July 2018

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 1 Yes, it is that time of year again; Half Yearly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, and along with that another volume of the official newsletter of the District.

Credits Administration: W Bro Kirkland Douglas PAGDC, DistGSec. Proof Reading: W Bro S. LeRoi Lorde PDistSGW Graphic Artist: Noel Campbell Printing: Phoenix Printery Ltd. Editorial Committee: W Bro Linton Walters, PAGDC, P Dist. BGP W Bro Kirkland Douglas PAGDC, DistGSec. Editor: W Bro Dr. Wade A. Morgan PAGDC; PDistGSupWks.


02 New Master Masons...etc


03 The Cayman Masonic Children’s

Foundation continues to support “Feed our Future”


A New Praxis for Freemasonry in Jamaica

06 Masonic 300 Stamps. 08 Bridging the distance within

the District; the Portland & Brac Lodges Connect

10 1Phoenix Lodge #914 New

Banner Dedicated...

11 Citation-WBro Winston Wright 14 Sussex Family Fun Day 15 Electricity Frequency

Standardization in Jamaica 19 The Week That Was... 22 UGLE Fights Back

We have a wide range of articles highlighting Masonic activities throughout the District but our center piece article was born out of a casual conversation between W Bro Alvaro Casserley

and myself. Often, we focus on the Masonic life of our Brethren but fail to realize that some have been and still are, great contributors to the life of our island state. I thank W Bro Casserley for his scholarly piece describing the less than minor role he played in the development of electrification in Jamaica.

by WBro Dr. Wade A. Morgan PAGDC, PDistGSuptWks

By this time, our new website will have been debuted and we trust it meets your approbation. Policies outlining the use of Social Media will have been approved and distributed to Lodges. We hope this provides a solid platform upon which to operate without taking away from the enjoyment of those media. I would like to use this medium to thank those Brethren (and Companions) who took the time to participate in the Survey of the Royal Arch! This has immeasurable value for Brethren who have not yet taken the bold step of becoming Royal Arch Masons. Stand by for positive actions stemming from the results of this survey!

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NEWLY INSTALLED MASTERS January 2018 – July 2018 NAME W Bro Neil Miller W Bro Dr Dean Wright W Bro G. Michael Fisher W Bro Lloyd Cooke W Bro Clive McDonald W Bro Nigel Davy W Bro Randolph Burgess W Bro R. George Taylor W Bro Cyril Brissett W Bro Lancedale Farquharson W Bro Kent Gammon W Bro David Pellow W Bro Troy Mcinnis

LODGE Kingston 1933 University 7128 Friendly 239 Ewing 3258 Portland 7740 Jamaica College 7254 Phoenix 914 Adair 8146 Harmony 3603 Hamilton 1440 Royal 207 Brac 9470 Collegium Fabrorum 1836

INSTALLATION DATE February 7th 2018 February 9th 2018 February 13th 2018 February 24th 2018 March 3rd 2018 March 12th 2018 March 20th 2018 April 14th 2018 April 21st 2018 May 5th 2018 May 7th 2018 June 8th 2018 June 14th 2018

WELCOME! NEW MASTER MASONS January 2018 – July 2018 NAME Craig Carter Terrence Ferrigon Jevon Forde Justin Bodden Glenville McLeod Chris-Anthony Salter Ricardo Hanson Mark Tomlinson Ryan Scott Andrew Graham Christopher Scott Andre McFarlane Krishna Grey Roy McTaggart Steven Hudson Kirk Samuels

CRAFT LODGE University 7128 University 7128 University 7128 Brac 9470 Kingston1933 Kingston 933 Friendly 383 Friendly 383 Moorekeys 2519 Moorekeys 2519 Hope 2813 Phoenix 914 Phoenix 914 Cayman 8153 Sussex 354 Sussex 354

OBITUARIES January 2018 – July 2018 NAME


W Bro Roy Clennon

Hamilton 1440

W Bro Oswald Brooks

Arawal 6902, Col Fab 1836

W Bro Herman Alvaranga Harmony 3603 W Bro Kirkland Nixon

Cayman 8153, Brac 9470

W Bro Alvin Lambert

St. Thomas 4338

Throw Back to 300 in MoBay

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The Cayman Masonic Children’s Foundation continues to support “Feed our Future”


ro Donnie Forbes presents a cheque for KYD $15,000 representing the CMCF’s annual donation to the Non-Profit Organisation. Feed our Future was founded in 2011 and is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (“NPO”) in the Cayman Islands. It is a 100% volunteer run organization and has a very simple mission, which is to provide children in need regular and dependable access to healthy meals so that they can lead healthy and productive lives. The Feed our Future Board of Directors remain focused on confronting the national issue of hunger and providing a tangible safety net and solution that empowers many children in the Cayman Islands. Feed our Future has developed different programmes to ensure every donation dollar is maximized. Examples being, its programme to fund nutritionally balanced school meals to children in need (in excess of 200 L to R: Frank Balderamos, Director, Feed our Future; Stacey daily) at all Government schools.

VanDe-velde, Chairwoman, Feed our Future; Bro Donnie Forbes,

Additionally, the summer break President, Cayman Masonic Children’s Foundation and Bro Geoff from school represents a long stretch Scholefield, Treasurer, Cayman Masonic Children’s Foundation. of missed meals for many of these children. Over the eight to nine our Future by advocating for under- youth in our community. Since 2012 weeks of summer, the “Recipe for privileged children to be educated the CMCF has provided that supSummer” progamme provides a through access to specialised serv- port through its annual contribution weekly basket of fresh foods for up ices such as literacy, numeracy, to the Feed our Future NPO. The to 100 children and bridges the gap music and art, exposing them to a CMCF is funded by the annual charbetween each school year. Feed our broad range of learning environ- ity collections from the majority of Future has also developed life skills ments. For more information please the Lodges and Chapters in the Cayworkshops to benefit the parents visit http://www.feedourfuturecay- man Islands including: Cayman Lodge No. 8153; Brac Lodge No. and children. These include ‘Cook- man.org 9470; Cayman Holy Royal Arch ing Matters’ and ‘Shopping Matters’. The Cayman Masonic Children’s Chapter No. 8153; Cayman Keystone Most recently the Educational En- Foundation (“CMCF”) was created Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. richment programme has been intro- in 2009 with the intent of providing 1618; Cayman Lodge of Royal Ark duced, which focuses on at risk a collective body of and for Freema- Mariners No. 1618 and generous dostudents at the primary school level. sons in the Cayman Islands to pro- nations from the brethren. This expands the mission of Feed vide meaningful support of the

