Waco American Classifieds 10_21_2021

Page 1



$ *see store for details.



21, 2021 Page 1 discountOctober vacuum

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VOL. 40, No. 30 • October 21, 2021




Page 2 October 21, 2021

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

eLeCtRoniC AnD PAPeR sets

MonDAy-FRiDAy .....................12:15pm sAtuRDAy-sunDAy ........................ 2:00pm nigHtLy ....................................7:00pm plus Friday, saturday & sunday 9:30pm

INDEX Adoption............................................. 3 Apartments For Rent........................... 9 Appliances.......................................... 3 Auctions........................................... 11 Auto Parts.. ....................................... 14 Building Materials............................. 10 Business & Service Directory............ 6-7 Business Opportunities....................... 8 Cars.. ................................................ 14 Classic Cars...................................... 14 Commercial Property.. ......................... 8 Dining and Entertainment.................... 2 Education........................................... 0 Employment..................................... 5-7 Farm & Ranch - General.. ................ 9-10 Farm & Ranch - Implements............... 10 Feed & Supplies........................... 11-14 Financial............................................. 8 For Sale By Owner............................... 8 Furniture.. ........................................... 3 Garage Sales....................................... 5 Guns and Ammunition.. ...................... 11 Heavy Equipment.............................. 10 Houses For Rent.. ............................. 8-9 Hunting and Fishing.......................... 11 Lawn & Garden.. ................................ 11 Livestock.......................................... 11 Lots/Land/Acreage.............................. 8 Manufactured Housing.. ....................... 9 Medical & Health................................. 2 Medical Equipment.. ............................ 2 Miscellaneous.................................. 3-5 Motorcycles...................................... 14 Pets.................................................... 5 Public/Legal Notice............................. 5 Real Estate For Sale............................ 8 RV’s.................................................. 14 Sport Utilities.. .................................. 14 Sporting Goods................................. 11 Storage/Portable Buildings................ 10 Thrifty Nickel en Español.. ................... 2 Tractors............................................ 10 Trailers............................................. 10 Trucks.............................................. 14 Vans................................................. 14 Vehicles Under $3000....................... 14 Wanted: Have Cash Will Buy................ 3

Dining & Entertainment

Dining & Entertainment

Park Place Apartments 2 Recamaras, 2.5 Banos. Apartamentos o Town House. 1300 S.F con Balcon/Cerca Privada. Lavadero Privado. Agua Pagada. Midway ISD. Verificacion de Antecedentes Penales. No Tienes que pagar por Aplicacar. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 349-1398

Lake Air Green A p a r t m e n t s Enormes! 1 y 2 Recamaras, 2 banos Recientemente Remodelados. Agua y Gas Pagados. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 912 Lake Air (254) 349-1398

Over 200 Cow Hides, guns, large selection of Ammo. Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Bingo 7 days a week! Electronic and paper sets. Daily specials! Buckeye Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Waco, Texas. (254) 7523993. Look for our big ad on this weeks edition of the American Classifieds. like us on facebook. Over 200 Pistols, Rifles & Ammo. Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. NOW HIRINGfull & part timepositionsïbakersïproductionïclerksïdishwashers No Experience Necessary,We Will TrainCompetitive Pay!Health Insurance, Paid Vacationand 401(k) Retirement Plans(available after 90 days)Application availableon our website:www.czechstop.netprint and send to:Fax: 254-826-5117Text: 254-722-9066email: c ze ch . s t o p @ ya h o o . comApply in Person at:Czech Stop Inc.I-35 / 353 Exit West, TX 76691254-826-4170 Gifts, saddles, jewelry & tack! Appaloosa Trading Post . 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Bingo 7 days a week! Electronic and paper sets. Daily specials! Buckeye Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Waco, Texas. (254) 7523993. Look for our big ad on this weeks edition of the American Classifieds. like us on facebook.

Casino bus Headed to Windstar on October 23rd, 2021. Only $50 Round trip! RSVP for a seat! Mrs G. (254) 6522093 Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jewelry, dining room furniture, cross room, western clothing & bedroom furniture. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.

Ley de Inmigracion, The Nelson Law Firm P.C. Tarjeta Verde, DACA, Visa Para Familia, Ciudadania, Defensa en Contra Deportaciones. Susan I. Nelson, River Square Center, Waco, Texas, (866) 900-1012, (254) 754-9990. esta m os contratando fabricante de masa,panaderos, produccion, empleada de tienda ylavaplatos. debe poder trabajar sabado y domingo. confiable e independiente. persona positiva y energicaque quiere crecer, debe tener transporte propio. debe estar comodo trabajando en equipo Seguro medico, vacacion espagadas y plan de jubliacion 401k. Solicite en persona en: Czech Stop Inc. Salida I-35 / 353 West, TX B A R - X A PA R TMENTS- Todas las facturas pagados, $120 a la semana o mas, $200/$300 deposito dependiendo de la unidad. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1511 S. Loop Drive (254) 756-1043

2423 Cole Ave. Waco 254-752-3993

EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. Ya esa·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las areas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply WOODWAY PARK CONDOMINIUMS 2 recamaras, 1.5 Banos con 2 salas. 1200 S.F, Lavanderia Privada, Patio/Balcon, Buena Vecindad, Verificacion de Penales Antecedentes. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 349-1398

Dining & Entertainment

Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Beds, C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Western Prints.! Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.

IMMIGRAtION LAw • Visa Para Familia • Ciudadania

• Defensa en Contra Deportaciones

Susan I. Nelson

The Nelson J Law Firm P.C. River Square Center • Waco, Texas

254-754-9990 nlftx.com Oficina Principal en Waco, Texas


OFFIcE hOuRS MONDAY ............................................. 8AM-5PM TUESDAY ............................................ 8AM-5PM WEDNESDAY...................................... 8AM-5PM THURSDAY ......................................... 8AM-5PM FRIDAY................................................ 8AM-5PM


Classified Ads ....................... Tuesday 7pm Business & Service ............... Monday 5pm Display Ads ........................... Tuesday 5pm Changes/Cancel..................... Monday 5pm


8 Weeks - 20 words .......................... $66.00 8 Weeks - 20 words, Border............. $82.00

8 Weeks - 20 words, Border, Logo .... $100.00 You Choose Category Heading

PuBLIcATION STAFF Publisher .......................................... Mike Story Advertising Director ....................... Jeff Wendl Advertising Director ................Traci Reynolds Office Manager .............................Diann Wendl Production Manager/Artist.............Lisa Turley Business & Service Manager .....Diann Wendl Distribution Manager .................. Steve Treese

Medical & Health

Free to Someone in Need! Hospital Bed, Shower Bench & Bedside Toilet. Please email: mdthlvx@gmail.com if interested.

Medical Equipment

Power Chair InH vacare Pronto Sure Step-M-51. with 2 New

Batts $550. (254) 7510929 P ower C hair Jazzy Select Elite with 2 new Batts & Charger. $575.(254) 751-0929 Scooter-Amiga 3 Wheel with 2 new 33AH Batts. $475 (254) 751-0929 EXPOSE ​YOUR business to over 60,000 potential customers every week in American Classifieds’ Business & Service Directory. Call today, 254-7520334. P owerchair , Quickie, QM-710 with Spina Bifida assist, locking device for van transport, 2 new 55AH Batts, 1/HD Charger, $675.(254) 751-0929 Power Chair Nutron Fold up with two new batts. $375. (254) 751-0929




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www.WacoAmericanClassifieds.com OFFICE LOCATION N. Valley Mills

Waco Dr.



Thrifty Nickel en Español

• Tarjeta Verde • DACA

Franklin Ave.



Thrifty Nickel en Español


buCkeye b


N. 39th St.


email: wacoamericanclassifieds@gmail.com 3901 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX 76710 P.O. Box 8575, Waco, TX 76714 Fax: (254) 752-0339 Toll Free: 1-800-698-0334 A THRIFTY NICKEL PUBLICATION


