Waco American Classifieds 06_14_2018

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June 14, 2018 Page 1

WACO, TEXAS 3901 W. Waco Dr.

Internet Address: WacoAmericanClassifieds.com


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1-800-698-0334 (out of town) 254-752-0334 VOL. 37, No. 12 • June 14, 2018



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20 01 Chevrolet Blazer, new tires, new ABS brake bearings, new axle bearings, cold air. Runs good and looks good! 254-366-4370. B l ac k l e at h e r sleeper sofa $250, Blue loveseat $65, tiled top kitchen table $45. Miscellaneous pottery (254) 424-2216 leave message

Pool For Sale 1yr old, 32x16x52, $900 obo. (214) 983-6803 2015 Nissan Rogue. 22,452 miles, white, clean, immaculate condition! $18,000. Call (727) 641-7789 Frigidaire Refrigerator Works perfect! 2 years old, $300. (254) 292-8601 Disabled Family needs 22ft used bumper pull stock trailer. Must be donated or let us make payments (254) 203-1602 For Sale Intex Swimming Pool, 52” tall, 20” wide, 3”, stairs & chemicals (254) 582-3000 2 Large brown sofas. Twin adjustable bed, memory foam. Call (254) 652-4841 White Ladder Deck Style, $25. Also, Used Lattice 4x8 Sheets, $5. (254) 836-1633 leave message Waco Memorial Cemetery: Section F Lot 765. Spaces 1, 5 & 6. $1,100 each. Text or leave message (254) 495-6101 Coleman Powermate Generator. 7500 watts, $400. (254) 3493041 Anthony

TWO BURIAL Plots with Two Concrete Cryptoriums at Waco Memorial Park. These plots are easily accessible, next to the street. $4,000 both (254) 717-6877 55 Gallon Fish tank w/stand & all accessories. 5x8 utility trailer. Motorcycle trailer. Trundle bed. Call (254) 420-3002 NEC 3530 D heavy duty copier $800.00 (254) 8573969 For Sale Mid century metal porch glider, green & white. Very good condition with only a bit of paint loss. Works great! $795. (254) 722-5973 New World of Wonders “Guardians of Light” Dragons Figurine Lamp. Wing broke but have pieces, $10. (254) 224-7492

Sunday, June 17, 2018 36” Floor Model PortA-Cooler Water Cooler, $575. (254) 729-8054 Sears 42” Lawnmower. Good Condition! (254) 749-7149 Metal Frame Futon. Sturdy! Thick 9in pad. Comes with cover & mattress pad, asking $85 obo (254) 717-8128

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THE LORD BRINGS death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them He has set the world. 1 Samuel 2:6-8

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Page 2 June 14, 2018




Need some extra dough? got a car that woN’t go?

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Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

No Tienes Seguro Social? Necesitas un Numero de ITIN. Llamanos Ahora (254) 235-1025

PLAY BINGO: Win Cash $100 to $750 PER Game! Paper Only, No Electronics. Winning Odds are Better! Every Friday 7pm. Geneva Hall I-35 Elm Mott, Tx

Financiada por Dueño. 1905 Homan Ave. 2 recamaras, 1 baño, alfombra nueva, Bajo pago de down, $3,500 down, Precio: $54,900. Llama ahora para mas informacion (254) 722-3519

B AR - X A PARTMENTS- Todas las facturas pagados, $100 a la semana o mas, $100 deposito, Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1511 S. Loop Drive (254) 756-1043

WOODWAY PARK CONDOMINIUMS 2 recamaras, 1.5 Baños con 2 salas. 1200 S.F, Lavanderia Privada, Patio/Balcon, Buena Vecindad, Verificación de Penales Antecedentes. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 349-1398

Park Place Apartments 2 Recamaras, 2.5 Baños. Apartamentos o Town House. 1300 S.F con Balcón/Cerca Privada. Lavadero Privado. Agua Pagada. Midway ISD. Verificación de Antecedentes Penales. No Tienes que pagar por Aplicacar. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 761-0792

Trabajo de Reparacion de ladrillos. Casas nuevas de ladrillo, buzones, ladrillos, bloque de piedra, albanileria, reparaciones de chimeneas, reparacion de paredes, Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819


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Thrifty Nickel en Español

Financiada por Dining & Dueño. 821 E. Pecan 3 recamaras, 1 baño. Cerca Entertainment de el nuevo estadio de Financiada por Baylor. $4,000 down, Dueño. 1807 N. 10. 4 recaPrecio: $64,900. Llama COME EAT with us! maras, 2 baños, pisos de ahora para mas informa- Kamdan’s Cafe, 101 N. Ellis Street, Groesbeck, azulejo, pintura nueva en cion (254) 722-3519 TX 76642. Open Sundaytodos las recamaras. $4,000 Thursday 7:00am-3:00pm. down, Precio: $74,900. Dining & Friday - Saturday 7:00amLlama ahora para mas inEntertainment 9:00pm formacion (254) 722-3519 C ARITAS THRI F T Va l l e y M i l l s 624 14th Duplex B. 2 STORES. In Waco, 3116 Apartments Reci- recamaras, conexion de Franklin Ave., 254-753entemente Remodela0125. In Bellmead, 3016 dos, Enormes Una o lavadora y secadora, $350 Bellmead Drive, 254-799Dos Recamaras, Agua y deposito. $480 por mes. BEST HAMBURGERS 0777. Come take a look! Gas Pagados. Sin Gas- (254) 717-0027 in town are at the World tos de Solicitud. 700 Vengan a ver la gran Cup Cafe. Now serving M&M Remodeling South Valley Mills Drive selección de muebles de Monday-Saturday 7:00am- and Insulation, fiberglass, Cellulose and Spray Foam. (254) 732-2070 recámaras, comedores, 2:00pm. Specialty Drink, Windows, Solar Screens, Necesitas Finan- sofás y mucho mas! Fur- Smoothies and Shopping! Doors, Roofing, Attic Ventciamento? Nosotros niture Outlet en Waco, Tx 1321 15th Street, Waco. ing, weatherization work, If your house has air leaks Te Podemos Ayudar! Lake Air Green (254) 757-1748. Nueva Ubicación! 900 A p a r t m e n t s ALWAYS THE hottest we can find them! (254) W. Loop 340 Waco, Tx Enormes! 1 y 2 Reca- coolest time! Schlitter- 227-2182 Richard Karr Motors (254) maras, 2 baños Reci- bahn Waterparks and Great food and even Resorts. Save up to better service! Laredo Tex776-2290 entemente RemodelaAMERICAN CLASSI- dos. Housing Accepted. $12 with coupon in this Mex Restaurant, 108 Jack FIEDS en espanol, sirvi- Agua y Gas Pagados. week’s American Clas- St., Bremond, TX 76629. endo la comunidad latina. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. sifieds! Free parking, free 254-746-5333. Llamenos para poner su 912 Lake Air 254-229- tubes, picnics welcome. clothes, shoes, acBuy tickets today at www. cessories, toys, household anucio en espanol aqui. 3382 schlitterbahn.com (254) 752-0334 items, books. We’ve got it all at the Family Abuse ROPA • ACCESORIOS • ZAPATOS Center’s 2nd Chance Thrift Store, 1412 Sunset Blvd., el amor no debería lastimar Waco, located in the Fairgate Shopping Center. 254-753-6469. Donations Sus Donaciones always needed, accepted Ayudan a el and appreciated! Centro de Jubilee Food MarAbuso de Familia, ket. Milk, bread, eggs, lunch meat, canned Nuestros Clientes goods, snacks, candies, y Nuestros Hijos frozen dinners, frozen piz1412 Sunset Blvd • Waco zas, Blue Bell ice cream Located in the Fairgate Shopping Center and much more! Corner 254-753-6469 of North 15th Street and Colcord Avenue in Waco. LIBROS • ARTíCuLOS PARA EL HOGAR Now accepting SNAP.


Oliver GOldsmith

we give ca$h For Junk cars


Thrifty Nickel en Español




Adoption....................................................... 4 For just $3 more Antiques & Collectibles................................. 3 a week you can Apartments For Rent.................................. 8-9 have a border Appliances.................................................... 4 First 20 Words placed around ATVs........................................................... 17 Each Add. Word 40¢ Auctions..................................................... 11 your ad! Auto Parts.. ................................................. 17 Baby Items.................................................... 4 Boats.......................................................... 17 Building Materials....................................... 11 Business & Service Directory.................. 18-19 MONDAY ............................................. 8AM-6PM Business Opportunities................................. 9 TUESDAY ............................................ 8AM-6PM Cars.. ..................................................... 13-14 WEDNESDAY...................................... 8AM-5PM Classic Cars................................................ 14 THURSDAY ......................................... 8AM-5PM Commercial Property.. ................................... 8 Computers and Electronics.. .......................... 3 FRIDAY................................................ 8AM-5PM For As Little As Per Week! Dining and Entertainment........................... 2-3 Education..................................................... 0 Plus, Your adPRIVATE appears on our website for FREE! PARTY ADS ONLY. Commercial Reader Ad Rates Upon Request Employment.................................................. 9 Classified Ads ................Wednesday 12pm Farm & Ranch - General.. ............................. 10 Farm & Ranch - Implements......................... 11 Business & Service .................. Friday 5pm WALK IT IN to your American Classifieds Office at 3901 W. Waco Dr. Walk in rate, Farm & Ranch - Land & Ranch.. .................... 12. Display Ads ........................... Tuesday 4pm $5.00 per week for the first 10 words and 40¢ for each additional word. Feed & Supplies.......................................... 12 Changes/Cancel..................... Monday 6pm Financial....................................................... 9 MAIL IT IN by writing your ad on a piece of paper. 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Waco Dr.

Franklin Ave.

www.WacoAmericanClassifieds.com email: waco@americanclassifieds.com 3901 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX 76710 P.O. Box 8575, Waco, TX 76714 Fax: (254) 752-0339 Toll Free: 1-800-698-0334



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855-564-1185 Dining & Entertainment NOW HIRING. Part Time Employees! Could turn into Full-Time. No Experience, No Problem! Need insurance? We got it! Retirement Plan You’ll Need It!!! Paid Vacation You Deserve It! Pick up application at Office Entrance. Czech Stop Inc. I-35 / 353 Exit West, TX. NEW! WE now have Picture Classified ads! Call (254) 752-0334 to place your ad. American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel! vac at i o n b i b l e school. ShipwreckedRescued by Jesus. Make plans to attend this summer ’s vacation Bible school for a week of fun, games, skits, crafts and Bible stories. MondayFriday June 18-22, at St. Jerome Catholic Church. Students ages 5-12 years old are welcome. Call the CCE Office 254-666-6222 for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities

Family Abuse Center (254) 772-8999 Friends for Life (254) 772-7600 Fuzzy Friends 254754-9444 Historic Waco Foundation (254) 753-5166 VOL U N TEER F OR Meals on Wheels, a lunch program for homebound older adults. Give one hour of your week to deliver meals to those who need us most. 254-7520316, ask for Barbara. Enrich Seniors (254) 339-1651 Habitat For Humanity 254-756-7575

Antiques & Collectibles

How to advertise your business? 254-752-0334. Call us at American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel! Print, Online, Banner ads, Hot links to your website, backlinks. Iphone and Android app and more. Over 60 American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel publications to choose from. A convenient way to send your message to a huge audience. Call us TODAY!

Medical & Health

June 14, 2018 Page 3

Wanted: Have Cash, Will Buy

We Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 336Power Chair Hover- 9086 ound MPV4 w/2 New 35 AH Batts/ Charger, $425. OIL & GAS: We buy (254) 751-0929 Royalties and Mineral Rights Producing Or ERECTILE DISFUNCNot. Can Close Most TION! V & C users! Within2 Weeks. TheSpecial 80 pills for $99. Mineralbuyer@aol.com Free Shipping. No pre408-202-9307 scription needed. Money back guaranteed! 888-278-9778. Se Habla Computers & Espanol MALE ENLARGEMENT Pump. Get Stronger & Harder Erections Immediately. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently & Safely. Guaranteed Results. Free Brochure: 1-800-354-3944 www.DrJoelKaplan.com $$$$ VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! Only $99.00 No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today 1-877560-0842 Power Chair Jazzy Sport 2 w/2 New 35AH Batts, $575. (254) 7510929 Power Chair Merit Foloup and Cushion w/2 New 35 AH Batts, $375. (254) 751-0929 GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-880-4589 Hablamos Espanol

Wanted: Have Cash, Will Buy


Electricity For Less! No deposit, No credit check, same day connection. Everyone approved! (855) 854-8489 DON’T BREAK YOUR BANK! For as little as $5.00 per week you can place your classified ad with us in print and online! Plus- if you buy two weeks, we’ll give you two weeks for free! Place your ad today! American Classifieds, 254-752-0334. GET FREETV-4LIFE $48 One Time Charge Only, Zero Bill 4Ever!! All Channels, Sports, Shows, Movies. Call (870) 4056225 —Visit www.pennyess.myshopify.com http:// www.penny-ess.myshopify.com NEC 3530 D heavy duty copier $800.00 (254) 8573969

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Internet Technology

Cash For Junk Cars. Need some extra dough? Got a car that won’t go? We give cash for Junk Get Cable Now! $0 cars. Call us (254) 420- Down to start. All ap6755. proved! Internet Available (833) 258-3918 LEVIS Roundup. Buying USA Made LE- OVER ​60,000 readers VIS. Style Station (254) every week. Call American Classifieds today at 254829-0447 752-0334

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Community EvEnts

H June 14, 2018 H

East Waco Library: MakE soME NoisE! east Waco library

H 901 elm st.

YOU’RE the reason Libraries Rock, so join us to make your own musical instrument. We’ve got everything you need to make your own musical instrument–rainsticks, kazoos, maracas and more! We’ll be ready for you from 1:00pm until 2:30pm, so come when you can, stay as long as you need and celebrate with us because LIBRARIES ROCK! Time: 1pm-2:30pm. Cost: Free

riVErsoUNDs: skyrockEt bosque river stage

H 1400 college Dr.

“Faithfully covering songs of the ‘70s & ‘80s” – RiverSounds, the free concert series sponsored by McLennan Community College, presents great music from regional and local bands Thursday evenings in June. Concert starts at 8 p.m., with gates opening at 7 p.m. Concert-goers may choose lawn seating or one of the stadium-style seats at the amphitheater and may bring blankets, lawn chairs, food, and drinks. No glass containers or pets are allowed. For more information, call 299-8283 or visit www.mclennan.edu/brs

aNaLog: Lost iN Waco PineWooD coffee bar

H 1517 lake air Dr.

Analog is an experiment in confessional storytelling. Our first event will be centered around the theme “Lost in Waco. Time: 8pm-9:30pm

H June 15, 2018 H

a yEar With Frog & toaD kiDs Waco civic theatre

H 901 elm st.

Waco Civic Theatre is proud to present “A Year With Frog and Toad Kids” as part of its Summer children’s workshop series. This whimsical show follows two great friends – the cheerful, popular Frog, and the rather grumpy Toad – through four fun-filled seasons. Waking from hibernation, Frog and Toad plant gardens, swim, rake leaves, go sledding and learn life lessons along the way. Throughout the year, two best friends celebrate and rejoice in the differences that make them unique and special. wacocivictheatre.org. Time: 7pm-8pm. Cost: $10-$12.

Mr. & Miss JUNEtEENth schoLarship pagEaNt Waco hiPPoDrome H 724 austin ave.