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MASONIC OPENNESS A New Praxis for Freemasonry in Jamaica By Bro Jeremy Jones


ur PDistGM RW Bro Aubrey Shervington Jacobs aptly put it when he said “if I were asked to suggest a word that Masons have misunderstood and have used to betray our Masonic profession that word would be secrecy. The word is clearly defined in our ritual and we certainly do not need the services of an attorney-at-law to explain it for us.Our ritual states that "Secrecy consists of an inviolable adherence to the obligations you have entered into, never improperly to disclose any of those Masonic Secrets which have been or may at any future period be entrusted to your keeping, and cautiously to avoid all occasions which may inadvertently lead you so to do." This is what our ritual states and yet this word has been one of the greatest stumbling blocks along the way”. I hope that I am forgiven for such an extensive quotation but I found it necessary to share the words of this revered Mason as his book Jacobs Ladder was published in 1996 yet the issue he spoke of has contin-ued to plague our order. We live in a world dominated by various forms of social media and the internet has made it quite easy for conspiracy theories to be made and spread. A search for “Freemasonry” on Google will see millions of results come up and if one goes on the various sites and read many of the stories and supposed exposés about Freemasonry on these sites one would quite easily see that these are just the manifestations of active imaginations. Whilst it is easy for any true, regular Mason to sift through this nonsense and identify it as such those outside

our ranks do not have such a privilege, indeed many are intellectually lazy and quite easily believe anything that they see on the internet or hear on the streets. Therefore, it is our responsibility to educate others as to what Freemasonry is, what it aims to do, what it stands for. Every Mason is representative of the perception that persons form of our order, Masons should know from the evening of their initiation into our order that they no longer represent just themselves but Masonry on a whole. It is the responsibility of all our members to be the best Ambassadors for our Craft, those of us who are known to the general public as Masons are being scrutinized and if our conduct is not impeccable then people will continue to say that they don’t see how our order could be about morals and ethics when so many flawed men are in our order. We should of course let persons know that no matter how noble any organization in the World is there will always be those who don’t live up to the standards of that organization. As a Christian I can say that Christianity is one of the most beautiful belief systems in this World yet so many of its adherents continuously fall short of the mark and so many of its most vocal proponents continue to err. That is representative of human nature, every human has flaws, and it is up to each individual to work on correcting those flaws and becoming better persons, something that Freemasonry aims to do with its members as even though it wants to make good men better, those men are still human beings.

Such an Ambassadorship in my view entails educating everyone we come across with a negative perception of our fraternity as to what it stands for. The UGLE’s social media policy identifies us all as Digital Ambassadors of Freemasonry and encourages us to be open and share all the positives that our craft entails, highlight our charities, share pictures of the fun times had at meetings, share pictures of the brethren having fun as brothers. All this will go a long way in changing the perception of Freemasonry in Jamaica. The more good men who identify themselves as Freemasons the better. Persons will come to the realization that highly regarded men make up our ranks, men who are committed to their religions, families, communities and country, men who would never join an organization that “worships the devil” as some would like to believe. If we are not open and transparent we will compromise our future and growth. The District has been engaging the media more as evidenced by the coverage we have received leading up to our regional Tercentenary celebrations and about Jackie Ranston’s book. That is commendable, it shows that more is being done to bring Freemasonry front and centre so that discussions can ensue and myths busted. Masons in their various spheres also have a responsibility to share the good news of Freemasonry wherever we are in the country. It is our responsibility to let persons know that the only so called “secrets” of Freemasonry are the words, signs and tokens that we use to identify ourselves as Masons and

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 5 that we are of the particular rank that we say we are, whether Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master Mason for example. These “secrets” some say have their origins in a time when literacy was not widespread and the now commonplace reality of printed qualifications was not a reality therefore Masons who were travelling from site to site during the era of the building of the great cathedrals in Europe, to prove that they were skilled and of a particular rank had to use these signs, words and tokens to prove that they were who they said they were. It is also our responsibility to let our membership know that outside of those clearly defined “secrets” they can share and discuss anything else about Freemasonry with persons who are not Masons. It is our responsibility to let persons know that these so called “secrets” are not used outside of Masonic meetings so that fears of secret handshakes used to curry favour in the outside world could be allayed. It is our responsibility to let the world know that Masons who break the law are not protected by the organization. It always surprises persons I come across with such views when I let them know that Masons promise at the outset to uphold the laws of any land which affords them its protection and so when the laws of the land are broken the laws of Freemasonry are in a sense also broken and these persons are either expelled or suspended from our order, yes, expelled, not let off. I am often struck with exclamations of disbelief when I tell persons that members of our order have been expelled from our order for things such as drunk driving, some may deem this silly but are the consequences of drunk driving not apparent? Wouldn’t the justification for expelling such a careless person be very apparent?

It is our responsibility to let persons who are not Masons know that trying to use Masonry for networking for personal gain is against the rules of our organization and those person are open to sanction. We have nothing to hide, our aims are noble, the values on which our fraternity stands are well founded and it due to this why I believe that we should be more open about our order and the joy that membership in it brings us, how the social constructions that divide millions of people across the world are left at the door of the Lodge and peace and the reunification of the human family occurs. Freemasonry has always been a soothing balm, a salve of peace and a great proponent of the positive values that every well thinking Jamaican supports and so we should stand on every rooftop and shout it out proudly. “I am a Freemason”. While I write this article the UGLE has in a move not seen by many in all their years as Masons responded to two quite erroneous articles written in the press in the UK and have told them in no uncertain terms that our order is one that upholds the values and laws of society and what they have written represents ignorance (deliberate or otherwise) of what Freemasonry is. Gone are the “Hear, See and Be Silent” days. That approach has done us a great disservice. Active engagement is the order of the day, which is the only way to rubbish the various myths, conspiracy theories and lies told about our order. The Five part Inside the Freemasons documentary has gone a far way in changing many views and I hear that the UGLE has seen an uptick in interest since that documentary has been aired on British television. I look forward to the day when we have our own documentary about Freema-

