Mecklenburg Medicine November/December 2018

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November/December 2018 • Vol. 48, No. 10

Mecklenburg Medicine A Publication of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society |

Happy Anniversary


115 YEARS Mecklenburg County Medical Society


Mecklenburg County Medical Society Foundation @meckmedsociety

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Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 3

Table of Contents 5 President’s Letter: Practicing Gratitude By Scott L. Furney, MD, President, MCMS

6 Current Residents and Fellows — Voting Members of MCMS 8 Member News 8 New Members 8 Upcoming Meetings & Events 8 Charlotte AHEC Course Offerings for November/December 8 National Health & Wellness Observances 9 Feature: Mecklenburg County Medical Society ... Celebrating 115 Years of Service 10 At the Hospitals 12 Independent Physicians of the Carolinas 12 Advertising Acknowledgements

Nov./Dec. 2018 Vol. 48 No. 10 OFFICERS

President Scott L. Furney, MD President-Elect Elizabeth B. Moran, MD Secretary Babak Mokari, DO Treasurer John R. Allbert, MD Immediate Past-President Stephen J. Ezzo, MD


Raymond E. Brown, PA Sarah M. Edwards, MD E. Carl Fisher, Jr., MD Donald D. Fraser, MD Vishal Goyal, MD, MPH Jane S. Harrell, MD Stephen R. Keener, MD, MPH B. Lauren Paton, MD Anna T. Schmelzer, MD Rachel L. Storey, DO Andrew I. Sumich, MD G. Bernard Taylor, MD

EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Tracei Ball, MD, President-Elect Charlotte Medical Dental & Pharmaceutical Society Sandi D. Buchanan, Executive Director Mecklenburg County Medical Society Darlyne Menscer, MD NCMS Delegate to the AMA

Meg Sullivan, MD, Medical Director Mecklenburg County Health Department

Douglas R. Swanson, MD, FACEP, Medical Director Mecklenburg EMS Agency


Executive Director Sandi D. Buchanan Finance & Membership Director Stephanie D. Smith Meetings & Special Events Coordinator Jenny H. Otto

1112 Harding Place, #200, Charlotte, NC 28204 704-376-3688 • FAX 704-376-3173 Copyright 2018 Mecklenburg County Medical Society Mecklenburg Medicine is published 10 times per year by the Mecklenburg County Medical Society, 1112 Harding Place, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28204. Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of Mecklenburg Medicine or the Mecklenburg County Medical Society. Mecklenburg Medicine reserves the right to edit all contributions for clarity and length, as well as to reject any material submitted. Mecklenburg Medicine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. Classified Ads: Open to members, nonprofits and non-member individuals only; advance approval of the Managing Editor and advance payment required. Member rate is 0, non-members $20 for the first 30 words; $.75 each additional word. Display Ads: Open to professional entities or commercial businesses. For specifications and rate information, contact Mark Ethridge at Acceptance of advertising for this publication in no way constitutes professional approval or endorsement of products or services advertised herein. We welcome your comments and suggestions: Call 704-376-3688 or write Mecklenburg Medicine, c/o Mecklenburg County Medical Society, 1112 Harding Place, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28204.

4 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

MECKLENBURG MEDICINE STAFF Editor Scott L. Furney, MD Managing Editor Sandi D. Buchanan Copy Editors Lee McCracken Stephanie Smith

Advertising Mark Ethridge Editorial Board Stephen J. Ezzo, MD N. Neil Howell, MD Jessica Schorr Saxe, MD Graphic Design Wade Baker

President’s Letter For your Space for Sub-Lease information ... Practicing DavidOffice G. Welton, MD Society Fall Luncheon OFFICE PROPERTIES


Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013 • 11:30 a.m.

MCMS Annual Meeting Charlotte Country Club invitations will be mailed to members in November Speaker: JOHNorE.December. BARKLEY, MD Mecklenburg County Medical Society and their guest(s).

The MCMS website will be completely re-designed and updated January 1. NC 28210 10512 Park Road, Suiteon #203, Charlotte ♦ 714 Rentable Square Feet ♦ $1,655 per month

♦ Space is currently set up as a doctor’s office Please “like” us on Facebook. ♦ Located near the hospital ♦ Easy access to I-485 and I-77 ♦ Surface lot parking ♦ Call or email for showing appointment ♦ Term expires 5/31/2022 Data presented in this ad is secured from reliable sources and while every effort is made to obtain accuracy, it is not guaranteed, as errors and omissions may occur.

