CE update - November 2019

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CE update

Leadership restructure

We have now confirmed changes to our Executive Leadership Team which group similar functions more closely to improve our alignment, coordination, allocation of resources, and strategic decision-making.

A proposal was shared with staff last month and we received a lot of great feedback which has helped to shape the new structure. A second proposal for change has also been created as a result of this feedback, focused on strengthening leadership in Māori health, Pacific health, and population health. This process is ongoing at this time.

Future Proof

I have attended two meetings relating to Future Proof / Te Tau Tiitoki. This is a joint project set up to consider the important issues that affect our sub-region now and over the next 30 years as outlined in the “Future Proof Strategy 2017”. The Future Proof sub-region partners are the territorial authorities of Hamilton City Council, Waipa District Council and Waikato District Council, Waikato DHB, Waikato Regional Council, NZ Transport Agency, and Waikato iwi. As the region’s largest employer and agency with a Waikato regional geographic reach, it is incumbent on the DHB to demonstrate civic leadership, and to look at how it can support collaborative work that benefits the health of the wider community. Our sub-region is an area of rapid population growth and development. The population of the sub-region is projected to increase by around 30 percent over the next 30 years. The high growth rates have placed considerable pressure on all three territorial areas and associated service providers. Dealing with the impacts of growth is a major challenge facing this sub-regional community. Future Proof has historically had a focus on core infrastructure provision (three waters and transport) but this focus is changing in recognition of the need to focus growth planning on supporting achievement of broader community wellbeing outcomes.


This month sees the October result of our finances showing that we have improved again but we are still not quite on plan. The September result was an $8.9m deficit against a $9.2m budgeted deficit (a $0.3m favourable variance) resulting in a year-to-date result for the quarter of a $27.0 deficit against a $26.9m budgeted deficit (a $0.1m unfavourable variance). So we are almost back on plan.

Regional governance update We reported last month on changes to regional governance arrangements bringing together DHB chairs and MIRB chairs strengthening the relationship between local Crown entities and local Iwi. Since then we have agreed to name this governance group Te Manawa Taki – The Pulsating Heart. This symbolises that the leadership is: • always ready to go

• the health hub of Te Ika a Maui

• the strong heartbeat of the fish without which it cannot swim • leading for others to follow

Measles update Waikato DHB has moved from emergency planning to recovery phase; including management of vaccine, catch up immunisation for priority groups and information for the community and health professionals. There will be a programme for addressing the long-standing immunity gap when sufficient vaccine is available. There have been 35 confirmed cases of measles in Waikato DHB since 1 August (51 since 1 January 2019). It was great to see the collaborative efforts of those who worked on the ground from Te Puna Oranga, Hauraki PHO and Te Kōhao Health to promote youth wellbeing and MMR immunisation at Te Mana Kuratahi (National Primary Schools Haka Competition) event.

Te Mana Kuratahi

The Measles Activation site provided a perfect opportunity for the team to connect and korero with over 200 children about measles, immunisation and general health with three people vaccinated and 18 getting help to enrol with a GP.

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