sonry in Jamaica, our history, values, membership, outline of what is taught at our meetings and the work we do in our communities highlighted. The UGLE has also gone a far way in highlighting all the good it does with the millions spent on various charities across the country and across the world. We can’t simply sit and wait for persons to have sense, we have to go out there and educate them. In closing, I understand that because of the negative views that exist in our society due to an overall ignorance about our order some are fearful of identifying themselves as Masons, no one wants to be ostracized in any way, shape or form or be discriminated against because of membership in Freemasonry and therefore until one is comfortable about highlighting one’s membership one should keep it private but as the CEO of our Grand Lodge Dr. David Staples said in his reply to the lies published in the newspapers in the UK. “In 2001 and again in 2007 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Freemasonry was not a secret or unlawful organisation. There is absolutely no reason why police officers, or anyone from any other walk of life, should not be a Freemason and we highlight our shared organisational values of integrity and service to the community.” Let us go out into the world and “Hear, See and Educate”.

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Bridging the distance within the District; the Portland & Brac Lodges Connect Compiled by: Bro Shaun MA Cunning and W Bro Robert S Whorms

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” (Psalm 133 vs. 1) The aforementioned, is the passage of scripture to which, in most lodges, the VSL is opened for the ceremony of Initiation, and the sentiment expressed was true to form when W Bro Robert S Whorms, WM, and 12 other brethren of the Brac Lodge No 9470, made their second visit to the Portland Lodge on May 4-6, 2018. The fraternal alliance which has become increasingly cemented with each visit indeed proved itself worthy and memorable for years to come. The alliance between the Portland and Brac Lodges began as an idea conceptualized by W Bro JP Morgan, a Portland Lodge stalwart, who, upon visiting the Brac Lodge, became intrigued with the Taylor workings and proposed and encouraged a visit of the Portland Lodge to the Brac Lodge. The Portland Lodge made its first visit to the Brac Lodge in October 2016 and annual visits have been subsequently reciprocated ever since. This year’s visit by the Brac Lodge, by all accounts, was a very enjoyable, rewarding, and historic one. Not only was it geared towards masonic education, it also offered the visitors a chance to relax and unwind in the beautiful and tranquil parish of Portland. Apart from the most enjoyable libations among brethren in hot spots in Port Antonio, the feature event was by the brethren of the Brac Lodge at the

Seated L-R: VW Bro Dwight Reece DDGM; W Bro Clive McDonald WM Portland Lodge; W Bro Robert S Whorms WM Brac Lodge.

The visiting Brethren of the Brac Lodge. WM of the Brac Lodge W Bro Robert S Whorms seated center. Portland Lodge’s regular meeting on Saturday May 5, 2018. The Brac brethren graciously and expertly performed an exemplification of the ceremony of Initiation according to the Taylor’s Ritual. And it was historic indeed, as never before, in the history of Freemasonry in Jamaica’s English Constitution, has such a presentation ever occurred. The ceremony was a performance to

behold as all the ritual work was executed with eloquence and precision by the brethren of the Brac Lodge. The Brac Lodge No 9470 is the only lodge of the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands that uses the Taylor workings. In comparison with the Emulation Ritual, there is not much disparity, par-

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 9 ticularly in the first degree. Besides being a gloved Lodge, the JW’s Column always being kept lowered, the Square and Compasses arranged on the VSL to face the Candidate rather than the Master, and that the Tracing Board is attended to by the SD, assisted by the JD rather than by the JD alone, are all very subtle differences. The remainder of the workings of the Ceremony of Initiation follows that of the Emulation Workings. However, the seemingly military precision with which the Lodge was squared and perambulated was very remarkable. The brethren of Portland Lodge looks forward to making their return visit to the Brac Lodge later this

year, where it is hoped that another degree ceremony will be performed, rather than demonstrated that time around. This is in no way the prime reason for the visit, but to ‘dwell together’ with our friends and brethren of the Brac lodge in unity and happy fraternal fellowship, thereby bridging the distance and exemplifying the true meaning of Freemasonry.

Bro Darren A Ebanks , Bro Chris Whorms , W Bro J Paul Morhan (Portland Lodge) having a laugh.

W Bro N Anthony Scott Snr and VW Bro Dwight Reece in deep discussion Brethren called from Labour to Refreshment at the Office. L_R (sitting): Bro Justin R Bodden, W Bro Robert S Whorms, W Bro Alee O Faamoe, W Bro N Anthony Scott, W Bro Raydell Carter L-R (standing): W Bro David Pellow, Bro Chris Whorms, Dro Darren Ebanks, W Bro Albert Anderson

Brethren gathered at "A Fi Wi Deck " at the home of W Bro Carl McDOnald

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Phoenix Lodge #914 New Banner Dedicated


or anyone who became a member of the Phoenix Lodge after around 1990, the Banner of the Phoenix Lodge #914 appeared as old and faded. It was not, however until 2012, when the Lodge was celebrating its 150th Anniversary and the banner was photographed for use on the cover of the commemorative magazine, that the Brethren of the Lodge collectively considered replacing it. The thought flourished for some time and in 2015 when W Bro Devon Smith was Master, he ordered that the matter be put on the agenda of the Lodge Committee meetings for discussion. The matter as thoroughly aired and W Bro Smith did some cursory checks and reported costs of making a new banner; but the issue did not become a priority until when, at the Installation meeting of the Lodge in March 2017 the District Grand Master, RW Bro Walter Scott in his address to the newly installed Master, W Bro Earl Manning admonished him to have the old banner replaced.

The new banner

WM of the Phoenix Lodge No. 914, W Bro Randolph Burgess and the brethren of the Lodge in attendance at the Banner Dedication in June 2018 Thus was launched a most interesting and intriguing process, starting in April 2017 with enquiries of the (then) District Grand Secretary, W Bro Robert Forbes as to how to go about the acquisition, to correspondence with banner manufacturers in London and many discussions, disagreements and even disputes among the lodge’s brethren and culminating in October of that year with an order being placed.

livered it to the Lodge in May 2018. The new Master W Bro Randolph Burgess was proud to report to the District Grand Master that the Banner had arrived, and reported to the Lodge that the District Grand Master unhesitatingly offered to carry out the Ceremony of Dedication.

