==== ==== Learn How To Build And Profit From APPS! 30 Days For $1.00 Link Located At The Bottom Of The Page: http://tinyurl.com/apps-dev8 ==== ====
Mobile applications have become popular among various users. There are apps for preparing bar exams, checking heartbeat (used as stethoscope), prepare recipes, guide you on tour, etc. There are also business apps like CRM, ERP and BI solutions used for sales and business level of people. Among the usage and popularity of these apps iPhone & iPad comes first in the list, where android apps market has competed with the equal amount, but it comes second for Business apps. Windows mobile apps comes third. Many of the companies and individuals have developed variety of free and paid apps. There are also expensive iPhone apps of cost $1000. But are the developers or developing companies taking right decision to develop these applications. The complexities of the apps vary from simple calculator app (which takes a day) to an enterprise ERP or BI app (which may take months to build). But most of the app developers follow the traditional way of developing these applications for iPhone, iPad or android. Most of the companies are focusing only on native apps, which can be made easier in different ways. Developing an iPhone app in xcode is the traditional way of developing the iPhone or iPad applications. There are also frameworks available like Rhodes and Titanium, which makes the work easier for many of the apps. These frameworks have been developed to create the native iPhone, iPad, android or windows apps, with only single level of coding. These frameworks works with commonly known and easier languages like Ruby and Python. The developer who is familiar with these languages and interested in developing Smartphone applications doesn't need to start with objective-C or Java. It is enough for him to know how these frameworks works. Also these are open source frameworks available for free. We have seen the advantages of using the frameworks to develop multi platform mobile apps above. These frameworks also have its limits on certain cases of performance. It's the developer who need to analyze the complexity and performance to be addressed for the app he is going to develop. If the apps' functionality is going to be simple and involves lot of coding when using native SDK he can prefer the frameworks to build the app, which takes lesser time to develop. Or if the app really needs to be addressed on performance and other issues, which is very well supported by native SDK, he can go with it. So any app developers should be able to adapt him dynamically in choosing the way to build an app. There are only few iPhone development companies in India, who also works on multi-platform frameworks like Rhodes & Titanium to build the apps in lesser time and can adapt them based on the complexity of apps. Adapt the smarter way to build the smart apps. Contact us for more information: contactus@innoppl.com
Srinivasan R Seo & Testing Analyst Innoppl Technologies.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sri_R_Nivas
==== ==== Learn How To Build And Profit From APPS! 30 Days For $1.00 Link Located At The Bottom Of The Page: http://tinyurl.com/apps-dev8 ==== ====