Te Hookioi Issue 34

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celebrating kiingitanga Opening of Te Awa

GUEST EDITORIAL Welcome to the September 2010 edition of the tribe’s quarterly publication Te Hookioi. Its origins stem from the newspaper “Te Hookioi E Rere Atu Na” which as many know, was established in the early 1860s by Kiingi Taawhiao to inform our people about the issues of that time. We continue to explore ways to improve this publication to ensure it continues to inform our people of the work of the tribe, promote our initiatives, and celebrate tribal successes. This month we introduce a new feature – the guest editorial. To lead off, here is an article from Tuku Morgan that was recently printed in the New Zealand Herald and continues to generate a lot of interest from those for and against the sale of New Zealand land to foreigners. If you have a contribution you would like considered for publication in this segment, please contact: TE HOOKIOI EDITOR Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Email: janetf@tainui.co.nz




For a government looking for a principled framework on which to base foreign investment policies, it need look no further than the principles contained in the Preamble to Te Ture Whenua Maaori Act 1993. “[W]hereas it is desirable to recognise that land LV D WDRQJD WXNX LKR RI VSHFLDO VLJQL¿ FDQFH WR Maaori people and, for that reason, to promote the retention of that land in the hands of its owners, their whaanau, and their hapuu, and to protect waahi tapu: and to facilitate the occupation, development, DQG XWLOLVDWLRQ RI WKDW ODQG IRU WKH EHQH¿ W RI LWV owners, their whaanau, and their hapuu”. Waikato-Tainui’s opposition to the foreign ownership of land is not xenophobic, or racist, or even nationalistic. Our opposition is multi-faceted and deep-seated. There are strong cultural and spiritual elements to our belief that land ownership must remain in the hands of New Zealanders. Unfortunately these concepts do not lend themselves well to modern liberal economic theories, which VWLOO SHUPHDWH WKH 2YHUVHDV ,QYHVWPHQW 2I¿ FH¶ investment criteria, and pervade the corridors of power. It was this very issue; a desire to retain ownership of our lands and to halt further land sales to foreigners that was a driving force behind the creation of the Kiingitanga. Unlike the current Government, which seems to be adopting a softly-softly approach, the response of Governor Grey’s colonial administration was both decisive and emphatic - the invasion of the Waikato by colonial troops, the murder of our people, exile IRU RYHU \HDUV DQG WKH FRQ¿ VFDWLRQ RI RYHU million acres of some of New Zealand’s most fertile and productive lands.

I riro whenua atu me hoki whenua mai Tukoroirangi Morgan - Chair, Te Arataura Waikato-Tainui

It is worth noting that in the 1995 Deed of Settlement the value of this land was put at $12 billion. Paakeha will remember that we received a total package of $170 million. Some of this same land is now on the brink of being sold to foreigners. Again we note the plaintive cries from farmers, always quick to point out that land has been in their families ‘for generations’, and can only empathise with their plight given our own historical land grievances. Finally, after 150 years, are Paakeha New Zealanders beginning to understand that land ownership is about more than a simple economic transaction?

Many of the countries lining up to buy our lands do not allow foreigners to buy land in their own countries. This is not to say we don’t welcome their investment in capital equipment, new technology, research and development. Waikato-Tainui has established relationships with foreign partners. We want to reach out and be part of a vibrant global community. We will draw on the skills and resources of overseas partners as WKH\ ZLOO EHQH¿W IURP RXUV %XW ODQG VDOHV ZLOO QHYHU EH D SDUW of those relationships.

To hear our Prime Minister expressing concern “over the risk that New Zealanders become tenants in their own land� is particularly poignant to the people of Waikato-Tainui. For that is exactly what happened to this Iwi, and to the tribes of Taranaki. But Waikato-Tainui were not simply reduced to being tenants – we became outcasts from our own lands.

A key element of Whakatupuranga 2050, our 50 year inter-generational strategic plan for the social, cultural and economic advancement of Waikato-Tainui, is to grow the tribal estate – to reclaim for our tamariki and mokopuna, and for their tamariki and mokopuna the lands of their tuupuna, their ancestors. We are doing that block by block, acre by acre, piece by piece. It is a long and drawn out process – to reverse the alienation of a people from its land – but we are determined.

Land losses in the 19th century had dramatic and terrible consequences for Maaori. It’s estimated that in 1840 Maaori controlled around 66 million acres of land (virtually the whole landmass of Aotearoa). By the end of the 19th century Maaori were reduced to holding just 3 million acres – and much of that was of poor quality and unproductive. Land that, in the main, Paakeha did not want.

Paakeha have a whakatauki (saying) about those who fail to heed the lessons of the past: They are doomed to repeat it. Has the lesson been learned? If the present Government continues to form policy with an eye on satisfying the LQFUHDVLQJ ÂżFNOHQHVV RI LQWHUQDWLRQDO FDSLWDO WKHQ WKH OHVVRQ SURYLGHG E\ WKH WUDJHG\ RI WKH 5DXSDWX ODQG FRQÂżVFDWLRQV on the people of Waikato-Tainui has fallen on deaf ears.

