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Celebrate YOU !
Women2Women believes in celebrating women. Well, most of you reading this magazine are women, so let’s celebrate YOU!
Celebrating myself was not something I had a clue about until several years ago. I was severely limited in my ability to feel good about myself because I grew up with people who stifled my enthusiasm, expected kids to do as told—no questions allowed, and then married a man who emotionally controlled me. But here’s what happened to change that. First, I stopped believing lies. Second, I quit letting others determine my journey. Third, I no longer let people’s opinions about me matter (still working on this one a bit). And lastly, and what I’m writing about today, I discovered and became focused on my main strengths and started celebrating WHO I am!!
Many of you are wondering how in the world to celebrate who you are. You are tired of not liking yourself, and you keep hearing people say to just be you, or just “do” you, and you have no idea what in the world that even means. You have been (and done) what everyone else demanded or needed for so long that you don’t even know who you really are. Yep, I’ve been there with you.
Because I’ve already walked a journey of discovery, I am going to tell you how I did it. About ten years ago, when I had an epiphany and decided I was finished listening to lies and self-doubt, I was motivated to start naming some good qualities about myself that helped me realize how capable and quite wonderful I am. I had to dig deep past all the junk that had piled up, but came up with a few: loving, considerate, problem-solver, creative, good mom, and more.
Then as I continued my quest of self-discovery, I discovered a valuable tool. It’s a book called Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath and is available on Amazon if you can’t find it in a store. This book comes with an access code for you to take the Strengths Finder test for free. Taking this test made a huge difference in how I view myself. I believe in this process and think you should know about it in case you are stuck like I was.
Here’s the way it works. You honestly answer questions and the Strengths Finder computes, hums, cogitates, and spits out a wonderful report about how amazing you are! It’s delightful! Well, mine was anyway. No really, the delightful part is finding out about your innate qualities of strength.
I’m quite sure that I started talking almost as soon as I entered this world, and I love words, so it’s not surprising that “Communicator” is another of my strengths, which presents in writing, speaking, and conversations with people.
My own examples
I have been shushed all my life because I have such enthusiasm and I’m quite spontaneous (a polite way to say loud with no filters). But now I “officially” know that “positivity” is my strongest quality. Anybody here surprised? I’ve always been filled with a joy deep inside, and have found the best in others and in situations.
At first I didn’t understand how the strength “Developer” applied to me, but when I read “Making someone feel special gives you great satisfaction” as part of the description, it made sense.
A part of the strength “Connectedness” is accepting that which can’t be fully explained through logic and believing that everything and everyone is connected. Bingo!
Strengths Finder states that according to research, there is more potential for growth when we invest energy in developing our strengths instead of correcting our deficiencies. How’s that for focusing on the positive rather than the negative?
I only mention my results to show you how they resonated with me. Of course, it takes being very honest with your answers for this to happen. But knowing I AM this person (and so much more) has liberated me. It’s as if I have permission to build on my positivity and not be apologetic for being somewhat “Pollyanna-ish”. And knowing my strength is communication also gave me permission to call myself a speaker and writer several years before I was doing much of either. My strengths of developer and connection enabled me to accept the job of editor for our magazine without qualms.
I am not bragging about my strengths. That is never my intention! I am just illustrating (connecting and communicating) with you how much of an impact taking that test had on me. I encourage you to learn more about yourself. Spend the twenty dollars, buy the book, take the test, and begin to celebrate! Because there is no better reason to celebrate than YOU!
Mimi Matthews is in the “encouragement business” as the owner of Empowordment Cards by Mimi, which features greeting cards that inspire and encourage. She is also a speaker, workshop leader, writer, and our editor. Visit her shop at www.etsy.com/ shop/EmPOWordmentCards, her blog at www. particularpassions.me.