Interior Design Portfolio

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WORKS 2012-2013


Sangwan Kim 9. 25, 1982 Born in Seoul. Garak Samick Apt. 203-402, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea +82 10 8181 1763/ +82 2 583 1763

Education 2009. 9 - 2010. 5 Pratt Institute, NY, USA/ Interior Design 2001. 3 - 2009. 2 Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea/ Interior Design /BA 1998. 3 - 2001. 2 Sangmoon High School, Seoul, Korea

Work Experience 2009. 7 - 2014.

Freelancer Designer

2012. 5 - 2013. 11 Senior Designer, Dawon ID&C ( ) 2010. 6 - 2011. 5 Junior Designer, Ginger Corperation ( ) 2005. 5 - 2009. 6 Intern/ Junior Designer, Amigong Design Plaaning

Skills AutoCad 3D MAX Sketch up Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Language Korean: Native English: Fluent Japanese: Mediocre

Excellent Good Good Excellent Good

Projects 2013

FKI Office Interior Design, Project Management Lawfirm Kim & Chang Office Interior Design Lawfirm Hwawoo Office Interior Design, Project Management Meritz Tower Cafeteria Interior Design, Project Management Cafe Gaongill Interior Manual Design, Brand Identity Design, Project Management Restaurant Alice’s Kitchen Interior Manual Design, Brand Identity Design, Project Management Cafe I’m Home #2 Interior Manual Design, Brand Identity Design, Project Management Amorepacific Office Interior Design, Project Management Fashion Retail Digue Interior Design, Project Management ID Dermatology Clinic Interior Design Hanhwa Corporation Kindergaten Interior Design GE Healthcare HQ. Interior Design AIA Office Interior Design, Project Management IBM Office Interior Design


Hana Daetoo Office Interior Design, Project Management LIG Art Hall Project Management Samsung Biologics Office Interior Design, Project Management Lawfirm DLA piper Office Interior Design AIA Office Interior Design, Project Management Cafe I’m Home #1 Interior Design, Brand Identity Design, Project Management Fashion Retail Wonderplace Interior Design, Project Management

The ideal project does not exist, each time there is the opportunity to realize an approximation. Paulo Mendez da Rocha

Company Work FKI Office Seoul, 2013 Lawfirm Hwawoo Office Seoul, 2013 GE Healthcare HQ. Seoul, 2013 Hana Daetoo Office Seoul, 2012 Schneider Electric Office Seoul, 2012 Samsung Biologics Office Seoul, 2012

Company Work

Yeouido, Seoul, 2013 Area: 4783M2 (2 Floors Total.) Interior Design Planning Constructed

전국경제인연합은 기존의 정체되고 소통하지 못하는 업무환경에 변화의 필요성을 느끼고 있었다. 조직의 업무 효율화와 벽이 없는 각 부서의 소통은 설계의 골자로서 적용이 되었다. 새롭게 신축된 전경련 회관 빌딩의 패러다임에 맞추어 업무공간 파티션을 낮추고 개방된 협업공간을 적극적으로 배치하는 등, 기존의 기업 문화까지 새롭게 프로그램화 하는 작업이었다. FKI (AKA Fedearation of Korean Idustries) has realized a change of its work enviornment which could not support the employees to communicate each other and was stagnated. Efficiency and borderless well-communicative office was the frame work of this project. Since the company’s new built nest would be located so called Smart building which addresses new paradigm of office space, they wanted to make it ‘Smart’ as well. In this appreciation, the partition height was lowered and collaborative space was designed as a key of the design to fulfill these needs and re-programm the brand new work circumstance.

Floor Plan 46F



Perspective Office Zone

Perspective Breakout Zone

Isometric/ Floor Plan

Conference Room


Company Work

Gangnam, Seoul, 2013 Area: 3795M2 (2 Floors Total) Interior Design Planning Constructed

