Donna P. Ramsammy
Deputy Editor
Jasmin Singh
The Trinidad and Tobago Corporate Social Responsibility Review is in its second edition. The review features the unique programmes and experiences of companies from a wide range of sectors: Energy, Finance, Manufacturing, Communication Services and others as they strengthen communities and transform lives across Trinidad and Tobago.
Contributing Editor
Linda Hutchinson-Jafar
The TTCSR is an annual publication of Virtually Yours T&T (VYTT).
Art Director
Kathryn Duncan
Virtually Yours T&T (VYTT)
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Production Coordinator
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Publisher VYTT
Linda Hutchinson-Jafar
Art Director
Kathryn Duncan
Andre Neufville (where credited)
Company photos
Virtually Yours T&T (VYTT)

Office Authority LImited
Production Coordinator
Valery Marin
Donna Ramsammy
Publisher VYTT

J. Wendy Singh
Linda Hutchinson-Jafar
Ronda Francis
Andre Neufville (where credited)
Esther Le Gendre
Photos for CSR stories supplied by the featured company Shutterstock.com
Virtually yours T&T Ltd; Suite 102 43-45 Woodford Street, Newtown, POS, Trinidad & Tobago W.I.
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Phone/Fax 1.868.628.2288
Paul Charles . Linda Hutchinson-Jafar
E-mail: team@virtual-tt.com
Barbara King . Garfield King. Esther LeGendre
Donna Ramsammy . Anil Seunath
Wendy Singh . Nicole Westfield
Virtually Yours T&T Ltd; #22 Alfredo Street, Woodbrook, POS
Phone/Fax 1.868.623.3892
Email: team@virtual-tt.com
65 Classifieds
This year has been a whirlwind in terms of corporate activity. In particular, the financial industry had and continues to have its share of challenges in mitigating reputational injury and rebuilding public confidence. The energy industry has also had to face public scrutiny regarding infrastructural integrity and compliance with international safety standards. Oil spills and seismic-testing have been fingered by fishermen as contributing to depleting fish stock and company heads have been called to accountability by media, unions, environmental activists and residents of affected coastal villages. Increasingly, companies are recognizing the value of having pre-existing relationships with communities when crisis hits. Having solid networks with stakeholders – be it community members, media or social activists, allow a company to respond with alacrity and relevance to issues.
With the advancement of digital technology and its immediate and easy access to most of the T&T citizenry, events unfold in real time and often make news long before the best trained professional can respond. And as PR agents and spokespersons are discovering, it is less about what you say and more about what you do when responding to a crisis. Companies that invest in social responsibility programmes and projects are benefitting tremendously from on-the-ground feedback from their stakeholders when a crisis develops.
Divorced from mainstream media, they have a better understanding of the immediate needs, the advantage of ready advocates and access to secondary flows of information, to get their messages heard.
Atlantic came in for kudos during the Petrotrin oil spill when they were publicly applauded for having sustained and valued engagement at the community level. Atlantic was flagged as a model for how companies must partner with communities in driving solutions to the real issues.
In our inaugural edition last year, we promised to expand the discussion on CSR from the traditional philanthropy (investment) to deepen understanding of how corporate responsibility in the areas of governance, ethical conduct and compliance is changing the way business is delivered in Trinidad & Tobago and helping to build conscious leadership and responsible management of assets.

It was challenging but a rewarding experience as our team compiled some interesting and even riveting articles in putting this issue together. We learned a lot about what companies are doing within their operations and not just outside in the community; and how this is working collectively to strengthen local capability in country.
Email us and let us know what you liked in this year’s publication and what you’d like to see in the next edition.
Donna Ramsammy Editor-in-ChiefCOMPANY CSR PHILOSOPHY
Our CSR philosophy is to integrate environmental, social and governance practices into our day-to-day business activities. We measure success not only in terms of financial criteria, but also in building customer satisfaction and employee engagement, and supporting the communities we serve.
Building Relationships and Fulfilling Responsibilities
CSR is fundamental to the way Scotiabank does business
Each year they congregate - like flamingos, pink flocks of women who share a common concern of the impact of breast cancer on the lives of grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. Over the last 15 years, Scotiabank has partnered with the women of Trinidad and Tobago to create a powerful force for promoting awareness of breast cancer, promoting a healthy lifestyle for all and raising funds towards the early detection of the disease that affects many women.
In 2013, more than 6,000 mothers, daughters and friends joined the annual race for life and defiance against breast cancer.
Anya M. Schnoor, Scotiabank’s Managing Director said in the company’s 2013 Annual Report at the end of yet another successful year of operations, “At Scotiabank, we believe our business has a responsibility to operate ethically and with integrity for the benefit of all stakeholders and we understand that there is a direct link between our success and the communities we serve. Through the work of the Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Foundation and our team of Scotiabank volunteers throughout the Group, the Bank is able to give back to the communities in which we operate. We are proud of the tremendous role we have played in advancing the awareness of breast cancer and in the preservation of our environment, promoting our cultural heritage and providing our children with opportunities for advancement.”
The Foundation
The Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago Foundation was established in 2008 as a registered non-governmental organisation (NGO) with oversight of the Bank’s philanthropic efforts and the direction of funding. Scotiabank’s corporate responsibility activity is delivered under the umbrella of its Bright Future Programme, a communitygiving programme which supports causes associated with the well-being of children, the Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer Programme, sport and culture and general philanthropy. The Bank is also the Official Bank of West Indies cricket and proudly sponsors the Scotiabank Kiddy Cricket Programme, which teaches children the rudiments of cricket, a game which is an inherent component of West Indian heritage.

In five years, the Scotiabank Foundation has provided support of some $8.6 million to various community and youth-based initiatives. Its objectives are: to relieve poverty, deprivation and distress among economically disadvantaged persons and their dependents; to foster public understanding of and

education on health issues, conditions and diseases such as breast cancer; to support education through assistance to students, the enhancement of school infrastructure and scholarships at the tertiary level. The Foundation also assists in the organization and provision of facilities, which will encourage and promote community participation in healthy recreation and sport in particular, for the benefit of young people, and supports the promotion of Trinidad and Tobago culture.
Engaged Employees
Scotiabank boasts of a high level of employee engagement. Recent surveys indicate that 83% are ‘engaged’ i.e. knowledgeable of and supportive of the Bank’s strategic direction and 52% strongly so. The reach and success of The Scotiabank Bright Future Programme no doubt owes much to high levels of employee engagement, as volunteerism drives many activities spear-headed by staff of the Bank’s extensive network of 24 branches, 5 Sales Centres and numerous support departments, ensuring that Scotiabank Bright Future reaches every area of its operations. Each year, employees design and execute youth focussed projects in their communities. The Bank provides a minimum of $10,000 to each eligible project and encourages employees to undertake fundraising so that they obtain more funds towards their selected causes. Some of the approved projects employees undertake involve the upgrade of library facilities and other infrastructure enhancement at schools, computer literacy programmes, the introduction of solar energy for electricity, agriculture and environment awareness programmes.
Scotiabank’s CSR focus
Public Education on Health issues
The pink ribbon of femininity and hope that has become the symbol of the global fight against breast cancer since 1991, is also a metaphor for what good can be achieved when institutions like Scotiabank use their considerable resources and leverage positive relationships in support of causes of importance to the community. The funds have been used to underwrite the full cost of breast cancer screening for some 16, 833 women to date. The number of lives saved and families kept whole as a consequence of early critical information is immeasurable.
Scotiabank raises funds via several initiatives that include a golf tournament, the sale of memorabilia and its signature Women Against Breast Cancer 5K Classic. Funds raised all go towards the Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer Fund, which is used to meet the costs of the services of doctors and nurses to conduct the initial examinations and any follow up mammograms and ultrasound tests. Where necessary, the cost of psychological counselling for the patient and family is undertaken. The Scotiabank Foundation constantly strives to improve its fund raising effort and provision of breast cancer screening, and this has resulted in the modification of the screening programme within the last 2 years.
Support for Education
Statistics supported by a 2006 study undertaken by the MacArthur Foundation and researched by Sarah B. Miles and Deborah Stipek, show a correlation between low literacy skills and anti-social behaviours. The study also determines a similar correlation to drop outs from school, unemployment and crime. Collaboration by the Scotiabank Foundation with the A.R.R.O.W Foundation, which has a proven track record working with thousands of children in over 70 schools in Trinidad and Tobago, is viewed as a key partnership in the sustainable development of communities in which the Bank operates. The Aural, Read, Respond, Oral, Write
(ARROW) is a six week programme in literacy development.
Promoting Community and Sport
Scotiabank Kiddy Cricket - Introduced in Trinidad and Tobago in 2000 through a partnership between Scotiabank and the WICB, targets primary school boys and girls, ages 7-12. The programme used the medium of a game rooted in West Indian culture to teach young players, maintaining a tradition. At the same time, it helps with the development of motor skills and provides lessons in team-play, leadership and good sportsmanship. In Trinidad and Tobago, the Scotiabank Kiddy Cricket Programme is also taught in the classroom sessions in accordance with the curriculum in Mathematics, Social Studies, Language Arts and IT. Scotiabank continues to support the sport of cricket, which has been lauded

as the one feature that truly unities the Caribbean region.
Scotiabank has also partnered with the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago on a youth enhancement project for young boys. The initiative targets 50 boys between the ages of 7 – 11 from six primary schools, inclusive of a school associated with a home for children. The boys will participate in various activities and events which began in March 2014, aimed at teaching them the important life skills of goal-setting, teamwork, and discipline, to name a few. Activities include reading assessment and improvement sessions, field trips, camps, kayaking lessons and weekly sessions with scout leaders.

In 2014, Scotiabank celebrates its 60th anniversary in Trinidad and Tobago and its 125th anniversary of service to the Caribbean as a group which operates in 55 countries worldwide. Of its CSR initiatives, Scotiabank asserts, “We measure success not only in terms of financial criteria, but also in building customer satisfaction, employee engagement and supporting the communities we serve. The Scotiabank Bright Future Programme brings together the passion of our employees, the insight of our partners and the spirit of our communities.”

We measure success not only in terms of financial criteria, but also in building customer satisfaction, employee engagement and supporting the communities we serve.Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer The ARROW Foundation Kiddy Cricket Kiddy Cricket
Methanex Trinidad’s active Social Responsibility engagement is delivering long term value for local communities, its employees whose volunteerism is a big part of the company’s community outreach, and other stakeholders. Maintaining a focus on Responsible Care and leadership development, the company is creating and supporting programmes that contribute to the sustainable well-being of its fence line and national communities.
Guiding people to fully emerge their talent and develop leadership skills requires commitment. It is an investment that Methanex Trinidad is making to deliver capacity-building benefits to people, company and country over the long term.
The company recognises that everyone has potential to grow an innate ability that can yield extraordinary results, when developed and applied well. This belief is behind the engagement and development of its totally local workforce of 192 employees, in addition to vacation interns who come through its Point Lisasbased methanol production facility for a growth experience.
The local branch of Canada-based Methanex Corporation, global leader in methanol supply, is guided by the Responsible Care ethos in looking after people. The concept of Responsible Care was developed by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) and demands the safe and environmentally sound management of chemicals over their life cycle. The ethic covers basic areas such as health, safety, environment and community outreach, but the overriding goal is the betterment of society and life as a whole. Methanex has aligned its Social Responsibility principles with Responsible Care in addition to the company’s core values of integrity, trust, respect and professionalism.

