ISSUE 33 - hune / june 2010
celebrates the Waikato River Bill Hiikoi ki Poneke
Best Maaori Trade Trainee of the year
STEPHEN RAUPITA Waimakariri Marae
Stephen Raupita is the first recipient of the Waikato-Tainui Pou Aronui trophy awarded to the Best Maaori Trade Trainee of the year. Last year the tribe partnered with Te Wananga o Aotearoa and WINTEC to develop a Maaori Trade Training Programme specifically targeted at young tribal members wanting to gain a trade certificate. 16 participants began a 35-week programme studying towards a Level 3 Certificate in Trade Technology (Carpentry) and a Certificate in Tikanga Maaori Level 3, with the opportunity to gain work experience through various Marae building developments. Stephen was one of 12 who completed the programme and has since entered into a building apprenticeship with Foster Construction Ltd. For more information about Waikato-Tainui Maaori Trade Training contact the Tribal Development Unit on 0800 TAINUI.
TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
Hiikoi ki Poneke
Tribute to an Inspirational Leader
Marae Clusters
College Opens its Doors New scholarship announced
Kiingitanga Day
Koroneihana 2010
Marae Clusters
JMA with Waikato District Council
Variation 21 New Mall Opening at The Base
What’s it all about?
Youth Courts on Marae Employment Relations Authority Upholds Decision to Dismiss
Te Amorangi National Maaori Academic Awards
Puke-i-aahua Paa Project
Eel Workshops Conservation Heroes
Levi knocks their Sox off!
2010 Waahi Paa Summit
Ra Maumahara
FOR YOUR KETE 28-29 Training Opportunities 33-35 Notices 35
COVER: Te Ataarangi Poutapu (Tuurangawaewae Marae) takes centre stage on this month’s cover. “Aunty Moochie” was one of 200 tribal members who travelled to Wellington last month to witness the final reading of the ‘Waikato River Settlement Bill’. From page 4. TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
*Special thanks to Paul Fisher Photography (Parliamentary Photographer) for some of the images in this feature.
Nana Iti Rawiri.
Pinepine Herewini, Heeni Katipa looks on, Tipa Mahuta and Tutata Hetet-Matatahi.
Te Arataura Chair and Co-Negotiator of the Waikato River Claim, Tukoroirangi Morgan speaks to those gathered in the Grand Hall.
Amaya Mahuta, Piriaroha Waikai, Tipa, Tukaroto and Nanaia Mahuta.
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View of the Public Gallery inside the Debating Chamber.
Waikato-Tainui On behalf of the Minister of Treaty Negotiations, I move that the Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Bill, be now read a third time.
Tom Tauroa, Pop Herewini and James Ritchie to name a few. “Yet there are so many more too numerous to mention. But these few were a small and steely backbone for Dame Te Ata and both my parents, and they will never be forgotten.
Hon Tariana Turia, Co-leader of the Maaori Party Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Bill; Third Reading. Thursday 6 May 2010; 3.10pm
“Not many children get a chance to acknowledge the achievements of both their parents in this House. I have done so...”
200 Waikato-Tainui tribal members young and old, descended on Parliament Buildings in Wellington last month to celebrate the third reading of the ‘Waikato River Settlement Bill’.
As the final reading was concluded following overwhelming contributions from the majority of the parties present in the Debating Chamber, the voices of Waikato-Tainui thundered from both the Public Gallery and the Grand Hall:
“Mr Speaker, this is a most auspicious day in this Parliament,“ said the Hon Tariana Turia. “We are honoured with the presence of Te Arikinui Kiingi Tuheitia and Te Whare o te Kaahui Ariki and the tribal peoples of Waikato-Tainui. And in their presence we are connected to a noble line of leaders who have strived for the river to be restored to its former health and wellbeing. “We pay tribute to the leadership and vision of Kiingi Pootatau Te Wherowhero, Kiingi Taawhiao; Kiingi Mahuta; Kiingi Te Rata; Kiingi Koroki, and the beloved Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu. The ancestors have laid a pathway for the people to follow – a pathway that is honoured in this settlement. “I am reminded of the words of the late Sir Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta when talking about the river. It is a gift left to us by our ancestors and we believe we have a duty to protect that gift for future generations. “...we think today particularly of the legacy of the late Lady Raiha Mahuta who along with co-negotiator Tukoroirangi Morgan have played such a distinctive role in their efforts to restore and protect the Waikato River environment...” In an emotional and heartfelt contribution, MP Nanaia Mahuta paid homage “to the many who carried the burden of raupatu until such time as history might be corrected.” She attributed her father the late Sir Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta and her mother Lady Raiha who helped lead negotiations up until her passing in March, with the support of “certain old people...during some of the hardest times when all they had was a deep belief and hope”. “I carry around a picture of them as a reminder that a small team of committed people is worth gold,” she said. “...the likes of Henare Tuwhangai, Pumi Taituha, Rua Cooper, Tawhi and Kare Kingi, Dave Manihera, Hori Rawiri, Waea and Sue Mauriohooho, Ngahina Te Uira, Pita Keremeta, Fred Kaa, Rewi Graham, Te Naere Hetet, Hati Toka, Piri Raihe,
“Waikato te awa katohia katohia he wai mau...”
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? The Waikato River Settlement Act 2010 will come into force later this year once an independent scoping study that will identify priorities for the clean-up of the Waikato River, has been completed. In the meantime, the tribe’s Claims and Environment Unit continues to facilitate a extensive work plan focused on being prepared to ‘hit the ground running’ when the legislation is fully in place. A number of agreements and accords have already been finalised with local and regional agencies.
ABOUT THE RIVER CLAIM The claim arose from the Crown’s Raupatu in the 1860s. Between 1975 and 1989, a comprehensive examination of the issues around the management of the river and the claim, were investigated and actioned by the tribe. In 1989 the tribe entered into direct negotiations with the Crown for the settlement of Treaty Claims. 1995 saw the first Waikato-Tainui Settlement over lands. The river claim was excluded from that settlement and set aside for future negotiation. This culminated in the signing of the Waikato River Deed of Settlement by representatives of Waikato-Tainui and the Crown on 22 August 2008. As a result of the Crown’s desire to focus on the use of comanagement tools in treaty settlements, in 2009 WaikatoTainui and the Crown agreed to enhanced co-management arrangements which included the following key aspects: • Te Ture Whaimana (a Vision and Strategy document) which has special and unique legislative status as the primary direction-setting document for the river; • A single co-governance entity – The Waikato River Authority; TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
• •
Joint Management Agreements or JMAs; and Recognition of Customary Activities.
KEY PROVISIONS The Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement is the final settlement of all Waikato-Tainui’s historical claims relating to the Waikato River. Key provisions of the settlement are: 1 CROWN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Crown acknowledges that its past dealings with Waikato-Tainui in relation to the Waikato River, breached the Crown’s obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. These include: • The Crown’s Raupatu in the 1860s which denied Waikato-Tainui their rights and interests in the Waikato River; • The failure of the Crown to respect, provide for and protect the special relationship Waikato-Tainui have with the river; • The degradation of the river that has occurred while the Crown has had authority over the river causing distress to Waikato-Tainui.
Students from schools within Waikato-Tainui attended to witness the third reading of the bill.
