Manhattanville College

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You are the priority at Manhattanville College. Your education is everyone: a committed, diverse mix of students and professors from virtually every background, culture and belief — representing 76 nations and 40 states.

challenging academics spanning more than 50 areas of study,

B e c a u s e M a n h at ta n v i l l e d e s i g n s e d u c at i o n w i t h y o u i n m i n d. Yo u r e d u c at i o n i s e v e r y w h e r e : on o u r beautiful ca m pus and just m inu t e s away i n o u r l a r g e s t c l a s s r o o m — N e w Yo r k C i t y.

And your education is everything:

taught in small classes with total faculty access and support.


to an exciting, friendly learning community powered by great

professors, warmed by close friends and enriched by amazing diversity of experiences and opinions. You are here.

For more than

160 years, Manhattanville has meant knowledge, op p o rt u n i ty a n d discovery, both personal and intellectual. The college is a comfortable community of learning and fun — just 30 minutes from the exceptional resources of one of t h e w o r l d ’ s greatest cities.

Professor Castellanos, Professor of Spanish/Latin American Studies.

“ Education takes place everywhere here. Not just in the classroom.” — Nancy Harris, Professor of Sociology

The New York City skyline as seen from the roof of Manhattanville’s Reid Castle.

“ I needed to come to a place where I could feel a sense of community. Here I can find my own family. It feels like home.” — Ilene Echiavarria, Dominican Republic

Your education is everything. It is the focus of every Member of our nationally respected faculty. Although important research happens at Manhattanville (and you can be a part of it), this is first and foremost a teaching-centered College.


we take on far-ranging and far-reaching academics in our small classes —

seven of ten classes at Manhattanville have fewer than 20 students

— that allowS for discussion, personal attention and understanding. Those are just a few of the huge benefits of a college where the entire student body is not just a collection of students, but recognized by the faculty as individuals.

At Manhattanville, you have a voice, an opinion and an active place in your learning.

Our exceptional faculty care about and are committed to your education. Your professors will know your name — even more important, they will know how you are doing in class and how they can challenge you and help you. It’s motivating, it’s interactive, it’s a real responsibility — and it’s extraordinary preparation for your future.

The intensity of the academics at Manhattanville is paired with a broad range of programs. From art to world religions, chemistry to criminal justice, education to economics to international management, more than 50 options

allow your future to take any shape you


even if today you don’t know what you want to pursue. Haven’t planned out your entire life yet? We can help. No College offers more freedom or flexibility when it comes to discovering what you want for your major — and

your future.

If your goal is to be a physician or a teacher or build an environmental business,

you are manhattanville college.

Your Manhattanville education comes with total support — from an accomplished faculty who bring equal parts love of learning and love of teaching to every course. The Princeton Review listed the Manhattanville College faculty among the best in the nation at “bringing material to life.” You will have easy access to a l l y o u r p r o f e s s o r s w h e n e v e r y o u n e e d h e l p, i n s p i r at i o n a n d u n l i m i t e d c o m m i t m e n t t o y o u r g o a l s . To ta l support also means a campus full of facilities and technology to enhance your learning. From science labs to art and music studios, from electronic classrooms to our wireless computing environment, you’ll find every resource to create your successful future.

Professor Ann Bavar, Professor and Chairperson of Studio Art Department.

“ Students and faculty can interact outside of the classroom given the small size.” — Jim Bryan, Professor of Economics


is also an important part of y F r o m a c l o s e l e a r n i n g c o mm and many cultures, backgrounds, economic strata and opinions — you will discover every bit as much as you will in class.

your total support system at Manhattanville College. mm u n i t y r e p r e s e n t i n g 4 0 s tat e s a n d 7 6 c o u n t r i e s —

Your ideas

will be challenged, your mind opened. Every school in America talks diversity, which is good. But at Manhattanville we’ve been living it a long time.


“ I’m a theater major and wanted to be around people with different interests. The environment here encourages interaction among all disciplines.” — Angel Morales, Florida

You don’t have to be a music major to REALLY understand


Or a theater major to understand plot. Which is our way of saying that your Manhattanville education will be balanced in harmony with your goals and interests, and that it will have a structure that you create for which you take responsibility.

first comes an interdisciplinary course for all freshman that paves your way into college-level work.

Then, with Manhattanville’s distinctive portfolio system,

you track your education: You will continuously plan, create, assess and collect your best work into a


Your portfolio will be reviewed and evaluated often, and is one of your graduation requirements.

Harmony and plot — that’s how you find and reach your future.

