Waco American Classifieds 12_05_2019

Page 1


December 5, 2019 Page 1

Make This Holiday A Little Merrier!

County FinanCe

920 Austin Ave. • Waco, TX 76701 254-753-1577



WACO, TEXAS 3901 W. Waco Dr.

Internet Address: WacoAmericanClassifieds.com


How To Place A Classifieds Ad - Page 2

1-800-698-0334 (out of town) 254-752-0334 VOL. 38, No. 37 • December 5, 2019

• • • FOr SaLE! • • •

MarLIN, tx

449 LOSt FOrESt LaNE


The original construction photos, circa 1997, show the pier and beam foundation of this 3BR/2.5BA, 2-story brick, on secluded 3-home street. 2,450 sq. ft. on .302 acre, walk-in pantry, double oven, formal dining room. Well maintained and includes detached 2-car garage and a serene fenced backyard with pecan and shade trees. The custom made gazebo is a must see! Move-in ready. For more information call 254-749-5704 or 254-749-5984 email: albrightcarasue@gmail.com for additional photos




Mart, tx

303 FaLLS St.

3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage, 1,768 Sq. Ft. Brick, Large Den

$49,500 REDUC


Mart, tx

303 WaCO St.


LONE PINE rEaL EStatE 254-749-5984 254-749-5704

3ft long Iguana. $200. All accessories. Albino Petman Frog, all accessories, $50. 1 male Teddy Bear Hamster, all accessories $30. (254) 548-9838 Price Reduced! Waco Memorial Park Mausoleum. Single Inside Crypt, Top Level, $3,300 (830) 613-6814 White Victorian Sofa, Spotless! $200. (360) 970-1875 Corsicana, Tx Tool Box from F-150 Pickup $250. 2 Ewes $100 each. (254) 253-6274 Stevens 22 long rifle. Marchman-12 1860 model, $600 obo. (903) 519-5055 2008 Electra Glide Harley Davidson. Dealer modified, 103 ci, 85 horse, $10,000 or best offer (254) 405-2199

Kubota LB 2350 4x4 Tractor, 25HP, Diesel, front loader, rock brake, hay spear, 318 hours plus heavy pipe rail trailer with hideaway ramps, $9,500. Call Roger (254) 628-6345 Two like new threeseater Jet Skis with trailer and covers. Paid $22,199. for all. Asking $13,500 OBO. Leave message (254) 749-5309 Full set of bench & weights $50. Wood dining room table $100. Side by side refrigerator $100. (254) 760-0165

FOR HE HAS rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14

Over 300

Over 300

useD saDDles

coWhiDes $


Over 200

10% oFF

GReat GiFts FoR all! great selectiOn

6 cOunters full

jeWelRy 10%-50% oFF

pistols, RiFles & ammo

on $ale! FuRnituRe & 3101 Robinson Dr. Waco RODEO Pawn TRADING 254-662-1010 APPALOOSA POST

H layaWay H FinancinG aVailaBle H




Box Blade 5’. Disk 5’, Post Hole Digger. Chain Link Fence 300’, Gates. Call for more information (254) 722-9957 Hobart Mixer A-200 with standard attachments, $2000. South Bend Commercial Oven Gas, $950. Somerset Fondant Sheeter 30” $3,000. North Star 36” Slab Roller with Table $1,800. All in excellent working condition. Cash Only 254-721-8343 3 F r e e Hens & 1 Rooster. Pickup at 8am or 5-6:30pm. 254-640-0331 For Sale 6ft commercial slate pool table, $150. 6ft air hockey table, $85. 4.5ft foosball table, $25. (254) 749-4775 Sony 61” Projection TV. Awesome picture/condition. Leave message (254) 749-5309 Golf Clubs $300. Queen size bed $250 & freezer $100. David (254) 715-2823


• 25 Year Galvalume • 40 Year Color - 13 Colors to choose from • Cut to Length PBU PAnElS:










tRIM PRofIlES: • 21’ Trim - Custom Bends


Bon Pipe & Steel

Metal Building Systems & Supplies

7700 N. Hwy. 6 • 254-848-2244


16ft Canoe No leaks, $150. (254) 224-1224 Warwick 5 String Bass Guitar for sale. New! $375 obo. Call (254) 709-4787 Nazi Dagger WWII Army Dagger Maker WKC. Very nice condition, $600. (254) 723-5552 1988 Avion Travel Trailer. Looks like Airstream, cold air, come look! $10,000 obo (254) 993-1164 Natural Gas Heaters. 30,000 BTU $50. 20,000 BTU $25. (254) 896-5821 (254) 715-3277 For Sale: Sofa, refrigerator, end tables, miscellaneous wall decor. Call (254) 981-3654 9am-6pm 2 Cemetery Plots Oak Wood Cemetery. Older Section, $1300 each. (254) 881-7318 King Size Bed w/storage underneath, mirrored dresser, armoire & night stand, $650. (254) 2317609


Page 2 December 5, 2019


Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

415 Hillsboro Dr. 2 cuartos, 1 baño $550 mes, $450 deposito, East Waco (254) 717-0027

B AR - X A PARTMENTS- Todas las facturas pagados, $105 a la semana o mas, $60 deposito, Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1511 S. Loop Drive (254) 756-1043

PLAY BINGO: Win Cash $100 to $750 PER Game! Paper Only, No Electronics. Winning Odds are Better! Every Friday 7pm. Geneva Hall I-35 Elm Mott, Tx

Lake Air Green Apartments Enormes! 1 y 2 Recamaras, 2 baños Recientemente Remodelados. Housing Accepted. Agua y Gas Pagados. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 912 Lake Air 254-229-3382


IMMIGRAtION LAw • Visa Para Familia • Ciudadania

• Defensa en Contra Deportaciones

Susan I. Nelson

The Nelson J Law Firm P.C. River Square Center • Waco, Texas

254-754-9990 nlftx.com Oficina Principal en Waco, Texas

2322 Mitchell 2 recamaras, 1 baño, conexion de lavadora y secadora, $450 deposito. $650 por mes. (254) 717-0027 EM P LEOS D IS PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www. janitorialservice.com/apply


Thrifty Nickel en Español

Thrifty Nickel en Español

Click Plank Contra agua y bloqueable tan bajo como $1.25 p/p/c. Hoja de Vinilo tan bajo como 70 ¢ p/p/c. Tablon de vinilo para pegar tan bajo como 75¢ p/p/c. Alfombra de Grado Comercial tan bajo como 69¢ p/p/c. Alfombra Aprobada por FHA/HUD tan bajo como 66¢ p/p/c. ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouse LLC 618 Elm Ave. Waco, Tx 76704 254-752-4112

Park Place Apartments 2 Recamaras, 2.5 Baños. Apartamentos o Town House. 1300 S.F con Balcón/Cerca Privada. Lavadero Privado. Agua Pagada. Midway ISD. Verificación de Antecedentes Penales. No Tienes que pagar por Aplicacar. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 761-0792

WOODWAY PARK CONDOMINIUMS 2 recamaras, 1.5 Baños con 2 salas. 1200 S.F, Lavanderia Privada, Patio/Balcon, Buena Vecindad, Verificación de Penales Antecedentes. Sin Gastos de Solicitud. 1500 Western Oaks Drive, Woodway. (254) 349-1398 Ley de Inmigracion, The Nelson Law Firm P.C. Tarjeta Verde, DACA, Visa Para Familia, Ciudadania, Defensa en Contra Deportaciones. Susan I. Nelson, River Square Center, Waco, Texas, (866) 900-1012, (254) 754-9990.


Thrifty Nickel en Español

compra aquí paga aquí Buenos Vehiculos, Años Recientes

Consulado Tax 4 Services. Traducciones, I-Tins, Impuestos,

no verificamos el credito

Pasaportes (Fotos), Notario (254) 759-0829 or 254-759-0TAX

Financiamiento Disponible Aquí

Dining & Entertainment

Kotie’s cars corner of 24th & franklin ave.


Consulado Tax 4 Services. Traduccio- NOW HIRING! Full and nes, I-Tins, Impuestos,

Part Time Employees. Pasaportes (Fotos), No- All shifts, All positions tario (254) 759-0829 or available! No experience 254-759-0TAX necessary. We will train. $12.00 Hour to Start. Trabajo de Health Insurance, Paid Reparacion de Vacation and 401k Retirement Plan. Apply in ladrillos. person at: Czech Stop Inc. Casas nuevas de I-35 / 353 Exit West, TX. ladrillo, buzones, Stitchin Shack ladrillos, bloque de We sell Janome Sewing piedra, albanileria, machines. Call us today to reparaciones de get yours! (254) 824-1234 chimeneas, SANG TIEM. Nail Sareparacion de lon Now Hiring Maniparedes, curist, Masseuse and Joseph Salinas Facialist. Must have (254) 855-2819 license. (254) 867-6245

Dining & Entertainment Stitchin Shack Long Arm Quilting & Embroidering Services. Please come by 4355 FM 933, Whitney, TX or call us at (254) 824-1234 Delicious is our Business! Czech Stop, 254-826-4161. Little Czech Bakery, 254-826-5316. West,TX. I-35, exit 353. Go Trojans!! Consoles 60 inch $359 each or 72 inch $399. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711


Original Price $2

Now 85% OFF $36,000



Almost New Condition. Already Disassembled.

Includes all Log Walls, Heavy Timber Rafters, All of the Original Plans, Drawings, Instructions, Beam Portico Thick Oak Castle Front Doors, Electrical, Plumbing, Dormer & Cabinet Sets. CAN DELIVER to your site REASONABLY. Assembles Entirely with a 3-Man Crew. Assembly Time Est.: 3 1/2 wks. Assembly Labor Est.: $8,500. Total under Roof before F/R Porches: 6,340 sf. Porches under Roof: 1152 sf.

Amazing Opportunity with Multiple Possiblities:

Residence or Inn, Air B&B, Office, Build or Re-Sell (See Zillow comps above $450,000 done on good site) Pay ONLY when received!



Call for photos, drawings, information, materials list:



Adoption....................................................... 3 For just $3 more a week you can Antiques & Collectibles................................. 3 Apartments For Rent.............................. 10-11 have a border Appliances.................................................... 5 First 20 Words placed around ATVs........................................................... 17 Each Add. Word 40¢ your ad! Auctions..................................................... 13 Auto Parts.. ................................................. 17 Boats.......................................................... 17 Building Materials....................................... 12 MONDAY ............................................. 8AM-5PM Business & Service Directory...................... 8-9 TUESDAY ............................................ 8AM-6PM Business Opportunities................................. 9 WEDNESDAY...................................... 8AM-5PM Cars.. ..................................................... 13-14 THURSDAY ......................................... 8AM-5PM Classic Cars................................................ 14 Commercial Property.. ................................. 10 FRIDAY................................................ 8AM-5PM Computers and Electronics.. .......................... 3 For As Little As Per Week! Dining and Entertainment........................... 2-3 Plus, Your ad appears on our website for FREE! Classified Ads ................Wednesday 12pm Employment............................................... 7-9 PRIVATE PARTY ADS ONLY. Commercial Reader Ad Rates Upon Request Farm & Ranch - General.. ........................ 11-12 Business & Service .................. Friday 5pm Farm & Ranch - Implements.. ....................... 12 Display Ads ........................... Tuesday 5pm WALK IT IN to your American Classifieds Office at 3901 W. Waco Dr. Walk in rate, $5.00 per week for the first 10 words and 40¢ for each additional word. Farm & Ranch - Land & Ranch.. .................... 13. Changes/Cancel..................... Monday 6pm Feed & Supplies.......................................... 13 MAIL IT IN by writing your ad on a piece of paper. Send your ad with payment to: American Classifieds, P.O. Box 8575, Waco, Texas 76714. 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Houses For Rent.. ........................................ 10 Hunting and Fishing.................................... 12 ONLINE: www.thriftynickel.com or www.wacoamericanclassifieds.com Lawn & Garden.. ..................................... 12-13 Publisher ........................................Mike Story Just click the PLACE AD button! Advertising Director ......................Jeff Wendl Livestock.................................................... 13 Don’t Forget... Including your e-mail or website address in your American Advertising Director .............. Traci Reynolds Lots/Land/Acreage...................................... 10 Classifieds ad means that your customers can access you with a single mouseManufactured Housing.. ............................... 11 Advertising Director ................. Kenny Gregg click when they view your ad at American Classifieds Online. Medical & Health........................................... 3 Office Manager........................... 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Sporting Goods........................................... 12 Storage/Portable Buildings.......................... 12 Thrifty Nickel en Español.. ............................. 2 Tools & Equipment...................................... 12 OFFICE LOCATION VERIFIED Tractors...................................................... 12 N. Valley Mills CIRCULATION Trailers....................................................... 12 NON-PAID WEEKLY Trucks................................................... 14-16 ★ AUDITED BY Vans........................................................... 14 N. 39th St. Vehicles Under $3000................................. 14 Wanted: Have Cash Will Buy.......................... 3 LOOK FOR SIR CLASSIFIED! A THRIFTY NICKEL PUBLICATION





Buy Get


Weeks Weeks






Waco Dr.

Franklin Ave.

www.WacoAmericanClassifieds.com email: waco@americanclassifieds.com 3901 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX 76710 P.O. Box 8575, Waco, TX 76714 Fax: (254) 752-0339 Toll Free: 1-800-698-0334



WE BUY PECANS! authorized dealer

Top priCes paid

1121 W. WACO DR. (next to Chapman’s Check Cashing)

machine service & repair available


4355 FM 933, WHITNEY, TX 76682


Dining & Entertainment

Medical & Health

WE BUY PECANS! TOP PRICES PAID. 1121 W. WACO DR. (next to Chapman’s Check Cashing) (254) 265-2099

Scooter- Golden Companion II 3 wheel w/2 new 35 AH batteries, $425. 254-751-0929 GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-880-4589 Hablamos Espanol. Wheelchair Aluminum Access Ramp- 16ft w/hand rails, $750. (254) 751-0929 Senior Perm Special! Perms $65 haircut & style included. (No long styles please). Offer good through December 25th with BJ only. Golden Scissors 409 N. Robinson Dr. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Call 254 662-0300 Ask for BJ Open Bible Studies office building, room 203, 33rd & Franklin Ave. Saturday & Sunday @10am VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Only $99.00 No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save $Big Now Call Today 1-866-538-8721 Scooter Pride Victory 10- 3 wheel w/2 new 35 AH batteries, $475. 254-751-0929

Antiques & Collectibles

Nazi Dagger WWII Army Dagger Maker WKC. Very nice condition, $600. (254) 723-5552 Antique Amber Glass & Collectible Teapots w/ China Cabinets. Must See! (254) 721-2370


Medical & Health

Caregiver Needed. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30-1:30. Saturday & Sunday every other weekend 8:30- 6:30. $10p/ hour. Application process. (254) 855-7881

(254) 265-2099 Medical & Health Caregiver Needed. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30-1:30. Saturday & Sunday every other weekend 8:30- 6:30. $10p/ hour. Application process. (254) 855-7881 Scooter Golden Buzzaround Lite XL w/2 new 12 AH batteries, $475. 254-751-0929 Power Chair Invacare Pronto M-91. Sure step HD WT CAP w/2 new 35 AH Batteries, $525. 254751-0929

Health & Fitness

C B D 101 Meeting . Want to know more about CBD? How do you choose a quality CBD? How do you use CBD and how can it help you? Maybe you want a piece of the cannabis industry! Anyone is welcome! No admission cost. Join me Tuesday nights at 6:30 through 12/17/19 at Taqueria El Mexicano Bar & Grill, 10207 China Spring Rd. Waco, Tx CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.

Public / Legal Notices

PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AT LAW DWI/CRIMINAL DEFENSE Divorce Personal Injury Child Support Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free (254) 640-1680 (800) 664-5589 Public Auction Over 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-6665484 Auctioneer TXS 12497


Warwick 5 String Bass Guitar for sale. New! $375 obo. Call (254) 709-4787

Welcome to the City of Hubbard

December 5, 2019 Page 3



Never used all black Pioneer stereo unit with two large speakers, one medium speaker and 2 small speakers. Leave UNPLANNED PREGmessage (254) 749-5309 NANCY? Is adoption right for you? Discuss opWanted: Have tions for your pregnancy. our first priority Cash, Will Buy You’re and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1-254-230-2890 or 1-(800)-456-4862. www. ChildrensConnections.org We Buy & Repair Un- results you can wanted/ Broken ATV’s, count on! We can Motorcycles & Scooters. sell just about anything! We Pick-Up (903) 336-9086 Call American Classifieds Want to Buy Travel Trail- at 254-752-0334. er or 5th Wheel. Even if PREGNANT? MAYrepairs are needed. Must BE ADOPTION? Living have title. (346) 244-8907 Expenses Paid. Nationwide Agency. Talk With Computers & Us 24/7. 866-716-3041. Online Chat. Online Electronics Application. www. onetruegift.com. Text 515-778-2341.



