Wadsworth High School
Newspaper II/III
How many students FAILED the drug test? pg. 3
MAY 2018
The LAST DAY MAY 30th!
Volume XLIII No. 8
625 Broad Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
Berg awarded Teacher of the Year BY ANNA WOLFINGER
This year, Mr. Berg has received the well-deserved “Teacher of the Year” award. Through his teachings, his devotion to his students and his charisma, Berg has made his mark here at Wadsworth High School. National Honors Society holds their annual “Teacher of the Year” to acknowledge admirable teachers. Previous winners included Mr. Schmeltzer Sr., Mrs. Roher, and Mrs. Elliot. Every year, students and staff nominated deserving teachers and made a list for NHS to vote on. Once that list was compiled, the members of NHS determined that Berg had won majority vote. “Teacher of the Year” is a big hit here at WHS, and many students look forward to seeing if their favorite teacher wins. This is the school’s way of showing how grateful everyone is to have great teachers. This year, Mr.
Berg was added to the list of my classes relevant and make have won this award before me, many faculty members who have sure my students are learning I am extremely flattered and had an impact on students, their everything they can,” Berg said. thankful,” said Berg. education and more importantly Mr. Singleton, one of the When announced at the fine their future. Berg’s students arts assembly, Berg broke down advisors of the National Honors enjoy his classes and can see how into tears as his name was called. Society, said that Berg is passionate he is about his job. “Knowing the teachers who involved in so many ways within “If I had to our school pick one teacher and that he in Wadsworth deserves this High School award. that has never “Mr. Berg failed to put a isn’t only a smile on my great teacher, face, it would he’s a great definitely colleague too,” be Berg,” Singleton said. said Bella Berg has Thompson, 11, motivated who is on the many teens yearbook staff and has helped with him. them develop Mr. Berg not only as teaches Speech students, but as individuals. He I, CCP Speech II helps organize and has been the PHOTO BY RICHIE DIETRICH many events yearbook advisor at the school, for 5 years. Berg’s wife and children surprised him at the fine arts assembly when his name “I try to keep was called. They all smile together as Berg holds his Teacher of the Year award. and he actively
Bruin wins 1st place OSMA award BY JILLIAN CORNACCHIONE
The Wadsworth High School Bruin staff recently attended the 2018 Ohio Scholastic Media Association convention, and for the second year in a row, they took home the OSMA award for first place student newspaper in the state. Over spring break, Bruin members Marraya Youngblood, 11, Colin Wright, 12, along with Adam and Ahmed Darwich, 12, traveled to Kent State University. The school, known for its journalism and mass communication program, hosted the state ceremony for the OSMA. They were joined by nearly 400 other high school journalists from numerous schools located throughout Ohio. Schools from these areas submitted their news writing to OSMA to be critiqued and placed into categories such as superior and excellent. The OSMA was impressed by our staff’s work, saying “The Bruin is an outstanding high school newspaper and truly serves well the students of Wadsworth High School.” The Wadsworth Bruin was very victorious, seizing multiple awards including 3rd place
for their student news website. However, they were especially honored to obtain the first place title for their school newspaper. “I hope winning this award shows this year’s staff that their countless hours of hard work did not go unnoticed,” said this year’s Bruin Chief, senior Quentin Griffin. The previous year, they had won first place with Maria Reguerio as their chief. “It was a great year, and I hope they keep climbing the ladder and take first place next year,” said Griffin. As the school year comes to an end, Bruin members are
sending off the senior staff and welcoming new additions to the team. Marraya Youngblood has been named next year’s chief and has high hopes for the Bruin. “I hope this award will motivate next year’s staff and show them that with effort and dedication, you can achieve great things. Hard work really pays off,” Youngblood explained. The Wadsworth Bruin staff is looking forward to another year of success and are keeping their eyes on the prize, hoping to receive the award for the 3rd year in a row.
participates in school affiliated activities. “To put it simply, we are blessed to have him,” said Singleton. Berg boosts students’ confidence in his Speech I and II classes as he teaches them how to publicly speak in front of a group. As the school yearbook advisor, he manages the staff and contributes to the yearbooks each year. Unfortunately, this is his last year as the yearbook advisor. “The yearbook staff will miss Berg so much. Next year won’t be the same without him,” said Thompson. Berg continues to win the hearts of the WHS faculty and students through his personality, his passion for teaching and his dedication to his students. “I did not do anything in particular. The students are my priority, and my goal is to push them towards success,” Berg finished.
Inside the Bruin:
Bruin members Adam Darwich, 12, Colin Wright, 12, Ahmed Darwich, 12, and Marraya Youngblood, 11, celebrate the end of a successful ceremony.
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Wadsworth Bruin
E ditorial
M ay 2018
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief, Marraya Youngblood Creating a paper is not always easy. There is a lot of writing, editing, running around like crazy and talking to people you do not know. That being said, this past year has turned out well for The Bruin. We have held interviews with important figures in and around our community, tried new layouts and photo techniques and looked in-depth at key issues plaguing our society. As a staff, we have worked tirelessly to produce editions of the paper that allow our staff, student body and administration to take pride in. Although we may fall flat and make mistakes and errors within the pages, we cannot forget that we are all only human.
Our focus this year was to always make the best story, have the best interview, create the best graphic and take the best photo. Many nights were spent in The Bruin room to achieve the most perfect concept of what we were trying to produce. This year we experienced multiple successes. We discovered how to make better graphics, and in turn, we won an OSMA, a high school journalism award, for our infographics page. We also had staff earn personal awards for stories. Staff had an interview with a congressman and senator, met with a journalist from News 5, helped local bands and artists gain popularity and had an exclusive interview with Ohio’s “Mr. Football.” We could not have had this
prosperity without the help of our editors and senior staffers. We are at the end of an era, and we thank you for the hard work you all have done. Next year is looking even more promising, with the departure of old staff comes the arrival of fresh, new talent. The Bruin is always forthcoming to change, and next year is no exception. As the voice of the school, we look forward to the end of the school year and the start of a new. While there are a lot of difficulties in Bruin, there are a lot of good things too. There is laughter, community, drive and passion. Our teamwork makes us a stronger staff. Have a good summer break WHS. See you again in August!
2 0 1 8 -2 0 1 9 S TAF F Marraya Youngblood, Editor in Chief Anna Bowling, News Editor Olivia Porpora, Features Editor Jacob Brown, Art Editor Jacob McDermitt, Sports Editor Jacob LoGuidice, Ads and Business Manager Kaitlyn Setera, Website Manager Kylee Baranek, Social Media Manager Staff Writers: Stanley Bingham, Brooke Burton, Patrick Chamier, Lauren Conley, Jillian Cornacchione, Richie Dietrich, Logan Egleston, Kyia Frank, Jessica Hermann, Hannah Hines, T.J. Lockwood, Matt Moore, Morgan Porpora, Halle Shaeffer, Seth Smalley, Emily Thompson, Kai Wagner, Abby Wichterman and Anna Wolfinger.
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Ineffective Morning announcements serve a critical purpose in informing students about what is going on at our school. Unfortunately, a scarce number of kids actually know the essential details of events and occurrences at Wadsworth High School. Whether or not the disconnect is a result of others speaking, incomplete information, misinformation, or technical difficulties, sometimes the messages and meetings that are meant to be communicated to students are missed. “I like knowing about what is going on in the school, but the noise during the announcements makes it hard to pay attention,” said Erin Lynn, 11. “I find it super disrespectful.” The week directly before winter break, announcements were moved to the beginning of fourth period due to CCP and Career-Tech students missing information in second period. “I never know what is going on because I am never at Wadsworth for the announcements due to my career tech class in the morning. I am never kept up to date and then get frustrated when I miss information and have no way of accessing it,” said Megan Neff, 11. Moving announcements to fourth period seemed like a good idea, nonetheless, it still cannot get all the information across to students. The most pressing issue with announcements is that students tend to disregard those speaking. In my own fourth period class, students continuously talk over the announcements every single day. It does not matter the topic, the announcer, or even the volume of the PA system as a student
A re t h e m o r n i n g a n n o u n c e m e n t s e f f e c t i v e a t g e t t i n g information out to students? BY ANNA BOWLING
is always talking. Ignorant and impolite students cause the most of the problems. Additionally, students who have study hall that period frequently feel left out because the echo in the cafeteria makes everything inaudible. “It’s pretty annoying [not knowing the information] because I am not really aware of important things happening like CCP meetings, club stuff and overall school activities,” said Hannah Michel, 11. Some daily announcements are uploaded onto the school website, but not all are typed to the exact specifications of how they are read on the PA, if they are put online at all. “Putting it on the website regularly would be good and the most beneficial to everyone,” said Kaitlyn Cummings, 12. Continuous updating of the website would be the best solution. It would allow for anyone interested to view times, dates, prices and locations while simultaneously reducing questioning and miscommunication. Additionally, parents could then view the announcements as well. Ultimately, to restate what is said over the PA in writing would make our student body more informed.