최근의 대형 로펌의 조직화 및 대형화 경향은 공간 구성에도 새로운 필요를 요구하는 추세이다. 법무법인 화우의 경우, 한정된 공간과 근무자의 증가, 그리고 회사의 현대화된 이미지의 제시는 양립할 수 없는 난제였다. 변호사실은 최소한의 기능만을 수행할 수 있게 소형화되었으며 최소한의 회의 및 공용 업무공간만을 남겨두고 모든 대외적인 회의 공간은 현 ASEM TOWER 34층에 재배치 되었다. 최소화 되는 변호실은 여러가지 타입으로 설계되어 실제 사무실의 여러차례의 Mock-up을 거쳐 실 사용자들의 투표로 결정되었으며, 한정된 공간의 가구는 built-in하여 가장 효율적인 작업 동선을 극대화하는 방향으로 디자인되었다. A tendency regarding the systemization and emlargement in lawfirm industry in Korea has affected on their space conception. Lawfirm Hwawoo, one of the biggest companies in this area, had a problem with dealing with rearranging increased number of lawyer’s office in a limitted space and recreating company’s modernized and sophisticated image to visitors at the same time. To solve this issues, lawyer’s office designed compact to perform only essential function and all the collaborative and meeting space went to 34F in ASEM Tower leaving a few minimum number of meeting rooms. Through several times of Mocking-up lawyer’s office in actual size, the design of the space was decided by employee’s vote.


18F Office Zone Floor Plan/ Isometric

Lawyer’s Office/ Secretary Station

Perspective Corridor



34F Meeting Zone Isometric/ Floor Plan

Perspective Lobby

Mtg. Rm.

Conference Room

Detail Design Public Zone

Room Occupancy System

Company Work

Seoul, 2013 Area: 3795M2 Interior Design Planning


Floor Plan RF Garden

5F Office, Conference room

4F Office

5F Office, Executive Office

4F Office

3F Office

3F Sunken Garden, Office

2F Office

2F Sunken Garden, Cafeteria

1F Lobby, Showroom, Lounge

Ground Floor



Perspective Lobby


CEO Zone Reception

Perspective Visitor Lounge


Public Space/ CEO Office

Sunken/ Roof Garden

Material Scheme

Company Work

Seoul, 2012 Area: 3795M2 (3 Floors Tl.) Interior Design Planning Constructed



Floor Plan



Perspective Lobby


CEO Zone Reception


Conference Room

Breakout Zone

CEO Office


CEO Office

CEO Office

Company Work

Seoul, 2012 Area: 2466M2 Interior Design Planning


Floor Plan 14F


Isometric 14F

Perspective Lobby


Perspective Visitor Lounge


Conference Room

Obsession is the best strenghth that I can keep on in this conflicting world, with continuous curiosity and hesitation.

Company Work Meritz Tower Cafeteria Seoul, 2013 First Tower Food court Bundang, 2013 Hanhwa Corp. Kindergarten Gumi/ Boeun, 2013 Kim & Chang Kindergarten Seoul, 2013

Company Work

Food Hall

Seoul, 2013 Area: 3795M2 Interior Design Planning Constructed

강남역 사거리에 위치한 메리츠 타워는 강남 테헤란로 초반부부터 이어지는 오피스 지구의 랜드마크적 역할을 하고 있는 지역적 맥락의 특성을 갖고 있다. 시설의 노후화 개선과 메리츠 타워 내 직원 식당이라는 한계성을 벗어나 일반 고객들도 함께 수용할 수있는 전방위적 동시대성을 충족할 수있는 카페테리아에 대한 요구로 프로젝트 설계는 진행되었다. 공간의 마치 푸드 마켓에 있는 듯한, 그리고 먹는 공간의 함께 즐길 수 있는 공간으로의 발돋움 할 수 있는 공간이 제안 되었다. Located in Gangnam, Seoul, Meritz Tower Cafeteria is to embrace its employees initiatively but itself, it has been required a space that is able to draw other customers who are not related to the company nor work in the building as well. The project aims to renovate given space to blow a fresh air in terms of the comtemporary ambience so that people are willing to have a seat and enjoy their food not only for their physical needs. According to client’s requirements the project features the new cafeteria design that displays a concept of food market in modernized way but


