society doesn’t care about. And it looks at whether anyone can truly afford to look the other way when someone is ge ng bullied or a acked. And it looks at violence within the system, hidden valence, and illusion versus reality,” Webb said.
Webb says that some of the main themes of his series are freedom and privacy, especially the rela onship between privacy and security. “Is it really worth it to trade our rights for promises of security? [The STARLING Series] is just looking at what’s been happening and then projec ng it out into the near future. It’s not conspiracy theory or anything like that; it’s taking actual events, facts and current technologies and thinking about where we go from here,” he said. Most people in Morgantown know Webb as a poet. And he says that’s what he started out as—just writing poems to try to get his feelings out, express himself and learn. Webb a ended Braxton County High School and went to Glenville State College where he earned his BA in English. During his me at Glenville State, Webb worked at the school newspaper, the Glenville Democrat. A er he graduated, he went to work in Parkersburg for the local news.
He spent a couple of years in Parkersburg, but his love for poetry kept nagging away at him, and he knew he had to see if he possessed the me le it takes to devote a life to the art. Like a decision reminiscent of a Bob Dylan song, Webb sold his car and most of his other possessions, packed a bag with some clothes and his poems and hopped a train headed west. His Kerouacian journey led him to Eugene, Oregon. While in Oregon, Webb con nued to live out the romance of a young poet’s life. He worked in restaurants and for nonprofit organiza ons, all the while wri ng poetry and mee ng other young hopefuls like himself. “I was mee ng some really incredible poets from the Portland/Eugene area, and we did open mics there. And that was really where I got started in the open mic scene and spoken word as an art. I learned a lot there and began to write be er poems,” he said. Webb avidly soaked up the Eugene poetry scene un l September 11, 2001. “My grandfather was in World War II, and he lived through the Depression, and I was always pre y close to him. Also, my uncle and father were in the military, so when 9/11 happened, I decided I would join the United States Army. “I signed up in Portland a month a er 9/11, I was filling out paperwork by December, and by January I was on a plane to basic,” Webb said. Webb said the issues in his latest work began interes ng him around 2005 when he le the army. Drone warfare and an increasingly top-secret America are just now receiving the kind of a en on they deserve. Some say that every work of literature is “post-9/11” now, a labeling that seems to want to define something inherently unique about post-9/11 works, but Webb is inclined to reject this no on’s credence in his own work. He says that although 9/11 affected the trajectory of his life, he’s far more focused on wri ng about people.
“I’m interested in wri ng about people who are on the bo om of society, people who are kind of struggling. They say ‘write what you know,’ so I write what I know about—growing up in Appalachia and going overseas—all of that stuff goes into it. “One of my favorite writers is J.D. Salinger because he uses the first person narrator in Catcher in the Rye, and I’ve always enjoyed those stories. In contemporary literature, people push you not to write in the first person; they tell you to write in third person all the me. But, I don’t write in the same way all the me—I try to suit it to the story. “I’ve always liked first person narra ves because they feel very personal, and this narra ve [The Starling Series] is very personal to me,” Webb said. Webb’s investment in the personal is obviously a major driving force in his involvement in Morgantown’s literary scene. Most recently, he joined Melissa Chesanko, a graduate student, and Jessica Woods, a psychology student, to write an original poem for WVU’s Speak Up (!) Diversity Poetry Reading held Oct. 22 in the Mountainlair. “We worked together and had just a very dynamic workshop. We were focused on ac vism in poetry, so we talked about Pablo Neruda … We wrote an exquisite corpse-style poem—we basically had each poet fold up a sheet of paper, and each poet wrote a line, but they didn’t see the previous line. So, by the me it was all done, we read it aloud, and it all somehow went together. It’s really amazing how it all comes together as a piece,” Webb said. Webb said he thinks there were almost 200 people in a endance for the reading, and he hopes WVU makes this a recurring event. “It was a very posi ve event … It was really cool to see that poetry has kind of reached this big level in town. There are so many poets and so much awareness of the literary arts. Just the fact that there are so many people willing to come out for it, it’s something I’d like to see happen again,” Webb said.