Randall Bozard


Office Properties





Office Space for Sub-Lease

10512 Park Road, Suite #203, Charlotte NC 28210 ♦ 714 Rentable Square Feet


♦ $1,655 per month ♦ Space is currently set up as a doctor’s office ♦ Located near the hospital ♦ Easy access to I-485 and I-77 ♦ Surface lot parking ♦ Call or email for showing appointment ♦ Term expires 5/31/2022

By Scott L. Furney, MD “The root of joy is gratefulness.” David Steindl-Rast


or my final column and as we head into the holiday season, I want to end my series of letters on a note of gratitude. My letters often have focused on the issues straining the medical profession. With each, I have tried to provide some of the focused antidotes that would make the strain less palpable. In my professional and personal life, I try every day to be grateful for the opportunities and wonderful experiences life affords me. This exercise, when done regularly, is a potent antidote to burnout. Although this list is very incomplete, here are some things for which I am very grateful: My wife and daughters, whose love sustains me. My patients, who keep me grounded in why I am a physician. My colleagues, who share a common mission. The Board of MCMS, for their hours of volunteer service and perspective on the work we need to do on behalf of our patients and providers. The Officers of MCMS, for their support and wisdom — Steve Ezzo, MD; Liz Moran, MD; Babak Mokari, DO; and John Allbert, MD. The amazing staff at MCMS — Sandi Buchanan, Stephanie Smith and Jenny Otto. My administrative partners at Atrium Health, who share the passion for medical care despite not seeing the best part — in the room with the patients! Long-awaited cooler weather. The dedicated educators, with whom I work in medical education at Carolinas Medical Center. The residents, students and mentees, who seek my advice and clinical guidance. The faculty, who serve our common missions with a selfless dedication I admire with pride. Finally, my parents and family, who supported me throughout my life. My final suggestion for you: Take a moment every day to reflect on your blessings and specifically name them. It is so easy to complain about things that are not going well, as they are present every day. The habit of practicing gratitude will help center you on all the things that are going well, which we can take for granted. “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” — Willie Nelson It has been my privilege to serve as the president of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society this year. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, and continue to serve, as I transition to advising your incoming officers. In humble service,

Data presented in this ad is secured from reliable sources and while every effort is made to obtain accuracy, it is not guaranteed, as errors and omissions may occur.

Randall Bozard


Office Properties




Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 5

CURRENT RESIDENTS AND FELLOW n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

EMERGENCY MEDICINE Elise M. Alves, MD Dalia Alwasiyah, MD Francisco J. Andrade, Jr., MD Jesse B. Bauer, MD Vitaliy Belyshev, MD Meredith Binford, MD Joseph H. Blackwell, MD William D. Bost, MD Austin T. Costa, MD Benjamin Covell, MD Adeline R. Dozois, MD Jeremy Driscoll, MD Ethen Ellington, MD Sean N. Fling, MD Julie K. Furmick, DO Christopher A. Gardner, MD Andrew W. Godfrey, MD Mary Grady, MD Elissabeth P. Hagler, MD Brian Z. Hedges, MD Jessica Hoglund, MD Alexandria D. Holmes, MD Aaren M. Hunt, MD Stephen C. Jackson, MD Andrew D. Kitchen, MD Johanna E. Kreafle, MD Robert K. Laundon, MD Jacob B. Leedekerken, MD Kathryn R. Lupez, MD Ashley E. Mazo, MD Claire Milam, MD Sean Murray, MD Maxwell W. Noe, MD Elizabeth G. Olson, MD Colin O’Neill, MD Jennifer C. Pallansch, MD Jennifer K. Potter, MD Cornelius O. Powell III, MD Nicholena E. Richardson, MD Gabriela Rivera-Camacho, MD Kyle M. Roedersheimer, MD Angela M. Rombola, MD Victoria F. Serven, MD Kartik Shah, MD Brian P. Shreve, MD

Tyler E. Siekmann, MD Logan M. Stark, MD Alyssa M. Thomas, MD, MPH Jennifer Tiller, MD Russell Trigonis, MD Chantel P. Walker, MD Abby Weems, MD Chelsea H. Wilson, MD Natalie Wood, MD Christina A. Zauner, MD FAMILY MEDICINE Sulekha A. Abukar, MD Lusina Ambartsumyan, MD Sarah E. Barker, DO Rebecca E. Beesley, MD, MPH Charles Bell, MD Casey N. Burnette, MD Milele L. K. Bynum, MD Brittney C. Cole, MD Kevin Courts, MD Mary E. Cox, DO Adam Culver, MD Daryl M. Cunningham, MD Maykel D. Desir, MD Radi H. Djigrova, DO, MBA Brandi N. Findley, DO Matthew J. Findley, MD Adrian Godoy Vazquez, MD Vishal Goyal, MD Bryan P. Grove, MD Katherine E. Haga, DO Jeffrey C. Ham, DO Colleen W. Harkreader, MD Kelly E. Hemmings, MD Cody E. Homistek, DO, MS Elvira Jasarevic, DO Tiffany Jen, MD Keith Johnson, MD Kristen B. Kendrick, DO Brittany Kenning, MD Monica S. Kulkarni, MD Corey S. Mottesheard, DO Jacquelyne E. Murray, MD Ana-Maria Nae, MD Anayo L. Ohadugha, MD Kim C. Pang, MD