The beautiful and historic ceremony with the District Grand Master in the Chair directed by the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Thomas Smith and highlighted by an Oration by the District Grand Chaplain, W Bro Veront Satchell took place on Tuesday June 19, 2018. The brethren dug deep The Phoenix welcomed approxiin their pockets and W mately 50 visitors including Grand Bro Manning perse- Officers, District Grand Officers, Ofvered when it seemed fice Bearers of the Scottish Constituthat things were awry. tion and numerous other Lodges in the District. W Bro Dave Cameron collected the new banner in London and de-

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CITATION W BRO WINSTON GEORGE WRIGHT, PDistJGW ON HIS ATTAINING 50 YEARS AS A FREEMASON AND A MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY LODGE OF THE WEST INDIES # 7128 E.C. In Chapter 44 of the book of Sirach under the heading “The Glory of God in History” the writer penned these POWERFUL and MEMORABLE words: “So let us now give praise to godly men, our ancestors of generations past, those whom the Lord honoured with great glory, in whom his greatness has been seen from the beginning of time. There were some who ruled kingdoms, and some who were known for their strength. Some were wise advisers, and some spoke prophesies. There were statesmen whose policies governed the people, rulers who issued decrees, scholars who spoke wise words, and those who used pointed proverbs, poets, and composers of music, rich and powerful men living peacefully at home. All of these were famous in their times, honoured by the people of their day. Some of them left a reputation, and people still praise them today. There are others who are not remembered, as if they had never lived, who died and were forgotten, they and their children after them. But we will praise these godly men, whose righteous deeds have never been forgotten. Their reputation will be passed on to their descendants, and this will be their inheritance. Their descendants continue to keep the covenant and always will, because of what their ancestors did. Their family line will go on forever, and their fame will never fade. Their bodies were laid to rest, but their reputations will live forever. Nations will tell about their wisdom, and God’s people will praise them.”

The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of the University Lodge of the West Indies celebrate with joy and rejoicing as with one accord we congratulate our esteemed Brother, W Bro Winston George Wright on his achieving the landmark of fifty years as a Freemason and also as a member of this Lodge. W Bro Wright was initiated into Freemasonry as an Entered Apprentice in the University Lodge of the W Bro Winston G. Wright, PDistGJW, (R) acWest Indies #7128 on the 10th of March cepting a Citation from W Bro Howard R. Tay1967. As a reward for lor, PDistSW, for being a member of the the zeal and enthusi- University Lodge of the West Indies No. 7128, for asm that he exhibited 50 years on 12 th January 2018. The Citation was as a young Freemason in recognition of W Bro Wright’s “Dedication he was appointed As- and outstanding service to Freemasonry in gensistant Secretary of the eral and particularly for his magnificent contriLodge in 1972 and bution to the University Lodge”. At centre is W served with distinc- Bro Donald Moore, Master of the Lodge. tion in that office until 1976. In recognition of his dedication mony for one of its members and carto the tenets of the Order he was ried out a demonstration of Tolstoy’s elected and subsequently installed as “Russian Initiation”. He was also inW. Master of the Lodge in February strumental in organising an Ex1983. He had a highly successful year change visit in 1984 by members of as Master of the Lodge. During the the University Lodge of the West Inyear as Master he organised a tour by dies to the Gooselake Lodge in Saskathe Lodge to Barbados and Antigua toon, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was where having secured the required appointed Almoner of the U.L.W.I. in dispensation the University Lodge 2006 and served in that office until held meetings in both islands and 2012. Cont’d conducted the Third Degree Cere-

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12 THE FREEMASON’S NEWS W Bro Wright was a lead organiser and founding member of the Francis Haddon Bowen Lodge #9238 which was consecrated in 1987. He was the first Secretary of the Francis Haddon Bowen Lodge and he served in that office from 1987 to 2001. He has develop a Masonic lecture titled “Egyptian Mysteries and the First Degree Tracing Board” which he first delivered at the regular meeting of the Francis Haddon Bowen Lodge in May 1991. It was so very well received that it has become a ‘calendar’ event for that Lodge and has since been presented with enhancements in each succeeding year at the May meeting of the Francis Haddon Bowen Lodge. In 1987 W Bro Wright was Exalted to the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch when he became a member of the University Chapter No. 7128 of the Holy Royal Arch. He served in various offices within that Chapter and was ultimately elected and Installed as P.Z. in 1999. Subsequent to his demitting the office of P.Z. in 2002 he served as Director of Ceremonies for the Chapter and in recognition of his excellence was appointed to the rank of Past District Grand Sojourner of the Holy Royal Arch District Grand Chapter of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands in January 2006.

Well-wishers enjoying the moment 18th Degree designation as a Knight of the Pelican and Eagle and a Prince of the Order of the Rose Croix of Heredom. He progressed to the throne in that Chapter thereby securing the designation of M.W.S. Subsequently he was awarded his 30th Degree – Illustrious and Grand Commander of the White and Black Eagle, Grand Elect Kadosh. W Bro Wright is a Founder of the University Chapter of the Rose Croix of Heredom.

In 2004 he acceded to the Chair as Master of the Installed Masters Lodge No. 7420. In that capacity he attended the First Conference of Research Lodges under the United Grand lodge of English Freemasonry held at Great Queen Street, London, England.