The Mr. and Miss Juneteenth Scholarship Pageant is designed to enrich the lives of high school juniors and seniors residing in McLennan County. They will be able to showcase their talents through singing, dancing, spoken word, acting and poetry. Participants will be given the opportunity to be a role model in the community and be a part of a monumental change in their community with the pre-and post pageant activities such as college tours, career prep, etiquette 101 and more. Over $5,000 in scholarships and school supplies will be awarded on June 15, 2018! Time: 7pm. Cost: Free.

H June 16, 2018 H ctaac JUNEtEENth paraDE

cen-tex african american chamber of commerce

H June 16, 2018 H trUE criME iNtErEst groUp West Waco library

H 5301 bosque blvD.

Join us to discuss the famous and infamous stories of true crimes, both local and elsewhere. You are not alone in your passion for these real-life mysteries! We’ll have lively discussions and use library resources to find out more. We’ll be watching My Friend Dahmer and talking about the haunting true story of Jeffrey Dahmer. Time: 11am-1pm. Cost: Free.

JUNEtEENth FaMiLy FUN Day @brazos brazos Park

H mlk blvD.

2018 Juneteenth Family Fun Day @ Brazos Weekend Extravaganza will provide local and area citizens an opportunity to participate in a festive atmosphere celebrating African American heritage and independence. Live Music featuring performances by: Dru Hll, Bigg Robb, Lil’ Ronnie, & Special Guest. Also, a Mega Kids Zone & Health Zone. Time: 4pm-10pm. For tickets: EDKC. TICKETLEAP.COM/JUNETEENTH-FAMILY-FUN-DAY/

cLassic MoViE Night at thE brazos thEatrE: royaL WEDDiNg With FrED astairE brazos theatre

H 7524 bosque blvD., suite q.

You’re invited to a Royal Wedding! It’s the 1951 movie classic movie, with Fred Astaire and June Powell. Tickets include a lovely hors d’oeuvre buffet from the Hilton Waco! Doors open at 6:00, movie begins at 7:00. BYOB, and our snack bar will also be open. (Sorry, no outside food or nonalcoholic beverages permitted). Time: 7pm-9:30pm. Cost: $11.50-$13.50

H June 18, 2018 H sENiors gaME tiME central library

H 1717 austin ave.

We’re partnering with United Health Care to provide a fun game time for seniors twice a month. We’ll have card games, dominoes and checkers to start. Make this new group a fun part of your month! Time: 10am-11:15am. Cost: Free.

graiNs & groWErs: a FarMErs MarkEt FriEND-raisEr balcones Distilling

H 225 south 11th st.

Mark your calendars for our June 18th Friend-raiser with Balcones Distillery! Each attendee will receive a complimentary drink ticket (to be used for a Balcones cocktail – or Luna Juice mocktail), as well as be able to sample local eats from several of our vendors and learn more about the programming we offer at Market. The Waco Downtown Farmers Market is a non-profit and needs your support to continue to expand opportunities like Double Up Food Bucks, Cooking Demonstrations, and Kid’s Activities. Expect to sample raw chocolates, local cheeses, veggies and hummus, artisan charcuterie, ice cream – and try some ground-breaking cocktails from Balcones! Attendees must be 21+. For Tickets: 254-307-1884 https://squareup.com/store/wdfm

3D priNtiNg For tEENs H 1020 elm ave., #700

CTAAC Annual Juneteenth Parade will start at 10 a.m.; line-up begins at 9 a.m. at our office (1020 Elm Ave., #700). The parade route will begin at Quinn Campus and continue along Elm Avenue to Indian Springs Park.

heWitt Public library

H 200 Patriot ct .

Teens are invited to this free summer evening event to learn how to 3D print, or brush up on their existing 3D printing skills. All skill levels are welcome. Let’s make something awesome! CONTACT: Sarah Miller 254-666-2442 smiller@cityofhewitt.com Time: 5:30pm-7pm. Cost: Free.


Page 4 June 14, 2018


Baby Items

Lorena’s Bou- results you can H tique Gift’s & Ac- count on! We can cessories! 501 Lake Air sell just about anything! Dr. Waco, Tx. Mon-Sat Call American Classifieds 10am-6pm. 254-235-1488 at 254-752-0334.


PREGNANCY SUPPORT. Is adoption right for you? Discuss options for your pregnancy. You’re our first priority and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1-254-230-2890 or 1-(800)-456-4862. www.ChildrensConnections.org

Quality Items

Furniture Outlet. Scan QR code above on your smart phone to see our video commercial.




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• Sunglasses • Baseball Caps

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2 WACO LOCAtiOns tO serve YOu 1025 n valley Mills Dr. se Habla 254-741-1471 español

1121 W. Waco Dr. 254-754-2003

Public / Legal Notices

PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589 ADVERTISE YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE, Affidavit for MB, LB, RM & BP. On premise applicants for mixed beverage, mixed beverage late hours, mixed beverage with food & beverage certificate and brewpub. 2 Weeks only $50! American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.


Iron Bed Bench $500. 75 year old wardrobe with mirrors & drawers, $400. (254) 749-1632 W e ca r ry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622. In house finance programs Available. Come see what we have. Furniture, Appliances, TV, and more. Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture 625 Franklin Downtown Waco (254) 754-4622.

FREE ELECTRICITY •  Same-Day Connection •  No Deposit •  No Credit Check •  No Late Fees 1-855-207-1534 Hablamos español.

Call Now for $25 of Free Electricity! $25 credit automatically posted to customer’s account on the first business day following the 30th consecutive day of service. Same day connection may require move-in fee. This is an indexed plan with a month-to-month term and no early cancellation fee. Refer to the Prepaid Disclosure Statement, Terms of Service Agreement and Electricity Facts Label for more details. Available only in Oncor and CenterPoint service areas to residential customers with a provisioned smart meter. Standard text messaging rates may apply, depending on your carrier. ©2015 TXU Energy Retail Company LLC. All rights reserved. REP #10004

Furniture Ashley Leather Recliner $125. Large dog crates- Airline approved $50. each. Large dog house $30.(254) 9813155(254) 339-1072 2 Large brown sofas. Twin adjustable bed, memory foam. Call (254) 652-4841 Check out our huge selection of furniture, bedroom suites, dining sets, sofa, love seats, sectionals, Waco, Texas Furniture Outlet. (254) 754-9995. INDECO SURPLUS has moved to 508 Cori Drive, Belton. Save $$$ on school, church, office, home-school furniture! Monday-Friday, 8am-3pm. 254-791-6955.





$0 doWN to Start all aPProVed!

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844-267-3976 Appliances

WacoA m e r i ca n Classifieds.com Check it out! Frigidaire Refrigerator Works perfect! 2yrs old, $300. (254) 2928601 Whirlpool Side by side refrigerator w/ icemaker $300. Maytag Gas Range, $250. (254) 715-6785


For Sale La-Z-Boy, England Collection, wingback, nice accent / stuffed chair. Pretty roses pattern w/wood accent. Very good condition. See to appreciate, $100. (254) 722-5973 NEW! Did you know that we now have Picture Classified ads? Call one of us here at (254) 752-0334 to show you how it works. American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel!


Nice washers, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones. (254) 799-6228, (254) 214-5284. W e ca r ry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.

RAUL’S CONCRETE SERVICE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes Free Estimates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251


275 Gallon Plastic Tote Tanks. Good for water collection, oils, fuels, other liquids. Clean. Also, 55 Gallon Metal and Plastic Barrels. Call (254) 662-0855 White Ladder Deck Style, $25. Also, Used Lattice 4x8 Sheets, $5. (254) 836-1633 leave message Hot Tub Practically new! Works great! Best offer! (254) 349-0528 (254) 349-1004 Instant Cash! All Vehicles, running or not, title or not. Also marine, motorcycles,machinery and equipment. Call today (254) 624-1729 PLAY BINGO: Win Cash $100 to $750 PER Game! Paper Only, No Electronics. Winning Odds are Better! Every Friday 7pm. Geneva Hall I-35 Elm Mott, Tx

Miscellaneous America Roofing, Remodeling & Fencing Commercial Residential We do leveling and concrete work and complete remodeling. We build new houses, room additions. Quality Work Wind and Hail Damage Specialist Free Estimates (254) 757-1625 Toll Free (800) 523-7284 BBB Member Disabled Family needs 22ft used bumper pull stock trailer. Must be donated or let us make payments (254) 203-1602 36” Floor Model PortA-Cooler Water Cooler, $575. (254) 729-8054 Sanchez House Remodeling & Repairs Room Additions Carpentry Painting (Ext./ Int.) Leveling Siding Roofing FREE ESTIMATES Arturo Sanchez (254) 752-0422

Miscellaneous Did you know that each word in this ad is a link word to the internet. Did you know that every classified ad you place in the American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel Publication are made up of link words? Check it out for yourself! Go to our website: http://www. wacoamericanclassifieds. com or call one of us here at (254) 752-0334 to show you how it works. American Classifieds Thrifty Nickel! PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589 55 Gallon Fish tank w/stand & all accessories. 5x8 utility trailer. Motorcycle trailer. Trundle bed. Call (254) 420-3002 Hiring Now! Looking For Maid, Desk Clerk, Maintenance & Sales Person. Apply in Person at Robinson Inn & Suites 1167 Sun Valley Blvd. (254) 662-4000



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Disabled Vet looking for housekeeper for a reasonable rate. Call (254) 229-1614

Trailer Rentals Single and Tandem Utility Livestock Enclosed Car Hauler Dumps GN Equipment Daily and Weekly Rentals Flat Rock Trailer 254-420-1112

We Buy Ugly Houses & Pay Cash Quickly! (254) 716-8512

First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs (254) 366-7256

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Miscellaneous Framing, Insulation, Sheetrock, Hang, Tape & Texture & Painting. Material+ Labor. Any job BIG or small. Free Estimates! Insured w/25yrs Experience (254) 744-9489 (254) 723-4111

4’x8’ Brunswick Internet Available Monarch Slate Top Professional Pool Table w/ Newly Installed Banks & Cover. Absolutely Perfect Working Condition! Miscellaneous $650 w/Free $300 Hard Top Folding Vinyl Cover, Sanchez Painting, Rack- Balls & Cue Sticks. Remodeling & Masonry (254) 729-8054 Brick, Stone, Block, Tape, Acme Fence & Iron Float & Texture. Commer- Commercial & Residencial & Residential. 20+ tial. Ornamental iron, Years Experience For Esti- custom gates, wood mates, Call 254-715-1856 privacy, automatic, Facebook/SanchezPaint- chain link, gate operaing/GSColor tions. Paul Torres. 20 Nice washers, dry- years experience owner ers, refrigerators, and (254) 717-6498 cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Wanted: 2-6 Acres Delivery, service work, with or without house or need non-working ones. mobile home. Must have (254) 799-6228, (254) electric & water availability. Within 25 miles of 214-5284. Waco. $80,000 or less. Price Reduced! (254) 752-6290 Waco Memorial Park M&M Remodeling Mausoleum. Single Inside and Insulation, fiberglass, Crypt, Top Level, $3,300. Cellulose and Spray Foam. Windows, Solar Screens, (325) 388-0030 GENERIC VIAGRA and Doors, Roofing, Attic VentCIALIS USERS! 100 Pills ing, weatherization work, SPECIAL $99.00 FREE If your house has air leaks Shipping! 100% guaran- we can find them! (254) teed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 227-2182 888-880-4589 Hablamos Furnish your home with Appliances, RefrigEspanol. For Sale Intex Swim- erators, ovens, stoves, Mattresses, Electronics, ming Pool, 52” tall, 20” LCD, LED, DVD, Plasma wide, 3”, stairs & chemi- TV’s, Recliners, Sofas, Dicals (254) 582-3000 nettes and much more. VIAGRA/ CIALIS ONLY Kirkpatrick and Witt Fur$99.00! 52 Pills Save Big! niture. 625 Franklin AvNow! Call us today! 1-888- enue, Waco Texas. (254) 439-1431 754-4622. Instant Cash! All BRICK REPAIR Vehicles, running or not, WORK title or not. Also marine, Brick New Homes motorcycles,machinery and equipment. Call today Replace Rusted (254) 624-1729 Mailboxes Brick Stone Block Masonry Cutout Openings Chimney Repair Work Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819 F o r Sa l e Mid century metal 20 01 Chevrolet porch glider , Blazer, new tires, new green & white. ABS brake bearings, new Very good condi- axle bearings, cold air. tion with only a Runs good and looks bit of paint loss. good! 254-366-4370. Works great ! WacoA m e r i ca n $795. (254) 722-5973 Classifieds.com Check it out!




Junk Removal Dumpster RentalSmall Demolition, Land Clearing. Reasonable Prices! Free Estimates 254-723-6146 B l ac k l e at h e r sleeper sofa $250, Blue loveseat $65, tiled top kitchen table $45. Miscellaneous pottery (254) 424-2216 leave message Community Barb e r s h o p Tu e s d ay Special: $7 men & boys haircuts! Tuesday-Friday 8am-5pm. Saturday 8am12pm. 1302 N. Robinson Dr. (254) 339-4646 Rodas Tree SerH vice Professional Tree Trimming Tree

Huge Absolute Auction Saturday, June 16th @6pm. Preview: @1pm, 321 FM 1713 Whitney, Tx. Food starts at 2pm. Household items, collectibles, tools, furniture & more! AIR CONDITIONED AUCTION. Vernon Songer License #16300 (254) 2054228

TexMex Concrete Construction Specializing In Decorative Concrete Commercial & Residential • Driveways • Foundations • Sidewalks •Patios • Metal Carports • Fencing Free Estimates (254) 412-0255 1-877-412-1255 texmexconcrete. com


Bad Credit? We can Help! Credit Restoration Only $500 (254) 235-1025 Ashley Leather Recliner $125. Large dog crates- Airline approved $50. each. Large dog house $30.(254) 9813155, (254) 339-1072


June 14, 2018 Page 5


RJ’S BARGAIN CENTER • Appliances • Water Heaters • Doors • Vanities • Hardware • Lighting Fixtures • Plumbing Supplies • Paint Supplies • Lawn Mowers

New and Scratch & Dent Center Your Home Improvement Place Open Tuesday - Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm

711 Linn • 254-224-6178 H H H Best Kept Secret in Town! H H H

Money for scrap metal, we buy junk autos, copper, brass, aluminum, batteries, stainless steel, aluminum cans & steel. (254) 756-6661!

M e ta l B u i l d i n g components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or available on short lead times. Metals 2 Go, (254) Pioneer Steel & 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, BUENA VISTA I-Beams, Angle Iron, ExSERVICES panded Metal, H-Braces, Air Conditioning Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) Residential Service 662-2877. & Install Remodeling SerHablamos Espanol vices Restoring Old (254) 799-1036 Houses To New Homes TACBL #45894E Roofing, Sheetrock, Textures, Floors, House C l o u dy H e a d Leveling, and New Ad- lights? Go from cloudy ditions, Total Restora- to clear! Call Melcor for tions For Your Home, an appointment. Leave a Free Estimates (254) message and I will return 730-3343 your call. (254) 855-2007 Removal Stump Grinding Property Cleaning Complete Service Very Affordable! (254) 5488148

2018 VBS

JUNE 18-22 -----AGES 5-12

St. Jerome CatholiC ChurCh 9820 Chapel rd. Woodway, tX 76712


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Page 6 June 14, 2018




NEC 3530 D heavy duty CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK copier $800.00 (254) 857- wonders. Call American 3969 Classifieds, 254-752-0334.

