From vision to reality 从愿景到现实
Introduction 简介 The V&V group consists of three main trading companies and their associated special purpose vehicles for investments. Visu Verum Wimbledon Visu Verum Design Visu Verum Developments
Each company has its own unique skill set and specialty, however the combined group provides an overall and complete solution to sales, design, project management, design & build and property development.
V&V集团公司包括如下三个主要贸 易公司及其附属的专用投资机构。 V&V温布尔登 V&V设计 V&V开发 每个贸易公司都有其各自独特的技 术体系和业务专长,但整个集团公 司能够提供全面的一条龙服务,涵 盖销售、设计、项目管理、设计& 建筑及房地产开发。
About us 关于我们
At V&V we strive to meet the highest aesthetic and delivery standards. From the initial design stages
to the sourcing of furnishings, every stage receives our undivided attention. Beginning with land
and property searches, due diligence studies and
purchasing onto the creative process of designing,
through to the technical process of development and design management, complete with construction
and furnishings, we ensure that our friendly team make the entire process a pleasurable one.
The V&V team is formed from the most skilled of professionals in architecture, engineering, interior design and project management ensuring the highest standards of service and delivery.
Our experienced team of professionals are able to deliver any size or scale project offering our clients a bespoke, personal touch that forms the basis of our
success & enables our clients to reach the luxurious standards aspired to.
V&V集团公司力争始终达到最高的审 美标准和交付标准,从最初设计到居 家装潢,我们都兢兢业业,全力以 赴,做好每一步工作。从地产及房产 安置之初,我们就会提供尽职尽责的 调查研究,借助于开发设计管理方面 的技术工艺,为客户确定具有创意的 设计,实现建筑施工和居家装潢,确 保我们友善的团队将整个工艺流程做 得完美无缺,让客户满意。 V&V集团公司的专业人才团队技术一 流,他们来自各行各业,包括建筑、 工程、室内设计和工程管理,保证以 最高的标准为客户提供服务,交付成 果。 我们资深的专业人才团队能够承接任 何规模或级别的项目工程,为客户提 供定制的人性化服务,以豪华的业务 标准满足客户期望,这正是我们成功 的基础。
Our Services 我们的服务 Ar c hite c t ure The design team are formed of the most skilled of
professionals in architecture and engineering. We are able to deliver any size or scale project – offering our clients a bespoke, personal touch which enables our
clients to reach the luxurious standards they aspire to.
I n terior Des ig n
Our team of interior designers work exclusively in the
high-end residential market. Catering to private clients,
they provide an elite interior design package tailored to the practicalities of London and Surrey living.
Pr oject Man ag emen t
Our project management team are involved from the
conception to completion. Every step is tendered with quotations obtained, prior to its commencement with
project managers, quantity surveyors and site managers; all of which are highly experienced professionals
dedicated to delivering a stunning finished home.
L a nd Pu rch as in g
We offer a personalised land search service to locate
the perfect plot, ready for you to build your own home. Using tried & tested techniques, we use our strong
relationships with local estate agents to ensure we are first to hear about any fresh market opportunities.
建筑设计 我们的设计团队成员都是建筑和工程方面的一 流专业人才,能够承接任何规模或级别的项目 工程,为客户提供定制的人性化服务,以豪华 的业务标准满足客户期望。
室内设计 我们的室内设计师专门从事于高档住宅市场, 能够满足私人客户的各项需求。根据伦敦及萨 里居住区的实际情况,为其提供精美的室内设 计装潢。 工程管理 从概念设计到工程竣工,我们的项目管理团队 一直参与其中。每一步施工开始之前,我们都 会听取项目经理、工料测量师和项目工地经 理们的建议和意见,他们都是行业内的资深人 士,致力于交付壮丽精美的住房家园。
地产购置 我们为客户提供私人化的地产购置,以寻得最 佳地段,适于建造您自己的住宅家园。凭借我 们经得起考验的技能,动用我们和房地产代理 之间强大的业务关系,确保我们先发制人的优 势,首先获得全部市场新机遇。
Locations 地理位置 Culture, commerce, convenience, community - our locations have it all.