Note: MCMS membership is free for residents and fellow Lee Quist, DO Chandini Rathee, MD Demetria R. Rawlinson, MD Kelsey A. Reindel, DO Matthew T. Reynolds, MD Lindsey Rose, MD Shannon A. Sanchez Oviedo, MD Allen J. Shepherd, DO, MSHA Rachel L. Storey, DO Daniel G. Tagge, MD Ariel A. Talts, MD Mebrahtom W. Tesfai, MD Catherine G. Trigonis, MD Lily J. Trout, MD, MLS P. Sonam Vashista, DO Carmela A. P. Ver, MD Eugene Y. Wang, MD Brittany N. Watson, MD Amanda E. White, DO, DC, MBA Christine S. Wu, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE Natasha Adlakha, MD Mufti N. Ahmad, MD Michael Anderson, MD Amy K. Blake, MD Iain M. Bailey, MD James R. Broughman II, MD Joseph S. Burch, MD Jamie A. W. Campbell, DO Sarah H. Carlock, MD Desiree A. Coutinho, MD Holden S. Crosby, MD Lauren N. Crouse, MD Bim Dang, MD Anthony Dang, MD Travis Denmeade, MD Mary C. DeVane, DO Christopher J. Diaz, DO Alan B. Erdmann, MD Z. Luke Farmer, MD Marielys D. C. Figueroa Sierra, MD Stephen Frempong, Jr., MD Edwin C. Gunn, MD Bradley W. Harrison, MD Eric Hilgenfeldt, MD Alyssa M. Huggins, MD

6 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

Muhammad F. Iqbal, MD Megan H. Jagosky, MD Birendra Kc, MD Brooks A. Keene, MD Kelsey R. Kennedy, MD Matt H. J. Kwon, MD Zion K. Lamm, MD Kevin M. Lamm, MD Chance C. Lewis, MD Ashley G. Matusz-Fisher, MD Rene McLeod, MD Graham P. McRary, MD Lauren M. Mogk, DO Constantine M. Moschopoulos, DO Bowen Niu, MD Kaitlyn O’Keefe, DO Emily C. Ost, MD Cristina M. Page, MD Neelam A. Patel, DO Sergio R. Patton, MD Michael J. Rewis II, MD Shadab Saboori, MD Jessica L. Sang, MD Srinivasa R. Sanikommu, MD Brittany V. Seminara, MD Victoria R. Shada, MD Neil Sharma, MD Sheenu Sheela, MD William R. Shimberg, MD Thomas P. Shuman, MD Andrew Simmelink, MD Sara Skavroneck, MD, MPH William M. Smith II, MD C. Tyler Smith, MD Anastasia Snelling, DO Linsey H. Spence, DO Daphanie Taylor, MD Deepak Vadehra, DO Lauren V. Wood, MD Jack S. Yazbeck, MD Joanna A. Young, DO Joseph H. Zeidan, MD NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Tyler G. Atkins, MD Graham Mulvaney, MD Jonathan M. Parish, MD


lows during training and $150 the first year after training. David R. Peters, MD Vincent J. Rossi, MD OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Kristi T. Balavage, MD Alice P. Barr, MD Dina A. Bastawros, MD Elizabeth G. Braxton, MD Daphne L. Capek, MD, MPH Aaron M. Dom, MD Audrey B. Drummey, MD Sarah K. L. Evans, MD Jada M. Fambrough, MD Myah M. Griffin, MD James P. Hogg III, MD Tanner Hurley, MD Rebecca E. Kasper, MD Jonathan S. Kubik, MD Monica D. Levine, MD Malorie Lipman, MD Kathryn S. Merriam, MD Sopan Mohnot, MD Savannah R. Pena, MD Emily A. Peterson, MD Jonathan S. Seibert, MD Rachel Shelley-Abrahamson, MD Lindsay M. Snook, MD Katherine Somodi-Stephenson, MD Kaitlyn N. Tyrie, MD Eden J. Yelverton, MD Cassandra Yoder, MD Alexus B. Young, MD ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Vignesh K. Alamanda, MD Bryan A. Bean, MD Thomas B. Bemenderfer, MD Aaron M. Brandt, MD Matthew Braswell, MD Joseph S. Buck, MD Kelsie Coe, MD Samuel Cohen-Tanugi, MD Scott E. Dart, MD Cody L. Evans, MD Samuel E. Ford, MD Abhishek Ganta, MD Michael Geary, MD