Drink Alkaline Antioxidant Water Hydrate 6 Times Faster!

hydrogen powered water




BUD’S BOBCAT SERVICE Tree Shearing Dirt Spreading Brush Clearing Post Hole Digging. 50 mile radius around Valley Mills, Tx Cell phone: 928-237-0248

Zero Turn Mowers, Spartan Lawn Equipment, STIHL, Gourmet Guru. Sales, Parts & Service. Extra wide seats, arm padded rests, a must try! Call me for sizes (254) 848-8299

T r a i l e r s , T r ac tors, truckbeds, service parts, we do it all & carry all sizes of Kioti. Lloyd Trailer Co. (254) 799-8898 Waco Memorial Cemetery: Section F Lot 765. Spaces 1, 5 & 6. $1,100 each. Text or leave message (254) 495-6101 AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS en espanol, sirviendo la comunidad latina. Llamenos para poner su anucio en espanol aqui. (254) 752-0334

Estate & Yard Sale! 8am-6pm, ThursdaySunday, June 14th17th. 9317 Regal Dr. Woodway, Tx 76712 (off Hewitt Dr.) Antique furniture, vintage luggage, fine jewelry, patio set, King size 4-poster bed, sports memorabilia, contemporary furniture & much more!

2004 Chevy Silverado 1500, V8, Regular Cab. 207K miles. $2,850. OBO. (214) 729-4893 BELL HOME SERVICES SELLS ALUMINUM ACCESS RAMPS FOR HOME AND OFFICE Two Burial Plots 716 Lake Air Dr., Waco, TX 76710 CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR with Two Concrete EACH APPLICATION. 254-340-0716 Cryptoriums at Waco MeCALL TODAY 254-813www.WaterTreeWaco.com morial Park. These plots 5177 are easily accessible, next to the street. $4,000 both (254) 717-6877 CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Taking applicaTions! (no Transportation provided) Shredding (254) 379-1727 Hillsboro Head start is now accepting applications for the






2018-2019 school year. Head start is a pre-school offering excellent educational opportunities along with medical, dental, developmental and nutritional benefits at no cost. The Head start approach of individualized care and guidance is well suited to helping children with disabilities. children between the ages of 3 and 5 may be elegible. There is no charge for participation in Head start. pick up your application now at the Head start center at 804B Thomas street. For more information, call your local center at 254/582-8611 or Hill country community action association at 325/372-5167.

HEAD START EsTa acEpTanDo aplicacionEs! (ningun Transporte proporcionado) Hillsboro Head start esta aceptando aplicaciones para el año 2018-2019. Head es una escuelita para ninos de edad 3-5 anos que califican. Head start ofrece oportunidades excelentes para educacion y tambien beneficos de medico, dental, desarrollo, y de alimento. Head start ofrece mucha ayuda para ninos y familias. no cuesta nada para que su nino atiende el programa de Head start. puede usted recojer ahora una aplicacion para colicitar un puesto en Head start. para mas information llame a la Head start, 804B Thomas street, #del telefono: 254/582-8611 or Hill country community action association at 325/372-5167.

SANCHEZ HOUSE LEVELING Specializing in: Leveling Replace Beams Concrete Work Driveways All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Reasonable Prices (254) 752-0422

2 Large brown sofas. Twin adjustable bed, memory foam. Call (254) 652-4841 www . w o w d a d dy d e ta i l s . c o m Commercial & Residential Power Wash Detailing. Parking Lots, Buildings, Automobiles, etc. 254-314-3264 Wow Daddy Details Gentle Mixed Bred Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 7490909 (254) 749-5637

BArgAin Prices on new and Used Building Materials

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Why Donate? Your Donations: Help us build homes and a stronger community Keep materials out of the landfill are tax Deductible For a complete list of what can and cannot be donated, please visit:


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remodeling? renovations? call to schedule your tax deductible* donation now!

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Power Chair Jazzy Sport 2 w/2 New 35AH Batts, $575. (254) 7510929 Affordable Cable $0 down to start all approved! Ask for phone & Internet (844) 267-3976

Coleman Powermate Generator. 7500 watts, $400. (254) 3493041 Anthony WE BUY Old stuff, old signs, bicycles, cars, and anything else. Call Jane. 817-334-0050 U - HAU L Au t h o rized Dealer! We also carry Brand new lawn equipment. RJ’s Bargain Center, 1215 E. Waco Dr., 254-224-6178.

DUMPSTER RENTAL • $225.00 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean Up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing (254) 307-9211

$175, 2 reclining shampoo chairs $90ea. Entertainment center $25. Ladies clothes, 3x & 4x. (254) Need Financing? We have you covered! 709-6264 Same people you can Rio Construc- count on. New location! tion Foundation Re- 900 W. Loop 340, Waco, pair and Leveling Con- Texas. Richard Karr Mocrete Pier Beams Re- tors (254) 776-2290. modeling New Homes LOG CABIN $5800, 25 Years Experience (original price, $23,800). Office (254) 251-8191, 768 square feet, ex254-420-9910, Cell p a n d a b l e t o 115 2 (254) 498-9721 Facesquare feet, 101 solid book: RioConstructionoak logs, fully doveWaco tailed, complete precut Lorena’s Bou- wall set with all plans tique Gift’s & Ac- for stone fireplace, 10cessories! 501 Lake Air 1/2 foot high ceilings, Dr. Waco, Tx. Mon-Sat porches, loft, stack 10am-6pm. 254-235-1488 walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra Firewood for Sale. nice, will haul to Waco Pecan & Oak. $90 per for $1850. 870-577Truck Load (254) 733-3857 5757, owner. (254) 548-2905 All Building and Affordable ElecRemodeling, Plumbing tricity No deposit, and Electrical. Free Es- no credit check everytimates (254) 733-3857 one approved! Same day service. Call today (855) (254) 548-2905 564-1185 WANTS TO purchase In House Financing. minerals and other oil & Just Need help to get a gas interests. Send details fresh start? Call us! We P.O. Box 13557, Denver, have help! Special financing, down payments so Co 80201 low. Bad credit, divorce Forget The Rest, credit, we are here. Huge Call The Best! inventory at Gloff Ford. Ford, GMC, Nissan, LinCowboy coln 1-800-659-6632 Construction Mexia Founda& Remodeling tion Repair & House 35 Years Leveling We can Elevate Experience Wooden Homes up to Bruce Wayne 2ft! Remodeling, Roofing, Driveways, Tunnel(254) 400-6123 ing Excavation, Brick Emergency Calls Leveling & Repairs30yrs Welcome! ExperienceFree EstiFree Estimates mates254-981-3742 Waco & Surrounding 20% Senior Areas Discount






ElEctricity For Less

• No Deposit • No Credit Check • Same Day Connection

EvEryonE approvEd!

855-854-8489 Miscellaneous

New World of Wonders “Guardians of Light” Dragons Figurine Lamp. Wing broke but have pieces, $10. (254) 224-7492

S q ua r e Tub i n g , Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Got Checks? Cash it with us! Chapmans Check Cashing. 1025 N Valley Mills Drive 254741-1471. See what else we have including Purses Crosses, Sunglasses, Baseball caps, signs, picture, frames, knives, Texas Stars and more!

WaterTree Waco Hydro Force Hydrogen Powered Water. Drink Alkaline antioxidant water. Hydrate 6 times faster! 716 Lake Air Dr. Waco, Tx 76710 254-340-0716 www.watertreewaco.com ESPINOZA FENCE BUILDING • New • Repair • Farm • Ranch • Residential • Welding • Entry Ways (254) 722-1948

LIVE RADIO! Scan now. KWBU 103.3FM Heart of Texas Public Radio.

Disabled Family needs 22ft used bumper pull stock trailer. Must be donated or let us make payments (254) 203-1602 36” Floor Model PortA-Cooler Water Cooler, $575. (254) 729-8054 55 Gallon Fish tank w/stand & all accessories. 5x8 utility trailer. MotorR i v e r a H o u s e cycle trailer. Trundle bed. Leveling Brick House Call (254) 420-3002 Mobile Homes Leveling Foundation Repair 275 Gallon Plastic Beams Replaced Rat- Tote Tanks. Good for tan Wood Replaced water collection, oils, Cedar Post Replaced fuels, other liquids. Concrete Work Roof- Clean. Also, 55 Gallon ing Work Guaranteed Metal and Plastic BarIsmael(254) 300-2046 rels. Call (254) 662-0855

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 855-6687904 (VOID in IL, IN & GA).



June 14, 2018 Page 7

IT'S BACK!! American Classifieds Presents The...


Hidden Nickel Contest Entry Form for juNE 14, 2018 Identify the ad that the hidden nickel is located on: (name of the business)


How To Play:

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1. Locate the Indian Head Nickel logo hidden inside one of the display advertisements in this week’s paper. Actual Size:

Address ___________________________________

2. Fill out the entry form. 3. Send your entry to: American Classifieds, P.O. Box 8575, Waco, TX. 76714 OR: drop it by our office at 3901 W. Waco Drive in Waco. OR: Snap a picture of your completed entry form and send it to wacoamericanclassifieds@gmail.com 4. All entries must be received in our office by the following Tuesday. 5. A winner will be drawn weekly from all correct entries and the winner’s name printed in the following week’s paper. 6. Claim Your Free Tickets!

And the Winner is...

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P.O. Box 8575, Waco, TX. 76714 254-752-0334 wacoamericanclassifieds@gmail.com



Good luck to everyone in the next drawing!


Page 8 June 14, 2018

Garage Sales


Hewitt Woodway Estate & Yard Sale! 8am-6pm, ThursdaySunday, June 14th17th. 9317 Regal Dr. Woodway, Tx 76712 (off Hewitt Dr.) Antique furniture, vintage luggage, fine jewelry, patio set, King size 4-poster bed, sports memorabilia, contemporary furniture & much more!


Leftover Garage Sale house items. Free! Some new, some used. 814 N. Patricia St. W e ca r ry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Robinson Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. Estate Sale Accumula(254) 754-4622. tion from 55 years of marLEVIS Roundup. riage. Thursday & Friday, Buying USA Made LE- June 14th & 15th 9amVIS. Style Station (254) 5pm, Saturday 9am-3pm. 806 W. Denison, Robinson. 829-0447 CASH ONLY, no checks Lorena’s Bou- or credit cards. Fenton & tique Gift’s & Ac- Depression Glass, lots cessories! 501 Lake Air of furniture, grandfather Dr. Waco, Tx. Mon-Sat clock, old clocks, old sew10am-6pm. 254-235-1488 ing machine, lamps, dishes & kitchenware, vintage baby furniture, wheelHewitt chair, walker, potty chair, angel decor, freezer, toys, Woodway cookbooks, IBM selectric & much more! Garage Sale 8011 Ridge Point Drive. SaturWaco day 8am-1pm. Furniture, jewelry, tools, frames, electronics, toys & much Garage Sale Friday more! & Saturday 7-6. Shredder Garage Sale 2100 (like new), blade, lawn & Real Dr. Hewitt. Furni- farm equipment, clothes, ture, appliances, clothes, furniture, too much to list! electronics, potted plants. 502 Wilson Rd. Behind Loop 340 Saturday 8am-7pm


Best Value

Carpet Cleaning $50 254-754-5913 Call Anytime!

Gholson Indoor/ Outdoor Garage Sale 13065 Gholson Rd. Thursday- Sunday. Band equipment, fishing poles, tools, collectibles, antique radio & much more!

Find Treasures from Vintage rust to glassware & furniture at cost or below in outdoor booths #32,33,34,35 & TRAILER LOAD at the Market of Cedar Chest Antique Mall, 31707 W. Hwy 84, McGregor. Starts at 8am., Saturday, June 16th.

Real Estate For Sale

Martin Munoz Tree and Lawn Service Tree Trimming Lawn Service Tree Removal (254) 652-3165 20+ Years Experience Residential Commercial Free Estimates Valley Mills,Tx. 101 3rd St. Nice 3BR, 2.5BA, Fixer upper house w/ small fixer upper apartment in back, $59,900. (254) 444-6140 America Construction Concrete, Brick, House, Room Additions, Drywall, REMODELING IN GENERAL, Free Estimates (254) 7571625; Toll Free 1(800) 523-7284. Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088

eH m o om c l e e! W

Whispering Oaks 4400 N. 19th H Furnished H

1111 Speight H Furnished H

All Bills Paid 1 BR From $400/mo Across from MCC Campus, Close to Airport, Restaurants, Shopping & Cameron Park

University Rentals All Bills Paid

1 BR From $480/mo 2 BR from $740/mo Near Downtown, Baylor Off I-35



Hillcrest Plaza

3550 Hillcrest Dr. H Furnished H All Bills Paid

1 BR From $430/mo Located in Central Waco Near Medical Clinics, Shopping and Bus Stops


All Properties Online at:


Real Estate For Sale

Real Estate For Sale

Duane’s Mobile Home Leveling Done The Right Way Single/Double /Triple Wides Small Homes License# INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Toll Free (888) 281-5063

Investors Special Owner Financing Available. 2708 Connor & 1521 Bosque. $5,000 Down, $850mo. Both: $115,000. Call Now (254) 235-1025 CHINA SPRING- 337 Bosque Bend Ln.- 3 bed 1 bath $175,000 Call Paloma 432.288.1214 Realtors are welcomed

Quality built homes on your lot! Floor plans to fit any budget. No money down. 100% financing. Credit repair program (254) 857-4663. I Buy Houses!! (254) 644-3090. Forget The Rest, Call The Best! Cowboy Construction & Remodeling 35 Years Experience Bruce Wayne (254) 400-6123 Emergency Calls Welcome! Free Estimates 20% Senior Discount

5.19 WOODED acres in Leon County on paved CR146, cleared site for mobile home or barndominium, water and electric available, Centerville schools, convenient to Houston and Dallas via I Buy Houses!! (254) I-45. $$45,000. www. 644-3090. DANCORealEstate.com. 5.24 WOODED acres Call: (936) 3679113. in Leon County on paved Rodas Tree Ser- CR146. 1.30 acres revice Professional cently cleared for mobile Tree Trimming Tree home or barndominium. Removal Stump Grind- Centerville schools, water ing Property Cleaning & electricity, convenient Complete Service Very to Houston and Dallas Affordable! (254) 548- via I-45. $45,000. www. DANCORealEstate.com. 8148 Call: (936) 3679113. I Buy Houses!! (254) Price Reduced! 644-3090. Restaurant with Small M&M Remodeling House on 2.32 Acres, and Insulation, fiberglass, Cellulose and Spray Foam. Hwy 36 in Hill CounWindows, Solar Screens, try. Steady Traffic, Great Doors, Roofing, Attic Vent- Frontage, Potential; RV ing, weatherization work, Park, Antique Shop, If your house has air leaks Winery. Call David (254) we can find them! (254) 253-1735 227-2182 I Buy Houses!! (254) Foundation 644-3090. Repairs Whitney, Tx Ranch House on 30 acres Level Brick Housing 4BR/2BA. Pecan & Fruit Concrete trees, plenty of wildlife. Foundations Deer & turkeys, pond, rifle range & much more! Level Pier & Beam $374,500. Call (432) 556Lifetime Warranty 0547 Licensed & Bonded 24’ Above ground pool 40 Years Experience Embassy package startReasonable Prices ing @ $3,324. Free water analysis. Call Bellmead R&M Pools & Supply 4412 E. (254) 718-6383 Hwy 84 in Bellmead, (254) (512) 921-6970 799-6839 .