Urban Market Lobby

Floor Plan


Dining Hall

Food Court/ Kitchen

Wash Room

CVS Store

Detail Design


Elevation A

Elevation B


Elevation C

Elevation D

Perspective Dining Hall

Dining Hall

Dcoration Plan Display-A




CVS Design

Interior Film


Painted Wall

P-Tile Display

Black Board Paint

Clear Glass

Wooden S/D

Company Work

Playground, Gumi Branch Gumi/ Boeun, 2013 Area: 320㎡/192㎡ Design Planning

한화 그룹의 사내 기숙사 중에 위치하게 될 한화 어린이집은 경상북도 구미와 충청북도 보은의 2곳의 설계가 동시에 진행 되었다. 구미의 경우 회사 문화시설 건물에 위치하고 보은의 보육시설은 기존의 기숙사 시설을 재사용하는 작업이었다. 영아반에서 시작하여 2~3세, 4세 이상 반으로 3개의 보육실을 중심으로 유희실, 교사실 등의 공간을 디자인하였다. ‘꿈꾸는 마을’을 컨셉으로 하여 유아의 인지 발달과 정서적 안정감을 주는 디자인을 고려하여 친환경 자재와 안전한 공간설계가 중점적으로 제안되었다. The Hanhwa company’s kindergarten projects, located in two other sites, Gumi and Bouen are proceeded at the same time form their very initiative concept devleopement phase. In the case of Gumi, the actual site the kidergarten is to be plugged in the company’s one of the building in which provides as a cultural support for their employees. On the other hand, for Bouen the kindergarten was to be situated in the ground floor of company’s dormitory apartment which basically made two projects have distictive programs but in a same design scheme. To begin with the class room for enfants, 2 to 3 years old kids and up to 4 years old kids, indoor playground, teacher’s room and so on were proposed.

Floor Plan Gumi Branch

Reflected Ceiling Plan


Boeun Branch

Isometric Boeun Branch

Gumi Branch

Detail Design Enterance





Company Work

Seoul, 2012 Area: 409.2㎥ Design Planning




Perspective Play Ground

I get to stimulated literally from everywhere. Photography, paintings, sculpture, music, pop culture and fashion with science. Every little thing gathered togeter, it makes another vision so that it creates something else.

Freelance Work Cafe Gaongill Seoul (Daehakro, Gangnam, Hanyang Univ.), 2013 Restaurant Alice’s Kitchen Seoul, 2013 Cafe I’m Home Pangyo, 2013

Individual Work

Seoul (Daehakro, Gangnam, Hanyang Univ.), 2013 Brand Planning Graphic Design Interior Design Manual

가온길은 바르고 정직한 길 이라는 뜻으로 한국의 전통 디저트를 동시대적 재해석을 컨셉으로 한 카페이다. 브랜드 디자인부터 시작하여, 네이밍과 브랜드 이미지 외 적용 디테일까지 프랜차이즈 사업체에서 적용되어야 하는 모든 디자인 컨설팅을 주관했던 프로젝트 이다. 2013년 5월 대학로 1호점을 시작으로 강남 2호점 한양대 3호점, 이대 4호점의 인테리어 디자인 및 프로젝트 매니지먼트를 담당했다. 팥 디저트를 주로 하는 동종 업계와 차별점으로 현대적이되 한국적인 색채를 잃지 않는 디자인을 골자로 하여 소반과 조각보 등의 한국의 여염집에서 친숙하게 볼 수 있는 시각적 모티브를 감성적으로 공간 안에 표현 하였다. 한국의 전 세대를 아우를 수 있는, 나아가서는 한국의 이미지를 각인 시킬 수 있는 새로운 개념의 카페로서 도약을 목표로 가온길은 다음 행보를 바라보고 있다. Gaongill, the name means a road that is right and honest in Korean, is a dessert cafe which serves modernized Korean dessert and beverages. Since the client of Gaongill has offered the project, I have been charged with from visual design directing to interior design manual that even needed very detailed part. To make this cafe as a franchise brand, I designed and manualized over all of the part such as graphic design, art work, photo, product design. Thanks to strong belief from client I was able to take all their 4 cafe branches on which are located in Dahakro, Gangnam, Hanyang University and Ihwa University in Seoul. Under the circumstance such an oversaturated coffee market around, especially because of customers in Seoul, picky and never loyal to their tastes, who always want new things in their life, I had to consider something unprecendented brand image. There has been exponential growth on Korean desert cafe market whereas customers have turned back to more authentic and real cultural ethics. To encompass those ideas and make this brand differentiated from the others within same field, I set the goal of this project to make a brand that addresses Korean traditional esthetic with contemporary sense. Through a number of study and research I had embarked on a certain sensibility that reaches Korean poetic consensus but also can be appealed younger generations with contemplating modernism. Gaongill is now aiming their succeeding expansion to global market as well as growing positive responses in Korea embracing all generations of customers by impressing their brand image as a new conception of Korean dessert café.

