CE update
Round the Bridges
First of all, a big thank you to the 370 staff who registered for the Round the Bridges event this Sunday under the Waikato DHB banner. You successfully achieved our goal of winning the 12km Corporate Challenge Trophy. The fastest four team members’ finish times are combined and measured against every other business team. Our four fastest runners were Scott Robinson, Eve Pullar, David Sears and Logan Robinson. Working in healthcare is often intense and sometimes stressful, and so I encourage everyone to take up opportunities to have breaks, get some fresh air, keep up a level of physical exercise that is appropriate for you and enjoy it. Events like Round the Bridges are as much about team building and having fun as they are about fitness.
Art in the hospital
How our hospital looks is important to visitors, staff and patients and there is evidence that art can contribute to healing. So it is good that contemporary New Zealand art continues to be added to the Hospital collection by the Waikato Hospital Art Committee. The Waikato Hospital Art Trust is very active and has recently received generous donations from the Waikato Health Trust, the Donny Trust, the Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia and Radiology Trusts. Donations have also been received from a urologist and from Bridgewater Day Surgery. These funds are for the Waikato Hospital Art Committee’s major activities e.g. purchasing new works and displaying selected works on loan from the James Wallace Arts Trust Collection. The James Wallace Arts Trust curator is currently working with our ex officio art committee member and art curator, Ms Kate Darrow, to select works that are suitable to adorn the walls of the Meade Clinical Centre. These works aim to reflect the Waikato region’s physical and cultural landscape. I have underlined the importance of the artworks displayed reflecting the Māori cultural heritage. In addition, the Waikato Hospital Art Committee has recently purchased what I am told is a stunning new artwork by the Niuean/New Zealand artist John Pule.