Hidden Treasures by

Customer Appreciation

Purchase $25.00 receive $10.00 Off All purchases must equal $25.00 before tax. $10.00 off cannot be combined with daily discounts.

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BELLMEAD: 3016 Bellmead drive 254-799-0777

First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs (254) 366-7256 Facebook/Firstcalllonnie

LACY LAKEVIEW H 2/2 apt. CHA. Appliances. Free Water. $635

p/month. Call for specials 254-301-7475

Lots, Land & Acreage


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26.46 AC. in Coke County near Robert Lee. Shared well, Mesquite & Cedar Cover. Deer, Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Dove. $4,030 Down, $667/MO. 866286-0199 ranchenterprisesltd.com Mart/Riesel Area. 31 acres, available now w/ owner finance! Only $189,000. Call (254) 756-1738

per month

Bellmead Area W/ Land up to 2 tv’s

Lots, Land & Acreage

M e ta l B u i l di n g components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond BUENA VISTA plate, angle, rounds, many SERVICES steel items in stock or Air Conditioning available on short lead times. Metals 2 Go, (254) Residential Service 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. & Install Wanted: 2-6 Acres Hablamos Espanol with or without house or (254) 799-1036 mobile home. Must have TACBL #45894E electric & water availability. Within 25 miles of Own e r F i n a nc e Waco. $80,000 or less. Houses Available! Easy (254) 752-6290 Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , Low Monthly & Down Pay- SOMEONE IS missing a deal here! China ments. (254) 235-1025 I Buy Houses!! (254) Spring ISD, 76 Ac, rolling with hills, views, 644-3090. trees in areas, Live on your Investment! Development Potential! $3,685/ac, 325-3153127







ALL APPROVED! Internet & Phone Se habla español

833-765-2446 For Sale By Owner Own e r F i n a nc e Houses Available! Easy Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , Low Monthly & Down Payments. (254) 235-1025 Home For Sale: 3/1 3808 Memorial Dr. Waco, Tx 76711. Also has a 30x40 shop with lift. Come & see! (254) 7234954 We Buy Ugly Houses & Pay Cash Quickly! (254) 716-8512


REDUCED! COLO- Property For Lease RADO 5 Acres. Must Sell Due To Recent Family Tragedy. Beautiful Valley, Water Rights. Hunt-FishGrow. Owner financed, No credit check. $100 F o r L e a s e N i c e down $125 month $7,650 3400sq.ft building in Rob(719) 330-0472 inson, Tx. 1/2 block off DOVE AND Ducks! Hwy 77 @104-A Deana w/ COMMERCIAL OR Office space, 2 large roll RECREATIONAL! 97 up doors & walk through. AC near Waco at Mc- $1,250 per month. Call for Gregor, trees, pond, more information (254) $3875/ac,flexible terms 744-2112 or discount for cash 4125 Sherry Lane 3/1, 254-206-0388 $900mo. +$500dep. No pets please! (254) 799TEXAS: PRESIDIO. 2478 Rio Grande River. 15 acre ranchette. 888-420-0200 Houses www.westforkranches. For Rent com. Owner financing $9,950-. $0 down. $249/ month. Sur veyed. On Hwy#170. Physical / Legal Access. Gated Entrance. Farming / Building / Recreation. Chinati Mountain Furnished Room Views. Money Back Guar- for Rent. All Bills Paid, antee. No Credit Checks. $400mo. 1601 Sherry Ln. (254) 732-3114 For Sale 3BR/1BA, $500mo+ By Owner $350dep. No Pets! (254) 876-2341 1905 Lyle 3 bedroom, 2 bath $900/month, $650/ deposit, section 8 accepted. 1306 N. 64th, 3 Golinda, Tx Robin- bedroom, 1.5 bath $1000/ son School District. Large month, $700/deposit. 804 4BR, 1BA. Approximately E. Calhoun 3 bedroom, 1 1 Acre, $75,000. (254) bath $875/month $500/ 644-1485 deposit. 5704 Elephant Butte, China Spring 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath $1650/ month, $1000/deposit. (254) 230-9016. Red Oak Properties 1708 Eastcrest #15. 1 bed, 1 bath, $425mo. Ax t e l l A r e a $300dep. No pets. Call (254) 799-2478 2BR/1BA, CH/A, Many Improvements, 1537 Summer Ave. 3/1, CH/A, Fenced Backlarge building in- yard, Washer/Dryer Concluded. Partially nection, $825mo.w/no fenced yard. No appliances, $850 with apowner finance, pliances +$600dep. (254) $125,000. (254) 292- 855-6815 254-855-4615 3452 4125 Sherry Lane 3/1, $900mo. +$500dep. No Cash for Houses. Any pets please! (254) 799location. Any condition. 2478 (325) 650-5900 925 N. 26th Jefferson Owner Finance: Apartments . 1 Bedroom, 1801 N. 10th Street. 4 1 bath. $450/month, bedroom, 2 bath, tile $300/deposit. (254) 230floors, new paint, new 9016. carpet in all bedrooms. $4,000 down, sale price 2212 N. 41st, 2 bedat $74,900. CALL NOW room, 1 bath, $800/ for more information 254- month, $500/deposit. (254) 230-9016 722-3519. 2926 Parrott Ave. Septic Pumping 3BR/2BA, window units ASAP Septic needed. No smoking, Service $825mo.+ $800dep. Text (254) 749-2502 (254) 829-0088 www . w o w d a d Owner Finance: dy d e ta i l s . c o m 1905 Homan Ave. 2 bed- C o m m e r c i a l & room, 1 bath, new car- Residential Power Wash pet. Low down payment, Detailing. Parking Lots, $3,500 down. Sale price Buildings, Automobiles, at $54,900. CALL NOW etc. 254-314-3264 Wow for more information 254- Daddy Details 722-3519. 2 2 13 C e n t u ry 3 Owner Finance: 821 bedroom, 2 bath home. E. Pecan, 3 bedroom, 1 $1,300mo. + $1,000 bath, close to new Baylor deposit. No pets please Stadium. $4,000 down, (254) 799-2478 sale price at $64,900. 1205 S.31st. 3BR, CALL NOW for more in- 2.5ba, laundr y room, formation 254-722-3519. $950mo. +$60 0dep. 1BR $300, Large bed- 2729 Conner 4BR, room $400. Utilities Paid. 2 BA , l a u n d r y a r e a , Whitney, Tx (254) 349- $1,200mo.+$600dep. (254) 722-8235 0619


Office: 3825 W. Waco Dr.


1 BR, 1 BA $450 mo/$300 dep

804 E. CALHOuN

3 BR, 1 BA $875 mo/$500 dep

5704 ELEPHANT BuTTE CHINA SPRINg 4 BR, 2.5 BA $1650 mo/$1000 dep

2212 N. 41ST

2 BR, 1 BA $800 mo/$500 dep

1905 LyLE

3 BR, 2 BA Section 8 Accepted $900 mo/$650 dep

1306 N 64TH

3 BR, 1.5 BA $1000 mo/$700 dep

www.RedOak-Properties.com Houses For Rent 1102 N. Old Robinson Rd. Robinson Schools 3/2, CH/A, $1100mo. 3917 Roselawn 2BR, new carpet, $750mo. (off Valley Mills Dr.) (254) 405-2365 Dean Highland, 2br/2ba, Central Air, Hardwood Floors. No pets. Housing accepted. 254214-4625 624 North 14th Duplex B. 2BR, Washer & Dryer Connections. $350 deposit. $480 month. (254) 717-0027 Silo district! Clean 3/2 Central Air, Brick Home. 254-214-4625 Wanted: 2BR House. Must accept pets! Rural area ok! On social security. Call (918) 351-3679 Gholson, Tx 77 Acres with mobile home. Only $1250 month. Call now! (254) 756-1738 1222 N.29th St. 1BR, 1BA, no CH/A, no pets. $500mo.+ $500dep. (254) 715-9005 Flat Rock Trailer Repairs Brakes Hubs Bearings Axles Floors Hydraulics Lights Flooring Welding & Fabrication Flat Rock Trailers 254-420-1112 503 Sturgis 3BR, 4 2 Full baths, Robinson Schools, great yard,

CH/A, no pets. $1,100mo. + $1,100dep. (254) 4446140

Apartments For Rent

B a r - X Apa r tments: all bills paid, $100 a week and up; $100 deposit, no application fee. 1511 S. Loop Dr. (254) 756-1043 Cable $50 per month up to 2 TV’s. $0 to start. No deposit, All Approved! Internet & phone. Se habla Español (833) 7652446 Woodway Park Condominiums. Large 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with 2 living areas. 1200 s.f., private laundry room, patio/ balcony, great neighborhood. Criminal background check. No application fee. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 3491398.



Gobs of Jobs Starting Pay

$9.00 - $18.00 hr. • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL •

Now Hiring



Now Hiring: PRODUCTION WELDERS & ASSEMBLERS Mig welding skills, basic construction and tape measure knowledge. Benefits and overtime available. Qualified applicants should email resumé to:


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7530 Bosque - Waco

NEED COST CUTTING KNOW HOW? CONTACT “SCORE”! Developing and implementing a good plan for cutting costs is vital to the success of any cost cutting effort. Legitimate expenses provide the framework for your business, and cutting costs too deeply can result in lost business. Some of the techniques you can use in defining your cost cutting effort include:

1. ✄ Calculate break-even points and operating ratios 2. ✄ Ensure your record keeping is adequate 3. ✄ Compare your results with industry norms 4. ✄ Evaluate expenses and look at rapidly rising items or high cost items. 5. ✄ Can you renegotiate long term debt to better interest rate? Or a lease to more favorable terms?

Apartments For Rent P ARK P LA C E APARTMENTS: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Tow n h o u s e s o r 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartments. 1300sf with balcony / private fence. Private laundry room, water paid, Midway ISD. Criminal background check. No application fee. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 761-0792

Manufactured Housing

WE BUY your used mobile home. All over Texas. Single wides, double wides, 1985 or newer, any condition, hablo espanol. $200 referral fee if you know someone selling their mobile. Call 210-6781117 or 210-409-5017.

To help you develop a cost cutting plan, contact “SCORE”, the Counselors to America’s Small Business. SCORE offers free and confidential services to new Chris’ Mobile Home business in the Waco Area. Transport Services, LLC

1-817-871-6002 Apartments For Rent Va l l e y M i l l s Apartments. Newly remodeled. Huge 1 and 2 bedrooms, water and gas paid. No application fee. 700 South Valley Mills Drive. (254) 732-2070.

Installers License number: MHDINS00004651Skirting & Mobile Home Leveling Groesbeck, TX (254) 723-6159 TX#006977672C US DOT #2856797 BANK FORECLOSURE Headquarters- 2 to 5 Bedroom ON or off land. Financing Provided. Call for details, 254-933-3334. RBI# 33073. MUST SELL- Reduced $10k- Solitaire Home 18 wide, 2 bedroom 2 bath, dual Master suite, Financing Available. 254933-3334. RBI# 33073.

Equal Opportunity Employer Drug-Free Workplace


NOW HIRING Part Time Employees Could turn into Full-Time No Experience No Problem! Need insurance? We got it! Retirement Plan You’ll Need It!!! Paid Vacation You Deserve It Pick up appliacation at Office Entrance CzECH STOP INC. I-35 / 353 Exit West, TX In Need of people to clean empty apartments in Waco. Must have a vehicle and valid ID. (254) 366-2276 Hiring Now! Looking For Maid, Desk Clerk, Maintenance & Sales Person. Apply in Person at Robinson Inn & Suites 1167 Sun Valley Blvd. (254) 662-4000 Now Hiring! Document Control Specialist. email resumé to:jpelton@ sturdisteel.netSturdisteel. EOE. Sturdisteel Company. 131 Ava Drive, Hewitt, Texas. TX. Now Hiring full & part time experienced appliance repair/ technician. Apply in person 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx. Discount Vacuum & Appliances Cash your Check at Chapmans Check Cashing! Receive free entry for a $100 cash drawing. WINNER EVERY WEEK! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254-741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254-7542003

Furnished and all 25 DRIVER Trainees bills paid. One & two bedNeeded Now at Steroom apartments available Duane’s Mobile ven’s Transport! No near downtown, Baylor Experience Needed! Home Leveling off I-35. (254) 752-5691. Earn $900 Per Week! Done The Right Way 1111 Speight, University Paid CDL Training! All Rentals. universityrentalsSingle/Double costs covered! 1-844wacotx.com /Triple Wides 311-7515 drive4stevens. Newly remodeled com Small Homes apartments in Lacy LakevLicense# INS4064 iew (254) 732-0907 and Wanted: Full & Part by TSTC (254) 349-7812 Bonded Time appliance installer or (254) 732-0907 and in & deliverer. Come by Insured Bellmead (254) 349-7812 in person 3421 Bosque Free Estimates across from the City Park. Blvd. Waco, Tx. Discount Toll Free Move-in specials. Vacuum & Appliances (888) 281-5063 Newly remodeled DRONE CAREERS. Preapartments in Lacy pare for FAA Unmanned Lakeview by TSTC (254) CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK Aircraft System operator 732-0907. MOVE-IN SPE- wonders. Call American certificate for commercial Classifieds, 254-752-0334. use. Weekend courses CIALS. $0 DOWN, Use your Lake Air Green land equity! Call for de- available in Atlanta, DalApartments Huge tails, Solitaire Homes, las, Houston, Las Vegas, newly remodeled 1 2 5 4 - 9 3 3 - 3 3 3 4 . R B I # Kansas City, Oakland, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach and 2 bedrooms, 2 33073. and DC. Call AIM 877-202bathrooms. Housing accepted, water and 2X6 WALLS- Site Built 0386. www.AIMUAS.com gas paid. No application Quality at Manufactured fee 912 Lake Air, (254) Home prices. Solitaire Homes of Temple, 254229-3382 933-3334. RBI# 33073.

Fireworks stand operators needed in Your area! June 24th - July 4th

Must be 18 + and have travel trailer or camper . Great for Teachers, Bus Drivers, College Students, Seasonal Workers or Fund Raising for Youth & Religious groups.

Call 512-303-4438 or email info@buyamericanfireworks.com to see if you qualify.

Employment NOW HIRING Groundmen and Operators. Good Driving Record required. Benefits available. Pay Scale $15-$20 per hour. DOE. Please call Monday - Wednesday 8:00am-4:30pm or Thursday-Friday 8am12pm. S&H Powerline C o n s t ru c t i o n 2 5 4 848-4100 http://www. shpowerline.com Disabled Vet looking for housekeeper for a reasonable rate. Call (254) 229-1614 MAKE $1,000 Weekly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures From Home. No Experience Re q u i r e d . H e l p i n g home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immediately! www.MailingGroup.Net NOW HIRING steel & metal building erectors. Starting wages $20-$25 per hour depending on qualifications. Please send resumes to the email provided. Must be willing to work statewide. steelerectorsneeded@gmail.com IMMEDIATE NEED for packers to work at a local Candy Manufacturing Plant in Waco Texas. Starting pay 10.50 per hour. Assembly line Packer- lift 30-5 lbs. Must be 18 yrs old, stand for the duration of the shift. 24/7 Facility. Full time and Part time. apply.smjobs.com, search Job Code: SM29I https:// apply.smjobs.com/listing /?jobCode=SM29I&med iaCode=AMC OTR DRIVERS Wanted: Long Haul Miles for qualified drivers, .48 cpm. Get the miles you’ve been missing! Call NOW 800-426-1675 ext#835. Drivers- Company & Owner Ops! Home Daily, Benefits! 23 yoa, 1 yr CDL-A req. End Dumps & Belly Dumps. 855-4826793 AVIATION CAREERS. Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877206-1503. www.FixJets.com Help Wanted: Seeking full time sales and other duties. Hourly wage. Starting @ $9.00 per hour. No prior experience required. Come by 2509 North 18th, Waco, Texas. Must have valid drivers license and pass criminal background check.

