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靈氣療法 レイキ・ヒーリング



【 光明レイキ會 】

[ 霊気中伝 ] REIKI CHUDEN (Second Degree)

What you will learn: After receiving the Chuden (Second Degree) Reiju, three “shirushi” or symbols will be given to you. With the use of the 1st symbol, the energy can be focused and strengthened. With the 2nd symbol a habit (bad or unwanted) can be broken. With the 3rd symbol you will be empowered to do Reiki healing on a person not physically present. <Distant healing> The use common to all shirushi (symbols):  Draw a symbol once in the air or on a wanted area by hand or in mind.  It is quite OK to draw a symbol again when wrongly drawn.  Draw a symbol large or small according to the size of objects.  In the face of non-Reiki practitioners, a symbol should be drawn very small or in mind.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


What is the FIRST SHIRUSHI or SYMBOL?  By the use of this symbol, the energy flow will be focused, strengthened.  Traditionally this symbol is intended to increase vital energy.  This symbol works on physical level.  The symbol can be utilized as an all-around tool.

How to utilize the FIRST SHIRUSHI or SYMBOL: (Examples)

 Whenever stronger energy flow is needed.  To purify the places (rooms, buildings) and their environment.  To charge and/or correct food and drink.  To protect oneself. < the symbol on four directions around you and, if needed, above and below, >  To secure a safe trip. < the symbol on vehicles>


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


What is the SECOND SHIRUSHI or SYMBOL ?  This symbol works particularly on mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  Traditionally this symbol is intended only for the use of “Seiheki Chiryo Ho”.  By the use of this symbol, an unwanted habit (alcoholic, smoking and the like) can be broken.  The symbol can resurface, rebalance and realign a longstanding mental and emotional issue so as to heal it. How to utilize the SECOND SHIRUSHI or SYMBOL:  When the unwanted habits should be broken. < The hands are on the forehead and on the back of the head, and the symbol is to be drawn on the forehead.>  When one suffers from psychogenic pains, strain, fatigue, neurosis and stress. < On both temples and on a stomach pit. >  So as to relieve mental disturbance, anger, and sorrow. < On the forehead, back of the head and on the stomach pit. >  So as to let go of an attachment and/or long stored negative emotions. <On the crown and the stomach pit.>


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


What is the THIRD SHIRUSHI or SYMBOL ?  This symbol possesses the power to transcend space and time, but traditionally the symbol is used just to transcend space, NOT time.  As the symbol empowers Reiki energy to reach people far away, this symbol is intended to do a distant Reiki healing. How to do a distant Reiki healing: ①

By using a photo of the recipient or a name written on a piece of paper. 1) The photo or the paper can be put on a desk or can be held in your cupped hands. 2) Draw the 3rd symbol over the name. In the case of psychogenic disorder, add the 2nd. If physical, add the 1st. 3) Say the person’s name three times. 4) Do Reiki on him or her until you feel “good enough”.

② By using an image of the recipient shrunken down. 1) Imagine that the recipient is being shrunken down in your cupped hands. 2) Draw the 3rd symbol with your cupped hands. Say his or her name three times. 3) If psychogenic, add the 2nd. If physical, add the 1st. Do Reiki until you feel like quitting off. 光明レイキ會

Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


③ By using a life-size image of the recipient. 1) Visualize him or her in front of you. 2) Draw the 3rd symbol. If psychogenic, add the 2nd. If physical, add the 1st. 3) Do Reiki on you. The Reiki energy will be automatically transmitted to the same part of the recipient and will flow to heal. ④

By using a stuffed toy animal as a surrogate or stand-in. 1) After drawing the 3rd symbol and saying the person’s name three times, do a Reiki treatment on the stuffed toy (a teddy bear and the like) as a surrogate for the recipient.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


Komyo Reiki Kai




#1 呪文



< 名称 (Name) :

UN (雲)

* Optional

ZUI-UN (瑞雲) >

#2 呪文


FUKU-JU (福寿)

< 名称 (Name) :

* Optional

MURYO-JU (無量寿) >

#3 呪文




* Optional






************************* Note: After with enough use of Shirushi/Jumon, a Reiki practitioner is encouraged to evolve and transcend the need for outside support or help, and to let go of Reiki symbols/mantras.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


光明レイキ「印」Komyo Reiki [ Shirushi ] (symbol) しるし

Each Shirushi (symbol) shall be handed to a student personally by the Teacher.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


< Western Reiki Symbols/Mantras >


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)



1) Place one of your hands on the forehead and the other hand on Tanden (three fingers down below navel) intending the toxin to be removed. 2) After 2-3 minutes, move your hand on the forehead on to the other hand (i.e., double your hands on Tanden), then keep on doing Reiki there for about 15 – 20 minutes. 3) Try this method several times or more till it takes effect. < Note > It’s said that the method can detoxify food poisoning, drug and food additive toxin.