Jacob Gorbaty, MD Nicholas R. Johnson, MD Daniel P. Leas, MD Louis R. Lewandowski, MD Katherine K. Li, MD David Macknet, MD Richard R. McKnight, Jr., MD Patrick W. Moody, MD Michael P. Ransone, MD Risa Reid, MD Olivia M. Rice, MD John A. Ruder, MD Eric S. Secrist, MD Elaine Z. Shing, MD, PhD Andrew D. Wohler, MD Bradley L. Young, MD PEDIATRICS Alanna H. Ahlers, MD Elizabeth K. Baker, MD Alicia M. Bartek, MD Emily Beil, MD Courtney W. Brantley, MD Daniel F. Castillo, MD Maureen A. Choi, DO Matthew Coghill, MD Kristen B. Corcoran, MD Alexandria D. Cremeans, MD Olivia L. Francis, MD Kelly M. Garrity, MD Alexander M. Gilmore, MD Christopher M. Guido, MD Elizabeth R. Gunn, MD Cassady M. Hossenlopp, MD Mary T. Howell, MD Sara B. Intner, MD Kendra J. Jackson, MD Aravinth Karunanandaa, MD Maria E. Kooken, MD Michael C. Lever, MD Kimberly D. Lewis, MD John P. Licata, MD Elizabeth A. Mengis, MD Jamison C. Miller, MD Elizabeth R. O’Connor, MD Matthew A. Pearce, MD Angela Pickersgill, MD

n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Krista R. Sirois, MD Kathryn A. Six, MD Jennifer L. Smith, MD Rachael C. Smith, MD Nicole Studebaker, MD Laura K. Tumblin, MD Timothy M. Waer, MD Jennifer O. Walker, MD Kelli L. Wheeler, MD Jessica D. W. Young, MD PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Andrew M. Davisson, MD Edward W. Ference III, MD Scott P. Harrison, MD Kendall Held, MD Nicholas Horan, MD James M. Kult, MD Megha Mandalaywala, DO Ana M. Michunovich, DO Chandee Payne, DO Christian Phillips, MD Jordan L. Sestak, MD Jenny A. Smith, MD Trevor Tyner, DO Paul Weaver, DO Dana L. Westerkam, MD PSYCHIATRY Mihika Batavia, DO Izadora I. Diehl, MD Veronica S. Ridpath, DO April L. Schindler, MD Mark K. Weaver, MD Kristi M. Wragg, MD SURGERY Meshka K. Anderson, MD Sullivan A. Ayuso, MD Brett W. Baker, MD Selwan D. Barbat, MD Shakira W. Burton, MD Adam W. Calarese, MD Magendran Danapal, MD Nicholas Dugan, MD Sharbel A. Elhage, MD

Michael Fruscione, MD Thomas S. Gavigan, MD Michael Genz, MD Donald J. Hahn, MD Aidan D. Hamm, MD David Hobson, MD Andrew T. Huber, MD Laura E. Hudson, MD Lauren A. Jeck, MD Angela M. Kao, MD Russell C. Kirks, MD Daniel S. Krcelic, MD Christopher S. Kuppler, MD Patrick D. Lorimer, MD Caroline D. Lu, MD William B. Lyman, MD Mohanned Mallah, MD Sean R. Maloney, MD Joseph A. May, DO Benjamin M. Motz, MD Michael F. Nordsiek, DO Leslie M. Okorji, MD Javier Otero, MD Michael J. Passeri, MD Geoffrey R. Pearman, MD Ryan C. Pickens, MD Christina M. Riojas, MD Amanda L. Roberts, MD Jordan N. Robinson, MD, MPH Quantel Rolle, MD Isolina R. Rossi, MD Rahtna Shenoy, MD William C. Sherrill III, MD Andrew B. Sorah, MD Jesse K. Sulzer, MD, PhD Yancey E. Warren, Jr., MD Michael D. Watson, MD Robert G. Willis, MD Samuel R. Yelverton, MD UROLOGY Hamza M. Beano, MD Jared W. Brown, MD William Townsend, MD, MBA

Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 7

Member News

NEW MEMBERS Katie S. Fine, MD Pediatrics Novant Health Inpatient Care Specialists 200 Hawthorne Lane Charlotte, NC 28204 704-384-4021 Northwestern University, 1994 Kathryn (Kate) E. Long, MD Family Medicine Wellness Coalition America 1338 Hundred Oaks Drive, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28217 704-910-2250 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1999

Upcoming Meetings & Events NOVEMBER n






CHARLOTTE AHEC COURSE OFFERINGS Charlotte AHEC is part of the N.C. Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program and Carolinas HealthCare System.