Bruin Staff Editor in Chief: Marraya Youngblood Front Page, Page Editor: Marraya Youngblood Reporters: Anna Wolfinger, Jillian Cornacchione Editorial, Page Editor: Anna Bowling Reporters: Matt Moore News, Page Editor: Olivia Porpora Reporters: Morgan Porpora, Seth Smalley Opinion 1, Page Editor: Richie Dietrich Reporters: Lauren Conley Opinion 2, Page Editor: Jacob McDermitt Reporters: Patrick Chamier Picture Pages, Page Editor: Jacob Brown Reporters: Brooke Burton, Emily Thompson Sports 1, Page Editor: Jake LoGuidice Reporters: Logan Egleston Sports 2, Page Editor: T.J. Lockwood Reporters: Stanley Bingham Entertainment, Page Editor: Kaitlyn Setera Reporters: Hannah Hines Features, Page Editor: Kylee Baranek Reporters: Abby Wichterman Of The Month, Page Editor: Jessica Hermann Reporters: Kyia Frank Speakout, Page Editor: Kai Wagner Reporters: Halle Shaeffer Online Editor: Kaitlyn Setera Ads/Business Manager: Jake LoGuidice Advisor: Eric Heffinger
The morning announcements have always been an important tool for getting general information out to students. Wadsworth High goes above and beyond the stereotypical morning announcements. Spreading vital information to the students and staff is one the things WHS does best. The announcements are broadcasted every morning at the beginning of fourth period. (10:15 A.M.). A pair of select students begin the presentation with the Pledge of Allegiance and a few bulletins, followed by a quick message from an administrator. Much to the disbelief of unsatisfied students, most people believe they are kept up to date of current events. “I think I am well informed here at the high school,” said Mckenna Brown, 11. The morning announcements provide all of the information any student could need or want. All one is required to do is stop and listen. Unfortunately, listening tends to be where the problems arise. Students at Wadsworth High have a tendency to converse amongst themselves
Effective whenever the opportunity presents itself. This is why the announcements could be perceived as ineffective. “The announcements are effective but I cannot always hear them because people talk during them,” said Rachel Freno, 10. A comment like this poses the question: Are the announcements ineffective or are the students ineffective listeners? Wadsworth High has taken steps to spread the school announcements to other mediums. This year the two televisions located in the cafeteria were equipped with a continuous slide show that displays the same information announced in the morning along with much more. “I think the TVs make a big impact,” said Brown, “Sometimes at lunch I will see something that I completely missed in the morning”. Extra curricular activities have started using social media platforms to bring attention to important dates or events. Most of the information shared on social media is also announced in the mornings so long as it pertains to other students. This brings the tally of broadcasted information outlets to three. Three opportunities for students and staff to get all the information they need to carry on with their activities. Morning announcements, televisions with a slide show and individual social media accounts accumulate to make Wadsworth High one of the most involved schools in the county. At some point the student body needs to be responsible for their own schedule. Perhaps the students are at fault for their lack of knowledge not the school.
Editorial Policy The Bruin is a monthly publication produced by the Newspaper II and Newspaper III students at Wadsworth High School. The Newspaper I class produces the May issue. The staff will do its best to inform the student body and the community of intra-school, community or national events that affect the student body. This paper provides on-the-job training for the staff members. All decisions are made by the staff members with the advice and suggestions of the adviser. The school administration works closely with the staff to ensure accuracy. We, as the students of journalism, hold the same rights and the same responsibilities as professional journalists as we strive for professional standards. These rights include the right to print any material that is not libelous, obscene or excessively disruptive to the school process. The Bruin will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of religion, color, creed or sex. The staff members accept full responsibility for everything appearing in this publication. The staff strongly encourages students to express their opinions through the letters to the editor column, which is printed every month. The staff also encourages the members of the community to express their opinion as well. Space permitting, all letters will be printed. We reserve the right to edit or omit any portion of any letter because the staff accepts the responsibility for the contents of the paper. All letters must be signed, but the name will be withheld upon request.
N ews
Wadsworth students dominate National Robotics Competition BY MORGAN PORPORA
The 2018 National Robotics Competition was held in Marion, Ohio. This year, Wadsworth sent 50 students to the competition to represent the compact. Overall, the competition was a success. Many students brought home numerous awards, and it helped prepare students for next year. Seniors, Colin Libby, Ashley Rodgers, Michael Duncan, and Roland Savage were awarded bronze in the rescue robot competition, and they were also nominated for a Honda innovation award. “I was expecting to win an award
Central under construction BY SETH SMALLEY
Central Intermediate School is one of the last remaining Wadsworth school buildings that has not been rebuilt. CIS is one of the oldest buildings we have in Wadsworth, but the landmark is deteriorating These conditions have forced Wadsworth city schools to plan to construct yet another new school building. The Central Intermediate School Committee, which was
because of the amount of time and effort everyone put into the robots. We all felt that the designs had a great chance at competition,” said Michael Duncan, 12. Kurt Cossick, Dillon Kirkpatrick, Austin Gabel and Andrew Swanson, all seniors, received a gold award in combat, and were also nominated for a Honda innovation award. “The coolest part was seeing all of the hard work over the past year pay off. My team and I put in a ton of time and sacrificed a lot with all of the robots we entered. Seeing all three of them finish in the top 8, and one finishing in first place is a fantastic feeling,” said Dillon Kirkpatrick, 12.
formed to discern the future of the school, had a School Facility Assessment report conducted. The report detailed a total cost of over $21,500,000 to renovate the existing building, according to a report during the committee’s presentation to the Wadsworth board of education. The proposed new building would cost roughly $24,000,000, with the state pledging to pay 37% of the school. With the construction of a new CIS building now inevitable, the biggest challenge faced by the school board and CIS committee will be choosing a
M ay 2018
A word from the Principal
Kurt Cossick, 12, working on his robot that competed in many categories at the National Robotics Competition.
spot to construct it. “The spot that the new building will be built on is undetermined as of right now,” said Amanda Gordon, a member of the board of education.
Choosing the location of the school presents many difficulties, but with time, a new state of the art school building will be added to the Wadsworth school district.
The Central Intermediate building is the oldest school in the district and is rapidly deteriorating.
First year drug testing goes better than expected BY MORGAN PORPORA
Of the 1,091 Wadsworth students that have been drug tested this year, only 14 students have failed: eight nicotine, five marijuana, and one amphetamine. That equals 1.275% of the students tested, and .09% of Wadsworth High School student body did not pass. With only 1.275% of students failing, people wonder if we should continue spending the amount of money we currently are, spend even more or stop drug testing completely. In a survey conducted by the Bruin in the December issue, 12% of students tried marijuana, 24% claimed to drink alcohol and 4% claimed to have tried
adderall. With these results, many students believe the drug testing is not random and that it is not reaching the crowd it needs to. Administration said that the company that provides the drug testing selects 30 students randomly each month to be tested. This is in addition to the initial testing each student must do to be on a sports team, participate in a club or to have a parking pass. “I am confused on how the random drug testing works since some people I know have been tested three times, while most people haven’t been tested at all,” said Andrew Jargia, 12. “It could be rigged so that the students that are passing, are selected again, so our school looks as if we are drug free.”
Mr. Moore went onto refute this idea. “The outside company selects students randomly,” said Mr. Moore. “It is not rigged or tampered with in any fashion.” Even with the knowledge that the testing is truly random, students still dread the testing, feeling as though it is unnecessary. “I’ve been drug tested,” said Allison Merhar, 10. “I think it is a major waste of time and waste of money that we could be spending on things students actually care about.” Some students believe there are many things Wadsworth High School could benefit from, instead of using money for drug testing. Some students
Do you think drug testing was beneficial this year?
“Not really, no. From what I’ve heard, no one has really gotten caught.” -Nick Metzger, 9
“Yes, because it eliminates people from doing drugs and makes a cleaner school and a healthier society.”
