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Premium List � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Premium List 2021


Entry Days are Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 3-8 PM� and Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 3-8 PM� Exhibits in Main Building may be removed after 6 p�m� on Sunday, July 25, 2021�


The gates will be open from 9 a�m� to 10 p�m� each day� All persons remaining on the grounds over night must provide themselves with proper admission for the following day� There will be no pass out checks� -Admission into the fair is FREE. -There is parking available on the Fairgrounds for $3.00 per car. -Admission is charged for Grandstand events only.


The Perham Agricultural Society Incorporated reserves to its board the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations, and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incident to the fair�

********************************* Your annual Fair will be held at the East Otter Tail Fair Grounds in Perham on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 22, 23, 24, and 25� The following premium list will prove that we invite exhibits of almost every type and kind and that substantial premiums will be paid to prize winners� We’ll be seeing you at the Fair!


President: Pete Zavadil Vice- President: Karen Gorentz Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Sazama


Pete Zavadil Karen Gorentz Diane Sazama Dr� Bill Rose Kayla Jahnke Luke Flink Kelly Riepe Eugene Jahnke Monique Rossow Jason Bachmann Andy Breitenfeldt Fred Lehmkuhl


Ed Keil, Kris Moltzan, Vance Bachmann, Shirley Davison ********************************** 1� The management reserves the right to add to these rules as they, in their judgement, may deem advisable� 2� Nothing that has been previously shown at this fair, except livestock, shall compete for a prize� 3� Entries for premiums in the individual lots of grain, field seed, fruits and forage shall not be permitted to appear as part of collections� 4� No article or animal shall compete for more than one premium, except in livestock groups� 5� Stock must be entered in the name of bona fide owners, and grain, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, flowers and household arts division must have been raised by owners during the past year� 6� Only one entry in any one lot may be made by one family or from one farm� 7� Every article in competition must correspond in number, size of sample and description with the premium list and be in its proper class in order to obtain premiums� No change or alteration will be permitted after the books are placed in the hands of the judges� 8� Each entry tag shall be securely attached to the entry itself, or to the stall, pen, or receptical in which it is shown�

9. Entry Schedule - Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 3-8 PM and Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 3-8 PM.

10� Exhibitors are urged to bring their animals or articles as early as possible on entry day so that everything will be in readiness� You can assist the management a great deal by promptness and also secure for yourself the most prominent place for your exhibit�


11� Exhibits in the Main Building are to remain on display until 6 PM� the last day of the Fair� 12� Livestock owned by exhibitor residing beyond 20 miles from Perham may be released by 4 p�m� the last day of the Fair� Livestock owned by exhibitors residing less than 20 miles from Perham may be released at 4 p�m� the last day of the Fair� 13� Premiums will not be paid on articles or animals removed from exhibition without the approval of the Secretary�


14� Grain and field seeds shall be shown in clear fruit jars and unless otherwise designated shall consist of two quart jars by measure� 15� Exhibition of articles not competing for premiums must be arranged for at the Secretary’s Office, and will be arranged as far as possible in conformity with the wishes of the exhibitor�


16� Persons having claims against the Society must present them to the Secretary within fifteen days after the last day of the Fair� NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE 17� The Society will take every precaution in its power for the preservation of the articles and stock on exhibition, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur in the delivery, exhibition, or removal of exhibits�


18� The Superintendent of the division or some other person appointed shall assist the judge as clerk and shall keep a record of the awards made� This record when completed shall be signed by the judges and returned to the Secretary� 19� The awards on entries will be designated as follows: 1st premium, blue; 2nd, red; 3rd, white; sweepstake, purple� 20� All awards shall be made by competition of the individual merits of the entries� 21� Any interference by exhibitors to influence or dictate the decision of the judges shall be sufficient cause for excluding his or her entry from competition and should be reported to the Secretary through the Superintendent� 22� No appeal for the decision of the judges shall be allowed� An exhibitor shall make protest to the Superintendent of the division at the time of award, who may then require the judges to give reasons for such placing� 23� No judge shall award any discretionary premiums� Whenever articles of superior merit are exhibited for which no premiums have been offered, the judges may enter same as “commended” on the book of awards, so the Secretary may report them to the board for future action� 24� Premiums will not be awarded to articles or animals of inferior merit although there may be no competition� Where the number of competitors in any lot is less than the number of awards, the judges may, at their discretion, award lower prizes, omitting the higher ones� 25� Where a sum of premium money is to be paid out pro rate, the apportionment shall be according to the merits of the individual exhibits� 26� Special premiums may be offered by interested persons for entries which conform to the general classification of the Society�

27. Premium checks must be cashed within 30 days of issue, or they will become void.

28� Check may be picked up at the Fair Office at 7pm on Sunday, July 25


29. Cattle and Bison: Breeding cattle, rodeo cattle and all cattle for exhibition must be officially identified upon movement from the herd to another location, with certain exceptions� Records of cattle movements into and out of herds must be kept on the farm for five years� Swine: Swine moving within the state must be officially identified with certain exceptions� mn�gov/bah/board/releases/nr2013-04-08�html

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