2 TE TURE WHAIMANA (Vision and strategy) The primary policy setting document for the Waikato River, Te Ture Whaimana focuses on restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the river for future generations. It will be: • Incorporated directly into the Waikato Regional Policy Statement; • Reviewed by the new Waikato River Authority to add targets and methods as necessary; • Given effect under the Resource Management Act 1991 and conservation and other relevant legislation; • Given the status of a statement of general policy under conservation legislation. 3 WAIKATO RIVER AUTHORITY
Waikato-Tainui kuia attended to witness the third reading of the bill.
The new arrangements provide for a single entity to be established with 50:50 Crown-Maaori membership. One Crown member must be nominated by Environment Waikato, and one nominated by relevant territorial authorities. It’s purpose will be to: • Provide direction through the Vision and Strategy to achieve the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for future generations; • Promote an integrated, holistic and co-ordinated approach to the implementation of the Vision and Strategy, and the management of the Waikato River; • Fund rehabilitation initiatives for the Waikato River in its role as trustee for the Waikato River Clean-Up Trust.
View of the Debating Chamber from the Grand Hall.
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4 CO-MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTS The co-management agreements comprise: • Joint Management Agreements; • Participation in specific and defined river-related resource consent decision-making; • Recognition of a Waikato-Tainui environmental plan; • Provision for regulations relating to fisheries and other matters managed under conservation legislation; • An integrated River Management Plan. 5 CUSTOMARY ACTIVITIES Ramari and Timi Maipi.
The arrangements under the Deed provide direct statutory mechanisms to recognise and exempt customary activities that are fundamental to the relationship Waikato-Tainui has with the river. 6 CULTURAL HARVEST The settlement legislation will permit Waikato-Tainui to authorise Iwi members to harvest flora material for cultural purposes in accordance with an agreed flora cultural harvest plan with the Department of Conservation. 7 KIINGITANGA ACCORD The Kiingitanga Accord is an agreement between WaikatoTainui and the Crown that sets out joint commitments to an enhanced relationship. This relationship will support integrated co-management, and protect the integrity of the settlement. Key priorities are to: • Develop and agree to portfolio-specific accords with Ministers of Conservation, Fisheries, Land Information, Environment, Arts, Culture and Heritage, Local Government, Agriculture, Biosecurity, Energy, and with the Commissioner of Crown Lands; • Explore accords with other Ministers, and to support Waikato-Tainui to establish Joint Management Agreements with councils and other relevant agencies.
Tumate Mahuta, Pokaia Nepia and Koro Hone Haunui.
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Students from schools within Waikato-Tainui attended to witness the third reading of the bill.
Inside the Grand Hall - sifting through notes.
8 OTHER PROVISIONS The arrangement provides for: • The vesting of 33 specified sites of cultural significance; • The vesting back to Waikato-Tainui of defined parcels of land administered by Environment Waikato for soil conservation and river control purposes. Waikato-Tainui will immediately gift all but nine to Environment Waikato who will continue to manage them for soil conservation and river control purposes; • A list of other Crown-owned river-related lands that will be subject to co-management arrangements with WaikatoTainui; • The rights of first refusal in the 2008 settlement to remain in respect of both the leasehold estate in the Huntly power station, and an existing mining licence. For more information contact the Claims and Environment Unit on +64 7 824 8689 or freephone: 0800 TAINUI. Maehe Paki and Tuti Cooper.
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lady eliza raiha mahuta nee edmonds 2 april 1942 - 23 march 2010
INSPIRATIONAL LEADER As Waikato-Tainui journeyed to Poneke for the final reading of the ‘Waikato River Settlement Bill,’ they remembered the work of Lady Raiha who dedicated her lifetime to realising the potential of her grandchildren’s people. TE HOOKIOI - HUNE/june 2010
The tributes continued to pour in from across the country and around the world as a large contingent from Waikato-Tainui accompanied Lady Raiha Mahuta and her whaanau on her final journey home to Karetu Marae in the Far North. Co-negotiator of the Waikato River Claim and wife of the late Sir Robert Mahuta, Lady Raiha passed away on Tuesday 23 March 2010. She was 67. Several news features reported that Lady Raiha died from a long-term battle with cancer, but in fact over recent years she suffered from a rare bone marrow disease myelofibrosis. Before her final journey North, she lay in state for two days at Waahi Paa: the place she married Sir Robert, and the cherished family home to her children and grandchildren. The multitudes came to pay their respects including heads of state, iwi leaders, government Ministers and the Prime Minister John Key who extended his sympathy to her whaanau, friends and colleagues. “Lady Raiha was best known to many of us for her Waikato-Tainui links, but she always acknowledged her northern tribal connections too,” said Mr Key. “Lady Raiha took on a leading role in Waikato-Tainui affairs, focusing particularly on the Waikato River claim. “She was passionate about her cause. She was determined to complete the task left to her by her late husband. In doing so, she was respectful of other views but forthright with her own: she was open and honest during the process.” Fellow co-negotiator and Chair of Waikato-Tainui’s governance board Te Arataura Tukoroirangi Morgan, said upon her passing that the tribe had lost an inspirational leader. “We have lost a woman of great mana, strength and inspiration,” he said. “The passing of Lady Raiha leaves us with heavy hearts and great sadness not only for the people of Waikato-Tainui, but for the motu. “Her endearing legacy as a leader, mother and grandmother will long be remembered by the many whose lives she touched.”
A key driver of the Waikato River Settlement, Lady Raiha Mahuta was a dedicated member of the Kaahui Ariki and Kiingi Tuheitia’s representative on the tribe’s governance board Te Arataura. Born Eliza Irimana Edmonds of Ngaati Manu and Ngaati Rangi descent, she and Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta were married in 1963. Following Sir Robert’s death in 2001, it was Lady Raiha who sought to realise her late husband’s aspirations for the tribe. Despite her illness and testament to her character, Lady Raiha’s conviction and tenacity were instrumental in the signing of the Waikato River Deed of Settlement in 2008. She also led progress on the establishment of the Waikato-Tainui College of Research and Development, the doors of which were officially opened at a Rededication Ceremony hosted in honour of Lady Raiha and Sir Robert Mahuta on 29 May. “The return of our awa tupuna and the restoration of the river along with the establishment and success of the college, were visions both Sir Robert and Lady Raiha shared. Their belief and drive paved the way for our future generations to take up the mantle and continue the path forward,” Mr Morgan said. “The whakatauki, ‘tooku awa koiora me oona pikonga, he kura tangihia o te maataamuri – the river of life, each curve more beautiful than the last’, parallels the milestones Lady Raiha accomplished throughout her life’s work. “Like a river, she last left behind a legacy of wonderful triumphs one can only aspire to. “...we look to unite as a people and support the wishes of her children and mokopuna. “Her legacy will continue through them.”
Cover photo - Courtesy of the Mahuta Family Collection. Background Image - Waikato River.