4pc Bedroom Set $649, Sectional $579. Recliners $199. Sofa & Love seat Sets $399 & $499. Dining Room $135 Furniture Outlet 254-7549995 3414 Franklin Ave.

King Size Bed w/storage underneath, mirrored dresser, armoire & night stand, $650. (254) 2317609 Check out our huge selection of furniture, bedroom suites, dining sets, sofa, love seats, sectionals, Waco, Texas Furniture Outlet. (254) 754-9995.

Want to know more about CBD? How do you choose a quality CBD? How do you use CBD and how can it help you? Maybe you want a piece of the cannabis industry!

CBD 101 meeting

tuesday nights at 6:30 through 12/17/19 taqueria el mexicano Bar & grill 10207 China Spring Rd, Waco tX 76708.

Anyone is welcome! No admission cost. Customers or anyone wanting to know more is welcome! It will be a fun time!

Sony 61” Projection TV. Awesome picture/condition. Leave message (254) 749-5309

Lost & Found

REWARD!Timmy is a fluffy neutered male cat. Has long hair, white belly, brindle/brown on head & back, pink nose & pink paw pads. Lost in Downsville/Asa/ Robinson area since July 2018. Call (254) 881-1883 Please Help!

Wishing All Our Loyal Customers and New Customers a Happy Holiday Season!

19th Annual

Magnolias & Mistletoe Christmas Celebration Schedule of Events:

Saturday, December 7, 2019 8am-10am 9am-11am 9am-4pm

Hubbard FFA Breakfast Tacos - Civic Center Kitchen KHBR Radio Station Live Remote (1560 AM) - Civic Center Downtown Shops: PollyAnna's, Deering General Store, Ida Pearl's, Artisan Jewelers, Antiques, Etc. & Frankie's, Angel Rock Trading Co. Vendors - Hubbard Civic Center - 300 N. Magnolia Ave. Vendors - Hubbard Vendors Market - 401 NE 4th Street Vendors - First & Last Stop Trading Post - 3480 Hwy. 31 East Hubbard Methodist Church Sweet Shop - Civic Center Hubbard Garden Club Warehouse Sale (Lane's Austin Avenue) Civic Center

10am 10am-5pm 11am-1:30pm 11:00am 11:45am 11:30am-1:30pm

1st Baptist Church's God's Kids Christmas Program Open House at Historic High School, 300 NW 6th St Hubbard FFA Fajita Lunch - Civic Center Kitchen Downtown "Magnolias & Mistletoe" Christmas Parade Christmas Carols by Community Carolers - Civic Center Stage Luncheon - Fire Station Dining Room - 120 N. Magnolia Ave. Sponsored by Ruth Fields Civic Club

Noon-4pm 12:30pm-3pm 3pm 3:15pm

Children Visit with Santa - Hubbard City Civic Center Various Music Programs - Hubbard City Civic Center Stage Jackpot Drawing - Hubbard City Civic Center Stage "Friends of Hubbard FFA" Raffle Drawing - Civic Center


Soup Supper & "Glorybound" with Billy Roy Mitcham Historic High School, 300 NW 6th St.

Sponsored by Hubbard Chamber of Commerce and the City of Hubbard (254) 576-2521

Lockable Waterproof Click Plank As Low As




sq. ft. + tax

Glue-Down VInyl Plank As Low As


sq. ft. + tax

Sheet Vinyl

ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouses has the lowest prices for Lockable, 12’ Wide & 13’2 Wide Rolls As Low Waterproof Click Plank, As Glue-Down Plank, Sheet Vinyl and a Large Selection of National Brand Name sq. ft. Residential and + tax Commercial Carpet


Commercial Grade Carpet As Low As



sq. ft. + tax

FHA & HUD Approved Carpet As Low As


sq. ft. + tax

ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouse LLC Call Buzz Today!


618 Elm Avenue, Waco, TX 76704 salvagecarpet@yahoo.com Mon.-Fri. 7:00am-5:00pm • Sat. 7:00am-3:00pm • Closed Sunday


Page 4 December 5, 2019


We buy truckloads straight from the factories and sell straight to you, NO MIDDLEMAN! g H no CReDit CHeCK FinAnCin oVAlS H up to $5,000 CReDit AppR H 90 DAyS SAme AS CASH H eASy online AppliCAtion





AWeSome VAlue!!! AVAilABle FiniSHeS: Honey, DARK RougH Cut, tuRQuoiSe, WHite SCRApe.




Complete Set




WASHington pilloWtop oR FiRm

• 672 Coil Count • Foam Encasement

10yeAR WARRAnty




6’ tABle WitH 4 CHAiRS AnD BenCH












Complete Set gReAt DeAl!

King BeD, DReSSeR, CHeSt, 2 lARge nigHtStAnDS










Reg. $899

• Gel Memory Foam • Steel Foundation





King Set

Queen Set Reg. $699


moRe ColoRS to CHooSe FRom

King Size, Complete Set.



new Shipment! Rough Cut w/ Rope edge, Solid Wood AWeSome VAlue!




neW ColoR! Complete Set



16999 U.S. 190, Rogers, TX 76569 • 254-313-2711 TexasFurnitureRanch

Thurs 10am-5pm • Fri 10am-6pm• Sat 9am-6pm • Sun 11am-4pm Monday-Wednesday by appointment only




Senior Perm Special $


Perm, Haircut & Style (no long styles please)

THuRSDay-FRIDay-SaTuRDay Offer Good Through December 25, 2019 with BJ only.

GOLDEN SCISSORS THURSDAY thru SATURDAY, December 5th, 6th & 7th SALE HOURS (Thurs. – Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 PM)

• Paperbacks: 1/4 Cover Price • Special Group Paperbacks: 20 for $1 (Bring This Ad for 10% Off Any Purchase) Books • Comics –no trades during sale– 3112 FRANKLIN 754-5729 (in Franklin Center)



Paint Horse Collection King Bedroom set. King bed, dresser, chest, 2 large night stands, $2,199. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254313-2711. Mat t r e s s s e t s, queen $399, King set $539. Look for photos on our big ad in this week’s American Classifieds. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254313-2711. W e ca r ry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622. For Sale: Sofa, refrigerator, end tables, miscellaneous wall decor. Call (254) 981-3654 9am-6pm 6-ft Travertine Dining Set. table with 6 padded chairs, $1,199 Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711. Desk special! Rough cut with rope edge, solid wood. $499. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711

New color King bedroom set Complete! Look at the photos in our big ad in this week’s edition of the American Classifieds. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254313-2711 Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture. 625 Franklin, Downtown Waco. (254) 754-4622 White Victorian Sofa, Spotless! $200. (360) 970-1875 Corsicana, Tx Furniture Outlet Locally owned family business 3414 Franklin Ave. 254-754-9995 www. furnitureoutletwacotx.com Cabana Bench Set, $899, Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711. Cowhide Bedroom Set King size complete set $1,899. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711 In house finance programs Available. Come see what we have. Furniture, Appliances, TV, and more. Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture 625 Franklin Downtown Waco (254) 754-4622.

ask for


409 N. Robinson Dr. 254-662-0300 Appliances

Miscellaneous 275 Gallon Plastic Tote Tanks. Good for water collection, oils, fuels, other liquids. Clean. Also, 55 Gallon Metal and Plastic Barrels. Call (254) 662-0855

Nice washers, dryers, refrigerators, and cook stoves. Rebuilt with 90 day warranty. Delivery, service work, need non-working ones.(254) 214-5284(254) 799-6228





1 Cemetery Lot at Waco Memorial, Veterans Section. $700. (254) 662-3082

Remodeling Services Restoring Old Houses To New Homes Roofing, Sheetrock, Textures, Floors, House Leveling, and New Additions, Total Restorations For Your Home, Free Estimates (254) 730-3343

PLAY BINGO: Win Cash $100 to $750 PER Game! Paper Only, No Electronics. Winning Odds are Better! Every Friday 7pm. Geneva Hall I-35 Elm Mott, Tx

Community Barb e r s h o p Tu e s d ay Special: $7 men & boys haircuts! Tuesday-Friday 8am-5pm. Saturday 8am12pm. 1302 N. Robinson Dr. (254) 339-4646

Firewood for Sale. Pecan & Oak. $90 per Truck Load (254) 733-3857 (254) 548-2905 First Call (Lonnie) Handyman Service Remodeling All Home Repairs Affordable Quality Work For Your Home Project Needs (254) 366-7256

RAUL’S CONCRETE SERVICE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes Free Estimates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251


Baker’s Filter ServiceCommercial Air & Grease Filter Service. Serving Waco area for over 50 years. New customer discounts (254) 754-1708

For Sale 5x5 Sudan Bales, $60 & Mixed Grass Bales, $30. (254) Leslie’s Cleaning 826-4266 Service. We do residenRodas Tree Sertial, make ready, de-clutter vice Professional and new construction. Free Estimates! (254) Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grind644-9933 ing Property Cleaning BUENA VISTA Complete Service Very SERVICES Affordable! (254) 5488148 Air Conditioning Residential Service Natural Gas Heat& Install ers. 30,000 BTU $50. Hablamos Espanol 20,000 BTU $25. (254) (254) 799-1036 896-5821 (254) 715-3277 TACBL #45894E DRONE STORE!! SquareTubing, Sheet Check Out Our Huge Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Selection of Drones Doors, Welding Supplies, and Drone AccesInsulated and Non-Insulat- sories!! Visit highflyed Gloves. Pioneer Steel ingdrones365.com/. & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or Awesome Golf Store. Amazing Products at (800) 662-2877. Amazing Prices!! Visit Acme Fence & Iron www.golfdayeveryday. Commercial & Residencom/ tial. Ornamental iron, custom gates, wood Hobart Mixer A-200 privacy, chain link, gate with standard attachoperators, piperail. Paul ments, $2000. South Bend Torres. 20+ years expe- Commercial Oven Gas, rience (254) 717-6498 $950. Somerset Fondant Sheeter 30” $3,000. North For Sale 6ft commer- Star 36” Slab Roller with cial slate pool table, $150. Table $1,800. All in excel6ft air hockey table, $85. lent working condition. 4.5ft foosball table, $25. Cash Only 254-721-8343 (254) 749-4775



Attention Land Owners: Wanted Dead or Alive. Oak, Mesquite or Box Blade 5’. Disk 5’, Pecan to cut for Firewood. Post Hole Digger. Chain 254-749-3834 Link Fence 300’, Gates. Call for more information All Building and (254) 722-9957 Remodeling, Plumbing and Electrical. Free EsDino’s Plumbing timates (254) 733-3857 Residential & Com(254) 548-2905 mercial24HR Sewer ServiceDrain Cleaning- Downsizing Duck Free EstimatesWork Population. 20 Fully grown GuaranteedM.15807 Muscovy Ducks, $8 each. 2 5 4 - 7 5 2 - 9 4 2 5 C e l l : (254) 799-1994 254-749-0940Serving Marlin & West Area PAULA L. ALLEN ATTORNEY AMAZE YOURSELF! AT LAW Tune your XM radio to DWI/CRIMINAL #128, just listen for a DEFENSE minute!!! Keep Christ in Divorce Christmas. Personal Injury Nice washers, dryChild Support ers, refrigerators, and Insurance cook stoves. Rebuilt with Negotiations 90 day warranty. DelivHOUSE CALLS ery, service work, need non-working ones.(254) WEEKENDS 214-5284(254) 799-6228 EVENINGS First Visit Free Tool Box from F-150 (254) 640-1680 Pickup $250. 2 Ewes $100 (800) 664-5589 each. (254) 253-6274 (KJV) Acts 8:12 But Money for scrap when they believed Philip metal, we buy junk preaching the things conautos, copper, brass, cerning the kingdom of aluminum, batteries, God, and the name of stainless steel, alumi- Jesus Christ, they were num cans & steel. (254) baptized, both men and 756-6661! women.

W e ca r ry Ashley Furniture! www.kwitt. net. Come see our huge selection! Delivery available (additional charge). Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture, 625 Franklin Ave. Downtown Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622.

December 5, 2019 Page 5

Price Reduced! Waco Memorial Park Mausoleum. Single Inside Crypt, Top Level, $3,300 (830) 613-6814 3ft long Iguana. $200. All accessories. Albino Petman Frog, all accessories, $50. 1 male Teddy Bear Hamster, all accessories $30. (254) 548-9838 Warwick 5 String Bass Guitar for sale. New! $375 obo. Call (254) 709-4787

SANCHEZ HOUSE LEVELING Specializing in: Leveling Replace Beams Concrete Work Driveways All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Reasonable Prices (254) 752-0422 2 Cemetery Plots Oak Wood Cemetery. Older Section, $1300 each. (254) 881-7318 CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding (254) 379-1727

no credit needed!

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KIRKPATRICK & WITT FURNITURE 254-754-4622 kwitt625

Complete Room Pack:

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Financing Available with Approved Credit

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Page 6 December 5, 2019

Miscellaneous 3 Kings Mechanical For plumbing services call JamesOver 20 years of experience!License #M429593kingsmechanical@ gmail.com254-744-1231




Properties for lease call now for availability. Riesel, Marlin, McGregor. Falls Capital. (254) 803-9636.

Pecans! We buy & sell pecans! Competitive prices. Empire Seed Co. 2 locations 201 Elm or 7319 Bosque Blvd. Waco Texas. 254-756-1009.



Largest Inventory of Purses & Crosses In Waco! (Cowboys, Rangers, Texas Longhorns, etc)

• Signs • Pictures • Knives • Watches • Charms • Wallets • Bags • Back Packs • Necklaces • Jewelry • Bird Houses • T-Shirts • And More!


Saul Jaramillo Concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates “No Job Too Big Or Small” (254) 498-4445

America Roofing, Remodeling & Fencing Commercial Residential We do leveling and concrete work and complete remodeling. We build new houses, room additions. Quality Work Wind and Hail Damage Specialist Free Estimates (254) 757-1625 Toll Free (800) 523-7284 BBB Member

Ramos Foundation Repair Drainage Repair, Tunnel Excavation, Pier Beam & Slab, Foundation Repair. Reliable & Responsible. Free Estimates. 20yr Warranty. Veteran Discount. (469) 682-1709 Se Habla Español

Cash your check with us and get a free entry for a $100 cash drawing.

Winner every Week!! 2 WACO LOCAtiOns tO serve YOu 1025 n valley Mills Dr. se Habla 254-741-1471 español


Public Auction Over 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-6665484 Auctioneer TXS 12497 1988 Avion Travel Trailer. Looks like Airstream, cold air, come look! $10,000 obo (254) 993-1164

• Sunglasses • Baseball Caps

1121 W. Waco Dr. 254-754-2003

soFA And loveseAt



recliners $




& up

5 Pc. bedrooM suite

Motion soFA And loveseAt

sectionAl soFA


kersey 5 Pc. dinette set

dinette set








ruStic furniture H SolD Here over 100 rUGS


*With Approved Credit. Pictures for illustration purposes only.

3414 Franklin Ave.


Se Habla Español

Senior Perm Special! Perms $65 haircut & style included. (No long styles please). Offer good through December 25th with BJ only. Golden Scissors 409 N. Robinson Dr. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Call 254 662-0300 Ask for BJ Lockable Waterproof Click Plank as low as $1.25. Sheet Vinyl 12’ wide & 13’2 wide rolls as low as 70¢. Glue Down Vinyl Plank as low as 75¢ sq.ft +tax. Commercial Grade Carpet as low as 69¢ sq.ft. FHA & HUD Approved Carpet as low as 66¢ sq.ft. ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouse LLC. 618 Elm Ave. Waco,Tx 76704 254-752-4112


Money For Scrap Metal

We Buy • Junk Autos • Copper • Brass • Aluminum • Steel • Aluminum Cans • Batteries • Stainless Steel

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Furnish your home with Appliances, Refrigerators, ovens, stoves, Mattresses, Electronics, LCD, LED, DVD, Plasma TV’s, Recliners, Sofas, Dinettes and much more. Kirkpatrick and Witt Furniture. 625 Franklin Avenue, Waco Texas. (254) 754-4622. STOP PAYING too much for cable, and get DIRECTV. Bundle options and Low Monthly Payments. Call 1-877-5150816 to learn more about our special offers!