Online pricing with brick & MOrtar service

www.WacoAmericanClassifieds.com Appliances


$54 down! No Credit, I Am Looking for a Home Bad Credit No Problem! For My Mother, Under Discount Vacuum & Appli- $100,000. (254) 744-9111 ance 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx 76710 254- Need Mechanic. • LIVING ROOM • DINING ROOM 756-1738. 4501 W. Waco Must have own tools. • BEDROOM • OUTDOOR Drive, Waco 254-776-8055 Up to $30 per hour for • MATTRESSES the right individual. Call (254) 840-2256 for inRAUL’S 625 Franklin Ave. • Waco terview CONCRETE SERVICE Got Checks? Cash it with us! Chapmans kwitt625 Driveways Check Cashing. 1025 N Patios www.KWITT.net 254-754-4622 Valley Mills Drive 254Sidewalks 741-1471. See what else Jobs of All Sizes we have including Purses Furniture Crosses, Sunglasses, Free Estimates Baseball caps, signs, pic(254) 379-0073 ture, frames, knives, Texas W e carry Ashley (254) 224-6251 Stars and more! Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge PAULA L. ALLEN Headed to selection! Delivery availMiscellaneous ATTORNEY able (additional charge). WinStar on Kirkpatrick & Witt FurniAT LAW OCtOBer 23 ture, 625 Franklin Ave. DWI/CRIMINAL Downtown Waco Texas. DEFENSE (254) 754-4622. only $ Divorce Sofa and Love seat rOUNd trIp Personal Injury sets Starting at $699! After 37 years of runRSVP for a seat! Furniture Outlet 254-754- ning my Outfitter busiChild Support Mrs. G 9995 3414 Franklin Ave. ness, I am devoting all Insurance my time to my bird dogs. 254-652-2093 No interest for 24 I have lots of deer stands Negotiations months! Only at Furniture and deer feeders for sale HOUSE CALLS Locally owned fam- cheap! Call (254) 744-5201 Wanted: Have Outlet WEEKENDS ily business. 3414 Franklin Leave message and I will Cash, Will Buy Ave. 254-754-9995 www. call back! EVENINGS furnitureoutletwacotx.com First Visit Free Bunk bed (twin over 2011 Super Glide (254) 640-1680 full) Starting at $499! Harlrey-Davidson Pro (800) 664-5589 Furniture Outlet 254-754- Street Bike. Immacu9995. 3414 Franklin Ave. late condition! Black Wanted: Can-Am Louis Philippe 4 pc & Chrome. Will sell or Over 200 Cow Hides, Motorcycle. Must have sleigh bed set Starting at trade for a car worth at guns, large selection of cruise control. (254) 495- $799. While supplies last! least $15,000. Helmets, Ammo. Come to Rodeo 8354 Leave voicemail! Furniture Outlet 254-754- Leathers & all Acces- Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. 9995 3414 Franklin Ave. sories included! Please call for more informaWe are looking for Adoption We have Rustic Furni- tion! (254) 400-1254 someone who buys left ture! Come see what we (254) 296-1300 over things from garage have at 3414 Franklin Ave. and yard sales. We have Furniture Outlet. Waco, NOW HIRING! $500 a lot of house items and Texas. (254) 754-9995. sign-on bonus after 30 tools we would like to sell. Check out our huge days. Working job site Please call (254) 722-7483 selection of furniture, bed- superintendent. Apply at for more information. Adoption. Sun- room suites, dining sets, Barsh Construction. 304 lit California nursery sofa, love seats, section- Douglas Avenue, Waco, Nice washers, dryers, refrigerators, and awaits newborn. Loving als, Waco, Texas. Furniture Texas. 254-772-7130. Family promises secure Outlet. (254) 754-9995. RABBITS FOR pets, cook stoves. Rebuilt future, devoted grand- Dinette set starting FFA, 4-H, Tamnuk, Cali- with 90 day warranty. parents, education, at $249! Furniture Out- fornian, Holland Lops, Lion Delivery, service work, gentle pet. Generous let 254-754-9995. 3414 Heads, Dutch, Silver Fox, need non-working ones. living expenses paid. Franklin Ave. Tans, Mini Rex! Other (254) 214-5284 Contact Amanda 1-650breeds! Located in Man785-9819 or attorney This weeks special! sfield Texas. 817-938-8472 Benelli Nova Pump 2 piece (no ottoman) Shotgun, 20 gauge, New 1-310-663-3467. Sectional sofa Starting PLACE YOUR  ​ad! Call in box. Call or Text (512) 573-2788 Adopting your new- at $899. Furniture Outlet 254-752-0334. born is our dream. End- 254-754-9995 3414 Frank- DOZR WORX Exavation. Bingo 7 days a week! less love, secure future lin Ave. Dirt Work, Hauling, Land Electronic and paper sets. awaits. Jessie & Keith, Clearing, Dozer Work, Daily specials! Buckeye expenses paid. (845) 475Excavation, Tractor Work, Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Appliances 8015 Site Prep, Dirt Rock Sand. Waco, Texas. (254) 752Call (936) 933-6336 3993. Look for our big ad Tanning Bed 20 bulbs on this weeks edition of Furniture 120V, $700. 2 fireplace the American Classifieds. mantels $50/each. Dining like us on facebook. W e carry Ashley room table with 6 chairs. Furniture! www.kwitt. $200. Dining room lighted 3 Kings Mechanical. net. Come see our huge hutch $150. (814) 657- 24 hour plumbing services, including culverts selection! Delivery avail- 0608 & drainage ditches. Call Appaloosa Trad- able (additional charge). James, License #Ming Post. (254) 662- Kirkpatrick & Witt Furni- SANCHEZ HOUSE 42959 Over 20 years 1010. Large Supply of ture, 625 Franklin Ave. LEVELING Specialof experience! 3kingsNew and Used Horse Downtown Waco Texas. izing in: Leveling Remechanical@gmail.com place Beams Concrete Tack. All about Western. (254) 754-4622. (254) 744-7810 or (254) Complete line of guns, GE Washer Approxi- Work Driveways All 744-1231 Jewelry, Saddles & Tack. mately 4 years old $145. Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Reasonable 3101 Robinson Drive, Rob- (254) 666-4213 Prices (254) 752-0422 WacoAmericanClassiinson, TX. 76706 fieds.com Check it Out! In house finance pro- Nice washers, drygrams Available. Come ers, refrigerators, and see what we have. Furni- cook stoves. Rebuilt ture, Appliances, TV, and with 90 day warranty. more. Kirkpatrick & Witt Delivery, service work, Furniture 625 Franklin need non-working ones. Downtown Waco (254) (254) 214-5284 754-4622.

For the best service, come shop our kiosk in the store



October 21, 2021 Page 3



Hiring Now! Looking For Maintenance Man, Desk Clerk & Maid. Apply in Person at Sandman Motel (254) 756-3781 (254) 662-4000


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Miscellanous Two Burial Plots 4 with Two Concrete Cryptoriums at Waco Me-

First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs We Accept All Major Credit Cards (254) 366-7256

morial Park. These plots are easily accessible, next to the street. $4,000 both (254) 717-6877 Furnish your home with Appliances, Refrigerators, ovens, stoves, Mattresses, Electronics, LCD, LED, DVD, Plasma TV’s, Recliners, Sofas, Dinettes and much more. Kirkpatrick and Witt Furniture. 625 Franklin Avenue, Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.


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Page 4 October 21, 2021



Timber Framed Wood Barn Set. Barn, Shop, garage, extra heav y barn siding . Rapid assembly plans & Instructions. Liquidation 80% discount! Original price $84,597, Now only $18,800. Pay only when delivered. Call (214) 771-6887.

Lots of Flea Market Items for Sale at Reasonable Prices! Call for more information! (254) 2180147 or (501) 944-2149 Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Beds, C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Western Prints.! Come to Rodeo Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.



1998 Premier Travel C hina S pring Trailer. Been in storage Tabernacle Car/ Truck/ for it’s entirety. 30ft. long. Bike Show: Saturday, Deer Hunters Dream! October 16, 2001, 9am$6,000. (254) 716-7654 2pm, 127 Ford St. VenPet Boarding for dors, Food Truck, 50/50 Dogs & Cats! I am Raffle, Free Admission. retired and an animal lov- Presented by Shades er! Let me care for your Custom Tint. pets while you are away! For more information call Rebar now in Stock! (254) 203-1099 Come and get it! Square Tubing, Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Acme Fence & Iron Commercial & Residential. Ornamental iron, custom gates, wood privacy, chain link, gate operators, piperail. Paul Torres. 20+ years experience (254) 717-6498 E&E Lawn & Tree ServiceTree Trimming & Tree Removal (large or small), Lawn Mowing, Mowing up to 5 Acres, Clean Fence Lines, Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Stump Grinding. Reasonable Prices. 20 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario 254-230-6574 254-327-7483 Money for scrap metal, we buy junk autos, copper, brass, aluminum, batteries, stainless steel, aluminum cans & steel. (254) 756-6661!




2 Cemetery Plots Fertilizer Appli- Salon EquipmentH at Waco Memorial, cation, INCREASE Reasonable PricGarden of the Apostle, GROWTH and Production esHair Dryer CombosSSection 11, $2,500 for for your Pasture, Apply each, negotiable. (254) N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add 344-2301 broad leaf weed killer at Did you know that $9/acre. Weed Killer only, Jesus built His church? $18/per acre. Contact CarCheck it out for your- los Morris 254-421-1276 self. Read Matthew L E G E R I N V E S T16:18, Ephesians 1:22MENTS, LLC Dozer 23, Ephesians 5:23-25, & Motor Grader Work Colossians 1:18-24, RoDriveways Roads Land mans16:16. Interested? Clearing Erosion Control Free Bible Study http:// & Repairs Stock Tanks www.worldbibleschool. Build or Clean Out All org. Types of Ranch Work Gifts, saddles, jew- Concrete Work Pads, elry & tack! Appaloosa Sidewalks & Driveways Trading Post . 3101 N. 254-709-5914 254-379Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 1463 662-4803. Cee purlins, square Masonry Con- tubing, structural steel, tractor Retiring. metal roofing, U-panels, Several Varieties of sheds, will meet or beat Native Rock for Sale. any price! Bonz Pipe & Decorative Rock from Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, Minnesota, Brick, Sand, (254) 242-4850. Scaffolding. Gatesville Price Reduced! Area. (254) 865-2112 Waco Memorial Park Bingo 7 days a week! Mausoleum. Single InElectronic and paper sets. side Crypt, Top Level, Daily specials! Buckeye $3,300 (830) 613-6814 Bingo, 2423 Cole Ave. Waco, Texas. (254) 752- Get It Done! Loans 3993. Look for our big ad available up to $50,000 on this weeks edition of for home improvement. the American Classifieds. No equity required, no down payment, no aplike us on facebook. praisal necessary. Call We Clean Houses today. (254) 751-1016. and Apartments. Call BJ For Sale 2 Cemetery (254) 799-6567 Please Plots side by side at Waco leave message on the Memorial. $2,500. (254) machine. 214-1039

NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, on July 26, 2010, a certain Adjustable Rate Home Equity Conversion Deed of Trust (“Reverse Mortgage”) was executed by LEWIS EDWARD KUYKENDALL, as mortgagor in favor of METLIFE HOME LOANS, A DIVISION OF METLIFE BANK, N.A., as mortgagee and ROBERT K. FOWLER, as trustee, and was recorded on August 3, 2010 under Clerk`s Instrument Number 2010023925 in the real property records of McLennan, Texas. WHEREAS, the Reverse Mortgage was insured by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the “Secretary”) pursuant to the National Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family housing; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Reverse Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assignment dated October 24, 2017, and recorded on November 6, 2017, under Clerk`s Instrument Number 2017036953 in the real property records of McLennan County, Texas; and WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Reverse Mortgage in that the Mortgagors are now deceased; and WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of November 2, 2021 is $229,121.78; and WHEREAS, by virtue of the default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Reverse Mortgage to be immediately due and payable; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR part 27, subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on October 15, 2007 in Dallas County under Clerk’s File Number 20070369306, notice is hereby given that on November 2, 2021, at 10:00 AM local time or no later than three hours thereafter, all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: LOT 1, BLOCK 19, OF LAKE AIR ESTATES, SECTION SIX, A SUBDIVISION IN MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 917, PAGE 507, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS. Commonly known as: 5308 LAKE HIGHLANDS DR, WACO, TX 76710. The sale will be held in McLennan County, Texas at the following location: THE TOP OF THE OUTSIDE STEPS TO THE SECOND FLOOR IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE ON WASHINGTON ST. OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER`S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $229,121.78. There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorate share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bids, all bidders except the Secretary must submit a deposit totaling $22,912.18 in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. A deposit need not accompany each oral bid. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $22,912.18 must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within 30 days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the highest bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveying fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery date of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The extension fee shall be in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of HUD. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extension of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the cash deposit or, at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after consultation with the HUD representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs incurred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein. HUD does not guarantee that the property will be vacant. The scheduled foreclosure sale shall be cancelled or adjourned if it is established, by documented written application of the mortgagor to the Foreclosure Commissioner not less than 3 days before the date of sale, or otherwise, that the default or defaults upon which the foreclosure is based did not exist at the time of service of this notice of default and foreclosure sale, or all amounts due under the mortgage agreement are tendered to the Foreclosure Commissioner, in the form of a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Secretary of HUD, before public auction of the property is completed. The amount that must be paid if the mortgage is to be paid in full prior the scheduled sale is $229,121.78, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. Tender of payment by certified or cashier’s check or application for cancellation of the foreclosure sale shall be submitted to the address of the Foreclosure Commissioner provided below. Date: September 25, 2021 L. Keller Mackie, Foreclosure Commissioner Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. Parkway Office Center, Suite 900, 14160 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75254 (214) 635-2650 (214) 635-2686 Fax



hampoo/Chair CombosStylist Chairs/MatsStylist TablesMirrorsContact Mr. B (254) 749-8971 Storm Damage? Complimentary roof inspection. Leaks, Repairs, Prevent ative Maintenance, call today for a no-cost inspection. Let us help you with your insurance claims. Johnson Roofing 254-662-5571. CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also do driveways (254) 379-1727

CKC Dachshund Puppies & Adults ( F ixed , H ouse Trained). Fenced Yard Required. Variety, Waco. (254) 313-8380 (937) 5419681 S m all Acreage Shredding,Small Clean Up Jobs,Custom Tractor Rototilling. Call Richard White for Pricing (254) 749-9104 Farm & Ranch Needs? We have you covered! Corn, feeders, seed, food. Come see us at Bar None Country Store (254) 8489112 BRICK REPAIR WORK Brick New Homes Replace Rusted Mailboxes Brick Stone Block Masonry Cutout Openings Chimney Repair Work Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819

Was $46,850

Now $10,800

Camp Closing 75% Off

Log Cabin Set: Pre-Cut Log Walls, Main Timber Rafters, Ridge Beams, All Plans. Pay Only Can Haul on Delivery Get Detailed Information @


Miscellaneous Huge Selection! Dump Trailers U.S. Built! RS Built 14’ X 24” Sides, US Built 14’ X 36” Sides, US Built 14’ X 48” Sides. 16K Gooseneck in stock for immediate delivery! Flat Rock Trailer & Ranch Supply, (254) 420-1112 Carpet & Flooring at Warehouse Prices! Carpet, carpet remnants, floating click plank, water resistant laminate, glue down waterproof planks, install available! Call Buzz (254) 752-4112 Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445 Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jewelry, dining room furniture, cross room, western clothing & bedroom furniture. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.

CA MP CLO S I N G 80% Discount Was: $46,850 Now: $10,800 Log Cabin Set : Pre-cut Log Walls, Main Timber Rafters, All Plans. Can Haul. Pay Only On Metal B uilding Delivery. Get Detailed components, tubing, pipe, Information @ 214-771beams, channel, diamond 6887 plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or Moving Sale Inside! available on short lead Everything in Large Home times. We cut & bend and Shop Building Must metal! Metals 2 Go, (254) Go! Furniture, Lots of 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. houseware, Clothing, 2 Cemetery plots in Way too Much to List! Waco Memorial Cemetery 9:00am-6:00pm October with 2 Crypts. $3,000 for 14th, 15th & 16th. 4799 each. Also have 1 more Tokio Road, West. plot nearby the other two, General Carpen$3,000. Need to sell. (252) try Doors, Window Re412-9798 placement, Roof Leaks, Ramos Founda- Repairs, Trim Repair, Fastion Repair 20 years cia, Siding, Carports. Free experience. Tunnel Exca- Quote (254) 537-3873 vation, Pier Beam & Slab, Foundation Repair.Free Two Plots in Waco Estimates Se habla Espa- Memorial Park For Sale. Ñol Uriell (469) 686-5290 Under an old oak tree in Ramos (214) 462-5386 The Garden of Apostles, ramosfoundationrepair@ Section L $1,100 per plot, includes transfer fee! gmail.com (John) 254-749-8495 Excellent Prices Over 200 Pistols, Rifles & Ammo. Come to Rodeo Tree Services Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson 18 Years Experience Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. Insured Electrical Line Branch Need House Cleaner. Call (254) 300-5155 Trimming! No Job Too Big Rodas Tree Service Professional Or Too Small Tree Trimming Tree Free Estimates Removal Stump Grind(254) 339-5130 ing Property Cleaning www.excellentprices Complete Service Very Affordable! (254) 548treeservice.com 8148


Hail Damage? call today for a no-cost inspection. Let us help you with your insurance claims. Johnson Roofing 254-6625571. Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Pioneer Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, HBraces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Bunk bed (no mattress), Starting at $249. Hurry before they are gone! Furniture Outlet 254-754-9995. 3414 Franklin Ave. WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

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Miscellaneous Custom R-panel Galvalume and color, (254) 242-4850. F or Sale Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. 200 young laying hens $14/each. (254) 8812022 I am having phone issues, please call again if you can’t get through!

Public / Legal Notices

PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589 results you can count on! We can sell just about anything! Call American Classifieds at 254-752-0334.

Garage Sales

Waco Garage sale! October 16th & 17th. Saturday 9am-3pm & Sunday 8am12pm. 1533 Mckenzie Waco, Tx 76708 We are looking for someone who buys left over things from garage and yard sales. We have a lot of house items and tools we would like to sell. Please call (254) 722-7483 for more information. Mark Your Calendar! Farm, Ranch, Vehicle & Construction Online Auction. Opens October 8th, Ends October 15, 2021. Call with your Consignment! Deadline October 6, 2021. Construction, county government, farm & vehicles. If you have farm, ranch or construction equipment anywhere in the US, we can sell it for you. Alvin Kaddatz TXS6676. Join us in praying for farmers, ranchers, and all those involved in agriculture. (254) 582-3000 W e carry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.




Waco $54 down! No Credit, Bad Credit No Problem! Discount Vacuum & Appliance 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx 76710 254756-1738. 4501 W. Waco Drive, Waco 254-776-8055

Bellmead Yard Sale 1518 Oregon, Bellmead. Saturday 16th, 8am-5pm

Leroy Garage Sale, Friday & Saturday, October 15th & 16th. 112 East Commerce, Leroy, Texas 76654. Tool Boxes, Radial Arm Saw, Band Saw, Miter Saw, Wire Welding, Roll Top Desk, Secretary Desk, Old Piano, Battery Charger, and Miscellaneous Items.


Dogs For Sale 6 Small Chihuahua Puppies, $400 each. Call (254) 327-5841 Corgi Puppies For Sale. Registered, Shots, Worming. For More Information Call (361) 7268682

huahuas , M i n i Australian shepherds & Poodles. www.crystalskypuppies.com (817) 304-1225 License #131

German Shepherd Puppies for sale. $400/ each. Call for more information. (254) 421-8606 Sarplaninac Puppies. I have 7, 8 weeks old, 5 Females, 2 Males. They will make wonderful guard dogs or house pets! Asking $1,200. (254) 652-8290

CKC Dachshund Puppies & Adults ( F ixed , H ouse Trained). Fenced Yard Required. Variety, Waco. (254) 313-8380 (937) 5419681 Pet Boarding for Dogs & Cats! I am retired and an animal lover! Let me care for your pets while you are away! For more information call (254) 203-1099 Pomeranian Puppies. Call or text (254) 716-3952 License #144 All CKC Registered, Shots & Wormed. Maltese Puppies ( 4 months old), Maltese Puppies (8 weeks old), Yorkies (8 weeks old). (254) 338-2955 Just in time for Christmas! Maltipoo Puppies, ready by December 10th through December 17th, 2021. Very Smart, Sweet, Good with Kids, Good Companions, Good for Mental Stress, Depression & Anxiety. (903) 729-7802 or (903) 3944842

Terrier, 1/4 Wired Hair Terrier, 1st shots, wormed $150-$200. (903) 6265218 6 Month Old, AKC Rabbit Beagle Puppies $200 each. Call (903) 271-5084 Yorkiepoos 7 Weeks, $950. 4 Months, $400. Shots, Pictures (254) 2179196 Maltese Poodle Puppies. 2 Males, White, 2 Months Old, $450/each. (254) 640-7680

Birds F or Sale Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. 200 young laying hens $14/each. (254) 8812022 I am having phone issues, please call again if you can’t get through!

Pets RABBITS FOR pets, FFA, 4-H, Tamnuk, Californian, Holland Lops, Lion Heads, Dutch, Silver Fox, Tans, Mini Rex! Other breeds! Located in Mansfield Texas. 817-938-8472 Pet Boarding for Dogs & Cats! I am retired and an animal lover! Let me care for your pets while you are away! For more information call (254) 203-1099 For sale, Lionhead Bunnies. Beautiful colors! Nice Pets. $50/each. (254) 644-1485


Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Working job site superintendent. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. Help Wanted: Parts person, duties include counter sales of new and salvage farm equipment parts, use of Microsoft Windows. Benefits, Hillsboro, TX (877) 816-0184

October 21, 2021 Page 5

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Employment JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply Hiring Now! Looking For Maintenance Man, Desk Clerk & Maid. Apply in Person at Sandman Motel (254) 756-3781 (254) 662-4000 EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. Ya est·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las ·reas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply Part time janitorial in Cedar Park. Monday through Friday 6pm10pm. Pay $14 per hour. Call Linda for interview time. 254-715-7629. Se Habla Espanol






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EMPLEOS DISPONIBLES. Ya est·n disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las ·reas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en lÌnea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply

JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply Jack of all Trades Personnel Services 2701 Franklin Ave. Job Line (254) 754-3860 Experienced Apartment Maintenance Needed. HVAC Certified a Plus!