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Raiha was born in 1942 and came from what she described as “a small valley called Karetu”. Her parents Hamlin and Maria Edmonds were hard workers and she often recalled the days when her Dad would be working on the roads and her Mum would be “making kai” or tending to the gardens. She had fond memories of her childhood days and enjoyed a close and special bond with younger sister Sue. While attending Karetu Primary school, Raiha attained a scholarship which saw her leave the valley to attend Queen Victoria School for Girls. These early school days were filled with new experiences in which she excelled both academically and in sport as she loved both tennis and netball. Some of her school mates went on to pursue higher education becoming teachers, nurses and academics. Raiha decided to pursue a physiotherapy degree which saw her leave the bright city lights of Auckland to the cold winters in Dunedin. Raiha would often recall how hard her parents worked to see that she received a good education and she always knew that this came with sacrifice from the rest of the family. However she was adamant that her education would be put to good use. It was in Dunedin that Raiha came across a lovable, confident rogue who she knew as Bob and they decided to marry. Much of Raiha’s life is intertwined with that of her husbands but it goes without saying that she remained a strong and necessary influence on her husband and his achievements.
Raiha had a strong work ethic which was formed at an early age. She moved to Auckland with her husband and continued to work while Bob went to night school and then on to University. In his own words, Raiha told Bob to “go and get an education”. Their lives grew from new and foreign experiences. Raiha continued to be supported by her family in Karetu receiving help from her mother’s brother to purchase her first car and whatever assistance her parents could provide they would. Raiha never forgot this support. Bob and Raiha had three children: Tukaroto, Nanaia and Tipa whose lives were immersed in the commitments of both parents. Tukaroto was raised at Waahi Paa while the two girls lived in Auckland with their parents. When the opportunity arose for Bob to study at Oxford University in the UK for two years, Raiha worked while he continued his studies. This had a significant impression on the whole family. When they returned both Raiha and Bob were re-engaged with the significant and outstanding issues in Waikato.
Lady Raiha and Sir Robert in Chile.
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Sometime later Raiha left her chosen profession to support local activities at their home Waahi Paa in Huntly. These days were filled with numerous political negotiations regarding the Huntly Power Station and its impact on the Waahi community. Raiha would be in the kitchen and sharing duties for the many hui held on this and other significant tribal matters. She also administered a local employment/ business initiative where Marae people would grow kumara for sale. This had numerous benefits for the whole community and she enjoyed the closeness it provided for the whaanau. Then there were other work schemes involving small farming ventures, training schemes and a Marae redevelopment which continued to invest back into Waahi - a dream held by both Raiha and Bob to see a sustainable and thriving community. Those days were quickly followed with a move by Raiha to expand her own role via the Tainui Maaori Trust Board where she led a small team focused on Training and Employment initiatives then known as the MANA and MACCESS schemes. Raiha was no stranger to the political world of funding proposals and would often be visiting Wellington “chasing contracts and doing the hustle”. She was a firm believer in starting and finishing projects which became one of her key mentoring mantras to the many people that she worked with. Meanwhile, Bob was busy compiling research for the raupatu claim, attending numerous hui across the tribe and throughout the motu. Raiha was always a constant presence doing what needed to be done to support her husband. This time was filled with a range of experiences that required people skills, finesse, intellect, a sharp wit and a good dose of wisdom. They both however found time to relax and unwind either at the local Taniwharau Rugby League Club, playing tennis or squash, gardening, fishing and the like. Family time would always fit around work obligations but Raiha maintained a strong tradition of eating together with her family, celebrating birthdays and Christmas for her children, and the odd treat of going to Rotorua, the movies or the pools. Some of the most intense debates for Raiha would be around her own dining room table with her husband, and in later years her own daughters. She often complained about just how opinionated her family was, but the discussion was always focused 12
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on “the best interests of the tribe” and what the future could look like. Raiha had a sharp wit and intellect and pricked the conscience of her husband whether he liked it or not. Suffice to say the 1995 Waikato Raupatu Land Claims Settlement was a huge milestone in Sir Robert’s and her life. When Sir Robert passed over in 2001, Raiha did not retire or recede into the background as there was more work to do. Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu appointed her as the Kaahui Ariki representative for Te Arataura and she later became the co-negotiator for the Waikato River Claim. Having worked so closely with Sir Robert, enjoying a strong and close relationship with ‘Te Ata’, and being a “starter and a finisher”, Raiha humbly accepted the request to finish the work her late husband started. She worked tirelessly to the end to ensure that the priority of the River Claim would see it healthier. The claim would also establish a co-governance and co-management role that would forge a new and positive vision for the health and well-being of the Waikato River. To this end the greatest tribute at her tangihanga was confirmation by the Prime Minister that the legislation would be finalised before the end of April - a testament to the meeting held on the Friday just before she passed over. She worked right until the end.
a wife... Lady Raiha and Sir Robert Mahuta
While Raiha’s list of achievements in the public domain have recently come to light, she was a wife, mother and a grandmother. She was also a whaea and mentor and had an innate sense of “doing what was right” rather than just doing the right thing. She managed to see the good in people even when others couldn’t, and she believed that there was good in everyone. Raiha was immensely proud of all her children and best described their strengths according to those recognised by her husband; Tukaroto is the hands, Tipa the head and Nanaia the heart. She showed her love to her children through traditions, remembering birthdays, celebrating Xmas, cooking meals and dining with her family. She believed that the heart of the home was indeed the kitchen and would enjoy seeing her family eat kai from her garden. Raiha is survived by her six grandchildren but was a nana to many more. She was funny and enjoyed her life. She was immensely practical and a no-nonsense kind of person. She was hospitable and a task master. She was straightforward and deliberate. She liked to start a job and finish a job. She was humble and had style. She was our mum, nana, aunty, friend, sister and whaea. Her name was Raiha. With love always. Na te whaanau TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
Photo: Te Kauhanganui member Charles Willison shares a moment with Kiingi Tuheitia.
Wednesday 21 April saw hundreds gather across the Waikato University campus in celebration of the Kiingitanga and also to celebrate the birthday of Kiingi Tuheitia. In its second year, Kiingitanga Day was started to raise awareness of the Kiingitanga and acknowledge the unique relationship the Waikato University has with the movement. Image: Niu Tireni sculpture from Fred Graham’s Collection currently housed at the Waikato Museum in Hamilton.
There were a variety of guest presentations and displays as well as cultural activities such as weaving, poi and haka, live performances and games. *Special thanks to Pro Vice Chancellor Maaori Office Communications Manager Maria Huata, for providing the images and content for this feature.
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KORONEIHANA 2010 Ka hua au i te whatitiri E whakatupuru nei i runga i te rangi Kaaore ko te unuhanga o te taniwha i te rua Ka anga au ki te raki, ka anga au ki te tonga Ka papa te taitamawaahine, ka hora te taitamataane Ka mate te marama, ka taka ngaa whetu o te rangi Ka ara Waikato i te rua Aue, aue, taukiri e! Ma te atawhai o te waahi ngaro taatou katoa e hapai, e manaaki i ngaa tau mutunga kore. Ko te Atua to taatou piringa, ka puta, ka ora. E ngaa tootara haemata o ngaa marae kua takoto tiraha nei, e ngaa ipo kahurangi ka riro nei, kauria ra te au moana o ake ake, hoea ra ngaa ngaru o whakaoti atu. Moe mai ra. Teenei te reo poowhiri ki a koutou e ngaa manu taupua o te motu. Haere mai ra ki runga ki to taatou marae o Tuurangawaewae ki te whakanui i te raa Koroneihana o taa koutou mokopuna, a Kiingi Tuheitia. Mauria mai ngaa parekawakawa o ia marae kainga, o ia takiwaa kia kotahi tonu te poroporoaki i a raatou katoa. Haere mai ra, takahia mai ngaa tapuwae o raatou maa kia rite ai ngaa whakaaro hei oranga mo taatou i teenei ao hurihuri.
