Mecklenburg Medicine April 2017

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April 2017 • Vol. 47, No. 4

Mecklenburg Medicine A Publication of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society |


Mecklenburg County Public Health

Mecklenburg County Medical Society


Mecklenburg County Medical Society Foundation @meckmedsociety


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April 2017 Vol. 47 No. 4

Table of Contents


5 President’s Letter: Heed Your Muse

President Stephen J. Ezzo, MD

By Stephen J. Ezzo, MD, President, MCMS

7 Mecklenburg Medical Alliance & Endowment (MMAE) 7 Charlotte AHEC Course Offerings for April 7 National Health & Wellness Observances for April 8 Feature: MCMS Women Physicians Section By Maureen L. Beurskens, MD

9 Feature: MedLink Chart of Free Clinics 13 Member News 13 New Members 13 Upcoming Meetings & Events 14 At the Hospitals 16 Independent Physicians of the Carolinas 16 Advertising Acknowledgements

President-Elect Scott L. Furney, MD Treasurer Elizabeth B. Moran, MD Secretary Robert L. Mittl, Jr., MD Immediate Past-President Simon V. Ward III, MD

BOARD MEMBERS John R. Allbert, MD Maureen L. Beurskens, MD Raymond E. Brown, PA May N. Doan, MD Donald D. Fraser, MD W. Frank Ingram III, MD Stephen R. Keener, MD, MPH Shivani P. Mehta, MD, MPH Babak Mokari, DO B. Lauren Paton, MD Rachel L. Storey, MD Andrew I. Sumich, MD

EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Tracei Ball, MD, President-Elect Charlotte Medical Dental & Pharmaceutical Society Sandi D. Buchanan, Executive Director Mecklenburg County Medical Society Karen Chandler, President Mecklenburg Medical Alliance & Endowment Docia E. Hickey, MD NCMS Past President Darlyne Menscer, MD NCMS Delegate to the AMA Marcus G. Plescia, MD, Health Director Mecklenburg County Health Department Douglas R. Swanson, MD, FACEP, Medical Director Mecklenburg EMS Agency

On the Cover: Logos represent MedLink member agencies. For a list of free and low-cost health clinics in Mecklenburg County, see pages 9-11.

EXECUTIVE STAFF Executive Director Sandi D. Buchanan Finance & Membership Coordinator Stephanie D. Smith Meetings & Special Events Coordinator Jenny H. Otto

1112 Harding Place, #200, Charlotte, NC 28204 704-376-3688 • FAX 704-376-3173 Copyright 2017 Mecklenburg County Medical Society


Mecklenburg Medicine is published 10 times per year by the Mecklenburg County Medical Society, 1112 Harding Place, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28204. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of Mecklenburg Medicine or the Mecklenburg County Medical Society. Mecklenburg Medicine reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as to reject any material submitted. Mecklenburg Medicine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Non-members may subscribe to Mecklenburg Medicine at a cost of $30 per year, or $3.50 per issue, if extra copies are available. Classified Ads: Open to members, nonprofits and non-member individuals only; advance approval of the Managing Editor and advance payment required. Member rate is 0, non-members $20 for the first 30 words; $.75 each additional word. Display Ads: Open to professional entities or commercial businesses. For specifications and rate information, contact Mark Ethridge at Acceptance of advertising for this publication in no way constitutes professional approval or endorsement of products or services advertised herein. We welcome your comments and suggestions: Call 704-376-3688 or write Mecklenburg Medicine, c/o Mecklenburg County Medical Society, 1112 Harding Place, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28204.