Continuing Medical Education (CME) 11/8 Webinar Online

HCCs for Coders: An In-depth Look Project ECHO: Sickle Cell Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Alternatives to Opioids in Primary Care Online Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Chronic Pain & Safe Opioid Prescribing Best Practices Online Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Considerations of Co-Morbid Mood and Anxiety in Chronic Pain Online Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Online Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Pain Management in the Cancer Patient Online Breaking the Cycle: Opioid Epidemic — Responsible Pain Management in the Emergency Dept. Online CHS Approach to Sepsis and Infected Patients Requiring Hospitalization Online Heart Failure Patient Education for Primary Care Providers Online High-Risk Medications in the Elderly Online Introduction to HCCs for Practice Managers and Physicians Online Medical Genomics 101 Online Protecting Your Patients From Air Pollution Online The Role of the PCP in the Management of Pediatric Obesity (5-2-1-0 Principles)

For more information or to register for these courses, call 704-512-6523 or visit


Friday-Saturday, Nov. 2-3 North Carolina Society of Gastroenterology Board meeting Umstead Resort Monday-Friday, Nov. 5-9 MCMS office closed (moving to Suite 100). Tuesday, Nov. 13 MedLink meeting CCPGM Office 8:30 a.m.

DECEMBER No MCMS Board meeting. No Executive Committee meeting. n


Thursday, Nov. 15 January magazine deadline.

Thursday, Nov. 15 CAMGMA meeting Myers Park Baptist Church Cornwell Center Noon Thursday, Nov. 15 MCMS Board meeting/President’s Dinner Myers Park Country Club 6 p.m.

Thursday-Friday, Nov. 22-23 Office closed for Thanksgiving.




Tuesday, Dec. 4 Child Health Committee meeting MCMS Office 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11 MedLink meeting CCPGM Office 8:30 a.m. Friday, Dec. 14 February magazine deadline Thursday, Dec. 20 CAMGMA Holiday Party Charlotte Country Club 4-8 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 24-25 Office closed for Christmas.

NATIONAL HEALTH & WELLNESS OBSERVANCES NOVEMBER 2018 American Diabetes Month n Diabetic Eye Disease Month Lung Cancer Awareness Month n National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month National Epilepsy Awareness Month n National Family Caregivers Month National Healthy Skin Month n National Home Care Month National Hospice and Palliative Care Month Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month n Prematurity Awareness Month November 5: Color the World Orange for CRPS/RSD Awareness November 12: World Pneumonia Day November 14: World Diabetes Day November 15: Great American Smokeout November 17: International Survivors of Suicide Day November 22: National Family Health History Day November 22-January 1: Tie One On For Safety Campaign

DECEMBER 2018 AIDS Awareness Month National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month Safe Toys and Gifts Month December 1: World AIDS Day December 2-8: National Hand Washing Awareness Week December 2-8: National Influenza Vaccination Week

8 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

Mecklenburg County Medical Society



Celebrating 115 Years of Service





To unite, serve and represent our members as advocates for our patients, for the health of the community and for the profession of medicine.

n n n

Bioethics Resource Group Hospitality House of Charlotte N.C. MedAssist


MCMS is a physician-led organization with more than 100 years’ experience in making a difference in the health of our community. The Society serves all physicians and physician assistants who seek to have a forum for impactful collaborations and the implementation of programs addressing the healthcare needs for our region. Membership provides unique opportunities for networking among physicians and physician assistants, allowing a unified voice for healthcare policy advocacy on behalf of all Mecklenburg County residents. We are an accessible, seamless organization where one can work with colleagues to address healthcare concerns and issues. HISTORY

Founded in 1903, MCMS is a non-profit, professional volunteer organization with more the 1,400 physician members. MCMS is involved in a number of public service and community activities to provide awareness and access to various community health needs and health education.

n n

Physicians Reach Out Teen Health Connection


Annual Meeting David G. Welton, MD, Society Women Physicians Section Healthcare Management Symposium

n n n

Fighting For Women With Fashion Membership Socials Legislative Mixers

COMMITTEES n n n n n

Child Health Committee David G. Welton, MD Society Elections Committee Executive Committee Fighting For Women With Fashion Planning Committee (partnering with Women Lawyers of Charlotte and Safe Alliance)

n n n n n n n

Meck PAC Board Mecklenburg Medicine Editorial Board Media and Public Relations Committee Membership Committee Public Health Ad Hoc Committee Smith Arthritis Fund Committee Women Physicians Section

If you are interested in any of these meetings, events or committees, contact the Medical Society office at 704-376-3688. If you would like to join MCMS, visit or call 704-376-3688.