Ko ngaa whakahaere: Wenerei 18 o Akuhata: Ngaa Kawe Mate o Tainui Waka Taite 19 o Akuhata: Ngaa Kawe Mate o Te Motu Waananga-aa-Iwi Paraire 20 o Akuhata: Ngaa Mema Paremata Ngaa Manuwhiri Tuuaarangi Raahoroi 21 o Akuhata: Te Tuawhaa o ngaa Raa Koroneihana o Kiingi Tuheitia Papa Taakaro me nga Whakangahau Raatapu 22 o Akuhata: Papa Taakaro me ngaa Whakangahau WHAKATAU MAI RA Photo: Tui Kerei from Radio Tainui with Waikato University students.
Naa Te Paki o Matariki
TE HOOKIOI - HUNE/june 2010
JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL On the 23rd March, Waikato-Tainui and the Waikato District Council (WDC) signed a Joint Management Agreement (JMA) that will pave the way for a new era of co-management of the Waikato River. Tinged with sadness at the passing of Lady Raiha Mahuta, Waikato-Tainui co-negotiator Tukoroirangi Morgan said that the signing hosted at the Ngaaruawaahia Point where the Waikato and Waipa rivers meet, was a lasting tribute to her huge and stoic contribution to the settlement. “The river has special significance not only for Maaori, but also for many others in the region,” said Mr Morgan. “Its restoration to its former glory has always been a key aspiration for Lady Raiha and I.“ WDC Mayor Peter Harris echoed Mr Morgan’s sentiments saying he was proud of the visionary stance taken by his
council and was excited about the future of both the river and the relationship with Waikato-Tainui. “The process in getting to this point has required a huge leap of faith and goodwill on both sides. We are treading new ground and walking a path that is yet to be shaped. “This agreement provides the foundation on which the future relationship will be built. I feel privileged to be part of this important moment in history and know that together the health of the river is in good hands. “I am saddened by the loss of Lady Raiha. On behalf of Waikato District Council we offer our sincere condolences for the loss of a wonderful leader for Waikato-Tainui. I appreciate the way in which she and Tuku have shown leadership in these discussions and the way they have guided us all to this conclusion,” he said.
Chair of Te Arataura Tukoroirangi Morgan and WDC Mayor Peter Harris.
The agreement with the Waikato District Council is the first joint management agreement to come from the Waikato River settlement and will establish a “positive, cooperative and enduring relationship between the two parties.” 16
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Marae Clusters What’s it all about? INTERVIEW WITH TUKOROIRANGI MORGAN Over the past few months information hui with tribal members have been hosted throughout the region to discuss the concept of Marae Clusters. In this edition we catch up with Chair of Te Arataura ‘Tuku’ Morgan and ask about the direct benefits of Marae Clusters to Waikato-Tainui. Where did the concept of Marae Clusters come from? The concept comes straight from the tribe’s strategic direction Whakatupuranga 2050. If we look at the tribe’s inter-generational fifty year approach, social and economic wellbeing begins with efforts to put into practice our Treaty Partnership with the Crown, and ensure government agencies meet their article three responsibilities to Maaori. Marae Clusters are a long-term solution for our people to advance tribal development, build strong inter-tribal and stakeholder relationships, and establish support and alliances at local, national and international levels. Marae are the catalyst for effecting the concept. Mahitahi - by working in a more collaborative way we can achieve greater leverage and scale. Through their own Marae, our people have direct input into their own priorities and are able to forge, sustain and grow their own relationships. Simply put, it’s about putting better support frameworks in place so that resources, funding and services are available to strengthen and develop our whaanau, hapuu and Marae. Those who paved the way for us knew that change is best made when we ourselves take the initiative. TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
Tell us a bit more about how it works? Marae have input into Whakatupuranga 2050 priorities and strategies for their regions, by developing annual plans and budgets. They also suggest ways to work with local stakeholders on key projects. To achieve this, Marae have been grouped demographically into six clusters. Cluster Boards will be established to represent their respective cluster. Cluster Boards collate and submit their annual plans and budgets to a Tribal Authority. The Tribal Authority distributes the funding. Is it government funding? Yes. Article three funding is distributed by the Crown to meet its treaty obligations to Maaori. An example is the Whaanau Ora concept currently being developed.
The Tribal Authority will also advocate on behalf of Cluster Boards at a government level, and has a tribal overview to ensure wider regional issues are addressed. How long is the term for those who sit on Cluster Boards and the Tribal Authority? All Cluster Board members and Tribal Authority members will serve a three-year term. It is the same for members of Te Kauhanganui and Te Arataura. Where have the names for the clusters come from? The current demographic terms are temporary. The final names for each cluster is a decision for each grouping. What if a Marae doesn’t want to participate?
If priorities identified by clusters meet Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust and/or Waikato Raupatu River Trust criteria and only benefit Waikato-Tainui beneficiaries, with the correct approvals funding could come from tribal coffers.
Marae who do not participate will not benefit from any of the resources and opportunities made available through the clusters. The door will remain open should they wish to participate in the future.
Examples could be river initiatives, waananga and educational initiatives.
How does “Whaanau Ora” fit into Marae Clusters?
Who appoints the members to the Cluster Boards? With ratification from their respective Marae executive, every Marae can appoint a member to their Cluster Board. This person is the interface between the Cluster Board and the Marae. How are individual Marae views considered? Cluster Board members must get feedback from their own Marae on what the main priorities are, before annual plans and budgets are submitted. Cluster Board members must vote on major decisions as directed by their respective Marae. All Cluster Board meetings will be open and members are required to report back to their own Marae meetings on a regular basis. Minutes of Cluster Board hui will also be available to Marae. Who sits on the Tribal Authority and how does it work? The Tribal Authority will comprise of three Te Arataura members and two independent members to ensure a mix of tribal expertise, and the comfort of highly skilled people from outside the tribe who can provide signficant benefit and value to Waikato-Tainui. One of the main roles of the Tribal Authority is to receive Government funding and then distribute it to the six clusters. The logic behind having the Tribal Authority is to ensure that Government funds are kept separate from tribal funds. As many know funds from Waikato Raupatu Lands and River settlements, are to be used exclusively for the benefit 18
of registered tribal members. Government funds must be used to benefit all Maaori living within our tribal region because that is our custodial responsibility.
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Marae Clusters can function at a number of different levels depending on capacity, expertise and experience. A cluster may choose to operate as a service provider and/or a funding distribution committee to allocate grants for local community based programmes. At a strategic level, a cluster may wish to convene community forums to encourage government departments and service providers to plan and work more collaboratively together. It’s up to each cluster to determine what their role will be. What if a Cluster has a business idea? Yes - one of the objectives of Whakatupuranga 2050 is to “…ensure Marae are economically sustainable by supporting Marae enterprise and business opportunities”. The legal framework has been set up so that Marae Clusters can operate as a business. What support will the tribal administration provide? The Tribal Development Unit will provide administrative and advisory support to the Marae Cluster Boards. Cluster Boards also receive meeting fees and directorship training will be organised as soon as the Marae Cluster Boards are in place. Anything in closing? Clusters are about putting the decision making power and resources back in the hands of our Marae. I emphasise that it’s about ‘mahitahi’- using our collective skills, experiences and commitment for the benefit of our people so that we can build an enduring legacy for those who come after us.