Editor Stephen J. Ezzo, MD Managing Editor Sandi D. Buchanan Copy Editors Lee McCracken Stephanie Smith Advertising Mark Ethridge Editorial Board N. Neil Howell, MD Jessica Schorr Saxe, MD Graphic Design — Wade Baker

Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 3

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4 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

President’s Letter

Heed Your Muse By Stephen J. Ezzo, MD


hysician burnout. Two words that all too often we see together, and when is it ever good news? The data shows physician burnout is not only increasing, but also beginning earlier, often in medical school. I am not an expert on the topic, nor do I pretend to be one. Surprising, since I tend to act like I know everything about everything. There are volumes written about burnout yearly, and numerous groups are ready to provide resources to combat this malady, including our state medical society and our two local healthcare organizations. So, while I don’t know a whole lot, I know one thing that works for me, and my bet is you have a similar opportunity. Simply put: I heed my muse. What exactly is a muse? It’s that recurring voice in your head telling you, “Don’t ignore me! Let me out! We can do wonderful things together!” Now I imagine most of us have many thoughts of this type bouncing around owing to our varied interests. But a true muse is one that, when you engage it, the time passes unnoticed and all too quickly. The sense of accomplishment is deeper and more fulfilling. As Norman Bates once said in the movie Psycho, “A hobby should pass the time, not fill it.” 1 He was talking about taxidermy, and not dressing up as his dead mother. If you have been following along this past year, you probably can guess that writing is my muse. While I try to be well-rounded and engage in a lot of activities, none of the others challenges me more, frustrates me more, yet, ultimately, rewards me more than writing. It has been this way for as long as I can remember (a trait of a true muse is that it chooses you and not the other way around). Early on, it was finding satisfaction in arranging words in the proper sequence that I felt best conveyed my ideas. Later came the storylines and dialogues running their soundtracks through me, and I couldn’t turn it off if I wanted to. Had I found a way, I would be a lesser man today. So, how does a muse help with physician burnout? There are myriad ways, but here are four key ones for me. 1. It breaks the grip of delayed gratification. You don’t need me to tell you that physicians are the champs when it comes to this. (My wife and I decided to buy a new couch three years ago. We’ve yet to go shopping.) Unleashing this side of me almost serves as a guilty pleasure. 2. It alleviates stress and the blues. Whenever I experience what Melville called the “damp, drizzly November in my soul”2, I turn to

A true muse is one that, when you engage it, the time passes unnoticed and all too quickly.

pen and paper to release the needed endorphins. (Interesting note: A new book reveals that Melville’s muse for writing “Moby Dick” was a married woman with whom he had an affair. I’m quite certain I can find inspiration elsewhere.) 3. It connects us further to our patients. Regardless of what your passion is, I guarantee you will discover patients who share it, and this will deepen your relationship with them and allow you to provide better care. 4. It is a perfect lead-in for your next chapter. When it’s time to take down your shingle, having your muse primed and ready will allow the transition to life after medicine go much more smoothly. You’ve found your muse, but now you need not only to cultivate it but have it fit into your personal and professional life. Lucky for you, I have some thoughts on this. Set aside time for your muse. It may not always be the same time with our schedules, but look ahead and see when you can dedicate an hour or two. Make your muse easy to embrace. During those “non-muse” times, if an idea strikes, get it down on paper. Don’t count on remembering it later. I keep a pad on my nightstand, as I find some of my best ideas come in the nether world that leads into sleep. I also keep one on my office desk. When your muse screams, act! Normally my muse comes to me on little cat feet, but those rare times when it roars, I listen. Usually the results are pretty cool. Engage in activities that complement your muse. For me, reading infuses and informs my writing. It also allows me to steal snippets of others’ works unabashedly, including one in the last paragraph. Practice, practice, practice. You will get better. The most important key is to get it down so you can see/hear/feel it. Then you can refine. Explore the various avenues of your muse. Writing these letters has provided the opportunity for me to write in genres I would not have attempted, as I was challenged to provide fresh and varied viewpoints. If you play rock, try jazz (sometimes it is not just noise). Learn to accept praise. There will be times when you and your muse will create something that touches others. When they compliment you, don’t shrug it off in false modesty. Be as sincere in your thanks as they are in their appreciation. But don’t take yourself too seriously. Enjoy this for what it is — a chance to grow and explore, not set the world on fire. Whenever I feel like I am writing well, I go back to Flannery O’Connor and see how it’s really done. Consider using your talents as gifts. I cannot think of a better way to tell those close to us what role they play in our lives, whether through a story or poem or song or painting or basket. Embrace technology. Or not. My neighbor spent almost one full year researching online how to create a woodworking shop. The

Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 5

President’s Letter tools themselves are works of art and will last a lifetime. The Internet does help me with topics such as the trivia questions, and I know in theory typing these missives as a first draft ultimately will save time, despite being a poor typist. But I am too hidebound to change. I cannot create a draft on the computer — there is no room for notes in the margins, words on top of words, or arrows directing where parts of sentences should go. At times, I imagine it appears like I dipped a chicken’s feet in ink and let it run freeform across the paper, but it is a point of pride for me. Some ink stains on my fingers are a small price to pay, akin to garlic on my hands when I cook. Know when to walk away. There will be occasions when a project just doesn’t get on the right track, and you are going nowhere. Step away, give your mind time to refocus, and see if a solution will come. Don’t force it. It may never come, so learn to accept it. I have a handful of these essays where I’ve written myself into a corner and can’t seem to find my way out. But they sure seemed to start well and were enjoyable, until I met the wall. Know when to run. By this I mean know when something is complete. I could go back on everything I’ve written and change a word or two in practically every sentence. You have to know when to move on. The joy is as much in the journey as the final project. Spoil yourself a little. Like my neighbor, invest in quality materials for your muse. I gravitate toward fine writing pens, as I will continue to make initial drafts on paper. The weight and balance, the smooth uninterrupted flow of ink cannot be replicated on a keyboard. I need the intimacy of something in my hands to be at my creative best. Besides, I can’t gnaw on the end of a keyboard when gathering my thoughts.

One last point — for my colleagues out there who say they are not creative, I have just one word for you: Hogwash (one definition of which, incidentally, is inferior writing). You did not get to where you are today without creativity and passion. Remember, in Greek Mythology the muses were goddesses of not just literature and art, but science, as well. Your muse is inside you — it is just likely that, with all the demands and responsibilities of work, family and career, it was relegated to a lesser tapped portion of your mind. Your true muse will never abandon you; it is waiting. It does not hold grudges for not being used either. Indeed, the only regret will be on your part for not insisting, “Muse, teach me to dance.” “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress. When I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.” — Anton Chekhov 1 2

“Psycho,” Alfred Hitchcock director, 1960 Herman Melville, “Moby Dick,” Chapter One: Loomings, 1851

Trivia question: In 1522, what taboo did Dr. Wertt of Hamburg break? Answer on page 13.

New year. New brand. Same expertise.

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6 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine



Alcohol Awareness Month n Autism Awareness Month Cancer Control Month n Child Abuse Prevention Month Counseling Awareness Month n Donate Life Month Minority Health & Health Disparities Month Occupational Therapy Month n Sexual Assault Awareness Month Stress Awareness Month n Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month Testicular Cancer Awareness Month April 3-9: Public Health Week April 6: Alcohol Screening Day April 7: World Health Day April 16: Healthcare Decisions Day April 26-May 3: Infant Immunization Week April 24-30: Medical Fitness Week

The Mecklenburg Medical Alliance & Endowment (MMAE) applauds the historic collaboration between Carolinas HealthCare System and Novant Health to improve access to health care for underserved communities in Charlotte. In keeping with our mission of building a healthier community, we want to be a part of that effort. As part of a strategic plan, the MMAE Board developed a new vision statement: “Mecklenburg County residents are inspired and equipped to maintain good health.” See what’s happening on our social sites!

Save the Date! CHARLOTTE AHEC COURSE OFFERINGS Charlotte AHEC is part of the N.C. Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program and Carolinas Health Care System.

APRIL 2017

4/3 2017 National Council Conference 4/8 UNC Eye Symposium 4/8 Updates in Hematopathology 4/20-21 2nd Biannual Carolinas Accreditation Update Conference (EMTALA) Ongoing Communication in Health Care: 4-hr. basic communication course Varies Communication in Health Care: Train the Trainer Course Varies University of Colorado: Excellence in Communication Online Protecting Your Patients From Air Pollution Online DOT Medical Examiners Course Online Risk Management: Patient Identification Online Social Media: Risks & Benefits for Physicians Online Prevention and Management of Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Online Motor Vehicle Crash Victims Online MTAC Trauma Modules Online Get the 4-1-1: Everything Primary Care Providers Should Know About Parent Training in Behavior Therapy While Working With Families With Young Children With ADHD Online Electronic Medical Record on Trial (Risk Management)