Our team enables us to have unrivaled knowledge and experience stretching almost 30 years. Our main areas span Central London, Wimbledon, Coombe Hill, Cobham and Oxshott.
浓厚的文化气息、繁荣的商业贸易、便利的各项设施及和谐的生活 社区,我们的地理位置将所有这些优势囊括其中,应有尽有。我们 的专业人才团队拥有着近30年的行业知识和经验,可谓是无可匹 敌。我们的主要区域涵盖伦敦市中心、温布尔登、库姆希尔、科伯 姆和奥克肖特。
The world’s capital city... 这是一个国际性 大都市。
London 伦敦 Central London is a hive, with its prestigious addresses and convenient location and also attracts a dynamic business
community, ranging from multinational corporations to boutique businesses.
London real estate prices are driven by a fundamental lack of supply and an ever increasing demand, both locally and
from foreigners looking for a safe haven for their wealth. With
enormous competition, the task of finding a suitable investment or home can be one of the toughest challenges.
伦敦市中心拥有极富盛誉的地段和便利异常 的地理位置,吸引着充满活力的商业群体, 小到时装精品店铺,大到跨国贸易公司,就 像一个忙忙碌碌的蜂房。 伦敦房地产价格持续居高不下,主要得益于 两个方面,一是房源供应奇缺,而是房产需 求不断上涨,这些需求既来自当地居民,又 来自大批外国人士,他们急于寻找一个安全 的港湾来存放其大量财富。面对当前激烈的 竞争,要想找到一个合适的投资机遇或住宅 家园也称得上是最严峻的挑战之一。
Escape, relax and recharge. All just a short distance from Central London... 不论是逃离逃避,还是休 闲放松,抑或奋力前行, 所有这些距离伦敦市中心 都可谓是一步之遥..。
Wimbledon 温布尔登 Located six miles South West of Central London in zone 3, Wimbledon is a sanctuary so close to the city, the unparalleled privacy has made it one of the most sought after residences in the area. Featuring handsome period buildings, vibrant eateries and chic shops, the village promises a friendly ambience, whilst only 15 minutes from London by train and underground.
With Wimbledon’s tranquil Common at over 1,140 acres, it is a serene hub in the heart of an urban setting. Boasting a wealth
of green spaces, fantastic schools and local amenities, the grounds of Wimbledon tennis are also within walking distance. The oldest most prestigious tennis tournament in the world has been held at the All England Club since 1877.
温布尔登位于伦敦市中心西南部6英里处的3区,是一片靠近市中心的圣域,此处住宅区的 隐私服务特别出色,无可匹敌。因此,它也是这片区域内最为人们梦寐以求的住宅区之 一。 此处建筑壮观华丽、饮食精致可口、购物店时尚优雅,居住环境和谐友善,而且交通十分 方便,乘坐列车或地铁只需15分钟即可到达伦敦市中心。 温布尔登公地占地面积超过1140英亩(1英亩约4050平方米),位于市区的中心地带,是 一个十分静谧安详的活动中心。 这里拥有大量的绿色植被、卓越出色的学校及人性化的生活福利设施,而且温布尔登网球 锦标赛赛场就在附近,简短的步行即可到达。 温布尔登网球锦标赛是世界上最负盛誉的网球锦标赛,历史最为悠久,自1877年以来,该 锦标赛就在全英俱乐部球场举行。
Coombe 库姆 Coombe is an area of private estates very close to Wimbledon Village and Richmond Park, the largest Royal Park in London spanning 2,500 acres. A very secluded area, Coombe is famous for its privacy and idyllic greenery.
Six tree lined golf clubs surround Coombe averaging 18 holes, welcoming visitors from all over the world to enjoy meeting the challenges of England’s highly rated and traditional courses.
