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WatershedConnect Summary

A Multiple Benefits Approach to Salmon Recovery

To create more resilient landscapes that accelerate salmon recovery, we must enhance the number of restoration and protection projects being implemented on the ground and attract new audiences to support these projects.

WatershedConnect is an interactive mapping application that supports salmon recovery and habitat restoration by DNR and our partners. This tool also helps the public understand and visualize the multiple benefits of recovery projects, including economic impacts and environmental justice. WatershedConnect will help motivate new partners and target new funding by improving understanding of project-level needs in individual watersheds. This multiple benefits approach will help connect to and mobilize new partners.

The initial version of WatershedConnect focuses on DNR's first focus watershed, WRIA 7. It aggregates project data from multiple watershed partners.

Using clear visual tools and plain language, users can learn about ways that salmon recovery projects support salmon and other co-benefits. In this time when funding is particularly constrained, it is especially valuable to be able to identify those projects that get the most “bang for your buck.” WatershedConnect will help us to do this.

Including cross-cutting issues and communicating about co-benefits in new ways, WatershedConnect will help us to grow momentum and speed the delivery of projects that support salmon recovery, economic and health benefits and climate resilience.

Projects are grouped into three high-level categories:

◗ Restoration

◗ Protection (acquisition and easements)

◗ Connectivity (fish passage barriers, culverts)

Project data

DNR used project data from multiple sources to create a WRIA 7 project database which is used to populate the map. We have included project data from the following sources: DNR programs; Snohomish Watershed Salmon Recovery Forum 4-Year Work Plan; Snoqualmie Basin 10Year Work Plan; US Forest Service; Puget Sound Partnership Near-Term Actions.

As of 2021, the map includes more than 250 projects with costs of approximately $275M.

Multiple benefits areas explored

◗ Salmon benefit

◗ Job creation and economic output

◗ Human health and environmental justice, based on location in overburdened communities (using Washington State Department of Health’s

Environmental Health Disparities map)

Intended audience

◗ DNR staff—What salmon projects are located on or near DNR lands to foster collaboration and partnership with other agencies, businesses, local governments

◗ Legislature/decision makers—The scope of need for capital work/funding and locations

◗ Funders (current and potential)—List of priority projects

◗ Partners (current or potential)—What projects are located on or adjacent to their lands and where opportunities for cross-boundary partnerships exist

◗ Existing salmon recovery community—To infuse new ideas about multiple benefits of salmon recovery

Next Steps

DNR launched WatershedConnect version 1.0 in early 2022. The map will be maintained and updated over time.

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