Unearthing Leadership Talent
Methanex Trinidad is engaged in capacity-building
Not only is the Methanex experience creating a pool from which future employees can be drawn, the company is helping to make young people more marketable to a wider Trinidad and Tobago.
A significant aspect of its Social Responsibility is unearthing and developing leadership talent among a workforce with an average age demographic of thirty-seven (37) years. While the traditional performance evaluation system is a useful contributor, the company distinguishes its talent development approach by incorporating the principle of volunteerism in the pursuit of some creative approaches and articulating what it takes to be a Methanex leader.
Mentoring: A Different Development Choice
The organization’s internal Mentorship Programme is a significant avenue for shaping talent. It was launched as a sixmonth pilot at the Trinidad site in 2012 with 5 pairs of mentors/mentees across several disciplines. The encouraging results have led to an extension of the programme to other Methanex locations.
The value of mentoring programmes in elevating knowledge transfer and enhancing professional development will have exceptional business value when disseminating learning across organizational, geographical and generational boundaries. The pilot in Trinidad served as a solid launch pad for a development method that can be leveraged as a collaborative space where people share ideas and knowledge generously, creating innovative solutions to real business issues.
Methanex Trinidad has built on the success of the pilot by engaging its total management team in mentoring employees drawn from a pool of professionals and high potentials as well as new appointees to supervisory/ management positions. During an 18-month period, which started in October 2013, 15 pairs of mentors/ mentees embarked on a journey of increased self-awareness and learning from one another within a trusting and supportive mentoring partnership. In June 2014, another round of the programme will be launched with supervisory/professional personnel as mentors, to ensure wider participation.
Methanex has defined leadership competencies for all levels, from Individual Contributor to Executive. The Mentorship Programme goes beyond this by providing an opportunity for employees to test their preference for a leadership role and allow young leaders to emerge by choice.
Beyond Boundaries
Our commitment to strengthen employee skills through training and development opportunities extend to overseas assignments at other Methanex sites around the world. In our eight years of operation, 43 employees have had the benefit of assignments in Canada, Chile, Egypt, New Zealand and USA.
Being part of a global company, our employees participate on global teams
where opportunities for benchmarking against best practices help our local operation, even as we share what works well at the Trinidad site. This cross-fertilization of ideas is beneficial for personal and professional growth, and advancing the site’s Reliability and Responsible Care goals.

The Methanex Experience: Developing Talent Early
The company is investing in local talent through its training programmes which allow tertiary-level students to receive on-the-job training. The Methanex experience is an incubator for personal and professional growth and development, and begins as early as the award of student bursaries in disciplines relevant to its business, in particular, Engineering. From bursaries to vacation internships and then trainee programmes, young people are exposed to the world of work and have an opportunity to learn but also to demonstrate their capability.

The training through rotations in several areas of the business, the mandatory involvement in communitygiving, and the strong focus on volunteerism all help shape a young person’s business skills, values and personal development. Not only is the Methanex experience creating a pool from which future employees can be drawn, the company is helping to make young people more marketable to a wider Trinidad and Tobago. At the same time, employees who supervise trainees are honing coaching skills and refreshing their perspectives.
Each year Methanex Trinidad challenges its graduates-in-training, as well as vacation interns to conduct a Social Responsibility project. They must carry out a community needs analysis, identify a project, raise the funds (which the company matches), manage and implement the project and present a report to a team comprising their supervisors and the site’s management. All of this is done by a newly-formed team that is challenged to quickly learn about project management, decision-making, finance management and accountability.
Beyond technical skills development
and inspiring volunteerism, Methanex Trinidad is hoping that the experience of young people in its training programmes will be shaped by values that will strengthen their foundation and encourage them to step up to the leadership challenge, even as they are motivated to help others.
Transferring Skills through Volunteerism
A non-traditional and very powerful principle in strengthening competencies and skills is volunteerism. While there is no financial reward, the short and long-term benefits are numerous. These include practising professional skills beyond the substantive job description, thereby increasing skillset
and marketability, interpersonal skills, personal development and a sense of satisfaction.
Methanex Trinidad has established excellent opportunities for volunteerism both within the company and in the wider community. An example is how its Project Management Professionals (PMPs) are transferring PM skills to school principals and teachers who are responsible for managing school improvement projects that were awarded under the company’s community Eco-Heroes initiative.
The employee-led Social Responsibility Committee is another example. This committee allocates donation funds in accordance with the company’s Social Responsibility policy. Their task appears simple but
the responsibility in ensuring prudent allocation of funds through critically assessing a large number of requests, and doing so by majority vote, requires collaboration and accountability. At the same time, they are honing skills of interrogation, due diligence, risk assessment, cultural sensitivity and relationship management.
Through its Community Advisory Panel, Methanex is engaging fence line residents in understanding its business and encouraging them to stand out as leaders in their communities through Social Responsibility and other improvement projects that the company supports.
Mentoring Our Children
The award-winning ‘Mentoring Our Children’ initiative is another avenue for transferring skills and developing new ones. Conceptualised eight years
Developing Young People

ago by an employee, it is driven by employees and is totally voluntary. Initially, the outreach was mainly focused on academic support, but was expanded to embrace a more holistic frame of development (psycho-social, cultural, cocurricular) for children 12 - 15 years.
Mentors comprise employees, employees’ spouses and even former employees who are vested in it. The multi-disciplined mentors range from professionals to leadership team members who volunteer personal time on week-ends to provide academic coaching and mentoring.
One way to view the growth and success of a project is how well it can be adapted for use outside the company and in various locations. Part of the vision for the ‘Mentoring Our Children’ Programme is to develop a sound, proven and tested model that could be adopted by any community, anywhere in the country.
One hundred and thirty-two (132) participants have benefited from Methanex Trinidad’s development programmes over the past 8 years: 29 Graduates-in-Training, 73 Vacation Interns, and 30 Operator and Technician Trainees. GITs, Operator and Technician Trainees generally spend about 2 years onsite while Vacation Interns have a shorter 3-month stay before returning to university, for their final year.

At Angostura we have established, implemented and will maintain procedures to identify environmental aspects of the company’s activities, products and services. This will take into account planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services in order to determine those which have or can have significant impact on the environment. The elements related to these significant impacts are considered in setting the company’s environmental objectives and targets.
Angostura’s Triple Bottom Line
Since 1875 Angostura Ltd. and its predecessor companies have been an intrinsic element of the community of Laventille which sits on the outskirts of the capital city of Port of Spain. The presence of one of the Caribbean’s leading rum producers with a superb collection of rum brands and a reputation as the world’s market leader for the iconic Angostura aromatic bitters has been a source of jobs and corporate support for a community sustained by rich cultural traditions and its proximity to the business centre.
Trinidad and Tobago has been the core rum market for Angostura and many of its brands have been in existence for generations. Angostura’s international rums have won gold medals at many international competitions in the past decade and named ‘the world’s most awarded rum range’ by the Rum Masters. Business then, has been generally good for Angostura and for the community from which many of the company’s workers have come over some 190 years.
Without a doubt, Angostura can attribute the sustainability of its legacy and growth as a company to its careful management of profits, people and the planet. This triple bottom line framework provides a lens through which one may evaluate the performance of
what is one of Trinidad’s oldest going and internationally successful business concerns. When Robert Wong was elevated from the ranks of the Company where he had been for more than 20 years, and given the opportunity to chart his own course for the globallyrecognised rum producing company, he was quick to point out: “A good leader is as strong as the relationship he has with his workers.”

People and Environment
Angostura prides itself on providing competitive remuneration and benefits for its 350 workers many of whom come from the fence line community. The last time that workers ‘downed tools’ it was to go over to the main building to witness the interfaith service and official cutting of the ribbon that marked the opening of the new bitters bottling facility at the House of Angostura on January 29th, 2014. On hand to do the honours was Gordon Siegert, great, great grandson of
Angostura founder, Johann G.B. Siegert. The opening was a proud moment for the Maintenance Team trusted by the management to undertake the project. It felt that it had the expertise and experience to construct and install the plant itself and was able to save money for the company by not bringing in an outside consultant. This project was done in a reasonable time frame, within budget and, most importantly for Angostura, was accident free.
As a manufacturing concern Angostura has moved to articulate an environmental position that takes into account its being situated in an industrial estate in close proximity to a residential community. A Health, Safety and Environment policy declares: “At Angostura we have established, implemented and will maintain procedures to identify environmental aspects of the company’s activities, products and services. This will take into account planned or new developments,
What’s good for the Community is good for business
or new or modified activities, products and services in order to determine those which have or can have significant impact on the environment. The elements related to these significant impacts are considered in setting the company’s environmental objectives and targets”. These objectives include water and energy conservation, solid waste management that includes the recycling through reuse and sale, and a health and safety outlook that has a focus on effective emergency response training.
Back to School
Over the years Angostura Limited has shown its commitment to giving back to the communities of Laventille and the adjoining Morvant in which it operates. This is achieved through a variety of activities and outreach programmes geared towards enhancing the quality of life for its residents and in particular its youth. The focus of these programmes has been to empower young persons by helping to provide the tools necessary to approach the challenges of life. Despite its closeness to the city centre, these communities have been challenged by underemployment and crime.

Working with the Chinapoo Police Youth Group and its’ Back to School Program, Angostura provides financial aid to less privileged children to purchase books and stationery for their return to school. In 2013 Angostura conducted workshops in several primary schools to create greater awareness of the consequences of abusing alcohol. In the secondary schools the emphasis was on helping students, parents and teachers to learn more about responsibility through love and education.
Education and the Green Initiative
A partnership with the Trinidad Theatre Workshop and their Theatre in Education outreach program seeks to ignite an interest in reading by bringing to life books that are on the CSEC syllabus. The programme impacts all secondary schools in the country who participate.