In 2004 W Bro Wright was elected to the Board of Benevolence of the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. He served with In 2002 W Bro Wright visited Grand dedication in this office until 2008. Lodge, London, England as a mem- In 2006 as a recognition of W Bro In 1990 W Bro Wright was appointed ber of a delegation of members of the Wright’s service to Freemasonry in District Grand Pursuivant of the Dis- University Lodge of the West Indies general he was promoted to the rank trict Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the as part of the celebrations to mark the of District Junior Grand Warden of Cayman Islands. He served with ded- Lodge’s 50th Anniversary. the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica ication and zeal in that office. and the Cayman Islands. W Bro Wright is an active member In 2001 W Bro Wright was ap- of the Kingston Keystone Lodge of In 2007 W Bro Wright attended the pointed editor of “News for the Mark Master Masons as well as the first International Conference on the Freemason” the official news maga- Royal Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners History of Freemasonry held at the zine of the District Grand Lodge of Lodges and was elected and installed Grand Lodge of Scotland in EdinJamaica and the Cayman Islands. He as W Master and W C.N. respec- burgh, Scotland. served with scholarly excellence in tively of those Lodges. In 2002 he was that office until 2015. appointed Past District Senior Over- In 2009 W Bro Wright was elected to seer of the District Grand Lodge of the Board of General Purposes of the In 1998 W Bro Wright was Perfected Mark Master Masons of Jamaica and District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and in the St. Catherine Chapter Rose the Cayman Islands. the Cayman Islands and served in Croix of Heredom thus earning the that office until 2015. Cont’d

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 13 W Bro Wright is an active member of all three Masonic Constitutions operating in Jamaica… Being a Past Master of the Irish Masters Lodge Mo. 905 under the Provincial Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Bahamas; and currently the 1st Lieutenant/Constable in the Kingston Preceptory and Priory No. 180 under the District Grand Priory of Jamaica, Panama and Bahamas (SC). We congratulate W Bro Wright for his dedication and outstanding service to Freemasonry in general and particularly for his magnificent contribution to The University Lodge of the West Indies. His contribution will never be forgotten. H is r eputation will be passed on to succeeding generations. We wish for him long life and continued enthusiasm in the years ahead as he expands his outstanding Masonic career.

Attendees at the church service at the Chapel of the University of the West Indies.

A GRAND AFFAIR Grand Officers, W Bro Whilston D. Taylor Sr. (L) and W Bro Whilston D. Taylor Jr. pose for the first historic picture of Father & Son Grand Officers. By all counts this is a first to have a Father & Son (living) as Grand Officers. The occasion was the annual Installation of Adair Lodge in Mandeville at the Ewing Lodge Building. Taylor Sr. was a founder and the first WM of Adair was beaming with pride at the recent preferment to his son a PM of Harmony Lodge.

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A glimpse of the crowd


he Sussex Lodge # 354 had its inaugural Family Fun Day on Sunday June 24 and we brought the Kingston Cricket Club located at the Sabina Park alive! An all-inclusive ticket entitled patrons to a host of delectable eatings including Curry Goat, Jerk and Fried Chicken, Jerk Pork, Escoveitch Fish, Rice and Peas, Pasta, Salad, Popcorn, Patties and Hamburgers of many varieties and delicious Grace chicken soup. The Bar was fully stocked with all the favorite spirits and juices befitting the occasion. The ATL Automotive Group was the main event sponsor and they had a range of cars on display. The children enjoyed the Bounce About, Merry –go-Round and Water Dunking, while football fever games brought the whole family together to compete for ATL football prizes.

The range of motor vehicles on display from out main sponsors, the ATL Automotive Group

A fantastic musical treat was provided by the great DJ Courtney who had the crowd grooving all afternoon to an eclectic range of music from the 70’s to current favorites. The gate prize was an all-inclusive weekend for 2 at a north coast hotel and other fun prizes were also given. A great time was had by all.

DJ Courtney at the controls

Deputy District Grand Master, VW Bro Dwight Reece handing out the gate prize to a grateful winner.

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n the early part of the 20th Century, electricity supplies in Jamaica were mainly in the urban areas of Kingston, St. Andrew, Montego Bay, St. Ann’s Bay and Black River. The main supply of 40 cycles per second, once a world standard, had been overtaken by 50 cycles and 60 cycles worldwide. Many studies and reports were done with the objective of making changes to Jamaica’s electricity supply systems. Reports on the subject included: Stone & Webster Service Corporation, Jamaica Association of Professional Engineers, Preece, Cardew & Rider, Mr. V. A. H. Clements, Chartered Electrical Engineer. engaged by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Mr. Clement’s Report in 1947 recommended that the Island’s electricity be fully up-to-date. In 1956 Government passed a Law, The Electricity (Survey) Law (No. 23 of 1956) The purpose of the Law was “ to provide for the collection, compilation and analysis of information relating to the generation, distribution and use of electricity and the types of electrical apparatus in use with the object of determining suitable measures for standardizing electrical frequencies and conditions of supply of electricity.” The Law dealt with the appointment of a Commission for the said purpose. The Commission with five Members was appointed. Mr. Douglas Fletcher of Myers Fletcher & Gordon was the Chairman of the Commission.

Casserly joined the staff of the Electricity Survey Commission. He worked with the Department of Statistics in compiling and analyzing data collected in the surveys (using the punch card system). The reports were submitted to Government. The Survey Commission had offices in the complex adjoining Headquarters House, Duke Street, Kingston, where Members of the House met.

W Bro Alvaro Casserly recommended electricity frequency change to 50 cycles per second. Mr. Paul Goldson, Chartered Accountant, Kingston, Jamaica was engaged by Government and Jamaica Public Service Company Limited to advise on the likely cost of carrying out the electricity frequency conversion. In October, 1956 Mr. Alvaro A.

In February, 1957, Mr. P.W.C. Burke, Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Trade & Industry told Mr. Casserly that Government was dealing with a law for the Frequency Conversion and that they should go to the verandah adjoining the Chamber, in case there were any questions. While there , Hon. Norman Manley, Premier, came out with a sheet of paper in his hand. Mr. Casserly recognized the sheet of paper, a tabulation of electricity generating plants in Jamaica, which he had prepared. Hon. Manley asked a question; Mr. Burke looked at Mr. Casserly. Mr. Casserly answered.