June 14, 2018 Page 9


Better Business Bureau, Inc. In Waco: 254-755-7772 Or Toll Free: 800-580-8477



Fireworks Stand Operators Needed in Your Area! June 24th- July 4th. Must be 18yrs+ & have travel trailer or camper. Great for teachers, bus drivers, college students, seasonal workers or fund raising for youth & religious groups. Call 512303-4438 or email: info@ buyamericanfireworks. com to see if you qualify Instant Cash from your credit card! We can now take / accept money from any credit card! Chapmans Check Cashing! Receive free entry for a $100 cash drawing. WINNER EVERY WEEK! 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, 254741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Drive. 254-754-2003

Wanted: Appliance Sales Person. Must be dependable, will train. Come by in person 3421 Bosque Blvd. Waco, Tx. Discount Vacuum & Appliances

MEDICAL BILLING & Coding Training! Train at home to process Medical billing & Insurance! CTI can get you job ready! 1 (855) 2443118 AskCTI.com HS Diploma/GED needed. EARN MONEY Today! Work With Leading Health Benefits CompanyFree Training, Weekly Pay, Bonuses & Incentives Call 570-520-3338 Now Hiring! Production Welders & Assemblers! Mig Welding skills, basic construction and tape measure knowledge. Benefits and overtime available. Email resumé to:jpelton@sturdisteel. netSturdisteel. EOE. Sturdisteel Company. 131 Ava Drive, Hewitt, Texas. TX. HEART OF Texas Region MHMR has an immediate opening for a FT Maintenance person. This position will perform semiskilled work in maintenance and building construction trades. Work involves at a minimum, maintaining and repairing buildings, utility systems, stationary equipment, and/or motorized equipment for twenty nine (29) Center facilities in McLennan, Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill and Limestone counties. Vehicle and tools provided. Person hired must have one year full time verifiable experience with maintenance and construction. Person must have a high school diploma or GED. Great benefits, paid health and dental insurance, retirement plans and paid time off. To apply go online at hotrmhmr.org or contact Amanda at (254) 752-3451. EOE Welder/construction worker needed! Metal Building Experience required. Call (254) 8533962.

Employment Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Financial Bad Credit? We can Help! Credit Restoration Only $500 (254) 235-1025

TOO MANY Pay Day CBD/HEMP OIL Oppor- Loans? We can help! tunity. Make Money in Consolidate multiple Hottest Wellness Trend & loans into 1 low payNext Billion Dollar Indus- ment! Save $10 0s try. FREE To Join the New monthly Call 877-422Product Line Revolution. 4557. www.EarnWithHemp.com need your chimney 1-860-248-4000 cleaned, child care, mobile Price Reduced! home repair, party supRestaurant with Small plies, security systems, House on 2.32 Acres, trees trimmed, or someHwy 36 in Hill Coun- thing welded? It’s all in try. Steady Traffic, Great the Business and Services Frontage, Potential; RV Directory of American Park, Antique Shop, Classifieds. Winery. Call David (254) 253-1735


IMMEDIATE OPENINGS- Apply today for a Packing Position! Work at for Staff Management at a local Candy Plant. Packing candy. Lift 30 lbs and stand for duration on the shift 8 hours daily. Pay rate is $9.00-10.50 per hour Apply at apply.smjobs.com SearchJob Code: SM292 - Waco Texas LOOKING FOR a sweet opportunity? Staff Management is hiring Packaging Associates to work in the Mars North American facility in Waco TX! We are looking for new associates to start on our First Shift, from 7am-3:30pm! Earn Up to $10.50 per hour! apply.smjobs.com Job Code SM291

National Marketplace



Must Have Experience Good Driving Record Required Paid Vacations

254-754-4911 254-749-7436


Control and maintain logs of drawings, specs, job files, etc. for engineering department. Good organization skills; proficient in Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, with the ability to learn, open, and print AutoCAD drawings. Effective communication skills (written and oral) are required. Qualified applicants should email resumé to:

SOON THE MARK of the beast will be enforced! Let the bible explain! Free book and bible study. Call 205-339-4837.

jpelton@sturdisteel.net Equal Opportunity Employer Drug-Free Workplace

HELP WANTED: Outside Salesperson

to sell advertising for American Classifieds Must have a reliable veh icle, cur rent driver’s license an d auto insura



254-757-2306 ext. 206

Started by Barbara Glaze from Waco, Texas. She ministers the Word of God to inmates in the McLennan County Jail and Gatesville Prison in Gatesville. The children of these inmates are left behind because of choices their parents have made. Caregivers for these children often struggle to feed them and to care for other needs that they may have. Many of these children experience emotional trauma and abuse associated with separation from their parents. I Can Feed The Forgotten Child Ministry desires no child of incarcerate parent to suffer hunger or neglect in Central Texas communities. I Can Feed The Forgotton Child reaches out to these children families by feeding them, by visiting them, and by sharing the love and mercy of a caring God who has not forgotten them.

We are asking that you Please donate canned goods by droPPing them off at:

american classifieds 3901 W. Waco dr.

Get a free classified ad when you donate at American Classifieds! Monetary donations may be made at: 1101 Wooded Acres Dr., Suite 112 Waco, TX 76710 For more information please call Barbara Glaze, 254-715-5331 called4nations@yahoo.com

Thank you for your support.

Page 10 June 14, 2018


FARM & RANCH Farm & Ranch General

275 Gallon Plastic Tote Tanks. Good for water collection, oils, fuels, other liquids. Clean. Also, 55 Gallon Metal and Plastic Barrels. Call (254) 662-0855

Farm & Ranch General DUMPSTER RENTAL • $225.00 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean Up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing (254) 307-9211




www.SpartanMowersofCentralTexas.com “THE LAWN ASSAULT VEHICLE”

Farm & Ranch General M e ta l B u i l d i n g components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or available on short lead times. Metals 2 Go, (254) 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. Ground Work Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Stump Grinding Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling (254) 405-0323




Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984

Hay Spike & Feeders, 14ft WW Cattle Trailer, Barbado Sheep, Kawasaki Mule Heavy Disk Plow, 5th wheel travel trailer. 20x36x13’ Carport. Chihuahua male puppies & Pyrenees Puppies. Call for details (254) 729-0001

SHILLING EXCAVATION, LLC DOZER SERVICES & MOTOR GRADER • Commercial • Residential • Building & House Pads • Land Clearing • Erosion Control & Repair • Driveways • Stock Tanks • Build & Enlarge and Clean Out Tanks • Ranch Work (254) 744-2264 Shane (254) 722-0753 Ed

30-10-10 OR 15-5-5 Increases growth and production for your crops. NTEXX stimulates soil and microorganisms. Contact Carlos Morris for fertilizer applications and sales. 254-421-1276. Hampshire Hogs for sale. $40-$150, depends on size. Contact Chad (254) 371-0664 Need Financing? We have you covered! Same people you can count on. New location! 900 W. Loop 340, Waco, Texas. Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290.

ESPINOZA FENCE BUILDING • New • Repair • Farm • Ranch • Residential • Welding • Entry Ways (254) 722-1948

Game Chicken Pens, 30 Barrels, Round Wire We Buy Ugly Houses & Pens (254) 717-7555 Pay Cash Quickly! (254) R&R 716-8512 Transportation Black Angus 2yr. old Bulls. Pure Bred, Tested, Rose Eastham, Ready for Service. Low Operator Birth Weight Genetics Sand (254) 757-3330 Gravel ADVANTAGE METTopsoil AL BUILDINGS For (254) 749-4141 Quality Turn Key Metal Buildings and Carports. Shipping containCall (254) 447-0709 ers $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (817) 3861800, Burleson, TX. Veterinary Mobile Services In The Waco and Surrounding Area!! Dr. Andy Cunningham 20 Years Experience With Horses, Cattle, Or Small Animals. I Will Come to Your Place. Call for Appointment (254) 722-9334 R. JOHNSON Sand & Gravel Haul Off 6 & 12 Yard Loads Topsoil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel (254) 749-3863 (254) 799-4907

ANGUS VALLEY FARM SUPPLY 254-822-1842 • 3-Point Sprayers $925 & up • Trailer Sprayers $2,275 & up • Dirt Blades • Hay Sprayers & Forks • Farm Chemicals • Post Drivers • Carports & Metal Buildgins Sale On Ammo Reloading Supplies Sharp Blades, Plow Better! Disc Plow Blades, Cold Roll Sharpened. On the Farm on the Plow (254) 722-7555 James Wills Custom Shredding. Small Acreage. Axtell, Tx (254) 749-4675 Good Used Fencing Material. Net wire, gate pannels, steel posts, etc. Cheap! (254) 655-4114 (254) 722-7129 ACE FENCE & SUPPLY Best Prices On: Chain Link Wood Privacy Ornamental Custom Gates & Gate Openers 2825 Robinson Drive (254) 755-6339

BUD’S BOBCAT SERVICE Tree Shearing Dirt Spreading Brush Clearing Post Hole Digging. 50 mile radius around Valley Mills, Tx Cell phone: 928-237-0248 T r a i l e r s , T r ac tors, truckbeds, service parts, we do it all & carry all sizes of Kioti. Lloyd Trailer Co. (254) 799-8898 McLain Dozer Service Dozer Trackhoe Maintainer, Mulcher, Dirt & Gravel Work. Call John (903) 641-6648 WANT TO lease land for cattle grazing, will do improvements, references available. 254-865-3546. ADVANTAGE CONCRETE Residential Commercial Industrial Driveways Foundations Sidewalks And More Call Kevin Today (254) 447-0709 See Pictures At advantageconcrete.net Clifford Spross Sand, Gravel, Topsoil, Rock, Haul-offs, Spreading Available, 12 Yard Truck, Serving Contractors and Residential. Mobile: (254) 855-6588 Gentle Mixed Bred Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 7490909 (254) 749-5637

America Roofing, Remodeling & Leveling Commercial Residential We do leveling and concrete work and complete remodeling. We build new houses, room additions. Quality Work Wind and Hail Damage Specialist Free Estimates (254) 757-1625 Toll Free (800) 523-7284 BBB Member


Riding & Push Mowers, Tillers, Chainsaws, Weed Eaters, Mini Bikes, Go Karts For Sale. Speedy Repairs! (254) 853-2246 (254) 855-5714 T r a i l e r s , T r ac tors, truckbeds, service parts, we do it all & carry all sizes of Kioti. Lloyd Trailer Co. (254) 799-8898 Tractor Repair Where it Stops, Or in the Shop, All Types of Tractors. Engines Clutches, Pumps, Hydraulic Cylinders No Pick Ups Call Gary (817) 357-5134


FARM LAND for sale in Limestone County, 62 Acres more or less. $3,500 an acre. Please email for more info! or call 254-729-2961. 1/2 Acre Lot for sale located on Toy Hauler 24’ West Highway 164 about B umper P ull . 3 miles outside of Groes- Sleeps 6 (254) 722beck. Asking $5,000. 6530 Email information or call 254-729-2961. mollyjcox@ 2018 Big Tex 70SR-10’ gmail.com Dump Trailer, $3,799. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420RAUL’S 1112 CONCRETE 2018 6’x10’ Dump Trailer, 10,000 GVWR. A SERVICE workhorse, $4,399. Flat Driveways Rock Trailers (254) 420Patios 1112 Sidewalks Trailer Rentals Jobs of All Sizes Single and Free Estimates Tandem Utility (254) 379-0073 Livestock (254) 224-6251 Enclosed Car Hauler Vegetables, Plotting Soil, Fertilizer, Dumps Sand. Bar None Country GN Equipment Store. Great selection of Daily and clothing & unique gifts, Weekly Rentals great YETI products. Gift Cards Available! 7991 Flat Rock Trailer N.Hwy 6, Waco, Tx (254) 254-420-1112 848-9112



Steel/Storage Buildings SATURDAY, JUNE 16 • 6:00PM PREVIEW STARTS @ 1:00PM

321 FM 1713, WHITNEY, TX Great food starts at 2:00pm Burger, Fish, Chicken Fried Steak & More!

Household Items, Tonka Trucks, Buddy L Trucks, Nitel Trucks, Coca Cola Items, Pepsi Items, Tools, Furniture, PVC & CPVC Pipe (1” & up), Gas & Water Pipe Fittings, 2000 GMC Jimmy & More! AIR condITIonEd AucTIon

Vernon Songer Lic. #16300 For Questions Call: 254-205-4228

Trailers 12 ’ Ta n d e m Axle V Nose Cargo Trailer, $3,299. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 T r a i l e r s , T r ac tors, truckbeds, service parts, we do it all & carry all sizes of Kioti. Lloyd Trailer Co. (254) 799-8898 New BCI 14’ Livestock Trailer, $4,050. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 2018 Big Tex 14LX-14 Dump Trailer, $6,399. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 4201112

Farm & Ranch Implements

Zero Turn Mowers, Spartan Lawn Equipment, STIHL, Gourmet Guru. Sales, Parts & Service. Extra wide seats, arm padded rests, a must try! Call me for sizes (254) 848-8299 308 Bush Hog 8’ shredder, $2,450. Heavy duty with chains. (254) 7449904 AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS en espanol, sirviendo la comunidad latina. Llamenos para poner su anucio en espanol aqui. (254) 752-0334, llame por Laura.

Tools & Equipment

BUY OR SELL! For Wood Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, miter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, radial arm saws, and air compressor.1209 Washington, Waco. Zero Turn Mowers, Spartan Lawn Equipment, STIHL, Gourmet Guru. Sales, Parts & Service. Extra wide seats, arm padded rests, a must try! Call me for sizes (254) 848-8299

Building Materials

Happy Pool happy life. Poolife Exclusive Pool Care Collection. Authorized dealer. Free water analysis. Bellmead Pools & Supply, LLC. 254-799-6839. Pioneer Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, H-Braces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 7542611 or (800) 662-2877.

Building Materials M e ta l B u i l d i n g components, tubing, pipe, beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many steel items in stock or available on short lead times. Metals 2 Go, (254) 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. Bellmead Pools & Supply. 254-799-6839. “Your above ground pool specialists”. 24’ Round Embassy packages starting at $3,324. 4412 E. Hwy 84 in Bellmead. Bellmead Pools & Supply. 254-799-6839. “Your above ground pool specialists”. 24’ Round Embassy packages starting at $3,324. Poolife products. 4412 E. Hwy 84 in Bellmead. Residential Metal Roofing and Siding, Storage Buildings, Metal Buildings. We Deliver and Unload! Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. S q ua r e Tub i n g , Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877.