后者是伦敦最大的皇家公园,占地面积高达2500英亩。 此处环境非常清净,因其出色的隐私服务及田园诗般的景色而享有盛名 库姆是一处私人住宅区域,非常靠近温布尔登村和里士满公园,。 库姆周边环绕着绿树成荫的高尔夫球场,平均具有18个洞, 欢迎世界各地的游客来此参观,挑战英国备受赞誉的传统高尔夫球场,享受其中的 无限乐趣。
Cobham 科伯姆 Cobham is a town in the borough of Surrey, 20miles south west of Central London. With a charming high street consisting of boutique restaurants and shops, Cobham is very much a country setting, with large areas of open space and a friendly community.
There are several prestigious golf clubs such as The Wisley and St.Georges Hill Club, among the
most popular. These tree lined courses feature lakes, average up to 27holes, spanning up to 200
Acres and are sure to get pulses racing with tight fairways, challenging approaches and great views. With excellent transport links to London in 30 minutes and only 20minutes to Heathrow International Airport by car it is very well connected. Along with the strong community
atmosphere, it is easy to see why this area of Surrey is a popular, family friendly place to live.
科伯姆是萨里行政区的一个城镇,位于伦敦市中心西南方向20英里 处。 虽然科伯姆拥有一条迷人的商业街,那里坐落着众多精致的饭店和商 场,但它的乡村气息非常浓厚。拥有大面积的空旷区域,社区氛围极 其和谐友善。 此处拥有众多享有盛名的高尔夫俱乐部,其中最为突出的包括韦斯利 和圣乔治山俱乐部。 这些绿树成荫的高尔夫球场平均拥有27个洞,同时还有不少湖泊,占 地面积高达200英亩。 球道区星罗棋布,球道路径十分具有挑战性,但景色十分迷人,势必 能够让你为此心潮澎湃,激动不已。 这里的交通系统十分发到,30分钟的车程即可到达伦敦市中心。此 外,到达希思罗国际机场仅仅需要20分钟。 库姆镇的社区氛围十分浓厚,由此不难看出为什么萨里区如此受欢 迎,是适于居住的理想之地。
Oxshott 奥克肖特 Oxshott is home to Britain’s most exclusive estates
and named as one of the best places to live in England. These private gated roads are home to many English businessmen and company owner’s as well as many
professional sporting names, from seeded tennis stars, to England and premiership football players.
Cobham is only 3 miles away, with its idyllic local
shops and buzzing cafes and very good transport links.
奥克肖特是英国最为高档的住宅区,被 列为英国最佳居住地之一。 这些设有私人大门的道路通向豪华宅 第,里面居住着许多英国商人、公司老 板及众多体育界的明星大腕, 包括网球种子选手和英格兰及英超足球 运动员。 科伯姆距离此处仅仅3英里,这里拥有 田园诗般的商店,热闹活跃的咖啡馆, 另外,此处的交通系统也十分发达。 奥克肖特与科伯姆之间坐落着一大片乡 村地带,景色迷人,空气清新。
Ful Ch
Heathrow Airport
Coombe 4 3 6
5 Kingston
9 10
Oxshott Cobham Guilford
lham & helsea
London 15mins
St. pauls 3 - 18 years Boys 30% Oxbridge £ 22,500 pa
3 2
Kings College
7 - 18 years Mixed 28% Oxbridge £19,800 pa
International 11 - 18 years Girls £21,000 pa
Kingston Grammar 11 - 18 years Mixed £17,500 pa
Wimbledon high 7 - 18 years Girls 13% oxbridge £15,000 pa
11 - 18 years Boys £16,000 pa
2 - 18 years Mixed £15,000 pa
ACS International
2 - 18 years Mixed £25,000 pa
Notre Dame
7 - 18 years Girls £15,000 pa
Reeds 11 - 18 years Boys boarding £21,000
With some of England’s best
preforming schools in these areas,
there is a wide range of educational
institutions to choose from, including several boarding schools, the highly regarded Kings College and the
prestigious American Community School, which amongst others
offers both an international and US curriculum.
