Introduction Work object Work object is art gallery in Vilnius.Art gallery or art museum as institution long time ago made evolution from cultural temple to space for events and new experiences. Problematics This topic became actual in the beginning of XIX century when museums became main cultural phenomena in bigger cities. Examples of topic solving Frank O.Gehry’s’Guggenheim museum Bilbao is example of luxury and extravagance even in our times. Work aim- to make project of optimal and attractive art gallery. Work tasks: 1. To get acquainted with art museum institution through architecture tipology prism. 2. To mention main characteristic of museum relevant to democratic country. Methods of work To this work is chosen these investigation methods: 1.Written sources studies 2.Historical data analysis method. Work structure Work have two parts:investigation part and project part.In the introduction work object is introduced and problematics, main aims and duties, methods and structure. Art museum institution Art museum as institution Art museum is supposing collecting or universal activity which is old as humanity.As some kind of sort collection of species museum is natural things or art object compilation temporary or finally removed from economical circulation and protected and exhibited in special equipped place. Art museum and ritual Art museums were always compared with palaces and temples. Since XVIII till middle of XX century projects were made similar to them. Museum and memory
Historical view of XIX century end gave us not only big architectural projects but theories and thinking systems. Memory was cognition methaphors and infrastructural institutions (museum, grave yard and warehouse) in union. Museum as methaphor As place in which nature sciences and art object were kept and exhibited was central institution.In XIX century museum was embodying most deep revolution problems-expropriation of heritage . Art galleries and society Interest in classic antique which arised since early renessaince was leading to ancient art collections developing in the beginning in Italy and later in other Europe countries.In Britain Lord Arundel constructed gallery in his London residence for classical sculptures collection and it was considered most important outside Italy. Art gallery/museum Definition Art gallery or museum is space or building for art exhibition.Art museums can be open or private but the main characteristic of museum is its collection. History 700 hundred years ago before Christ Hesiod saw dancing girls on Helicon hill. Later in that place temple for muses were built. Political aspects Most of art museums project where made because of political reasons or had political influence.Especially national art galleries where created in order to establish political loyalty and nationalistic feelings. Typology History of museum as type of building has its roots in renessaince.Yard was created in Vatikan Belvedere in 1508 for statues and was quickly copied in all Rome villas and palaces. Function Art museum or art gallery function is broader than organisation of exhibitions-it should consider national and region collections and important art pieces and range of needs should be given also visitors movement in exhibition spaces should be planned and wide visitors service range. Form and function Outside and inside
Museum as place in which something important is exhibited or conserved has influence on entrance design.In XIX century historical canon emphasizes entrance on building axis and is showing that inside is something special. Architectural semantics Art and religion expierences comparance was common in romantic movement of Germany and museum as pedagogy institution comprehension had two conception polles which marks museum architecture appearance. Teaching and education duality find its way in museums in XIX century now it is characterising relation to architecture in which exhibition takes place and to the museum inner content or collection. Conclusions of analytical part
Museum is open space for education of society. museum form is irrelevant-main thing is relation with its program and purpose.
Project part:
Live Static
Architectural concept Two gallery concepts were developed. For development concept “live’’ is chosen. Conclussions My art gallery project can be called (in open meaning and in symbolic meaning)democratic institution open for society. Gallery is decentralised and simple considering democratic society needs.