Steel/Storage Buildings

Hunting & Fishing

SHIPPING STORAGE containers, 20’ and 40’, cargo worthy. Delivery and financing available. A family owned business. SHA C KEL F ORD COUNTY Trophy White1-888-430-4123. tail deer hunting lease. Turkey. Plenty of Sporting Goods Hogs, cover, Hubbard creek running through property. 325-665-9412, 325-6659416 Season Dove Lease Wanted within 25 miles 4’x8’ Brunswick of Waco. Also, Springfield Monarch Slate Top Pro- Reproduction US Rifle fessional Pool Table w/ Caliber 30 M1 For Sale. Newly Installed Banks $1,200 Cash Firm, may & Cover. Absolutely Per- trade. Serious Only! (254) fect Working Condition! 755-7650 after 5 week$650 w/Free $300 Hard days, anytime weekends Top Folding Vinyl Cover, Rack- Balls & Cue Sticks. Auctions (254) 729-8054

Guns and Ammunition

Gun Bluing, Rifle Scope Repair (All Types), Gunsmithing, Rifle Rebarreling Service, Custom Rifles, Customs Stocks, Full Service (903) 5191127 Hubbard, Tx Season Dove Lease Wanted within 25 miles of Waco. Also, Springfield Reproduction US Rifle Caliber 30 M1 For Sale. $1,200 Cash Firm, may trade. Serious Only! (254) 755-7650 after 5 weekdays, anytime weekends EXPOSE ​YOUR business to over 60,000 potential customers every week in American Classifieds’ Business & Service Directory. 254-752-0334. MEC Grabber 20ga Reloading Press $250. Call (254) 315-9300 Shootin Irons Custom Made Ammo, Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol. Special Order Fire Arms. Best Prices! All Work Guaranteed! (254) 744-3062 (254) 881-4141

Summer Consignment Auction. June 16, 2018 @10am. Tractors, Trailers, Equipment, UTV’s, ATV’s. ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE 1357 NE. CR 0070, Corsicana, Tx 75109 972-9354136 Jarod Hamm #16864

Auctions Garner & Associates, Auctioneers Trusted-Proven-Recommended, Waco, Texas, (254) 717-5051.

June 14, 2018 Page 11

Lawn & Garden

Guerrero Lawn Service Firewood For Sale Mowing Hedge Trimming Flower Beds Leaf Raking Complete Tree Service Leon County Expo Hauling Brush, Trash Junk Center Farm Auction, Residential, Commercial, 3637 CR305, Buffalo, Insured. (254) 754-3217. Texas 75831. June 16, Complete Lawn 2018 at 10:00am. More Care Maintence Serinformation call Bobby vice. Tree Trimming. O’Neal, 254-855-9594. (254) 548-2905 (254) TXS 9067. http://www. 733-3857 onealsauctioneering. com

Lawn & Garden

Lawn & Garden Ground Work Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Stump Grinding Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling (254) 405-0323 Lawn Care Service. Low $25 & Up. Tired of BIG Mowers Call Jerry (254) 756-3302

Summer ConSignment AuCtion

June 16, 2018 • 10:00am White Ladder Deck Style, $25. Also, Used Lattice 4x8 Sheets, $5. (254) 836-1633 leave message 120 T Post Chain Link Gates with hardware. 123 ft., 4- 4ft. & 5- 5ft. (254) 366-3409

Tractors, Trailers, Equipment, UTV’s, ATV’s and Some Vehicles Concessions On Site ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE

1357 ne CR0070 • Corsicana, TX 75109 For more information Call 972-935-4136 Jarod Hamm #16864

Reasonable P u s h and Riding Mowers. Call (254) 366-4631


ADVANTAGE METAL BUILDINGS For Quality Turn Key Metal Buildings and Carports. Call (254) 447-0709

Full Dump Gooseneck HAy HAulers • 32’ - 36’ and 42’ • Perfect For Moving Hay Out Of The Fields • Pull One Lever And Dump The Entire Load At Once

Bumper pull Hay Hauler

Gooseneck Hay Hauler • Individual Bale Dumping • Great For Feeding Hay

• Individual Bale Dumping • Great For Feeding Hay

Financing Available

starting at we rent trailers $39.99

435 Enterprise Blvd. (I-35 South) Hewitt, TX 76643




Page 12 June 14, 2018

Lawn & Garden

Lawn & Garden

Lawn & Garden

Lawn & Garden

Maya Tree ServiceTree Trimming & RemovalStump GrindingLandscape Design & InstallationMowingGarden Maintenance Lawn CareFree Estimates (254) 214-8470 GMayaTreeServiceandLandscaping.com

Sears 42” Lawnmower. Good Condition! (254) 749-7149 Zero Turn Mowers, Spartan Lawn Equipment, STIHL, Gourmet Guru. Sales, Parts & Service. Extra wide seats, arm padded rests, a must try! Call me for sizes (254) 848-8299

Javier Chavez Lawn Maintenance Trim Hedges Clean Beds Low Prices. Se Habla Español. (254) 723-0424 (254) 315-1316 U - HAU L Au t h o rized Dealer! We also carry Brand new lawn equipment. RJ’s Bargain Center, 1215 E. Waco Dr., 254-224-6178.


Difficult to understand why Badger (A072989), 6 to 7 yrs has been overlooked so far. He is such a well behaved, easy going guy, small to medium sized with stunning blue eyes, healthy energy but loves to just hang out with you. He needs YOU now!


Everyone loves a lab, right? Well, here Coal (A076902), a one-year old guy, who is a little timid at first, but so much wants to please. Being a super sweet companion dog, we feel he is ready for any adventure you can take him on. Just, please DO take him.


This truly stunning 2 yr young lady named Buttercup (A082139) is just such a nice dog inside and out, truly sweet, calm, easy going, and does not seem to be dog reactive, so a good chance she can be a good match for you and your family dog.


Looking for a happy go lucky family dog with lots of positive personality? Look no further, as Pippity (A081898) maybe the perfect dog for you. Lots of fun energy, smart, manners, cute, confident and so much more. Ready to meet your whole family right now!

ADVANTAGE CONCRETE Residential Commercial Industrial Driveways Foundations Sidewalks And More Call Kevin Today (254) 447-0709 See Pictures At advantageconcrete.net Zero Turn Mowers, Spartan Lawn Equipment, STIHL, Gourmet Guru. Sales, Parts & Service. Extra wide seats, arm padded rests, a must try! Call me for sizes (254) 848-8299 ACE FENCE & SUPPLY Best Prices On: Chain Link Wood Privacy Ornamental Custom Gates & Gate Openers 2825 Robinson Drive (254) 755-6339


2032 Circle Rd.


Livestock CHAROLAIS BULLS, weaning to 2 years, ready for service, $1000 to $2200, 281-375-6361, Brookshire Texas. Black Angus 2yr. old Bulls. Pure Bred, Tested, Ready for Service. Low Birth Weight Genetics (254) 757-3330

30-10-10 OR 15-5-5 Increases growth and production for your crops. NTEXX stimulates soil and microorganisms. Contact Carlos Morris for fertilizer applications and sales. G e n t l e M i x e d 254-421-1276. Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call Farm Land (254) 749-0909 (254) & Ranches 749-5637

LOST PASTURE Lease. Selling 100 Pair, 50 replacement heifers, 14 yearling and 2yr bulls. Also seeking lease pasture. 903.504.3364 info/pricing/ photos.

CUT FERTILIZER cost, improves soil, N-TEXX 155-5 with microbacteria, increases germination, growth and production, $23/acre applied. Dealers needed. Damon Berry 254-793-2318; 2547023797. Gentle Mixed Bred Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 7490909 (254) 749-5637

MIC RO MIN I Pigs, ducks, chickens, geese, 254-754-1454 WANTED: DONKEYS, turkeys, available now. humanesocietycentraltexas.org horses & other farm ani- 254-881-2022. mals. 254-865-3546. Buy& Sell All types of livestock. Horses, cattle, burros, sheep & goats. Pick up & delivery available (254) 723-8059 10 Mo. Old Border Collie Mix 2 Yr. Old German Shorthair Pointer



Charolais Cows with Calves at Side Top Quality 30 Year Pedigrees Terry Norman Brady, Texas (325) 456-8582

I can’t see, but that won’t stop me from loving you!

WooHoo! I truly am the life of the party!


I am super well-behaved and oh, so sweet!


1 Yr. Old Domestic Shorthair

11 Mo. Old Domestic Shorthair

6321 Airport Rd. • Waco


I’m just as sweet as my name sounds!


I’m a first-class cuddler!

CK10SE Series

SHILLING EXCAVATION, LLC DOZER SERVICES & MOTOR GRADER • Commercial • Residential • Building & House Pads • Land Clearing • Erosion Control & Repair • Driveways • Stock Tanks • Build & Enlarge and Clean Out Tanks • Ranch Work (254) 744-2264 Shane (254) 722-0753 Ed

CHAROLAIS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. Reg. Black Angus Bulls (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701

(just off the traffic circle)

Miguel 1 Yr. Old Shih Tzu Mix


FARM LAND for sale in Limestone County, 62 Acres more or less. $3,500 an acre. Please email for more info! or call 254-729-2961. 1/2 Acre Lot for sale located on West Highway 164 about 3 miles outside of Groesbeck. Asking $5,000. Email information or call 254-729-2961. mollyjcox@ gmail.com




Pom/ Poodles Very cute! 1st shots, $300ea. (254) 644-1485 Pyrenees Puppies Shots, dewormed, working dogs, parents on site, $250ea. (254) 294-8411 Gorillas? Maybe not, but American Classifieds does have a large variety of pets for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a new bird or want to sell your puppies, the pet page in American classifieds is the place to shop. Call (254) 752-0334 to place your pet ad today. OH NO! We need puppy foster homes! For our puppy fosters we request proof that all animals currently in the home are current on core vaccines and dogs are on heartworm prevention, and that there is a secure outside area to get the pups started on potty-training. Fuzzy Friends covers all needed vet care for foster animals. To apply, please go to fuzzyfriendsrescue. com/though-about-fostering/

B o sto n T e r r i e r Reddish Brown & White. Registered, 1st shots, vet checked, pictures available. (214) 212-3274 Very Cute Border Collie Puppies for sale. Bargain at $75! (903) 626-5160 Beautiful Loving AKC Registered German Shepherd puppies. All girls. Born March 30th, shots to date. Call Steve (956) 445-2334 Cute Tiny Toy Pomeranian Puppies, ready to go! (254) 412-1956 (254) 652-0353 Very Small CKC registered Chihuahua Puppies. 1st shots, dewormed. Call (254) 7155781 2 Female Half Coon Hounds, 18mo. old. Good hog dogs, $50 (254) 7165609 Miniature Poodle Pu p p i e s . G o r g e o u s , Shots, $350. Call (254) 652-2887 CHUG (PUG/ CHIHUAHUA) puppies, $350. Chihuahua/Rat Terriers, $125. 254-217-2880. AKC German Rot puppies. 1st shots, wormed, parents on premises (254) 498-4159 (254) 498-0418

Rottweiler Puppies

Males $600 • Females $500 Accepting Deposits visit us at Rottie Lover’s Ranch Central Texas on Facebook for more updates & info








254-400-0164 Dachshunds- all ages and colors! Champs! Shots, wormed, house trained (254) 717-1875 Cute Adorable 2 Female Pom-oodles. 1st shots, $400ea. Call (254) 366-6503 (254) 744-9245 Registered Mini D a ch s h u n d s , Toy Australian Shepherds & Chihuahuas. www.crystalskypuppies.com (817) 304-1225 License #131 Hay Spike & Feeders, 14ft WW Cattle Trailer, Barbado Sheep, Kawasaki Mule Heavy Disk Plow, 5th wheel travel trailer. 20x36x13’ Carport. Chihuahua male puppies & Pyrenees Puppies. Call for details (254) 729-0001


Cash Back* (T-L -B)

0% 72 UP TO






Cash Back* (T-L -B)

You have stuff to get done around your land? The KIOTI® CK10SE Series can do it. With features galore and a climate controlled environment, chores don’t stand a chance. For a limited time, get 0% Financing up to 72 months* or choose up to $3300 cash back*. Top it off with KIOTI’s 6 year unlimited hour* industry leading warranty and you can’t beat it. Learn more about the CK10SE Series and this offer at your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer.

For a first time tractor buyer, the KIOTI® DK10 can look pretty intimidating. Especially when you see it lift, pull, cut and dig. But relax, it’s made to be comfortable to drive and super easy to use. For a limited time, get 0% Financing up to 72 months* or choose up to $5000 cash back*. Top this deal off with KIOTI’s 6 year unlimited hour* industry leading warranty and you can’t beat it. Learn more about the DK10 Series and this offer at your authorized KIOTI Tractor Dealer.

*Offer available April 1,2018 – June 30, 2018. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer based on the purchase of eligible equipment defined in promotional program. Additional fees may apply. Pricing, payments and models may vary by dealer. Customers must take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Some customers will not qualify. Some restrictions apply. Financing subject to credit approval. Offer available on new equipment only. Prior purchases are not eligible. 6 Year Warranty for Non-Commercial, residential use only. 6 Year Warranty applies to CS, CK10, DK10 and NX model KIOTI tractors and must be purchased and registered between September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2018. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. Pricing in USD.

*Offer available April 1,2018 – June 30, 2018. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer based on the purchase of eligible equipment defined in promotional program. Additional fees may apply. Pricing, payments and models may vary by dealer. Customers must take delivery prior to the end of the program period. Some customers will not qualify. Some restrictions apply. Financing subject to credit approval. Offer available on new equipment only. Prior purchases are not eligible. 6 Year Warranty for Non-Commercial, residential use only. 6 Year Warranty applies to CS, CK10, DK10 and NX model KIOTI tractors and must be purchased and registered between September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2018. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. Pricing in USD.

© 2018 KIOTI Tractor Company a Division of Daedong-USA, Inc.

© 2018 KIOTI Tractor Company a Division of Daedong-USA, Inc.


254-799-8898 www.LLOYDTRAILER.com





AQHA HORSES, 30 year breeder,1-2 year old Dogs stud, 7 yearlings, color, quality cow bred. $700- WEEKEND ADOPTION $1500, Tom Lockwood EVENTS Every Saturday 254-385-6487. alternatively at Petco and Horse S a l e Petsmart in Waco from Cleburne, Tx Ever y 11am-3pm. Special adopWe d n e s d a y N i g h t tion events at different @6pm. Good Riding locations throughout the Horse Market, Top year are advertised on the Loose Horse Market. Humane Society of CenCall I.W Ward (254) tral Texas website, on our AKC Registered 744-5563 or Trent (469) Facebook page and at the German Shepherd feshelter. Call 254-754-1454 male puppies. Black 595-6870 for more information. & tan, $500. Contact CHAROLAIS BULLS AUSTRALIAN SHEP- Chad 254-371-0664 Registered, Top Quality, HERD puppies 8 weeks Small Yorkie Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fan- old Merles and tris-tails male. Black & Tan cy Charolais Heifers. Reg. intact Unregistered-full Black Angus Bulls (254) blooded $250-$350 (979)- 5wks old, ready to go! $400 (903) 390-0006 903 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 676-0373 626-6614 SIBERIAN HUSKY pupDK10 Series pies, $350. Located in Cameron, have had 1st shots and worming. 254482-1067.