-Hannah Saylor, 11
“No, it is just wasting money we could be spending on other things.” -Lance Steward, 10
mentioned they would like to see better technology use in the classroom and new sports equipment. “I honestly think as a student it is important to know the consequences of the drug testing,” said Elena Vukovic, 10. Mr. Moore stated the consequences, and said that if a student goes into an assessment program, then they do not have to sit out from any sports or give up their parking pass. If a student fails to get an assessment program, then they are suspended from half of their activities or nine weeks without their parking pass. If it is the student’s second offense, they will have to go get the assessment and will receive suspension from the school. The question of if drug testing should stay in place next year still remains unanswered among Wadsworth High School students. “I do believe that it is worth continuing because not only of the results but the conversations that I was able to have with students and parents that tested positive,” said Mr. Moore. “[I also talked] with students and parents that were in the program that told me it gave them a reason to say no to drugs. The drug testing program is not the end to all of our problems but it is a step in the right direction.” Some students feel that it is a very beneficial process to help keep students on a good track.
Students it is finally here-- the end of the school year. It has been a fantastic year and I hope that you have had as great a year as I have had being principal. It is always special for me to see how each of you perform in and out of the classroom. Our academics, arts and athletics are always outstanding; this year was no different. You are an amazing group of students and I look forward to continuing to watch you grow as young adults. I do want to take this time to thank our wonderful staff for an outstanding year as well. Students you are fortunate to have a passionate group of teachers that care for you every day and strive to make you better. Our staff continues to work hard each and every day to make WHS a great place to be. A special thanks goes out to Mrs. McIlvaine and Mr. Evans who will be retiring from teaching this year after 30 plus years in the profession. Also, Mr. Jackson will not be returning next year as he goes back into retirement. All of these people have been a great influence at Wadsworth High School and will be missed next year. I would also like to give special mention to Mr. Berlin, Mr. Sieber and Mr. Musgrave for an outstanding year as well. I have appreciated all the work each of you have done administratively to make it a great place to be at for our students and staff. Each of you treat ALL students and staff very well and are truly great people. Students, I have said it multiple times and I will say it again. We have the greatest High School in the State of Ohio because of all the people here. Have a great summer and see you in August. GO GRIZZLIES! This also helps students live a healthier lifestyle. “Students should still be drug tested because it scares them into not doing drugs, especially if they are participating in activities,” said J.D. Webb, 10. Multiple students agree with this, stating the test is being used as a deterrent. “In a way, the school is somehow accomplishing their goal because of how low the results are,” said Philip Bebesi, 10. Mr. Moore said that results were unclear in whether or not the test was a deterrent, or if the students tested had never used drugs to begin with or if they know when drug testing is going to happen. Wadsworth High School first instituted the new drug testing policy for the 2017-2018 school year. Although many students are not fond of the test, it was put in place to be beneficial to them and the school.
O pinion 1
M ay 2018
Powder Puff causing controversy over past year injuries Seniors
Every junior girl looks forward to the day where they are finally able to tackle the senior girls to the ground. Powder Puff also gives the Wadsworth boys football team a chance to either referee or coach one of the two teams to victory. When the Powder Puff game comes around, the excitement is overwhelming; this is why the game is so well liked. With all the
students and parents that come to watch the game, it makes the players even more competitive and anxious to play. Girls Powder Puff football is dangerous, but that is exactly how they like it. Could the risks outweigh the competition? Getting the opportunity to tackle and score on the other team for fun makes the risk of injury not as important as winning. Due to the girls not worrying about getting hurt, the adults have even more of a reason to worry about the players. This causes them to think the game is too dangerous for the girls to participate in.
The intimidating senior team lines up ready to make a play against the juniors. Referee, Connor Mendel, 12, is making sure everyone is in the correct positions to play.
This year, Jackie Toth, 12, broke her nose during the game, but still had a positive attitude about Powder Puff. “When I broke my nose, I also got a concussion along with the broken nose but hey--no pain no gain! I loved playing and still think that [Powder Puff] is a great way to get girls from the junior and senior classes together for a competitive game of football. Even though I broke my nose I still loved the competition,” said Toth. The competition the girls have while playing outweighs the risks, even for Toth. Taylor Skunza, a senior last year, injured her knee. The injury was severe enough to stop the game for a moment so someone could call an ambulance. “Even though I tore my MCL during the Powder Puff game last year, I still loved playing and wouldn’t go back and change a thing. Powder Puff is a good way to get together the junior and senior girls in a little competition. Overall, it was totally worth it,” explained Skunza. This was a horrendous moment not only for all the students and parents watching, but for Skunza too. These injuries are just two of the many throughout the past.
While Alexa Conley was not injured during her senior year, she also had something to say about these events. “Let the girls have fun. I think Powder Puff is a tradition that should be carried on. I also agree that it is dangerous, but that is what they signed up for. I think the people who got injured could agree,” said Conley, an alumnus. Many girls also share this same opinion. This game has been played for years and should be played in the years to come. Making the decision to play is hard because the game of Powder Puff has already been
established as physically hard on the body. Girls who play sports for the school also have to take any potential injuries into consideration. A single injury could bring an end to their season or career. All the anticipation and excitement from boys football carries into a single Powder Puff game. The risks of playing in the game do not scare the girls because the goal is to fight until one team comes out with a victory that was well earned, even if it means getting a little dirty and possibly getting hurt. This year’s Powder Puff game was great. Next year’s game is sure to be even better. Get ready next year’s seniors, because the juniors are hungry for a win at all costs.
On April 22, Bella Thompson, (left), Brooke Burton (middle) and Mia Gambaccini, 11 (right) looked more than ready to play against this year’s senior class in Powder Puff football.
What makes a great game: story over gameplay
A common argument that arises when people talk about their favorite games is why they find those specific titles to be so great. Is it the gameplay? Is it fun, addicting, fresh? Are the graphics so realistic that they keep you playing? Personally, neither of those elements matter to me. What makes a great game is two things: story and innovation. Some titles that have become staples of gaming are games such as Bioshock, The Last of Us and Uncharted; additionally, there is one thing that is shared between all these games that keep people playing them: the narrative. “When I play a game, I look for three things: story, replayability and innovation,” said Evan Dryer, 11. “The story makes me want to experience the game again, which also allows me to play through the innovative takes the title takes again.” Bioshock (2007) took the typical view on a first-person shooter and took its own spin.
It made unpredictable characters, provoked questions that didn’t always have answers and broke the mold between shooters and horror. The Last of Us (2013) has become so popular (even enough to merit a sequel) due to its take on what is the oversaturated, over milked interpretations on the zombie apocalypse. Instead of focusing on the grittiness and gore that most games like that
games of the year or even both -needless to say, these games either have the story as a massive selling point for the title themselves or the point of the game is to uncover the story. Some titles like this are Annapurna Interactive’s What Remains of Edith Finch (2017) which has the player unravel an alleged family curse spanning multiple generations and Dontnod Entertainment’s Life is Strange
for themselves from titles that captivated audiences through their stories. In 2015, Toby Fox brought all the focus to Indie game developers and their potential through the release of his title, Undertale. The game took the Internet by storm and has easily become one of the most notable games of this decade. Even as an Indie developer, meaning he had created the game entirely
Games such as Uncharted, The Last of Us and Bioshock have become staples of the gaming genre for their incredible stories and captivating characters, alongside their innovative takes on typical games of the same genre.
focus on, The Last of Us brought emotion into play; it made characters that were hard to hate, brought outside elements into the undead scene and built a world without fabrications. That is what made these games great. There are even games that have been massive successes, placed within the top twenty titles for
(2015) which tells the tale of a young girl named Max who has the ability to rewind time and her life in a strange little town. Additionally, a title by name of Soma (2015) topped many charts throughout the horror community for its focus on the narrative itself. Even small developers (known as Indie developers) made a name
by his own hands, Toby Fox managed to make a bestselling title and impactful game through minimalistic gameplay features and an incredibly captivating story. “A game without a story makes about as much sense as a film without actors or a novel without a theme or purpose,”
claims Norton student Timmy Jervis, 10. “You can’t make a kingdom completely out of rubble.” Just like film, games are meant to capture the attention of the audience, keep the audience watching (or, in this instance, playing) and to grow their audience through the content they’re releasing. A film with a great idea can’t be successful is the story isn’t comprehendible or wellexecuted; just as a game usually isn’t successful unless it breaks the boundaries with the content it brings to the table. No matter how great the atmosphere, likable the characters or even how beautiful the graphics are in a game, none of it matters unless a well-executed story is present that pulls in the audience. A great game needs substance. Even professional critiques have a majority of awards for story and artistic direction, with the only gameplayrelated awards being a “bestof” for their genre. Last year, many awards were given out to games for a multiple of reasons: Best Game Direction, Best Narrative, Best Art Direction, Best Performance along with a multitude of other things. Games win awards for their story, not for their gameplay.