Cash your Check at Chapmans Check Cashing! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254-741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254-754-2003 Need House Cleaner. Call (254) 300-5155 Drivers $65.00 per hour, driving executives and VIP’s. 516-234-1855 or 631-494-0140. Hiring Now! Looking For Maintenance Man, Desk Clerk & Maid. Apply in Person at Sandman Motel (254) 756-3781 (254) 662-4000

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October 21, 2021 Page 7

JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Mechanic. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. cash! We got it!!! Chapmans Check Cashing! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254-741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254754-2003 Trabajo de Medio Tiempo.Estamos necesitando una persona de limpieza comercial en la ·rea de Cedar Park. Lunes a Viernes 6pm-10pm. Pago es $14 por hora. Llame a la oficina 254715-7629 y pregunte por Linda para recibir hora de entrevista. NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Form Setter/concrete finishers. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130.

Need Mechanic. Must have own tools. Up to $30 per hour for the right individual. Call (254) 840-2256 for interview Wanted: Someone to work construction & landscaping. Call (254) 340-8202 Welder/construction worker needed! Metal Building Experience required. Call (254) 8533962. JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply


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GROUND WORK Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Stump Grinding Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling 254-405-0323 SMALL ACREAGE SHREDDING Small Clean Up Jobs Custom Tractor Rototilling Call Richard White for pricing (254) 749-9104



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Page 8 October 21, 2021

Business Opportunities

JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply


JOBS AVAILABLE.† Full and part-time jobs available now!† Needed:† Janitorial workers in Waco, Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per hour.† Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 or apply online at www. janitorialservice.com/apply PLACE YOUR  ​ad! Call 254-752-0334. Hiring Now! Looking For Maintenance Man, Desk Clerk & Maid. Apply in Person at Sandman Motel (254) 756-3781 (254) 662-4000

Real Estate For Sale

Foundation Repairs Level Brick Housing Concrete Foundations Level Pier & Beam Lifetime Warranty Licensed & Bonded 40 Years Experience Reasonable Prices R&M (254) 718-6383 (512) 921-6970

Real Estate For Sale

Real Estate For Sale

Real Estate For Sale

I Am Looking for a Home For My Mother, Under $100,000. (254) 744-9111 Metal B uilding components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or available on short lead times. We cut & bend metal! Metals 2 Go, (254) 235-7700, (877) 235-7703.

Metal Building components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or available on short lead times. We cut & bend metal! Metals 2 Go, (254) 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. Carpet & Flooring at Warehouse Prices! Carpet, carpet remnants, floating click plank, water resistant laminate, glue down waterproof planks, install available! Call Buzz (254) 752-4112 Ramos Foundation Repair 20 years experience. Tunnel Excavation, Pier Beam & Slab, Foundation Repair.Free Estimates Se habla EspaÑol Uriell (469) 686-5290 Ramos (214) 462-5386 ramosfoundationrepair@ gmail.com

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” American Classifieds will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you are a victim of housing discrimination contact HUD at 800-6699777, www.hud.gov David Chavez, Realtor Representing Buyers & Sellers for 33 years! Central Realty (254) 749-3645 Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663.

First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs We Accept All Major Credit Cards (254) 366-7256

Best Roofing & Remodeling All Types of Roofing, Siding, Concrete, Gutters, Remodels. Honest, Dependable & Reasonable Rates. FREE Estimates. Member of BBB. 254-7322400 254-366-5753 https:// Duane’s Mobile bestroofingremodeling. Facebook/Firstcalllonnie Home Leveling Done com/ bestroofingremodelThe Right Way Single/ ing @gmail.com E ugene Double /Triple Wides Haverkamp, Realtor Mathis Riley Pro- Representing Sellers for Small Homes License# fessional Heating & over 26 years! Central INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Cooling Services, LLC Realty (254) 717-2397 Toll Free (888) 281-5063 TACLA#49001E (254) 292-9673 Honest, Guar- Quality built homes duanehobson1@gmail. anteed Work Sales, Ser- on your lot! Floor plans to com vice, Installation Low fit any budget. No money Affordable Rates Profes- down. 100% financing. VISIONARY BUYER. Credit repair program Great older house for sale sional Service (254) 857-4663. by owner. Multiple attributes like wooden doors and more. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,House must be relocated. 469-363-2480. Painting (30 years experience, interior & exterior) Yard Work Drywall Power Washing Realtor Special-Complete Move Outs Free Estimates! (254) 262-1219 Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088 Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663.

Quality Built On Your Lot "Millennium Too” A Trusted Name in Home Building 3 BEdrOOMs • 2 BATHs with FLEX rOOM!

Base Price



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Lots, Land & Acreage Pasture for rent in Robinson. 32 acres, water provided, $100 month. Deposit required. Call (254) 744-9943. Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663. Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663.

For Sale By Owner

Rodas Tree SerH vice Professional Tree Trimming Tree

Everybody in Waco (or afar) is welcome to shop here!

I Am Looking for a Home For My Mother, Under $100,000. (254) 744-9111 3 Bedroom 2 bath, 15’X80’ mobile home for sale $20,000. Also, 2 bedroom, 1 bath $8,000. Call for more information.(254) 216-8022 2 lots for sale in the Moreno’s Remodcity of Mart.(254) 876- eling Bedroom Addi2397 tion, Framing, Painting, 2 lots: 1.6 acres Texture, Sheetrock, Leveach, 318 & 342 Camp eling. No job too big or Road, McGregor, off Val small! Free estimates Verde Road, convenient English: 254-339-2086. to Waco, Country Liv- 254-221-3658 254-2143231 ing. 817-240-2042.

Lots, Land & Acreage

BRICK REPAIR WORK Brick New Homes Replace Rusted Mailboxes Brick Stone Block Masonry Cutout Openings Chimney Repair Work Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819 Loans available for home improvement up to $50,000. No equity required. No down payment. No appraisal necessary. Call Southwest Remodeling. (254) 751-1016. Carpet & Flooring at Warehouse Prices! Carpet, carpet remnants, floating click plank, water resistant laminate, glue down waterproof planks, install available! Call Buzz (254) 752-4112

Corner of North 15th St. and Colcord Avenue Store hours: Mon-Sat: 8am-8pm Sunday: 11am-6pm

EUGENE HAVERKAMP, Realtor Representing Sellers for over 26 Years

254-717-2397 For Sale By Owner Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088

Removal Stump Grinding Property Cleaning Complete Service Very Affordable! (254) 5488148

Hunting/ Investment/ Recreational property. We have some of the best in Texas! From the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde County, free ranging exotics) to South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Large or small acreage. 30-year fixed rate owner financing, only 5% down. Call toll-free or email for individual prices and terms, www.ranchenterprisesltd.com 800-8769720. Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663. CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding Also do driveways (254) 379-1727

We accept Cash, Check, Debit and Credit

House for Sale. 382 Lake Avenue, Elm Mott, Texas 76640 Call Missy (254) 722-3361. Country living at it’s finest! Connally School District, central air and propane and septic. Big Fenced in yard. House sits on 3 lots on the corner of the block. Metal roof, wood burning fireplace, Carport, laundry room, 4 bedroom 2 bath. No owner finance. Asking $125,000. Will consider all reasonable offers. 30 Acres @ $8,000 per acre. Vacant land, Hwy. 77 South of Travis, Rosebud, TX. For more information Stanfer Real Estate Quessie Tryon-Williams (254) 715-5643 WacoAmericanClassifieds.com Check it Out! For Sale South Waco. Nice 3 Bedroom 1.5 Bath. CH/A, Fenced, $175,000. (254) 644-1485 General Carpentry Doors, Window Replacement, Roof Leaks, Repairs, Trim Repair, Fascia, Siding, Carports. Free Quote (254) 537-3873 Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445

Commercial Property For Sale

Storm Damage? Complimentary roof inspection. Leaks, Repairs, Prevent ative Maintenance, call today for a no-cost inspection. Let us help you with your insurance claims. Johnson Roofing 254-662-5571. Hail Damage? call today for a no-cost inspection. Let us help you with your insurance claims. Johnson Roofing 254-6625571.

Houses For Rent

Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984 3 bedroom, 2 bath rental in Waco. 3408 Lisbon. $1,300/month $1,000/deposit. You pay utilities. Call me now. 254799-2478 Carpet & Flooring at Warehouse Prices! Carpet, carpet remnants, floating click plank, water resistant laminate, glue down waterproof planks, install available! Call Buzz (254) 752-4112


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254-749-3645 Houses For Rent

Apartments For Rent

Small house with 5 rooms and small studio apartment. Semi- furnished & all bills paid. Very nice. MUST HAVE REFERENCES! No pets. Nonsmoking Call for information! (254) 349-7221

PA R K PLACE APARTMENTS: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Tow n h o u s e s o r 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartments. 1200 sf with balcony / private fence. Private laundry room, water paid, Midway ISD. Criminal background check. No application fee. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 349-1398. Se Habla Español.