Persian Kittens Absolutely beautiful! Shots, $250. (254) 644-1485


For Sale Super Adorable Shih-Tzu Puppies, Pomeranian Puppies & Chi-Poo (Poodle Chihuahua Mix) Puppies. Call (254) 8532235 License #144

0% 72


Looking for Loving Home Tails Docked / 6 Wk. Shots


Fever Spring Savings


Sunny Dale Bird Mart. Conures, Baby Quakers, Baby Sun Conures, Chickens. Call Joyce (254) 344-2283 12680 Hwy West 12 Miles East of Waco



254-344-2283 12680 Hwy 84 West 12 Miles East of Waco

Pets Sunny Dale Bird Mart. Baby Quakers, Baby Sun Conures & Chickens. Call Joyce (254) 344-2283 12680 Hwy West 12 Miles East of Waco Ashley Leather Recliner $125. Large dog crates- Airline approved $50. each. Large dog house $30.(254) 9813155(254) 339-1072 HOLLAND LOP and Netherland Dwarf bunnies. Show and Pets. 254-778-5092. DON’T BREAK YOUR BANK! For as little as $5.00 per week you can place your classified ad with us in print and online! Plus- if you buy two weeks, we’ll give you two weeks for free! Place your ad today! American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.




June 14, 2018 Page 13


Need some extra dough? got a car that woN’t go?

we give ca$h For Junk cars

(254) 420-6755 CA$H FOR JUNK CAR$


2012 Hyundai Accent. PW, PW, $5,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133 2016 Ford Fiesta, Bluetooth, gas saver! $10,999. (254) 756-5377 2007 Nissan Murano. Marstaller Motors (254) 756-5511 2 015 C a d i l l ac ATS Coupe, $30,488. Stk#2727P. (254) 4202366 20 03 Mitsubishi Eclipse, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

2008 CHEVROLET Malibu LTZ, leather, chrome package, new tires, 93,000 miles, $5,500 obo (254) 498-1086

2000 Volkswagen Passat, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2002 Oldsmobile Alero, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport. Excellent condition, iPod/MP3 input, Bluetooth, CD Player, Satellite Radio, $17,000. Stk#8753P (254) 420-4740 1998 Lincoln Town Car, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2013 Chrysler 200. Auto, AC, $7,450 Cash. (254) 756-1133 $50 0 Down! No Credit Check! Over 10 vehicles ready to go! Nice cars! Trucks! S uv ’s ! E ASY PAYMENTS! Warranties available! In house insurance! Trade up in 6 months for no money down. Kotie’s Cars at 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 TIRES O F YO U R W H E E LS ? L i s t yo u r present car for sale in American Classifieds. You message will reach more people for less money. And when you look for your own ad, you may just discover the new car of your dreams! Call (254) 752-0334 today! 2008 Chrysler 300. Auto, A/C, $5,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133



2 015 B M W - 5 3 5 i , 2010 Chevy Malibu, $29,988. Stk#2730P. (254) $5,995 Call (254) 757-1314 420-2366 $50 0 Down! No 1994 Oldsmobile Credit Check! Over Ciera, $300 total down. 10 vehicles ready to $3,995, $300 down, $75 go! Nice cars! Trucks! week, 18% APR, 60 pay- S uv ’s ! E ASY PAYments. Note Cars 2509 N. MENTS! Warranties 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 available! In house in(254) 756-6455 surance! Trade up in 6 Cash For Junk Cars. months for no money Need some extra dough? down. Kotie’s Cars at Got a car that won’t go? 24th and Franklin (254) We give cash for Junk 723-5952 cars. Call us (254) 4206755. 20 05 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2003 Chevrolet Trail1971 Fiat 850 Spi- blazer, automatic, air conder Convertible. ditioning. Barron’s Auto Rebuilt motor, Enterprise 1601 East Main clean interior, Gatesville (254) 248-1771 recent tune up, www . w o w d a d $5,750 (254) 366-7770 dy d e ta i l s . c o m Commercial & 2005 Mercury Mon- Residential Power Wash tego, $300 total down. Detailing. Parking Lots, $3,995, $300 down, $75 Buildings, Automobiles, week, 18% APR, 60 pay- etc. 254-314-3264 Wow ments. Note Cars 2509 N. Daddy Details 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 20 0 0 Buick Regal, (254) 756-6455 $300 total down. $3,995, 2003 Chrysler Con- $300 down, $75 week, corde, $300 total down. 18% APR, 60 payments. $3,995, $300 down, $75 Note Cars 2509 N. 18th week, 18% APR, 60 pay- St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) ments.Note Cars 2509 N. 756-6455 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 AMERICAN CLASSI(254) 756-6455 FIEDS en espanol, sirviC l o u dy H e a d - endo la comunidad latina. lights? Go from cloudy Llamenos para poner su to clear! Call Melcor for anucio en espanol aqui. an appointment. Leave a (254) 752-0334 message and I will return 2017 Ford Fusion, your call. (254) 855-2007 $18,988. Stk#2716P. (254) WacoA m e r i ca n - 420-2366 Classifieds.com 2010 Acura 4dr seCheck it out! dan TSX Loaded, Leather We Buy Junk Cars, heated seats, sunroof, auCall Us First! Satisfaction tomatic, great condiiton, Guaranteed (254) 214- 86,000 miles, $9,600 (254) 405-3071 2573

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Page 14 June 14, 2018








1998 Chevrolet Cavalier, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 20 05 Chevrolet Aveo, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 1997 Saturn, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

2000 Infiniti G20, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 1993 Chrysler New Yorker, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments.Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 20 0 0 Ford Taurus, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

2014 Honda Civic Si. Excellent condition, low miles, sunroof, bluetooth, CD player $16,000. Stk#38757A (254) 4204740 Need Financing? We have you covered! Same people you can count on. New location! 900 W. Loop 340, Waco, Texas. Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290. 1998 Honda Civic, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

1998 Buick Lesabre, 115K, nice car. 2003 Buick Century $1,800 drive out! 2004 Dodge Ram, V8, Auto. 2002 Ford Ranger Edge, new tires, only $1,200 down. 2007 Saturn Ion great gas saver, 2005 Scion XB, great gas saver! Massey Motors (254) 753-6661 1996 Honda Accord, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 20 03 Mitsubishi Eclipse, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2004 Ford Focus, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 In House Financing. Just Need help to get a fresh start? Call us! We have help! Special financing, down payments so low. Bad credit, divorce credit, we are here. Huge inventory at Gloff Ford. Ford, GMC, Nissan, Lincoln 1-800-659-6632 2009 Chevy Impala (Black) $4,995. Call (254) 757-1314

1999 Ford Mustang, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2015 Ford Escape SE. Superb condition, iPod/ MP3 input, Bluetooth, CD player, Backup camera & more! $13,500. Stk#8728P (254) 420-4740 2005 Dodge Stratus. $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2009 Dodge Challenger, HEMI, custom wheels, cammed headers, built engine, 100,100 miles. $15,999 +TT&L. 254-2352886. 2012 Mazda3 PW, PL, A/C, $5,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133 We want to buy your car or truck! Best Prices in Central Texas on Used Auto Parts! BYOT Auto Parts. Running or not! In any condition! 14401 N. I-35, Elm Mott (254) 218-5345 2016 Chevy Malibu LT. Bluetooth, warranty! $16,999. (254) 756-5377 2017 Hyundai Accent, $12,988. Stk#2733P. (254) 420-2366 2015 Chevy Cruze LTZ, $13,488. Stk#2712P. (254) 420-2366

mAke uS AN offer!

2013 chevy avalanche

2015 dodge ram

2015 honda civic

2016 chevy 1500







& Franklin 753-6661

Classic Cars

1999 Chevy Silverado extended cab, cold a/c

2004 Ford MuStang V6, cold a/c

2007 Saturn ion nice! cold a/c

1999 volvo S80 $2,500 CaSh +tt&l

2002 Ford ranger edge new tires

2005 niSSan Sentra

122K, clean, nice, Gas saVer, $4,995

2002 hyundai Sonata

Classic Cars

tires, excellent! (254) 799- 1471. 2650 Collectors Vehicle! 2005 ChevWANTED: MUSCLE CARS from the 1960s rolet SS R. 38,000 miles. and 1970s. Custom cars, Call (254) 424-4574 classic cars, early model Vehicles trucks, all types, restored to project vehicles. Auto Under $3,000 Trends, Temple, 254-9332860. www.autotrendsoftexas.com


1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe. Suicide doors, all original , many extras , no rust, runs & drives great, new clutch, trophy winner! $14,000 OBO (360) 929-1172 CLASSIC CARS/ Muscle Cars. We sell vehicles from the 1960s and 1970s and older. Custom cars, classics, early model trucks, all types, restored to project vehicles. Auto Trends, Temple. 254-9332860. www.autotrendsoftexas.com

1965 Mustang Fastback. Rebuilt 302- C4 Auto Trans, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Rebuilt Front Suspension, $31,500 obo (254) 848-2990

TOBY’S AUTO SALES 2007 Ford F-150

2012 HyundAi ACCent

4 Door


2011 hyundai santa fe $4,950



2007 CHevy 4x4 Z-71

Auto, AC, Wheels

2011 chevy equinox




2005 jeep grAnd CHerokee 2005 mitsubishi eclipse


2015 ford mustang


2001 Ford F-150 ext. CAb

Auto, A/C

2013 mazda3


2007 CHevy tAHoe Lt

Lift Wheels

2013 lincoln mks

2014 ford f-150



2012 dodge grAnd CArAvAn


2008 bMW 750

Auto, A/C

One Owner, Super Nice!

cheap cars! buy now before they go to auction... 2011 gmc terrain 2008 gmc sierra 2500 hd 2008 hyundai santa fe 2002 hyundai santa fe 2003 ford expedition 2002 ford f-150

1997 ford ranger 2001 ford taurus 1995 ford f-150 1998 chevy blazer 2008 chevy colorado 2003 chevy malibu



Auto, A/C, 4 Door

Since 1964


1206 N. Ave G, Clifton, TX






2002 niSSAn Frontier


Classic Cars

1985 Mercury ‘58 CHEVY pickup cab, 4 G r a n d M a r q u i s . ‘55-’66 pickup bed, couple Grandma’s Car. New AC, of extra parts. 254-217-


2017 lincoln mkx



2000 FORd FOcUS ................................... $1,950 2001 FORd ExpEdITION.......................... $4,950 2005 chEVY ImpALA................................ $2,450 2002 FORd mUSTANg gT ........................ $3,450 1994 FORd RANgER ExT. cAB................ $2,950 2004 FORd TAURUS ................................ $2,450 1998 FORd WINdSTAR AUTO, A/c .............. $1,950 2007 hONdA pILOT LEAThER, ROOF ............ $4,950 2004 TOYOTA RAV4 ................................ $3,950 2010 mITSUBIShI LANcER AUTO, A/c ........ $3,950




1979 Plymouth Duster, $2,499. (254) 829-4030 2005 Honda Accord, $1500 down. Marstaller Motors (254) 756-5511 2007 Ford Taurus. Extra Clean, Cold Air, $2,750 (254) 722-9843


1991 Ford 3/4 Ton PU with flat bed and Tommy Lift Gate. Nice work or junk truck. 1997 Honda Odyssey, 1997 Cadillac Deville, 1994 Dodge 1 Ton passenger van. (254) 221-3413 1991 Cadillac Deville Sedan, great condition, all power, leather interior, new tires, $1,800. (254) 981-0157 2001 Toyota Tundra SR5, $2,999. (254) 8294030 2004 Chevy Cavalier, $1000 Cash. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2003 Chevrolet Suburban. 20,000mi., runs good, good AC & tires, $2,000 (254) 3796941 1997 Ford F-150. 5 speed, $2,995. Call (254) 757-1314 2003 Nissan Murano, $900 cash. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2001 Buick Century, $1,000. As is. Call or Txt (254) 340-3621 20 0 0 Mercedes CLK430, $2,995. Call (254) 757-1314




June 14, 2018 Page 15

2015 CadillaC ats Coupe

2015 BMW 535i

FinAncinG To FiT ALL BudGeTs! 2015 Ford EscapE sE

Superb Condition. iPod/MP3 Input Bluetooth CD Player Back-Up Camera and More! Stk #8728P



Excellent Condition Low Miles Sunroof Bluetooth CD Player Stk #38757A

2014 Honda civic si



2017 dodgE grand caravan sxt

Excellent Condition 3rd Row Seat Power Liftgate Rear Air Back-Up Camera Dual Zone A/C Stk #8752P



2017 Hyundai santa FE sport

Excellent Condition iPod/MP3 Input Bluetooth CD Player Satellite Radio Stk #8753P



2012 cHEvrolEt Equinox lt w/1lt

Extra Clean Tow Hitch Audio System Alloy Wheels Back-Up Camera Keyless Entry Stk #38433B



2013 Honda crosstour Ex-l

Excellent Condition Moonroof, Nav System Heated Leather Seats Satellite Radio Stk #38779A

Stk # 2727P

$30,488 2016 lexus gx460

Stk # 2730P


2011 Ford sVt raptor



2015 nissan xtErra pro-4x

4WD Superb Condition Heated Seats Nav System Satellite Radio iPod/MP3 Input Bluetooth Stk #8756P

Stk # 2731P


Stk # 2713P

2017 Hyundai santa Fe ultiMate

$29,988 2016 CadillaC srx



2017 Honda ridgElinE 4x4

Black Edition Excellent Condition Only 18,501 Miles Nav System Moonroof Heated Leater Seats Stk #38849A

Stk # 10784A


2014 Ford superCreW

Stk # 2718P


2015 Hyundai tuCson



2017 toyota tundra sr5 crEwmax

Excellent Condition iPod/MP3 Input Satellite Radio CD Player Bluetooth Tow Hitch Flex Fuel Back-Up Camera Stk #38722A

Stk # 2721P

$25,988 2014 Honda pilot

Stk # 2725P


2015 CHeVy Cruze ltz



2006 Kia sorEnto lx

Clean CD Player Alum. Wheels Trailer Hitch Keyless Entry Bucket Seats Stk #38660C

Stk # 2701A


Stk # 2712P

2017 Hyundai aCCent

$13,488 2017 Ford Fusion



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Page 16 June 14, 2018



Riding & Push Mowers, Tillers, Chainsaws, Weed Eaters, Mini Bikes, Go Karts For Sale. Speedy Repairs! (254) 853-2246 (254) 855-5714

In House Financing. Just Need help to get a fresh start? Call us! We have help! Special financing, down payments so low. Bad credit, divorce credit, we are here. Huge inventory at Gloff Ford. Ford, GMC, Nissan, Lincoln 1-800-659-6632



2 0 0 5 C h r ys l e r 2005 Honda Odyssey. Town & Country, $300 Marstaller Motors (254) total down. $3,995, $300 756-5511 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Trucks Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455


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$50 0 Down! No Credit Check! Over 10 vehicles ready to go! Nice cars! Trucks! S uv ’s ! E ASY PAYMENTS! Warranties available! In house insurance! Trade up in 6 months for no money down. Kotie’s Cars at 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 2000 Toyota Sienna, $700 total down. $3,995, $700 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 91 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

St. Jerome

Faith Based Curriculum For 3 & 4 Year Olds For more information call


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2017 Toyota Tundra SR5 CrewMax. Excellent condition, iPod/MP3 input, Satellite Radio, CD Player, Bluetooth, Tow Hitch, Flex Fuel, Back Up Camera, $40,000 STK#38722A (254) 420-4740 2004 Ford F-150 XL 4x4, $5,999. (254) 8294030 2006 Kia Sorento LX. Clean, CD player, aluminum wheels, trailer hitch, keyless entr y, bucket seats, $5,500 STK#38660C (254) 4204740 1995 Chevrolet 1500, V8, automatic, power windows, power locks, $2,699 +TT&L. 254235-2886. 2015 Chevy Silverado LTZ, $23,500. (254) 8294030 2017 Honda Ridgeline 4x4. Black Edition, excellent condition, only $18,501 miles, Nav. system, moonroof, heated leather seats, $37,000. Stk#38849A (254) 4204740 We want to buy your car or truck! Best Prices in Central Texas on Used Auto Parts! BYOT Auto Parts. Running or not! In any condition! 14401 N. I-35, Elm Mott (254) 218-5345 TIRES O F YO U R W H E E LS ? L i s t yo u r present car for sale in American Classifieds. You message will reach more people for less money. And when you look for your own ad, you may just discover the new car of your dreams! Call (254) 752-0334 today!