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RV Spaces For Rent in Gholson, $150. Electric, water, sewage, garbage included (254) 495-4510

Golf Clubs $300. Queen size bed $250 & freezer $100. David (254) 715-2823

EMPIRE SEED CO. 201 Elm or 7319 Bosque 756-1009


DUMPSTER 2014 XLR by Forest River RENTAL Nitro Toy Hauler 5th Wheel Series MO38DBQ5. Looks • $225.00 Complete like new! 42’-0” long total. • Skid Steer Sleeps 8+ people. Master • Demolition room, 1 back room (or ga- • Ranch Clean Up rage), 2 king electric beds, • Scrap Metal 2 bathrooms, 1 sofa/bed • Land Clearing in living room, 2 reclin(254) 307-9211 ers, 1 radio indoor/outdoor sound, 1 power awning, For Sale: Sofa, refrig1 power slide out room, erator, end tables, miscel$44,900. (325) 201-6971 laneous wall decor. Call (254) 981-3654 9am-6pm SANG TIEM. Nail Salon Now Hiring Mani- Oak Firewood For curist, Masseuse and sale, $50 per truck load. Facialist. Must have Cash only (254) 214-3682 license. (254) 867-6245 Mexia FoundaEnd of the Year Special: tion Repair & House 3 Rooms starting at $99. Leveling We can Elevate $14 per vent. Steam Lo- Wooden Homes up to calProfessional Carpet & 2ft! Remodeling, RoofAir Duct Cleaning. www. ing, Driveways, Tunnelsteamlocal.com (254) 214- ing Excavation, Brick Leveling & Repairs30yrs 8805 ExperienceFree EstiC B D 101 Meeting . mates254-981-3742 WaWant to know more co & Surrounding Areas about CBD? How do you choose a quality CBD? ELIMINATE BED BUGS, How do you use CBD ROACHES, RATS! Harris and how can it help you? Sprays, Baits, Traps, Kits. Maybe you want a piece Hardware Stores, Home of the cannabis industry! Depot, homedepot.com Anyone is welcome! No White Victorian Soadmission cost. Join me fa, Spotless! $200. (360) Tuesday nights at 6:30 970-1875 Corsicana, Tx through 12/17/19 at Ta- Stitchin Shack queria El Mexicano Bar & We sell Janome Sewing Grill, 10207 China Spring machines. Call us today to Rd. Waco, Tx get yours! (254) 824-1234

Miscellaneous Valdez Floor MastersHardwood, Laminate, Vinyl Plank, Ceramic, Tile, Showers, Back Splash, Some Home Remodeling. Commercial & Residential 35yrs ExperienceCall Joel Valdez (254) 498-3797 or Alberto Valdez 254-5237879 Pen Making Equipment with Supplies & Extra’s, $795. (254) 230-3039 Bad Credit? We can Help! Credit Restoration Only $500 (254) 235-1025 Two like new threeseater Jet Skis with trailer and covers. Paid $22,199. for all. Asking $13,500 OBO. Leave message (254) 749-5309 ACE FENCE & SUPPLY Best Prices On: Chain Link Wood Privacy Ornamental Custom Gates & Gate Openers 2825 Robinson Dr. (254) 755-6339


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A2Z Renovations Remodeling, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Flooring, Painting, Patios, Room Additions, Windows. Call for Free Estimate 254-2271737 www.a2zrenovationswaco.com Pioneer Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, H-Braces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877.

BRICK REPAIR Benitez Fences All WORK types of fencing! Chain Brick New Homes Link Fencing, Repairs, Tree Replace Rusted Trimming and more. Free Estimates (254) 224-7602 Mailboxes E&E Lawn & Tree SerBrick Stone Block viceTree Trimming & Tree Masonry Cutout Removal (large or small), Openings Lawn Mowing, Clean Chimney Repair Work Fence Lines, Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas Reasonable Prices. 20 (254) 855-2819 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario LIVELINKS IS the best 254-230-6574 chatline for meeting real JNB Tire & automo- singles who know how to tive 4500 Bellmead have a good time! Wanna Drive Alignments a/c flirt and have some fun? service brakes comput- Call 866-678-4895and er diognostics engine make a real connection. repair batteries tires/ Mathis Riley Prowheels 24 hour road fessional Heating & service specializing: Cooling Services, LLC All types of repairs TACLA#49001E (254) 867-TIRE (8473) 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, Service, Installation Low Affordable Rates Professional Service

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Hewitt Woodway DOWNSIZING GARAGE Sale - featuring a 2000 Mazda 626 (1 owner) car, flat screen TVs, home decor, end tables, kitchen items, kids stuff and clothes all in excellent condition perfect for Christmas gifts! Friday & Sat., Dec. 6 & 7 from 8am-12pm at 10013 Ramblewood Dr., Woodway, TX 76712.



WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 Never used all black Pioneer stereo unit with two large speakers, one medium speaker and 2 small speakers. Leave message (254) 749-5309

Farm, Ranch, Heavy Equipment Auction Saturday, December 7th. Preview is Friday, December 6th 9am-6pm. Surplus fluids, cleaners, tools, chains, tractors, trucks, cars, SUV’s, trailers, UTV’s, skid steers, attachments, plows, rakes, planters, shredders, balers, seeders, sprayers, augers, straight blades, welders, generators, dozers, mowers, grapples, industrial tools, fuel tanks, pumps, fluids, tools & more! Cacwaco.com Clark Auction Company 8896 N. Hwy 6. Crawford, Tx 76638 254-848-2333 (4) Goodyear Tires on 6 Lug Wheels. 235/80R17, $200. (254) 214-4784 Open Bible Studies office building, room 203, 33rd & Franklin Ave. Saturday & Sunday @10am Sony 61” Projection TV. Awesome picture/condition. Leave message (254) 749-5309 Hobby Town Games, Trains, R/C, Toys, Boats, Planes, Models & More! 4316 W. Waco Dr. Suite B, Waco, Tx (254) 732-4477 Like us on Facebook! Nazi Dagger WWII Army Dagger Maker WKC. Very nice condition, $600. (254) 723-5552 Got Checks? Cash it with us! Chapmans Check Cashing. 1025 N Valley Mills Drive 254741-1471. See what else we have including Purses Crosses, Sunglasses, Baseball caps, signs, picture, frames, knives, Texas Stars and more! WE BUY PECANS! TOP PRICES PAID. 1121 W. WACO DR. (next to Chapman’s Check Cashing) (254) 265-2099

Full set of bench & weights $50. Wood dining room table $100. Side by side refrigerator $100. (254) 760-0165 Krause & Becker 5HP airless paint sprayer, used once, still in box, like new cost $225 sell for $125. 254-339-3813 Stitchin Shack Long Arm Quilting & Embroidering Services. Please come by 4355 FM 933, Whitney, TX or call us at (254) 824-1234 Looking for a special Christmas gift? Check out the handmade quilts made by the world known, Totally Blind Quilter, Diane Rose. Visit her website www. theamazingquilter. com (254) 799-7990 2004 Peterbilt 387 $15,000 obo. 2005 Travel Trailer $5,000 obo. Parting out 2- 1999 Ford Escorts. (4) Roadlux Truck Tires 11r22.5’s, $140ea. (4) Continental Car Tires 185/65r14’s, $50ea. Call/ Text (254) 652-6115 Kitchen Materials 42 Stained cabinet doors & hardware. 10 stained drawers & hardware. 1 white double sink & faucet. Call (254) 493-9904 Tanning Bed 20 bulbs 120V, $1,500. 2 Wheel Chairs. 1 extra wide w/ legs $75, 1 no legs $50. (814) 657-0608 Hewitt, Tx Kirkpatrick & Witt Furniture. 625 Franklin, Downtown Waco. (254) 754-4622 4-piece rustic entertainment center, $1,689. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254313-2711 Excellent Prices Tree Services 18 Years Experience Insured Electrical Line Branch Trimming! No Job Too Big Or Too Small Free Estimates (254) 339-5130

www.excellentprices treeservice.com


Female Yorkie. 2yrs old & Female Shorkie 2.5yrs old. Both are around 3lbs. Text (254) 715-5781 2 White Pyrenees male puppies. 10wks old, $100/ each. Been with sheep. Wormed, healthy. Can send pictures. Call (254) 729-0001 or leave message Bellmead Traditional YorThursday-Satur- kies for Sale. Pictures day 7:00am-5:00pm. available (432) 816-4946 Boots, clothes, tools etc. R e g i s t e r e d too much to list! 1002 La C h i h u a h u a s , Vega Street, Bellmead. Poodles,Mini DachsHuge Indoor Christ- hunds, Yorkies. www. mas & More Sale. Lots of crystalskypuppies.com Christmas decorations; (817) 304-1225 License Trees, wreaths, wrap- #131 ping paper, large “Liberty Falls” collection, stock- AK C M i n i at u r e ings. Some non- Christ- D a ch s h u n d s . S h o t s , mas items. Due to road wormed, vet health construction around church checked. Ready by Christuse the Behrens Drive & mas! Dapples, Pies, SolNealton Rd. intersection ids, $1,300. (254) 495to get there (West side of 6963 I-35). Northside Church Pit Bull Pups For Sale of Christ 2500 Parrish, $75. Call (254) 227-0656 Bellmead. 254-799-1595 Thursday, Friday & Satur- AKC Registered German Shepherd Pupday 8-5,8-5, 8-1 pies. Black & Tan color, Large Garage Sale. $400 Firm. Contact Thursday, 5th- Friday, 8th Chad (254) 371-0664 8:30-4:30. 1205 LaClede St. Text (254) 371-0667 for photos


Large Garage Sale. 4706 Old Dallas Rd. Across from Elm Mott grocery. Saturday only, 8-2. Rummage Sale 1116 Gholson Road. December 7-9 2019. Please bring your boxes, container, truck, shopping bags



BEAUTIFUL CKC BOXER PUPS 6 weeks old Dewormed and Vaccinated Ready for their Furever Home $785.00 $200.00 Deposit 832-663-1715, 832-663-1710 AKC Full Mastiff Puppies for Sale. No papers $500, papers $800. Parents on Site. (512) 7557644 Yorkie Puppies, Shih-Tzu Puppies & Morkie Puppies. Call or text (254) 716-3952 License #144 AKC FRENCH BULLDOGS puppies, ready Garage Sales t o g o M i d Ja n u a r y 2500-3500 will be vet checked,accepting deposits. 903-602-0198 Rhodesian Ridgeback Pups. Full blood, Cas h B u y e r W ill parents on site, 1st shots, come to your house or 6wks old, $125. 254-744business. Buying scrap 6380 metal, copper,wire, aluminum, brass, batteries, aluminum wheels. Call Ironsides (254) 662-4455 (832) 419-7291

Waco Inside Garage Sale. December 6th & 7th, 7:30-3. 2610 Ethel Ave. Lots of stuff! Open Bible Studies office building, room 203, 33rd & Franklin Ave. Saturday & Sunday @10am


H reward H

Christmas Money Paying $100 For Old TV Antenna Towers. Free Removal. Old TV Antenna Parts do rust & fall. (254) 523-5158

REWARD! Timmy is a fluffy neutered male cat. Has long hair, white belly, brindle/brown on head & back, pink nose & pink paw pads. Lost in Downsville/Asa/ Robinson area since July 2018. Call (254) 881-1883 Please Help!

Males & Female H Yorkie Puppies. Ready now! (254) 523-5106 (254)

644-2209 8wks Old Blue Heeler Puppies. 1st shots. Call (254) 366-8061 Cheweenie Puppies 1st shots & dewormed. Also, Peekapoo Puppy. Text (254) 715-5781 Border Collie Puppies. 4mo. old. Shots & Wormed, $200. Call or text. (254) 883-0046 Registered Black Mouth Kerr Puppies. Born May 31st. Call (254) 7092564 Boxer Puppies CKC registered, fawns, males & females, shots, 254217-2880 Pom Poodle Puppy. Beautiful! $300. Call (254) 644-1485 AKC German Shepherds Kennel Reduction sale due to health problems. Ages:6mo & up, females & males, excellent bloodlines! $300 (903) 388-0402

Birds Male Parrotlet, green, 2yrs old. Text (254) 715-5781 CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334. Male Pionus Parrot From Central & South America, 9yrs old, women friendly, $480. (903) 3887052

Still Searching for timmy!

Timmy is a fluffy, neutered male Lost in Robinson area since July 2018.

call 254-881-1883 pleaSe help!



3ft long Iguana. $200. All accessories. Albino Petman Frog, all accessories, $50. 1 male Teddy Bear Hamster, all accessories $30. (254) 548-9838 “Carpets look and smell great -Mary” Best Value Carpet Cleaning 3 Rooms $75. Call Anytime! (254) 754-5913

EM P LEOS D IS PONIBLES. ¡ Ya están disponibles los empleos de tiempo completo y medio! Se necesita: trabajadores de limpieza en Waco, Temple y las áreas circundantes. A partir de $8 por hora. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (254) 776-7775 o solicite en línea en www.janitorialservice.com/apply



FULL/PART TIME NOW HIRING! $500 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Mechanics. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130.


Full and Part Time Employees all sHIFTs all POsITIONs avaIlablE! No experience necessary. We will train. $12.00 Hour to Start Health Insurance, Paid Vacation and 401k Retirement Plan Apply in person at: CzECH sTOP INC. I-35 / 353 Exit West, TX

for Farm Equipment and Semi. Benefits.

Kaddatz Farms Hillsboro, TX 877-816-0184 Service Technician Needed. Ice Machine Repair Helpful. Apply Waco Carbonics 431 LaSalle. (254) 754-2601 $1,640 WEEKLY Mailing Letters from home. No experience necessary. Fun & Easy. FT/PT Make your own hours. Call today 888-964-6456. NOW HIRING! $500 signon bonus after 30 days. Framers/carpenters. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130.

NOW HIRING! $500 SANG TIEM. Nail Sasign-on bonus after 30 lon Now Hiring Manidays. Form Setter/con- curist, Masseuse and crete finishers. Apply at Facialist. Must have Barsh Construction. 304 license. (254) 867-6245 Douglas Avenue, Waco, NOW HIRING! $500 Texas. 254-772-7130. sign-on bonus after 30 LABORER STARTS days. Welder. Apply at at $14.00 hour. Some Barsh Construction. 304 overtime. Welder $15- Douglas Avenue, Waco, $20 per hour. Stick and Texas. 254-772-7130. mig, up hill must past AVIATION CAREERS. certification. Production Hands on training for team supervisors $16- career opportunities in $21 per hour. Must read aviation, manufacturing shop drawings, manage and more. Financial aid 2-6 man crew, and meet for qualified students. Job schedules. Apply in per- placement assistance. Call son. 24000 Woodway AIM 877-206-1503. www. Drive, Woodway Texas FixJets.com Now Hiring! Many positions available. electricians, plumbers, carpenters, framers. Great benefits. Come by Aries Building Systems. 1919 Mueller, Troy, Tx. 76579. Call 346-774-1070. aharris@ ariesbuildings.com Waco Metal is currently seeking experienced Welders to start ASAP. Please call our office at 254-829-1675 EXT 310 to set up a time to come in and fill out an application and take a weld test.

December 5, 2019 Page 7

The Great Myth defined as a widely held but false belief

The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel

The 3 scripture below say they are not lost. Jesus in Matt 19:28, James in 1:1, Revelation 7:4

King Asa

800 B.C. of the Southern Kingdom brought back true worship of God and the festivals

King Ahab & Jezebel

ruled the Northern Kingdom 800 B.C.

Elijah the Prophet

of the Northern Kingdom. God told Elijah he had 7,000 loyal devoted who were his people. These 7,000 scattered among the 10 tribes went to the Southern Kingdom under King Asa to worship the true God of Israel. 722 B.C. Northern Kingdom captivity. 600 B.C. Southern Kingdom captivity. When in captivity, all 12 tribes had a remnant of true worshippers that were sealed by God. AND King Cyrus of Babylon let them return to Jerusalem in 539 B.C. to rebuild the temple. In 515 B.C. the temple was built. Jesus ministry 30 A.D. Nearly 500 years God’s remnants from all 12 tribes made up one nation of Israel. The 2 sticks now became one again. One kingdom under King Herod.

