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VUB Foundation


The VUB Foundation raises philanthropic funds from companies, organisations, institutions and individuals within the framework of the department TechTransfer of the Vicerectorate of Innovation & Industry Relations. The Foundation coordinates all fundraising at the VUB under the supervision of the Innovation and Valorisation Board.

The policy of the Foundation is based on the conviction that for each philanthropic donation, there is a societal return. Each contribution supports education, research, innovation or the heritage of the VUB. The knowledge and insights that arise from this gifting, eventually flow back into our society.

Chairs are an excellent means to financially support education, research and innovation and to develop a long-term relationship with companies and organisations. In 2020, VUB counted 24 active chairs among which one newly created: the Coaching and Cancer Chair with the Majin Foundation and the Foundation against Cancer as partners.

Among last year’s successful fundraising campaigns is #FabLabForOxygen, supporting engineers of the VUB FabLab to build and test a prototype of a new respirator that can be used in intensive care units during the pandemic. Another campaign that anticipates on the possible consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic is #CaringForTheCarers, aimed at offering psychological support for the care and maintenance staff of our university hospital UZ Brussel. Additionally, a separate relaxation area is provided where doctors, nurses, paramedics, cleaners and logistics employees can recover from all the pressure and stress.

The most successful fundraising campaign of 2020 is #LeaveNoOneBehind, which is embedded in the brand new VUB Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund for students. The Fund’s mission is to stand by students facing urgent financial, material, social or psychological needs. By doing so, rector Caroline Pauwels wishes to tighten and even close the social and digital gaps on the VUB-campuses.

Another new Fund that was created in 2020, is the VUB Fund for Natural Sciences in Society. This Fund is founded on the initiative of a VUB alumna and aims to support the Solvay Science project, the STEM Support Point Brussels and the Physics and Astronomy department of the VUB.

Finally, Ms. Mireille Aerens appointed the VUB as the universal legatee of her exceptional legacy. The VUB Mireille Aerens Chair for alternative research methods without laboratory animals will benefit from an annual rate of 75% of the interests, which amounted to €250.000 in 2020.

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