1 minute read

Let’sfirstlookatthe importanceofusingWhiteHatSEO:-

Not using White Hat SEO or going against the Search Engine guidelines, maybe a straight ticket to getting banned by the SearchEngine.

Getting banned by popular Search Engines, such as Google, is not only bad for the websiteand the traffic but also directlylaysa negative impact on the business.


Any popular Search Engine like Google gets billions of visitors every day; if your website is highly ranked, then these visitors are your potential customers. Getting banned simply meanslosing theseleads.

Even if you don’t get banned, failing to follow the Google Webmaster’s Guidelines will resultin yourwebsite’snegative ranking.

It is hard to bear getting negatively ranked when you have invested your time, money and effortsin a website’sdevelopment and optimization.

“If you do not want to go through any of the negative results of not practicing White Hat SEO, then you must connect with Vxplore Technologies, one of the Top SEO Company In India and take their Best SEO Packages In India for your business’s SEO campaign.

○ SomeofthepopularWhiteHatSEOtechniquesthatVxploreexpertsuse areasfollows:○

1. Optimize your Meta Description with Keywords ○

2. Offer quality content on your website

3. Optimize your website for a better User Experience

Optimizeyour MetaDescriptionwithKeywords

The meta description of your pages is one of the elements that the users notice. It provides the with information about your page. This hugely impacts their decision. It must seem meaningful attract the attention of the user. This will raise possibility of them clicking on the link. The description must have an element of allure captivates the user, if not solve their query. It is great place to integrate keywords. These keywords will help in ranking the web page itself.

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