Open Bible Studies

Office Bldg., Room 203 33rd & Franklin Ave. Saturday & Sunday 10:00am (I am back from eye surgery)

Page 8 December 5, 2019


H buena vista

services Air Conditioning Residential Service & Install Hablamos Español 254-799-1036 tacbl 45894e

ATTORNEY AT LAW Paula l. allen attorney at law dwi/criminal defense • Divorce • Personal Injury • Child Support • Insurance Negotiations HOUSE CALLS WEEKENDS EVENINGS First Visit Free 254-640-1680 1-800-664-5589

CARPET & AIR DUCT CLEANING steam local Professional carPet & air duct cleaning 3 Rooms starting at $99. $14 per vent. www.steamlocal.com (254) 214-8805

CLEANING escobar cleaning solutions Residential Commercial Organize • Clean Declutter Weekly, Monthly, Move-In, Move-Out Free Estimates 254-652-6629 Rebekah/Owner

CONCRETE raul’s concrete service Driveways Patios Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes free estimates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251


construction Concrete Brick House, Room Additions Drywall Remodeling in General Free Estimates 254-757-1625 toll free 1-800-523-7284

CONCRETE custom concrete construction • Houses • Metal Buildings • Driveways • Patios • Retaining Walls • Commercial • Industrial Family Run 20 Years Experience (254) 300-8798 www.advantagemetal buildings.com results you can count on! We can sell just about anything! Call American Classifieds at 254-752-0334.


DIRT SAND & GRAVEL r. Johnson sand & gravel HAUL OFFS 6 &12 Yard Loads Top Soil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel 254-749-3863 254-799-4907 roads • gravel tanks dug and rePaired land clearing shredding we do dozer work backhoe, bobcat excavator free estimates 254-340-8201

ConCrete ConstruCtion

Specializing In: Decorative Concrete Commercial & Residential Over 30 Years Experience

• Driveways • Foundations • Sidewalks • Patios • Metal Carports/Bldgs. • Fencing Free Estimates (254) 412-0255 www.texmexconcrete.com

CONCRETE WORK saul Jaramillo concrete Construction Specializing: Driveways Sidewalks Patios Curbing Parking Lots Free Estimates Big Or “No Job Small” (254) 498-4445

r&r transPortation Rose Eastham Operator Sand • Gravel Topsoil 254-749-4141 carl surfus now sPreading & hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding 254-379-1727

DOZER SERVICES roads, gravel, tanks dug or rePaired land clearing shredding we do dozer work, backhoe, bobcat, excavator. free estimates 254-340-8201


shilling excavation, llc

COOLING mathis riley Professional heating & cooling services, llc tacla#49001e (254) 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, Service, Installation Low Affordable Rates Professional Service classIFIeDs WorK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.

DIRT SAND & GRAVEL mclain dozer service Dozer Trackhoe Maintainer Mulcher, Dirt & Gravel Work Call John 903-641-6648

dozer services & motor grader • Commercial • Residential • Building and House Pads • Land Clearing • Erosion Control and Repair • Driveways • Stock Tanks • Build & Enlarge and Clean Out Tanks • Ranch Work shane 254-744-2264

DRIVEWAYS d’s & sons Parking Lots, Driveways Asphalt, Sealcoating, Tar & Chip, Land Clearing, Ponds Commercial & Residential Free Estimates James Donaldson 979-255-6386 Billy Donaldson 254-563-4356 billydonaldson1974@ gmail.com www.dsandsons.com


H flat creek solutions

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Se Habla Español

Now Hiring for various positions including: painter, buyer, forklift/material handlers, purchasing manager, operations manager. Great benefits. Aries Building Systems. 1919 Mueller, Troy, Tx. 76579. Call 346774-1070. aharris@ariesbuildings.com JOBS AVAILABLE. Full and part-time jobs available now! Needed: JaniCuT-riTE torial workers in Waco, AFForDABlE Temple and surrounding TrEE SErviCE & areas. Starting at $8 per rooF rEPAirS hour. Please call our office at (254) 776-7775 Over 20 Years or apply online at www. Experience! janitorialservice.com/apply Free Estimates NOW HIRING! $500 254-744-3410 sign-on bonus after 30 days. Working job site superintendent. Apply at Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Tree Texas. 254-772-7130. Service JOBS AVAILABLE. Full Tree Trimming & and part-time jobs availRemoval, able now! Needed: JaniStump Grinding, torial workers in Waco, Landscape Design Temple and surrounding & Installation, areas. Starting at $8 per Mowing, Garden hour. Please call our ofMaintenance fice at (254) 776-7775 Lawn Care or apply online at www. Free Estimates janitorialservice.com/apply (254) 214-8470 Engine & Electrical gMAYATrEESErviCE Mechanics Needed! Call AnDlAnDSCAPing. (254) 754-6951. CoM JOBS AVAILABLE. Full E&E lAWn & and part-time jobs availTrEE SErviCE able now! Needed: JaniTree Trimming & torial workers in Waco, Tree Removal Temple and surrounding areas. Starting at $8 per (Large or Small) hour. Please call our ofLawn Mowing fice at (254) 776-7775 Clean Fence Lines or apply online at www. Fence Repair & Unwanted Trash Pickup janitorialservice.com/apply Reasonable Prices NOW HIRING! $500 20 Years Experience sign-on bonus after 30 days. Equipment operaFree Estimates tors. $500 sign-on bonus CAll lAThArio after 30 days. Apply at 254-230-6574 Barsh Construction. 304 Douglas Avenue, Waco, Texas. 254-772-7130. HELP WANTED ASSEMBLE CD cases from Home. No Experience Needed. FT/PT 25 years roDAS in business. Call Today! TrEE SErviCE 1-800-537-6133 http:// Professional www.AMERICANCOTTree Trimming TAGECRAFTS.COM Tree Removal Instant Cash from Stump Grinding your credit card! We can Property Cleaning now take / accept monComplete Service ey from any credit card! Very Affordable! Chapmans Check Cash254-548-8148 ing! Receive free entry for a $100 cash drawing. WINNER EVERY WEEK! ExCEllEnT 1025 N. Valley Mills Drive, PriCES 254-741-1471 or 1121 W. TrEE SErviCES Waco, Drive. 254-7542003


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December 5, 2019 Page 9



Cash your Check at Chapmans Check Cashing! Receive free entry for a $100 cash drawing. WINNER EVERY WEEK! 1025 Bad Credit? We can N. Valley Mills Drive, 254- Help! Credit Restoration 741-1471 or 1121 W. Waco, Only $500 (254) 235-1025 Drive. 254-754-2003

Real Estate For Sale

Business Opportunities

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Real Estate For Sale

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Page 10 December 5, 2019

Real Estate For Sale


Real Estate For Sale

Reduced! Owner Financing 500 S. Main St. Mart, Tx. 3/1, needs some work, $35,000 w/ $2,000 down. (325) 650-5900 Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088 Was: $46,850 Now: $9,800. Camp Closing 80% Discount. Log Cabin set, Log walls, Timber Trusses, All Plans. Pay only on Delivery. Can Haul. (214) 771-6887 I Buy Houses, Any Condition, Quick Closing. (254) 715-9005 Rodas Tree SerH vice Professional Tree Trimming Tree

Removal Stump Grinding Property Cleaning Complete Service Very Affordable! (254) 5488148

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” American Classifieds will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you are a victim of housing discrimination contact HUD at 800-6699777, www.hud.gov Facing Foreclosure? Inherited Property? About to go Bankrupt? Getting a Divorce? We can take over your mortgage payments or buy your house! Call Versatile Real Estate Company 254716-8512

Best Roofing & Remodeling All Types of Roofing, Siding, Concrete, Gutters, Remodels. Honest, Dependable & Duane’s Mobile Reasonable Rates. FREE Estimates. Member Home Leveling of BBB. 254-732-2400 Done The Right Way 254-366-5753 https://beSingle/Double stroofingremodeling.com/ /Triple Wides bestroofingremodeling @ Small Homes gmail.com License# INS4064 14.25 acres, Menard Bonded County. Mesquite and Native Brush. Blackbuck, Insured Axis, Whitetail, Hogs, TurFree Estimates key. Locked Gate SecuToll Free rity. $2,316 Down, $383 (888) 281-5063 Month. 800-876-9720 ranchenterprisesltd.com www.duanesmobile homeleveling.com I BUY mortgage notes. If you are receiving payLots, Land ments on a property you have sold call (806) 928& Acreage 1705 Mathis Riley Professional Heating & Cooling Services, LLC TACLA#49001E (254) 292-9673 Honest, Guaranteed Work Sales, Service, Installation Low Affordable Rates Professional Service I have commercial buildings for sale & for rent in Bosque County. Call (254) 214-6590 Do you want to fix or flip houses? We can loan you the money! Call Versatile Real Estate for Versatile Solutions! (254) 870-7533 America Construction Concrete, Brick, House, Room Additions, Drywall, REMODELING IN GENERAL, Free Estimates (254) 7571625; Toll Free 1(800) 523-7284.

10.48 Acres in Gholson. Owner Financing Available. $5,000 down, $799 month. Water & Electric Available, No Restrictions. Big discounts for cash buyers. (254) 307-2080 VETERANS- WE have several tracts for the Texas Veteran’s Land Program near Hamilton. Please call Chris at 254-206-0388. 9.62 Acres, fenced all around, pipe entryway, 42x42x16 Metal Building, water meter. Gholson Area. 933 E. Bell Road. $135,000.(254) 754-2007 DOVE AND Ducks! COMMERCIAL OR RECREATIONAL! 45 AC near Waco at McGregor, trees, pond, $3875/ ac,flexible terms or discount for cash 254-206-0388




00 ow $9,8


Quality Built On Your Lot.


lo Camp C

Call For Free Plan Booklet!


80% Dis

• Log Cabin Set • Log Walls • Timber Trusses • All Plans • Can Haul

“C.J. Cade”

4 BR • 3 BA • Walk-In Closets

Living .................. 2100 sq. ft. Building Porch ...................... 78 sq. ft. Patio ...................... 104 sq. ft. Throughout Total .................... 2282 sq. ft. Central TX.

Pay Only on Delivery! Information 214-771-6887 Lots, Land & Acreage

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

West Texas Trans Pecos area, near Lake Amistad. 60 - 450 acres. Electricity, water, easy access, whitetail, dove, javelina, thick cover, views, canyons. Starting at $650/ AC. 979-575-3939 LangtryWestRanch.com Lot/Land for Sale! $3,800. 303 Waco Street, Mart, TX. Lone Pine Real Estate. (254) 749-5984. CARL SURFUS Now Spreading & Hauling Sand Gravel Topsoil Lot Clearing Shredding (254) 379-1727 2014 XLR by Forest River Nitro Toy Hauler 5th Wheel Series MO38DBQ5. Looks like new! 42’0” long total. Sleeps 8+ people. Master room, 1 back room (or garage), 2 king electric beds, 2 bathrooms, 1 sofa/bed in living room, 2 recliners, 1 radio indoor/outdoor sound, 1 power awning, 1 power slide out room, $44,900. (325) 201-6971

3 bedroom 2.5 bath, laundry area, garage and carport. $95,000. 1205 S. 31st Street. (254) 7228235

2014 XLR by Forest River Nitro Toy Hauler 5th Wheel Series MO38DBQ5. Looks like new! 42’-0” long total. Sleeps 8+ people. Master room, 1 back room (or garage), 2 king electric beds, 2 bathrooms, 1 sofa/bed in living room, 2 recliners, 1 radio indoor/outdoor sound, 1 power awning, 1 power slide out room, $44,900. (325) 201-6971 Home for Sale! 449 Lost Forest Lane, Marlin, TX 2 story brick house, 2,450 sq ft. 2 car garage (detached). 3BR/ 2.5 BA. Custom gazebo. Must see!Lone Pine Real Estate. (254) 749-5984, 254749-5704. End of the Year Special: 3 Rooms starting at $99. $14 per vent. Steam LocalProfessional Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning. www.steamlocal. com (254) 214-8805 Villeda’s Home Remodeling Roofing Metal Roofing Remodeling Construction House Leveling Painting and more Free Estimates(254) 315-7538 Brazos River Frontage in Gholson. 1200 Brazos Loop. Approximately one acre with mobile home, 2 car garage, deck. (254) 662-3948 Newer 3/2 Home, 1.5 acres in the country. (254) 301-2395

For Sale By Owner

North Waco Beautiful 4BR, 4BA Home! 2400sq.ft., fenced in front & backyard, 2 car attached garage, includes mother in law suite, $250,000. Contact Annette Torres (254) 717-4659 Moreno’s Remodeling Bedroom Addition, Framing, Painting, Texture, Sheetrock, Leveling. No job too big or small! Free estimates (254) 221-3658 (254) 214-3231. English (254) 339-2086 Reduced! Owner Financing 500 S. Main St. Mart, Tx. 3/1, needs some work, $35,000 w/ $2,000 down. (325) 650-5900 App r ox i m at e ly 1900 sq. ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, living, office, kitchen, dining, 2 car garage, Robinson ISD. (254) 732-4005 Septic Pumping ASAP Septic Service (254) 829-0088

Price Dropped! 3BR, 2BA Brick H ome . CH/A, fenced back yard, 211 Rachel Rd. McGregor, Tx, $110,000. Must sell! Call (254) 314-0345

Do you want to be a real estate investor but don’t have the money? Call CCM Investor Group 254-870-7533 We will loan you the money! South Waco 3/1, new floor, new roof, A/C, W/D connection, garage, fenced, $116,000. (254) 744-3302 Ramos Foundation Repair Drainage Repair, Tunnel Excavation, Pier Beam & Slab, Foundation Repair. Reliable & Responsible. Free Estimates. 20yr Warranty. Veteran Discount. (469) 682-1709 Se Habla Español

Ow n e r F i n a n c e Houses Available! Easy Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , Low Monthly & Down Payments. (254) 235-1025 Robinson School District, Golinda. Large Cash for Houses. Any 4BR, 1BA. Approximately location. Any condition. 1/2 Acre, $75,000. (254) (325) 650-5900 644-1485 BRICK REPAIR WORK Brick New Homes Replace Rusted Mailboxes Brick Stone Block Masonry Cutout Openings Chimney Repair Work Repair Cracked Walls Joseph Salinas (254) 855-2819

FaST & REliablE!!

3 Rooms



Country living in the city of Dawson, Texas. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, brick home on 1/4 acre. Newly renovated, W/D connections , CH/A. Motivated Seller! $95,000. Seller may help with closing . Call Arthur (254) 300-3318 Lockable Waterproof Click Plank as low as $1.25. Sheet Vinyl 12’ wide & 13’2 wide rolls as low as 70¢. Glue Down Vinyl Plank as low as 75¢ sq.ft +tax. Commercial Grade Carpet as low as 69¢ sq.ft. FHA & HUD Approved Carpet as low as 66¢ sq.ft. ABC Carpet & Flooring Warehouse LLC. 618 Elm Ave. Waco, Tx 76704 254-752-4112 Finance Available 625 Ivy Ann 4 bedroom, 3 bath, carport. $295,000. Available Now! To view call (254) 344-2301 Home for Sale! 3 BR/ 2 BA, 1768 sq. ft. brick home. 2 car garage, Large den. 303 Falls Street, Mart, TX. Lone Pine Real Estate. (254) 749-5984.


154,900 254-857-HOME (4663) Base Price ....$


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Commercial Property For Sale

For Sale Office Building 1 half block from Centerville Courthouse. When fully lease approximately $1,100 per month income. Current income $550. Office furniture goes with building. Has kitchenette, refrigerator, shower, 8 line phone system, new metal roof, $55,000. Call 830484-4193 430-216-9035

Commercial Property For Lease

Commercial Office Building For Rent. Located in a high traffic area, 2901 Bellmead Dr. 9 work areas. 2,781sq,ft $1 per sq.ft. Call (254) 366-6069

Houses For Rent

1600 Faulkner Lane. 3/1 Housing Accepted. $850/month $250/deposit. 1203 Elm 1/1 $600/month $250/ deposit. (254) 7998542 Tiny Home For Rent . Bills Paid. Fully Furnished Washer/Dr yer. $60 0/ month $250/deposit. References needed. (254) 349-7221 Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984 In Bellmead, 2Br/1Ba, stove, refrigerator, 2 A/C units, no pets, 1327 Old Dallas Road. $625 a month, $500 deposit. (254) 730-0720 For Rent Large beautiful efficiency, great location, everything furnished but food & clothing. Minimum 4 month lease or longer at $1,000 per month, $500 deposit. Call Gene 254-717-2397

Housing for Seniors (62 and older) and Handicapped (18 and older)


Original Price $2

(HUD Subsidized)



Almost New Condition. Already Disassembled.

