Vulcan County Newsletter Spring 2011

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COUNTY NEWS Administration Building Box 180 102 Centre Street Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0 Tel: 403-485-2241 Fax: 403-485-2920

Issue 1 Spring 2011

Photo: Twin Valley Campground

Dear Ratepayers of Vulcan County

Inside this issue Snow Plowing Transfer Station Hours Development Permits Contribute to History Prairie Shelterbelt Patrol Division New Campground

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In an effort to keep the tax payers of our County more informed, Vulcan County Council has commissioned a newsletter for all rate payers which is to be sent out twice annually. The document that you are reading today is the first instalment. From my perspective, items of interest include the fact that the 2011 budget has been passed by Council and is available online. Within the 2011 budget Council has approved another 50 miles of road reclamation within the County. We have already completed about 100 miles of road reclamation in the last two years and believe that this procedure will save these roads for 10 years or more. The Public Works department has been choosing roads to be reclaimed within the County on a “worst is first” basis. We will also be doing another 10 miles of road construction within our borders. 10 miles is the amount of road that Vulcan County generally builds every year…weather providing. Public Works staff are gathering information with regards to dust abatement and the costs expected for this service in 2011. When Council has approved the dust abatement plans for the new year, the information will be posted in the Vulcan Advocate for application and rates.

Boat Launch Twin Valley Dam

Council is always aware of the importance of gravel in our County and has given direction to Administration to initiate a Regional Gravel Inventory Study. Information gained from this study will help to address long term gravel requirements for Vulcan County. The search for possible new gravel resources is ongoing.

Vulcan County Council Meetings If you wish to attend any of the Vulcan County Council meetings. Question period takes place at 11am the second meeting of the month. 2011 dates


















Any member of the public can attend any council meeting, provided the Council Chambers doors are open.

Due to circumstances beyond the control of the Royal Regional Water Commission, water is still not flowing to Carmangay as of this writing. Air valves are now being unearthed and investigated for malfunction. This regional water project is important to Vulcan County and we will see a successful conclusion to it in the near future. Pending a gas pipeline relocation in the Hamlet of Kirkcaldy, tenders for construction work to build a new street will commence in the spring. There has been interest expressed for at least one new home in the Hamlet and water from the Royal Regional Waterline is planned to be an option for residents in the future. Money was also set aside in the 2011 budget for engineering of the Mossleigh Storm Water Drainage Project. The engineering for the original proposal on this project is somewhat outdated and Vulcan County will be consulting with another engineer early in the new year to see this project to fruition. This is the kind of information that you will see coming from the Reeve in future instalments of our Newsletter. Hopefully the information is of value to you. If you require any other information, please be sure to contact the Administration office or your Councillor. I know that I speak for all of Council when I wish you all the best in 2011 Reeve

David Schneider.


VULCAN COUNTY NEWS ________________________________

Vulcan County Maps

Snow Plowing

When clearing your own driveway please ensure that snow from your yards is pushed from the roadway to a spot in your yard or field. Pushing snow into roads causes problems for grader operators creating a place for snow to drift across the road and removes gravel from the roads. In the event of a snowstorm the grader operators first responsibility is to open roads for which an Emergency request has been asked, next on the list 2010 Orthophotos (aerial photos) are school bus routes, then they continue clearing are also available for purchase starting at $2/page for hardcopies. snow from the other County roads. Digital files of the orthophotos can If you require your driveway cleared by the road mainbe purchased from Challenger Ge- tenance crew you must obtain a ‘Driveway Mainteomatics, please follow the links on nance Agreement’ from the County, the agreement is free and is good for 2 years. The rate for plowing snow our website! or blading driveways shall be on the following basis. If you have any interest in purchas- The first half hour is $120.00, after the first half hour the rate is $185.00 per hour. These are current Aling an Ownership Map Book, B J Smith please contact the County Office or berta Road Builders and Heavy Construction EquipPhoto Credit: Rick Beck your Councillor. If there is enough ment rental rates’. Motorists are asked to use caution when approaching interest, we may start producing road maintenance equipment as the operators’ visibility is restricted. these in the future! Please contact the County at 403-485-2241 for further information.