A ds
M ay 2018
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Phone: 330-618-4068 Email: randykilbride@msn.com Location: 920 Johnson Rd. Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
O pinion 2
M ay 2018
“A” students should be exempt from finals OPINION BY JACOB MCDERMITT
Final exams cover things that students learned both last week and over eight months ago. Students that have managed to maintain an “A” over the course of the school year should be exempt from taking the test. The end of this school year is right around the corner. That should mean excitement for the sun and freedom that summer entails. However, on the mind of every underclassman are the grueling and stressful final exams that they have to take before they can leave. Because the tests cover such a large period of instruction time, it is impossible to recall all of the material. It is simply too much. However, over that same time span, students with “A’s” have managed to keep up with all the material being thrown at them by the teachers. They have put in countless hours of work and sacrificed many more hours of sleep to be successful in their classes. To finish the school year with a 93% or higher in any subject shows that a student is dedicated
and has put a lot of time into that class. Yet, apparently, that has not been enough to prove they have learned the material. Those students still have to take a cumulative exam that counts for either 10% or 20% of their final grade, which is the only grade that goes on their transcript and towards their GPA. Because of this weight, one big test could make or break a whole year’s worth of time and effort. This seems unnecessarily potent, especially for these top students who have, over the course of the year, repeatedly proven their knowledge of the subject matter. On top of being overly decisive in a student’s final grade, these exams rarely do anything other than reinforce a student’s standing in the given class. If a student’s year-to-date grade is an “A”, chances are that they will do very similarly to that when they sit and take the final. “Students’ grades on the final usually aren’t very different than what they had in the class,” said chemistry teacher Mike Recupero. The purpose of a final is to determine whether a student has truly understood the course and the material that was covered. If a student has an “A” in a class, then they have
effectively demonstrated their understanding by applying the things they were taught all year long. While these students have an “A” in one class, they may be confused or struggling in another class. Instead of being able to focus on finishing strong and reviewing the material for a class they have not mastered, these students may have to go over things from classes they have already proven their understanding in. Many students that have an “A” are in many other high intensity classes. If they were exempt for the “A” they had
earned in that class, students would be able to focus their time and energy on their weaker classes that need their attention, or on other more important tests, such as Advanced Placement, that they may have to take. For a full school year, students have stressed themselves out to have the standing that they do in the class. These students deserve to catch a break and be exempt from final exams. Seniors get a pass and many other students think they should too. “They shouldn’t just do it for seniors, but for everyone,” said Zach Suarez, 10.
“The grade usually isn’t very different, but I disagree because you don’t get that deal in college so you shouldn’t get it here.” Mr. Recupero
offer this program Many other high schools offer a JROTC program that allows students to learn what it would be like to be in the military. This helps them to decide if that is something they would like to do as they move forward in life. The military academies look for qualities that are taught in JROTC. There are students that wish to be in one of the many military academies throughout the country and being in JROTC is the type of program that gives them an advantage and pushes them ahead of the other students that also want to go. According to their website, the Air Force Academy wants to have future cadets with good leadership and strong character. On the Air Force Prep School website it advises potential applicants to, “consider getting involved in activities outside of school as well. From scouting or Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps.” There are jobs in the
military that only officers, and not those that simply enlisted, can get. The Air Force Academy Website also states that 11% of each class was involved in JROTC. This may not seem like a large number, but the class of 2018 at the Air Force Academy is 4,237 cadets. This means that there are about 467 cadets that participated in JROTC in high school. “I definitely would have considered it and most likely would have joined, but while it looks good on an application, it won’t help you get into the Academy if you don’t have everything else to go along with it,” said Andrew Jariga, 12, who was accepted to the Air Force Academy. JROTC is also a way to accomplish more for the community and to learn about the military. As Jariga said, it also helps on an application for the Academy. “JROTC should be in every school,” said First Class Joseph
Grieco from Kenmore-Garfield High School in Akron. He has been a JROTC leader for 21 years. Prior to this, Grieco served in the U.S. Navy and was the NJROTC Area Manager Assistant. He managed a group comprising of 55 high schools from Delaware to Maine, and 4 overseas, with 117 retired instructors and over 7000 cadets. “At present the unit strength is 73 cadets. At Garfield when I first started, we were at 147. Through the years obviously, numbers have dropped. However, I must meet and maintain 100 students or 10% of the student body population, which, at present, we are under. However, as this is new and growing program, there is a little flexion on that,” said Grieco. Most of the students that join JROTC are the ones that are the most serious about joining the military. At Kenmore-Garfield, that number is fairly high. If all of
those students do something in the military after the program, then 73 is a very high number. “There are a lot of students at Wadsworth that not only want to be in the military, but just want to learn about the program,” said Andrew Clark, 10. “Just trying JROTC for one year at Wadsworth could not hurt and would also help students that have wanted to do it,” said Clark. Wadsworth offers a multitude of programs at the high school and is a part of the Four Cities Compact, but the only thing for the military is a recruiter that stands at a table in the senior commons at lunch. I think that is would be a great idea if they add this to one of the compact schools. JROTC teaches students about the military and helps the community. It needs to be available at Wadsworth for the student body to help those that want more information and are interested in pursuing a future in the military.
“No one should have to take a final if they have an A.” Zach Suarez, 10
Finals create a lot of stress in students, even when they have A’s and have worked hard all year, and are entirely unnecessary.
“It really takes the stress off and allows me to spend more time focusing on my AP exams.” Andrew Jariga, 12
Military program options missing from school OPINION BY PATRICK CHAMIER
Wadsworth High School is home to many different programs available to all students with different interests. However, military programs such as JROTC are not included, but they should be. JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, which is a program that teaches its cadets leadership qualities and character. It is a high school version of the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which is offered at many colleges. ROTC turns cadets into officers that will then go on to serve in the different branches of the military. However, Wadsworth does not
The Air Force United States Air Force became its own branch of the military on September 18, 1947. It became its own branch with the Implementation of the National Security Act of 1947. With the new branch came the ROTC and then the JROTC for the future cadets that will serve in the U.S. Air Force.
The Navy Marine Corps
The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps are their own branches, but the Navy oversees the Marine Corps. The U.S. Marine Corps was established on November 10, 1775. The U.S. Navy was established October 13, 1775 to take the place of the Continental Navy from the Revolutionary War.
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M ay 2018
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THANK YOU 2017-2018 PATRONS Diana & Bill Aey, The Anderson Family, Dawn Bailey, John & Karen Baker, Katie Baker, John Sr. & Michele Baker, The Ball Family, Tom & Lynn Bardar, Michael and Jennifer Barnes, Dave Bartiromo, Mary Beth Baxley, Doug & Cindy Beeman, Rich & Dana Berlin, Allen and Corina Bingham, Mark & Melinda Black, Charlene Blevins, Eric Bowling, Beth Bowling, Chuck & Maureen Brigham, Denise Brown, Heidi Burkey, Nana Callow, The Carpenter Family, Debbie and Mark Carr, Lisa Chapman, Danielle Cheff, Vickie Conley, Judy Conner, The Cornacchione Family, Paul Coward, Dawn & Robert Crawford, Carol Crawford, Bill & Lisa Dallas, The Debon Family, Erwin & Sally Diener, Rebecca Dills, Debbie and Steve Dishauzi, The Dishong Family, Don & Vicki Dreher, Ed Dryer, The Earnest Family, Melissa Eaton, Betsy Emery, Heather Errante, Falkenstein Family, Michelle Farr, The Felix Family, Susannah Forreman, Dr. and Mrs. Fortner, Cindy Gabler, Steve and Kelly Gibson, Ray and Betty Gill, Evelyn Griffin, Jenny & John Griffin, Cheryl & Steve Griffin, The Hagans Family, Joe & Lisa Hanna, The Haprian Family, Harig Family, Ron Hart, The Hillegass Family, Dana Hire, Tim and Jodie Hughes, Analiseth Huskins, John, Sandy, and Kassie Hutchinson, Brian & Kristie Ihrig, Bill & Amy Jariga, Lauvence & Nancy Jennings, John Johnson, Jason Jurey, Andrea Kline, The Kurt Family, Angel Kusmits, George and Hannan Laikos, Laikos Family, Ms. Laikos, Janet Lindhe, Mary Linn, Joe & Laura Lockwood, The LoGuidice Family, Rich and Cheri Long, Shawn and Laura McDermitt, Jake and Debbie McDermitt, Steve and Sarah McIlvaine, Donald and Melinda McMillan, Liz Mendel, Scott Merhar, Don & Tanya Miksch, Heidi Miller, Wendie Montgomery, Steve Moore, Mike Moser, Amy & Frank Muhl, Mike Nemeth, Dave Nicholas, Greg & Dana North, Roger & Leslie North, Miss Allison Pallija, Angel Pappas, Kathie Parke, Allison Parsons, Connor Pletcher, The Recupero Family, John and Norma Renner, Tom and Renee Riggenbach, The Schoonover Family, Semancik Family, The Setera Family, The Shaeffer Family, Scott and Shannon Shope, Jim & Laurie Sickels, Simpson Family, The Singleton Family, Jamie Soucie, Angel Snowball, Kris Storad, Dave & Trish Swanson, The Szalay Family, Margaret Tate, Sarah Trausch, Amy & Bill Tuck, Clarke and Shawn Van Dyke, Melisa & Adam Virgei, Kirt & Leanne Virgin, Allyson Wagner, John and Nancy Wagner, Mike Wagner, Stephanie Warner, Webb Family, The Wichterman’s, Jim & Pam Williams, Ted & Felicity Wilson, Stephanie Wise, Bridget Witschey, Kaye Wolfinger, Rita Youngblood, Kathy Zagar.