英国一些办学效果最好的 学校也分布在这片区域, 拥有众多的教学机构可供 选择, 包括一些寄宿学校及备受 赞誉的国王学院和享有盛 誉的美式社区学校, 后者同时提供国际课程和 美式课程。
Heathrow Airport Fulham
3 Richmond
8 3
Coombe 6
4 1
5 2 M3
Kingston 8
9 Esher
14 Oxshott
6 15
Cobham Guilford
11 Oxford street
London Bridge 3
LEISURE Westminster 1
2 9
Clapham Junction
KEY 1 V&V Offices
Shopping centres 1 Wimbledon 2 Kingston 3 Richmond 4 Westfield shopping centre 5 Guilford 6 Cobham 7 Kings road 8 Putney 9 Harrods 10 Selfirdges 11 Covent Garden
Culture 1 Science museum 2 V&A Museum 3 Tate modern 4 British Museum 5 Hampton court palace Sandown racecourse
Golf clubs 1. Royal Wimbledon 2. London Scottish 3. Richmond Park 4. Coombe Hill 5. Coombe wood 6. The Richmond 7. Royal Mid Surrey 8. Hampton Court 9. Esher 10. Surbiton 11. RAC 12. Leatherhead 13. Silvermere 14. Burhill 15. The Wisley
Parks Main Road M25 - Motorway River thames
London heathrow international airport
Current Projects 奥克肖特
Contact Wo o d c o c k H o u s e Gibbard Mews Wimbledon Village SW19 5BY +44 (0) 207 183 9683 11-12 Pall Mall We s t m i n s t e r London SW1Y 5LU +44 (0) 203 475 3337 14A Anyards Road Cobham Surrey KT11 2JZ w w w. v v l o n d o n . c o. u k
Misrepresentation N o d e s c r i p t i o n o r i n f o r m a t i o n g i v e n a b o u t t h e p r o p e r t y o r i t s v a l u e , w h e t h e r w r i t t e n o r v e r b a l o r w h e t h e r o r n o t i n t h e s e Pa r t i c u l a r s ( ‘ i n f o r m a t i o n’ ) may be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. No Agent has any authority to make a representation and accordingly any information given i s e n t i r e l y w i t h o u t r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o n t h e p a r t o f t h e A g e n t o r s e l l e r. I t s h o u l d n o t b e a s s u m e d t h a t a n y c o n t e n t s / f u r n i t u r e / f u r n i s h i n g e t c . P h o t o g r a p h e d or illustrated in these particulars are included in the sale. Any areas, measurements or distances referred to are given as a guide only and are not precise. Descriptions of the property are subjective and are used in good faith as an opinion and not as a statement of fact. The information on these p a r t i c u l a r s d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e a c o n t r a c t o r w a r r a n t y. A n y p h o t o g r a p h s , a r t i s t ’s i m p r e s s i o n s a n d C G I ’s a r e i n d i c a t i v e o n l y. P l e a s e m a k e f u r t h e r s p e c i f i c e n q u i r i e s t o e n s u r e t h a t o u r d e s c r i p t i o n s a r e l i k e l y t o m a t c h a n y e x p e c t a t i o n y o u m a y h a v e o f t h e p r o p e r t y.
通讯地址:温布尔登村吉巴德缪斯 伍德科克家园,邮编:SW19 5BY 电话:+44 (0) 207 183 9683 通讯地址:伦敦市西敏斯特颇尔购 物中心11-12号 邮编:SW1Y 5LU 电话:+44 (0) 203 475 3337 通讯地址:萨里科伯姆Anyards路 14a号 邮编:KT11 2JZ 网址:www.vvlondon.co.uk
虚假陈述 无论是书面的还是口头的,有关该房地产及其价值的描述或相关相关信息都不能当作是对事实的生命或展现。任何代理机构都 没有权力给予相关展现,因此,代理机构或经销商对所有提供的信息不承担任何责任。细目图式或照片中展示的内容、家具及 装饰等并不属于销售成分。所有涉及的区域、尺寸及距离仅用作参考,并非准确信息。这些房地产的信息描述具有主观性, 用于获得客户好评,并非是对实际情况的说明。这些细目上的信息并不能构成合同效力或担保效力。所有用到的图片、艺术 大师感想及计算机声称影响仅具指示效能。请进行详细咨询,以确保我们的描述最大可能的与您对此房地产的期望相匹配。