Lake Air Green Apartments Huge newly remodeled 1 and 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Water and gas paid. No application fee. 912 Lake Air (254) 349-1398. Se Habla EspaÒol. Newly remodeled Apartments at 3 complexes ñ Lacy Lakeview: Craven Ave (254) 301-2459 or TSTC (254) 400-4155, Bellmead across from the City Park (254) 262-2453. Move-in specials. B ar - X A partments: all bills paid, $120 a week and up; $200/300 deposit (depending upon unit), no application fee. 1511 S. Loop Dr. (254) 756-1043. Se Habla Español. 1620 Clay Apt. A. $200 Deposit. $700/ Monthly. Refrigerator & Stove. All Bills Paid. No Pets/Yard cut. Call (254) 715-2633


Farm & Ranch General

Carpet & Flooring at Hay, Round Bales Warehouse Prices! Car$50 each. Coastal pet, carpet remnants, Mix (254) 993-1164 floating click plank, water DUMPSTER resistant laminate, glue RENTAL down waterproof planks, install available! Call Buzz • $225.00 Complete (254) 752-4112 • Skid Steer • Demolition 20 Hereford and Angus bulls, 18-24 • Ranch Clean Up months old, fertility • Scrap Metal tested, ready for ser• Land Clearing vices. Caldwell area. Joey, 979-224-4698, (254) 307-9211 Victor 979-446-2054 or Margaret 979-218-8336. Storm Damage? Complimentary roof inRABBITS FOR pets, spection. Leaks, Repairs, FFA, 4-H, Tamnuk, Cali- Prevent ative Maintefornian, Holland Lops, Lion nance, call today for a Heads, Dutch, Silver Fox, no-cost inspection. Let Tans, Mini Rex! Other us help you with your inbreeds! Located in Man- surance claims. Johnson sfield Texas. 817-938-8472 Roofing 254-662-5571. Over 200 Cow Hides, Acme Fence & Iron guns, large selection of Commercial & ResidenAmmo. Come to Rodeo tial. Ornamental iron, Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson custom gates, wood Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. privacy, chain link, gate operators, piperail. Paul RAUL’S Torres. 20+ years expeCONCRETE rience (254) 717-6498 SERVICE Chairs, Chest of Driveways Drawers, Desks, Beds, Patios C o u ch e s . Ove r 3 6 0 Sidewalks Western Prints.! Come Jobs of All Sizes to Rodeo Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) Free Estimates 662-4803. (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251 Excellent Prices Tree Services Ballew Land Ser18 Years Experience vices, LLC We specialize Insured in removing: Underbrush, trees, mesquite & grub- Electrical Line Branch bing. Shredding, clearTrimming! No Job ing, thinning pastures, Too Big driveway work & more! Or Too Small 1-254-307-1940 Veteran Free Estimates Owned (254) 339-5130 R&R www.excellentprices Transportation treeservice.com Rose Eastham, Mark Your Calendar! Operator Farm, Ranch, Vehicle & Sand Construction Online AucGravel tion. Opens October 8th, Topsoil Ends October 15, 2021. Call with your Consign(254) 749-4141 ment! Deadline October Mark Your Calendar! 6, 2021. Construction, Farm, Ranch, Vehicle & county government, farm Construction Online Auc- & vehicles. If you have tion. Opens October 8th, farm, ranch or construcEnds October 15, 2021. tion equipment anywhere Call with your Consign- in the US, we can sell ment! Deadline October it for you. Alvin Kaddatz 6, 2021. Construction, TXS6676. Join us in praycounty government, farm ing for farmers, ranchers, & vehicles. If you have and all those involved in farm, ranch or construc- agriculture. (254) 582tion equipment anywhere 3000 in the US, we can sell CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK it for you. Alvin Kaddatz wonders. Call American TXS6676. Join us in pray- Classifieds, 254-752-0334. ing for farmers, ranchers, and all those involved in agriculture. (254) 5823000 S eptic Mainte nance, Contracts, Repair & Installation. For a Healthier Community 254-717-3562 Gifts, saddles, jewelry & tack! Appaloosa Trading Post . 3101 N. Robinson Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.


Representing Buyers and Sellers for 33 Years

Apartments For Rent

Farm & Ranch General

Manufactured Housing

Duane’s Mobile Home Leveling Done The Right Way Single/ Double /Triple Wides Small Homes License# INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Toll Free (888) 281-5063 duanehobson1@gmail. com

Farm & Ranch General

Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984

Woodway Park Condominiums. Large 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with 2 living areas. 1200 s.f., private laundry room, patio/balcony, great neighborhood. Criminal background check. No application fee. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 2 Female, 1 Male adult 349-1398. Se Habla Pot Belly Pigs (make offer), 2 young Barbado Español. Sheep Ram, For informaSend a Message tion call (254) 729-0001 or through American Classi- leave message. Or Text fieds. Say Happy Birthday Only (254) 645-0393 to a friend or loved one Over 200 Pistols, Rifles and let the whole city see & Ammo. Come to Rodeo it. Call 254-752-0334 and Pawn. 3101 N. Robinson place your ad! Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803.

October 21, 2021 Page 9

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

R. JOHNSON Sand & Gravel Haul Off 6 & 12 Yard Loads Topsoil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel (254) 749-3863 (254) 799-4907

Hail Damage? call today for a no-cost inspection. Let us help you with your insurance claims. Johnson Roofing 254-6625571.

S m all Acreage Shredding,Small Clean Up Jobs,Custom Tractor Rototilling. Call Richard White for Pricing (254) 749-9104

Farm & Ranch Needs? We have you covered! Corn, feeders, seed, food. Come see us at Bar None Country Store (254) 8489112

All of Your Hunting Supplies

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Where our mission is making homes happen for families. Affordable unfurnished apartments for qualified applicants. Central heat & A/C, appliances, and other amenities. Interested applicants may apply online at Wacopha.org Any questions please call 254-752-0324 Apartamentos asequibles sin amueblar para solicitantes qu reúnan los requisitos. Calefacción y aire acondicionado centralizados, electrodomésticos y otras comodidades. Los solicitantes interesados pueden presentar su solicitud en línea en Wacopha.org

Security on Site


Page 10 October 21, 2021

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Appaloosa Trading Post! World’s greatest western store, jewelry, dining room furniture, cross room, western clothing & bedroom furPasture for rent in niture. 3101 N. Robinson Robinson. 32 acres, water Dr. Waco, (254) 662-4803. provided, $100 month. L E G E R I N V E S TDeposit required. Call MENTS, LLC Dozer (254) 744-9943. & Motor Grader Work Huge Selection! Driveways Roads Land Dump Trailers U.S. Built! Clearing Erosion Control RS Built 14’ X 24” Sides, & Repairs Stock Tanks US Built 14’ X 36” Sides, Build or Clean Out All US Built 14’ X 48” Sides. Types of Ranch Work 16K Gooseneck in stock Concrete Work Pads, for immediate delivery! Sidewalks & Driveways Flat Rock Trailer & Ranch 254-709-5914 254-3791463 Supply, (254) 420-1112 B lack A ngus Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 11-18 months old, $1,250. (254) 899-2558

Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445

NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Form Setter/concrete finishers. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. F or Sale Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. 200 young laying hens $14/each. (254) 8812022 I am having phone issues, please call again if you can’t get through!

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

McLain Dozer Service Dozer Trackhoe Maintainer, Mulcher, Dirt & Gravel Work. Call John (903) 641-6648 The Eagle Nest Ranch Dispersal auction, October 23rd at 10:00 AM. 551 FM 927, Morgan, TX 76671, Preview is October 22nd from 10am to 4pm. Clark Auction will be selling the Taxidermy collection of animals, gun collection, bar neon and all the equipment the ranch was using. This auction is short notice and will move quickly to get all the items uploaded in timely manner. The auction will be hosted online via Proxibid and HiBid and will also have live in person bidding available.All items must be removed no later than October 27th the new ranch owner will take possession on November 1st. Items updated daily and will be listed at the below links.All items are sold to the highest bidder live or online! Robert W. Clark #12497. www.cacwaco. com (254) 848-2333

Fertilizer Application, INCREASE GROWTH and Production for your Pasture, Apply N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add broad leaf weed killer at $9/acre. Weed Killer only, $18/per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276 Big SALE! This week only! Trucks vans, livestock trailers, zetor tractor, box van trucks, dually, 1 tons, diesel, gooseneck trailer, 360 turn mower and much more. Come to Rodeo Pawn & Appaloosa Trading Post @ 3101 N. Robinson Dr. 254-6624803.


Huge Selection! Dump Trailers U.S. Built! RS Built 14’ X 24” Sides, US Built 14’ X 36” Sides, US Built 14’ X 48” Sides. 16K Gooseneck in stock for immediate delivery! Flat Rock Trailer & Ranch Supply, (254) 420-1112


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Building Materials


Huge Selection! Dump Trailers U.S. Built! RS Built 14’ X 24” Sides, US Built 14’ X 36” Sides, US Built 14’ X 48” Sides. 16K Gooseneck in stock for immediate delivery! Flat Rock Trailer & Ranch Supply, (254) 420-1112