For more information or to register for these courses, call 704-512-6523 or visit

MMAE Annual Meeting and Grant Presentations Wednesday, May 17 Quail Hollow Club Pavilion

Going green

First step:

Opt out of the printed version of Mecklenburg Medicine Magazine Each issue is posted to the MCMS website in an interactive format. OPT OUT of the printed version and enjoy all articles and information online at To opt out, email us at Include your name as it appears on the mailing label and the words “opt out”.

Thank you! Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 7


The MCMS Women Physicians Section By Maureen L. Beurskens, MD


he Women Physicians Section of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society held a “Meet and Greet” for area women physicians on January 31 at Foxcroft Wine Company in Dilworth. About 50 physicians came together to enjoy an evening of camaraderie and networking. The event was made possible by Reproductive Endocrinology Associates of Charlotte and Counsyl. More events are planned for 2017. In recent years, many women physicians have been active in our partnership with the Charlotte Women Attorneys. This unique partnership is responsible for holding the annual fundraiser, Fighting for Women With Fashion (FFWF). To date, this event has raised more than $226,000 for the nonprofit Safe Alliance to help fund the Clyde and Ethel Dickson Domestic Violence Shelter. Some of the funds helped to launch an ongoing health care clinic at the shelter. Plans are underway for the 2017 Seventh Annual Fighting for Women With Fashion event. The attraction of men and women doctors and lawyers modeling the latest fashions, combined with tasty libations and heavy hors d’oeuvres, makes for a fun evening for a good cause. At least,

that is the word on the street from the 360 attendees of the 2016 event. We are proud and excited to have a lead-off sponsor for the 2017 event. Charlotte Radiology is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with the theme, “Trendsetters Since 1967.” As part of its celebration, Charlotte Radiology is making a charitable contribution to the community. Having been a consistent supporter of FFWF in the past, and in keeping with its theme of being in vogue, Charlotte Radiology is sponsoring at the highest level for this year’s fundraiser. We hope to receive support from our many other partners in the medical community, as well. The FFWF planning committee is open to women physician members of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society. Anyone interested in honing their event planning skills or walking the runway as a model, and making a difference for victims of domestic violence, is welcome to join the committee. For more information, contact Stephanie Smith at the MCMS office at 704-376-3688. Save the Date — Tuesday, Oct. 3­— for this year’s Fighting for Women With Fashion event.


Formerly known as United Family Services

Fighting for Women with Fashion

8 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

Womens Physicians Section






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Free and Low- Cost Health Services in Mecklenburg County

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Find more detailed clinic information in the chart on the following pages. If you think you may qualify for Medicaid, contact the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services at 704-336-3000 or for additional information. Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 9





Bethesda Health Center


11, 29



704-596-5606 704-596-7570

133 Stetson Drive, Charlotte, NC 28262

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare



16, 10


Care Ring



3, 23 3 blocks from Transit Center


Charlotte Community Health Clinic





CMC Biddle Point Family Medicine



1, 7


CMC Elizabeth Family Practice





CMC Myers Park



6, 18




39, 11


C.W. Williams Community Health Center



2, 5, 10, 30, 31, 34, Airport


Dental Hygiene Clinic at CPCC





Free Clinic of Our Towns — Davidson





HeartBright Cardiac Resource Center





1100 S. Tryon St., Suite 100, Charlotte, NC 28203 Low-Cost Clinic, Physicians Reach Out, Nurse-Family Partnership

601 E. 5th St., Suite 140, Charlotte, NC 28202 8401 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28262 1801 Rozzelles Ferry Road, Charlotte, NC 28208 2001 Vail Ave., Charlotte, NC 28207

OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Surgery, Internal Med/ID, Orthopedics

1350 S. Kings Drive, Charlotte, NC 28207

CMC NorthPark

Family Medicine and OB/GYN

251 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, NC 28213 3333 Wilkinson Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28208

1335 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204 PO Box 1842, 212 Gamble St., Davidson, NC 28036 2923 S. Tryon St., Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28203

*Map locations relevant to the map on page 9.