As part of the commemoration of World Environment Day, secondary school students participated in a poster
competition, where they were challenged to create a poster depicting their dream eco-friendly home. First prize went to the Russell Latapy Secondary School, who also submitted a model of their ‘dream home’.
Through the Company’s ‘Green Initiative’, support is given to primary schools in the area to help form 4H clubs where there are none currently, and to assist with the creation of crop and ornamental gardens on the compound. This particular programme is aligned to the new agricultural component of the S.E.A. exam. Hundreds of primary school students visit Angostura and its Barcant Butterfly collection each year. These field trips help to increase their awareness of and appreciation for butterflies in general
and the local population in particular.
Angostura’s annual children’s camp celebrated its 10th year of existence with activities that included a field trip to the NIHERST science centre and a workshop conducted by Crime Stoppers – a local NGO that promotes the management and decrease in crime through citizen intervention.
Steelband Festival
Steelband is to Laventille what Angostura is to the world: a unique ingredient that embodies the spirit of Trinidad and Tobago and which brings people together in celebration of their most memorable moments. The Laventille Street Parade and Steelband Festival is a much anticipated event on the August
calendar and is heavily supported by the Company in front of whose gates the parade passes each year. Support for the steelband extends to other communities as financial assistance was given to over 30 unsponsored steel bands participating in the Carnival competitions. To help record the history of this unique aspect of the country’s cultural tradition, Angostura sponsored a documentary on the steelband and another on the legendary musical pioneer and Laventille born, Bertie Marshall.
Volunteerism is also an important aspect of the company’s overall corporate social responsibility programming. Some of the initiatives which employees took part in this year included the Angostura Barcant Mentoring Program which comprises visits to primary schools attached to the Growing Leaders’ Foundation.

They have also participated in the annual ICC Ocean Clean-Up campaign which seeks to obtain data on ocean and waterway health. The company also caters to the needs of senior citizens in the area at Christmas time, providing hampers full of essentials. They also hold a Christmas party for children in the vicinity and distribute toys, some of which are donated by staff members. Events such as these are hosted at the Laventille Community Complex, a venue that the Company initially built for the community and helps to maintain throughout the year.

In 2013, employees of the Company’s production department also came together to hold a BBQ and walk-a-thon event which raised funds to set up the Angostura Emergency Fund. This fund would seek to assist any member of staff during a time of dire need.
Tobago Heritage
The island of Tobago has not been ignored. Angostura also engages with the wider community to support various causes and initiatives in Trinidad as well as Tobago. A long-time supporter of the Tobago Heritage Festival, the Company is involved in activities in both the communities of Buccoo and Plymouth during the celebrations. Healing with Horses is an annual vacation camp for differently-abled children in Tobago which the Company is proud to support. Financial assistance is also given to the annual Tobago Word Festival and sponsorship of two individuals to the annual two-week symposium on alcohol and addiction studies held in Tobago and hosted by CARIAD.
Audited statements for the year 2013 revealed that Angostura has posted a profit of some TTD76.6m over the previous year’s performance and this must be pleasing to shareholders as a turnaround initiated in 2009 continues to have effect. Chairman Gerald Yetming, giving an overview of the performance of the company in a March 19, 2014 Chairman’s Report says, “This signifies the strength of our brands in an increasingly competitive environment.” But success at Angostura is measured in other ways as well and that has been in its use of natural resources, its management of the environment, the care of its employees and in the levels of social support of its home community where what’s good for the community is also good for business.

blink | bmobile is proud to be the leading corporate citizen in the telecommunications sector and to stand shoulder to shoulder with other likeminded citizens from all walks of life who give of their time, talent and resources to shape the future together. The company shares a special connection with the people of Trinidad and Tobago and takes its role as a corporate citizen very seriously - that is, not just to give financing to good causes, but to focus its capacity, capabilities and time to make sure that its community activities make a real difference in the lives of citizens.
Via the blink | bmobile Foundation the company aims to contribute to the positive development of the nation’s youth. Whether it is in business, sports, education, health or culture, the company focuses on adding value, sharing its skills and supporting those things that are improtant in our communities.
National Development through Youth Empowerment blink| bmobile deepens its commitment to the next generation
The company’s emphasis on being environmentally responsible is also evident in its Green PC programme where refurbished PCs are presented to NGOs and CBOs helping the nation’s children progress. For 2014 groups like Autism Support Services, Mango Rose Home Work Centre, the Islamic Home for Children and various primary schools were supplied with computers.
The dedication the blink | bmobile Foundation displays on initiatives like these which give young people an opportunity to advance under the pillars of the Foundation; education, sport, culture and health leave little doubt that blink | bmobile is committed to contributing to the development of the nation’s youth.
with technology in the form of Kindles, Ipads and other devices so that students have more direct access to the school curriculum.
Acting CEO, George Hill says, “Learning is not only about books anymore. The future is interactive. Our children must be engaged through various media. Learning must be more interactive so that they can achieve their fullest potential.”

Telecommunications giant, blink | bmobile, embarked on a nation-wide effort to collect and recycle old telephone books through its Directory Recycling Program 2014. This programme, encourages a national effort among the youth towards recycling.
“Every year, our company produces over 500,000 directories and we have tried to do so in an environmentally friendly manner by utilizing biodegradable ink. This recycling programme will help in educating young people about the importance of recycling and engaging in environmentally responsible behaviour,” explained Graeme Suite, Acting Head of Public Relations and External Affairs.
As an incentive, schools received one dollar for every directory collected and the books will be sent on to a recycling company based in the United Kingdom
Committed to Education
The blink | bmobile Foundation, supports several education-based initiatives as part of this overall commitment. “Tomorrow Starts Today” provides primary schools

blink | bmobile’s Book Buddies Programme, is another education initiative which blink | bmobile champions, and one in which employees play an active role. Staff members partner with children’s homes across the country prior to the start of the school year to fill the children’s booklist. Natasha Davis, Executive Vice President, Marketing states, “We’re proud of the programme because it demonstrates the commitment of our employees who enthusiastically volunteer to help enable these children.”
The “future is interactive.” George Hill, CEO Ag. blink | bmobile experiences the blink | bmobile sponsored ebooks with students of Couva Anglican Primary School.
blink | bmobile teams up with education institutions and NGO groups working with differently abled children across the nation through mentorship and life skills training programmes. Partners include the Down Syndrome Family Network and the We Care Deaf Support Network who promote tolerance and inclusion for persons with disabilities in Trinidad and Tobago.
blink | bmobile also supports, SASH Consulting as they produce and distribute the Character Education and Citizenry Development Student Workbook for students in Standards Three and Four. This workbook, is critical for students as they prepare for the national Secondary Entrance Assessment, and aims to provide a holistic approach to character development as it supports the development of confident, well-rounded citizens.
Deepening Cultural Connections
The blink | bmobile Foundation wants to ensure that local youth are able to experience the rich cultural history of the nation. To achieve this, the Foundation partners with the Indian Caribbean Museum enabling them to share the story of some of our ancestors. The Foundation also recognises the importance of supporting initiatives like Emancipation Village and Divali Nagar as they help individuals to understand the wealth of our past.
The Foundation supports and champions a series of programmes in the Arts such as the blink | bmobile Art Mentorship competition and programme.
The competition challenged budding artists between the ages of 16-21, to use art to interpret the theme “Imagine Trinidad and Tobago.” The best pieces were displayed on the blink | bmobile Facebook page and throughout the 2014 telephone directory. The top twelve artists won a place in a Mentorship programme with renowned artist, Leroy Clarke.
Promoting Sport, Health and Wellness blink | bmobile understands the critical role health and sport plays in youth development and therefore participates in key programmes across the Primary and Secondary level. At the Primary level, the company supports the schools along the north coast of Trinidad and in some rural communities in the National Primary Schools’ Track and Field programme.
“In their preparation to participate in the national event, the north coast schools host the North Coast Games. We’ve been a part of this for over 15 years and it builds tremendous community spirit,” said Davis. The Foundation also provides similar support to the Victoria Education School District Games.
At the Secondary level, blink | bmobile is in its 11th year of promoting healthy lifestyles by supporting the Secondary School Aerobic Burnout hosted by Eastern Regional Heath Authority. It is aimed at encouraging youngsters to maintaining healthy weight and make regular physical activities a way of life.

The Foundation gets involved in initiatives driven by our local athletes
giving back to the nation such as with the Nijsane Cycle Festival. “We believe athletes like Nijsane work very hard promoting our country and they also play a part in nurturing and developing young upcoming athletes and it is our responsibility to help them achieve this.
Through the Nijsane Cycle Festival for example we work with the cyclist to encourage young people who are aspiring cyclists,” said Suite.
blink | bmobile also hosts Children’s Homes at the festival and in an effort to promote healthy sports at the homes, recreational bikes are given to each home. This year, the St. Mary’s Children Home, Couva Childrens’ Home and Nursery and Ferndean Children’s Place participated in the festival.
Another long-term commitment of the Foundation is the National Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championship hosted by Tidal Wave Aquatics of Trinidad and Tobago and in 2014 the Foundation provided financial grants to the top swimmers of the competition to aid in their development.
The strength of the brand is also present in the commitment of its employees to CSR programmes. Employee volunteerism is a critical element of the corporate responsibility as blink | bmobile staffers are always eager to participate in the programmes upon which the company embarks. Whether it is refurbishing computers or wrapping Christmas presents as part of an annual Angels of Smiles programme, employees give of themselves - their time and their skills every day.
Through the work and efforts of the Foundation, blink | bmobile, has created strong linkages with communities and distinguishes itself as a leader in corporate responsibility as it seeks to make a lasting impact on what is arguably the country’s most precious resource – youth.
that they can achieve their fullest potential.”
“Learning is not only about books anymore…Our children must be engaged through various media. Learning must be more interactive so
NGC has introduced an innovative Community Economic Development programme which seeks to utlize the physical, human, social and cultural assets of the community to promote economic growth and self-reliance. This is a distinctive feature of NGC’s approach to CSI and community engagement.
Police Youth Club Eventsdevelopmental programmes
• Chess
• Carnival Camp – history and mas making camp
• Self-esteem camp in Beetham
Capacity Building – Module Content
• Introduction of appropriate systems of management and administration.
• Use of modern communication methods that will facilitate internal and external communication and allow members to communicate effectively with each other as well as other key stakeholders. This will include the use of the internet and social media.
• Conduct of basic skills training that will enhance overall performance especially in terms of marketing and financial management.
• Enhancement of inter-personal skills and promote positive interaction among members.
• Encouragement of members to think strategically and develop realistic strategic plans.
Transforming Lives, Impacting Communities
NGC collaborates to build safe environments
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) is helping to transform the lives of children, ages 7 to 15 years, in targeted areas of the country through its sponsorship of five Police Youth Clubs.