Includes all Log Walls, Heavy Timber Rafters, All of the Original Plans, Drawings, Instructions, Beam Portico Thick Oak Castle Front Doors, Electrical, Plumbing, Dormer & Cabinet Sets. CAN DELIVER to your site REASONABLY. Assembles Entirely with a 3-Man Crew. Assembly Time Est.: 3 1/2 wks. Assembly Labor Est.: $8,500. Total under Roof before F/R Porches: 6,340 sf. Porches under Roof: 1152 sf.

Amazing Opportunity with Multiple Possiblities:

Residence or Inn, Air B&B, Office, Build or Re-Sell (See Zillow comps above $450,000 done on good site) Pay ONLY when received!

Call for photos, drawings, information, materials list:


Attention Lot Owners!

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Now 85% OFF $36,000


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Was $46

$ 3 Rooms

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Base price-subject to change without notice. Base Price closing not included. Financing-wac some conditions apply

Have a buyer ready for a House in bellmead and beverly Hills NelsoN speed RealtoRs 254-749-7689 Houses For Rent Mexia TX, 1 bedroom, 1 bath Newly built, 800 sq.ft. house for rent. $450/month. $400/deposit. Please call 254203-1298 2027 Reuter. Newly remodeled, 4BR/1BA . (254) 424-3839 No calls after 7pm For Rent! 3924 Richfield, 2br, 1 ba ch/a $795/ mo, $600 deposit. 217 Laredo - Hewitt 3br, 2ba, WBFP, Ch/a $1500/mo, $1000 dep. $25 non-refundable application fee. The Conine Group 3802 W. Waco Dr. (254) 7526503 1708 East Crest. 1 bed, 1 bath, $495mo., $300dep. Call me now 254-799-2478 Riesel, Tx 2/2 Mobile Home for Rent. $525mo. +dep. (254) 315-8882


Large beautiful efficiency, great location, everything furnished but food and clothing. minimum 4 month lease or longer

$1000 Month $500 Deposit Call Gene

254-717-2397 for more information

Houses For Rent

Mart 3/1, $500mo. $350dep. No Pets (254) 876-2341 10 0 2 B . Oakwood, Waco. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, laundry area, large party deck! $950/month, $600/deposit. No pets, no smoking. (254) 722-8235 Waco, Tx 1416 Monte RV Spaces For Rent Vista 3 bedroom, 2 bath, in Gholson, $150. Elec- $1,195 month, $750dep. tric, water, sewage, Call 254-799-2478 garbage included (254) 1 2 1 2 P r o c to r 495-4510 Newly Remodeled 2 One roommate 2119 Bedroom, 1 Bath. (254) Sugg. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 424-3839 No calls after 2 car garage. $500/month 7pm. $500/deposit. Fully Furnished. (254) 344-2301 For Rent! 3125 MorHallsburg 3 bed- row, 3 br, 3 ba, $1200/mo, rooms, 2 full baths, $1000 dep. 3309 N. 22nd, CH/A, carport, all elec- 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, tric, near school & trad- W/D connections, ch/a ing house lake. No pets, $850/mo, $700 deposit. unfurnished. $875mo. $25 non-refundable ap+$500dep (254) 717-8683 plication fee. The Conine Group 3802 W. Waco Dr. 303 W. Lyndale 3 or 4bd (254) 752-6503 Robinson Schools, CH/A, $1095. 5015 Beverly, 2BR For Rent Very nice 4 $750, 4032 Sherry Lane bedroom, 2 bath home, 3 or 4BR, 1.5ba, CH/A, $1,200 per month, $1,000 security deposit. Call $995. (254) 405-2365 Gene (254) 717-2397 415 Hillsboro Dr. 2 bedroom 1 bath $550mo, Apartments $450dep, East Waco (254) For Rent 717-0027 1 2 9 H OUSTON H ew i tt T X 3 / 2 / 2 $1,195.00 a month and $1,000.00 deposit. Application required. Polly/ N ow Acc e p t i n g owner-agent Paton Real applications for waiting Estate 254-405-0095 list. Adult living complex, 62 years of age or older, Moving Soon? Jam- handicap/disabled regardstar Moving specializes in less of age. Newly renofull service local and long vated 1 & 2 bedrooms, distance moves at the low affordable rents. 24 lowest prices! Free quote hours emergency service, (254) 435-4418 caring staff, country living, Riesel, Tx 3 Bedroom, laundry facility, energy ef1.5 bath. Near school. ficient appliances. Autumn $650dep, $650mo. Pet Villas Apartments, 100 deposit $500. (254) 744- Autumn Villas Dr., Lorena, 1535 TX 254-857-3337. TDD 2 3 2 2 M i t ch e l l 800-735-2989. Monday, 2BR/1BA, washer & dryer Wednesday, Friday 9amconnection. $450 Deposit, Noon. $650 month (254) 717- PLACE YOUR  ​ad! Call 0027 254-752-0334.


62 yrs. of age or older, handicap/disabled regardless of age

Autumn Villas Apartments

100 Autumn Villas Dr., Lorena 254-857-3337 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am-Noon NOw ACCEPTING APPLICATIONs fOr wAITING LIsT • • • • • •

Newly renovated spacious 1 & 2 BR Low afforable rents 24 hr. emergency service/caring staff Country living Laundry facility Energy efficient appliances

TDD #800-735-2989



This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider/Employer



Falls Capital

Property for Lease McGreGor

1BR, 1BA Duplex Fenced, Patio $650 mo. $650 dep. Call: 254-803-9636 or apply in person at

207 Craik St. Marlin, TX 76661 $25.00 Application Fee For all units that allow pets: $500 non-refundable pet deposit for first pet and $250 for each additional pet.

Apartments For Rent B a r - X Apa r tments: all bills paid, $105 a week and up; $60 deposit, no application fee. 1511 S. Loop Dr. (254) 756-1043 Newly remodeled apartments at 3 complexes on A - Caravan Ave. (254) 732-0907 and B - by TSTC in Lacy Lakeview (254) 732-0907, and C - in Bellmead across from the City Park (254) 262-2453. Move-in specials. P ARK P LA C E APARTMENTS: 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Townhouses or 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartments. 1300sf with balcony / private fence. Private laundry room, water paid, Midway ISD. Criminal background check. No application fee. 6617 Landmark Drive. (254) 349-1398


VILLAGE PLACE APARTMENTS 3802 W. Waco Dr. Waco, TX 76710 254-752-6503

3924 Richfield 2 BR • 1 BA CH/A $795/Mo • $600 Dep 217 lARedO-heWiTT 3 BR • 2 BA WBFP, CH/A $1500/Mo • $1000 Dep 3125 MORROW 3 BR • 3 BA $1200/Mo • $1000 Dep 3309 N. 22Nd 3 BR • 1 BA W/D Connections, CH/A $850/Mo • $700 Dep Keys available 9am-4pm Sat. 9am-11am *$25 Non-refundable Application Fee Pet Deposit: $100 Non-Refundable Under 20lbs. per Animal. $200 Non-Refundable Over 20lbs. per Animal Due to insurance, we do have to restrict certain breeds.

Apartments For Rent Lake Air Green Apartments Huge newly remodeled 1 and 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Housing accepted, water and gas paid. No application fee 912 Lake Air, (254) 229-3382

Manufactured Housing

14x60 2016 Mobile Home 2/2ba, CH/A, $29,000 (254) 4004192(254) 230-6294 Duane’s Mobile Home Leveling Done The Right Way Single/Double /Triple Wides Small Homes License# INS4064 Bonded Insured Free Estimates Toll Free (888) 281-5063 www.duanesmobile homeleveling.com

Woodway Park Condominiums. Vacation Rentals Large 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths with 2 living areas. 1200 s.f., private laundry room, patio/balcony, great neighborhood. Criminal background RV Spac e Mt. check. No application Calm RV Park. Spaces fee. 1500 Western Oaks Available! Daily, Weekly, Drive, Woodway. (254) Monthly. 1404 Hwy 31 349-1398. Mount Calm. Google us at Mount Calm RV Park Gemini Village is (254) 993-1040 nestled in the heart of Farm & Ranch a prime Waco location and is within minutes General from great shopping, restaurants, and public transportation. Ask about our current move in special and save! Immediate moves available. 901 Wooded Acres 275 Gallon Plastic 254-772-0211 leasing@ Tote Tanks. Good for cromwellco.com water collection, oils, Now Leasing! Newly fuels, other liquids. renovated spacious 1 & 2 Clean. Also, 55 Gallon bedrooms. Low affordable Metal and Plastic Barrents. 24 hour emergency rels. Call (254) 662-0855 service, caring staff, coun- Young Black Brantry living, playground and gus Bulls For Sale. Please laundry facility, energy Text (254)-780-6800 efficient apartments. Village Place Apartments, JD 630 Mower Con100 Village Place, Drive, ditioner $18,000. Call Lorena, TX 254-857-4847 7am-7pm (254) 722Monday-Friday 2pm-5pm. 5692 TDD 800-735-2989. John Deere 450 E Properties for Dozer. Good under carlease call now for avail- riage, runs good, new batability. Riesel, Marlin, tery, $18,500. Also, Wood McGregor. Falls Capital. Burning Fireplace Insert, (254) 803-9636. $250. (903) 599-2340


Country Living Apt. 533 Wiggins Rd. 2BR open loft, 1080sf. Small dryer, stove, storage shed, 2 car carport. $700mo. +$400dep. Water & trash included. No smoking. 5 miles south of West, 15mi north of Waco. (254) 723-1362 See pictures at Craigslist Post ID#6994957413

Angel’s Home Improvement & Remodeling. Handyman Low Cost, General Home Repairs. Kitchen & bathroom total remodel, wood floors, ceramic tiles, decks, install windows & doors, painting, dry wall, privacy fence, concrete & much more! Free Estimates 254-405-5896

100 Village Place Dr. 254-857-4847 Mon-Fri 2pm-5pm

Now LeasiNg • Newly renovated spacious 1 & 2 BR • Low Affordable Rents • 24 Hr. Emergency Serv/Caring Staff • Country Living • Playground/Laundry Facility • Energy Efficiency Appliances

TDD #800-735-2989

This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider/Employer

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

SHILLING EXCAVATION, LLC DOZER SERVICES & MOTOR GRADER • Commercial • Residential • Building & House Pads • Land Clearing • Erosion Control & Repair • Driveways • Stock Tanks • Build & Enlarge and Clean Out Tanks • Ranch Work (254) 744-2264 Shane

CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS. Garages, Shops, RV Storage, Mini-Storage, Warehouses, Barndominiums, Farm Buildings. Top quality! Competitive pricing. 20 year experience. 254-300-8798 www.advantagemetalbuildings.com/

Field Cul4Krause tivator Model 4231, K-

Tine Shanks, new hoses, good tires, 9” sweeps, 3 row mulcher tine, $5,500. John Deere Model 7300 MaxEmerge 2 Planter. 8- 30” rows, 250 monitor, $3,750. (254) 379-0582 Veterinary Mobile Services In The Waco and Surrounding Area!! Dr. Andy Cunningham 20 Years Experience With Horses, Cattle, Or Small Animals. I Will Come to Your Place. Call for Appointment (254) 722-9334 Auto Insurance for less! Starting at $29 per month. Tickets? Accidents? DUI? No License? No Credit? We can help! Call and save today 254237-3612. Hablamos Espanol. Freeway Insurance. Some restrictions may apply. Attention Land Owners: Wanted Dead or Alive. Oak, Mesquite or Pecan to cut for Firewood. 254-749-3834 Ba r ba d o Sh e e p includes Rams (good horns). 25ft 5th Wheel Travel Trailer & 22x36x13’ Carport for sale. For information call (254) 729-0001 or leave message. Acme Fence & Iron Commercial & Residential. Ornamental iron, custom gates, wood privacy, chain link, gate operators, piperail. Paul Torres. 20+ years experience (254) 717-6498

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Farm & Ranch General

Ground Work Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling (254) 405-0323

Escobar Fence Repair Old Build New Privacy, Pipe, Chain Link, All Types Trim Trees Spray Mesquite Welding Hugo (254) 640-9783 Jose (254) 252-0984

America Roofing, Remodeling & Leveling Commercial Residential We do leveling and concrete work and complete remodeling. We build new houses, room additions. Quality Work Wind and Hail Damage Specialist Free Estimates (254) 757-1625 Toll Free (800) 523-7284 BBB Member

Excellent Prices Tree Services 18 Years Experience Insured Electrical Line Branch Trimming! No Job Too Big Or Too Small Free Estimates (254) 339-5130

R. JOHNSON Sand & Gravel Haul Off 6 & 12 Yard Loads Topsoil Washed Rock Sand & Gravel (254) 749-3863 (254) 799-4907



December 5, 2019 Page 11

RAUL’S CONCRETE SERVICE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Jobs of All Sizes Free Estimates (254) 379-0073 (254) 224-6251

Hunting & Fishing LiWa n t e d : Sh e e p, censes, Gear & Deer Corn goats, donkeys, horses Sale Coming! Just Call for & other farm animals. Call Dates. 254-848-9112 (254) 865-3546 10 HEREFORD and Angus bulls, 20-24 PLAY BINGO: Win months old, fertility Cash $100 to $750 PER tested, ready for serGame! Paper Only, No vices, Caldwell area, Electronics. Winning Joey 979-224-4698, Odds are Better! Every Victor 979-446-2054 or Friday 7pm. Geneva Hall Margaret 979-218-8336. I-35 Elm Mott, Tx

Natural Gas Heaters. 30,000 BTU $50. 20,000 BTU $25. (254) 896-5821 (254) 715-3277 Cattle Working, Hauling, Pening, Problem Cattle And Portable Pens Available. (254) 865-3546 R&R Transportation Rose Eastham, Operator Sand Gravel Topsoil (254) 749-4141 Shipping containers $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers. net Will deliver. (254) 7224270, Burleson, TX.

Heavy Duty wood Gliders starting at $319, Rocker starting at $189. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254313-2711 GRACELAND PORTABLE BUILDINGS! Payments as low as $97.0 0 month! NO CREDIT CHECK! FREE DELIVERY AND SETUP! AFFORDABLE OUTDOOR BUILDING OF WACO. (254) 644-2663

www.excellentprices treeservice.com

McLain Dozer Service Dozer Trackhoe Maintainer, Mulcher, Dirt & Gravel Work. Call John (903) 641-6648 Want To Lease Land For Cattle Grazing. Long Or Short Term. (254) 865-3546


Custom Concrete Construction. Houses, Metal Buildings, Driveways, Patios, Retaining Walls, Commercial, Industrial. Family run! 20 years experience. 254-300-8798 www. advantagemetal buildings.com/

Family Owned and Operated


Max 26XL 4WD HST + Loader

$12,999.00, $0 Down, 5.59% for 84 Months

$15,399.00, $0 Down, 5.59% for 84 Months



1533 Shuttle Tractor + Loader $20,299.00, $0 Down, 5.59% for 84 Months

New Mahindra Roxor



$15,490.00, $0 Down, 5.99% for 84 Months

$285.00* Limited Time - December Only

$0 Down • No Payment for up to 90 days!

Kerens, TX 11104 E. State Hwy. 31 (903) 396-3333


Elm Mott, TX 906 N. McLennan Drive. (254) 420-2990

*Price is for tractor + loader without consideration for down payment or state & local taxes. Price with 5.59% APR for 84 months. Tractor is priced without roof or windshield. Implements are available for additional purchase. Ask about package deals. Other restrictions can apply. See dealer for details off Hwy, 31 in Kerens or North of Waco on IH-35 in Elm Mott, TX.

