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DNR-Administered Funds
DNR-Administered Funds –Revenue and Expenditures | FY 2019
Fund Title Trust Management Accounts* Forest development (FDA) 3 Resources management (RMCA) Total
RMCA-Uplands subtotal 4 RMCA-Land Bank subtotal 4 RMCA-Aquatics subtotal
Agricultural college (ACTMA) Other DNR-Administered Funds 14 Access road revolving Aquatic lands dredged material Aquatic lands enhancement 7 Clarke-McNary Community forest trust Conservation areas stewardship Contract harvesting revolving Derelict vessel removal 8 Federal lands revolving Forest and fish support 9 Forest fire protection assessment Forest health revolving Forest practice application Geothermal Landowner contingency forest fire Marine resources stewardship ORV and nonhighway vehicle 6 Park land trust revolving 10 Spec forest products outreach/edu State forest nursery revolving Surface mining reclamation Surveys and maps Total DNR-Administered Funds 14
See Fiscal Notes, pages 54-58. Totals may not add due to rounding. Real property replacement 3, 17
Balance 7/1/18
$3,965 31,799 12,539 7,913 11,346 450
See accompanying notes. Totals may not add due to rounding. Amounts reported in thousands of dollars.
$26,684 57,752 40,418 246 17,089 1,356
$190,998 Expenditure
$(23,453) (51,201) (36,278) (1,946) (12,977) (1,425)
$(13,674) (30) (10,933) (15,539) (1) (226) (17,986) (1,082) (453) (5,825) (13,177) (9,435) (738) 0 (6,661) 0 (3,378) (2,366) (1,301) 0 (4,408) (1,321) (955)
$(109,490) $(185,568) Ending
Balance 6/30/19
$7,197 38,350 16,679 6,213 15,458 381
Amounts are reported in thousands of dollars.
About This Page
DNR’s fiscal activity includes generating revenue for a variety of funds and accounts, some of which benefit state trust beneficiaries and some of which fund state programs, including DNR’s own. DNR’s fiscal activity also includes expenditures supporting its work. Some of the accounts that receive revenue from DNR or that fund DNR’s expenditures are managed by DNR; others are managed by other agencies. * These accounts fund DNR’s management of state trust lands. Revenue may be carried over from year to year. As a result, any given year’s expenditures do not necessarily correlate to that year’s revenue.
** The RMCA trust balance includes $6,213,183 dedicated by law (RCW 79.19) to Land Bank purchases of lands that replace previously sold trust lands. See pages 8, 18, 20, and 24 for more detailed accounting. FDA and RMCA are funded through revenue generated from the lands whose management they support. ACTMA is not funded through such revenue, but instead, through a legislative appropriation from the State General Fund.
N/A = not applicable