This month, Webb was asked to par cipate as a judge at a poetry slam compe on held at Weezies Pub and Club in Westover. Organized by Ashton Cutright, the event’s par cipants were a diverse and talented bunch, and scores were ghtly contested. Webb’s exper se as an ar st, however, allowed him and his fellow judges to choose the three top poets, each of whom went home with a cash prize. There’s no slowing in sight for Webb. He plans only to con nue his persistent efforts to engage the community in the apprecia on and crea on of art. “In 2014 I’d like to organize some workshops, maybe like a li le series, so I’m trying to work out the logis cs of that. And I’ve got some other projects in mind, and I’m going to con nue promoting my book,” Webb said. All of Webb’s hard work is paying off, though, for both him and the community. His dedica on to Morgantown and passion for his work is refreshingly posi ve and infec ous. Webb’s books and short stories are available for the Kindle through Amazon. Addi onally, those interested can learn more about Webb by visi ng his blog, www.theodorewebb.com/, or contact him through his Facebook and Twi er pages.
“SPIRIT HORSE,” by Theodore Webb, copyright 2010 We ride the painted horse Galloping on the water’s surface, Across the ocean of tears Separating our hearts How far did we ride today? How far on the journey to Love? How far? How far? My Dearest Dreamer— You who dreams every night & I who forgets all my dreams Spirit horse From where did you appear? Painted, translucent Like water, like Love You leaped from the center Of the Dream Catcher Hanging above our bed Below Life’s open window
On ValenƟne’s Day, Financial GiŌs Can Be Sweet Valen ne’s Day is almost here. This year, instead of s cking with flowers or chocolates for your valen ne, why not give a gi with a future? Specifically, consider making a meaningful financial gi . However, a “meaningful” gi doesn’t gain its meaning from its size, but rather its impact. What types of financial gi s can have the greatest effect on the life of your loved one? Here are a few possibili es: • Charitable gi s — Your valen ne may well support the work of a variety of charitable organiza ons. Why not give to one of them, in the name of your loved one? Not only will you be helping a group that does good work, but you may also be able to receive a tax deduc on for your contribu on, assuming the organiza on qualifies for tax-exempt status. And if you give financial assets, such as appreciated stocks, you may also be able to avoid paying capital gains taxes on the donated shares. • IRA contribu ons — Many people don’t contribute the maximum annual amount to their IRA (which, in 2014, is $5,500, or $6,500 if you’re 50 or older). While you can’t directly contribute to your valen ne’s IRA, you can certainly write him or her a check for that purpose. • Gi s of stock — Like everyone else, your sweetheart uses a variety of products — and he or she might enjoy being an “owner” of the companies that produce these goods. You can help make that happen through gi s of stock in these businesses. A financial advisor can help you through the straigh orward process of buying stock and transferring it to another person.
• Debt payment — Consider volunteering to pay your valen ne’s car payment, or credit card payment, for a month, and then encouraging him or her to put the savings to work in an investment. The fewer debts we have, the more we have to invest for our future. • Life and disability insurance — Quite frankly, life insurance and disability insurance do not sound like the most roman c of Valen ne’s Day presents. And yet, if your valen ne is also your spouse, your purchase of life and disability insurance may actually be one of the most though ul gi s you can give. Of course, your employer may offer some life and disability insurance as employee benefits, but this coverage may be insufficient for your needs. A er all, if something were to happen to you, your insurance may need to provide enough income to pay off your mortgage, send your children to college and perhaps even help pay for your spouse’s re rement. As for disability insurance, many employers’ plans are quite limited in what they provide, so you may need to supplement this coverage with a separate policy. And the possibility of incurring a disability, even for a short me, may be greater than you think. In fact, a 20-year-old worker has a three-in-10 chance of becoming disabled before reaching re rement age, according to the Social Security Administra on. As you can see, you can choose from a range of financial gi s to brighten Valen ne’s Day for your loved one. So, consider the ones that make the most sense for your valen ne and start “wrapping them up,” so to speak.
This ar cle was wri en by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Kurt A. Skasik, Financial Advisor
Edward Jones Investments 935 Cheat Road Morgantown, WV 26508 (304)284-9122 www.edwardjones.com
Laurie Abildso is the Council Director for the North Central West Virginia Girls on the Run. A Bal more na ve, Abildso moved to Morgantown in 2004, though she discovered Girls on the Run earlier while working toward her master’s master s in health promo on.