TERRACES MEDICAL PLAZA 9101 Pineville-Matthews Road | Pineville, North Carolina 28134

PROPERTY HIGHLIGHTS • Retail Medical Plaza being redeveloped from ± 50,000 SF former grocer space • ± 5,000 - 24,000 SF available • OrthoCarolina to co-anchor the plaza • Building signage opportunities • Excellent accessibility and parking with close proximity to I-485, and Hwy 51. • Located right off I-485’s Exit 64, adjacent to both Atrium Health’s Pineville campus and Carolina Place Mall, at the intersection of Pineville- Matthews Road and Park Road. TIFFANY SLAYDEN d. 704-971-8906

WILL ROBERTSON d. 704-971-8904

DEVELOPMENT • CAPITAL SOLUTIONS • ACQUISITIONS • BROKERAGE • ASSET MANAGEMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • ENGINEERING • CONSULTING Flagship Healthcare Properties is a fully integrated commercial real estate firm committed to healthcare. Flagship has developed over 1.7 million square feet and currently manages over 3 million square feet of healthcare space. The firm invests through and is manager of Flagship Healthcare Trust, a private REIT. 2701 Coltsgate Road, Suite 300 | Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 | 704-442-0222 |

Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 9



At the Hospitals

Novant Health Pediatric Sub-Specialties Open New Location in Charlotte Novant Health has opened three pediatric subspecialty clinics in a new medical office building in south Charlotte. Novant Health Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Neurology and Pediatric Sleep Medicine are now seeing patients at 6331 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226. Novant Health Pediatric Cardiology is open on Mondays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Boardcertified pediatric cardiology provider, David Ohmstede, MD, provides care for children ages birth-18, as well as adults with congenital heart conditions. Dr. Ohmstede provides diagnosis and management for the following conditions: heart murmurs, chest pains, syncope, arrhythmia, heart palpitations, blood pressure concerns, congenital heart conditions, family history of heart conditions, EKG, electrocardiogram monitoring, stress testing and trans-thoracic echocardiogram. For more information, call 704-316-1220. Novant Health Pediatric Neurology is open on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8 a.m.5 p.m. Shana Wallace, MD, and Dayna n

Perkowski, MD, provide state-of-the-art care for children ages birth-18. The physicians provide diagnosis and management of the following conditions: headaches, metabolic and genetic disorders affecting the central nervous system, movement disorders, seizures, Tourette’s syndrome and outpatient electroencephalogram (EEG) studies. For more information, call 704-384-1390. Novant Health Pediatric Sleep Medicine is open on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Lili Poon, DO, provides care to pediatric patients with sleep issues, including behavioral insomnia, sleep disorder breathing, excessive sleepiness, narcolepsy, enuresis, nightmares, sleep walking, night terrors, circadian rhythm disorders and restless leg syndrome. Dr. Poon also sees patients who have issues relating to sleep as a result of congenital disorders and acquired comorbidities. The clinic is welcoming new patients and offers same-day appointments. For more information, call 704-316-1062. Access Your Patients’ Medical Records Using MyChart Share Everywhere Novant Health’s online health management tool, “MyChart,” already has proved useful and popular among patients and providers, but a new MyChart feature now available with Novant Health allows important health n

information to be shared safely and even more effectively with patients’ care teams. The new feature, “Share Everywhere,” allows patients’ medical records to be accessed immediately with all providers in any location. Using the secure MyChart app, patients generate a share code and provide access to their electronic health records. Recipients then enter the code and patients’ date of birth to receive one-time, temporary access to patients’ health information. Notes also can be written between doctors across a range of platforms. The “Share Everywhere” feature is able to keep information secure due to its share codes only being valid for five minutes. To be able to see medical records, providers must have the birthdates of patients, along with the unique share codes. If the codes are not used within five minutes or any information is entered incorrectly three times, the share codes are invalidated. “Share Everywhere” allows patients to share their medical information with the entire team of people taking care of them, such as a provider outside of Novant Health, chiropractor, physical therapist, dentist or school nurse. To use, have patients login to their Novant Health MyChart, click on “Share Everywhere” button and complete the form.

Novant Health Mint Hill Medical Center Opens to Provide Comprehensive Care for Community Novant Health Mint Hill Medical Center opened Oct. 1 as a fullservice, 46-bed community hospital to serve patients in Mint Hill and surrounding communities. The 145,000-square-foot hospital and 67,000-square-foot attached physician’s plaza is at the corner of Albemarle Road and I-485 at 8201 Healthcare Loop, Charlotte, NC 28215. It is the 15th hospital for Novant Health. “We are excited to provide access to affordable, high-quality care for Charlotte’s Mint Hill community,” says Joy Greear, president and chief operating officer, Novant Health Mint Hill Medical Center. “The completion of Mint Hill Medical Center represents a new era in health care, where preventing illness or moving toward recovery is just the beginning. Our facility is designed in a way that emphasizes convenience and comfort, allowing us to care for Mint Hill residents in their own neighborhood.”