Six Marae Clusters Te Kei o te Waka Te Puuaha o Waikato Te Riu o Waikato Te Tai Rawhiti Te Tai Hauauru
Te Tai Tonga
Te Kei o te Waka
Te Tai Hauauru
Cluster of 7 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 3,028
Cluster of 13 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 8,632
• • • • • • •
• • • • • •
Te Puea Makaurau - Ihumatao Puukaki Umupuia Whaataapaka Tahunakaitoto Rereteewhioi
• • • • • • •
Te Aakau Waingaro Poihaakena Mootakotako Te Papatapu Te Tihi o Moerangi Makomako
Ookapu Mookai Kainga Waipapa Maketuu Raakaunui Te Kooraha Aaruka
Te Puuaha o Waikato
Te Tai Rawhiti
Cluster of 11 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 7,583
Cluster of 12 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 12,564
• • • • • • •
Ngaa Hau E Wha Mangatangi Ngaataierua Te Awamaarahi Tikirahi Te Kotahitanga Tauranganui
• Ooraeroa • Opuatia - Te Poho o Tanikena • WaiKaretuu – Weraroa • Pukerewa
• • • • • • •
Te Kaharoa - Aramiro Omaero Te Papa o Rotu Hukanui Tauhei Kai-a-te-Mata Rukumoana
• Raungaiti • Te-Iti-o-Hauaa Tauwhare • Waimakariri • Maungatautari • Poohara
Te Riu o Waikato
Te Tai Tonga
Cluster of 15 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 14,424
Cluster of 10 Marae. Total Beneficiaries = 8,694
• • • • • • • •
Ookarea Taniwha - Tangoao Waiti Te Hoe-o-Tainui Matahuru Waikare Horahora Maurea
• • • • • • •
Te Ohaaki Kaitumutumu Te Kauri Waahi Paa Taupiri Tuurangawaewae Waikeri – Tangirau
• • • • • • •
• Ngaatira Puurekireki • Aotearoa Te Koopua • Te Tokanganui-a-Noho Hiiona Kahotea Mangatoatoa Paaraawera – Te Taumata Owairaka
For more information download a Marae Cluster Strategy Booklet from or freephone 0800 TAINUI. TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
variation 21 “unlawful, invalid and of no effect!” In a most significant outcome for Waikato-Tainui, the High Court has ruled that the Hamilton City Council in making changes to it’s district plan known as Variation 21, has failed to consult with local iwi. The tribe is one of Waikato’s largest landowners and opposed the controversial district plan change introduced in September 2009, citing that the Council breached a duty to consult with it as the relevant iwi authority.
new mall opening at the base
In a decision released earlier this month, Judge Chris Allan backed Waikato-Tainui by declaring that Variation “unlawful, invalid and of no effect”. Orders were pronounced quashing the decision of the Council to notify publicly the variation, and directing the Council to consult with Waikato-Tainui.
Tainui Group Holdings have announced the next phase of development at The Base, with Waikato’s newest mall opening for business next month.
Evidence from the Hon Koro Wetere at a March hearing, provided the Court with clarity around the status of the tribe’s commercial developments at The Base Te Rapa, a property that would be significantly affected by Variation 21.
Texas Radio, Hallensteins, Glassons, Pascoes, Jeans West, The Body Shop, Wild Pair, Diva, Westpac and BNZ banks, and Telecom are a few of the 25+ stores in the mall.
Mr Wetere advised the High Court that The Base formed part of the historic settlement achieved with the Crown in 1995 and described its importance as an asset...that provided a future income stream for the tribe. Profits from developments at The Base are returned to Marae and tribal members by way of educational grants and as distributions made for cultural and health purposes. Valued at approximately $200 million, The Base forms about one-third of the total Raupatu Settlement and is said to be the “jewel in the settlement crown for Waikato-Tainui”.
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Thursday, 29 July 2010
Anchored by a flagship Farmers Department Store and providing ample car parking, a great mix of fashion and service retailers will cater for the busy shopper.
Design features demonstrate very innovative architecture using market leading materials and incorporating key Waikato-Tainui cultural elements including inspiration from the Waikato River reflected in the floor tiling, the "eye of the needle" pou at the main entrance depicting Kiingi Taawhiao’s proverb “miro maa, te miro whero me te miro pango”, and the niho taniwha pattern in the roof. Tribal members are encouraged to participate in the full day programme of celebrations at: The Base, Te Rapa Hamilton on Thursday 29 July 2010.
Employment Relations Authority upholds decision to dismiss Hemimatenga Rau v Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui (Te Kauhanganui)
Photo: Joy Pearce (Waikato Judicial Resources Manager, Ministry of Justice), Judge Heemi Taumaunu and Judge Denise Clarke, Sergeant Dean Kaio (Iwi Liaison Officer, NZ Police), Tukoroirangi Morgan (Chair, Te Arataura), Mike Douglas (Hamilton Area Courts Manager, Ministry of Justice) and Kaumaatua Koroneihana Cooper.
YOUTH COURTS ON MARAE Judge Heemi Taumaunu and Judge Denise Clarke both play leading roles within the Youth Courts of Aotearoa and recently attended a Te Arataura hui to discuss proposals to hold Youth Court hearings on Marae in the Waikato. Statistics tell us that Maaori make up 14% of the population and 50% of crimes involve Maaori. The goal is to reduce the number of our people in courts and prisons. The first Youth Court was held at Gisborne’s Te Poho o Rawiri Marae. Last year a Youth Court was established in Manurewa and earlier this year one was launched at Hoani Waititi. Secretary of Te Arataura Charles Joe says it’s about going back to the roots of these young people and giving them an understanding of who they are and where they are from. “Last year a meeting was held with Kiingi Tuheitia to ensure the courts were on the right track,” said Charles. “The Ministry of Justice is seeking the blessing of WaikatoTainui to launch this kaupapa and welcomes support for Marae to host Youth Courts within Waikato. “Te Arataura applauds this initiative and a number of our Marae have already put their hands up to provide a Marae based forum for our rangatahi.” It is expected the kaupapa will be launched within the next few months.