2009 Ownership maps are available for purchase from the County office for $15 each.

Recreation Study Update The Regional Recreation Facility Strategy has been completed and adopted by Council. A copy of this strategy is available to view on the County website at

If you have any questions in relation to this project feel free to contact Arlos Crofts the Special Projects officer at: 403.485.3132 or email:

Happy Birthday Champion!! The Village of Champion is celebrating it’s centennial this year. Plans are well underway to make the weekend of July 1 - 3 something to remember. Events are planned that will include every age group, from ball tournaments to face painting, and of course a fabulous fireworks display. For more information check out their dedicated website or call 403-8973833. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to really be part of a historical celebration.

What’s Going On ? The Vulcan County Events Calendar has been developed and launched by the Vulcan Innovation Project and features information about coming and past events from all areas of the county which can be displayed in a calendar format as well as in written posts specific to each individual event. The site can accommodate videos, photos, and written material as Website news well. Both sites are intended as community resources Watch the latest news section on the left hand side of the web page, and all County residents are invited to contribute. this will always list new or recently For more information, or if you are interested in learning modified web pages. Keep watch- to post content to these sites, please contact Cody Shearer at VBDS by calling 485-3145 or emailing ing for updates. The virtual Library on the Home / Visitors menu contains documents Save a tree! that are also linked from other If you are interested in receiving this newsletter by e-mail in the future. Please drop a pages on the website in a sorted line to put ‘Newsletter’ in the subject line, and we will and searchable area. be happy to add you to our list! We promise not to share your email address.

Transfer Station Opening Hours Site


Carmangay Champion Lomond Public Documents on the Council menu will take you to the Civic Web home page that lists all of the documents created by and for council and administration. Need a Policy? This is the place to look.



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________________________________ VULCAN COUNTY NEWS Development Permit Applications


Is Your Family Prepared?

As Old Man Winter gave us a A person who develops land or a building in the municipality shall comply with the applicable stanwakeup call earlier this month, now dards and requirements of development specified in this bylaw, in addition to is the time to prepare your vehicle complying with the use or uses prescribed in the applicable land use district and and your home for the cold any conditions attached to a development permit if one is required. weather. If you are one of the 12% of Albertans that have an emerExcept as provided in the Land Use Bylaw, no person shall commence a develgency kit, then congratulations!! opment unless he/she has been issued a development permit in respect of the Alberta Emergency Management proposed development. recommends that every household have a 72 hour emergency kit. It is An application for a development permit must be made to the Development Officer by submitting also suggested and highly recomto him/her: mended that you have a survival (a) a completed development permit application, kit in your vehicle. (b) the application fee prescribed, and Be Safe, Be Prepared! (c) such other information as may be required by the Development Officer including: Kirkcaldy Road (i) a site plan indicating: Construction Going Ahead • legal description and the location of existing and proVulcan County has recognized a posed development in relation to lot boundaries; need for road construction in Kirk• all property lines and easements; caldy and has completed all the en• roads, water bodies, topography, vegetation and other gineering work for the new physical features of the land to be developed; and construction. • north arrow and scale: A high pressure gas line that is lo(ii) floor plans, elevations and sections at a minimum scale cated within the planned roadway of 1:200 or such other scale as required by the Developwill be moved in the spring of 2011 ment Officer; and and then the road construction will (iii) studies of projected traffic volumes, utilities, landfollow. scaping, urban design, parking, social and economic Once this is complete effects, environmental impact assessment, slope, soil, there will be opportuflood, plain, sun and wind impact studies or any other infor nity for new residenmation as required by the Development Officer. tial construction to occur in the hamlet An application for a development permit must be made by the owner of the land on which the development is proposed or, with the consent of the owner, by any other person. TheDevelopment Officer may request a current title documenting ownership. If you are unsure on whether your development needs a permit or not please feel free to contact our office and speak with the Development Officer at 403-485-2241.

Vulcan Business Development Society (VBDS) Is an organization funded Vulcan County and the Town of Vulcan The Society reports to a Board of Directors with representatives from all Municipalities within Vulcan County. The VBDS mandate is to promote economic development and growth within the County, Town and Villages, to promote, co-ordinate, facilitate and carry out studies, activities, projects, and programs to attract and retain investment, create employment, and enhance economic development, and, thirdly to promote the area as an attractive place to invest, carry on business, reside and visit. VBDS and VIP have had many successes including training courses, a relocation guide, business directory, business vitality initiative, tourism assessment and much more. This is all achieved through the many programs that are put together by VBDS and the Vulcan Innovation Project (VIP). VBDS is located at 110-1 Ave S (former Conoco building). Drop by and check out the new facility. You can find out more about VBDS and VIP at or

Contribute to History These sites both allow for contributions of content from members of the community, and instruction is available at VBDS in Vulcan. The Vulcan County History Blog ( is intended to catalogue and preserve the local history of the area and there are over 160 articles already published by members of the community from all areas of the County. The website includes written articles, video interviews, photos, and more.