The hospital and attached physician’s plaza includes cardiology, neurology, emergency, heart and vascular, surgery, sports medicine, orthopedic and women’s services, as well as advanced imaging, laboratory, infusion and transitional care departments. There are 24 medical/ surgical beds, four intensive care unit beds, eight labor/delivery/recovery and postpartum rooms for maternity patients, 10 observation beds and a 16-bay emergency department. The nearly 212,000-square-foot, threestory facility was designed to feel like a destination. On the exterior, a mix of metal and stonework ties into the site’s surroundings while arched canopies and rocking chairs create a welcoming environment. Inside the building, soothing colors, floor-to-ceiling glass corridors and views of the campus’ multiple gardens and walking trails bring the outdoors in, flooding the space with natural light and fostering a healing environment.

10 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

At the Hospitals the System strives daily to improve health, elevate hope and advance healing. Levine Cancer Institute Morehead Pilots Service to Manage Symptoms, Preventing Unnecessary ED Visits The incidence of emergency department (ED) visits for cancer patients exceeds that of the general population, ranging between 1 to 83 percent, according to research. Cancer patients often present to the emergency room because of symptom issues. A population-based study of ED visits of patients with cancer showed that the top three complaints are pain, respiratory distress and gastrointestinal (GI) issues, such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia or bowel obstruction. Research shows more than 60 percent of these ED visits result in a hospital admission. With this in mind, in May 2017, the section of Palliative Medicine under the Department of Supportive Oncology at Levine Cancer Institute (LCI) Morehead began piloting a Rapid Access Service, by which providers refer patients directly to the service to help them manage their symptoms. n

Gene Woods Named One of the Most Influential People in Healthcare Atrium Health President and CEO, Gene Woods, has been honored as one of “Modern Healthcare” magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare, being named in the top 25 of the most significant innovators, trailblazers and thought-leaders across the Gene Woods field. Woods is the only North Carolina health system executive on the list and is ranked as the 12th most influential health system executive in the nation. In its 17th year, the recognition program acknowledges and honors individuals who are deemed by their peers and the senior editors of “Modern Healthcare” to be the most influential individuals in the industry, in terms of leadership and impact. The complete list is the main feature in the August 20 issue. Woods would be the first to say the recognition is not about him, but rather about celebrating Atrium Health’s accomplishments and growing its national reputation. He also has been named one of the magazine’s Top-25 Minority Executives in Healthcare for the fourth consecutive year; one of the 50 Great AfricanAmerican Leaders; one of the 100 Great Leaders in Healthcare by Becker’s Healthcare; one of the Most Influential Blacks in Corporate America by “Savoy” magazine; one of the Most Powerful Executives in Corporate America by “Black Enterprise;” one of the Most Admired CEOs of 2018 by the “Charlotte Business Journal;” and Alumni of the Year by Pennsylvania State University. Please join Atrium Health in congratulating Woods on this important recognition. He will continue to lead in a manner that puts patients and communities first and enhances Atrium Health’s reach and national reputation as n

Managing Symptoms Without an ED Visit The goals of the service are as follows: • Provide immediate assistance to LCI Morehead patients with poorly controlled symptoms related to their cancer and/or treatments. • Prevent unnecessary ED visits and hospital readmissions of LCI Morehead patients. • Facilitate early palliative medicine integration in cancer care. The Rapid Access Service is staffed by a nurse and a palliative medicine physician. They see urgent referrals from LCI Morehead providers who request assistance in managing uncontrolled symptoms of patients who are seen in the clinic. By referring patients from LCI Morehead to the Rapid Access Service, providers ensure patients receive prompt treatment of their symptoms and help avoid an ED visit and potentially a hospital readmission.