Cee purlins, square tubing, structural steel, metal roofing, U-panels, sheds, will meet or beat any price! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850. Custom R-panel and color, (254) Farm & Ranch Galvalume 242-4850. Implements per week For sale: U-panels, PBR R-Panel- 40 year paint warranty, panels cut to length, sturdier design at afforable price. Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. D I S C S , C H I S E L Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244. p l ow s , m o l d b o a r d Metal B uilding plows, V-ripper, JD components, tubing, pipe, grain drill, call for de- beams, channel, diamond tails, Tom Lockwood, plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or 254-385-6487. available on short lead Heavy duty plows. times. We cut & bend 20 words or less. Additional words are 40¢ per word Kewanee Bush Hog, wing metal! Metals 2 Go, (254) per week. $8.25 per week. 8 week minimum run. over tandem, 24ft. Krause 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. tandem 14ft & Rhino SR20 shredder, hard rub- Masonry ConSteel/Storage Building ber. (817) 277-4078 (817) tractor Retiring. Several Varieties of Buildings 797-5314 Materials Native Rock for Sale. Decorative Rock from Heavy Minnesota, Brick, Sand, Drill Stem Pipe, 2 3/8, Equipment Scaffolding. Gatesville 2 7/8, All lengths up to 31 feet. (254) 242-4850. Area. (254) 865-2112 Rebar now in Stock! Storm Damage? Rebar now in Stock! Come and get it! Pioneer Complimentary roof inCome and get it! Resi- Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, spection. Leaks, Repairs, dential Metal Roofing and Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Prevent ative MainteDOZR WORX Exavation. Siding, Storage Buildings, Iron, Expanded Metal, H- nance, call today for a Dirt Work, Hauling, Land Metal Buildings. We De- Braces, Ornamental Iron no-cost inspection. Let Clearing, Dozer Work, liver and Unload! Pioneer Products. (254) 754-2611 us help you with your inExcavation, Tractor Work, Steel & Pipe, (254) 754- or (800) 662-2877. surance claims. Johnson Site Prep, Dirt Rock Sand. 2611 or (800) 662-2877. Rebar now in Stock! Roofing 254-662-5571. METALFOR SALE! Come and get it! Square CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK Call (936) 933-6336 McLain Dozer Ser- 50 Coils, Sheets, Mis- Tubing, Sheet Metal, wonders. Call American vice Dozer Trackhoe Main- cellaneous, C-Channel, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Classifieds, 254-752-0334. GasolineStorage Drums. tainer, Mulcher, Dirt & Johnson Roofing Big Welding Supplies, Insu- Shipping containGravel Work. Call John Lots - Wholesale Only! lated and Non-Insulated ers $3,000 and up. Wind (903) 641-6648 By Appointment Only: Gloves. Pioneer Steel & and water tight. See phoPipe, (254) 754-2611 or tos www.steelcontainers. Metal B uilding 254-662-5571 net Will deliver. (817) 386components, tubing, pipe, Drill Stem Pipe, (800) 662-2877. beams, channel, diamond Square Tubing, I-Beams, Open to the public! 1800, Burleson, TX. plate, angle, rounds, many Metal Buildings, Angle Steel & pipe- c-purlin, Hail Damage? call steel items in stock or Iron, C-Purlin, Metal roof- square tubing, U-panels, today for a no-cost inspecavailable on short lead ing. We manufacture on structural, custom cuts, tion. Let us help you with times. We cut & bend Site! Bonz Pipe & Steel, contractors discounts. your insurance claims. metal! Metals 2 Go, (254) 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848- Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 Johnson Roofing 254-662N. Hwy 6, (254) 242-4850. 5571. 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. 2244.



Business & Service Directory

In Print and Online 254-752-0334

GET WHAT We Rent Livestock Trailers YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT.



Per Day

daily, weekend, and weekly RaTeS aVailaBle

81”x12’ SingLe AxLe UTiLiTy TRAiLeR 2’ Sides and Rear Ramp Gate

Rent Me!

$39.99 Day

18’ AUTo HAULeR with 2’ Dovetail and Ramps

Rent Me!

$49.99 Day

7’x14’ TAndem AxLe CARgo TRAiLeR

81”x14’ 14K BUmpeR pULL dUmp TRAiLeR

with Double Rear Doors

with 3’ Sides - Maxey

$49.99 Day

$89.99 Day

Rent Me!

Rent Me!

Big Tex 14gn 102’x22’+5’ doveTAiL fLATBed TRAiLeR Fold Over Spring Assist MEGA Ramps

Rent Me!

$99.99 Day 435 enterprise Blvd. (i-35 South) Hewitt, Tx 76643





farm, ranch, vehicle & construction online auction Mark your calendars!

Hunting & Fishing

October 21, 2021 Page 11

Lawn & Garden

1998 Premier Travel Painting (30 years Trailer. Been in storage experience, interior & ex-

Opens OCTOBeR 8 • ClOsing OCTOBeR 15, 2021 for it’s entirety. 30ft. long. terior) Yard Work Drywall Call with YoUR Consignments deadline to Consign is oCtoBeR 6, 2021

Construction, County Government, Farm & Vehicles If you have farm, ranch or construction equipment anywhere in the US, we can sell it for you!

Kaddatz auctioneering & Farm equipment SaleS


Deer Hunters Dream! Power Washing Realtor $6,000. (254) 716-7654 Special-Complete Move Outs Free Estimates! (254) 262-1219

Lawn & Garden

alvin Kaddatz tX6676

More info available at: www.kaddatzequipment.com Join Us in Praying for our Farmers, Ranchers and all those involved in agriculture

Hunting/ investment/ recreational property

We have some of the best in Texas from the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde County, free ranging exotics), to South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. Call toll free or email for individual prices and terms.

800-876-9720 ranchenterprisesltd.com

Auctions Mark Your Calendar! Farm, Ranch, Vehicle & Construction Online Auction. Opens October 8th, Ends October 15, 2021. Call with your Consignment! Deadline October 6, 2021. Construction, county government, farm & vehicles. If you have farm, ranch or construction equipment anywhere in the US, we can sell it for you. Alvin Kaddatz TXS6676. Join us in praying for farmers, ranchers, and all those involved in agriculture. (254) 5823000

Sporting Goods


Mowing , Weedeating, Edging, Yard Work, Leaf Raking, Hedge Trimming. Jason (254) 2298639 or (254) 548-5849 Mowing, Edging, Hauling, Leaf Raking, Clean Out Garages, Small Jobs also. You call, we haul top soil & gravel. We do painting. For Good Yard Work call Stop Sign. Your Trash’s Last Ride. (254) 349-2324 or (254) 2242161 Yes, We Travel! Snapper Riding Lawn Mower. Briggs & Stratton Motor. 11.5 HP, Gas, 28” Cut, High-back, Excellent Shape! $1,000. (254) 224-2483

R easonable P ush and Riding Mowers. New & Used Parts. Call (254) 3664631


CHAROLAIS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 Also Guineas for sale. 2 Female, 1 Male adult Pot Belly Pigs (make offer), 2 young Barbado Sheep Ram, For information call (254) 729-0001 or leave message. Or Text Only (254) 645-0393

B&B Construction All Types of Remodeling & Leveling. Repair Sheetrock Roof Repair Free Estimates References (254) 4050764 (254) 576-1746

20 Hereford and Angus bulls, 18-24 months old, fertility tested, ready for services. Caldwell area. Joey, 979-224-4698, Victor 979-446-2054 or Margaret 979-218-8336.

Removal (large or small), Lawn Mowing, Mowing up to 5 Acres, Clean Fence Lines, Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Stump Grinding. Reasonable Prices. 20 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario 254-230-6574 254-327-7483 PLACE YOUR  ​ad! Call 254-752-0334. Honda Tiller FRC800 with GX240 Engine. Reasonably good condition, worked when last used. $600. Honda Walk Behind Mower HRA214, with clutch and easy start, has leaky fuel filter. asking $20. Swisher Briggs & Stratton 625 Series, 6.25 lbs torque & does not start. $20 (push behind weed eater)(254) 6528290 Farm & Ranch Needs? We have you covered! Corn, feeders, seed, food. Come see us at Bar None Country Store (254) 8489112 Big SALE! This week only! Trucks vans, livestock trailers, zetor tractor, box van trucks, dually, 1 tons, diesel, gooseneck trailer, 360 turn mower and much more. Come to Rodeo Pawn & Appaloosa Trading Post @ 3101 N. Robinson Dr. 254-6624803.

Bulls, Low Birth Weight, Guaranteed. Call (903) 875-9390

Led Shot for sale, H #9’s & #8’s. $45 per E&E Lawn & Tree Ser25lb bag. Call (254) 315- viceTree Trimming & Tree Virgin Black Angus 9300

Online Auctions! Check them out at Waco Auction Group 10/5/21 Warehouse Auction & 10/12/21 Archery Auction. Randy Solberg #12677 (254) 709-6338 results you can count on! We can sell just about anything! Call American Classifieds at 254-752-0334. The Eagle Nest Ranch Dispersal auction, October 23rd at 10:00 AM. 551 FM 927, Morgan, TX 76671, Preview is October 22nd from 10am to 4pm. Clark Auction will be selling the Taxidermy collection of animals, gun collection, bar neon and all the equipment the ranch was using. This auction is short notice and will move quickly to get all the items uploaded in timely manner. The auction will be hosted online via Proxibid and HiBid and will also have live in person bidding available.All items must be removed no later than October 27th the new ranch owner will take possession on November 1st. Items updated daily and will be listed at the below links.All items are sold to the highest bidder live or online! Robert W. Clark #12497. www.cacwaco. com (254) 848-2333

Guns and Ammunition

CASH FOR guns and ammo. Appraisals. No collection too large. 254265-0275 Benelli Nova Pump Shotgun, 20 gauge, New in box. Call or Text (512) 573-2788 Large Quantity of Rifle Ammo For Sale (254) 541-1603 Led Shot for sale, #9’s & #8’s. $45 per 25lb bag. Call (254) 3159300


Hunting & Fishing

After 37 years of running my Outfitter business, I am devoting all my time to my bird dogs. I have lots of deer stands and deer feeders for sale cheap! Call (254) 744-5201 Leave message and I will call back!

“PeoPle you can count on”

• • • • •

Chevrolet Honda Jeep Lincoln Toyota

• • • • •

Dodge Hyundai Kia Ram and More!

H orse S ale Cleburne, Tx Ever y We d n e s d a y N i g h t @6pm. Good Riding Horse Market, Top Loose Horse Market. Call I.W Ward (254) 744-5563 or Trent (469) 595-6870 F or Sale Geese, Ducks, Chickens. Baby Chicks $2.00 and Baby Ducks $4.00 as they hatch. 200 young laying hens $14/each. (254) 8812022 I am having phone issues, please call again if you can’t get through! B lack A ngus Grass fed fat bulls and heifers. Purebred gentle, 11-18 months old, $1,250. (254) 899-2558

Feed & Supplies

Horse Quality Coastal Hay. Round Bales $70. each, Square Bales $7.50 each. 3719 Orchard Lane (254) 7998518 (254) 744-8611

H H live and Online H H

eagles nest ranch dispersal auction 551 FM 927 • Morgan, TX 76671

Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval Don’t Be Discouraged With Credit Issues

Bring a Current Paystub and Proof of Residence


Barbara delarosa

a Se Habl l Españo

October 23rd 10:00am

taxidermy ColleCtion of animals, gun ColleCtion, bar neon and all the equipment the ranCh was using.

This auction is short notice and will move quickly to get all the items uploaded in timely manner. All items must be rmoved no later than October 27 - the new ranch owner will take possession on November 1. This will be some of the best items ever offered at auction!