Central texas’ largest struCtural steel, PiPe and Metal Building CoMPonents distriButor

We’ve Got All the Pieces You Need! T e See m o C

he Pioneer Boys!

an Wa c o / B ry

m bbooyyss..ccoom r e r e e n e n io p io . p . w w w w ww

913 s. loop dr. & orchard ln., Waco, tx

254-754-2611 • 1-800-662-2877


Page 12 December 5, 2019


Farm & Ranch General ACE FENCE & SUPPLY Best Prices On: Chain Link Wood Privacy Ornamental Custom Gates & Gate Openers 2825 Robinson Drive (254) 755-6339

Front-End rEplacEmEnts

Tractor Repair Where it Stops, Or in the Shop, All Types of Tractors. Engines Clutches, Pumps, Hydraulic Cylinders No Pick Ups Call Gary (817) 357-5134 Kubota LB 2350 4x4 Tractor, 25HP, Diesel, front loader, rock brake, hay spear, 318 hours plus heavy pipe rail trailer with hideaway ramps, $9,500. Call Roger (254) 628-6345

2018 Yanmar 47hp Premium Tractor. Best rated environmentally exceptional diesel engine. Cash price w/cab $35,870. Cash Price open sta $29,370. Financing Available WACt 979-828-1392 2018 Zetor Major 45 HT Ultimate Cab Tractor

Auto Insurance for less! Starting at $29 per month. Tickets? Accidents? DUI? No License? No Credit? We can help! Call and save today 254237-3612. Hablamos Espanol. Freeway Insurance. Some restrictions may apply. CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334. DUMPSTER RENTAL • $225.00 Complete • Skid Steer • Demolition • Ranch Clean Up • Scrap Metal • Land Clearing (254) 307-9211



4 Cyl. Diesel, Hydrostatic Transmission w/3 Range Speeds, 3,300 Lbs. Hydraulic Lift Capacity, Easy Operating & Steering System for Maximum Performance........$30,900 Financing Available W.A.C.

Dump Trailer- Rental. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 Gooseneck Trailer- Rental. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 Livestock Trailer Rental. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 Utility TrailerRental. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 420-1112 Trailer Repairs From Tongue to Tail. Flat Rock Trailers (254) 4201112

Country Life Equipment Company


2018 Yanmar 59hp Premium Cab Tractor. iHMT transmission, AC/ Heat, 2 rear remotes. Payments as low as $525 WAC. Country Life Equipment 979-828-1392 www.ThriftyNickel. com Check it Out! 2018 Toro HD Commercial Grade Timecutter HD 48” 22.5hp V-Twin M a x c o fo r t M y R i d e Suspension System. Financing available WAC: Country Life Equipment 979-828-1392

$ starting at


Farm & Ranch Implements


Turn Over Gooseneck Ball Hitch

Box Blade 5’. Disk 5’, Post Hole Digger. Chain Link Fence 300’, Gates. Call for more information (254) 722-9957

Installed Starting at


Grill Guards

Installed Starting at

SK Truck Bed

JD 630 Mower Conditioner $18,000. Call 7am-7pm (254) 7225692


Short Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes .............. $3,950 Long Bed Single Wheel w/4 Boxes................. $4,150 Dually w/4 Boxes ................................................... $4,400 60" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................$4,450 84" Cab Axle C&C w/4 Boxes ............................ $4,875

Krause Field Cultivator Model 4231, K-Tine Shanks, new hoses, good tires, 9” sweeps, 3 row mulcher tine, $5,500. John Deere Model 7300 MaxEmerge 2 Planter. 830” rows, 250 monitor, $3,750. (254) 379-0582


Carry Out Prices. Add $500 For Standard Installation

kEmpnEr EquipmEnt

800-932-2461 • 2403 E. Hwy. 190 8.7 Miles West of "Old Location" or .5 miles East of Lampasas Wal-Mart



Farm & Ranch Implements Farm, Ranch, Heavy Equipment Auction Saturday, December 7th. Preview is Friday, December 6th 9am-6pm. Surplus fluids, cleaners, tools, chains, tractors, trucks, cars, SUV’s, trailers, UTV’s, skid steers, attachments, plows, rakes, planters, shredders, balers, seeders, sprayers, augers, straight blades, welders, generators, dozers, mowers, grapples, industrial tools, fuel tanks, pumps, fluids, tools & more! Cacwaco.com Clark Auction Company 8896 N. Hwy 6. Crawford, Tx 76638 254-848-2333 Heavy duty plows. Kewanee Bush Hog, wing over tandem, 24ft. Krause tandem 14ft & Rhino SR20 shredder, hard rubber. (817) 277-4078 (817) 797-5314

Tools & Equipment

BUY OR SELL! For Wood Workers:

Bandsaws, Planers, Drill Presses, Table Saws, Jointers, Vises, Miter Saws, Lathes, Shapers, Grinders, Scroll Saws, Radial Arm Saws, and Air Compressor.

1209 Washington Waco, TX Ludwig Saw & Tool 1701 Maple Ave. 254754-6951 lsawandtool@ sbcglobal.net BUY OR SELL! For Wood Workers: Bandsaws, planers, Drill presses, table saws, jointers, vises, miter saws, lathes, shapers, grinders, scroll saws, radial arm saws, and air compressor.1209 Washington, Waco.

Building Materials


Steel/Storage Buildings

Pioneer Steel & Pipe. Flat Iron, Culverts, I-Beams, Angle Iron, Expanded Metal, H-Braces, Ornamental Iron Products. (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. For sale: U-panels, PBR R-Panel- 40 year paint warranty, panels cut to length, sturdier design at afforable price. Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244. Drill Stem Pipe, Square Tubing, I-Beams, Metal Buildings, Angle Iron, C-Purlin, Metal roofing. We manufacture on Site! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 8482244. S q ua r e T u b i n g , Sheet Metal, C-Purlin, Roll-up Doors, Welding Supplies, Insulated and Non-Insulated Gloves. Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. PLACE YOUR  ​ad! Call 254-752-0334. Open to the public! Steel & pipe- c-purlin, square tubing, U-panels, structural, custom cuts, contractors discounts. Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244. Cee purlins, square tubing, structural steel, metal roofing, U-panels, sheds, will meet or beat any price! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244. Residential Metal Roofing and Siding, Storage Buildings, Metal Buildings. We Deliver and Unload! Pioneer Steel & Pipe, (254) 754-2611 or (800) 662-2877. Cee purlins, square tubing, structural steel, metal roofing, U-panels, sheds, will meet or beat any price! Bonz Pipe & Steel, 7700 N. Hwy 6, (254) 848-2244.

Steel/Storage Buildings CUSTOM METAL BUILDINGS. Garages, Shops, RV Storage, Mini-Storage, Warehouses, Barndominiums, Farm Buildings. Top quality! Competitive pricing. 20 year experience. 254-300-8798 www.advantagemetalbuildings.com/

30x30x12 Red Iron Frame, 26 Ga. R-Panel, 12x12 roll up door, walk-in door. Concrete slab included. $16,985. Big Tex Metal Buildings. Troy Texas. 254493-5094, 254-938-2440. bigtexmetalbuildings.com BRADBERRY BUILDERS Supply- 30’x40’x10’ shop or garage building built on your lot. Includes: Steel materials, concrete foundation, building erection, freight (to central Texas area). Call for details 888-556-2967. 24x30x9 all vertical, 2 tone color with two 10x9 roll up doors, 1-walk in door and 2 windows, includes concrete slab, $10,985. Big Tex Metal Buildings. 16855 N I-35, Troy Texas, 76579 exit 311. 254-493-5094, 254-938-2440. bigtexmetalbuildings.com 30x40x11 Red Iron Frame, twp 10x10 roll up doors, 1 walk in door, 2 windows, concrete slab included! $19,895. Big Tex Metal Buildings. Troy Texas. 254-493-5094, 254938-2440. bigtexmetalbuildings.com 42x30x12x8 Barn with 12x10 storage 1-walkin door $8,985. Big Tex Metal Buildings. 16855 N I-35, Troy Texas, 76579 exit 311. 254-493-5094, 254-938-2440. bigtexmetalbuildings.com 22x40x9 Red Iron Frame, three 9x8 roll up doors, one walk in door, 2 windows, concrete slab included! $13,895. Big Tex Metal Buildings. Troy Texas. 254-493-5094, 254938-2440. bigtexmetalbuildings.com

Sporting Goods

Lawn & Garden

ACE FENCE & SUPPLY Best Prices On: Chain Link Wood Privacy Ornamental Custom Gates & Gate Openers 2825 Robinson Dr. (254) 755-6339 Mowing, Edging, Hauling, Leaf Raking, Clean Out Garages, Small Jobs also. You call, we haul top soil & gravel. We do painting. For Good Yard Work call Stop Sign. Your Trash’s Last Ride. (254) 349-2324 or (254) 2242161 Yes, We Travel!

For Sale 6ft commercial slate pool table, $150. 6ft air hockey table, $85. 4.5ft foosball table, $25. (254) 749-4775 Two like new threeseater Jet Skis with trailer and covers. Paid $22,199. for all. Asking $13,500 Yard Clean Up, OBO. Leave message Hauling, Leaves, Mowing, etc. Call (254) 723(254) 749-5309 2819 Black Widow Recurve PMAII Grey bark, E&E Lawn & Tree Serexcellent condition, viceTree Trimming & Tree $550. (254) 223-1209 Removal (large or small), Lawn Mowing, Clean Fence Lines, Fence Repair Guns & Ammo & Unwanted Trash Pickup. Reasonable Prices. 20 years Experience. Free Estimates. Call Lathario 254-230-6574


Stevens 22 long rifle. Marchman-12 1860 model, $600 obo. (903) 519-5055 Hunting & Fishing Licenses, Gear & Deer Corn Sale Coming! Just Call for Dates. 254-848-9112

Ground Work Shredding Post Hole Digging Rototilling Minor Lot Clearing Dirt Leveling (254) 405-0323


Like new, Gravely Zero Turn Riding Mower 34” cut $3,200 OBO. Also have Craftsman 22” MultiCut self-propelled mower for sale. Leave message (254) 749-5309

Brazos River Frontage in Gholson. 1200 Brazos Loop. Approximately one acre with mobile home, 2 car garage, deck. (254) 662-3948

Complete Lawn Care Maintence Service. Tree Trimming. (254) 548-2905 (254) 733-3857



ENCloSED CArGo TrAIlErS 6X12 sInGle aXle

7X16 TanDeM aXle






16’ uTIlITy TrAIlEr

83”X20” pro SErIES uTIlITy

on sale now!




• 14,000 lb. GVWR • 6” Channel Wrapped Tongue and Full Frame • 3” Pipe Top • Slide-In Ramps

on sale now!



435 Enterprise Blvd. (I-35 South) Hewitt, TX 76643

Financing Available





Farm/ranch heavy equipment auction

Saturday, December 7th, 2019 • • Bidding Begins at 9:30AM • •

8896 n. hwy. 6, crawford, tX 76638

Take Hwy. 6 North, 6.4 miles from the Lake Waco Bridge, on the right. AccepTINg coNsIgNMeNTs uNTIL WedNesdAy, deceMBer 4

Tractors, trucks, trailers, UTVs, skid steers, plows, planters, shredders, rakes, balers, seeders, sprayers, augers, straight blades, cattle feeders, welders, generators, mowers, grapples, industrial tools, fuel tanks, campers and MORE! Back Room Full of NEW Tools, Hydraulic Oils & Welding Supplies! prevIeW: frIdAy, deceMBer 6TH • 9:00AM-6:00pM Auction will take place inside our air conditioned & heated facility. Items will be sold live via our media screens.

For more information, visit:

ELKINS ESTATE AUCTION 6925 West FM 436, BeltOn, tx 76513

dec. 7, 2019 10:00am

Contents to include: tractors, trailers, boat, tools, firearms, signs, atVs and MOre!

mAyA rEAL ESTATE & CONTENTS AUCTION dec. 14, 2019 contents @10:00am Real estate @ 12:00pm

Contents to include: tools, generators, antique furniture, trailers, sewing machine and MOre!

Visit: centraltexasauctionservices.com

clark auction company, LLc

Robert W. Clark #12497 (254) 848-2333

Lawn & Garden

Accepting payments of Cash, Debit/Credit, & Local Check. 5% BP per item for ONSITE bidders, 10% BP for Proxibid Bidders. CAC reserves the right to withhold items until checks have cleared. Vehicles/ Trailers are subject to TT&L fees.


Horse Sale Cleburne, Tx Ever y We d n e s d a y N i g h t @6pm. Good Riding Horse Market, Top Loose Horse Market. Call I.W Ward (254) Engine & Electrical 744-5563 or Trent (469) Mechanics Needed! Call 595-6870 (254) 754-6951. Downsizing Duck Custom Concrete Population. 20 Fully grown Construction. Muscovy Ducks, $8 each. (254) 799-1994 Houses, Metal Buildings, Young Black BranDriveways, Patios, gus Bulls For Sale. Please Text (254)-780-6800 Retaining Walls, Ba r ba d o Sh e e p Commercial, includes Rams (good Industrial. horns). 25ft 5th Wheel Family run! Travel Trailer & 22x36x13’ 20 years Carport for sale. For inforexperience. mation call (254) 729-0001 254-300-8798 or leave message. www. Veterinary Mobile advantagemetal Services buildings.com/ In The Waco and Reasonable P u s h and Riding Mowers. New & Used Parts. Call (254) 3664631


Surrounding Area!! Dr. Andy Cunningham 20 Years Experience With Horses, Cattle, Or Small Animals. I Will Come to Your Place. Call for Appointment (254) 722-9334

CHAROLAIS BULLS Registered, Top Quality, Gentle, Polled, Tested. Fancy Charolais Heifers. (254) 729-8644 (254) 747-2701 Also Guineas for sale.

8 Game Hens, $10 each with Rooster $100 all. Also, Doves, white & ring mix, $10 each. 254339-3813 Wa n t e d : Sh e e p, goats, donkeys, horses & other farm animals. Call (254) 865-3546 3 F r e e Hens & 1 Rooster. Pickup at 8am or 5-6:30pm. 254-640-0331

Fertilizer Application, INCREASE GROWTH and Production for your Pasture, Apply N-TEXX 15-5-5, $23/acre, 30-10-10, $31/acre. Add broad leaf weed killer at $9/acre. Weed Killer only, $18/per acre. Contact Carlos Morris 254-421-1276

Livestock Gentle Mixed Breed Cows and Stocker Calves. Call (254) 749-0909 (254) 749-5637 Hunting & Fishing Licenses, Gear & Deer Corn Sale Coming! Just Call for Dates. 254-848-9112 2yr old Registered Beefmaster Bulls. Great Herdsire prospects. Gentle, good bloodline, pasture raise. (254) 7498448 (254) 749-7808 I will take any unwanted Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks. (254) 881-2022 10 HEREFORD and Angus bulls, 20-24 months old, fertility tested, ready for services, Caldwell area, Joey 979-224-4698, Victor 979-446-2054 or Margaret 979-218-8336.

Feed & Supplies

Fertilized Coastal square bales. We can load with machine on trailers, $7 each. Round bales also available. Delivery options available (254) 717-6283 Horse Quality fertilized coastal round bales, $75 each. Also fertilized cow hay coastal bales available, $55 each. Horse quality coastal square bales $7 each. 10 miles north of Waco. We can load, Delivery options available (254) 717-6283

FARM LAND for sale in Limestone County, 62 Acres more or less. $3,500 an acre. Please email for more info! or call 254-729-2961. 1/2 Acre Lot for sale located on West Highway 164 about 3 miles outside of Groesbeck. Asking $5,000. Email information or call 254-729-2961. mollyjcox@ gmail.com


1516 Maya trail harker heights, tx 76548



Farm Land & Ranches


for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions, photos, and more upcoming auctions. 254-718-5120 T. Gallaway TX LIC#12798 Central Texas

Feed & Supplies Hunting & Fishing Licenses, Gear & Deer Corn Sale Coming! Just Call for Dates. 254-848-9112 For Sale 5x5 Sudan Bales, $60 & Mixed Grass Bales, $30. (254) 826-4266 This year ’s Cline Round Bales 38 @$65 each. 254-722-5692 between 7am & 7pm. WE BUY PECANS! TOP PRICES PAID. 1121 W. WACO DR. (next to Chapman’s Check Cashing) (254) 265-2099

Farm Land & Ranches

SHILLING EXCAVATION, LLC DOZER SERVICES & MOTOR GRADER • Commercial • Residential • Building & House Pads • Land Clearing • Erosion Control & Repair • Driveways • Stock Tanks • Build & Enlarge and Clean Out Tanks • Ranch Work (254) 744-2264 Shane results you can count on! We can sell just about anything! Call American Classifieds at 254-752-0334.