Early Results In the first year, May 2017-May 2018, 183 patients were referred to the service. Of those, 75 percent had solid tumor malignancies, 15 percent had gynecologic cancers and 9 percent had hematologic malignancies. The majority of patients referred were seen on the same day or next day. The most common reasons for referral were pain (83 percent) and GI symptoms (6 percent). Of the patients seen by the Rapid Access team during that one-year period, only 4 percent needed to be sent to the ED. Since the beginning of 2018 through August 8, only 2 percent needed to be sent to the ED. The Rapid Access Service is led by Armida Parala-Metz, MD. Other members of the team are Donna Baldassare, MD, Beth Susi, MD, Paula Knight, RN, Melissa Waller, RN, and Latoya Spencer, RN, nurse manager. Atrium Health Honored as One of ‘Forbes’ Best Employers for Women Atrium Health was ranked by “Forbes” as one of America’s Best Employers for Women 2018. At No. 55 overall, A t r i u m Health ranks as the top organization in the state and is the only North Carolina company in the top 100. In addition, Atrium Health comes in at No.16 in health care. The list was compiled based on surveys of companies with more than 1,000 employees. Some 40,000 employees across the country, including 25,000 women, provided answers regarding working conditions, diversity and likelihood to recommend their employer to others, as well as parental leave, discrimination and pay equity. “Diversity and inclusion is part of the Atrium Health DNA,” says Kinneil Coltman, Atrium Health’s chief diversity officer. “Our education, resources and dedication to a diverse staff help ensure Atrium Health develops teammates and leaders who can focus on understanding one another and meeting the collective needs of our patients.” n

Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 11

Independent Physicians of the Carolinas

Independent Physicians of the Carolinas is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) membership organization whose mission is to create public awareness of medical doctors not employed by a network or hospital system and to provide educational programs and resources to physician members and their administration. Visit us at Charlotte Gastroenterology & Hepatology welcomes Monica Manzi, PA-C. Manzi, a certified physician assistant, works at the Charlotte Gastroenterology & Hepatology Matthews office. She brings extensive gastroenterology and hepatology experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Prior to physician assistant school, she worked in multiple health specialties, including being a lab technologist, emergency medical technician and nurse Monica Manzi, PA-C assistant. It was her heart for helping people and love of science that ultimately paved the way to becoming a physician assistant. Originally from Providence, Rhode Island, Manzi lives in Matthews with her husband and two sons. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, hiking, traveling, Bible study, attending local music venues/festivals and spending time with family. She enjoys ACC basketball as a UNC Tar Heels fan and pulls for the New England Patriots in football. Have pain? Do you want to get better faster? Carmel Foot Specialists is offering MLS Laser Therapy, in which concentrated light energy is used to stimulate the body’s own healing process to minimize pain, inflammation and arthritis, and to reduce recovery time so patients can return to a pain- free lifestyle. MLS Laser therapy treats pain and inflammation associated with achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, nephropathy, neuroma, arthritis and bursitis, wound healing, work/sports injury, postsurgical recovery and much more. For more information about MLS or other foot conditions, visit or call 704-542-8253 option 1 for an appointment. Charlotte Ophthalmology is pleased to announce the addition of a new ophthalmologist, Daniela Whiteside, MD, to its Huntersville location. She began September 1 and is doing comprehensive ophthalmology and medical retina.

The Alzheimer’s Memory Center team was honored to be a sponsor for the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s on October 13. They had a table with information about their services and research trial opportunities, along with goodies and giveaways. Their Walk Team also participated in fundraising activities to contribute to this important cause. The team thanks everyone for their generous donations. M. Reza Bolouri, MD, was a guest speaker for the Alzheimer’s support group at Carillon of Mint Hill on September 6, where he presented the topic, “Managing Behaviors in Alzheimer’s Disease.” In addition, the team from Alzheimer’s Memory Center attended the September is For Seniors Expo on September 28. They had a table with information about their resources and fall-themed giveaways at the community event.

Advertising Acknowledgements The following patrons made Mecklenburg Medicine possible.

Atrium Health.........................................................................................15 Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates.....................................14 Charlotte Radiology...............................................................................14 DJL Clinical Research


Gill Orthopaedics of the Carolinas.........................................................5 Flagship Healthcare Properties........................................................ 9, 13 LabCorp..................................................................................Back Cover Monarch...................................................................................................13 Novant Health...........................................................................................2 Southeast Pain & Spine Care..................................................................3 Southeast Radiation Oncology Group...................................................3

12 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

2701 Coltsgate Road, Suite 300 | Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 | 704-442-0222 |



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DON’T LET DEPRESSION RULE THE HOLIDAYS. Children and adolescents are not immune to behavioral health crises during the holiday season; in fact, it may be an exceptionally difficult time for those whose memories of holidays past aren’t positive. The State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Youth Crisis Center, a Monarch program, is here to help when crises arise. (844) 263-0050

Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 13

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14 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine


Every day, more than 32,000 people choose us for their healthcare. From the region’s most advanced heart program and cancer institute to a nationally ranked children’s hospital, we remain strong in our commitment – not just to delivering better care, but to delivering the best care. For all. Mecklenburg Medicine • November/December 2018 | 15

Mecklenburg County Medical Society


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16 | November/December 2018 • Mecklenburg Medicine

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