3rd Row 127K Miles

$7,995 +TT&L


806 N Robinson Dr. Waco, TX

58K Miles

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CASH $3,500 +TT&L

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3rd Row, 279K Miles

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2005 VOLVO XC90

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IN-hOuse fINaNcING avaIlable W.a.c. 2009 dodge Challenger

heMI, custOM Wheels, caMMeD heaDers, buIlt eNGINe, 100,100 MIles


2007 Chevy tahoe ltz

3rD rOW, 5.3l v8, leather, suNrOOf, DvD

2001 Ford F-150 Ext. Cab. Auto, A/C, $3,450 Cash. (254) 756-1133 2007 Chevy Silverado LT. Z-71, 4x4, $11,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133 Parting Out 2002 F-150 SB. 2000 V6 Chevy w/Trans $200. 1988 Toyota truck, good motor/ AT. Leave message (254) 400-0037 2014 Ford Supercrew, $25,988. Stk#2721P. (254) 420-2366 2004 Chevy Silverado 1500, V8, Regular Cab. 207K miles. $2,850. OBO. (214) 729-4893 WacoA m e r i ca n Classifieds.com Check it out! Flat Rock Trailer Repairs Brakes Hubs Bearings Axles Floors Hydraulics Lights Flooring Welding & Fabrication Flat Rock Trailers 254-420-1112 20 01 Chevrolet Blazer, new tires, new ABS brake bearings, new axle bearings, cold air. Runs good and looks good! 254-366-4370. 2011 Ford SVT Raptor, $29,988. Stk#2713P. (254) 420-2366 Place your ad today! call (254) 752-0334. 2012 Ram 1500 SWB, HEMI, 24” wheels, 84,000 miles, $15,800 +TT&L. 254-235-2886. Need Financing? We have you covered! Same people you can count on. New location! 900 W. Loop 340, Waco, Texas. Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290. In House Financing. Just Need help to get a fresh start? Call us! We have help! Special financing, down payments so low. Bad credit, divorce credit, we are here. Huge inventory at Gloff Ford. Ford, GMC, Nissan, Lincoln 1-800-659-6632 1995 Dodge Dakota, $30 0 down, $1,995, $75wk. 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 1994 GMC 1500. Runs great, 205K miles, $2,700. Call (254) 715-4543 2005 Nissan Titan LE, $6,500. (254) 829-4030 20 08 F450 (Oxford white) Crew Cab Superduty Power Stroke Twin Turbo Diesel (139,000 highway miles) 6.4L V8 Ford Lariat 4WD Dually w/tow package. Original owner. Excellent Condition. New tires, tinted windows, heated seats, bakflip bed covering, rhino bed liner. $28,500. Contact 806-679-2517


One OWner specials 2016 Chevy MAlibu lT


3rD rOW, leather

PW, PL, TiLT, Cruise, LeaTher, Nav, DuaL bLueTooTh



2012 GMC ACAdiA denAli

PW, PL, TiLT, Cruise, suNroof, bLueTooTh


DuaL suNroof!

2016 FOrd FiesTA

37K miLes, PW, PL, TiLT, Cruise, bLueTooTh

$10,999 gas saver! Many More Online At: www.cmcwaco.com LeaTher!

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Sport Utilities

Sport Utilities

20 01 Chevrolet 1500, V6, regular cab, 5 speed, $2,500 +TT&L. 254-235-2886.

2006 Ford Escape, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2001 Ford Explorer, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 20 0 0 Dodge Ram $1,500. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

2012 Chevy Traverse LTZ, Bluetooth, Dual Sunroof! $14,999. (254) 756-5377 Need Financing? We have you covered! Same people you can count on. New location! 900 W. Loop 340, Waco, Texas. Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290. 2013 Honda Crosstour EX-L. Excellent condition, moonroof, Nav. system, heated leather seats, satellite radio, $14,500. Stk#38779A (254) 4204740 20 0 0 Chevrolet Suburban, $300 total down. $3,995, $30 0 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 In House Financing. Just Need help to get a fresh start? Call us! We have help! Special financing, down payments so low. Bad credit, divorce credit, we are here. Huge inventory at Gloff Ford. Ford, GMC, Nissan, Lincoln 1-800-659-6632

$50 0 Down! No Credit Check! Over 10 vehicles ready to go! Nice cars! Trucks! S uv ’s ! E ASY PAYMENTS! Warranties available! In house insurance! Trade up in 6 months for no money down. Kotie’s Cars at 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952

Sport Utilities

2 0 0 2 GM C Envoy, $ 1 , 2 0 0 t o t a l d ow n . $6,995, $1200 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 101 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 19 9 3 J e e p G r a n d Cherokee, $700 Cash. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 1999 GMC Yukon $1100 Cash. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx (254) 756-6455 2004 Cadillac SRX, $5,495. Call (254) 7571314 2005 Ford Escape, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455 2012 GMC Acadia Denali. Bluetooth, leather, $16,999. (254) 756-5377 2016 Lexus GX460, $48,888. Stk#2731P. (254) 420-2366 20 04 Chevrolet Suburban, 3/4 ton, 8L V8. Marstaller Motors (254) 756-5511 2002 Ford Explorer, $300 total down. $3,995, $300 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

f o r s a l e by owner. ADVERTISE YOUR SUV FOR SALE WITH A PICTURE AND UP TO 15 WORDS FOR ONLY $20.00 PER MONTH! CALL AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS, 254752-0334 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT. Excellent condition, 3rd row seat, power liftgate, rear air, backup camera, dual zone, A/C, $18,000. Stk#8752P (254) 420-4740 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Ultimate, $31,988. Stk#10784A. (254) 4202366 2012 Chevrolet Equinox LT w/1LT. Extra clean, tow hitch, audio system, alloy wheels, backup camera, keyless entr y, $10,0 0 0. Stk#38433B (254) 4204740 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee, $5,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133 2007 Chevy Tahoe. Auto, AC, $8,950 Cash. (254) 756-1133 2002 Buick Rendezvous CXL SUV. All wheel drive, 3 leather seats, 137,000 original miles, gets 19-20mpg gas, $3,600. (254) 729-8054


everyone approved!*

2008 Chevy tahoe lt

2012 Chevy TrAverse lTz

oNLy 44K, PW, PL, TiLT, Cruise, bLueTooTh

2012 ram 1500 swb heMI, 24” Wheels 84,000 MIles

$50 0 Down! No Credit Check! Over 10 vehicles ready to go! Nice cars! Trucks! S uv ’s ! E ASY PAYMENTS! Warranties available! In house insurance! Trade up in 6 months for no money down. Kotie’s Cars at 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 2013 Cadillac SRX $12,995. Call (254) 7571314 20 04 Chevrolet Suburban, 3/4 ton, 8L V8. Marstaller Motors (254) 756-5511 2016 Cadillac SRX, $26,988. Stk#2718P. (254) 420-2366 20 03 Chevrolet Avalanche, 4 door, power windows, power locks, $1,495 total down. $7,495, $1,495 down, $75 week, 18% APR, 60 payments. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx 76708 (254) 756-6455

asK fOr DetaIls 1995 Chevy 1500 v8, autO POWer


2012 W. Waco Dr.


15,99900 +TT&L


10,50000 +TT&L


See our full inventory at


10,50000 +TT&L


15,80000 +TT&L


2,69900 +TT&L


*iS OUr gOAL



Sport Utilities 2015 Nissan X-Terra Pro-4X. 4WD, Superb Condition, heated seats, Nav. system, satellite radio, iPod/MP3 input, Bluetooth, $26,000. Stk#8756P (254) 420-4740 2003 Chevy Trailblazer. $995 Cash. Note Cars 2509 N. 18th St. Waco, Tx (254) 756-6455 2006 Hummer H3. $9,995. Call (254) 7571314

Recreational Vehicles

20 06 Tahoe Q4 Sport, 4.3L, V6, Mercruiser, $6,000 obo. (254) 498-1086

For Sale! Brand New Above Ground Pool packages starting at $3,324. Call (254) 799-6839. Bellmead Pools & Supply “Your above ground M e ta l B u i ld i n g pool specialists” 4412 E. components, tubing, pipe, Hwy 84 Waco Texas. beams, channel, diamond plate, angle, rounds, many Motorcycles steel items in stock or available on short lead times. Metals 2 Go, (254) 235-7700, (877) 235-7703. Disabled Family needs 22ft used bumper pull stock trailer. Must be 20 07 Yamaha R1, donated or let us make GYTR exhaust, new tires, payments (254) 203-1602 new oil plugs, $6,500 +TT&L. 254-235-2886. 2015 Nissan Rogue. 22,452 miles, white, 2003 Kawasaki KLX clean, immaculate con- 110, $950 +TT&L. 254dition! $18,000. Call 235-2886. We Buy & Repair Un(727) 641-7789 wanted/ Broken ATV’s, 2017 PARK Model bum- Motorcycles & Scooters. per pull 39’ travel trailer. We Pick-Up (903) 3362 electric slides, 2 A/C’s, 9086 W/D, hide-a-bed sofa, pri- Did you know that vate bedroom, house size each word in this ad is refrigerator and range. a link word to the inter$27,000 or best offer. 682- net. Did you know that 465-6584 every classified ad you results you can place in the American count on! We can Classifieds Thrifty Nickel sell just about anything! Publication are made up Call American Classifieds of link words? Check it at 254-752-0334. out for yourself! Go to 2012 RV Forest our website: http://www. River Sandpiper, 5th wacoamericanclassifieds. wheel, 37ft, excellent com or call one of us here condition! $31,200. (940) at (254) 752-0334 to show 206-9397 you how it works. AmeriRV Space for Rent in can Classifieds Thrifty country. Quiet, big lot, Nickel! trees, all bills paid. (903) Like New Kawasaki 388-0509 Wortham, Tx 800 Vulcan, 4500 miles, 2011 21FT North Trail $1200. 254-931-2302, by Heartland Travel Trailer. Lee. Loaded. Electric Awning, 2008 Dyna Wide Electric Jack, Outside Glide 105th Edition. Shower. TV Stereo with Garage kept, 11,70 0 outside speakers. Huge miles, $10,500. (254) bathroom, goes all the 716-0211 way across back of trailer. 1/2 ton towable. One We Buy & Repair Unslideout. Will sleep 3 to 4. wanted/ Broken ATV’s, Asking $9,000. Text or call Motorcycles & Scooters. for pictures. 254-709-3327 We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 or 254-709-1121





Auto Parts

Auto Parts

T r a i l e r s , T r ac tors, truckbeds, service parts, we do it all & carry all sizes of Kioti. Lloyd Trailer Co. (254) 799-8898

Truck Beds for late model 3/4 ton Ford & Chevy. All in white, long bed only $450-$1,200. Call me at 254-757-3969 Flat Beds 9ft to 11ft. Different styles, $450$2,500. Call me (254) 757-3969 Parting Out 2002 F-150 SB. 2000 V6 Chevy w/Trans $200. 1988 Toyota truck, good motor/ AT. Leave message (254) 400-0037


Parting Out: Nice 2001 Dodge Cummins 3/4 Ton Quad Cab PU: Aluminum wheels, hood, doors, fender, bumper, automatic transmission, etc., 2006 Ford 3/4 Ton Truck: 17in. Tires & Rims (like new), Auto Transmission. Parts dismantled. (254) 221-3413 Parting Out 2002 F-150 SB. 2000 V6 Chevy w/Trans $200. 1988 Toyota truck, good motor/ AT. Leave message (254) 400-0037 ‘58 CHEVY pickup cab, ‘55-’66 pickup bed, couple of extra parts. 254-2171471. 427 Big Block Chevrolet, all new parts. Small block Chevrolet 355 with aluminum heads. Several Chevrolet engine blocks and cranks. 4129 Sherry Lane, Waco TX 76711(254) 495-5739 Utility Beds for 3/4 ton & 1 ton pick ups available. $450-$2,500. Call (254) 757-3969

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We Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We want to buy your OPEN TUES.- FRI. 10:00-5:30 • SAT. 9:00-5:30 We Pick-Up (903) 336- car or truck! Best Prices Donations always needed, 9086 accepted in Central Texas on Used and appreciated! Auto Parts! BYOT Auto Auto Parts Clothes, accessories, shoes, books, Parts. Running or not! household items, toys In any condition! 14401 N. I-35, Elm Mott (254) 1412 SUNSET BLVD • WACO Located in the Fairgate Shopping Center 218-5345

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Waco American Classifieds, A Thrifty Nickel Publication

we finance 2006 HUmmeR H3

s fied i s e! las e: trad C ag nd an ric ale Pell, a e Am ge S uy, s o c ra b Wa Ga e to lac p e af As

Waco American Classifieds Garage Sale Page

BUY HeRe – PaY HeRe

2014 foRd focUs

2010 cHevY maliBU

2013 cadillac sRx

get ready to explore summer or just pick the kids up and look cool doing it

hot deal on a hot hatch!

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2009 HYUndai santa fe

getting to santa fe is no prob in this santa fe with its awd option

2004 cadillac sRx low price with low miles! only 51k

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let your student driver ding this one up in stead of yours!





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June 14, 2018 Page 17



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Page 18 June 14, 2018



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H ShIllINg


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LANDsCAPiNG mArtINez lANDSCApe Mowing, Hedge Trimming, Flower Beds, Leaf Raking, Hauling, Brush, Trash (254) 799-858 (254) 214-2583

June 14, 2018 Page 19 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Se Habla You can advertise in this section for as little as $66.00 for 8 weeks Español for Questions or help placing Your ad, call laura at 254-752-0334


LAWN CARE mowhAwK NAtIVe lAwN CAre Lawn Mowing Tree Trimming Brush Hauling Free Estimates Contact: Anthony Maas 254-366-5533 mowhAwKmowINg.Com JAVIer ChAVez lAwN mAINteNANCe Trim Hedges Clean Beds Low Prices. Se Habla Espanol (254) 723-0424 (254) 315-1316 blACK SwAN lAwN/ tree SerVICe Handyman, Home Improvements Haul Offs, Also. I Clean Out Garages, Small Buildings, etc. 254-709-2732

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Matthew 7:24

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Room Additions Flooring Kitchens Bathrooms Patios Fencing Window Installation Call For Free Estimate 254-227-1737

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bobby SmIth’S roofINg & home repAIr Residential Roofing Insulation All types of home repairs. 30yrs Experience (903) 519-9229



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MAYA TREE SERvICE Tree Trimming & Removal, Stump Grinding, Landscape Design & Installation, Mowing, Garden Maintenance Lawn Care Free Estimates (254) 214-8470

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(254) 752-0334 www.THRIFTYNICKEL.com

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ADVANtAge metAl bUIlDINgS For quality turn-key metal buildings and carports call 254-447-0709


low CoSt lANDSCApINg Mowing, Edging, Tree & Shrub Trimming, Leaf & Debris Removal, Hauling Free Estimates CAll or teXtS KeVIN 254-299-7047


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Page 20 June 14, 2018



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