EXERCISE YOUR VOICE! Many people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience changes in their ability to communicate. As you spend more time at home these days, you may find that you don’t have the opportunity to speak to others as frequently and keep your speech flowing smoothly. You may notice that your voice is softer and breathy or hoarse, or that your speech is unclear and comes out too slowly or too fast. There are things you can do to strengthen and improve your voice and volume — and much of it can be done in the comfort of your own home!
PARTICIPATE in a virtual class Get the Booklet
• Sing Loud, Wednesdays at 12:30 pm pt
Join the Smart patients online patient community! Members in this online discussion forum share help, advice and information about treatments, symptoms and side effects. Visit the support group page of our website to join.
Find a Virtual support group. Many local support groups have moved their meetings onto Zoom platforms. Contact the leader of a group in your community and join the conversation. Or join one of our newly formed groups. Need help with technologies like Zoom? Call us and we can help 206-695-2095
Upcoming Educational Programs We have a variety of virtual education programs happening in the coming months. From programs like about disease-state issues, to inspirational conversations, to research updates there is something for everyone. Are you getting the News You Can Use weekly email? This is a weekly email to keep you informed of upcoming programs that may be of interest. If you are reading this and not receiving that email, please email us at apdanw@apdaparkinson.org or call us 206-695-2905