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M ay 2018
Wadsworth High School’s 2017-18 Year in Review
Aug. Sept.
Brooke Burton, 11, and her little sister Sophie Burton pose with the Grizzly Bear at Wadsworth’s first High School Varsity game of the season on August 25.
Allie Nixon, Hanna Hoesel and Emily Thompson, all 10, before the homecoming dance on October 14.
P icture P age 1 Malik Wells, 10, on the first day of school, August 23. Wells poses for the camera before heading off to begin a new school year. Allie Merhar, 10, and Hailey Barfuss, 10, at Wadsworth High School’s beach themed Varsity football game on September 22.
The cast of Charlotte’s Web pose for a group photo before their performance in October.
Wadsworth High School’s star quarterback Joey Baughman, 12, had a great season leading the Varsity team to the first round of playoff games November 10. Baughman went on to be named Mr. Ohio Football.
Michael Juscak, 12, performing his final scene in It’s a Wonderful Life in December 2017.
W adswor th High Schools annual Veterans Day assembly took place on November 11. All students at WHS attended the assembly to honor veterans and current military personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Wadsworth High School’s gymnastics team congratulating each other on a great season and winning the NEGC February 29.
Gracie Thompson, 12, and Sophie Kalopodis, 11, on senior night February 2.
Katelyn Zeitz, 12, played Maggie in 42nd Street March 22-24. 42nd street was just one of WHS’s many productions.
Graduation is on May 27.
Feb. March April
Wadsworth High School’s Boys’ Bowling Team gets fourth at States and takes a picture with their trophy featuring proud smiles on their faces.
High adswor th W r fo ay place on igning D tes took le th a e Senior S g lle Szalay, future co Christian r, le k ic School’s h Kyle c 7. Nate S ell Blackburn and h February c it ghman, M mmitment papers. Joey Bau co d e n ig ith s Ar rowsm
Senior Jordan Earnest wins state champ in his weight class of 285 on March 10, a great accomplishment for Earnest and Wadsworth High School’s wrestling program.
Noah Alic, Jake Herbert, and Ryan Salzgeber, all 11, dressed up in their stylish outfits for junior banquet on April 20.
P icture P age 2
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M ay 2018
The annual Mr. WHS competition took place on April 18 in the PAC at Wadsworth High School. The Mr. WHS competition showcased eleven boys from all grades at WHS. They had the opportunity to show off their special talents and unique dress wear as well as many other categories. Sam Hanna, 11, (top right) showed off his best ribbon twirling abilities to the song “I’m too Sexy” by Right Said Fred. Connor Beheydt, 12, (bottom right) was the winner of the competition. Connor played a song about toast with his special instrument, the toaster. Mr. Jurey (top row, middle) was one of the judges for the fundraiser. Jurey featured his stylish dressing abilities for the event. Vinnie LoBello, 11, (bottom left) sang his heart out to September by Earth, Wind, and Fire for the talent portion of the competition. Logan Egleston, 10, (top left) sang an original rap song during the talent category to show off his originality.
ior B anqu et PHO
Junior Banquet is a Wadsworth High School tradition. It is a fun celebration that brings the junior class together before their senior year. This year Junior Banquet took place on Friday, April 20 at The Galaxy. The juniors were served a delicious buffet style meal that consisted of chicken, spaghetti, rolls, prime rib, and vegetables. While dining, the junior class watched a brief slideshow created by student council. The slideshow was filled with memories of the years’ past. The girls followed the normal tradition by dressing to impress for the occasion, while the boys were dressed in their trendiest thrift shop attire. The class ended the night with a group dance to their class song “Good Old Days” by Macklemore featuring Kesha.
r e d
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From left to right Elizabeth Talabac,Kendall Kraft, Connor Mendel, Bella Thompson, Aylssa Laikos, Lindsay Carr, Amanda Banic.
f f Pu
Juniors from left to right starting with the top row- Ellie Nicolas, Brooke Burton, Anna Callow, Sam Hanna,Will Virgin, Jacob McDermitt, Connor Hallas. Bottom row from left to right Brock Snowball, Brendan Merhar, Leah Maher.
This year on Sunday, April 22, girls from both the junior and senior class went head to head on the football field. Along side their teams were many boys from both the junior and senior classes. They offered their knowledge of football to help coach and referee the girls during the game. The game was very competitive and many girls left with bruises and turf burns. The game was very aggressive. Throughout the game the score was neck and neck. The juniors put up a good fight, but in the end the seniors came out ahead, winning the game by just a few points.
Pages by Brooke Burton and Emily Thompson
THE BRUIN S ports 1 10 Baseball and softball teams finish strong M ay 2018
Despite an astonishing number of cancellations due to the tumultuous spring weather in Ohio, the spring sports season is already coming to an end. With the cold and wet spring that Ohioans face on a yearly basis, trying to play an outdoor sport is no easy task. Brad Musgrave, the Athletic Director, struggles to keep track of all the cancellations that occur during the spring sports season. “Every spring is the same for Athletic Directors across Ohio. It is very challenging in the spring because of all the bad weather. The worst are the days when we are unsure if the game will get cancelled or not,” said Musgrave.
This year was one of the worst springs in the last century, with shockingly cold temperatures and a surprising amount of precipitation that has caused a stupendous amount of cancellations this season. Baseball and softball are the prominent victims of Ohio’s nasty spring weather because their fields are typically not playable under inclement weather. “Since I have been doing this for 18 years, I have grown accustomed to all that it takes to run the athletic department in the spring. The coaches help a lot because of their ability to communicate with the other coaches and athletic departments,” said Musgrave. Playing on a dry field is
Dylan Kubilis, 12, winds up to throw a pitch while Carl Penningron, 11, gets ready to field the ball at shortstop.
essential to the game of baseball and softball. But not much drying occurs when temperatures hover below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Nevertheless, varsity baseball finished their season on a good note. Their record for the 2018 season was (9-5) in the suburban league and (13-8) overall. Despite falling short of the Suburban League Title by one game, they had an overall successful season. Varsity baseball player Anthony Gannon, 12, was pleased with the regular season performance and was very excited about playoffs. “We started off hot, then we ran into some trouble, but we had no problem bouncing back. Just like we do every year, we need to survive and advance,” says Gannon. The baseball team made it to the tournament and had high hopes of going far this season. They drew the 2nd seed in the tournament and earned a bye in the first round. “I was hoping for that #1 seed but Medina is a great program. We just fell shy of the #1 seed by a couple votes,” says Gannon. In the first round of the tournament, the Grizzlies played Highland in the Division 1 Sectional Final. They lost 5-1 ending their season quicker than they expected.
Kailin Hurrle, 12, stretches at first base to catch the ball in an exciting game against Cuyahoga Falls.