Background On 18 December 2009 after carefully considering an investigation report, Te Arataura (the executive of Te Kauhanganui) found that Mr Rau contacted or was contacted by a reporter and gave her the story in the article dated 7 November 2009 entitled “School Problem Duo in charge of Kings Office”. Te Arataura resolved that Mr Rau’s actions constituted serious misconduct and as a consequence dismissed Mr Rau immediately with three months salary. The Claim Mr Rau lodged a claim with the Employment Relations Authority maintaining that he had been unjustifiably dismissed and disadvantaged in his employment with Te Kauhanganui and sought an Order from the Authority for reinstatement and compensation. The Decision The Authority found that: (a) Te Kauhanganui’s actions and how it acted were what a fair and reasonable employer would have done in all circumstances at the time of dismissal. The Authority stated that Te Kauhanganui had evidence to justifiably believe that Mr Rau had committed the conduct alleged against him. (b) That Mr Rau does not have a personal grievance for either unjustifiable disadvantage or unjustifiable dismissal. The Authority stated that a fair and reasonable employer would have decided that Mr Rau’s actions amounted to serious misconduct. For a copy of the decision contact the Communications Unit on 0800TAINUI or +64 7 824 8689. Where to from here? Mr Rau has appealed the decision of the Employment Relations Authority to the High Court but is not seeking reinstatement. We will continue to keep you informed as this matter progresses. The search has begun for a new CEO. An independent recruitment agency will be engaged to assist Te Arataura in finding a suitable candidate for this role. TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
COLLEGE OPENS ITS DOORS In late May, the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development hosted a dawn rededication ceremony as a formal welcome to those who pass through its doors. More importantly it was an affirmation of the commitment shown by Waikato-Tainui, and an acknowledgement and tribute to its founder the late Sir Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta. Sir Robert said, “quite simply I see the college as the means by which we will be able to produce a continual stream of leadership to take Maaori people through the next century.” The college’s focus is on the management of development in the widest context including tribal, cultural, environmental, social and economic development. Whilst students are important, it is also a research institution that provides opportunities for visiting scholars and academics to tackle research questions vital to the wellbeing of Waikato-Tainui and the wider community. The facility will generate academic, social and cultural exchange within the rich indigenous environment of Waikato-Tainui, and will have a focus on restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River and its people. For more information contact: Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development 451 Old Taupiri Road, Hopuhopu. Private Bag 542, Ngaaruawaahia. Telephone: +64 7 824 8689. Email:
TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
Realising the Vision
New scholarship announced The Sir Robert Mahuta Foundation Trust (SRMFT) took the opportunity to set out its aspirations at the college rededication ceremony. Sir Robert had always envisaged that the facility would serve as a major ‘think tank’ for the tribe and Maaori into the future. He was well known for saying “there can be no development without research”. The trust was established to memorialise the contribution of Sir Robert to Tainui and the Kiingitanga. He was adamant that the future of the tribe required robust leadership, that research and development would underpin the tribe’s vision for a better future, and that the values of the Kiingitanga were paramount. Chairperson of the trust Tukaroto Mahuta said to the newly appointed college Chairman John Heremia and college staff, “each of you hold a piece to the jigsaw of my father's vision. Working together it is up to you to find and fill in the missing pieces. I wish you well.” During the days proceedings, a photo was unveiled of Sir Robert and Lady Raiha with numerous speeches linking their contribution to the ongoing work that the college will undertake. In response SRMFT Trustee Tipa Mahuta said, "we must be able to look at ourselves in the mirror, reflect and learn as well as find new opportunities by looking out the window." A Sir Robert Mahuta Foundation Scholarship was announced to support a post-graduate student enrolled to study at Oxford University. This scholarship is in recognition of Sir Robert’s own time and experience studying at Wolfson College, Oxford in the UK. The scholarship will commence in 2011. All enquiries should be forwarded to: The Sir Robert Mahuta Foundation Trust trustees are: Tukaroto, Nanaia and Tipa Mahuta, and Heeni Katipa. Special thanks to Nanaia Mahuta for this feature.
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Photo: Tohu Whakamaharatanga ki Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu recipient Ngarongo Iwikatea Nicholson with Kiingi Tuheitia
On Friday 9 April 2010, Te Amorangi National Maaori Academic Awards were held at Tuurangawaewae Marae in Ngaaruawaahia. The occasion celebrated the achievements of Maaori who have ascended the pinnacle of education and recently graduated with their PHDs. Twenty six recipients were acknowledged. The most prestigious award for the evening was the Tohu Whakamaharatanga ki Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu which went to respected elder from Ngaati Raukawa ki te Tonga and Ngaati Toa Rangatira, Ngarongo Iwikatea Nicholson. All recipients hailed from a variety of disciplines and diverse educational backgrounds. Their hopes dreams and desires (and those of their families and supporters), are that the arduous journey that they undertook to complete their doctorates, will benefit not only the immediate family but also the wider hapuu and te iwi Maaori as a whole. The valuable research gathered will serve to further enhance, develop and uplift Maaori. The genuine care given from the home people and organisers, the delicious food and rousing entertainment, ensured all recipients and their friends and families had a much deserved and fabulous night!
I te Raamere te tuaiwa o Paenga-whaa-whaa i tuu te poo e kia nei ko ngaa tohu Te Amorangi ki te Marae o Tuurangawaewae ki Tuurangawaewae. Hei aha, hei whakanui hei whakamihi i ngaa taangata Maaori puta noa i Aotearoa kua eke ki ngaa tiketiketanga o te ao Maatauranga aa kua oti i aa raatou taakutatanga. Rua tekau maa ono ngaa kaiwhiwhi tohu i whakanuia i taua poo. Ko te tohu matua o te poo ko te tohu whakamaharatanga ki Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, aa i tohua ko te Koroheke noo Ngaati Raukawa ki te tonga me Ngaati Toa Rangatira araa ko Ngarongo Iwikaatea Nicholson te rangatira e tika ana kia whiwhi i te tohu nei. I ahu mai ngaa Taakuta mai i ngaa kaupapa whaanui rerekee o te ao maatauranga aa ko te wawata ko te aawhiro ka whai hua ngaa mahi rangahau hei whakapakari i te whaanua, i te hapuu ootiraa i te iwi Maaori. Na te kaha manaaki o te hunga kaainga te reka o te kai, te ataahua o te whare me te pai o ngaa mahi ngahau o ngaa kai whakangahau a Toni Huata raatou ko Tama Waipara ko Ardijah i tuutuki pai maarika te poo aa i hoki ngaa Taakuta me ngoo raatou whaanau me ngaa kaitautoko hoki i runga i tuurangahaakoa.
Special thanks to the Waikato University Pro Vice Chancellor Maaori Office and Communications Manager Maria Huata, for providing the images and content for this feature. 24
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The Puke-i-aahua Paa Project is a construction of palisades around the historic paa site at Puke-iaahua on Havelock Road in Ngaaruawaahia. The official launch ceremony was hosted this month by Waikato-Tainui and the Waikato District Council.
which Ngaere shouted “waahia ngaa rua” which means “open the food pits”.
Puke-i-aahua signifies the strong relationship between Waikato and Ngaati Maniapoto through the historic union of Ngaere and Heke-i-te-rangi. Of equal importance, the town Ngaaruawaahia was named during the celebration of the birth of their baby son at
There are three key components of the development: the palisades, a commemorative plaque on the top of the paa, and a walkway with access to the site at the point closest to the original entrance way.
The site was purchased years ago by the council and a working party was set up to develop a Conservation Plan resulting in the palisade project.
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EEL WORKSHOPS In April and May the environment team from WaikatoTainui and Genesis Energy (Huntly Power Station), jointly hosted an Eel Monitoring Workshop in Huntly for tribal members.