Safe Environments
Through NGC’s association with the Police Youth Clubs located in Beetham Gardens, La Brea, Couva, Laventille Road and Penal, the state-owned company is investing in the youth of the nation who are critical to a developing country such as Trinidad and Tobago. The club’s supportive, caring and safe environments and activities seek to develop self-worth, esteem and character in children at risk in the challenged areas of the country.
Indeed, the Police Youth Clubs, which previously faced challenges of funding
and expertise to undertake meaningful and structured social interventions, are being rejuvenated by the corporate support extended by NGC, via its CSI programme of Youth Development.
The sponsorship of the Beetham Gardens, La Brea, Couva and Laventille Road Police Youth Clubs was initially for a one-year period in 2013, but was extended to 2016. Sponsorship was provided to the Penal Police Youth Club, beginning in 2014, the number of police youth clubs associated with NGC from four to five.
This involvement follows many of NGC’s community projects, which over the years, have provided meaningful outlets for young people to be given the opportunity to develop their talents, build their self-confidence and enhance interaction with others.
Enforcing Discipline
Fofi George, NGC’s Community Relations Officer II says, “the Police Youth Clubs have the potential to facilitate the development of young people because of their long existence, structure and police presence which enforces discipline. The Clubs also provide the opportunity for novel experiences. These experiences have included the opera and chessplaying. In particular, the role of the police has been extremely important since the Clubs provide a soft entry point for the police into the community (and) this serves to counteract the negative images of the police as well as foster solidarity between the police and the community”.
Mr. George added, “Included in the Club’s developmental programmes are etiquette, ballroom dancing, selfesteem camps, parenting workshops, music literacy, remedial education and homework support. Social activities have also facilitated field trips, participation in sporting tournaments and music recitals”.

Age-appropriate Development
So how is the association governed? NGC’s relationship with the Clubs is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and NGC outlining the allocation of funding and criteria for the disbursement of funds, with the reporting and monitoring systems defined. A formula for the disbursement
of funds which prioritizes developmental activities in the MOU prescribes that 65 per cent of the allocation will be assigned for age-appropriate developmental activities to facilitate the learning of social and emotional skills; 25 per cent for social activities and 10 per cent for capacity-building.
Jasmine Vesprey-David, La Brea Police Youth Club Leader listed some of the major benefits of having an active Youth Club in the southern village.
She said, “It gives the youth a sense of belonging. People love to be a part of an organization that is productive and moving forward. It gives them the opportunity to express themselves
The club’s supportive, caring and safe environments and activities seek to develop selfworth, esteem and character in children at risk in the challenged areas of the country.
through various sporting and cultural activities, and, also, to perform to the best of their ability”.
She added, “The community feels a sense of pride to see their young ones participating in training of various disciplines e.g. football, athletics, dancing, drumming just to name a few. It is also beneficial to know that the community is alive and parents feel proud seeing their young ones involved in something positive.”
Ms. Vesprey-Davidalso also said, “the police youth club has also empowered young people through training to become ‘young leaders’ and to assemble weekly under police supervision”.
Another worthy component of NGC’s involvement has been its provision of organisational capacity-building training, which seeks to improve the clubs’ internal development and activities to ensure their future sustainability.
The long term commitment by NGC assists the clubs’ management to grow their competencies. The training tackles their problems and considers the needs of the clubs, as well as the effective operation and potential that are inherent in police youth clubs.
In this regard, for the last year, the management teams were exposed to
training modules that allowed them to develop and administer programmes and provide for accountability and transparency while transforming the clubs into modern organizations that were attractive to the communities in which they were located.
Moreover, since the family unit is integral to the development of young persons, the Police Youth Clubs also included a parent body for programme execution. A Chaperone Committee serves to facilitate the inclusion of parents and civil society at various levels in the organization. There is therefore continuity in the composition of the
committee which ensures that there is “buy in” amongst the major stakeholders i.e. the parents, civil society, the police service and corporate entities.
With exposure to anger management training, conflict resolution, counselling and communication skills, the clubs seek to ensure the building of strategic positive partnerships with the police, community residents, the corporate world and parents that assist in the reduction of crime, violence and community decay. It is therefore easy to see why the scope of the intervention and nature of NGC’s support make the Police Youth Clubs a unique project.

Sustainability refers to our intention to create long-term value for our company and shareholders, as well as for employees, communities and the wider nation. At the practical level, sustainability actions are developed to build capability within the company as well as among stakeholders, and they include our social investment programmes, environmental initiatives. our ethical conduct and good governance.
Safety is Systemic at Atlantic Engaging suppliers to promote a culture of safety

Leadership and HSE Culture
Over 24 million man hours without a Lost Time Incident. Put another way, it’s been over six (6) and a half years since any worker has lost time away from work due to injury. And the best way to look at it is that for all that time, the men and women of Atlantic, direct employees and service providers have returned safely to their families each day. This is no mean feat for a company that employs 714 employees and engages between 450500 service providers on a normal day. In fact it is a ‘best in world’ achievement in the LNG industry as evidenced by the outcome of a global industry performance survey where key aspects of Atlantic’s operations are evaluated against other LNG producers around the world. GE supports the majority of LNG facilities across the globe but they hold the Trinidad facility as a benchmark. International visitors from Canada, Australia and Peru visit frequently to learn from Atlantic.
A major point of definition of Atlantic as a world class performer in the LNG industry has been its safety record. One of the ways in which the Company aims to deliver on its stated sustainability commitment and ambition to be leaders within its sphere of influence, is by strengthening its suppliers by setting high social, environmental and quality standards along the supply chain and developing their capacities.

Atlantic’s Leadership has always believed that the key to risk mitigation in an energy company is an active HSSE culture. Over time, this emphasis has evolved into a focus on personal safety of employees and service providers, employee health and wellness and sound environmental practice, as well as on Process Safety and maintaining Asset Integrity.
Nigel Darlow, Atlantic CEO sees supplier development and the creation of opportunities which will not only benefit Atlantic’s business, but also create longterm competitive advantage for local businesses, as another important focus. He said: “When Atlantic became STOWcertified back in 2010, it became the first and only non-contractor company to do so. We then set ourselves the goal of ensuring that our service providers were also STOW-certified – a move that would ensure consistency in HSSE requirements throughout our operations.”
STOW-TT or Safe TO Work in Trinidad
and Tobago is a certification programme for contractors’ HSSE management systems initiated by the Energy Chamber in 2004. This was developed in response to complaints from its members who were challenged to meet the range of health, safety and environmental (HSSE) requirements of the major oil and gas operating companies. In 2006, the Energy Chamber received grant funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) to implement the project: ‘Improving Health, Safety and Environmental Standards in the Energy Sector. ’
Standardized Contractor Prequalification
Four components of the programme speak firstly to the identification of minimum HSSE requirements and secondly to the training and authorisation of HSSE professionals to work as Independent Assessors of the level of conformance of a contractor’s HSSE management systems to the STOW
HSSE Minimum Requirements. The third and fourth components relate to the promotion of the project to the industry and a uniform methodology for the identification and prequalification of contractors across the industry. By the end of 2012 90% of Atlantic’s contractors were STOW certified and from January of 2014, certification became mandatory. In addition to STOW, Point Lisas Energy Association (PLEA) Certification was introduced in June of 2013. The PLEA Contractor Passport System serves as the minimum assurance that only suitably trained individuals are allowed to work on all PLEA member company facilities. All service provider personnel must be PLEA certified to work on Atlantic’s sites.
Engaging suppliers and contractors in a culture of safety at Atlantic makes good business sense. Safety is a core Atlantic value and at times as much as 70% of work carried out at the 4-train LNG facility is done by contractors. STOW certification is evidence that the contractors’ operations are in alignment with industry best practices and this gives assurance that the inherent risk faced by the energy industry will be managed effectively. Improved HSSE management systems fostered by STOW, results in a reduction in lost time incidents, accidents, down time and so enhance

are investing in developing the capabilities
local contractors, suppliers and vendors to help them meet global industry standards, which will assist them in qualifying not just for Atlantic contracts, but which will make them competitive across the global supply chain.” (Nigel
efficiency in business operations. It is a win/win situation.
According to CEO Darlow, “We have now implemented the STOW certification as part of our pre-qualification process to encourage a greater focus on safety processes and positive safety behaviours. Additionally through initiatives such as our Contractor Management Programme which aims to provide assurance around contractor performance as well as our bi-monthly Supplier Forums, we are investing in developing the capabilities of local contractors, suppliers and vendors to help them meet global industry standards, which will assist them in qualifying not just for Atlantic contracts, but which will make them competitive across the global supply chain. By actively engaging our employees and suppliers and building capacity in critical areas, we continue to contribute to the maximisation of in-country expenditure and economic activity, which promotes economic sustainability, growth of the
sector and increased competitiveness of local talent and businesses in the global energy market.“
Supplier Relationship Management Atlantic believes that the support of its service providers is critical to operational success and therefore Supplier Relationship Management is a key strategy. Service provider meetings are conducted quarterly to facilitate the exchange of best practices in HSSE as well as Finance and Procurement procedures and practices. The meetings also focus on the STOW programme, process safety and planning for routine maintenance events. When Atlantic ventured on its largest and most challenging maintenance turnaround of Train 3 in September of 2013, CEO Darlow met with the CEOs of the service provider companies, specifically those who are involved in high-risk activities on the Facility, for their support in ensuring safe and responsible operations.
Darlow)Service provider personnel on-site
One strategic intervention was the creation of a ‘Safety Village’ where prior to taking up jobs, workers received customised training in critical areas such as fatigue management, hazard identification, emergency response, and waste and spill management. Fatigue management which aims to reduce risk arising from fatigue in a shutdown work environment is now mandatory for all service providers. Since July 1, 2013, all companies wishing to do business with Atlantic must comply with Atlantic’s Consecutive Working Period Policy. In addition, Atlantic partnered with its contractors to undertake ‘walk downs’ during the turnaround. Exemplary contractor commitment to support of Atlantic’s culture of safety is recognised through an annual Service Provider Awards and Recognition Programme.
Priority, People and Pace Atlantic describes its HSSE practices in three ways:
• Priority - because HSSE is a core corporate value and one of the key strategic pillars for Atlantic
• People-centric – because of the Company’s focus on engaging employees and service providers in embracing the corporate value of HSSE and,
• Pacesetting – because Atlantic’s focus is on ever-improving performance and being among the leaders of our industry.
Atlantic’s success in its overall HSSE practice can be attributed to five factors that the company has identified:
1. Engaging employees and service providers, increasing their buy-in to the importance of the value of HSSE and empowering them to make the responsible choices necessary to ensure good HSSE practice
2. Adopting of HSSE best practice through policies that are aligned to international industry standards but which are also strictly and fairly enforced
3. Rigorous audits of performance in HSSE and Asset Integrity Management to ensure compliance and build improvements. An annual
cycle of audits is conducted internally by an Internal Audit team, and also by auditors from Shareholder companies

4. Demonstrating Safety Leadership – Atlantic’s entire Leadership Team demonstrates strong commitment to HSSE, through walk-downs and
5. Benchmarking against peers in the global industry. In the strategic pursuit of pacesetting performance, Atlantic compares its performance in key areas of business against peers in the LNG industry and works towards closing gaps.
Atlantic has built an organizational culture where HSSE is a highly-regarded corporate value and where HSSE awareness is embraced by employees and service providers alike as the normal way of doing business. This culture is underpinned by internal processes, industry led HSSE assurance programmes and submission to international benchmarking. This strategy has at its heart the safety and well-being of people, the development of the capability of suppliers and the building of strong partnerships to achieve common objectives for a better future. It has been the key to Atlantic’s solid reputation in the global LNG industry where Atlantic and Trinidad and Tobago are regarded as leaders.