There are 4 seniors continuing their baseball career in college. Josh Hagans is playing baseball at Urbana University. Austin Webb is playing at Westminster College. Anthony Gannon is playing for Capital University. Austen Manix is playing for Otterbein University. Softball had a great season as well. In their first 24 games, the Lady Grizzlies went (7-3) in the Suburban League and (166) overall. They started off the season strong on both levels and dominated the league with their winning mentality. Coach Mike Schmeltzer Sr. won his 300th career Varsity Softball game with his victory over Nordonia. This major
accomplishment has come due to a history of success and hard work. In a hard fought sectional semifinal game, the Lady Grizzlies beat Cuyahoga Falls 9-5. They hope to make a tournament run and finish out the season on a positive note. The softball team has two current seniors that plan on playing softball in college. Sarah Keating is playing softball for Franciscan University of Steubenville. Kailin Hurrle is playing for Cornerstone University in Michigan. Overall, baseball and softball had very successful seasons and they look to continue the success in years to come.
Boys’ and girls’ track team sprinting to finish line BY LOGAN EGLESTON
The spring of 2018 can be described as two words: cold and wet. While running does not require a dry track, cold air is not easy on the lungs, nor is a wet track ideal for fast running. Despite the weather, the Grizzlies’ track teams, both boys and girls, have not been hindered. The men’s track team has bursted off the starting block to swiftly sweep the Suburban League. The runners look to end the season in Columbus. Members of the 4x800 relay team were recently set to compete at the Penn Relays at Franklin Field in Philadelphia. Nick Miller, Gabe Szalay, Kai Wagner, and Josiah Sovine competed in the Championship of America, and took fifth.
Despite the incessant downpour, the boys ran their best time of the year. “The atmosphere was amazing, getting to run in front of 47,000 people is an unforgettable experience,” said Nick Miller, senior runner of the 4x800. In addition to sweeping the Suburban League National, the Grizzlies have placed seventh at the Avon Relays, fifth at the Lexington Invitational, fifth at the Hilliard Davidson Wildcat Premier, and third at the Second Sole Eagle Elite at GlenOak. The boys’ track runners have been off to a quick start in the conference, and look not only to take the Suburban League, but to head to Columbus and take some hardware home. The seniors on the track team have an undefeated record in the
Senior Nick Miller as he is running his leg of the 4x800 at the Hudson track meet. The team won this track meet, securing the Suburban League Title for the fourth year in a row.
Suburban League for the entire duration of their high school career. “I think it’s an incredible achievement to go undefeated the past four years. Not many can say that,” Miller said. The boys’ track and field team has dominated the Suburban League over the last four years, and seniors like Miller have even bigger goals. Miller also stated that he is ready for the postseason, and that the 4x800 team is likely to win a state championship. In addition, Miller is striving to win the individual 800 meter race, and set a school record in it as well. In addition to the boys, the girls are reaching full stride as well. They have a 6-1 record in the Suburban League, and are sending a few runners to state as well. Members of the 4x800 relay are Sami Shaffer, Laney Corell, Emily Kurtz, and Payton Grigsby. Despite a young squad, the relay team has secured its spot in the Suburban League meet. “We definitely want to make a run for states. Our first goal is to win the league, though,” Sami Shaffer, sophomore runner said. Shaffer said she believes the relay team can make it to states. Aside from relays, the girls have made a name for themselves running as individuals. Allison Kidd, sophomore on the track team, is a runner of the 400 and 4x800.
Sophomore Sami Shaffer (right) receives the baton from freshman Laney Corell (left) and begins to run her leg of the 4x800 at the Hudson meet. Shaffer and the 4x800 relay team have a record time of 9:35.
She is pleased with how the season ended up for her, and for the team as a whole. “I am very happy with how I have done; I ended the season with good times. This is my first year running the 800, and I reached a PR of 2:42,” Kidd said. The team has had help from underclassmen to reach their sought after record, and Kidd is an example of that. The girls’ field team has also been working toward a postseason push as well. The team is led by Hailey Montgomery, a senior who
is committed to throw at the prestigious Columbia College. In addition, Tiana McCormick, senior high jumper, has officially set the school record for high jump at the Hudson meet. The record jump was 5’6”. This was the longest held school record at Wadsworth High School. McCormick then took second in high jump at the Suburban League meet. The teams have been hard at work the whole offseason, won in the regular season, and look to dominate the postseason. These seniors are not ready to pass the baton yet.
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M ay 2018
Mike Moser takes over as boys basketball coach BY T.J. LOCKWOOD
After 10 seasons as the head coach of the Wadsworth boys basketball team, Mike Schmeltzer Jr. has decided to step down from the position, handing it down to previous assistant, Mike Moser. Schmeltzer had a 128-100 career record as the head coach, but was never able to get past the sectional final in the postseason. “I believe the team is in great hands. Moser is extremely
dedicated and will do anything for the team,” said Schmeltzer. The extremely experienced and excited Moser will officially be named head coach of the Wadsworth varsity boys basketball team by the Wadsworth Board of Education in May. “I can remember in high school wanting to teach and coach basketball in Wadsworth. As a coach, leading the Grizzly basketball team has always been my dream job,” said Moser.
Mike Moser grew up in Wadsworth and played on the 1997 boys basketball team.
Moser has had quite the journey to be where he is today, and he is no doubt qualified for the job. His first coaching job came in 2008 as the Junior Varsity coach under Schmeltzer Jr. Following his four seasons as JV coach, he was the eighth grade boys coach for one year. He then transitioned to coaching the Highland girls varsity team for two extremely successful seasons. “I’ve been coaching boys and girls basketball for several
Boy’s tennis finishes strong BY STANLEY BINGHAM
The boy’s tennis season was riddled with match cancellations, but that did not slow the team down. With several returning players and new talent, the combination of experience and expectation created an interesting dynamic. With only one senior, Coach Christa Halicki looked to juniors Noah Porter, Carter Moore and T.J. Lockwood to take the responsibility of leading the team. All of them flourished in the role as captain as well as on the court. “T.J., Carter and Noah were all nominated by their teammates to be considered for captain,” said Halicki. “They show commitment to the sport by working on their overall fitness and specifically their game outside of the season. They lead by example, are very competitive and carry themselves with class. They are all leaders in their own way and work to help our team be successful on and off the court.” Halicki then categorized players in either the singles or doubles positions on the JV or varsity team. Within the singles position, there are three different tiers and two for doubles. “Our team is very versatile and we have tried a number of different combinations. This gives us the best chance to win at every spot. Singles is a very demanding game from an endurance standpoint. Doubles takes aggressive net play and cooperation with your partner. Quickness and consistency
are key to both. I try to expose everyone to a little bit of each to determine what works best and at this point our lineup helped us get second in the league this year which is pretty rewarding,” remarked Halicki. The initial outlook for the season was positive. Prior to any league matches taking place, the team attended a preseason tournament at Highland High School. They tied for first place out of a total of six teams. This high finish showcased the potential possessed by the team as a whole and boded well for the coming season. “The tournament prepared us for the season because it had some of the best competition in the area,” said Beau Casey, 11. “We tied for first which helped us out with our confidence. I used the experience to prepare for some of the better teams in our league such as Hudson and Twinsburg.” Several players had outstanding individual seasons from the top to bottom of the roster. T.J. Lockwood recently won Medina Gazette Player of the Week along with having a fantastic individual season. After having three matches postponed due to inclement weather, a total of eleven matches took place. Seven of them were against Suburban League opponents. The Grizzlies dominated in-league play, finishing 5-2. The remaining four matches were against Tallmadge, Copley, Revere and Medina. Varsity stayed afloat against these teams, going .500 with a record
of 2-2. “The team has been successful individually and as a whole,” said Halicki. “Each player has won exciting, close matches where they had to overcome some sort of adversity. Our team finished second overall in the league which was an improvement from last season. We also tried different doubles partners and a new player at third singles which all proved to be successful.” Following the conclusion of the regular season, Highland High School hosted a Suburban League Tournament before Wadsworth competed in Sectionals. In an all day extravaganza on Friday, April 27, Wadsworth took second place and solidified an already successful season with a runnerup finish. “All positions finished in the top half of the bracket at the league tournament,” replied Coach Halicki. “We also had two players make it to a championship match.” Although this year was very successful, the sky is the limit for the 2018-2019 season. The varsity roster consisted mostly of juniors who will make up a fairly large senior class next year. Another offseason will give these players time to perfect their craft and strengthen the already seemingly unbreakable bond which has formed between them. “We are all very close, probably too close,” remarked William Virgin, 11. “This connection will for sure grow stronger for our senior year. We are all definitely excited to bring home the Suburban League Title next year.”