Even though the academic basics go far beyond basic at Manhattanville, there are even more ways to challenge yourself and enrich your experience. Our respected Honors Program inspires and rewards academic achievement, stimulates cross-disciplinary thinking and encourages an advanced level of undergraduate research and creativity. Flexible dual-degree programs can accelerate your progress. Our Self-designed Major enables you to craft (along with your professors and advisor) a unique degree program perfectly tailored to your goals. And Manhattanville offers studyabroad options from Spain to South Africa, Japan to Puerto Rico. You can even live and learn for a semester in one of the world’s greatest international cities: New York City.

Play is huge at

Manhattanville. Have you got serious game?

Then this is the place to bring it — there are 18 varsity NCAA Division III sports teams for men and women. Manhattanville has produced All-Americans, regional and conference champions and national scholar-athletes. Or maybe you love to


but not interested in playing varsity level —

active intramural sports programs will keep your competitive spirits going. You can get involved in a wide range of outdoor recreation programs to get your heart rate up. And if you just like to stay in shape, our campus offers


h e a lt h a n d f i t n e s s facilities. We believe in the balance of

having a strong mind and a strong body.

In exciting Division III competition, Manhattanville fields Valiant teams in men’s basketball, ice hockey, Soccer, cross country, golf, baseball, lacrosse and tennis. Women’s teams includes basketball, ice hockey, soccer, cross country, field hockey, softball, lacrosse, tennis, cheerleading and volleyball. The conferences in which our teams play are the ECAC West, ECAC East and Freedom. Fans of the crimson-and-white have great venues to watch these teams play, including the Kennedy Gym for basketball and volleyball, and Manhattanville Field for outdoor sports (used for several of the gold medal games of the empire state games). And when you want t o see the pros , Ne w Yor k Ci t y ’ s wor l d - c l a s s o f f e r i n g s a r e j u s t do w n t h e ro a d . To play o r watch, Manhattanville is the place and is the place online for all manhattanville’s athletics.


“ Students who come to Manhattanvlle are very community service oriented and are given a lot of opportunities to serve while at school here.” — John Murray, Professor of Sociology


goes ba Your M

and the time you choose to devote to social action will teach you things that can’t be learned in a class. From clothing drives to soup

kitchens (our students contributed more than 23,000 hours last year alone), the world gets a little better and you earn valuable

W i t h d o z e n s o f s e r v i c e o r g a n i z at i o n a l l i a n c e s ,


ack to the very beginning (and is the heart and soul) of the College. Manhattanville education is about your mind and your heart,

Experience in leadership and advocacy.

t h e r e ’ s a p r o g r a m t h at m at c h e s yo u r pa s s i o n .


“ I came out of my shell here by learning to interact with people from all over the world.” — Dheepak Chandramouli, Jakarta, Indonesia

C ampus life

is big life at Manhattanville, and you are everywhere in that life.

Our 100-acre Westchester campus, originally designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the designer of Central Park, is large enough to give you some space, small enough to make everything just a short walk away.

With its central quad and iconic Castle, the campus is designed to bring people together — literally and as a


W i t h d o z e n s o f s t u d e n t- r u n c l u b s a n d o r g a n i z at i o n s , i t ’ s e a s y to m e e t n e w f r i e n d s a n d g e t

active in campus life. And almost every evening brings an interesting speaker or a concert or game or movie. To live and learn at Manhattanville

means always having the best of both.

You are home

when you live in one of Manhattanville’s residence h a l l s ( a s d o e i g h t o u t o f e v e ry t e n s t u d e n t s ) .

The residence halls provide high-speed internet access, study lounges, k i t c h e n s , wa s h e r s a n d d ry e r s , v e n d i n g m a c h i n e s — a n d o f f e r yo u

a rich campus experience

that will result in lifelong friends and new discoveries about what you can achieve.

The city skyline,

seen from the Manhattanville campus, is both a beautiful view

and a perfect metaphor. The city is your classroom, opportunity center, playground and limitless resource.

As much A part of Manhattanville as the Quad or the Castle, Manhattan is minutes away. You are everywhere in your education as it expands to meet this

g r e at

c i t y,



opportunities for learning, networking and interning in the real world.


“ The faculty take the students out into the community, where they can visit museums and Cultural institutions.” — Andrew Bodenrader, Associate Dean

One family, one goal

— becoming act community that

T h at ’ s t h e c o mm u n i t y y o u w i l l j o i n at M a n h at ta n v i l l e . A s t u d e n t t e l l s t h e s t o r y o f wa l k i n g a c r o s s cam pus when he was greeted by na me — by the president o f t h e Co l l e g e .

Your education is everything at Manhattanville College. An


Manhattanville College President Berman, or “P.B.” as he is known by the students

tive, intelligent, ethically and socially responsible leaders for the global has never needed them more — and 1,600 different paths to reach that goal.

That’s your community, too.

nd everyone. Manhattanville is education built around you.