RBC demonstrates a leading corporate citizenship strategy that is based on our vision for building stronger communities. This approach is known as the RBC Community Blueprint, which allows us to support a wide range of community initiatives through donations, sponsorships and employee volunteer activities. Within our Caribbean business, RBC’s corporate citizenship initiatives are directed at strengthening our operational integrity, creating rewarding workplaces, building vibrant communities and contributing to a thriving marketplace and a prosperous economy. Our investments across the region through charitable donations and sponsorship programmes reinforce our presence and commitment to being an active corporate citizen and are focused in the following areas:
• Education and youth development
• Health and wellness
• Social services
• Amateur sport and renewal of playing spaces
• Arts and culture with a focus on emerging artists
• Environment and climate change with a focus on water
• Diversity and inclusion
As a secondary school student, just like thousands of teens before her, she happily became an ambassador for her school and joined a noble fraternity of leaders – a distinctive cadre of enlightened youth who are responsible, knowledgeable, and innovative.
Today, Gilline Mc Dowell has transitioned from student to teacher, but she remains committed to the RBC Young Leaders Programme she enrolled in almost two decades ago, functioning as a recruiter and mentor to the annual inductees of the programme at the Success Laventille Secondary School.
Making a Sound Investment
RBC developing young leaders in Trinidad and Tobago for more than three decades

RBC Young Leaders is a leadership development initiative with a long history of helping teens exercise teamwork, communication, creativity and problem solving in the pursuit of common goals, foster care for their community and the environment and engage in activities that strengthen the social, moral and economic well-being of their country.
What began in 1981 as a youth savings project in Trinidad and Tobago has now evolved into the bank’s flagship regional educational programme expanded to include Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent.
Caribbean Commitment
The programme is evidence of the bank’s continued commitment to the Caribbean community and an avenue to empower young minds to contribute to the development of their country and the region.
For Mc Dowell the programme has been just that, an opportunity for selfdevelopment and now a chance to help develop the lives of the next generation of leaders of Trinidad and Tobago.
There are two components to the Young Leaders programme, a community development project and The Great Debate.
As a student of Naparima Girls’ High School, her teacher encouraged her to enroll in the programme. After her first year she was hooked. In the end she would represent her school a total of five times as an RBC Young Leader.
She said it is not just the magnitude of the projects but the relevance of the issues it addresses.
“It always seeks to capture the imagination and passion of young people who are anxious for change and a better society. The challenge of global warming,
waste management and growing obesity figures are just some of the issues that are addressed by students who take on this challenge,” she said. “Young Leaders provides an amazing chance for students to become well-rounded citizens.”
Global Recognition
For its contribution to the holistic development of young people throughout the Caribbean, the RBC Young Leaders Programme has received several awards including its election to the United Nations Environment Programme Global 500 Roll of Honour, the Trinidad and Tobago Humming Bird Medal of Merit National Award and The Grenada Tourism Award for research and architectural heritage.
At Success Laventille Secondary School, Mc Dowell has no problem recruiting youngsters. She says the selection process has become competitive as students appreciate a chance to develop the real life skills that are critical in their transition to the world of work or higher education.
Mc Dowell provides an example for the Review.
One year the school submitted a Waste Water Management project in
response to the theme Water: Beyond the Surface; Sustaining Life, Securing our Future.
Students had to conduct independent research, interviews with businesses and households which led to the decision to introduce a special flotation device to reduce the amount of water being emitted from one of the biggest sources of water waste - the toilet tank. Before the idea could become material, the team had to come up with a suitable design that was durable, cost-efficient and simple to install.
As part of the design process, they consulted with engineers and initiated a number of tests on their own to ensure that the product delivered on expectations. In all Mc Dowell says, the process forced students to develop skills that they would not normally have the chance to develop on their own.
Transforming Lives

Since enrolling in Young Leaders in 2009, the students of Success Laventille have taken the coveted first prize on two occasions and placed third once. They’ve placed in the top ten on every occasion.
While winning is very rewarding, Mc Dowell believes the most rewarding
aspect of the programme is seeing the positive transformation of students at her school.
Mc Dowell describes the journey of one young woman during her work with the team on the Anti-Bullying Campaign in 2013 for the theme ‘Be the Change.’
The young woman was described as a very angry and violent person. She tormented smaller and weaker girls on a daily basis. When confronted about her behavior, following a series of complaints from the parents of her victims, a different profile emerged.
It was discovered that some of her behavior stemmed from the fact that she had been a victim of bullying all through her primary school years. Her suppressed pain and anxiety distorted the way she saw herself and others around her. On entering secondary school she vowed to change her circumstances by becoming the aggressor to avoid having to endure the same fate for another five years of her life.
The school’s Anti-Bullying Campaign sought to provide an outlet for this young woman through the sport of boxing. Mc Dowell credits the folks at King’s Boxing Gym and the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs, for stepping up to the plate when
asked to support alternatives to bullying by using sport as an outlet.

Mc Dowell is proud of the strides her school has made through the RBC Young Leaders Anti-Bullying Campaign to combat schoolyard bullying.
She pays special tribute to poster girl Tricia Castillo who was bullied but chose not to become one. Instead, she confronted hostility with kindness, care and a persistent dignified response to her aggressors.
Camaraderie and discipline
Mc Dowell spends time reflecting on this particular project because of its relevance and the profound impact it has had on young lives. But she is also keen to celebrate the winning ‘Healthy Eating Campaign’ which took students back to basics by reintroducing traditional foods such as ground provisions and fresh fruit and which has had some lasting effects in dietary choices made by teens in her school. The RBC Young Leaders theme that year was ‘Holistic Wellness: The Journey towards a fulfilling life.’
The healthy eating campaign also provided some unanticipated but happy results. Students connected with teachers and built bonds that allowed for
healthy exchanges and a better learning environment. While exercise was the primary objective, the camaraderie was a welcome bonus, so too was the marked reduction in disciplinary problems.
Mc Dowell believes that even the organisers of the RBC Young Leaders programme may not yet fully understand the magnitude of what it delivers. There are obvious skills being acquired as she explains, but there is also psychological and mental transformation that comes with bringing a project to fruition and making a change in the society.
She confirms, as we anticipated, that many of the Young Leaders graduates go on to take up leadership roles in the school and within their communities. The current Head Girl she says is a graduate.
McDowell says, “I have benefitted so much that I feel I must continue to bring others in. I’m motivated to have them share my experience, to keep the light burning.”
Creating Opportunities
Darryl White, Managing Director, RBC Trinidad and Tobago believes Mc Dowell’s participation in the RBC Young Leaders Programme, both as a student and teacher, underscores the importance of creating opportunities for young people.
“We know that many Young Leaders have as adults, made positive contributions to the development of Trinidad and Tobago. Whenever you have the chance to influence young people positively you are making a huge investment in the leaders of tomorrow and the future of this country.

We are very proud of the impact that our Young Leaders programme has had on the nation and the region. This initiative highlights our ongoing commitment to youth empowerment through education and our dedication to the communities in which we operate.”

”There are obvious skills being acquired…but there is also psychological and mental transformation that comes with bringing a project to fruition and making a change in the society.”Trillium International School get involved in community activities as part of their project. The debating team of Presentation College, Chaguanas hoists the Young Leaders Great Debate Champion’s Cup after being declared the winners of the 2013 Great Debate. 2013-2014 programme logo and theme

As part of Nestlé’s long term corporate strategy for success, the Company is committed to creating value for its employees, customers, shareholders, consumers and communities in which they live and operate. For Nestlé, Creating Shared Value means proactively identifying opportunities to link its core business activities to action on related social issues.
For Nestlé there is no higher priority than enhancing the quality of life of our consumers by providing tastier and healthier food and beverage choices.
Nestlé Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NTTL) is governed by the same principles of Creating Shared Value as set out by its global operations. Over the past 52 years the Nestlé Valsayn Factory has continued to ensure the highest quality and taste of its locally manufactured products and through its on-going initiatives and programmes, supports the objectives of the Ministry of Health to ensure the long-term health and wellbeing of consumers in Trinidad and Tobago.
“Drink your milk!” How many times did we hear that while growing up? Nestlé Trinidad and Tobago Limited today still encourages the nation to drink milk and it is doing so through its SVELTY brand.
The SVELTY range of milks targets the specific needs of different types of consumers, ensuring that at any life stage, consumers can choose milk that meets their nutritional requirements. And, like many of the other Nestlé product lines, the SVELTY range of skimmed milks has been developed in line with the company’s commitment to Creating Shared Value in the society, simply by looking after the nation’s health.
“We focus not only on taste but more importantly on the nutritional value of our products,” said Denise d’Abadie, Manager of Consumer Relations and Public Affairs. “It is critical not only
Nestlé takes on the Nation’s Health
Doing good for the community, one glass at a time
because of our company’s long-standing vision and purpose but given the health realities of our society today we almost cannot do otherwise.”
Mrs. d’Abadie spoke about the health concerns facing Trinidad and Tobago in particular non-communicable lifestyle diseases such as Obesity, Diabetes and Heart Disease.
Lifestyle Diseases and Nutrition
Nestlé’s operations are underpinned by the philosophy of Creating Shared Value. Creating Shared Value at Nestlé means that for their business to prosper in the long term they must create value for employees, customers, stakeholders, consumers and the communities where Nestlé operates. This is a fundamental part of the way of doing business and it focuses on specific areas of core business activities such as water, nutrition, and rural development – where value can best be created both for society and shareholders.
By “Creating Shared Value” Nestlé seeks to provide products that promote the health and wellness of the society as this speaks directly to the company’s vision to be the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company globally.
“You must practice what you preach and demonstrate a responsibility to the society. Our consumers today are generally more aware and are faced with increased choices in where they spend their dollar. Our products must also speak to that.”
This is why 75 per cent of Nestlé’s products, including the SVELTY range of milks, are specifically designed to help in the fight against lifestyle diseases. “It is
also why, globally, Nestlé has taken the decision to reduce the sugar, salt and fat content in all of our products,” d’Abadie said, a commitment that Nestlé believes will realize tangible, long-term benefits for its brand and reputation and, more importantly, in improving the health and wellness of the consumer. It is about responding to consumer trends as well as recognizing that as a responsible food and nutrition company the health of the nation must be part of its raison d’être.
For instance, the SVELTY range comprises skimmed milks which support weight management, bone health and a healthy colon through its SVELTY Slim, Bone Health and Digest, while Nestlé Omega speaks to a healthy heart.
Listening to the consumer becomes key says Shaunelle Mieres-Aparicio, Nestlé Nutritionist, who spends much of her time with consumers, educating and instructing on the simple steps to leading a healthy lifestyle and quite naturally how Nestlé products fit into their healthy lifestyle. Yes it’s about what you eat but it is also important to understand how to build a healthy meal and in what quantities, so that we neither undernourish nor over-do.
Portion control, easier said than done, is critical and the Nestlé team sees this kind of information as part of its overall approach not just to promoting its products but also to helping consumers understand their role in their daily diet.
Informed Consumers
The company has also been very deliberate in its packaging and advertising, redesigning its food labels, placing more nutritional information on
the packaging with health tips and other general information. While this approach may not be unique to Nestlé, the design and content in its Nutritional Compass on all packaging is the company’s way of ensuring its consumers have the news and information that can help them make responsible choices for themselves and their families.
“More and more people are reading labels. They want to know what is in the products that they are buying and they are looking out for certain things –sugar and fat for example. Through our packaging we try to make that process a little easier for them.” The fact that consumers are beginning to take their health seriously is an encouraging sign.
In Trinidad and Tobago, childhood obesity is a growing concern. A recent study conducted by the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI) over the period 2009 – 2011 found that 23 per cent of primary school children were overweight/obese, 25 per cent of secondary school aged children were overweight/obese and 14 per cent were underweight.
with as many partners as possible to begin to instil a change.” With this in mind Nestlé has further boosted their nutrition education efforts with the introduction of their first Annual Health Fair and 5K run/walk in May 2013, an activity geared primarily towards offering consumers the opportunity to learn more about leading a healthy lifestyle for the entire family. The health fair coupled with a 5K Run/ Walk supports the fact that healthy living must include regular physical activity.
Other nutrition education efforts include their ongoing Healthy Kids programme which is targeted to children between the ages of 6-12 years old and focuses on instilling healthy lifestyle habits at a young age. This programme is a global initiative which is currently being run in 5 schools in Trinidad reaching over 1500 kids and their families.
In addition to this, the Nestlé Wellness Caravan which provides free BMI and Body Fat% testing as well as free