BRADBERRY BUILDERS SUPPLY The Real Deal for Steel 30’ x 40’ x 10’

Shop or Garage Building Built On Your Lot


Auction Services. Maya Real Estate and Contents Auction. 1516 Maya Trail, Harker Heihts, TX, 76548. Dec. 14, contents@ 10am, Real estate @ 12pm. Tools, generators, antique furniture, trailers, sewing machine and more! Call 254-718-5120 or visit centraltexasauctionservices.com for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions. Photos and more upcoming actions. T Gallaway TX LIC#12798. Broker Lic#9003373 Public Auction Over 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-6665484 Auctioneer TXS 12497

December 5, 2019 Page 13

Auctions Central Texas Auction Services. Elkins Estate Auction. Belton, TX. 76513. December 7, 2019. 10:00 AM, Contents to include: Tractors, Trailers, Boat, tools, firearms, signs, ATV’s and more!. Call 254-718-5120 or visit centraltexasauctionservices.com for information, buyer’s premium, terms & conditions. Photos and more upcoming actions. T Gallaway TX LIC#12798. Broker Lic# 9003373 NOTICE OF Public Sale Pursuant to Chapter 59, Texas property code, this is a notice of public sale of property to satisfy a landlord s lien. The auction will be held online on StorageTreasures.com December 13th, 2019 Starting at 2 P.M. Property will be sold in auction to the highest bidder. A deposit for removal and cleanup may temporarily be required. Seller reserves the right to not accept any bid and can withdraw the property at anytime before sale. All property being sold as household items unless otherwise specified below. Property includes contents of space from the following tenants: Alicia C Curione, Alisa M Fisher, Chaney Hall, Darrell Shepard, Dawn Eckles, James M Hodges, John Ethridge, Khalilah Warren, Larry Davis, MARIA RODRIGUEZ, Raven Glasker, Sierra D Young, Trevor A Fazio, Troy A Mathis, Wanda Lewis. http://www.storagetreasures.com Garner & Associates, Auctioneers Trusted-Proven-Recommended, Waco, Texas, (254) 717-5051. WaterTree Hydro Water. All natural soaps, oils & lotions. CBD oils, pain cream, shampoos, lotions, doTERRA essential oils. 711 Lake Air Dr. Waco, Tx 76710 (254) 340-0716



2003 ConvertH ible Thunderbird. $7,500. (254) 366-2276 2008 Volvo S60. Nice! 95K miles. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254756-1250 Se Habla Español 2007 Ford Mustang. Sporty. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español As low as $195 month. 2016 Ford Focus SE. Call 254-562-3030 Auto Insurance for less! Starting at $29 per month. Tickets? Accidents? DUI? No License? No Credit? We can help! Call and save today 254-2373612. Hablamos Espanol. Freeway Insurance. Some restrictions may apply. As low as $279 month. 2017 Ford Escape Titanium. Call 254-562-3030 Top Dollar Paid! We Want To Buy Your Car Today! Waco & Bryan Locations. Running or Not! Bring your own tools & pull your own parts. BYOT Auto Parts. We sell parts, we sell cars! (254) 218-5345 2011 BMW 328i. Super clean, 129K miles, ru n s g r e a t ! $ 6 , 5 0 0 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 7527000

2014 Mazda3. 83,180 miles, $12,500 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-7324501 SantrosAutos.com 2004 Buick Park Avenue. 1 owner, auto, A/C, $4,500 Cash. Call 254756-1133 2005 Lexus EX 330. Super nice, 131K miles, heated/cooled seats, $5,750 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 752-7000 2012 Mazda6. 126K miles, ready for anything. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español Only $12,995, $215 per month. 2016 Ford Fusion. Call 254-752-2886 D i st r e s s W h i t e King Bedroom set, Only $1,369. Rustic Gallery Furniture Ranch, Rogers, TX. 254-313-2711 2015 Kia Soul, $1500 Down (In House Financing). PW, PL, TILT, CRUISE, ALLY RIMS, 54,000 MILES. Call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826-5852 or come see it at 605 West Oak Street in West Texas, 76691. Prices do not include doc fees and tt&l In House Financing W.A.C. Mitsubishi Galant 2009. Low miles, only $800 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952

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Page 14 December 5, 2019



2012 Honda Accord As low as $419 month. LX 4 door, 4 cylinder, 2019 Dodge Charger GT. excellent shape, one Call 254-562-3030 owner $9,500. (254) 876-8040 Cash for junk cars, scrap metal, transmissions, washers, dryers, motors, lawn mowers, A/C units, call us (254) 420-6755. Only $11,991 $199 per month. 2018 Nissan Versa. Call 254-752-2886 Cash for junk cars, scrap metal, transmissions, washers, dryers, motors, lawn mowers, A/C units, call us (254) 420-6755. GM Certified Cars, Trucks, SUV’s. 2018 GMC Canyon, 2011 Ford Expedition, 2017 Buick Regal, 2014 Honda Accord, 2010 GMC Yukon. Financing you can count on! Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290 900 W. Loop 340

2010 FoRd Focus • 114K Miles • Power Windows • Power Locks • Cold A/C

$4,995 All prices +TT&L





Full Synthetic Oil Change $39.95. Tire Rotation $9.95. Brake Pad Replacement $209.95. Mitsubishi Vehicles Only! Jubilee Mitsubishi (855) 840-0295

Chevy Impala 2010. Low miles, air heat, very clean, $950 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 7235952 2012 Chevy Equinox, $1,500 Down (In House Financing). PW, PL, TILT, CRUISE, ALLOY RIMS, CD PLAYER, 84,0 0 0 MILES. call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826-5852 or come see it at 605 West Oak Street in West Texas, 76691. Prices do not include doc fees and tt&l In House Financing W.A.C.

$20 0 0 Total Drive Out! 2004 Chevy Blazer 4x4. 2000 Chevy Astro Van. 2005 Cadillac Escalade. 2002 Nisan Xterra. 2005 Frd Freestar Van. 2008 Cadillac SRX SUV. 2008 Saturn Aura. 2002 Pontiac Grand AM. Cash Cars, Low Down Payments, Buy Here, Pay Here! (254) 753-6661 25th & Franklin 2011 Toyota Camry. 110,000 miles, $7,995 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-732-4501 SantrosAutos.com 2013 Dodge Dart. 84K miles, great on gas. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español

Only $14,993 $250 per month. 2018 Nissan Altima. Call 254-752-2886 Public Auction Over 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-6665484 Auctioneer TXS 12497

JNB Tire & automotive 4500 Bellmead Drive Alignments a/c service brakes computer diognostics engine repair batteries tires/ wheels 24 hour road service specializing: All types of repairs 867-TIRE (8473)

2 0 0 2 T o y o ta Avalon. 6cyl. 3.0L, 4DR, new tires, new struts, new generator, $3,200. (254) 715-1092 2003 Honda Accord. Silver, moonroof, $2,500 obo (254) 760-0165 Only $21,994 $360 per month. 2019 Chrysler 300 Limited. Call 254-7522886 2014 Toyota Camry. Extra nice, excellent condition! $6,995 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 752-7000


Chevy Cobalt 2008. A real gas saver! Low miles, only $700 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 Cash for junk cars, scrap metal, transmissions, washers, dryers, motors, lawn mowers, A/C units, call us (254) 420-6755.

2010 Hyundai ElanTRa Gls • 125K Miles • Power Windows • Power Locks • Cold A/C


104 E. Ward, Robinson, TX



Vehicles Under $3000 Top Dollar Paid! We Want To Buy Your Car Today! Waco & Bryan Locations. Running or Not! Bring your own tools & pull your own parts. BYOT Auto Parts. We sell parts, we sell cars! (254) 2185345 1993 Jeep Cherokee, $995. Call (254) 829-4030 1996 Dodge Ram 1500, $1,595. Call (254) 829-4030 2 01 4 C h r y s l e r 300. Extra clean, runs great, super nice! $7,995 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 7527000 20 03 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Auto, V6, $1,800 Cash. Call 254-756-1133 2006 Mazda6. Auto, A/C, PW, PL, $2,950 Cash. Call 254-756-1133 2003 Ford Expedition, $2,995. Call (254) 8294030 1967 Dodge Coronet. New tires, new brakes, new paint. Good shape, 225 motor, $2900 obo. 254-227-8909

Only $26,591, $435 per month. 2019 Ram 1500. Call 254-752-2886 As low as $599 month. 2017 Ford F-250 Crew XLT. Call 254-562-3030 1999 Ford F-350 4x4. 7.3L Diesel, wheels, Classic Cars ru n s g r e a t ! $ 5 , 9 9 5 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 7527000 20 04 Chevrolet Silverado, extended cab. $500 de enganche, W ANTE D OL D New shocks, brakes, wano checamos tu crediPorsche, Jaguar, Merter pump. Straight body, to! Mas de 10 vehicucedes, Ferrari, Corvette, clean, $6,500 Firm. No los listos para manejar. Any Condition. Any Eutext, call only (254) 744Carros, trocas, suv’s! ropean Cars! Call/Text: 7048 Pagos bajos, Warran613-894-1141; Email: Car2016 Mercedes ties disponibles. Kotie’s Dodge Ram 2004. hunter472@gmail.com I Benz C300. 25,000 Cars at 24th and FrankGreat sturdy truck! $800 Pay Finders Fee $$$ miles. Perfect condilin (254) 723-5952 down. 24th and Franklin tion inside and out! (254) 723-5952 JNB Tire & automoOnly $26,992 $445 per $20,500. (254) 4202011 Chevy LTZ 4x4. tive 4500 Bellmead month. 2017 Chevy Ca- 2762 6.6L Duramax diesel, Drive Alignments a/c maro. Call 254-752-2886 leather, $15,950 Cash. GM Certified Cars, service brakes computOnly $6,995, $199 per Trucks, SUV’s. 2018 GMC er diognostics engine Call 254-756-1133 month. 2016 Hyundai Ac- Canyon, 2011 Ford Expe- repair batteries tires/ Auto Insurance for cent. Call 254-752-2886 dition, 2017 Buick Regal, wheels 24 hour road less! Starting at $29 per service specializing: Stitchin Shack Long 2014 Honda Accord, 2010 month. Tickets? Accidents? All types of repairs Arm Quilting & Embroi- GMC Yukon. Financing you DUI? No License? No 867-TIRE (8473) dering. We have fabrics, can count on! Richard Karr Credit? We can help! Call threads, and notions for Motors (254) 776-2290 and save today 254-237JNB Tire & automoyour sewing, quilting proj- 900 W. Loop 340 3612. Hablamos Espanol. Vehicles tive 4500 Bellmead ects. Please come by 4355 2004 Toyota Avalon. Freeway Insurance. Some Under $3,000 Drive Alignments a/c FM 933, Whitney, TX or call 78K miles, dependable! restrictions may apply. service brakes computus at (254) 824-1234 Giles Motors 1915 Franker diognostics engine 2012 Malibu 4 door, lin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se repair batteries tires/ clean, 150,000mi., AC/ Habla Español wheels 24 hour road Heat, stereo, everything 2011 Chevy Camaro, service specializing: works! $3,500. (254) 366- $6,995. Call (254) 829- 1998 Jeep Cherokee, All types of repairs 0019 Se habla Español 4030 $1,895. Call (254) 829-4030 867-TIRE (8473) 20 0 0 F-150 XLT 2008 Pontiac G6, Stepside, V8, new $2,395. Call (254) 829- tires, excellent 4030 condition, garage 1995 Lincoln Town kept! 182K, $5,750. Car. 137K miles, super Call (254) 855-5005 clean, classy! $2,150 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Toyota T u n d r a Pay Here. No Credit No 2000. 140,000 miles, very Problem! Call (254) 752- sturdy truck & just $1,000 7000 down. 24th and Franklin 1997 Ford Ranger, (254) 723-5952 $1,895. Call (254) 829- 2002 Chevy Silvera4030 do 2500 HD. Crew cab, 2004 Honda Odys- $3,500 +TT&L. Giles Mosey, $1,695. Call (254) tors 1915 Franklin Ave. 829-4030 254-756-1250 Se Habla 1993 Ford F-150, $995. Español Call (254) 829-4030 As low as $393 month. 2016 Ford F-150 XLT. Call 254-562-3030 Vans 2013 Ford F-150 XLT 2018 Gmc yukon SLT Crew Cab. 4x4, 5.0L V8, 95K miles, $19,500 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson GM Certified Cars, Dr. 254-732-4501 SantroTrucks, SUV’s. 2018 GMC sAutos.com Canyon, 2011 Ford Expe1999 Ford F-350 dition, 2017 Buick Regal, Extended Cab Long 2014 Honda Accord, 2010 Bed, Automatic, All Power, 2016 buIck GMC Yukon. Financing you A/C, 2WD Excellent Concan count on! Richard Karr dition 139,000 miles. 7.3 LacroSSe eSSence Motors (254) 776-2290 Power Stroke Diesel En#5036 900 W. Loop 340 gine. Asking $9,750. (979) Full Synthetic Oil 255-5536 Change $39.95. Tire Ro- 2 0 0 4 F o r d F-150. tation $9.95. Brake Pad Cold ac, super clean, Replacement $209.95. ru n s g r e a t ! $ 3 , 9 9 5 Mitsubishi Vehicles Only! Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Jubilee Mitsubishi (855) Pay Here. No Credit No 840-0295 Problem! Call (254) 752PLACE ​ ​your ad in the 7000 2016 cadILLac aTS #5143 next American Classifieds. 2009 Chevy Silverado, 254-752-0334. 127,803 miles, $15,995 2 015 C h e v y Cit y +TT&L. Santros Family Express, $12,951. PW, Autos 806 N. Robinson CARGO VAN, A/C, ONE Dr. 254-732-4501 SantroOWNER, 50,800 MILES. sAutos.com Call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826- 2006 GMC 4x4. Du5852 or come see it at ramax Diesel, $14,500 605 West Oak Street in +TT&L. Giles Motors 1915 #5205 West Texas, 76691. Prices Franklin Ave. 254-756do not include doc fees 1250 Se Habla Español and tt&l In House Financ- 2011 Ford F-150 XLT ing W.A.C. Supercrew. 94,012 miles, 2004 E250 Conversion $13,995 +TT&L. Santros Van. V8, auto, all power, Family Autos 806 N. Robmust see to appreciate! inson Dr. 254-732-4501 $5,995 obo. 254-339-3813 SantrosAutos.com

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2006 ford f-250

SuPerCrew, 6.0L dIeSeL, Auto, A/C

2011 CHevy ltZ 4x4

6.6L durAmAx dIeSeL, LeAther



2008 infiniti qx56

Auto, LeAther, roof, A/C, 3rd row

December 5, 2019 Page 15

HERRING AUTO SALES We Don’t Care About Your Credit. We Care About YOU! 2004 Ford F-150 2004 Ford expediTion 4x4 Cold A/C, Super CleAn, runS GreAt!


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2008 ford edge limited Auto, gLASS roof, A/C


cash +TT&L

2007 GMc yukon 4x4


2015 ford explorer limited gLASS roof, LeAther, 3rd row



2009 nissan versa Auto, A/C, Pw, PL



2012 GMc acadia

extrA CleAn, low mileS, 108K, fully equipped!


cash +TT&L

2008 GMc acadia

leAther, 3rd row, fully equipped

2011 CadillaC srx Auto, A/C, Low mILeS



cash +TT&L

2011 GMc acadia

leAther, fully equipped, 128K mileS


cash +TT&L

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Super CleAn, 110K mileS, runS GreAt!

2003 ford explorer Auto, A/C

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down payments

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$7,995 $15,950



Sunroof, fully equipped, nAviGAtion, 4x4


leAther, fully equipped

Auto, A/C

$7,500 $7,995

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2014 ToyoTa caMry extrA niCe, exCellent Condition!


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2016 chrysler 200 low mileS, 51K, liKe new!

starting as low as



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low down payment 2005 sUBarU legaCy wagon


cash +TT&L

2005 lexus ex 330

Super niCe, 131K mileS, heAted/Cooled SeAtS



2003 maZda6 Auto, A/C, Pw, PL



2002 dodge dUrango AS IS

2003 mitsUBisHi eClipse Auto, V6




1995 lincoln ToWn car 137K mileS, Super CleAn, ClASSy!



cash +TT&L

2011 BMW 328i


cash $10,495+TT&L


cash +TT&L

2014 chrysler 300

Super CleAn, 129K mileS, runS GreAt!

extrA CleAn, runS GreAt, Super niCe!