KOKI HO  GYOSHI HO ( Exhalation method  Gaze method ) (REIKI energy radiates from hands, but also from eyes and mouth.) 1) This method (Koki Ho) is to blow REIKI energy on the affected part such as burns, inflammation and skin diseases in place of holding hands over the affected part.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)


2) This GAZE METHOD (Gyoshi Ho) is to gaze on an affected part intending REIKI energy to purify and cure the part. No strong stare is necessary.

HESO CHIRYO HO (Navel Treatment Method) ①

Place a finger into navel and feel a pulsation.

② Feel the pulsation resonate with the cosmic vibration. ③ Keep doing this treatment, then you will feel very relaxed and your body will be rebalanced and realigned.

< Personal note > It’s recommended that this method should be done safely on oneself, but on others a hand is to be placed on the navel.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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SEIHEKI CHIRYO HO (Habits Treatment Method)

This method is to break a habit (bad and/or unwanted). ① Put hands on both front and back of the head. ② Draw #2 Shirushi (symbol) with a hand on the forehead. ③ Make the command and send the commanding message (just like giving orders) to your subconscious (or others’) through REIKI energy radiating from the hand placed on the front of the head. {The command message is about an unwanted habit and/or a bad habit such as alcoholic, smoking, etc. And the message is to be aimed at getting out of the habit.} ④ After 2-3 minutes, double your hands on the back of the head for another 10 minutes or so. ⑤ This treatment can be done on yourself or on others. ⑥ Frequent treatments are more recommended than a few long treatments.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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[ 伝統技法: TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES ] 打手治療法:UCHITE-CHIRYOHO (Patting Technique) 1. Stimulate the area of numbness and dullness by patting upon the area with a moderate strength of the pat. 2. While the surface of a physical body will be stimulated with this patting technique, Reiki energy will quickly penetrate into the body to activate the cells, and efficacy can be expected to rise.

撫手治療法:NADETE-CHIRYOHO (Stroking Technique) 1. Move your palms up and down and/or in circles to accelerate the energy flow in the body with Reiki. Give a gentle frictional stimulation to the body from shoulder down to tips of the hands, and from waist down to the feet. 2. Stroke the torso down toward the feet and/or toward left side and right side, Try to avoid slipshod stroking. Give a stroke with intent to let the Reiki energy permeate in the body, feeling the strong flow of Reiki from your palms.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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押手治療法:OSHITE-CHIRYOHO (Acupressure Technique) 1. Press and heal the problem area with your finger tips. (Either the index and the middle fingers or the middle and the ring fingers will do) confirming the state of pain and numbness. 2. To loosen up the stiff shoulders, stiff muscles or stiffness in the internal organs, press your fingers deep down into the body. 3. Also the thumbs are used to press and heal the stiff muscles or the area of energy stagnation.

ZENSHIN KETUEKI KOKAN HO (Full Body Blood Exchange Method) [ ZENSHIN KEKKO ] The person receiving the treatment lays face down.  Place the thumb and the forefinger, lightly pinching each side of the neck, just below the occipital area. (The area just below where the head attaches to the neck). Draw the first symbol with the thumb, and then draw the first symbol with the forefinger. Allow the Reiki energy to vibrate from between the symbols up over the head. Feel this energy as it flows over the head for a few seconds.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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 Place one hand lightly on the head. With the forefinger and middle finger of the other hand, one on each side of the spine, stroke down the full length of the spine 8 to 10 times.  Put both hands on either side of the spine, make sweeping motions to the sides of the back, and repeat all the way to the hips. Do this three times.  Push in at the side of the waist nearest you. Slide the hand over the back to the other side of the waist. Pull in the side of the waste away from you. Repeat this 8 to 10 times.  Just above the sacrum and below the lower back, place the thumb and forefinger on either side of the spine and draw the first symbol with the thumb and then with the forefinger. Allow the Reiki energy to vibrate and flow over the back and down the lags to the feet. Feel the vibration for a few seconds.  Place one hand at the top of the back of the leg and with the other hand, grasp where the top of the foot attaches to the ankle. Gently pull the leg down, stretching the top of the foot and the leg. Do this 3 times. Walk around to the other side and stretch that leg 3 times.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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 Stroke down the outside of one leg 3 times and stroke down the back of the leg 3 times and the inside of the leg 3 times. Do the same on the other leg.  With both hands side by side, lightly pat the shoulders. Starting on one side of the back and patting over to the other side. Move down the back to the buttocks while patting.  One leg at a time, using one hand, pat down the outside of one leg 3 times, pat down the back of the leg 3 times and pat down the inside of the leg 3 times. Repeat on the other leg.



Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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< 参照 For Your Reference >


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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種子関係としては、阿弥陀如来、千手観音、如意輪 観音、大威徳明王、等がある。 < 参照 For Your Reference >


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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KEY TO PRONUNCIATION (I speak, you speak, we all speak… Japanese!) Japanese is easy to pronounce once you become familiar with a few simple rules. ·

There are only 5 vowel sounds in Japanese : a, e, i , o, u. 1. a - as in father (never as in cat, ate, aisle, or alone) 2. e – as in bet (never as in pretty, or beer, or fern or the) 3. i – as in chief (never as in dive); when followed or preceded by another vowel it could be shorter as in pit. 4. o – as in void or halt (never as in cower, woman, do, potter, alone, son, or nation); cut this sound short 5. u – as in you, to, true (never as in cut or furious)


The following consonants have their usual English values: b, c, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z.


The g sounds are always the hard form as in girl, ground, or gone; never the soft form of germ or gem. The soft form is depicted as j instead (ex: jumon).


Syllables are made by adding a consonant in front of a vowel. Problems come in with the "ra" group since there is no real "r" or "l" as the alternate form goes. The spoken sound is really a combination of the two, sort of a "rla" sound.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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Syllabic stress - Each syllable is given virtually identical weight compared to English which tends to stress the first syllable and the rest of the word is sort of mushed in afterwards. So if you look at "Christmas" it would be pronounced "Ku-ri-su-ma-su". For this reason, sometimes a vowel might be doubled.


The values given below refer to the underlined consonant(s) in each word. (If you want to know how to pronounce a consonant cluster which is not underlined, look for it in a word closer to the top of the list.)


There are no instructions for some of the words below as their pronunciation could be considered easy or straightforward. Just string along the vowel sounds and the consonant sounds forming equally weighted syllables. (Ex: Butsu-Bu Sanmaya).

The following words are all in your Komyo Reiki Manual. Enjoy rolling them off your tongue!

Anshin Ritsumei – as in ship Butsu-Bu Sanmaya Chuden – as in chew Fuku-Ju – as in Jew Gakkai Gassho - as in ship Gedoku Ho - as in get Gyosei - as in gear 光明レイキ會

Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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Gyoshi Ho Hayashi (Chujiro) Sensei – ch as in chew; j as in gypsy

Heso Chiryo Ho Honja Ze Shonen – as in Japanese (but a as in father)

Hrih (not a Japanese word) - silent final h Jodo-shu - j as in joke (but o as in void); shu as shoe Joshin Kokyu Ho Jo-Sango

Jumon – as in Jew Kenyoku Kiriku Koki Ho Komyo Reiki Kai

Kurama Meiji – as in gypsy Mokunen

Muryo-Ju Nadete Chiryo Ho Okuden Oshite Chiryo Ho 光明レイキ會

Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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Reiju - as in ray and Jew Reiju hajime masu – as in gypsy Reiki Mawashi Reiki Ryoho Reizan-in Shuyo Tenshin Koji Renge-Bu Sanmaya – as in get Seishin Toitsu Seiheki Chiryo Ho Seiza Shinpiden Shirushi Shoden Shudan Reiki Tanden Chiryo Ho Uchite Chiryo Ho Usui Mikao Sensei Zenshin Ketueki Kokan Ho Zenshin Kekko Zui-un


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Final Note

Loan words are words borrowed from other languages and adopted as one's own. In written Japanese, these are usually identifiable by the use of katakana characters (but note that just because katakana is used, it doesn't mean that the word is necessarily an adopted word, since

katakana is also used for emphasis, onomatopoeias, etc. Also, some older loan words have been given kanji spellings, such as prelude.) Some of these words are self evident (such as biru for "beer"), and some are a little more obscure (such as terebi for "television".) Yet other word combinations may use foreign word combinations, for distinctly Japanese items (such as puri peido, or "pre-paid" as in a pre-paid card.) The word Reiki is treated as a loan word and therefore written in katakana as the kanji can be deceptive, rei also referring to the spirits of dead people or ghosts. To make things more complicated still, when spoken, the word Reiki may be understood as “cool air”.


Komyo Reiki Kai ( 中伝 Chuden)

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光明レイキ會 Komyo Reiki Kai

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