one-to-one nutritionist consultations reaches over 15,000 consumers annually in communities across Trinidad and Tobago.

The company continues to be bolstered by its efforts and the response across several consumer groups.
“Nestlé celebrates its 100thAnniversary in Trinidad and Tobago in 2014, a very important milestone for our company. From inception we have focused on Creating Shared Value through the high quality, great tasting products that we manufacture as well as the nutritional education programmes that we develop to encourage our consumers to lead a healthy lifestyle,” said Silvan Muller, Country Manager. “As we move towards our next 100 years, we remain committed to developing products that suit the needs and lifestyles of our consumers, at all times working towards ensuring a healthier Trinidad and Tobago.”
“childhood obesity is a growing concern. A recent study conducted by the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI) over the period 2009 – 2011 found that 23 per cent of primary school children were overweight/obese, 25 per cent of secondary school aged children were overweight/ obese and 14 per cent were underweight.”
Health and Fitness
Obesity and pre-obesity in Trinidad and Tobago is one of the major contributing causes to the level of chronic noncommunicable diseases (persistent, noncontagious disease). Another of CFNI’s studies looked at physical activity in T&T among citizens and concluded that the prevalence of pre-obesity (31.4 per cent) and obesity (16.8 per cent) was similar to that of other Caribbean countries.
“We cannot become complacent however and think that our products will be sufficient to support a turnaround in the nation’s health” says d’Abadie. “This is a major undertaking and we must work
Repsol E&P T&T Limited
Repsol has been operating in Trinidad & Tobago since 1995 with significant investments in the Energy sector through its own TSP offshore operations, and also through its 30% participation in BPTT’s assets. More recently in 2013, Repsol joined BHP Billiton (operator) with 40% interest in the Block 23 (b). For 18 years, the company has demonstrated with tangible actions, its commitment to the economic and social development of Trinidad and Tobago. In 2005 Repsol became the operator of the Teak, Samaan and Poui fields, with a participation of a 70% shareand partnership with the two national oil and gas companies The National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago and PETROTRIN each holding a 15% share. TSP is a mature field with 14 offshore platforms.

Increasing global attention on food security and the need for self-sufficiency is driving an expanded role for companies to support agricultural investments and ensuring its sustainable development.
It was this vision that led Repsol to ponder how their investments in the communities of Mayaro and its environs can be made more sustainable to support struggling smallholder farmers and overall agricultural productivity, growth and development.
Today, Repsol has assisted the development of six greenhouses operated by farming families and an additional two are expected by the end of 2014.
Through an arrangement with a local major grower marketer, farmers sell their sweet peppers harvested from each greenhouse at a mutually agreed price for the local market. The sweet peppers are also exclusively sold to a major restaurant chain in the country.
Applying Technology for Food Sustainability REPSOL’s farming project reaps rewards for Mayaro farmers

Farmers Gain Access to Markets
The T&T FARMS (Farmers Access to Regional Markets) Project was implemented on a pilot basis in 2008 with the construction of three greenhouses in different communities throughout Mayaro/Guayaguayare.
The farmers who were selected for the pilot project, Cilla Marie Zoe, Russell Patrice and Roopchand Baksh were trained in Jamaica in greenhouse technologybased on market/crop/ resources/business expansion; soil analysis, seedling production & transplanting, fertilization/fertigation; soil – less growing medium analysis, plant analysis & nutrition, water analysis,
irrigation, insect and pest control , pruning, trellising, and plant growth and on pollination, harvest and post harvest techniques,
Three additional farmers, Caroline Williams, Mahadeo Rambharose and Wendy Taylor also underwent training and are now operating their own greenhouses.
The greenhouses are operated by the farmers and their families. Two young men, sons of farmers, are also enrolled in Agro-Science at the University of the West Indies to further learn and obtain professional degrees to develop this sector.
Competitive Business Model
Repsol has also partnered with the Caribbean Agricultural Research Development Institute (CARDI) to address the need of a business competitive advantage model to include standardizing production process for consistency and quality, develop marketing (Mayaro’s Brand) and supply strategy.
Key to the sustainability of the project is the farmers understanding that to be a viable entity, a group effort is needed, resulting in the Mayaro Greenhouse Growers Association (MGGA).
One of its major activities was seeking funding from the Global Environment Facility/Small Grants Programme (“GEF/ SGP”) for a twin-project: a Water Catchment System, an environmentally safe method to address their constraint of an adequate water supply for their greenhouses and for the Young Growers Programme, implemented at the Mafeking Government Primary School to pass on knowledge on greenhouse technology.
Protecting Natural Resources
The project has seen a conversion of a building on the school’s compound to a greenhouse and has exposed students to the intricacies of growing fruit and vegetables under protective conditions ,and also on the need for conservation and protection of natural resources.

The GEF/SGP provided USD $48,755.00 towards the MGGA’s total budget of USD $58,052.00 with additional funds being provided by Repsol.
The idea for the Greenhouses has its genesis in a Community Assessment and Development Study which Repsol commissioned the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business to undertake in 2006 to assist in the creation of a sustainable CSR Strategy and act as a guide in the company’s interaction with the communities of Mayaro and Guayaguayare.
The study found that despite the strong presence of energy sector companies in the villages, agriculture was still a major source of revenue with over 1000 farmers operating in the community.
The company implemented a Leadership Development Programme, identifying an agricultural project that could be viably undertaken and by 2008, a consultation was held with farmers, agricultural institutions and the Ministry of Agriculture.
One of the issues that arose in the consultation was that agriculture is a high-risk endeavor, dependent on several factors such as weather, pests and even market conditions.
Repsol involved experts in greenhouse production methods, with proven experience in same or similar geographic models and markets and identified and selected the Maryland Hawk Corporation (NGO), and their FARMS Model, which had been implemented with tremendous success in Jamaica, and is now generating high income to small farmers, as well as, a guaranteed supply of quality products to the local market in the country.
Supply Chain Model
The FARMS project is an agricultural supply chain model developed by the Rural Development Center (RDC) at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) which is implemented internationally through the Maryland Hawk Corporation (MHC) - a USA incorporated non-profit organization.
The model addresses universal problems facing small farms around the world, particularly those associated with business risk; it leverages market forces to address not only these problems, but also to create a sustainable economic engine that encourages investment and drives growth.
The model is based on the
establishment of four components: appropriate greenhouse technology, an agro-business with expertise in growing, a strong market, and market demand. By developing a partnership with the public and private sectors to identify and connect these components, MHC has demonstrated the model´s capacity to provide small produce farmers with access to regional markets, reduce their risk, and increase their profitability.
T&T FARMS project provides the agriculture industry with a new business model. This model is not a replacement for existing commodity systems, but is an alternative for small farmers who are unable to attain the economies of scale necessary to compete in commodity markets.
Through a focus on new technology, improved efficiency, improved quality, and a closer business relationship between growers and buyers, T&T FARMS introduces an alternative to the traditional agriculture industry.
This alternative business model rewards agro-processors with a reliable, high quality supply of raw materials. Most importantly, it creates a means for small farmers to generate the income needed to meet the needs of rural families and transform rural communities
The model addresses universal problems facing small farms around the world…it leverages market forces to address…but also to create a sustainable economic engine that encourages investment and drives growth.Students of the Mafeking Government Primary School at the opening ceremony for their school’s Greenhouse and the Young Growers Programme to introduce greenhouse technology to the students.
Our Business Principles define how we operate and express our core values and behaviours. They set out our commitment to the highest integrity in business relationships, including zero tolerance for corruption. They reinforce our commitment to providing safe and secure working environments, developing our employees and treating all our people with fairness, respect and decency. They express our intention to make a positive contribution to economic, social and environmental development in the countries where we operate and to ensure consistency of approach by service providers and contractors.
We believe that operating in accordance with these Business Principles is essential for sustainable performance and long-term value creation. They are approved by the Board and must be followed by all our people at all times, including when seconded to joint ventures.
A BGTT-sponsored social transformation project to enhance parenting skills within the southern rural villages of Moruga and Barrackpore has spawned a new group that is determined to build on their strengths and capacities to assist their communities facing profound social issues.
The Family Support Foundation (FSF) which now seeks to support and sustain families in their neighbourhood communities was born out of a threeyear Parenting Programme developed by the Toco Foundation, a well-known NGO focused on addressing social issues and personal development.
Leslie Bowrin, Head Social Performance at BGTT recalled that the decision to fund the Parenting Programme over 2011-2013 emerged from a baseline socio-economic impact
Reclaiming the Family, Empowering Communities
Parenting agents transform Moruga and Barrackpore

assessment which was undertaken when the company was preparing to implement a major pipe laying project in its Central Block region in St. Mary’s/Moruga.
“Previously, when we constructed our gas processing plant, the Evergreen Facility, in the area, the local demand for available jobs generated tension and conflict within the community ,” said Bowrin.
Going Local
To avoid a repeat of hostilities and tension among villagers and threats to contractors, BGTT developed a local hire policy and plan, which facilitated an open and transparent recruitment process for persons qualified for the available jobs. The policy indicated that at least 60% of the jobs on the project should be assigned to residents, once they met the prescribed qualification and experience criteria. .