10 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine





Lake Norman Community Health Clinic — Huntersville


77x, 48x



704-316-6611 704-316-6612

14230 Hunters Road, Huntersville, NC 28078

Matthews Free Medical Clinic





Mecklenburg County Health Department


704-336-4700 Appts 704-336-6500

7, 30 201, 26


Mecklenburg County Health Department


704-336-4700 Appts 704-336-6500



Mecklenburg County Health Department


1, 7


196 S. Trade St., Matthews, NC 28105

2845 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 249 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211

704-336-4700 980-314-9600

Pediatric Dental Clinic


NC MedAssist











13, 26








15, 232, 45x 2 blocks away


1801 Rozzelles Ferry Road, Charlotte, NC 28208 Free pharmacy program for uninsured residents of North Carolina

4428 Taggart Creek Road, Suite 101, Charlotte, NC 28208

Project 658

Providing free medical care to the uninsured the second Saturday of every month, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

3646 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205

Shelter Health Services

Services for Center of Hope and Safe Alliance Shelter residents only

534 Spratt St., Charlotte, NC 28206

Shifa Free Health Clinic Open on Saturdays; call for more info

4301 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215

Teen Health Connection Serves adolescents, ages 11-22

3541 Randolph Road, Suite 206, Charlotte, NC 28211

MedLink advocates for improved access to care in Mecklenburg County through education, communication and collaboration among service providers. *Map locations relevant to the map on page 9.

Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 11




J O U R N E Y.


Memory Center Charlotte (MCC) is an independent nonprofit entity dedicated to the care of patients and families struggling with dementia. The physicians and staff are guided by the philosophy that only through education and support of the family can the patient get the full benefit of sound medical care.


Charles H. Edwards, II, MD, c/o Paula Foust




300 Billingsley Rd., Suite 108, Charlotte, NC 28211




9:59 AM









12 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

Member News

NEW MEMBERS Amina Ahmed, MD Pediatric Infectious Diseases Levine Children’s Hospital 1000 Blythe Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28203 704-381-6803 University of North CarolinaChapel Hill, 1990

Madhavi Parikh, PA-C Medical Oncology Levine Cancer Institute 1021 Morehead Medical Drive #5300 Charlotte, NC 28204 980-442-2000 Wake Forest University, 2001

Save the Date! 2017 Healthcare Management Symposium Thursday, August 17


8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Harris Conference Center

3216 CPCC Harris Campus Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208 Presented by the Charlotte Area Medical Group Managers Association and the Mecklenburg County Medical Society

Sponsor Opportunities Breakfast Sponsor Break Sponsors Lunch Sponsor Tabletop Exhibitors

Call MCMS at 704-376-3688 for more information.

Upcoming Meetings & Events APRIL

Meetings are at the MCMS office unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday, April 11 MedLink meeting. Mecklenburg County Health Department. 8:30 a.m. n Friday, April 14 Good Friday — MCMS office closed. n Monday, April 17 Executive Committee meeting. 5:45 p.m. n Wednesday, April 19 MMAE Board meeting. 10 a.m. n Thursday, April 20 CAMGMA meeting. Myers Park Baptist Church Cornwell Center. Noon. n Thursday, April 20 Charlotte Medical Dental & Pharmaceutical Society membership meeting. Time and location to be determined. n Friday, April 21 June magazine deadline. n


January 20, 2017 Medical College of South Carolina, 1955 Urology

WILLIAM L. PRITCHARD, MD February 25, 2017 Johns Hopkins University, 1956 Neurosurgery

Have you renewed your membership for 2017? Not a member? Join or renew membership online at or call the Medical Society office at 704-376-3688.

Trivia answer from page 5: Dr. Wertt disguised himself as a woman in order to observe childbirth alongside midwives. At that time, male physicians were forbidden from attending to women in labor. He was discovered and burned at the stake — with other physicians watching — as a reward for his intellectual curiosity.

Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 13

At the Hospitals

Novant Health St. Jude Affiliate Clinic Is An Official Hemophilia Treatment Center The first federally-funded pediatric Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) has arrived in Charlotte. All children with bleeding disorders have a new specialty medical home for treatment, education and supportive services in Charlotte. The St. Jude Affiliate Clinic HTC provides access to specialty trained physicians, nurses, physical therapists and social workers who have extensive training in taking care of children with these rare complex disorders. Hemophilia Treatment Centers provide treatment that adheres to national standards, while offering innovative therapies and a national network of consultants for this unique patient population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a study of 3,000 people with hemophilia showed that those who used an HTC were 40 percent less likely to die of a hemophilia-related complication than those who did not receive care at a treatment center. “Since moving to Charlotte in 2005, one of my dreams has been to see a pediatric hemophilia treatment center grow and flourish in our community,” says Paulette Bryant, MD, a pediatric hematologist at the center. “I could not be more grateful for our patients who have been pushing us to establish an HTC locally, and for all of the HTCs in North Carolina who were supportive of us through the process.” The St. Jude Affiliate Clinic HTC, 301 Hawthorne Lane, allows patients to participate in a national hemophilia registry and other research opportunities that previously have not been available in Charlotte. Parents and young adults have a voice in directing their care through the newly planned parent advisory board. These patients can participate locally, avoiding the travel to Wake Forest, Chapel Hill and Greenville for comprehensive hemophilia care. The 2017 Hemophilia of North Carolina Family Festival & 5K Walk for bleeding disorders will be held Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m., on Mint Street at W. 3rd Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Participants are encouraged to either make a donation, raise funds on their own, or both. Physicians and families are encouraged to come and participate n

in friendly competition to raise funds for Hemophilia of North Carolina. The center is welcoming referrals from all providers, including pediatrics, neonatology, family practice, gynecology, maternal fetal medicine, urgent care and emergency rooms. “We are incredibly excited and very thankful to be able to provide these services as a hemophilia treatment center,” says Bryant. “If you have pediatric patients with any bleeding concerns, we look forward to seeing them at the St. Jude Affiliate Clinic HTC.” For more information or to make a referral, call 704-384-1900. Novant Health en Español Novant Health has launched a new website for Spanish-speaking communities in the Carolinas to help them find providers who can meet their health care needs. The new website also provides helpful health and wellness content geared to the Latino community. Nearly a tenth of community members in Novant Health’s footprint speak Spanish at home. Novant Health leaders, in conjunction with an internal Latino business resource group, developed the concept as a better way to serve our Spanish-speaking neighbors. “At Novant Health, we’re committed to making the health care experience easier and more convenient for everyone living in our communities,” says Tanya Blackmon, executive vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer at Novant Health. “We recognize that each patient is different, which is why we continue to listen to our consumers and learn about our communities to more effectively meet their health care needs.” The site features tools, such as online scheduling and online bill pay, to help connect Spanish-speaking members of our community with Novant Health providers and services. It can be accessed at As an organization committed to diversity and inclusion, Novant Health is proud to have this new resource and looks forward to adding more content, including community events, later this year. n

Jeffrey Senfield, MD, Joins Novant Health Heart and Vascular Institute Novant Health is pleased to welcome Jeffrey Senfield, MD, electrophysiologist, to Novant Health’s Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte. Dr. Senfield comes to Novant Health from the Medical University of South Carolina, n

14 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

where he completed his fellowship training in electrophysiology. Senfield is board-certified in cardiovascular disease and internal medicine. He completed his residency in internal medicine at the University of Virginia and received his medical degree from State University of New York at Buffalo. Senfield also Jeffrey Senfield, MD holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from State University of New York at Geneseo and a master’s of science degree from State University of New York at Buffalo. Senfield is a member of the American College of Cardiology, Heart Rhythm Society, American Heart Association, American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Medical Association. He has spent more than 15 years researching cardiology, most recently at the Medical University of South Carolina and University at Virginia Health System. For more information or to make a referral, call 704-343-9800. Novant Health Urgent Care Adds Pediatric Specialists Novant Health Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine on Kings Drive has added a boardcertified pediatrician, pediatric advanced practice providers and pediatric friendly nursing and support personnel to its staff. Amra Zuzo, MD, along with pediatric credentialed nurse practitioners Christina Simpson Amra Zuzo, MD and Susan Sims, join a qualified staff of boardcertified family and emergency medicine doctors at the Kings Drive location. Located at 445 S. Kings Drive in Charlotte’s Metropolitan neighborhood, Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine-Kings Drive provides a wide range of short-term treatment services with extended day and weekend hours. The clinic is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-11 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. The clinic’s board-certified family medicine and emergency medicine doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners are specially trained in emergency and family medicine. With the addition of a board-certified pediatrician and pediatric specialists to provide specialized care for newborns through age 18, Novant Health continues to ensure that all of a family’s medical needs are covered. n