years at various levels and have worked with some amazing coaches who have taught me and helped me along the way,” said Moser After his two seasons at Highland, he made his way back to Wadsworth, where he has been the boys varsity assistant coach for the past two seasons. “The previous years as the assistant really allowed me to continue to build relationships with the kids and be a part of the program. It has made the transition very smooth,” said Moser. Although he already held the position of head coach with the Highland girls basketball team, this job is different for Moser. “Wadsworth is where I grew up, live and work. This is where I’ve decided to raise my family. I’ve also had the privilege of knowing a large group of the kids since they were as young as elementary school,” said Moser. Moser is currently the Wadsworth Middle School physical education teacher and has had the opportunity to coach many of his former students. Within his years of teaching and coaching, he has gained much experience and knowledge from the people around him and he
is ready to give that back to the community. “The school and coaches I’ve had in Wadsworth have provided me with great experiences and opportunities, and I am excited to pass that on,” said Moser The team will lose six very talented seniors who carried a lot of the load this past season, but three two-year letter winners who were each a substantial part of the rotation will return. Another group of four incoming seniors are one-year letter winners and will need to make an immense jump in the varsity rotation. Although the team will lose much of the contributions from the previous senior class, Moser believes that the team has the potential to be a great team. Moser is very much committed to the aspect of the players and coaches working as a team instead of a group of individuals. “My ultimate goal is to maximize the relationships within the team and to help the team commit to a cause that is bigger than just one person...To be successful, we need everyone committing to become their personal best for the good of the team and the community,” said Moser.
PLAYER’S CORNER Q: What will you remember most about this season? William Virgin: “40-30.” Q: What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Beau Casey: “Placing second in the Suburban League after beating North Royalton.”
Carter Moore, 11, follows through on a hard serve against his opponent at the Boy’s Tennis Suburban League Tournament at Highland High School on April 27.
M ay 2018
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13 A recap on this year’s Fine Arts Festival
For most of the year, the city’s eyes are on the athletics of Wadsworth schools, but once a year the fine arts are given the spotlight to show off their talent. Students took advantage of this opportunity and showcased their gifts in all their glory at this year’s show. The festival usually lands near the end of April or beginning of May. This year’s show was April 28 to April 29. Like all years prior, the Wadsworth Middle School was the host of the event. The school’s walls were covered in Wadsworth students’ art and the halls were filled by the songs the choirs sang. The Fine Arts Festival showcased art from the elementary schools, intermediate school, middle school, and the high school. Art teachers selected the best art from their classes to put on display for the city to see. The choir also got to perform. Instructors picked a set of songs for the members to sing for their loved ones as well. For seniors, the Fine Art Festival is bittersweet. It was their last time displaying their art or performing in the choir. Most of these seniors have been a part of the arts program since their freshman year.
The AP art students got to put together a board to display their artwork. The senior artists picked concentrations for their art displays. All the concentrations represented something about the artist, like
A few of Zembas’s pieces that she put on her AP art display for the 2018 Fine Arts Festival.
their passions and what they love the most. For senior Abby Zembas, she picked the theme of water for her concentration. “I chose water because being on the swim team for four years is a part of my identity. My teammates and coaches are my family,” Zembas stated. Other concentrations included family, flowers, emotions, and punk rock. By AP art students displaying their art, they were able to show off all their hard work from their high school career.
“It’s bittersweet that it’s all over…I’ll miss my class and doing what I love, but there is a lot of work that went into each one of our pieces so I’m glad all the stress is over,” said Zembas. Though seniors hold a lot of attention at the Fine Arts Festival, other high school students were able to borrow the spotlight for a second. For example, Colleen Hallas, 11, had a large amount of her pieces put into the show. One of them was a colored pencil drawing of Joel Wichterman, 12, which won best of show. “I never thought any of my piece would get any merit near best of show! I’m really critical of all my projects, so the thought that someone actually thought that it was good enough was pretty flattering,” Hallas said.
This is a photo of Colleen Hallas’s colored pencil portrait of Joel Wichterman with the prize ribbon. This portrait won best of show in the 2018 Fine Arts Festival.
M ay 2018
This is one of the AP art displays from the fine arts festival. Nicki Almes chose the concentration of “emotions”. She portrayed her concentration by painting or drawing faces of emotion.
Some of her other pieces included a pencil drawing of her brother, and a gargoyle cookie jar made from clay. Hallas is currently an Advanced Art student and will be taking AP Art her senior year. The show also showed off art from sophomores and freshmen. These students were from Intro to Art, 2D art, 2D2, 3D art, and 3D2. These classes are taught by Mr. Shiarla and Mr. Derrig. Many art students from these classes won merit awards for their work. The award winning art is now displayed in the 2200 hallway across from Shiarla’s classroom. Throughout the year, the display case is always filled with numerous works
from students of all grades and classes. Both High School art teachers have commented on the success of this years Fine Arts Festival the festival showcased art from all of Wadsworth’s Schools. The art that was carefully chosen to be put on display shows the talent that Wadsworth students have. There was a wide range of art from watercolor landscapes, acrylic portraits, to industrial clay boxes. The art the teachers chose represented the students and the hard work they put into the pieces. The community is looking forward to next year’s festival and all the talent that comes with it.
Wadsworth says goodbye to faculty and staff members BY KYLEE BARANEK
track of the days until she retires, she is very excited. Mrs. Mcllvaine is saying She mentioned not having to goodbye to Wadsworth do things in the summer that High School to many she normally would, such as students’ disappointment. reading books on education. The American History “I don’t think it will hit me and Psychology teacher is until August that I am not retiring after 34 and a half coming back,” she said. years of teaching. Though she feels ready She began her career as a for retirement, Mcllvaine tutor and later worked at the is sad to be leaving people Sacred Heart Opportunity behind. After so many years, School. This was a program she said she will miss the that was relationships that she “I would fix them dinner, the has built. run by Wadsworth “The friendship and kids who come once a week, w h e n camaraderie that you and then sometimes we would students build after 34 years is babysit their kids while they came to what I will miss the school at most,” Mcllvaine said. took school at night.“ night instead Mcllvaine only wishes of during the the best for Wadsworth -Mrs. Mcllvaine day. Schools and the people “ W e who love it. She hopes worked with students who the feminist movement of the to be back in 13 years to see had to work during the sixties impacted her decision. her grandchildren graduate day, so we had them come Though she does not have from Wadsworth. to school at night,” Mrs. a preferences between the Mcllvaine said. subjects that she teaches, she Taking place between 3:30 does have a favorite period in and 8:30 the program offered general. many different services, and “You have classes that you allowed her to give back and just click with. It’s funny, help students who struggled. because 5th period is always She worked as an your longest period, but I administrator there and thought some of the classes a part of her job was to I’ve clicked the most with have encourage students to come been 5th period,” Mcllvaine PHOTO BY KYLEE BARANEK back if they dropped out. mentioned. Mrs. Mcllvaine, the American History “I would fix them dinner, Though she is not keeping and Psychology teacher. the kids who come once a week, and then sometimes, we would babysit their kids while they took school at night,” Mcllvaine commented. “I really liked that, but it was not something that I could do for thirty years.” From the time she was younger, she had known that she wanted to continue on the path of teaching. “I think it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do,” she said, after mentioning how
Mr. Evans is the credit recovery teacher. He has spent 26 years preventing students from failing.
Not only is the school losing Mrs. Mcllvaine, but we also have two other members of the faculty leaving. Mr. Evans, the credit recovery teacher, and Mr. Jackson, the security monitor, are both leaving Wadsworth after this school year wraps up. Mr. Evans has been at Wadsworth for 26 years, even though teaching was his second career. That does not mean it was any less rewarding. When asked about his most memorable moments, he mentioned something a student said. “I have a folder filled with cards and letters from passed students showing their gratitude and appreciation for me. I call it ‘My Encouragement File’. One letter a student wrote said, ‘Mr. Evans will never, ever let you fail,’ ” Mr. Evans said. It is clear that Mr. Evans has had a positive impact on the students, and has only wanted to
better them during his time. Mr. Jackson came out of retirement to spend four years with the students, staff and faculty at Wadsworth. While he has enjoyed his short time at Wadsworth, he cannot wait to travel to a warmer place during winter and to get out of Northeast Ohio. One of his favorite memories was watching the girl’s basketball team travel to Columbus and win the state title in 2016. “It’s bittersweet. I’ve enjoyed my brief time at Wadsworth, and will miss everyone,” he mentioned when talking about leaving the school. “I want to give a heartfelt thank you to the staff for their encouraging words as I retire; again,” Jackson finished. Though they will be dearly missed by students and staff, Mr. Evans and Mr. Jackson are ready to say goodbye and begin a new chapter in their lives.
