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VUB only applicant with other partner

To raise more awareness of (technological) entrepreneurship among master and (post) doctoral students, researchers and young professionals, VUB TechTransfer yearly organizes 2 evening courses. The Starter Seminars provide a short but intensive introduction to entrepreneurship and business. A variety of topics is covered such as developing a business plan, finance, marketing and the complex issues surrounding patenting. The Advanced Starter Seminars are a follow-up course where business aspects and starting up a company are treated more in-depth. Marc Goldchstein, Officer Entrepreneurship Education at VUB TechTransfer, is the main lecturer and content coordinator. Expert-speakers from the VUB or the business world are also involved. Entrepreneurs from VUB spin-offs testify on the startup phase and their experience at several seminars.

In 2022

• Hybrid format: live, streaming and recording

• Launch Event and info session 5 October 22

• Star ter Seminars organised during 1st semester. Advanced Seminars during 2nd semester.

• Seminar ‘Academic entrepreneurship in practice’ on February 15 with testimonials about the start-up phase by VUB spinoffs PRECIRIX, and hbits - Open to participants of both series and external parties

• # par ticipants for both courses: 60

• LinkedIn VUB TechTransfer Entrepreneurship Community keeps growing: 307 members

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