At the Hospitals

CHS Earns “Military Friendly” Awards Carolinas HealthCare System has earned the 2017 Military Friendly® Employer designation by Victory Media, publisher of G.I. Jobs®, STEM Jobs® and Military Spouse. It is ranked seventh in the country in the nonprofit category. Carolinas HealthCare also has been named a 2017 Military Friendly® Spouse Employer. The list of Military Friendly® Employers is provided to service members and their families, helping them discover the best n

post-military career opportunities available. Companies and organizations earning the Military Friendly® Employer designation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from Victory Media’s survey. More than 200 companies participated in the survey. Final ratings were determined by combining an organization’s survey score with an assessment of the organization’s ability to meet thresholds for Applicant, New Hire Retention, Employee Turnover, and Promotion & Advancement of veterans and military employees. Victory Media specifically cited Carolinas HealthCare System’s efforts in Hiring & Onboarding, Culture & Commitment, Support & Retention, and Policies & Compliance as areas of excellence.

Levine Children’s Hospital Opens New Technology Suite The Congenital Heart Center at Levine Children’s Hospital has opened the Ganatra Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology Suite to address a 15- to 20-percent increase in demand for heart catheterization procedures, due to a rise in referrals and population growth in the region. The suite will allow doctors to better study, and treat children and adults with congenital heart defects. “Our new cardiac catheterization suite will be the most advanced in the region,” says Joseph Paolillo, MD, pediatric interventional cardiologist with Carolinas HealthCare System. “We also will have the latest imaging technology, which improves the quality of our images while greatly reducing radiation exposure to our patients and staff.” The new cardiac catheterization space features two advanced biplane cardiac catheterization suites. Cardiac catheterization, or heart cath, gives doctors details about how well a heart works, and allows many patients to be treated without open heart surgery. Many congenital heart defects are complex and require multiple tests for diagnosis and treatment. In patients who have had certain tests such as CT scans and MRIs, doctors will be able to use those images to improve outcomes, and help shorten the heart cath procedure. The heart cath team has grown substantially and has plans to develop a separate, dedicated, multidisciplinary team that includes registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, radiology technologists and pediatric nurses. The cath team also will develop a 3-D printing program, which will help doctors plan cardiac catheterizations and surgical procedures. “Within a year, we’ll be able to create three-dimensional, plastic heart models that greatly enhance how we care for patients with complex heart defects,” says Paolillo. “As our experience with this 3-D printing technology grows, we’ll look to offer this service to other Carolinas HealthCare System locations and congenital heart centers in the region.” n

Brady New CEO of Carolinas Physician Alliance Jennifer H. Brady, MD, has joined Carolinas Physician Alliance (CPA) as chief executive officer. Dr. Brady’s areas of responsibility will include working closely with the CPA Board of Managers and participating providers to promote the use of consistent Jennifer H. Brady, MD standards for care delivery, quality tracking and reporting, information sharing and physician collaboration. Most recently, Brady served as chief medical officer for Health First Health Plans, the managed care arm of Health First Integrated Delivery Network, a health system comprising four hospitals, a 370-physician employed multispecialty medical group, home health, hospice, affiliate centers and community partners based in Brevard County, Florida. During her tenure with Health First Health Plans, she played an active role in Health First’s journey to achieve full integration as a delivery network. Carolinas Physician Alliance (www., is a physicianled, clinically integrated network of more than 2,500 physicians that operates in collaboration with Carolinas HealthCare System. Currently operating in 12 contiguous counties around the metro Charlotte area, CPA combines participating provider expertise with collective resources to efficiently gather, share and utilize clinical data to identify and adopt patientfocused, evidence-based best practices. n