Mr. Jackson, the security monitor who has joined Wadsworth for four additional years.
May 2018
E ntertainment
Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon Takes Stage BY HANNAH HINES
Wadsworth High School’s Off Broad Street Players presented The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon By Don Zolidis on April 26, 27 and 28 in the James R. McIlvaine Performing Arts Center. The show attempted to recreate all 209 of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. Zolidis wrote this show back in 2007, basing it on classic fairy tales recorded by the Grimm brothers in 1812. It took a creative spin combining fairy tales such as Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel and many others into one colossal fable. The school’s production was narrated by both Ashley Leatherman and Elise Muhl.
The narrators began by introducing a cast of characters who acted out a plot with surprising twists and turns. It began with Rapunzel, who was sassy and attitude filled. The show continued on quickly and eventually lead to Cinderella, the final fairy tale. The show also used audience participation throughout and made them laugh often. A crowd favorite scene was the Cinderella story. Evi Gobel, 10, was challenged with the task of acting almost all of the characters out. The scene really showcased her acting talent and her abilities on the stage. By the end of the show it is discovered how each of the different fairy tales have been intertwined and connected to one another, forming one big
Abby Dadich, 10, and Alex Miller, 9, act out the talking crabs.
The cast of The Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon built all of their props and set out of cardboard boxes.
fable, which was one of the reasons the show was truly “spectacular”. The cast began practicing in the middle of February and has spent everyday preparing after school. They had lots of fun, but also struggled at times. Specifically, when given the task of making props out of cardboard. “Making everything out of cardboard was a struggle because it’s just such a difficult medium to work with,” said Kaitlyn Cummings,12. Some were worried about the ability to pull the show off altogether, but it all worked out in the end. “We felt really good after performing because we didn’t think it would come together,” said Cummings. The show was much enjoyed by both the cast and the
Evi Goebel, 10, as she acts out the Cinderella Scene, where she had to play almost all of the characters, using wigs to help portray each one.
audience. This was the final performance of the school year for the Wadsworth High School Off
Broad Street Players. They will continue back up next school year. Be sure not to miss their incredible shows next year.
The Most Anticipated Movies of the Summer BY KAITLYN SETERA
Summer is quickly approaching, and film release dates and trailers are coming in hot. This year’s movie selections have many people excited and will consist of Deadpool 2, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Incredibles 2, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Ant-man and the Wasp. Deadpool 2 Marvel Studios is hitting the big screens once more with its latest film, Deadpool 2, and fans cannot wait to see what producers have in store. “When I found out that they were making a sequel to Deadpool, I was so excited,” said Allie Hibbard,11. “The first movie was so funny and I know that the second will be even better.” The sequel to the 2016 film is anticipated to include more humor and action packed scenes than the previous, and will continue to follow Ryan Reynold’s character, Deadpool. This time, the hero will go against the dark forces of Cable in order to save the life of a young child. Along the way, he meets a team of mutants with special abilities and forms a group by the name of “X-Forces.” The team must work together in order to save the life of the young boy. The movie will be in theaters May 18. Solo: A Star Wars Story Another series of film productions to look out for this summer is that made by Disney. This year, the company and film
producers plan on expanding their Star Wars franchise by adding to the collection with Solo: A Star Wars Story. The movie will follow one of Lucasfilm’s most beloved characters, Han Solo, and take place prior to his alliance with the Rebellion. In an adventure across the galaxy, the smuggler comes into contact with a gambler by the name of Lando Calrissian and meets Chewbacca along the way. The film will show Solo in a whole new light and connect the loose ends that fans have waited for and wanted to know before watching Episode IX. “I think this movie will finally give the perfect backstory to one of Star War’s most liked characters,” said Benji House, 11. “And I cannot wait to see what it will be.” Solo: A Star Wars Story is planned to be released May 25. Incredibles 2 Back by popular demand, is the Incredibles family. Disney will be bringing the team of superheroes back to the big screen in a sequel almost 14 years after the first movie’s original release date. This time, the main focus will be on the career of Elastigirl and her opportunity to be the new face of superheroes by defeating the villain Screenslaver. Meanwhile, Mr. Incredible has a quest of his own at home: learning how to deal with and raise his three children. The sequel has been highly anticipated for a while now and
fans of all ages plan to see it in theaters June 15. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom The never-ending craze about dinosaurs is bound to continue this summer through Universal’s feature film, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. The film will take place 4 years after the demolition of Jurassic World and follow main characters Claire Dearing and Owen Grady. The two plan to rescue dinosaurs on the island of Isla Nublar from a volcano that’s about to erupt. But in their mission, they discover a whole new species of large dinos that pose a threat to humanity. Jurassic World hits theaters on June 22. Ant-Man and the Wasp The last, but certainly not the least, movie that people have been anticipating is the release of Ant-man and the Wasp. Marvel is back once more with characters Scott Lang, Hope Pym and Dr.Hank Pym. The movie takes place shortly after the Civil War between Iron Man and Captain America. Lang is struggling to balance the lifestyle he lives while parenting and being a superhero. But soon, he is contacted by Dr. Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyke again to fight alongside the newest superhero: The Wasp. The duo must learn to work together to defeat the newest villain, Ghost. While doing so, they discover secrets from the past and form a powerful team. The movie will be released July 6.
What movie are you looking forward to the most this summer? “Definitely Incredibles 2!” -Carlee Northup, 11
“Incredibles 2 for sure!” -Brendan Phillips, 10
“Deadpool 2!” -Baylee Campbell , 10
the month
The movie, A Quiet Place, was a very popular movie in the month of April, earning a 95 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie was suspenseful and left audiences on the edge of their seats.
Jun k
Mo v i
Ashley Quinn and Ryan Larj, 12, have been dating for two and a half years. They are both attending college at Toledo University next year, where they will be able to continue their long lasting relationship.
o f th e M
f the M o e
What makes you Student of the Month? Lauryn Schlauch, 12 (Career Tech)
“I show leadership in my actions.”
Kailin Hurrle, 12
“I care for others around me and have a positive attitude.”
Charles Livingston, 11 (Career Tech)
“I am courteous to everyone.”
Lindsay Carr, 12, drives a Buick named “Bertha.” It has been hit by multiple friends and family members, run into by a deer, and it has been in one accident. It also squeaks every time you open the door. “Bertha” is 19 years old but has the comfiest seats. Despite her age, “Bertha” still runs.
he M t f o
S p or t s
Say hello to Kali, Alexa Conley’s yellow English lab, who is only 8 weeks old. She is a ball of energy and loves to cuddle, but, like all puppies, she can be a troublemaker at times.
Lebron has hit multiple game winning baskets throughout his career, but this past month his buzzer beater against the Indiana Pacers marked an unforgettable win.
on t
of t h a pl y
f t he o e
on th
S on
You have probably noticed a lot of girls wearing these white vans lately, because they have become a big trend. Not only are they comfy and cute, they match with just about any outfit.
o f t he M
the f o g
o n th
“Psycho,” by Post Malone featuring Ty Dolla Sign, has been quite the hit. It has gotten millions of people jamming to it worldwide and is fourth on the top 100 charts.
Not only are their smoothies a favorite of those who have had them, Robeks’ acai bowls have been keeping the customers interested in coming back to Fairlawn for more.
M ay 2018
o f t he t n a
Cou p l
Emily Heckler, 12
“I work hard in all of my schoolwork.”
S peakout
May 2018
What was your favorite memory from this year?
“Performing in this years school musical.” -Carter Fraser,11
“Going to Penn relays with my 4x8 team” -Nick Miller, 12
“Going to Winter Formal.” Darby Herrick,10
“Having an amazing senior homecoming.” -Kenzie Grice, 12
“Judging the Mr.WHS pageant was definitely a highlight in my year.” -Mrs. Trausch
“Going to states for girls basketball.” -Barret Labus, 9
“Playing with Devon’s cats.” -Stacy Witschey, 12
“Definitely basketball season.” -Jaydon Lucus, 10
What is on your summer bucket list?
“To become a beach bum.” -Erika Palidar, 10
“To go to New York City.” “Go to a drive-in -Maddie Shaeffer, 12 movie.” -Lindsey Massie, 10
“To cliff jump.” -Ethan Madden, 10
“It would be great to finally get my license.” -Jessica Keel, 10
“Going to Blossom concerts.” -Sophie Kalapodis, 11
“Going to the Blue-tip parade.” -Jenna Myers, 10
“To spend summer nights with my friends.” -Jacob Jariga, 9 All photos by Halle Shaeffer