BGTT, however, wanted to integrate employment opportunities with a social investment programme since its baseline study identified social problems such as alcoholism, domestic abuse and early school drop-out among other social ills.
“We went back to the community with 5 or 6 options and during our consultations, residents requested a parenting programme because of major problems in the homes of villagers,” added Bowrin. They also requested a Gatekeepers programme, to target the men of the villages.
Part of the focus of the three-year intervention was intense residential training sessions to prepare parenting agents and gatekeepers to continue their social transformation.

Family and Parenting
In preparation for the intervention, the Toco Foundation also conducted an independent survey of 100 homes and concluded that some of the major domestic problems in Moruga and Barrackpore stemmed from inadequate parenting skills. These problems included domestic abuse, indiscipline among young children, troubled teens, unhealthy lifestyles, drug abuse and low self esteem.

As a result of the direct intervention by the parenting agents, families were able to register children in schools, apply for and obtain housing grants to improve homes and bravely tackled the issues of alcohol and other addictions affecting family life.
On completion of the project, some of the women who took part in the parenting programme later registered the FSF as a formal organization with well thought out objectives to assist the residents of their communities.
The current directors are Lennora Blackwell, Joanne Brereton, Joan Saunders and Gail Lutchman. Fourteen persons are active in the Foundation and this does not include the principals, teachers, sporting administrators and other social advisors/activists who support their work.
Family Support Foundation
“The Family Support Foundation emerged from a need for further intervention after the two plus years of work done in the area by the Toco Foundation family intervention programme in both Barrackpore and St. Mary’s. A decision was made between both communities and based on that need for further intervention and our passion for assisting persons socially, the Family Support Foundation was formed,” said Brereton.
She said the purpose of the Foundation was to continue the work of the Toco Foundation on a different level through the schools and community groups.

Brereton said the communities face
a number of social issues /challenges including inadequate housing, poverty, unemployment, break-down in family value system, abuse, lack of the communication and coordination between school and the homes and a deficiency in sporting activities. Many children did not have birth certificates and there were adults who did not have national ID cards.
Bowrin agrees and supports the FSF in principle and will consider funding on a project by project basis. “My concern now is just to see them grow. My intervention would be to see how I can strengthen them and give them the confidence to keep their focus,” he said.
BGTT, said Bowrin, supports community groups where their facilities are located.
“The standard under which we operate is that we must have harmonious relationship with communities. They must benefit from our investments. I’m satisfied with what I’m seeing although there’s always room for improvement.”
“families were able to register children in schools, apply for and obtain housing grants to improve homes and bravely tackled the issues of alcohol and other addictions affecting family life.”Parenting agents discuss funding for their pepper project with Ms. Marcia De Castro, UNDP ResidentRepresentative Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname Parenting agents in ice breaking exercises and role plays
At Columbus we’re committed to giving back to the communities in which we operate. That means, enabling nation building through community development and the creation of social assets. Columbus is dedicated to achieving this through our core pillars which include:
• Learning through Technology
• Resource Capacity Building
• Promiting National Identity through Arts and Culture
• Building Stronger Communities through Sports
• Community Partnering
A Channel for Self-Expression and Entrepreneurism
Flow & the T&T Film Festival chart a new course for filmmakers
At Columbus Communications Trinidad
Limited operators of Flow and Columbus Business Solutions, the leadership has a deep commitment to education and the company is leveraging technology every day to make learning relevant to youth. One way in which they are doing so is in the promotion of the local film industry and engaging with school age youth in promoting local arts and culture.

Stepping into the modern classroom, one is taken back by how very different the learning environment has become over the last decade. Virtual libraries, remote tutors and E-books are just some of the ways that technology is influencing the way education is delivered today.
In his book Lights! Camera! Action and the Brain: The Use of Film in Education, Dr. Maher Bahoul, associate professor of English and Linguistics (The American University of Sharjah), explores just how film and media literacy are having a “profound influence” on teaching. In one of the chapters, he explores how “video can be used to boost the learning capabilities of those with special needs”, using case studies of deaf and autistic students. In an article in the UK Guardian newspaper in November 2013, journalist Harriet Swain shared how film was not just a powerful education tool but that it also works to emotionally connect people from diverse backgrounds on salient issues.
As Swain reports in her interview with Jane Fletcher, schools support director at Film Nation UK, “film watching, understanding and making (is) a fantastic opportunity, and also a cultural entitlement.”
The company espouses a bold ambition in articulating its CSR intent. The company says that it is “committed to sustained activities that…help develop communities and build nations.”
In its quest to satisfy this aspiration, Columbus works collaboratively throughout the Caribbean with communities in the area of education to transform lives and to reduce poverty. But it is Columbus’s strategic use of technology in promoting arts and culture via the Flow brand that is charting new avenues for filmmakers and producers in Trinidad and Tobago. In fact, Flow sponsors “festivals, programming, carnivals and all other kinds of arts and events that foster creativity, support local talent and keep our rich history and traditions alive.” The company’s investments exceeds US$2.5m each year.
Building a Caribbean Film Industry
Established to promote arts and culture using the genre of film for creative selfexpression and entrepreneurism, the annual T&T Film Festival (TTFF) has struck an invaluable partnership with Flow to move forward its agenda to facilitate the growth of the Caribbean film industry. Together with the TTFF, Flow is revolutionizing not just the
telecommunications industry but also how Arts and Culture is packaged and delivered to generate previously unrealizable revenue streams. Says Bruce Paddington, Founder and Director of the TTFF, “FLOW has played such an important role in the development of the TTFF that it is now the leading Caribbean film festival in the world.” As he explains, it is with Flow’s loyal and visionary support that the organisation can “continue to grow (and) to build a Caribbean film industry.”
In 2006, Paddington established the TTFF to promote home grown talent in the film industry and to heighten interest and appreciation of local cultural products. “In many ways” says Brian Collins, Managing Director, Southern Caribbean, Columbus Communications, “we had a common interest in reinforcing positive images of Caribbean peoples and the relevance of Trinidad and Tobago in those interpretations.”

Marketing Film with Technology
Collins shares how the partnership works. Following its inception in 2006, the festival needed a mechanism to expand its reach
outside of the traditional enthusiasts. Flow cable already uses its infrastructure to educate on a number of platforms. In 2008, Flow extended that use of its digital platform to strike what Collins describes as “a landmark three-year, multi-million dollar partnership” with the Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival, as the presenting sponsor of the Festival and “the only private sector company involved as a main sponsor.” The use of television to build audiences for local film, has worked exponentially to enhance support and participation beyond the theatre halls.
The use of Pay-Per-View (PPV) technology provides movie-lovers the opportunity to watch exclusively on Flow, the range of local and regional films from the Festival using both current and archival access. And now with the Video-on-Demand (VOD) service which was added in 2009, digital subscribers can view content from a video library containing hundreds of titles, at a time that is convenient to them with all proceeds going to filmmakers. Collins describes the VOD platform as “one of the fastest growing distribution platforms that provides an effective and novel form of distribution.” Despite intense competition from other online platforms, in 2012, this vehicle reached an all-time high of 700,000 orders in just one month. In 2013, 1290 of these were Caribbean films with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the film makers.
Film Festival participants and the producers of the film “Senoritas”, Lina Rodriguez and Brad Deane are deeply appreciative of Flow’s effort and the difference the Festival is making for filmmakers like them. They described the festival as “an invigorating experience”, inspiring them “to keep making the films we want to make, in our own way and pace... the Caribbean is definitely where it’s at, and the world will indeed get to see the amazing work coming from there in years to come.”

Becoming World-Class
At Columbus Communications arts and culture, and education work synergistically to create potent and powerful perspectives that can positively alter lives. This is what informs the company’s CSR policy. The policy draws from the business model of the company which aims to be world-class, “committed to the construction of technical infrastructure and systems that are technically superior to its competitors.” In its pursuit of education initiatives Columbus Communication looks towards building programmes that are equally visionary and transformational.
Wendy McDonald, Director Corporate and Government Affairs at Columbus Communications, explains just how that vision is taking root. The company’s flagship project is the introduction of free internet and cable for all schools – a project which has been successful in its objective to support the development of enabling infrastructure to enhance learning opportunities.
Flow’s internet and cable networks, provide any school, whether at the level of early childhood, primary or secondary
education, access to a 25 mbps internet connection and three cable outlets for free in order to assist with its educational objectives. In Trinidad more than 370 schools with over 200,000 children and educators are currently connected, and this infrastructure serves as the foundation for (the company’s) work in online and interactive education.”
As McDonald shares, the use of film, television and internet as learning tools is applicable for this generation of E-Learners who rely increasingly on visual stimuli as a necessary component of contemporary education. Technology brings data directly to a child’s computer, delivering new information in minutes as compared to the hours it once took to travel to and from a public library. Flow’s interventions in education through technology touches many age groups across a number of demographics. Projects such as iLearn, Community Hub, Hop Along, CaribbeanExams.com and Pennacool.com reaches students ranging from age 9 to 17.
Corporate Philosophy
Pushing the limits on e-learning, Columbus Communications also engages with a number of service groups “to improve the teaching and learning environment of schools through computer donations, access to educational software, mentoring and specific skills building”. The company’s social investment programmes in technology are built on one of two pillars of corporate responsibility which underscore its core philosophy: that of “Conquering the digital divide by promoting learning through technology and resource capacity building”. The second, as evidenced in its partnership with the TTFF, is that of “Fostering prosperous communities by promoting national identity through arts and culture, building stronger communities through sports and community partnering”.
In all that it does – either operationally or through its CSR programmes, Columbus Communications is leading the way in how technology is deployed to improve lives across Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean region.
“FLOW has played such an important role in the development of the TTFF that it is now the leading Caribbean film festival in the world.”FLOW film festival awards ceremony 2013
BP’s objective is to create value for shareholders and supplies of energy for the world in a safe and responsible way. We strive to be a safety leader in our industry, a world-class operator, a responsible corporate citizen and a good employer. We are working to enhance safety and risk management, earn back trust and grow value.
Keeping a relentless focus on safety is a top priority for us. Rigorous management of risk helps to protect the people at the frontline, the places in which we operate and the value we create.
We understand that operating in politically complex regions and technically demanding geographies, such as deep water and oil sands, requires particular sensitivity to local environments. We continue to enhance our systems, processes and standards, including how we manage the risks that can be created by the actions of our contractors and the operators of joint ventures in which we participate.
We can only operate if we maintain the trust of people inside and outside the company. We must earn people’s trust by being fair and responsible in everything we do. We monitor our performance closely and aim to report in a transparent way. We believe good communication and open dialogue are vital if we are to meet the expectations of our employees, customers, shareholders and the local communities in which we operate.
We are working to become a simpler business, with a clear focus on what we do best. Our distinctive capabilities include exploration, operations in deep water, managing giant fields and gas value chains, and our world-class downstream business – underpinned by
The BPTT Principle of Value Creation
Today’s people securing tomorrow
Imagine a school boy or girl sitting in a classroom. What lies ahead in their future? What tools will they need for a brighter tomorrow? These are some of the questions that bpTT as a corporate citizen tries to address. While it is difficult to predict the future, the company continues to be an economic and social force in Trinidad and Tobago, playing a major role in the country’s development. The economic well-being of this twin island republic is important to the company so much so that on his recent visit to the “Beyond Borders” Beetham Gardens Project, BP group president stated
“I have visited our facilities in Trinidad but this is the best part of my visit. I am extremely proud that we all support this programme. Even if we provide the money, that in itself wouldn’t make a difference. It is what you do with it. The real difference is the impact you make on the lives of the people.
“If we carry out more of these projects in Trinidad and Tobago and other parts of the world, the world would be a different place,”
technology and relationships. Strong financial performance is vital because it enables us to make the investments necessary to produce the energy that society requires, as well as to reward and maintain the support of our shareholders.
By supplying energy, we support economic development and help to improve quality of life for millions of
BP Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT) is the country’s largest hydrocarbon producer, holding licenses covering some 904,000 acres off Trinidad’s east coast.