At about that time, Government engaged Ivan Block & Associates of Portland, Oregon, U S A as Consultants. Ivan Block & Associates

Jamaica Public Service Company, Old Harbour

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16 THE FREEMASON’S Hon. Norman Manley re-entered the Chamber and completed his presentation. The Electricity (Frequency Conversion) Law, No. 3 of 1957 was passed in February, 1957; “ to initiate the standardization of frequency of electricity throughout the island and for this purpose establish a Commission to prepare Schemes for such standardization in areas in which electricity is supplied to the public and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto”. The Commission of five Members was appointed on May 1, 1957: Hon. Douglas Fletcher, Chairman; Mr. R T Parry, Chief Engineer, Electricity Division, Ministry of Trade & Industry; Mr. C A Somerville, Acting Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Trade & Industry; Mr. A. R. Marsh, Cost Accountant, Accountant General’s Department; Mr. O. M. Henzell, Manager, Caymanas Estates. Mr. Alvaro A. Casserly, was appointed Secretary of the Commission on May 1, 1957 ( The Secretary’s position then was equivalent to today’s Chief Executive Officer). Over the years, representatives from the Ministry of Trade & Industry have included: Mr. P W C. Burke, Mr. B. B. Powell, Mr. R. H. Robinson. Mr. A. A. Rattray, Mr. H. G. Barber, Mr. A. K. Elliott. Mr. W. M. “Bill” Howell succeeded Mr. R. T. Parry as Chief Engineer. At the time of appointment, Hon. Douglas Fletcher said he would not be able to devote time to the programme and would only serve until another chairman could be appointed. On a visit to the Ministry of Trade & Industry, Mr. Casserly was told that a new Chairman had to be appointed. He was shown a sheet of paper with two names. He pointed to his selection. He was asked why

Power-generation he had made that choice. He responded simply “ He plays cricket” Mr. Casserly was of the view that a person who plays cricket would be more a team person, than one who plays golf. Mr. V. C. McCormack, of Captain Morgan Rum Distilleries and later General Manager of the Jamaica Tourist Board was appointed Chairman of the Commission on January 2, 1958. The Commission began by sharing offices with the Electricity Division in Kingston Gardens., and later moved to Offices at 75 Half-WayTree Road, Kingston 10, in premises owned by Mr. G. C. Foster, the great sportsman. Early in the operations , Mr. Casserly telephoned Mr. George MacDuff, President, Jamaica Public Service Company and invited him to a meeting with the Commission at the Commission’s Office. When the date was mentioned Mr. MacDuff said that was Friday the 13th. Mr. Casserly said he had no problem with Friday the 13th. After the Meeting, Mr. MacDuff commented that it was a very good

meeting on Friday the 13th. Early in the programme, Mr. George Cadbury, Economic Adviser to Hon. Norman Manley, Premier met with Mr. Casserly at the Commission’s Office, for over two hours, when the plans and programmes for the Frequency Conversion were discussed. Mr. Casserly in consultation with Jamaica Public Service Company, prepared the first Scheme: Port Antonio Frequency Standardization Scheme, 1958. The Scheme included the area as defined in the Electric Licence, a map of the station and area, generating distribution system, plan for conversion, esti-mates of cost. A draft of the Scheme was sent to Mr. S. T B. Sanguinetti at Myers Fletcher & Gordon for review. Mr. Sanguinetti commented favourably. The Scheme was presented to the Com-mission adopted and signed by V C McCormack, Chairman, A. A. Casserly, Secretary. R. T. Parry, Chief Engineer. on September 5, 1958. The Scheme was submitted to the Minister, approved and sent Cont’d

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 17 to Jamaica Public Service Company to be implemented. The structure of the Port Antonio Scheme was used as the format for the other four Schemes: SavannaLa-Mar by the Electricity Authority: Inter-Connected Electricity System, Mandeville, Black River by Jamaica Public Service Company. It is of note that for the Inter-Connected Electricity System, Jamaica Public Service Company had twenty-four Electric Licences.

Company. There were two features to the system: 1


Copies of all payment vouchers were to be sent to the Commission. Materials and equipment having residual value were to be so identified in the accounts., for sale at the end of the programme.

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co were

Financing: The Electricity (Frequency Conversion) Law stated that the cost of conversion should be met by the public supplier of electricity and recovered through a Surcharge on electricity bills. The small schemes were not a problem, but the financing for the InterConnected Electricity System was not available. Arrangements were made for Loans of GB Pounds 2 Million from the Colonial Development Corporation ( later the Common- A Power Grid wealth Development appointed Auditors for the ConverCorporation (C D C) and G B sion Schemes. Price Waterhouse & Pounds 500,000 from the Royal Co were Auditors for the Jamaica Bank of Canada. The Royal Bank Public Service Company. Trust Company (Jamaica) Limited was appointed to administer the Surcharge: Government engaged the Conversion Fund Account which services of a U.S.A Consultant to would have the proceeds of the advise on the Surcharge to be Loans and the collections from the added to electricity bills to recover Surcharge on electricity bills. the Cost of Conversion in ten The Commission had the responsibility to prescribe the accounts to be maintained for recording the cost of conversion. Mr. Casserly and Mr. Kenneth Ritchie, the Commission’s Accountant prepared the system of accounts to be maintained by Jamaica Public Service

There was no information on how the annual amounts would be collected. The kwh charge would upset the declining block tariff. Mr. Casserly told the Ministry that the Consultant’s proposals could not work. Mr. Casserly obtained from Jamaica Public Service Company a Ten-Year Forecast of Energy Sales and Revenues. With that data he calculated forecasts of Surcharge at varying percentages. He recommended a Surcharge of 8% for the Inter-Connected Electricity System Scheme and 5% for each of the four small Schemes. The recommendation was adopted and implemented. The cost of conversion and all associated costs were recovered through the Surcharge on electricity bills. within the ten year period.

The electricity frequency conversion programme dealt with electricity suppliers equipment and consumers equipment. In February, 1957, the public electricity generating plants were 40 cycles 92.5%, and 60 cycles 7.5%. The private electricity generating plants in Bauxite /Alumina, Sugar Factories, Cement Plant were 40 cycles 16%; 50 cycles 55%, 60 cycles 29%. Facilities were also in place for Consumers to fiyears. Mr. Casserly was sent a copy nance and convert their equipment, of the Consultant’s Report. There and some consumers participated were three proposals: In carrying out the Scheme for the Inter-Connected Electricity System , a. Charge per kilowatt-hour Jamaica Public Service Company. b. Fixed annual amount first engaged as Contractor, Stone & five years c. Fixed annual amount second Webster Engineering Limited (U. K). five years. Cont’d

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18 THE FREEMASON’S The J.P.S. Frequency Conversion Department was established at Oxford Pen on Orange Street. Stone & Webster appointed Mr. Edward Cassidy from the U.S.A. to head the operations. Mr. Casserly established very good working relations with Mr. Cassidy. Other Contractors employed on the small Schemes were E. K. Powell & Associates, Bicknell & Silvera Ltd., R. A. Silvera Ltd.