2008 ford fUsion Auto, A/C, wheeLS



cash +TT&L

2015 dodGe darT 5 Speed, low mileS, 69K

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2013 ford fiesta Auto, A/C



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Page 16 December 5, 2019






Top Dollar Paid! We Want To Buy Your Car Today! Waco & Bryan Locations. Running or Not! Bring your own tools & pull your own parts. BYOT Auto Parts. We sell parts, we sell cars! (254) 2185345 20 06 Ford F-250. Supercrew, 6.0L Diesel, auto, A/C, $6,950 Cash. Call 254-756-1133 1999 Ford 4x4 ext. cab pickup. Extra clean, new parts, $4,750. 254722-9843 2010 Ford F-150. 143K miles. Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-7561250 Se Habla Español

Toyota Tacoma Factor y Running Boards, Heavy Duty, $200. (254) 223-1209

JNB Tire & automotive 4500 Bellmead Drive Alignments a/c service brakes computer diognostics engine repair batteries tires/ wheels 24 hour road service specializing: All types of repairs 867-TIRE (8473)

GM Certified Cars, Trucks, SUV’s. 2018 GMC Canyon, 2011 Ford Expedition, 2017 Buick Regal, 2014 Honda Accord, 2010 GMC Yukon. Financing you can count on! Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290 900 W. Loop 340 1998 Chevrolet One Ton Heavy Duty Wrecker Dynamic Wheel Lift $8,000 (254) 265-3796 1989 F-800 6YD Dump. Propane conversion, 5 speed, air brakes, cold A/C. Everything works, ready to work! $4,500 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-7324501 SantrosAutos.com

2009 Nissan Versa. Auto, A/C, PW, PL, $4,950 Cash. Call 254-756-1133 As low as $375 month. 2015 Jeep Wrangler Sport. Call 254-562-3030 2013 Chevy Traverse, $1,500 Down ( In House Financing), PW, PL, TILT, CRUISE, ALLOY RIMS, THIRD ROW SEATS. Call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826-5852 or come see it at 605 West Oak Street in West Texas, 76691. Prices do not include doc fees and tt&l In House Financing W.A.C. As low as $279 month. 2014 Cadillac SRX. Call 254-562-3030 2008 Infiniti QX56. Auto, leather, roof, A/C, 3rd row, $8,950 Cash. Call 254-756-1133 Top Dollar Paid! We Want To Buy Your Car Today! Waco & Bryan Locations. Running or Not! Bring your own tools & pull your own parts. BYOT Auto Parts. We sell parts, we sell cars! (254) 218-5345 White 2006 Ford Explorer V6, Automatic, New Tires, A/C, Heater, All Power, 122,000 miles. Excellent Condition! $5,250 OBO (979) 255-5536 2008 GMC Acadia. Leather, 3rd row, fully equipped. $6,995 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 752-7000 Clean 2001 Suburban. Leather, cold A/C, extras, 1 owner. (254) 301-2395 2007 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. 110,462 miles, $13,995 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-732-4501 SantrosAutos.com 2008 Ford Edge Limited. Auto, glass roof, A/C, $7,950 Cash. Call 254756-1133 2007 GMC Yukon 4x4. Sunroof, fully equipped, navigation, 4x4. $7,995 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 752-7000

Save Big! $42,791. 2018 Chevy 2500HD LT. Call 254-562-3030 20 06 Dodge Ram 2500. 4x4, new tires, runs great! $6,500 Cash+TT&L. Buy Here, Pay Here. No Credit No Problem! Call (254) 752-7000 Full Synthetic Oil Change $39.95. Tire Rotation $9.95. Brake Pad Replacement $209.95. Mitsubishi Vehicles Only! Jubilee Mitsubishi (855) 840-0295


Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles

Over 60 vehIcles THURSDAY December 12 • 10 AM

of Waco

7271 BAGBY AVE. • WACO, TEXAS 76712 254-666-5484

tra clean, 98,000 miles, $10,000. 254-562-5722 before 9pm. Only $35,993 $585 per month. 2018 Chevy Silverado LT 4x4 Crew Cab. Call 254-752-2886 2004 Peterbilt 387 $15,000 obo. 2005 Travel Trailer $5,000 obo. Parting out 2- 1999 Ford Escorts. (4) Roadlux Truck Tires 11r22.5’s, $140ea. (4) Continental Car Tires 185/65r14’s, $50ea. Call/ Text (254) 652-6115 As Low as $328 month. 2015 Toyota Tacoma. Call 254-562-3030 Public Auction Over 60 Vehicles! Abandoned, Wrecked and Unclaimed Vehicles. Thursday, December 12th @10am. Tow King of Waco 7271 Bagby Ave. Waco, Tx 76712 254-6665484 Auctioneer TXS 12497 2004 GMC Yukon. Will trade for GMC or Chevy Pickup Truck. (254) 2241224 2 0 0 7 F o r d F-150, $3,295. Call (254) 8294030


2012 Jeep Sahara. 4 door, 4x4, auto, 6 cylinder, $15,950 Cash. Call 254756-1133 GM Certified Cars, Trucks, SUV’s. 2018 GMC Canyon, 2011 Ford Expedition, 2017 Buick Regal, 2014 Honda Accord, 2010 GMC Yukon. Financing you can count on! Richard Karr Motors (254) 776-2290 900 W. Loop 340 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, 108,326 miles, $16,500 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-7324501 SantrosAutos.com Auto Insurance for less! Starting at $29 per month. Tickets? Accidents? DUI? No License? No Credit? We can help! Call and save today 254237-3612. Hablamos Espanol. Freeway Insurance. Some restrictions may apply. 2009 Jeep Commander. 122K miles, Roomy! Giles Motors 1915 Franklin Ave. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español 2007 Lincoln Navigator. Leather, roof, auto, A/C, $7,950 Cash. Call 254-756-1133


128K Miles




$15,995 +TT&L

2013 FORD F-150 XLT cREW cAb

4x4, 5.0L V8, 95K Miles

806 N Robinson Dr. Waco, TX


177K Miles

or View Our Inventory at

SantrosAutos.com *W.A.C. Photos for illustration purposes only.

118K Miles

$19,500 +TT&L

2006 hONDA AccORD

$5,500 +TT&L

2015 kIA SOuL

$8,500 +TT&L

auto sales

3215 Cloverleaf, Waco, TX 76706 254-662-5280 www.jpautosaleswaco.com SUVs


2012 Chevy Traverse, $1000 Down ( In Hose Financing). PW, PL, TILT, CRUISE, ALLOY RIMS, THIRD ROW SEATS. Call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826-5852 or come see it at 605 West Oak Street in West Texas, 76691. Prices do not include doc fees and tt&l In House Financing W.A.C.

Pontiac Grand Prix 2008. Really nice car! Only $650 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 Full Synthetic Oil Change $39.95. Tire Rotation $9.95. Brake Pad Replacement $209.95. Mitsubishi Vehicles Only! Jubilee Mitsubishi (855) 840-0295 2004 GMC Yukon. Will trade for GMC or Chevy Pickup Truck. (254) 2241224 2015 Kia Soul, 118K miles, $8,500 +TT&L. Santros Family Autos 806 N. Robinson Dr. 254-7324501 SantrosAutos.com

JNB Tire & automotive 4500 Bellmead Drive Alignments a/c service brakes computer diognostics engine repair batteries tires/ wheels 24 hour road service specializing: All types of repairs 867-TIRE (8473) As low as $547 month. 2016 Chevy Tahoe LT. Call 254-562-3030 Only $20,994 $345 per month. 2016 Toyota Rav4 Limited. Call 254752-2886 Honda Pilot 2006. Air, heat, nice SUV, only $1,000 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952 2013 Chevy Tahoe, Power Windows, Power Locks, Third Row Seats, 92, 000 Miles. $16,951. Call or visit today Uptmore Motors Inc. (254) 826-5852 or come see it at 605 W. Prices do not include doc fees and tt&l In House Financing W.A.C. Honda Pilot 2004. Low miles, very nice suv. Only $800 down. 24th and Franklin (254) 723-5952



2014 MAzDA3 83K Miles

56K Miles

$12,500 +TT&L

2007 JEEP WRANgLER RubIcON 111K Miles

$13,995 +TT&L

LOOKS LIKE NEW!!! 42’-0” long total Sleep 8+ people on it *1 Master room (sleep 2 people) *1 back room (or garage) 8’x12’ with two king electric beds (sleep 4 people or 6 with extra bed on floor) *2 bathrooms (one complete, with shower, and one in back room) *1 sofa/bed in the living room (sleep 2 people) *2 recliners (can sleep on those) *1 radio indoor/outdoor sound *1 Power Awning *1 Power Slide-Out Room

44,900 Paid $68,900

325-201-6971 Ba r ba d o Sh e e p includes Rams (good horns). 25ft 5th Wheel Travel Trailer & 22x36x13’ Carport for sale. For information call (254) 729-0001 or leave message. 2014 XLR by Forest River Nitro Toy Hauler 5th Wheel Series MO38DBQ5. Looks like new! 42’0” long total. Sleeps 8+ people. Master room, 1 back room (or garage), 2 king electric beds, 2 bathrooms, 1 sofa/bed in living room, 2 recliners, 1 radio indoor/outdoor sound, 1 power awning, 1 power slide out room, $44,900. (325) 201-6971

RVs 1988 Avion Travel Trailer. Looks like Airstream, cold air, come look! $10,000 obo (254) 993-1164

2015 Surveyor 245 BHS Forest River RV, sleeps 8, 28 ft. 3 in. long, $15,900 obo. Call Steve for more information, 254749-4663.




94K Miles


$10,450 +TT&L

5th Wheel Series M038DBQ5


1989 F-800 6-YD DuMP

Propane Conversion, 5 Spd, Air Brakes, Cold A/C, Everything +TT&L Works, Ready To Work

2014 XLR by Forest River NITRO TOY HAULER

$13,995 +TT&L

2010 TOYOTA TuNDRA 137K Miles

110K Miles

$15,995 +TT&L


$7,995 +TT&L




20 06 Toyota 4 4 Runner, 1 owner, all maintenance records, ex-






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RVs Want to Buy Travel Trailer or 5th Wheel. Even if repairs are needed. Must have title. (346) 244-8907 2014 XLR by Forest River Nitro Toy Hauler 5th Wheel Series MO38DBQ5. Looks like new! 42’0” long total. Sleeps 8+ people. Master room, 1 back room (or garage), 2 king electric beds, 2 bathrooms, 1 sofa/bed in living room, 2 recliners, 1 radio indoor/outdoor sound, 1 power awning, 1 power slide out room, $44,900. (325) 201-6971

Top Dollar Paid! We Want To Buy Your Car Today! Waco & Bryan Locations. Running or Not! Bring your own tools & pull your own parts. BYOT Auto Parts. We sell parts, we sell cars! (254) 2185345



Family Owned

2 018 B u m p e r Pull Camp Trailer For Sale. 1 queen size bed, 2 twin bunks, sofa/ futon, dining table makes a bed, slider extended room. Call (254) 732-0840

Auto Parts


Better Business Bureau, Inc.

Free Estimates


December 5, 2019 Page 17


For Sale Sea Eagle H Inflatable Boat #STS 10, $875. Honda Outboard

#BF2.3DH, $675Aluminum Boat Trailer #SUT450-1, $800. Humminbird Helix 7 Chirp Mega SI GPS $380. 12 Boat Marine Battery, w/holder, $80. (254) 666-9477 Five sets of never used 9’ x 26” boat fenders. Paid $425. Asking $300 OBO. Leave message (254) 749-5309


RV Spaces For Rent in Gholson, $150. Electric, water, sewage, garbage included (254) 495-4510 Price Reduced 2012 Travel Trailer. Summerland by Springdale. Tongue pull, 27ft, $6,950. (903) 519-5055 2006 Trailmanor Model 3124KB. Roof air awning, sleeps 6, excellent condition, when folded can fit in garage. Weighs 3390lbs, can be pulled with almost any vehicle. $4,500 obo. (254) 662-4455

20 08 Electra Glide Harley Davidson. Dealer modified, 103 ci, 85 horse, $10,000 or best offer (254) 405-2199 HARLEYS, HARLEYS, Harleys. Worlds largest selection of used Harleys, best financing, 800-7368173. We Buy & Repair Unwanted/ Broken ATV’s, Motorcycles & Scooters. We Pick-Up (903) 3369086 JNB Tire & automotive 4500 Bellmead Drive Alignments a/c service brakes computer diognostics engine repair batteries tires/ wheels 24 hour road service specializing: All types of repairs 867-TIRE (8473)

2004 Peterbilt 387 $15,000 obo. 2005 Travel Trailer $5,000 obo. Parting out 2- 1999 Ford Escorts. (4) Roadlux Truck Tires 11r22.5’s, $140ea. (4) Continental Car Tires 185/65r14’s, $50ea. Call/ Text (254) 652-6115 W ANTE D OL D Porsche, Jaguar, Mercedes, Ferrari, Corvette, Any Condition. Any European Cars! Call/Text: 613-894-1141; Email: Carhunter472@gmail.com I Pay Finders Fee $$$ (4) Goodyear 4 Tires on 6 Lug Wheels. 235/80R17, $200.


(254) 214-4784 CLASSIFIEDS ​WORK wonders. Call American Classifieds, 254-752-0334.


2 0 0 7 H o n da Shadow VT, 1100cc, mint condition, 4,700 miles, new rear tire, carbs rebuilt. Price Reduced to $2,995. Must sell! 254-7155162

Toyota Tacoma Factor y Running Boards, Heavy Duty, $200. (254) 223-1209

Auto Insurance for less! Starting at $29 per month. Tickets? Accidents? DUI? No License? No Credit? We can help! Call and save today 254-2373612. Hablamos Espanol. Freeway Insurance. Some restrictions may apply.

JNB Tire & automotive 4500 Bellmead Drive Alignments a/c service brakes computer diognostics engine repair batteries tires/ wheels 24 hour road service specializing: All types of repairs 867-TIRE (8473)

CITY 254-754-1831 3505 Franklin Ave, Waco, TX 76710

GileS MOTOrS We Finance! competitive rates

1915 Franklin aVe. 254-756-1250 Se Habla Español

HometoWn oWners raMOn 2008 buiCk EnClavE

3rd Row, Leather


2016 CHEvy taHoE ltz $36,995 +TT&L

55K Miles

2011 Hyundai Santa fE

141K Miles

126K Miles


2012 Mazda6 Ready For Anything!

MOTOR COMPANY 2011 ToyoTA CorollA lE

Power windows, Power Locks, 126,195 miLes, #19-260

2012 CHEvy CruzE lT 53,626 miLes, Pw, PL #19-294


2013 HyundAi SAnTA FE

sPort, 2.4L, 141,697 miLes, Awd #19-282

$8,650 2012 gmC SiErrA 1500 SlE crew cAb, texAs edition, 109,116 miLes, #19-284



2008 Ford EXplorEr SporT TrAC XlT

1500, 165,539 miLes, LeAther, nAv, moonroof, bAckuP cAm, #mc-16


2010 dodgE rAm 2500 ST 2012 CHEvy SilvErAdo lT 2015 CHEvy SilvErAdo lT

2013 Ford lAriAT 4X4

$14,950 2013 rAm 1500

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Located at 35th & Franklin Ave. Since 1986



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2010 ford f-150 Work Horse!

2006 GMC 4x4 $14,500

Duramax Diesel



2009 CHEvy Suburban Roomy!

4x4, LeAther, ext. cAb, 169,505 miLes, #19-291


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suPercrew, remote stArt, #19-265

2012 CHEvy SilvErAdo lT 2012 rAm 2500 CrEW CAb 2009 CHEvy SilvErAdo lTz crew cAb, 4x4, 121,068 miLes, bAckuP cAmerA, #19-279

Work Horse

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2010 CHEvy SilvErado


2011 JEEp grAnd CHErokEE 2011 CHEvy SuburbAn lTz LAredo, 100,862 miLes


$12,950 84


2011 kia optiMa Great On Gas!

N. 3

5th .

suPer crew, 171,505 miLes, #mc31

eddie bAuer, v6, 119,611 miLes, #19-287



Av e

2007 Ford F-150 XlT


2008 Ford EXplorEr

117,312 miLes, nAviGAtion, bLuetooth, #19-278



bLuetooth, 74,555 miLes, #JG1

2013 niSSAn murAno


LeAther, bAckuP cAmerA, 63,402 miLes, #19-286


2015 JEEp grAnd CHErokEE AlTiTudE


2016 Ford ESCApE TiTAnium

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2014 gmC yukon dEnAli XlT

2004 toyota avalon

78K Miles



LeAther, 3rd row, Auto, #19-244

LeAther, bAckuP cAmerA, 132,100 miLes, #mc26



2011 buiCk EnClAvE CXl

2011 lEXuS rX350

2008 gmC yukon Xl

147,081 miLes, LeAther, 3rd row, #19-290

Wa c

2014 Ford muSTAng

Auto, LeAther, 85,260 miLes, #19-280

See our new inventory at:


Page 18 December 5, 2019



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Page 20 December 5, 2019


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