by Carol arool F Fox oxx
“When I first came across this program…my first thought was, ‘I wish this program had been around when I was a young girl.’ And I think that most of the volunteers who o are are re drawn draw rawn to this program feel ra the same way. GOTR GO OTR TR allows allows gi ggirls irls to feel comfortable in their own sskin, kin n, to to realize realiize that what ma ers is who they are and d how ho h ow they ttreat reat people, and that they can set goals and nd achieve nd achieve vee them. I love that this program allowss ggirls iirrls ls tto o realize th thatt their that their poten al is truly limitles ss, s,” Abildso Abild dso said. said. limitless,”
The Morgantown Morg rggan rga antow wn affi wn affiliate of Girls on the Run, an internaa onal onal nonprofi nonp pro ofi fitt organiza on with chapters in n the th he United U itted States Un Sta tates and Canada, is working to inspiree girls to get ac ve and realize girlss in the the region reeg eg egion their poten po oten al through throu ugh g maintaining healthy lifestyles an and outlooks. nd posi nd posi vvee out ou utlooks. l
Abildso o believes beelie liieves th hat G irls on the thee Run Run un is incredibly in ncredibly that Girls impor rrttan nt for this community co om mmunity for forr the th he development dev evelo elopment el important of young yo oun ngg girls because becau use of of its usefulness useefulneessss and construcvvee aaims—it ims—it servess aass a way fo or ggirls irl ir rls to be proud of for th heeiir fi fitness leev eve vels and it d oes so in a supporttheir tness at all levels does ivee aatmosphere. tmosphere.
Girls on n the thee Run Run n uses games gaames and fun lessons to teach girls between 3rd and etw ween 3r 3 rd aan nd 8th 8th h grades g ades important skills and gr healthy hy habits. habits tss. These Thesse girls girlss are are led by trained coaches who serve models ervve ass rrole ole mo ol m od deels l who work to encourage girls att every tness and prepare the par cievvveeryy level levvel of of fi fitness pants for fo or a 5k 5k run/walk run un u n/w wal a k event.
“[Girls on the Run] is is a unique program program that empowthem ers girls and helps th hem em believe vee in themselves and their dreams. While the the he program prograam incorporates i corporates runin ning games ess and and n ac ac vvii ees, s, its tss ggoal o l iss to inspire confioa and on dence an nd a lifelong lilife iffeello ongg apprecia app ppre rreeciaa o n of of health and fitAbildso ness,” A biiildsso said. b saiid d..
Promoting Healthy Habits and Skills
The organiza orrggaaniza on supports the the social, emo onal and behavioral skills thatt will willl help the girls as they mature into adulthood. These These skills that they Th learn also have immediate value vaalu ue because b cause the girls be can use those posi ve tools to to deal all with with nega ves that young girls face—such h as as bullying bullllying or peer bu pressure—in school and at home. Girls on the Run encourages par cipants to “run the right pace for them,” a message that invites the girls to become comfortable and strong individuals who believe in their own abili es. Since its incep on, over 600,000 girls have par cipated in the program interna onally. Abildso says that the local organiza on has had a very successful turnout, as well, and they only an cipate growth for the future.
learn. dream. live. run
One girl put it this way, “I learned that I am the boss of my brain.” Helping girls take charge of their lives and define the future on their terms. You can also think of it as Can University—a place where girls learn that they can. No limits. No constraints. Only opportunities to be remarkable.
“We had 280 girls at nine sites last year. This spring, we an cipate enrolling about 500 girls at 25 sites,” Abildso said. The success of the program is reflec ve of the benevolent work Girls on the Run is doing—their work necessitates that they operate in conjunc on with the children, parents, schools and others in the community. Girls on the Run of North Central West Virginia also works closely with their lead sponsor, Mon General Hospital, and together they’ve been offering the program locally since 2007. Molly Barker, a four- me Hawaii Ironman triathlete with a background in counseling and teaching who began running at the age of 15, founded Girls on the Run in 1996 in Charlo e, North Carolina. She describes her early running years as a me when she was stuck in a “girl box,” which meant that only girls who were a certain size with a certain kind of beauty were popular, and she saw girls all around her trying to fit themselves into that girl box. Her idea for the program came to her on an evening run in 1993, and she started with a small group of 13 girls. The group grew exponen ally a er the first session. Now, Girls on the Run is in over 135 ci es. The organiza on works very hard to be able to provide this experience inexpensively. Dues are weighted according to parental income to reduce the burden on the girls’ families. Every girl who par cipates in the local Girls on the Run receives a T-shirt, water bo le, snacks, and a free running stride evalua on courtesy of HealthWorks Rehab & Fitness. Even with massive success, the organiza on faces some of the same trials as any other nonprofit, especially funding.