Through its predecessor organizations, Amoco Trinidad Oil Company and BP Amoco, bpTT has been operating in Trinidad and Tobago since 1961, exploring for, and producing oil and gas in marine areas off the east coast of Trinidad. The company has 13 offshore platforms, two onshore processing facilities and accounts for more than half of the country’s national production of oil and gas and is the single largest source of Government’s revenue. BPTT’s contribution to GDP in 2013 was between 15%-17%. With operations responsible for the employment of a growing workforce both directly and indirectly through contractors and independent operators, bpTT has been a major voice contributing to a national discussion between the energy industry and Government.
“Despite the current challenges facing natural gas businesses due to depressed natural gas prices and
people. Our activities also generate jobs, investment, infrastructure and revenues for governments and local communities. Our portfolio includes lower-carbon options with the potential to make a significant contribution, now and in the future.
escalating costs, we are fully committed to the long term success of Trinidad & Tobago,” said BPTT’s President, Norman Christie while speaking at a conference on Revenue Management in Small Highly Open Hydrocarbon Rich Exporting Economies in June 2012.
Christie’s position is at the heart of the bpTT Aspiration. It speaks to both country and company benefitting from the bpTT presence in Trinidad and Tobago. “One of the greatest risks to our industry,” said Christie, “is the business environment. As gas markets continue to change, so too must our country’s approach to the energy sector. Investing in technology, safety and people are but three of the four key factors needed to keep the local industry robust.”

Evaluations of CSR effectiveness and sustainability measurement would usually consider dual perspectives of resource consumption and value creation. BPTT creates value for its shareholders and supplies energy to the world safely and responsibly. For bpTT’s CSR outlook, this manifests in several distinct ways which add value to Trinidad and Tobago, contribute to economic stability and support GORTT’s diversification agenda.
BPTT adds value through its investment in people, solid business performance and through social responsibility programming.
Adding value through investment in people
The energy sector relies heavily on the availability of highly skilled people from diverse backgrounds. It is a priority for bpTT to attract, develop and retain the best. The company’s internal CSR approach is to build the right capability within, and support this with targeted external recruitment to complement the skills and experience of existing employees. BPTT employs 900 nationals of Trinidad and Tobago and indirectly supports 5000 jobs.
BPTT focuses on ensuring the safety of employees and contractors, engaging with them, and increasing the diversity of the workforce so that it reflects the society. Globally, BP has set goals for gender representation in leadership positions. The goal is for 25% of group leaders and 30% of senior level leaders to be women by 2020. BPTT is on track with this target as, 23% of its senior level leaders are female.
“We are a pioneer within the BP Global Group with a distinctively TT identity and in delivering extraordinary business performance, we will actively participate in the development of the country by positively impacting the life of everyone who works for the company, every citizen and the global environment.”
Solid business performance
Over the years, the company has built a world class business in Trinidad and Tobago and remains optimistic about the future. The company has been at the forefront of the technological advances in the energy sector. The first ever Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) seismic survey was conducted in Trinidad & Tobago in 2013 which revealed positive results. Other technological, cutting edge exploration and production tools were showcased to the government and other stakeholders in October 2013. BP’s Chief Executive Bob Dudley opened the BP Technology Experience in Trinidad & Tobago which
was hosted by bpTT. It highlighted the technology that BP employs and how these innovations can boost prospects in Trinidad & Tobago.
Although there are no immediate plans for diversification of the business in T&T, bpTT is committed to contributing to the country through its investments. In the last ten years, the company has invested $55bn TTD in the country and will continue to contribute to enhance economic development.
bpTT and social investment

The Aspiration forms part of the company’s fabric and is a statement that the organization has committed to since its inception. Through its Corporate Responsibility programmes, bpTT has invested approximately $300m TTD in the past ten years, with initiatives spanning its focus areas: Education, Arts and Culture, Enterprise Development and Capacity Building and the Environment. Investments in these areas support national development and ultimately create value. Partnerships and sponsorships with NGOs and CBOs across
the nation assist in making a definite impact in at-risk communities and strive to change lives through the creation of opportunities for citizens.
In its host community Mayaro, bpTT has contributed $10.5m TTD in education and awarded 350 scholarships to residents in pursuit of tertiary education and training through the Brighter Prospects scholarship programme. The Mayaro Initiative for Private Enterprise and Development (MIPED) has $60,000,000 TTD in a revolving fund, has distributed over 2,600 loans and has created 1,400 plus full time jobs.
The discussion about how best to manage the economy starts with transparency and an understanding of how the Government derives its revenue. In 2011, Trinidad & Tobago joined the EITI as a candidate country with the aim of achieving compliant country Status in 2014. The first Trinidad & Tobago EITI report was published in on 30thSeptember 2013. BPTT agreed to participate in the TTEITI report aligning itself with the thrust towards increased transparency in the extractive industries.
In 2012, bpTT in partnership with The University of the West Indies, embarked upon a series of conferences surrounding the management of revenues in the extractive sector. Entitled, “Revenue Management in Small Highly Open Hydrocarbon Rich Exporting Economies” the conference was the first installment in a series of conferences. “Revenue Reporting” is the second conference in the “Creating a Culture of Transparency” series and will take in place in June 2014 with a focus on publishing revenues and examining how these revenues are being utilized.
BPTT creates value and contributes to the development of Trinidad and Tobago through its corporate social responsibility focus areas, contributions to technology, and investing in its employees. The 2050 vision will be as bright as the careful development and management of people and resources. BPTT is proud to be able contribute to a positive future for Trinidad and Tobago through its social investments. That little boy or girl can therefore look forward to a bright future.

PowerGen’s corporate philanthropic policy is “Youth Development Through Sport and Education”. This is a core value of the company and employee volunteerism supports this value.
PowerGen’s Employees

Our best ambassadors
When a company describes its workers as their best ambassadors, it says something monumental about both the company and its employees.
All year, PowerGen employees, from the top level to the base, generously give of their time to volunteer for major activities and keep busy with smaller community projects as they continuously enroll more and more employees to get involved. Volunteerism at PowerGen has an impetus of its own and in many ways it has come to define the culture of the company.
PowerGen’s employee volunteer programme is a broader concept of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, an essential component of ethical business practices. The energy company is among a growing number of companies globally, that are increasingly tapping into the talents and skills of their workforce to volunteer their time to causes that are making a difference and bringing benefits both to the company’s image as a responsible corporate citizen and to the lives of their workers who build valuable networks and enhance team-building skills.
It’s Personal
Annually, PowerGen’s Corporate Communications Programme invites the company’s workforce to join various committees which are coordinated by the Community Relations Committee.
“Essentially, this is employees nominating themselves for a role that they know is going to take time and effort on their part and quite often a lot of their personal time also,” says Sonya Lequay, Manager HR & Corporate Communications.
The company’s CSR activities are built around their three geographical locations, Port of Spain, Penal and Point Lisas and seeks to work collaboratively with those communities and to maintain a harmonious relationship with these neighbours.

Going National
But activities are not restricted to the three areas of their operations; projects are also carried out in other regions of the country – many times because employees have identified projects they would like to support.
Last year, after a proposal was brought by the Community Relations Committee about the need for a bus shelter in the coastal village of Cedros, the company erected a roomy bus shed, complete with seating accommodation.
Now, villagers of the deep southern village do not have to scamper for shelter when it rains or stand in the scorching sun awaiting a bus and they are assured of regular maintenance of the bus shed by PowerGen.
Many privately-run homes for the aged and for children in different locations of the country have also benefited from the volunteer spirit of PowerGen’s employees, whether it was a general paint job, refurbishment of fixtures and fittings, renovations or electrical repairs.
Giving Their Best
In all of these activities, PowerGen workers play a key role in the planning, organising and execution of the projects – all on a volunteer basis.
PowerGen’s annual calendar of events includes a Christmas Treat for underprivileged children held at PowerGen’s Sports Ground in Penal. This is a massive undertaking but volunteer employees who have built up a relationship with children’s homes, suppliers, transport and other logistics now have an easier, although still challenging time, to put all plans into action.
“I think it’s just their desire to help others. When we had our kick-off meeting for 2014, that was very clearly expressed by everyone,” said Lequay,
when asked what motivated PowerGen workers to give freely of their time.
“When they join this committee, it means they want to help young people, they want to assist communities, the elderly in homes, the under-privileged, the special needs children and they want to give the best that they can, even if it means dipping into their own pockets to do so,” she added.
Making it Special
One of PowerGen’s major annual events is the Special Children’s Fun Day, which was held this year (2014) on April 30th at the Penal Power Station’s Sports Grounds, involving over 1,750 young people from our twin-island nation, joined by a school from Barbados.

A must-attend event for this special fraternity, the children compete in Track and Field, Obstacle and Novelty events and socialize over breakfast, lunch and refreshments which are served all day.
PowerGen also contributes to education and training at a national level through its annual support of University and Technical/Vocational Scholarships and Scholarships for Primary and Secondary School students.
Its corporate philanthropic policy is focused on “Youth Development through Sport and Education” and this is at the core of the company’s values. That commitment is demonstrated in a number of ways including the sponsorship of the only annual National Special Children’s sports in the country. The company is also the longest-serving investor in youth cricket through its investment in the PowerGen Secondary Schools‘ Cricket League.
Carrying the torch and at the heart of every event are PowerGen’s employees - proud ambassadors for their company.
“When they join this committee, it means they want to help young people…and they want to give the best that they can, even if it means dipping into their own pockets to do so,”We are all winners! Participants at PowerGen’s Special Children’s Fun Day 2014 with a PowerGen volunteer