Your education is everything at Manhattanville College, a n d e v e ry t h i n g yo u wa n t t o k n o w a b o u t i t i s h e r e on these pages and on our website ( If you want to learn and thrive in a small College community thAT is

powerfully linked to one of the world’s greatest cities, we urge you to consider Manhattanville. Your future will be shaped in important ways by the college you select. Before you choose, no matter where you plan to go to school, make sure you visit the campus and talk to students and faculty.

Where to Click More information on everything you see


here, including academics, support services, campus life and how to apply, is available at Who We Are Founded in 1841, Manhattanville’s original vision lives on in the tradition of service, extending from the students to the global community. Manhattanville College continues to have a firm belief in the power of the Liberal Arts, a wide-ranging interest in the best of the human spirit and a continuing desire to enhance the local community. In recent issues of the leading college guidebooks, Manhattanville has received high praise. The College was again ranked in U.S. News & World Report’s top tier. In the Princeton Review, Manhattanville’s faculty were ranked #18 in all of America for “bringing material to life.” And according to FiskeGuide, Manhattanville is one of just 22 private colleges across the country called a “best buy.” Manhattanville’s 1,600 undergraduate students come from 40 states in the U.S.

and some 76 different countries. You can hear many different languages on campus, with virtually every age group represented. Manhattanville faculty represent the cream of the crop, more than 100 professors and scholars who are committed to your success. Although they have published many textbooks and conducted landmark research, they are first and foremost dedicated to the classroom. They are always accessible and ready to help. Where we are

Academic power More than 50 undergraduate programs in the areas of Humanities & Writing, Communications, Language & Global Studies, Social Sciences, Visual & Performing Arts, Education and Science, Math & Technology lead to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Music degrees. There are wide-ranging Study Abroad opportunities, from Europe to the Caribbean, Asia to Africa. For more, visit AcademicsandResearch/Undergraduate Studies.

Located on 100 beautiful acres in safe, suburban Westchester County, with New York City — just 30 minutes away — beckoning on the horizon, our campus

Your future is on this list

Undergraduate academic programs include:

offers exceptional facilities for learning and

African Studies*

living. From science labs to art and music

American Studies

studios, from classrooms to our comfort-

Art History

able residence halls and the student

Art (Studio)

center, you will find every resource for a

Asian Studies

great education and a great time.

Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Classics* Communication Computer Science Creative Writing (c)

Criminal Justice (c)


M.A.T. in Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2)

Dance & Theatre


M.A.T. in Childhood (Grades 1-6)

Dance Therapy (c)

Pre-Physical Therapy

M.A.T. in English (Grades 5-12)


Pre-Speech Language Pathology

M.A.T. in Foreign Language (Grades 5-12)

Education (5-year MAT program offered)


M.A.T. in Mathematics (Grades 5-12)


Romance Languages

M.A.T. in Physical Education

Environmental Studies*

Self-Designed Major

M.A.T. in Science (Biology or Chemistry)


Social Justice*

(Grades 5-12)



M.A.T. in Social Studies (Grades 5-12)



M.A.T. in Music (Grades K-12)


Theater Education

M.A.T. in Art (Grades K-12)

Holocaust and Genocide Studies*

Women’s Studies*

Human Resource Management (c)

World Literature (c)

International Management (c)

World Religions

International Studies Irish Studies* Italian* Latin American Studies* Legal Studies (c)* Management Mathematics Music Music Management (c) Neuroscience (c) Philosophy Physics Political Science Pre-Dental Pre-Health Professions

Dual-Degree Programs for accelerated bachelor of science

*indicates minor

B.S. Behavioral Studies/M.A. Teaching

(c) indicates concentration

(School of Education)

Graduate Degree Programs Graduate degree programs include: M.S. in Sports Business Management M.S. in International Management M.S. in Leadership and Strategic Management M.S. in Management Communications

B.S. Behavioral Studies/M.S. Organizational Management & Human Resource Development B.S. Organizational Management/M.S. International Management B.S. Communications Management/M.S. Management Communications

M.S. in Organizational Management &

B.S. Organizational Management/M.S.

Human Resource Management

Leadership & Strategic Management

M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications M.A. in Creative Writing M.A. in Liberal Studies

B.S. Organizational Management/M.S. Organizational Management & Human Resource Development


Challenges and support

Expand Your Horizons

You will be challenged to do your best work


and be your best self here, but you will never be without academic and personal support. With Manhattanville’s distinctive Portfolio System you will plan, assess and collect your finest work, keeping a portfolio of materials that is reviewed and evaluated throughout your academic career. You will always know how you are progressing on the path to your goals. Real-World Experience

The Manhattanville College Honors Program is meant to foster and reward academic achievement, stimulate crossdisciplinary thinking and encourage an advanced level of undergraduate research and creativity. As a college wide Honors Program, it is distinct from the option of honors within a particular major. This program offers you the opportunity to showcase your originality, traverse various disciplines and enhance the liberal arts

From communications to government, from

experience. For more, visit http://www.

the arts to publishing, from international

business to social service, Manhattanville


takes an active role in linking you with internships that will bring you new skills, valuable contacts for networking and marketable real-world experience in your area of interest. And the proximity of New York City means that your opportunities are virtually limitless. Internships are one smart way to get ready for your career while you are still in school.