“Like other non profits, funding our program is a challenge. We are proud to be able to offer this program at an affordable rate and provide scholarships so that all girls who want to par cipate can. As we grow and reach out into more economically disadvantaged areas, it becomes increasingly challenging to meet the higher need for scholarships,” Abildso said. Girls on the Run has a lot of support, however, from local sponsors and volunteers. One such volunteer program, SoleMates, gives adults the chance to help Girls on the Run. Adults who are training for an athle c endurance event can raise money for the organiza on—an opportunity that not only helps Girls on the Run financially but provides yet another role model for the girls par cipa ng in the program. The future for the local Girls on the Run chapter is filled with growth and development, and they want to encourage that by welcoming volunteers and girls to sign up to become involved. “We hold a spring season each year that runs from mid-February to mid-May. The 12-week season culminates with a celebratory 5K on Saturday, May 17th. We are currently recrui ng volunteers to serve as coaches. New coaches will be trained in early February. Program registra on for the spring season begins the week of January 13, and the season begins on February 17,” Abildso said. Addi onal informa on and a list of par cipa ng schools in Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston and Wetzel coun es can be found at the Girls on the Run website, h p://www.gotrncwv.org/loca ons.
The Big Screen
by David Beach
A transgendered German who grew up in Nazi Germany and lived in the oppressed East Germany. An immigrant juror who ques ons the guilt of a young man. An actor making ends meet working in an upscale Manha an restaurant. And now a mean, meth-addicted criminal as part of the “inbred mountain folk of Jersey.” These are just a few of the many roles of Bobby Wolfe, a na ve Morgantown actor, who can be seen in the recent Sco Cooper film Out of the Furnace. The film, which stars Chris an Bale, Woody Harrelson and Willem Dafoe, was shot in southwestern Pennsylvania. Wolfe plays Dwight Van Dunk, the backup to the leader of a gang who runs underground bare-knuckle fights. Wolfe had most of his scenes with Harrelson and Dafoe, and observed them during filming. “I watched them very intently on really li le things, like how they moved in the scene, not looking directly into the camera, how they delivered their lines, not going over the top, and pu ng the sincerity and reality of the lines.” But it wasn’t all work. Harrelson kept telling Wolfe to stoop lower and lower so he wouldn’t be in the shot. “A er all, he wanted to see how low I would go.” Wolfe grew up in Morgantown, gradua ng from Morgantown High School. In the late ‘80s, he le for Nashville, then found his way to Los Angeles where he co-starred in two episodes of My Name
Is Earl before the writers’ strike halted the development of the character. A er moving back to Morgantown, Wolfe worked in community theatre, honing his cra . In 2011, he played the an quarian Charlo e von Mahlsdorf in Doug Wright’s Pulitzer Prize winning play I Am My Own Wife at M. T. Pockets Theatre. The solo role, in which the actor plays some forty roles, earned Wolfe Best Actor at the West Virginia Theatre Associa on’s Community Theatre Fes val (and the produc on won first place), and he con nued on to win Best Actor at the Southeastern Theatre Conference. Since then, he has been seen on M. T. Pockets’ stage in Twelve Angry Men, Dashing Through the Snow, another solo role in Fully Commi ed and recently as Tink in Three Guys in Drag Selling Their Stuff. Working in the theatre prepared Wolfe for his screen experience. “in the theatre, actors must be ready at all mes, because it is live when mishaps occur you need to be ready to ‘go with it’ as it were. Say when someone drops a line or doesn’t give you your cue, well things can go downhill real quick. On a film you have the luxury of a retake, or the director yells cut and you can go back and reshoot. Also when shoo ng a movie, you will sit around for long periods while a scene is being set up some mes for an hour or more, and then that wait will result in five minutes or less of actual screen me. But during that me you should be learning dialogue, or
whatever you must do to prepare yourself for that scene. Because you must remember that a lot of money is being spent to get it right, and that’s one of the ways that I believe theatre prepares you.” Out of the Furnace opened na onwide on December 6th, and the film is scheduled to be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 11th. To listen to Ben Adducchio’s interview with Bobby Wolfe from West Virginia Public Broadcas ng, click h p://wvpublic.org/post/out-furnace-throws-morgantown-actor-spotlight. [Link used with permission from West Virginia Public Broadcas ng.] Link to trailer for Out of the Furnace (Produced by Ridley Sco and Leonardo DiCaprio for Rela vity Media) h p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClzRVlMhU2E
Photos by Vickie Trickett.