Concept Image

Brand Identity/ Visual Application Design

Visual Image Directing/ Design

Interior Manual Design Development








Individual Work

Seoul, 2013 Area: 384M2 Brand Planning Graphic Design Interior Design Manual

건국대학교 근처 에 위치한 캐주얼 이탈리안 레스토랑 앨리스 키친은 대형 건물 4층에 위치하며 이미 포화상태인 대학가 레스토랑가의 경쟁에서 특별하고 인상적인 공간과 요리의 경험을 고객과 나누고 싶어했다. 인더스트리얼 빈티지 무드의 유행으로 대부분의 레스토랑이 제각각의 특별한 인상이 없다는 것을 주목하고 어디에도 없는 앨리스 키친만의 비주얼, 새로운 문화 경험을 제시하고자 했다. 초창기의 컨셉은 고층 건물의 4층에 위치한 지역적 맥락에 착안, 초현실적인 비일상성을 공간에 표현하는 것이었다. 이는 좀더 동시대성을 적용한 기하학적 형태감과 모던하게 재해석된 디테일과 어우러져 새로운 디자인 코드를 앨리스 키친만의 언어로 표현되었다. 르네 마그리트의 하늘과 실루엣, 비현실적 오브제의 의도적 배치, 의도적 색상과 재료의 대비는 이상한 나라의 앨리스에서 구술되는 추상적인 이미지의 구상적 구현으로 다시 표현되었다. Casual fusion Italian restaurant Alice’s Kitchen is located on 4th floor of a high-rise building near Konkook University in which is diverse and vibrant area in terms of casual culinary scene. The restaurant wanted to share a special service and food experience that would be served in an impressive space with customers. There has been a huge boom in Seoul about a certain types of restaurant interior design which can be put in a nutshell, ‘Industrial Vintage Mood’. I found it there are no special or distinguishable traits so that customers would appreciate the restaurant’s uniqueness. To achieve this, I found the most of customers in this restaurant are college girls and geographical context made some sort of feelings get away of daily routine and an isolated space that gives surrealistic ambience. Thus the story of Alice in wonderland was referenced with surrealismic metaphors which are shown art works of Rene Magritte and Max Ernst.


Brand Identity/ Visual Application Design


Interior Design Element Development


Individual Work

Cafe I’m Home

Interior Design

Seopangyo, 2013 Area: 318M2 Brand Planning Graphic Design Interior Design Manual

죽전 카페거리에서 부터 아메리칸 브런치 카페로 저명했던 아임홈은 2011년 동판교에 2호점 그리고 서판교에 2013년에 세번째 분점으로 그들의 사업을 확장했다. 레트로한 분위기의 독특한 컨셉의 2호점을 시작으로 3호점의 디자인을 총괄하면서 클라이언트는 전과는 다른 좀 더 정제된 인더스트리얼 빈티지와 브랜드가 유지하는 가정집과 같은 아늑함을 원했다. 새롭게 제안 되었던 I’m Home은 Homey한 무드와 스칸디나비안 데코레이션에 착안하여 모노톤의 색감과 따뜻한 재질감 그리고 손맛이 느껴지는 디테일로 재탄생 되었다. 외관은 집을 나타내는 은유적 형태와 건축적 양감을 살려 기획되었으며 내부는 밝고 경쾌한 반전이 느껴지도록 디자인 되었다, Located in burgeoning area in which is half hour away from Seoul, Cafe I’m Home has expanded their business to open their 3rd branch in Seopangyo. Since the cafe has gained their fame about home styled American brunch, the client wanted to have their new place more homey and refined vintage mixed industrial mood which is differentiated from their 2nd branch I designed in 2011. Newly proposed design was about to hold these two features mixed together and in a way of Scandinavian modernism-ish decoration which provide a cozy humane touch in monochromic structure and space. For the exterior part, figuratively connotative house shaped mass in rusty textured black metal wall leading visitors feel reversal ambience, bright and homey, over the initial outside experience.

Brand Identity/ Visual Application Design

Floor Plan/ Isometric



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