Manhattanville College is education for your life — and your life’s work. Our Office

of Career Services offers you strategic advice, resources, career planning and job search/resumé/interviewing skills. It all begins with our four-year plan for

Study Abroad There is no better way to deepen your understanding of other peoples and other cultures — not to mention yourself. You will enrich your life and those of the people you meet on your travels. Employers value this perspective, and students who have studied in foreign nations will have a leg up in the competitive job market. For more, visit

dances, concerts, films and festivals, lectures, recitals, drama presentations and artists-in-residence. Participate in student government to enhance your leadership skills. Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in, organize and even create a range of social service and social action projects in the community. Manhattanville student housing is convenient and comfortable and offers residents an amazing experience characterized by a rich diversity of cultures, beliefs and ideas. Through our residential community you are able to immerse yourself in all aspects of your college experience. For more, visit: Student Organizations: Anime Club Black Student Union Catholic Student Association Christian Fellowship Dance Ensemble Dance Troop Film Studies Gospel Choir


Graffiti (Literary Magazine)


History Club International Student Organization

Live and Learn

integrating your academic and student

Student life at Manhattanville is rich,

life experiences to prepare you for

dynamic, comfortable and supportive, and

rewarding work in the real world. Your

you are right in the center of it. There are

success is our success.

many events and activities to keep you busy and an amazing campus community of which to be a part. There are dozens of clubs and organizations on campus, plus

Italian American Student Organization Japanese Pop Culture Appreciation Society Jewish Students Association Latin American Students Association Latin Dance Club Manhattanville Sound Minds In Motion

Muslim Students Association

letters of recommendation and a personal

To apply for financial aid, you should

Player’s Guild

statement. Applicants who are currently

complete the Free Application for Federal

Pre-Law Club

attending high school should submit a

Student Aid (FAFSA), as soon as possible

Psychology Club

“preliminary” transcript. Upon high school

after January 1. You can access FAFSA on

Punk Rock Appreciation Society

graduation, please submit an official final

the Web at

Right World View

transcript. Transfer applicants should

For complete information please visit

Ritmo Uniko

submit an official transcript, a dean

Student Art Scene

recommendation form, a letter of recom-

nancialAid/FinancialAid. You can e-mail us

Student Government Association

mendation and a personal statement. For

at or call us

Student World Assembly

complete details, visit http://www.mville.

at (914) 323-5357.

Tower Yearbook



graduateAdmissions or contact us via


e-mail at or by

United Nations Student Association (UNSA)

phone at (800) 32-VILLE or (914) 323-5464.

WMVL Radio World International Soccer Club

Making It Happen

Valiant’s Ultimate (Frisbee Club)

Explore many schools and you’ll soon agree

with the Fiske Guide that Manhattanville is

Social Action Clubs:

an exceptional educational value — one of

Achieving Conservation Together

American college’s “best buys.” It’s high-

American Disability Association Promoting

quality, high on personal attention and


support from your professors, and high on

Colleges Against Cancer

the affordability scale. See for yourself:

Connie Hogarth Center for Social Justice

E.R.A.S.E. — End Racism And Sexism



Directions to Manhattanville

For directions to the campus, visit http:// Directions.


The best way to see how great Manhattanville is, is to see Manhattanville! Tours are offered on a daily basis Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., or by appointment. Some weekend tours are available. Please contact us toll-free at (800) 328-4553 or e-mail

Gay Straight Alliance


Men Empowering a New Society (MENS)

Flight time to Manhattanville College

Alaska Vancouver Italy 20 hrs


10 hrs




3 hrs


3 hrs

5 hrs

Dominican Republic

8 hrs

10 hrs

15 hrs

20 hrs


Brazil Australia

Seeds Of Peace Service Learning Volunteering — Explore over 50 one-time and repeating volunteer opportunities.


Financial Aid

Contact us

You can do this — few colleges are more

For more information please call

generous when it comes to providing merit

(914) 323-5464 or (800) 328-4553

and need-based aid. We are committed to

or e-mail us at

making it possible for students of limited financial resources to attend the college.

Applying online is easy. You must submit

Millions of dollars in aid is awarded

your official high school transcript and

annually, and students can participate in

official SAT or ACT scores along with

federally-funded and state-supported grant and loan programs.

Or visit us at: Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street Purchase, NY 10577


Manhattanville College 2900 Purchase Street Purchase, NY 10577 E-mail: Tel: (914) 323-5464 (800) 328-4553

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