The programme cost estimated in 1957 at GB Pounds 2.5 million was completed in 1965 for GB Pounds 2.25 Million. Audited Financial Reports for each Scheme were issued by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co in 1967. Also in 1967, Jamaica Public Service Company Limited issued A Certificate of Completion of Conversion to 50 cycles per second signed by G. C. King, President and R. F. Carney, Treasurer.

After completion of the frequency conversion, Jamaica Public Service Company negotiated with the World Bank a loan for development and expansion. The Bank required that a Licence be issued to Jamaica Public Service Company, replacing the numerous Licences that were in place at the start of the frequency conversion. Government issued to Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, the All-

Street Lights

The Electricity Frequency Standardization Commission carried out its reLight Poles sponsibilities and its At the end of the Frequency Con- duties, with a Staff of 12 in 1957, version, sales made to Jamaica at a peak of 37 in 1964 and 20 in Public Service Company; sales to 1965. Government met the exthe General Public, and expendi- penses of the Commission which tures claimed by Jamaica Public for 1957 to 1966 amounted to G B Service Company and not ap- Pounds 176.351. proved totaled GB Pounds 473,778.

Island Electric Licence, which is renewed from time to time. A Report “Electricity Frequency Standardization in Jamaica” was prepared, printed by the Government Printer (189 pages) and submitted to Honourable Robert C. Lightbourne, M P. Minister of Trade & Industry.

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 19 quiet (and quietly) exceptional.The days encompassed between Friday 25 May 2018 and Wednesday 30 May 2018 saw the disbursement of nearly two million (2,000,000) dollars towards various charities.

Friday, May 25, 2018 The Heart Foundation of Jamaica

V W Bro Dwight Reece, Deputy District Grand Master accompanied by W Bro Kirk Douglas District Grand Secretary visited The Heart Foundation of Jamaica located at 28 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5 where they were pleased to present a cheque for $250,000.00 to Ms Carol Hall.


he recently concluded month of May in Jamaica had great significance. The 9th was celebrated as Teacher’s Day, the 13th was Mother’s Day and the 18th celebrated National Children’s Day. For English Freemasonry, the month was also

Friday, May 25, 2018 Maxfield Park Children’s Home Later that morning, W Bro Linton Walters President, District Board of Benevolence, accompanied by DG-

Secty W Bro Kirk Douglas, made a stop at the Maxfield Park Children’s Home. After exchanging pleasantries with Mr Winston Bowen, Manager of the Home and Ms Allyson Bent, Ad-

ministrative Assistant and Ms Nicola Dacres, Children’s Officer, Child Protection & Family Service Agency, a cheque totaling $250,000 was presented.

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20 THE FREEMASON’S NEWS whose parents are unable to provide proper care. Proportional to its stated importance to the District, the District Grand Master made a presentation of $750,000 to Mr Leroy Anderson, Director of the institution, sharing the spotlight with him was Mrs Yanique Shepherd, Deputy Director for Administration. Accompanying the DGM were W Bro Stephen Shelton, President, District Board of General Purposes and W Bro Kirk Douglas, District Grand Secretary.

Monday, May 28, 2018 The National Children’s Home It has long been a tradition of the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands to honour Child’s Month. The National Children’s Home particularly has been singled out as the primary recipient of the District’s attention. To this end, no less a personage than the District Grand Master, RW Bro Walter Scott attended upon the facilities located on lands adjacent to the Hope botanical gardens. The Jamaica National Children’s Home opened in 1973 as a branch of Britain’s National Children’s Home. It is one of Jamaica’s premier providers of care and protection for children rescued from poverty, neglect, abandonment and abuse. It is a non-government organisation owned and operated by the Jamaica Methodist Church, yet its governing board of directors retains strong links with all denominations as well as the Jamaican government. The sole purpose of the National Children’s Home is to nurture children and to provide a loving, caring and stable home to orphans and abandoned children, as well as children with severe mental or physical disabilities

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THE FREEMASON’S NEWS 21 Wednesday, May 30, 2018 Jamaica Cancer Society The Jamaica Cancer Society is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization which was established in 1955 with a mandate to fight and defeat cancer in all its form. Through its mission “to eliminate cancer as a major health problem in Jamaica” the Jamaica Cancer Society provides the Jamaican public with a range of cancer control and prevention services which includes fixed and mobile screening for cancer of the breast, cervix uteri, and prostate at a highly subsidized user fee. Its public health education programmes on cancer of the breast, cervix uteri, prostate, lung, and colon are offered free of charge to corporate organisations, churches, schools, service and community groups. The Society also offers to the medical community, CME credits to participate in its medical symposiums. Provision of counselling and support for newly diagnosed cancer

L-R: Mrs Elvie Passley, W Bro Kirk Douglas, W Bro Steve Shelton, Mr Michael Leslie, Ms Shellyann Brown patients and their families extends to hospital and home visits. Through its fundraising efforts, the Society offers financial aid to its most vulnerable customers to access diagnostic checks, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy services. The District Grand Lodge of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands took a slight

turn this year in terms of its recipients for Charitable donations in that the Jamaica Cancer Society was included. Accordingly W Bro Stephen Shelton, President District Board of General Purposes asked W Bro Kirk Douglas, District Grand Secretary to accompany him in order to make a presentation of $200,000.

upbringing, and are exposed to important life skills that will be important when they leave at 18.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 The Wortley Home for Girls’ website has as its banner statement the following: The Wortley Home, established in 1918, provides a place of safety for

girls from age seven ( we have had them much younger ) to age eight-een. ( they can stay on if they are going to University or College ) The home serves orphans, the abused or those whose family are financially unable to care for them. The girls are lovingly cared for, given a Christian

We may recall that on the 28th February 2018, the home was reopened after extensive repairs were carried out after fire damaged the building in 2015. The home is administered by the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands and Food for the Poor. Our District has had a long association with the home and so it was only natural that our District Grand Treasurer W Bro Steven Holland and W Bro Kirk Douglas would wend their way to the newly refurbished home situiated at Constant Spring Road in the vicinity of Manor Park- in this Child’s Month bearing gifts. A contribution of $250,0000 was handed over to Mr Keith Sangster, Chairman of the home who was joined by Ms Delores Bailey, Manager.