“We received some great feedback,” said Erina who will soon leave her role with the tribe to take up the position of Environmental Manager for Waahi Whaanui. “A highlight for many was releasing an 11kg long-fin female eel back into the Waikato River. “Many kaumaatua said that it has been a long time since they had seen an eel of that size in their rohe.” For at least 65 million years, long-finned eels have been swimming up and down New Zealand’s waterways - one of the largest freshwater eels in the world found only in Aotearoa. Erina says the longfinned are a threatened fish and its hoped that these kinds of workshops will upskill tribal members so they can take over the monitoring of eel populations in their own areas.
Waikato-Tainui scientist Erina WateneRawiri says there was a mix of koorero with participation from traditional eelers, presentations from NIWA on eel biology and eel fisheries issues, electric fishing demonstrations, and hands on monitoring experience including netting, trapping, species identification, processing, sexing, ageing and dissections.
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“We’re hoping that with the right kind of support, we can host future initiatives with additional eel workshops in other parts of the rohe.
“Maybe even a ‘Camp Tuna’ targeting our rangatahi along with symposiums and advanced training in stream health, fishing and monitoring.” For more information or to register an interest in future initiatives, contact the environment team on 0800 TAINUI or +64 7 824 8689.
Congratulations to tribal members Wini Paekau (Te Papa-o-Rotu Marae) and Karmen Rupapere (Mootakotako Marae). Last year the 2009 Bizworx: Environmental Books Awards were hosted by the Hamilton Environment Centre and Wini and Karmen were acknowledged for their tireless and quietly unassuming contributions to restoring and protecting the region’s environment Wini is a regular volunteer for the Hakarimata Trust working with and monitoring pest control. Karmen has been a DOC volunteer and caretaker at Waireinga for over five years. Both are also keen volunteers for various environmental-related activities run by the environment team at Waikato-Tainui. “We know there are other tribal conservation heroes out there,” says staff member Cheri van Schravendijk.
Images: (From left) Long-fin eel found only in Aotearoa is now a threatened species. Background: Giant Kokopu eel caught in a hiinaki.
“Tell us about the conservation heroes from your Marae so we can acknowledge their contributions to the environment. Call 0800 TAINUI or +64 7 824 8689.”
TE HOOKIOI - HUNE/june 2010
MIGHTY RIVER POWER APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMME EARN AS YOU LEARN! Mighty River Power has developed an apprenticeship programme in an aim to ensure that the energy industry maintains a strong base of qualified and skilled professionals to benefit the communities in which they operate. How does the apprenticeship programme work? The programme’s about learning and earning at the same time! An apprentice will learn the tricks of the trade from some of the best brains in the industry while studying for qualifications recognised both here in New Zealand and overseas. And while they train, they’ll be paid. Mighty River Power sponsors up to 12 electrical/ mechanical apprentices each year. It’s a three and a half year programme - 40% academic study and 60% on-the-job training either with Mighty River Power, or one of their contractors. All the necessary protective clothing and tools are provided to complete the apprenticeship. Apprentices also receive career guidance and opportunities for further education and employment.
All apprentices graduate with: •
National Certificate Level 2 in Mechanical Engineering;
National Certificate Level 2 in Electrical Engineering and Electricity Supply; and
National Certificate Level 3 in Occupational Health and Safety.
What’s the criteria? You need to have: •
NZQA Level 1, eight credits in numeracy and eight credits in literacy (or equivalent); and
An interest in a technical career path.
Waikato-Tainui is currently supporting electrical taster courses specifically for tribal beneficiaries 16 years or over in schools across the Waikato region. Taster courses provide students with the opportunity to apply for these kinds of apprenticeships. More information about Taster Programmes on the opposite page.
What qualifications would I come out with?
I’m keen! How do I apply?
When an apprentice has successfully completed the programme, they will graduate with:
Applications for the 2011 intake open in early August 2010.
a National Certificate Level 4 in Electrical Engineering and Electricity Supply; or
Head straight to Careers/Apprentices/ or
a National Certificate Level 4 in Mechanical Engineering.
TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
Waikato-Tainui Electrical Taster Courses An insight into career options in the electricity supply industry!
With funding support from the Waikato-Tainui Mighty River Power Partnership Committee, nine senior students from Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga and Huntly College, took part in the first Waikato-Tainui Electrical Taster Course. The Electricity Supply Industry Training Organisation (ESITO) has been running Taster Courses for eight years now and last year approached Waikato-Tainui to facilitate courses specifically for tribal beneficiaries 16 years or over in schools across the Waikato region. The course was hosted over three days and the students participated in an electrical workshop, went on industry visits to the Huntly Power Station and Arapuni Dam, and enjoyed a morning of motivational talks from industry representatives and training providers. The students also heard from first year Mighty River Power apprentices - apprenticeships that are highly sought after and often apprentices have completed ESITO Taster Courses. A special thanks to Rakaumanga staff Miria Heremia and Anaru Thompson who provided daily support and were fantastic hosts!
Two more Waikato-Tainui Electrical Taster Courses are planned for the July school holidays in Morrinsville and Ngaaruawaahia. After that students will be able to apply for the two week Tainui Residential Taster Course which will be hosted in September. Support will be given to students who wish to compile their C.Vs, develop interview skills, and apply for jobs in the industry. For more information about ESITO Electrical Taster Courses, contact: Gabrielle Riley on 0800 4 ESITO.
Year 12 & 13 students from Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga and Huntly College, complete the first Waikato-Tainui Electrical Taster Course.
TE HOOKIOI - HUNE/june 2010
Levi knocks their Sox off! 30
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Pirongia te maunga Waipa te awa Kaawhia te moana Waiwhakaata te whenua Maniapoto te iwi Apakura te hapuu Hiiona te Marae Ko Te Mingi Elliott te Tupuna Na Te Mingi, ko Te Papa Na Te Papa, ko Johnny Maihi Na Johnny Maihi, ko Leon Ka moe a Leon i a Kim Ka puta ko teenei e mihi kau ana Ko Levi Te Kiri Maihi Elliott tooku ingoa.
Levi Te Kiri Maihi Elliott turns 16 shortly and as the only Waikato boy to be named in the NZ Junior Black Sox Softball Squad recently, his parents are stoked! “He was one of the youngest at the training camp earlier this year and he did us proud to be named in the team,” said his mother Kim Hill-Elliott. A student and specialist infielder for Hamilton Boys High School, Levi has tribal connections to WaikatoTainui Ngaati Maniapoto, Hauraki and hails from Hiiona Marae. The 2010 Junior Black Sox will play in the Sydneybased Friendship Series in July followed by a seven match test series against Australia. The squad will also prepare for the World Series Under 19 Tournament to be held in Parana, Argentina in 2012. Impressed with the talent in the Under 17s age group, 2010 Junior Black Sox Coach John Love increased the initial squad numbers for selection. Kim says Levi was selected for the 17 member squad from a training camp of 28 players. “Levi was one of the more consistent trialists and the commitment he has shown to the sport has really paid off.” The costs for Levi to play in Australia are high so the family are extremely appreciative of the support they are receiving to get him there. “We started a ‘Levi Elliott Softball Sponsorship’ page on Facebook and in a very short time have amassed over 170 supporters. “It’s really humbling when communities within and outside of the district see the doorways representative honours can open for our tamariki. “We are very grateful for all contributions. Anything to help get Levi to Sydney is appreciated and nothing is too small. Even the encouraging comments we are receiving go a long way.” For more information visit the ‘Levi Elliott Softball Sponsorship’ page on Facebook
PHOTOS: Waahi Paa whaanau participate in summit presentations
Following the success of the ‘Navigating Our Future’ Economic Summit hosted by the tribe last year, the whaanau from Waahi Paa held their own summit to workshop ideas around building the capacity of the paa. “About 150 people attended and what a brilliant hui it was,” said Marae secretary Moeroa Raihe. “We had two of the best presenters who also come from Waahi, Tukoroirangi Morgan and Nanaia Mahuta.” Moeroa said there were three workshops brainstorming ideas on how the whaanau can create employment at the paa and how to set up a Marae business venture. “There were some great ideas with our babies, rangatahi and kaumaatua all participating.”