H PREVIEW: FRIDAY, octobER 22, 10:00AM-4:00PM H

Take The ImperIal dr. exIT

items will be updated daily. CheCk these links for the most Current listings: For more information, visit:


Robert W. Clark #12497 (254) 848-2333

900 W. Loop 340

Terms: All items are sold as is, where is. Buyer is to rely solely on their own inspection of items before purchasing. Onsite: 5% Buyer’s Premium. Online: 10% Buyer’s Premium. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Check, Wire Transfer, and Cash

254-776-2290 RichardKarr.com

Page 12 October 21, 2021





October 21, 2021 Page 13

where to go for everyday fun in Waco AMF WESTVIEW LANES



4565 W Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 772-6600 www.amf.com

5608 Flat Rock Rd, Waco, TX 76708 (254) 756-2161 lakewacogolf.com/

1000 Bear Ridge Dr, Waco, TX 76712 (254) 848-7800 www.twinriversgolfclubwaco.com



225 S 11th St, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 755-6003 balconesdistilling.com

6001 W Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 548-7317 glowminigolf.com


5701 W Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 845-8004 www.urbanairtrampolinepark.com






1686 FM1637, Valley Mills, TX 76689 (254) 848-4343 www.valleymillsvinyards.com

7007 Gholson Rd., Waco, TX 76705 (254) 722-9182 www.brazosbluffsranch.com


1300 S University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 710-1110 www.baylor.edu/mayborn/





2515 La Salle Ave, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 759-8480 www.barearms.beer


601 Webster Ave, Waco, TX 76706

300 S 6th St Suite C, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 301-9599 www.zadasalonspa.com/tours/

113 S University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 870-1412 brazostours.com

600 Columbus Ave #102, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 870-4660 nexusesports.com

806 Austin Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 301-7777 wacoaleco.com




400 E Bridge St, Waco, TX 76704 (254) 301-7152 brotherwell.com

1621 N Valley Mills Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 304-4727 www.paintingwithatwist.com/studio/waco/

1526 Washington Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 300-6697 wacoaxeco.com




5347 Old Mexia Rd, Waco, TX 76705 (254) 227-6388 www.bsrcablepark.com

4310 W Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 776-2200 www.pikassowaco.com

2515 La Salle Ave, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 759-8480 www.facebook.com/groups/wacodga/




2601 N University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76708 (254) 750-5980 www.waco-texas.com/cms-parksandrecreation/

100 N. I-35 Frontage Rd, Waco, TX 76704 (254) 242-8370 www.puravidapaddle.com

500 Washington Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 307-1884 wacodowntownfarmersmarket.org




1701 N 4th St, Waco, TX 76707 (254) 750-8400 www.cameronparkzoo.com

320 S 2nd St, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 340-5198 www.putterswaco.com


711 Washington Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 294-7550 wacoescaperooms.com




9001 Bosque Blvd B, Woodway, TX 76712 (254) 399-9204 www.woodway-texas.com/256/Carleen-Bright-Arboretum

601 Webster Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 235-0603 www.magnolia.com

4600 Skeet Eason Rd, Waco, TX 76708 (254) 242-2243 www.wacolakerentals.com




5200 Bagby Ave, Waco, TX 76711 (254) 745-6009 www.cottonwoodcreekgolf.com

401 Towne Oaks Dr, Waco, TX 76710 (254) 772-0042 www.skatewaco.com

1716 N 42nd St, Waco, TX 76710-3011 254-772-4340 kiddielandwaco.com







712 Austin Ave, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 401-1443 www.waco7twelve.com


219 N 8th St, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 732-2309 southernrootsbrewingco.com


6220 Steinbeck Bend Dr, Waco, TX 76708 (254) 750-7946 www.nps.gov/waco/index.htm

300 S 5th St, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 757-1025 drpeppermuseum.com

100 Texas Ranger Trail, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 750-8631 www.texasranger.org

200 S University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76701 (254) 424-3253 www.wacopaddlecompany.com




900 Lake Shore Dr., Waco, TX 76708 (254) 892-0222 www.hfalls.com/waco

1108 S University Parks Dr, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 756-1633 www.tshof.org

900 Lake Shore Dr, Waco, TX 76708 (254) 753-7675 www.wacotennis.com/





784 N McLennan Dr, Elm Mott, TX 76640 (254) 829-2294 www.heartotexasspeedway.com

HISTORIC WACO FOUNDATION 810 S 4th St, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 753-5166 www.historicwaco.org


608 Dry Creek Rd., Waco, TX 76705 (254) 754-9600 www.homesteadheritage.com

1412 N Valley Mills Dr Suite #240, Waco, TX 76710 • (254) 265-8777 www.therusticbrush.com

215 S University Parks Dr Suite #104, Waco, TX 76701 • (254) 300-8725 www.waco-tours.com



2301 Creekview Dr. Waco, TX 76711 (254) 379-9210 www.topgolf.com


2112 La Salle Ave, Waco, TX 76706 (254) 752-5632 www.facebook.com/Treasure-City-Flea-Market

1001 S M.L.K. Jr Blvd, Waco, TX 76704 (832) 663-0519 wacoriversafari.com


708 Austin Ave, Second Floor, Waco, Texas 76712 • (254) 875-2375 www.wacowinery.com



Page 14 October 21, 2021

We HaVe TrUCkS! 2015 gmC SIerra SLT

2005 Ford F-150 XLT



2013 gmC SIerra Z-71 4X4

2007 CHeVY SILVerado 4X4


2008 dodge ram 1500

2005 gmC Z-71 oFF road


2012 dodge ram 1500

2004 Ford F-250 4X4 7.3L dIeSeL


2005 Ford F-150 XLT


2007 Ford F-150 LarIaT



2007 CHeVY CoLorado LT

2011 Ford F-250 eXT CaB SUPer dUTY


1998 gmC SIerra 1500 SLe EXT. CAB, GRAY, VERY CLEAN

2015 dodge JoUrNeY CroSSroad BLACK LEATHER

2006 merCUrY graNd marQUIS LS


FinanCinG aVailaBle nO CreDiT? BaD CreDiT? BankrUTPCY? DiVOrCe? rePOS? FirST TiMe BUYer?


2002 JeeP WraNgLer



2015 SUBarU ForreSTer

2010 CHrYSLer ToWN & CoUNTrY


2010 Mercedes Benz C300 $11,814 (254) 4204740 2015 Subaru Impreza WRX STi $29,938 (254) 420-4740 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2013 Cadillac ATS. Call (254) 776-2290 2011 Hyundai Sonata, One Owner! $10,995+TT&L (254) 339-1471 1999 Chevrolet Corvette Base. $17,691 (254) 420-4740 2 017 L incoln MKC Select, Leather $29,90 0+TT&L (254) 339-1471 Cash For Junk Cars. Need some extra dough? Got a car that won’t go? We give cash for Junk cars. Call us (254) 4206755.


2004 LeXUS LS 430

Pictures for illustration purposes only.

CreDiT aPPrOVal

GUaranTeeD! We help your credit rating by reporting to the Credit Bureau

See our new inventory at:

20 01 Mercury Grand Marquee GS. Great Shape, 1 Owner, 98,000 miles. G arage Kept. Serviced every 3,000 miles. $5,988. (254) 7094324 Farm & Ranch Needs? We have you covered! Corn, feeders, seed, food. Come see us at Bar None Country Store (254) 8489112 2012 BMW 5 Series 528i xDrive $15,527 (254) 4204740 2004 Lexus LS 430, 115K Miles, Sunroof. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2013 Ford Focus SE $6,996 (254) 420-4740 2013 Chevy Malibu LT, mechanic owned, well-maintained, extremely clean, 89K miles, power locks/ doors/ seats, auto, A/C, Bluetooth, NADA $10,000 OBO. 325-7218678.


1915 Franklin aVe. 254-756-1250


Se Habla Español

Hometown owners


Mark Your Calendar! Farm, Ranch, Vehicle & Construction Online Auction. Opens October 8th, Ends October 15, 2021. Call with your Consignment! Deadline October 6, 2021. Construction, county government, farm & vehicles. If you have farm, ranch or construction equipment anywhere in the US, we can sell it for you. Alvin Kaddatz TXS6676. Join us in praying for farmers, ranchers, and all those involved in agriculture. (254) 5823000 2006 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, 123 K Miles, Ultimate edition, leather! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español



2 0 0 7 S helby 2 0 2 1 F ord F- 15 0 2015 Dodge Journey, 4 GT Mustang. Black, 4X4 Supercrew $55,749 Crossroad, black leather Silver Stripes, 10,000 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 and more! Financing availmiles. Price Negotiable. Call (254) 765-3236 Leave message. 2016 Porsche Cayenne GTS $51,482 (254) 420-4740 2010 BMW 528i 137k miles, extra clean, white exterior, black leather, sport package, $11,900 OBO. (254) 715-7528 or (254) 339-7119 2019 Ford Fiesta SE $16,999 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2016 Chevrolet Malibu Limited LTZ $14,606 (254) 420-4740 C hina S pring Tabernacle Car/ Truck/ Bike Show: Saturday, October 16, 2001, 9am2pm, 127 Ford St. Vendors, Food Truck, 50/50 Raffle, Free Admission. Presented by Shades Custom Tint.

Classic Cars






2004 Ford F-250 Sd LarIaT FX4 oFF road

Hay, Round Bales $50 each. Coastal Mix (254) 993-1164 Farm & Ranch Needs? We have you covered! Corn, feeders, seed, food. Come see us at Bar None Country Store (254) 8489112 5 Cone Grain Storage Bins. Also, have Hutchinson 42’ X 8” Portable Grain Auger. Never been used. (254) 217-0197 Leave message HAY FOR SALELast chance for squarebale fertilized Sudan hay. Being baled Saturday 10-9.Can be picked up in the field only. $8.00 per bale under 50 bales. $7.00 perbale over 50 bales.Call Willie (254) 718-7002Sandy (254) 339-3910



Feed & Supplies


1926 Ford Coupe. You finish the project. Call (254) 253-0062 for pictures and more information. $9,500.

Vehicles Under $3,000

We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345.