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UGLE Fights Back#EnoughIsEnough


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The New Members of the Administration of the District Grand Lodge and District Grand Chapter Bro His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC GRAND MASTER Bro Peter Geoffrey Lowndes PRO GRAND MASTER Bro Jonathan Spence DEPUTY GRAND MASTER Bro Sir David Hugh Wootton ASSISTANT GRAND MASTER


Bro Walter H. Scott, QC Bro Dwight Reece, PGSwB Bro Ernest Bodden, PAGDC Bro Gordon Brown, PAGStB Bro Carlton Stephen, OD, JP Bro Bernard Jankee Bro Rev. Veront Satchell Bro Steve Holland PAGDC Bro Noel D. Levy, PJGD Bro Stephen Shelton, QC, Bro Kirkland Douglas PAGDC Bro Linton Walters, JP, PAGDC Bro Thomas Smith, JP, PGStB Bro Kenneth Gooden, Bro David Goldson Bro Deryck Russell Bro Barrington Thompson, JP Bro Dayton Wood Bro Osell Campbell Bro Egerton Gracey Bro Lindel Smith Bro Paul Morgan Bro Charles Pennycooke Bro Frank Whylie, JP Bro Deryck Russell Bro Aston King Bro Winston Lawson, PDistSGW Bro Jerome Miles Bro Errol Coleman Bro Michael Alexander Bro Dion Whinstanley Bro John Ellis Bro Erol Smith Bro Joseph Lewis Bro John Bardowell

District Grand Master Deputy District Grand Master Assistant District Grand Master Assistant District Grand Master District Senior Grand Warden District Junior Grand Warden District Grand Chaplain District Grand Treasurer District Grand Registrar Pres. Dist. Bd. of Gen. Purposes District Grand Secretary Pres Dist Bd of Benevolence District Grand Dir of Ceremonies District Grand Sword Bearer District Grand Supt of Works Dep. Dist. Grand Dir of Ceremonies District Grand Almoner District Grand Mentor District Grand Orator District Senior Grand Deacon District Senior Grand Deacon District Junior Grand Deacon District Junior Grand Deacon Dist Asst Grand Secretary Dist Asst Grand Dir of Cer Dist Asst Grand Dir of Cer District Grand Organist District Grand Standard Bearer District Grand Standard Bearer District Grand Pursuivant District Grand Steward District Grand Steward District Grand Steward District Grand Steward District Grand Tyler

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GRAND AND PAST GRAND OFFICERS IN THE DISTRICT RW Bro W. H. Scott, QC RW Bro Afeef A. Lazarus VW Bro the Most Rev the Hon Orland U. Lindsay, OJ VW Bro the Rev Fr Melvin E. Carey VW Bro the Hon Justice P. A. Brooks, CD VW Bro the Hon Dennis H. Lalor, OJ VW Bro Dwight St. George Reece W Bro Jefferey P. Morgan W Bro Graham Smith W Bro Whilston D. Taylor, OD, JP W Bro Desmond R. Whittingham, JP W Bro the Hon David M. Muirhead, OJ, CD, QC W Bro Dennis P. A. Goldson W Bro the Hon. Dossel O. Sinclair, CD, JP W Bro the Hon Michael S. Fennell, OJ, CD, W Bro Dr Basil A. Robinson W Bro Harding O. Watler, JP W Bro Noel D. Levy W Bro Robert N. Forbes, JP W Bro Dr Winston F. B. Clarke, CD W Bro A. Gladstone Fletcher W Bro Carlton E. Williams W Bro A. Colin Panton W Bro Bertram A. Callender W Bro Neville R. Miller W Bro Linton A. Andrews, JP W Bro Verley E. Harrison W Bro Novar P. McDonald W Bro Dr Franklyn K .S. Jacobs W Bro Ivan N. Stephenson W Bro Linton A. Walters, JP W Bro Albert V. Anderson W Bro Stephen M. Shelton, QC W Bro Ernest W. Bodden W Bro Russell O. Hammond, OD, JP W Bro Carl A. McDonald, JP W Bro Wade A. Morgan W Bro Kirkland S. T. Douglas W Bro Stephen P. Holland W Bro B. D. Young Chin, JP W Bro T. Smith, JP W Bro Gordon P. Brown W Bro Whilston D. Taylor Jr.


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W.H.Scott, QC Hon Justice Patrick Brooks,CD, PGSwdB Russell Hammond Rev Fr. Veront Satchell Dr Wade Morgan, PAGDC Kirkland Douglas, PAGDC Desmond Thomas Steve P. Holland Noel D. Levy Thomas Smith, JP Kenneth R.Gooden Deryck A. N.Russell Barrington G. Thompson, JP Courtnay E. Daley Loxley A. Samuels Peter N. Hendricks Herbert A. Hylton Frank F. Whylie, JP, PAGDC David A. Lazarus Eric Lawrence Winston A. Lawson Robert J. Lawson Derrick W. Crump S. Arturo Stewart Basil H. Jennings Fred W.L.L. Cuthbert Deryke A.N. Dwyer

MEGSupt DepGSupt 2ndDistGP 3rdDistGP PCGP DistGSE DistGSN DistGTreas DistGReg DistGDC DistGSwdB DistDGDC DistGAlm DistGChStwd DistGSoj DistAGSoj(1). DistAGSoj(2). DistAGSE DistGStB DistGStB DistGOrg DistAGDC DistGStwd DistGStwd DistGStwd DistGStwd DistGJan

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Walter H.Scott, QC Afeef A. Lazarus Dr. Basil A. Robinson Hon. Justice Patrick A.Brooks, CD Whilston D. Taylor, OD, JP. Neville R. Miller Harding O. Watler, JP Jeffery Paul Morgan Hon. David M. Muirhead, OJ, CD, QC Desmond R. Whittingham, JP. Novar P. McDonald Graham Smith S. LeRoi Lorde, JP Robert N. Forbes, JP Peter C. Crosswell, JP Alvaro A. Casserly, CD, JP Dennis P. A. Goldson Linton A. Andrews, JP Ian R.A. Roxburgh Carlton A. Stephen, OD,JP Kirkland S.T. Douglas Dr. Wade A Morgan N. Anthony Scott Linton Walters, JP Thomas C. Smith, JP Frank F. Whylie, JP


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