TE HOOKIOI - HUNE/june 2010
The students, staff and board of Te Wharekura o Rakaumanga hosted the annual ‘Ra Maumahara ki a Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu’ last month which included two ceremonies. The day programme was a memorial service with presentations by students. The evening programme paid tribute to the signing of the Raupatu Settlement 15 years ago on 22 May 1995 by the late Te Arikinui and the Rt Honourable James Bolger on behalf of the Crown. Each school house group celebrated other indigenous countries by retelling their stories of raupatu. Students represented the Maaori Kings - Pootatau paid tribute to the people of Hawaii, Taawhiao to Tahiti, Mahuta to the South African clans, Te Rata to the American Indian Nation, and Korokii to ‘ngaa iwi moemoea’ our Australian neighbours the Aboriginal peoples. Extract from the ‘Te Arikinui’ Book Photo: The Late Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu and Rt Honourable James Bolger during the Raupatu Settlement Celebrations, 22 May 1995
Never did Te Arikinui ever leave the people out on historic occasions. Always she tried somehow, to get them involved and many times at her own expense. August 1st 1995 the Board members, staff and advisers as well as the Crown negotiating team attended the [first] reading of the Waikato Raupatu Claims Settlement Bill at Parliament. On 19 October [1995] the Board hired a train... dubbed the Tainui Express. It travelled from Auckland ... to allow the then 56 Waikato Marae who had signed in support of the settlement, to travel to Wellington. One hundred and fifty kaumaatua and rangatahi representatives for the third and final reading of the Bill, filled the train. From the Railway Station the people marched through the main streets of Wellington to Parliament Buildings and many will never forget ...
Photo: Memorial Pou in Tuurangawaewae house -
TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
REVISED POLICY GIVES MARAE ACCESS TO THEIR BENEFICIARY DETAILS Following a review of policy, each year Marae executives are now able to receive a list of tribal members who are registered with their Marae. The Tribal Register or Ben Roll was originally set up to confirm the mandate for Waikato-Tainui to pursue its Raupatu Claim with the Crown. The register contains the names, addresses and Marae affiliations for around 58,000 whaanau - a stream of valuable information that enables the distribution of Te Hookioi and the Annual Report which is due to letter boxes in August. Marae representatives have continuously asked if they can access this type of information so they too can communicate direct with their beneficiaries, and update their own listings. The Privacy Commissioner has confirmed that the sharing of information for the purposes of administration and management of Marae, does not breach the provisions of the Privacy Act. However if a tribal member does not want their contact details to be shared with their Marae, please freephone the Tribal Development Unit on 0800 TAINUI or call the office on +64 7 824 8689. Marae executives will be required to sign a declaration stating that they will use the information only to assist in the administration and management of the Marae.
MARQUEE HIRE Waikato-Tainui have a selection of marquees available for hire for tribal events and non-tribal events. Tent Sizes 6m x 6m, 9m, 12m, 15m 10m x 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m With the exception of tangi and Poukai, a 50% deposit is required to secure a booking. Bookings and Prices To check availability and costs, freephone 0800 TAINUI or call +64 7 824 8689.
The new policy will come into effect later in the year. TE HOOKIOI - hune/june 2010
WHARE MAHANA PROJECT AIMS TO WARM THE HOME FIRES Waikato Tainui together with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and WEL Networks, want to insulate the homes of 700 Waikato-Tainui kaumaatua over the next few years. Evidence shows that cold, damp housing is a major contributor to chronic respiratory disease in our elderly and respiratory illness is one of the key health priorities for Waikato-Tainui kaumaatua.
Turanga Kereopa of Poihaakena Marae was the major prize winner of the Ko Wai Taatou Survey draw in which he won himself an IPHONE. Turanga along with 620 rangatahi completed a Ko Wai Taatou Survey which automatically placed them in a prize draw.
Through a Kaumaatua Medical Grant, WaikatoTainui can contribute $500 towards the cost of insulation. EECA and WEL Networks will make up the difference!
Other winners who received an IPOD NANO were:
If you are interested in being considered, please call 0800 TAINUI for an application form.
• Kanauhea Wessels, Kaitumutumu Marae
If a kaumaatua is renting but would benefit from insulation, we still may be able to help you.
• Mercedes Holland, Te Kotahitanga Marae • Maylene Hadfield, Te Papa o Rotu Marae The Tribal Development Unit will publish a full report in July highlighting findings of the Ko Wai Taatou Survey Project. 34
If a home was built before the year 2000 and has not yet been insulated (or has very old insulation), a kaumaatua with a Community Services Card (or a Gold Card with CSC eligibility), can apply for assistance.
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If you have already used your kaumaatua grant for this year we can still put you on the list for consideration. Any queries, give us a call on 0800 TAINUI and ask to speak to Mara on extension 7711.
hune/june 20
Poohara Poukai
HURAE/JULY 29 Opening of New Mall, The Base, Te Rapa 31 Te Kauhanganui Hui
MARK WILLIAMS to perform at Koroneihana Cabaret! Said to be one of Aotearoa’s greatest soul singers, Mark Williams returns to New Zealand to perform at the fourth celebration of Kiingi Tuheitia’s Coronation. Renowned for his hit songs: “Yesterday was just the beginning of my life”, House for Sale”, and Show no Mercy”, Mark will be backed by a full band and special guest artists. When: 8pm, Friday 20th August. Tickets $10.00. Available from Tuurangawaewae Marae Rourou Iti office at commencement of Coronation.
AKUHATA/AUGUST 02 Nominations for Marae Cluster Boards close 07 Te Kauhanganui Rangatahi Forum *Koroneihana Sports and Entertainment 14 Indoor Bowls 20 Cabaret 21 Aotearoa Has Talent, Kapa Haka and Sports 22 Kapa Haka and Sports *In conjunction with events listed on page 15. 28 31
Te Kauhanganui Hui Whaataapaka Poukai
HEPETEMA/september 12 Tauranganui Poukai 23-25 Waikato-Tainui Rangatahi Summit 2010 IN-HOUSE DESIGN and PUBLISHING Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. 451 Old Taupiri Road, Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu, Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Telephone: +64 7 824 8689 Facsimile: +64 7 824 5133 PRINTING and DISTRIBUTION Printhouse, Hamilton CONTRIBUTIONS and LETTERS Please send to: The Editor - TE HOOKIOI Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Email: The contents of Te Hookioi may not be reproduced in any form either part or whole without the permission of the publisher. Neither Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups) nor individual writers accept any responsibility or liability for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Note: Opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the policy or views of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups).
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