VC Map

We are very excited to announce our new online webmap – VCMap! VCMap is a web mapping application that provides an interactive look at Vulcan County. On VCMap, you can search for properties using rural address & legal land locations.

With the tools provided you can edit and create your own maps, then print or save them as PDF’s. If you zoom in close enough, you will even be able to view and print aerial photos! VCMap will be available to the public Spring 2011, so keep an eye on our website for its release in the coming weeks!


VULCAN COUNTY NEWS ________________________________ Free Trees!!!

PFRA Shelterbelt Program Properly planned shelterbelts provide many benefits to farm families. They reduce wind, control blowing snow, protect livestock, buildings and gardens, and trap snow for dugouts. Shelterbelts also provide habitat for wildlife and beautify the farmyard. The Prairie Shelterbelt Program provides technical services, tree and shrubs seedlings for planting on agricultural land. The program aims to assist in the design and development of shelterbelts for various agricultural lands (i.e. livestock, farm, dugout and field).

Patrol Division News Unsecured loads Recent complaints involving loose or unsecured loads have become a concern. It is important to remember when transporting materials they must be secured in a way to prevent moving or shifting in all directions. Fines for unsecured loads range from $345.00 to $575.00 depending on licence class. We are asking for your cooperation with this issue. For more information please contact the Patrol Division at 403-485-2241.


‘Eligible recipients will be provided with seedings and technical assistance.’

Organizations: This program is available to private landowners, public land managers (including municipal authorities), and First Nations band councils or individuals; each with specific requirements. Please look at the website for a detailed description of eligible recipients. Individuals owning property in an urban municipality are not eligible. Projects: Eligible recipients will be provided with seedlings and technical assistance. The project requires a minimum of 5 acres of land for general application. DEADLINES: Project: Applications will be accepted until March 15, for delivery in May 2011. Program: The program has been around since 1901 and has no program end date. FUNDING: Project: Once accepted, you will receive your requested trees in May. Program: The seedlings are donated and therefore revenue for the seedlings is not necessary, there may be a nominal shipping charge. For more information, please visit: or call Avery on 403-485-2241.

Roadside Spraying Program

Emergency Vehicles It is that time of year once again when motor vehicle collisions are on the rise. We would like to remind motorists to drive for the road conditions and plan ahead. When approaching parked emergency vehicles please slow down to 60km when passing. We are keeping our roads safe for all road users.

2010 was an interesting year in agriculture within Vulcan County. The weather conditions throughout the growing season certainly tested our patience. As a result of the extreme wet weather and adverse growing conditions, both perennial and annual weed infestations have become a major concern along our right-of-ways. Due to the increase in weed infestations along these right-ofways, Vulcan County Agricultural Services has decided, for the 2011 growing season, that they will no longer accept spray exempt requests on our county road allowances. If you are a Certified Organic producer you will need to create a herbicide-free buffer along your property as right-of-ways will no longer be a buffer area. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Kelly Malmberg at 403-485-3103.

New Campground

Looking for somewhere new to go camping this Summer? The campground at the Twin Valley Dam will be open for business in Summer of 2011. The campThe concert series is leaping ground consists of spaces for tents and recreational vehicles. Many of the camping spaces have along into the new year. On electrical power outlets. March 5th come out and see MagThe campground is situated in a truly beautiful spot, sheltered from the winds by each bank of the nolia Buckskin, and on April 16 valley, and close enough to the river for fishing. Musaeus. Tickets are $15.00 with At the top of the Coulee is a boat launch where a portion of the ticket sales a dorecreational water sports can take place. nation. Administration is in the process of finding a to oversee the day to day duties of ation. the campground. The Agricultural Department may still be responsible for mowing, spraying Drop a line to and tree planting in the short term. Call the County office before you head out to get this newsletter there for the official opening date to save disapvia email. pointment. Campground - picture taken Spring 2010

Vulcan Concert Series

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