2010 Chrysler Town & Country, Clean Van, stow-N-Go, 3rd row seating. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Big SALE! This week only! Trucks vans, livestock trailers, zetor tractor, box van trucks, dually, 1 tons, diesel, gooseneck trailer, 360 turn mower and much more. Come to Rodeo Pawn & Appaloosa Trading Post @ 3101 N. Robinson Dr. 254-6624803.


2020 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Only 12,000 miles! One owner! (254) 339-1471 1998 GMC Sierra Truck, SLE 1500, Extended cab, Gray, Very Clean! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2015 GMC Sierra Truck, SLT modified exhaust, 24” wheels, 4 door, leather , back up camera/Nav. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2012 Dodge Ram, 4 door, Hemi, 5.7 Liter, 4-door white! Come and See This Truck! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2007 Dodge Heavy Duty 3500, 6.7 Diesel. (254) 217-0197 Please leave message. 2016 Chevy Silverado Crew 4X4 1500 $30,999 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345. 20 07 Chevrolet Silverado, blue, 4x4, LT, 4 door, Bed cover. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol

2004 Ford F250 Super Duty Lariat, Powerstroke Diesel, Crew Cab, Blue, 125k, FX4 offroad! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2005 Ford F150, XLT, 4-door, Triton, new tires, only 89,126 miles! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2008 Dodge Ram 1500. Call (254) 776-2290 2018 Ford F-150, 4 Door, Large Touchscreen, Bucket Seats. $30,500 +TT&L (254) 339-1471 2013 GMC Sierra, Z-71 4x4, only 111,535 miles, 4-door, Black leather seats, spray-on bed liner. Nice truck! Come an see it! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol. 2011 Ford F-250 Extended cab, superduty, long bed, good tires! Nice Truck! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Cash For Junk Cars. Need some extra dough? Got a car that won’t go? We give cash for Junk cars. Call us (254) 4206755. 2005 GMC Truck, Jacked up! V8, 4 door, Grill Guard, Rims, z-71 Offroad, 155k, Spray in bedliner. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Big SALE! This week only! Trucks vans, livestock trailers, zetor tractor, box van trucks, dually, 1 tons, diesel, gooseneck trailer, 360 turn mower and much more. Come to Rodeo Pawn & Appaloosa Trading Post @ 3101 N. Robinson Dr. 254-6624803. 2 0 0 4 F ord F-250 Crew cab, short box, King Ranch, 4x4, 4 door, 7.3 liter, Diesel. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2017 Ram 1500, Low M i l e s $ 1 , 5 0 0 / d ow n , $31,800 (254) 339-1471 2005 Ford F-150 XLT, 4-door, Silver. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol. 2017 Toyota Tacoma Crew SR5 $32,999 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2018 Ford F-150 XLT Sport Crew $41,888 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2007 Colorado LT, 4 door, 6 cyl, Auto. Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2007 Ford F-150, 4x4, Lariat, 5.4 Triton, Boxtop HP Bed cover! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Gator Truck Bed Cover for a short bed Dodge. $200 Call (254) 493-9904 (254) 493-9902 2004 Nissan Titan, extended cab, 4 Wheel Drive, White. Nice Truck! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol 20 08 Dodge Ram 1500, 4 door, Big Horn Edition, Hemi, 5.7 Liter, Black! Come and See This Truck! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol


2021 Ford Bronco Sport Outer Banks Edition. $594/month! (254) 562-3864

able. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla EspaÑol Attention Rural Mail Carriers! Right Hand Drive! $19,884 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited $36,999 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, 4X4, Leather, Navigation, 6 Cylinder, 4 Door, Hard Top. $32,750+TT&L (254) 339-1471 2017 GMC Yukon XL Denali $43,459 (254) 4204740 2011 Nissan Rogue S $10,874 (254) 420-4740 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander. Call (254) 776-2290 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2012 Buick Enclave. Call (254) 776-2290 2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited $35,999 +TT&L (254) 562-3864 2018 Ford Escape SE $18,999 +TT&L (254) 5623864 2002 Jeep Wrangler 134 K miles, cold AC, 5-speed! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla EspaÑol 2009 Suburban LT, 3rd row Seating, DVD Player! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla EspaÑol We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345. 2015 Subaru Forester, White. Ready to Travel!! Financing available. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla EspaÑol Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2017 Chevy Suburban. Call (254) 776-2290 Our Goal is 100% Credit Approval! 2011 Ford Escape. Call (254) 776-2290 2018 Ford Escape SE $15,980 (254) 420-4740


RV Lots Starting at $155 per month. 15 miles North of Waco (254) 6941269 We pay top dollar! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Phillips RVs, 415-A North Robinson Drive. Robinson Texas, TX. 76706. 254662-4455. 1998 Premier Travel Trailer. Been in storage for it’s entirety. 30ft. long. Deer Hunters Dream! $6,000. (254) 716-7654


2011 Super Glide Harlrey-Davidson Pro Street Bike. Immaculate condition! Black & Chrome. Will sell or trade for a car worth at least $15,000. Helmets, Leathers & all Accessories included! Please call for more information! (254) 400-1254 (254) 296-1300 CASH FOR HARLEYS. G o t o W W W. B A R NETTHARLEY.COM, push the CASH FOR HARLEYS button. OK if not paid off. 800-736-8173

Auto Parts

We Pay! Top dollar for your vehicle. Call us before you sell! 254-2185345.



October 21, 2021 Page 15

cenTraL Texas’ preowned jeep headquarTers! 2015 jeep wrangLer unLimiTed

2017 jeep wrangLer sporT

Leather, Heated, Navigation, Auto, Custom Wheels, Alpine Audio, Nice, Nice, Nice! Stk #295

Touchscreen, Bluetooth, Custom Step Bars, Aluminum Wheels, Stk #440





(3) ahara! $36,999 +TT&L** s

aTTn: ruraL maiL carriers “righT hand drive”

2015 jeep wrangLer unLimiTed 30,000 Miles, Lite Bar, Custom Tires & Wheels, CD & Bluetooth, Automatic, Stk #133

Cold A/C, Auto, PW, PL, CD, All Power, Great Tires, Stk #203

2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport Unlimited

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$19,884 +TT&L**

2021 ford f-150 4x4 supercrew 5.0 V8, Navigation, Fuel Wheels, Custom Tires & Exhaust, Warranty, Stk #993



speciaL g financin


$35,999 +TT&L**

2020 ford f-150 LariaT fx4

5.0L V8, Custom Wheels, Navigation, Warranty, Stk #784



sTx (16) sporT


$55,749 +TT&L**


2018 ford f-150 xLT sporT crew

We Sold It New! 5.0L V8, Heated/Cooled Seats, Nav, Low Miles, Warranty, Stk #840





$35,985 +TT&L**


20” (16) chrome


$50,999 +TT&L**

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$41,888 +TT&L**


2019 ford f-150 pLaTinum fx4

2019 ford fiesTa se

3.5L V6 EcoBoost, Heated/Cooled Seats, Navigation, 20” Wheels, Stk #567


2018 ford escape se

A/C, Bluetooth, All Power, 40K Miles, Stk #254

EcoBoost, A/C, Bluetooth, SYNC, Stk #717





in Tw(16) b Tur os


$49,997 +TT&L**


aT gre(16) on gas!

(13) back haTch(16) $18,999 +TT&L**


$35,999 $16,999 +TT&L** +TT&L**

dick scoTT ford’s pre-owned super cenTer downTown mexia 2016 chevy siLverado crew 4x4 1500 2020 v8 cusTom sporT Chrome Wheels, 5.7L V8, 4 Door, Fully Equipped, Bluetooth, Stk #919

20,000 Miles, 5400 V8, Stk #205




5.7L 8 v(16)


$30,999 +TT&L**

2017 ToyoTa Tacoma crew sr5 V6, Bluetooth, Aluminum Wheels, Auto, A/C, Stk #600





2019 ford f-250 super duTy fx4

Crew Cab, V8 Gas, Navigation, Power SEat, Captain’s Chairs, Stk #789


$44,907 +TT&L**


2019 ford ranger sTx

Two Captain’s Chairs, Aluminum Wheels, SYNC, Warranty, Stk #767



00 52,0(16) e L mi s!

(5) & (7)

$39,962 +TT&L**



$32,999 +TT&L**

2018 chevy Z71 crew

Chrome 20’s, Fully Equipped, Stk #970

$ Month



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xLT (16) 4x4



e! nic(16)

shop us onLine 24/7 @ www.dickscottford.com geT crediT pre-quaLified @ www.dickscottpreownedautoworldiii.com All prices +TT&L W.A.C. Photos for illustration purposes only. (1) *SP $55.749 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $699 Month, #992. (2) *SP $46,744 +TT&L, 84 pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, $1500 Down Cash or trade equity, $594 Month, #190. (3) **SP $36,999 +TT&L, 72 Pay @ 3.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $498 Month, #295. (4) **SP $30,999 +TT&L, 72 Pay @ 3.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $424 Month, #919. (5) **SP $39,962 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $544 Month, #499. (6) **SP $49,997 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $635 Month, #567. (7) **SP $39,962 +TT&L. (8) **SP $32,999 +TT&L, 75 Pay @ 4.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $447 Month, #600. (9) **SP $35,899 +TT&L, 72 Pay @ 3.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $489 Month, #133. (10) **SP $41,888 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $533 Month, #784. (11) **SP $50,999 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $647 Month, #840. (12) **SP $32,999 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 3.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $450 Month, #167. (13) **SP $18,999+TT&L, 72 Pay @ 3.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $266 Month, #717. (14) **SP $19,884 +TT&L. (15) **SP $44,987 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity, $569 Month, #789. (16) **SP $31,999 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity (2017 year models & up, $409 Month, #767. (17) **SP $35,985 +TT&L, 84 Pay @ 5.99% APR OAC WAC, 20% Down +TT&L down, Cash or trade equity (2017 year models & up, $488 Month, #440.


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2021 Page 16 October 21, 2021

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