IntroductionTo BlackHatSEOandSome


The number of SEO Service Providers has tremendously increased in recent years. This has resulted in a rise in competition as well as some false companies claiming the title of Best SEO Company In India. These companies often provide the Best SEO Packages In India but at the cost of the client’s reputation and ranking. They violate the search engineguidelines and utilize BlackHat SEO.

Black Hat SEO is a set of techniques aimed at boosting a website’s ranking and getting it on the top of the SERP. However, these techniques are against the mandatory guidelines set by search engines, and therefore they simply are penalized by the search engines and result in negative ranking. They provide no value or solution to the searchers. Suppose you are in search for Top SEO Company Near Me. In that case, it is beneficial if you stay away from these Black Hat SEO practitioners and get in touch with the Best SEO Company In Kolkata,namelyVxplore Technologies. This company is unlike no other, as it has provided positive results to its clients for years. They have experienced experts who are certified and use only techniquesthat favoursearchengineguidelines.
Well, if you are wondering, what are these Black Hat SEO techniques? Then there are a few:-
Keywords Stuffing
Sneaky Redirects
Paid Links
Poor Quality Content
It is a popular practice done by both Black Hat SEO practitioners and novice companies. This is done by practitioners who don’t know much about the Search Engine’s algorithm. So keyword stuffing is using irrelevant keywords in different parts of the content. Using popular keyword strings with the aim of making content visible for various search queries also falls under keyword stuffing. However, this doesn’t work, as today’s search engine algorithm is highly advanced and can easily detect unnatural content. For example, if the keyword is Digital Marketing, then keyword stuffed content will sound like:- We are a Digital Marketing company that provides Digital Marketing services. Digital Marketing services are what we provide. If you are interested in Digital Marketing services, you can contact our Digital Marketing team, who will fulfill your Digital Marketing needs. This seems unnatural and also does not provide any value to the searchers. This is just a desperate attempt to get the website on top of the SERP based on keyword ranking. It is recommended that you do effective keyword targeting and use keywords in the content only where it makes sense. You must avoid overdoing it.
The Best SEO Company In India, namely Vxplore Technologies, says that redirects are meant to be used by websites to redirect users to a different yet relevant page. The redirects must fulfill the user’s click’s intent and provide them value. However, Sneaky Redirects are when the click takes you to a page which isn’t relevant to the content mentioned in the source page. This can often be noticed in the redirect links posted on a page with several backlinks; some links there will take you to an irrelevant page to boost its ranking. However, this is also easily recognizable by Search Engines and will result in a negativeranking,as it violatesthe guidelines.

Unlike those managed by Best SEO Company In India, some websites offer an unethical service of selling backlinks in exchange for money or items. This is a strictly prohibited practice and will result in hefty penalties if caught. Google says that this violates various sections of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. It is unwise to use any practice that manipulates the ranking of a website on the SERP. Google penalizes both the buyer and seller if such a practice is reported or caught. Google has asked people to report such practices various times in the past. They take strict actions such as blacklisting the website or eliminating the ranking of the website that is found to be the culprit in the act. Suppose you want to get ranked by spending money. In that case, you should spend it on Best SEO Packages In India offered by Vxplore Technologies, the Best SEO Company In Kolkata, as theyare completelyethical and operate according to Google’sguidelines.
Google rewards quality content that provides value and solutions to the searchers with a positive ranking on the SERP. In contrast, it also penalizes websites that post content that is of low quality or utilizes plagiarism. Google didn’t have the ability to differentiate between quality content and inferior content. However, with the passing of time and frequent updates like the Panda update, Google has become highly efficient. Therefore it is advised that you write only the content that is valuable for the searcher and also is according to Google’s guidelines.

The Best SEO Company In Kolkata, like Vxplore Technologies, are strictly against Black Hat SEO practices and still deliver value to your investment. You should try their services if you have been frantically searchingfor a Top SEO Company Near Me.