34th Annual Brazos Forum
This year’s feature speakers will enlighten us on three different topics. A Chaco Canyon National Park Ranger will discuss the Anaszai, or Ancient Ones, who came from an unknown place, built amazing pueblo homes, then disappeared again. Winterthur Museum’s resident scientist will tell us about fakes and forgeries in the art world; how to recognize, analyze, and test them; and what to do to avoid being victimized. A curator for the Preservation Society of Newport, RI will focus on the homes and life styles of the rich and famous during the Gilded Age, including their private residences, their “cottages” (actually mansions) in the Newport, and their travels…especially on the ill-fated Titanic. The Forum is held at the Mayborn Museum on the Baylor campus, and the Titanic Exhibit will also be available during the Forum. In addition, Waco’s own David A. Smith, (Baylor professor, nationally-known speaker, author, newspaper columnist) will offer concluding remarks. Luncheon at the Mayborn, with entertainment, is included. For more details and pricing, visit www.brazosforum.org or call 254-753-1502. Reservations close on 10/18.
Sic’em Science Day October 13, 2018 at 1:00-4:00pm
Sic ‘Em Science is a celebration of all things science at the Mayborn Museum in collaboration with students and faculty of Baylor University. Hands on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) activities will be featured throughout the museum, including the fan favorite Chemistry Magic Show at 3:00 pm. Bring your whole family to experience the wonders of science and let their discoveries spark the future. Admission to the museum includes all activities and events. Baylor University students and museum members receive free admission. The Chemistry Magic Show may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. For information on the status of the event, please call the museum at (254)710-1110.
League of Women Voters & CoSponsor: KWBU Heart of Texas Public Radio Candidate Forum and Meet & Greet Reception October 9, 2018 from 5:30 - 8:30pm Mayborn Museum Complex
For citizens to learn about their candidates for office. Event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
Design Den: Build
September 29, 2018 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm Mayborn Museum
Join us for everyone’s favorite Design Den activity at Design Den Build! Visitors will get the chance to create their own marble roller coasters using recyclables. Once your coaster is complete, give it a name and leave it on our Design Den amusement park for other visitors to test out! Design Den Build is included in the price of admission.
St. Philip Oktoberfest
Saturday, October 13th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 13095 Old China Spring Road
German food, including roast pork, sausage, German potato salad, Cole slaw or sauerkraut beginning at 11:00 a.m. - $10. Silent auction, arts and crafts, a book nook, bake sale and canned salsas and jams. The Kids World activities include a duck pond, face painting, bouncy house, a dunking booth and a kiddie train. Kids hot dog plates will be available for $5. Music will be provided by the Texas Heartbeat Band.
Great Decisions 2018 Discussion Group
Monday, October 1st 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Good Neighbor House, 2301 Colcord Discussion leader: Dr. Gayle Avant Free, donations accepted
Send Community Event Information at least 2 weeks in advance to Kristy.Ferlet@wacotrib.com
#1 Bank
1800 Washington Ave. • 1409 Wooded Acres • 8820 Chapel Rd.
www.cbtwaco.bank • 753.1521