Stock Reduction The Wine Rack will be ceasing operations soon. We regret having to make this decision, but havng weighed a variety of factors, we have decided that it is time to move on to the next chapter. Many thanks to our loyal friends and customer. During our years here, we have had a lot of fun, enjoyed some good wine, and most importantly, made some great friends. We are offering all non-wine merchandise at 30% off. This includes all candy, cookies, crackers, gift items and wine accessories. We will continue to offer your favorite wines throughtout this process, at a discounted rate: 4 - 5 Bottles 10% off 6 - 11 Bottles 12% off 12 or more Bottles 15% off Come see us and STOCK UP! We look forward to seeing you soon
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With in 3 Hou rs By:
Snowshoe Village photo by: Philip Duncan
Whether you’re an avid or beginner skier, what would be be er than hearing: “Snow 100% Guaranteed” when you’re ready to hit the slopes? Well, that’s just what you will find at Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort in Snowshoe, WV. From now un l the end of the season on March 16, 2014, Snowshoe guarantees that it will have more skiable terrain open than any other ski resort in the Southeast or your next day of skiing is free. Just one reason why it was voted one of the top ten ski resorts in the East. Snowshoe Mountain sits atop one of the highest points of the Allegheny Mountains in West Virginia (at an eleva on of 4,848’). With 57 trails and 1,500 ver cal feet spread across 251 acres of skiable terrain, Snowshoe boasts one of the best skiing experiences in the state. There are three separate ski areas to choose from on the mountain – Snowshoe Basin, Western Territory, and Silver Creek. One Snow-
shoe li cket grants you access to all three areas for skiing and riding. And if you’re looking to experience the freestyle scene, Mountaineer Parks is the place to be. Snowshoe Mountain offers 26 acres of freestyle terrain broken up into six parks to try out or refine your freestyle skills. Skill Builder Park is the newest edi on to the terrain parks setup for an introduc on to freestyle riding. It, along with Progression Session park will help you learn the basics while providing fun for the whole family. Robertson’s Run park is the next level for those just ge ng into freestyle riding. It provides low and ground level features. Timberjack park has fun lines for the intermediate freestyle rider, while Choker is a medium-large park designed for those who want to step up their riding experience. Finally, Mountaineer park is the premier large event park for advanced skiers and riders. Night riding is available at all six freestyle terrain parks.
Voted one of the 10 Ski Resorts in the East!
snowshoe Resort
oe Resort
Byy Lisa B Lisa Romeo Romeo
Everyone has one magical place, for me it’s Snowshoe Mountain. Parween Sultany Mascari
Some of the new features added on the Mountain this year are: • New snowmaking • 5Bars Connec vity Center (increased cell phone service across the mountain) • 20 Below Teen Center (entertainment designed for ages 13-20) • The Spa at Snowshoe • Terrain Based Learning
Other features of Snowshoe Village include a variety of dining, shopping and nightlife op ons. In addi on, there are many op ons for ski and snowboard rentals and schools across the Mountain. Rental loca ons offer ski and snowboard equipment, including high performance demos for intermediate and
expert skiers and riders. A variety of schools provide many different op ons for private or group lessons for all ages. Snowshoe Mountain offers a wide range of choices for overnight stays. From basic motel rooms to luxury suites with hot tubs or Jacuzzis, there is something for everyone or any occasion. Some of the more popular
lodging op ons are: • Allegheny Springs - Located in the heart of the Village at Snowshoe. • Camp Four - A private escape with views of the Village and the Allegheny Mountains from your private outdoor hot tub. • Creekside - steps away from the Silver Creek area, featuring
one car garages, private decks and room for the whole family. • Expedi on Sta on - Walk out the door and onto the slopes from this Village complex. • Highland House - Eastern slope vistas will provide beau ful sunrises and plaza side views give you a look at all the ac on in the Village.
• Rimfire Lodge - Western vistas or plaza views with a fitness room, outdoor hot tub, sauna, ski lockers and underground parking. For more informa on on Snowshoe Mountain, events and ac vi es, ckets and passes, or to plan your trip visit www.snowshoemtn.com or call 877.441.4386.
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I personally feel that up until recently, Pilates has been the best kept secret. It has proven to be my favorite can’t-do-without workout ever! It keeps me strengthened, toned, flexible and even helps relieve stress. Kendra, from the Pilates Studio of Morgantown, is a great teacher...she has the beat equipment, she’s always upbeat, keeps us motivated, explains each move & how it’s beneficial and gives individual attention even in group classes. I always leave class feeling like a better, more relaxed version of me. I strongly encourage anyone who’s curious to give it a try! Jennifer Beattie
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