Tarantino Named at UNC Medical School, Charlotte Campus Heather Tarantino, MD, has been named assistant dean and director of the Charlotte campus of the UNC School of Medicine at Carolinas HealthCare System. Dr. Tarantino has served as interim campus director since August 2016. She joined Carolinas Heather Tarantino, MD HealthCare System in the Department of Internal Medicine as an academic hospitalist in 2014 and also has served as the fourth-year internal medicine course director. Previously, Tarantino served in several roles with the West Virginia School of Medicine, Charleston campus. She completed her undergraduate and medical degrees at West Virginia University.


Mecklenburg Medicine • April 2017 | 15

Independent Physicians of the Carolinas to enter a foursome, donate, sponsor, or gather more information, should inquire at

Independent Physicians of the Carolinas is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) membership organization whose mission is to create public awareness of medical doctors not employed by a network or hospital system and to provide educational programs and resources to physician members and their administration. Visit us at Carolina Family Healthcare is now offering travel health consultations for persons traveling overseas and is a yellow fever certified travel health clinic. Carolina Family Healthcare Travel Clinic is located in the Ballantyne area. The Travel Health Pharmacist provides a comprehensive travel assessment of health needs based on the traveler’s specific destination, activities, purpose for travel and medical history. The 30- to 45-minute consultation includes a travel report document regarding the destination, one-on-one travel health advice and counseling about medications and immunizations. During this visit, immunizations may be administered if recommended and prophylactic medications may be prescribed. For some diseases, there are no treatments or medications available, however there are tips and advice on avoiding communicable diseases. For more information, contact Carolina Family Healthcare at 704-847-4000 or email The healthcare professionals at Oncology Specialists of Charlotte will be at the 2017 Inaugural Patient Advocacy Hill Day on April 26. This event takes place in conjunction with the annual Community Oncology Conference at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD, outside the Washington, D.C., area. At the conference, oncologists Justin Favaro, MD, PhD, and Catherine Moore, MD, along with physician liaison, Sherie Bradshaw, will be advocating for cancer patients and learning the latest in clinical cancer care. The fourth annual “Fore The Cure” golf tournament fundraiser for Susan G. Komen Charlotte will be Monday, May 22, at Raintree Country Club. Joanne Monaco, a chemo nurse at Oncology Specialists of Charlotte and advocate and top fundraiser for Komen Charlotte breast cancer programs, is spearheading the event with help from volunteers. Those wishing

16 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

Jason A. Wilson, MD, of Charlotte Gastroenterology & Hepatology’s Randolph Road office has been named Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the nation’s oldest medical society dedicated to disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The mission of the AGA is to promote the science and practice of gastroenterology through the support of research, education, advocacy and practice. Through the fellowship program, the AGA honors superior professional achievement in Jason A. Wilson, MD clinical private or academic practice and in basic or clinical research. Fellowships are awarded to AGA members whose accomplishments and contributions demonstrate personal commitment to the field of gastroenterology. “AGA acknowledges our members with superior professional achievement in the field of gastroenterology with fellowship within our organization,” says Michael Camilleri, MD, AGAF, AGA Institute president. “We are proud to announce the 2016 inductees for the AGA Fellowship program who have been recognized by their peers and community as being at the forefront of our field.”

Advertising Acknowledgements The following patrons made Mecklenburg Medicine possible.

Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center......................................4 Carolina Neurosurgery & Spine Associates......................17 Carolinas HealthCare System.............................................19 Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates...................18 Charlotte Radiology...................................................... 12, 18 Flagship Healthcare Properties.............................................6 Foundry Commercial...........................................................17 LabCorp................................................................ Back Cover Memory Center Charlotte....................................................12 Novant Health.........................................................................2 Parsec Financial......................................................................4 Randolph Audiology & Hearing Aid Clinic......................18

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20 | April 2017 • Mecklenburg Medicine

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