Economically, spiritually, socially and culturally the loss of our ancestral lands was a blow that only now, a century and a half later, are we in a position where we can start to lead our SHRSOH RXW RI WKH OLWHUDO DQG ÂżJXUDWLYH ZDVWHODQGV WR ZKLFK ZH were consigned.

Our message to this Government is to act decisively. Maaori do not want these sales to continue. Paakeha do not want them to continue. Opinion polls are emphatic in their opposition to land sales continuing. The experience of Maaori, dispossessed of their land and then left to the ravages of poor health, sub-standard housing and educational underachievement as a result should not be regarded simply as a history lesson.

Maaori continue to regard their land as taonga tuku iho, a treasure. Land gives us our identity, our kotahitanga, our tino rangatiratanga. For Waikato-Tainui land is a resource to be preserved and respected according to the principle of kaitiakitanga, (guardianship). We do not ‘own’ it as individuals. We are merely caretakers for those generations who went before, and those yet to follow. Our position on the foreign ownership of land is the same as it was 150 years ago. It must not happen.

Rather, the Maaori experience should serve as a warning to all those who view this country’s land and her people as separate entities. I riro whenua atu me hoki whenua mai. As land was taken, land must be returned. GUEST EDITORIAL | 2010 OKETOPA




2010 highlights

Registered tribal members with up-to-date addresses, would have received a copy py of this \HDUœV $QQXDO 5HSRUW E\ QRZ 7KH ¿ QDQFLDO \HDU PDUNHG D UHWXUQ WR SUR¿ W IRU WKH WW IR IRU WKH WULEH ZKLFK ZDV D JRRG WXUQ DURXQG DIWHU WKH JOREDO ¿ QDQFLDO PDUNHW FROODSVH RI There are some great numbers in this year’s report which we thought were deserving of a special mention. ‡

A total of $4.4 million in grants was distributed to almost 1,700 tribal members and groups.


Over $1.1 million was distributed in education grants to 816 tribal members.


Over $565,000 was distributed to 712 kaumaatua to assist with health and wellbeing including medical support, tangihanga and transportation.


Almost $221,000 was distributed for sports grants to 146 tribal members and 20 organisations.

In addition $1 million was distributed to our 68 Raupatu Marae. The amount per Marae is calculated on the number RI EHQHÂż FLDULHV UHJLVWHUHG WR D 0DUDH SOXV D EDVH DPRXQW RI $5,000. In general, these grants aim to assist our Marae to maintain, manage and administer their facilities as the focal points for our whaanau and hapuu.




ects cts A further $660,000 was distributed for community projects orr the t including the upkeep of Taupiri Maunga, support for annd the 30 Poukai hosted, Koroneihana celebrations and Ngaaruawaahia Regatta. betwe betwee Almost half of our tribal population are agedd between tional ional onal plan 15-34 years so our 50 year inter-generational r ric Whakatupuranga 2050, is sowing the seeds for a rich harvest in the years to come.

Review of grants policies aims to sustain stain tain ain PD[LPXP EHQHÂż WV PRUH RQ SDJHV




Koroneihana 2010


Do you vote? What do rangatahi think?


Review of grant policies




Iwi Leaders Forum 2010



Waikato-Tainui Rangatahi Summit 2010


New Chair of Te Kauhanganui Tribute to Sir Archie


New Commissioners ready to step up


Te AWA Grand Opening - stage one


Te Tira Haere


He mea whakairo i te ngaakau


Marquee Hire & Tribal Register


Te Arataura members appointed to Supercity boards New staff member in Comms Unit Maramataka





THIS MONTH’S COVER Koroneihana 2010 - celebrating Kiingitanga 4-yr-olds Bunny Reign Mahinarangi Deishantae Jacobs (Ngaati Mahuta/Ngaati Tipa) and Ramania Matika (Ngaati Mahuta) along with 5-yr-old Te Ohaaki o nga Tupuna Turner (Ngaati Mahuta/ Ngaati Amaru) are our gorgeous models on this month’s cover. AAHUATANGA | 2010 OKETOPA







the King’s address

The ancestors of my people survived the trials of great voyages over many centuries to become the original settlers of Aotearoa, the most remote nation on earth. Our ancestors travelled the length and breadth of Aotearoa, named the mountains and rivers that served as their guides DQG GHÂż QHG WKHLU OLYHV GLVFRYHUHG WKH PDQ\ WUHDVXUHV RI LWV lands and waters, and established their homes, trails, and hunting grounds.

“I share her vision and the vision of my ancestors who created Kiingitanga.�

Long after their arrival, other voyagers from other nations came to chart our coasts and waters. Those who followed them came to spread religion and engage in trade. They were welcomed. Those who came to join us in settlement based on principles of peace, justice and equity were also welcomed.

Much has been done. Much remains to be done. I have been chosen to succeed her and them. I commit myself to the service of my people and all New Zealanders as we continue the great voyage they charted for us.

Our ancestors sought a great agreement with the Crown to ensure that this second wave of settlement could be achieved in ways that respected our right to govern the affairs of their tribes and enjoy undisturbed possession of their lands, villages, and all their treasures - and that all would enjoy the protection, rights and privileges of British subjects of the Crown.

Since my coronation, I have deliberately embraced all people, supported many kaupapa both nationally and internationally, attended many community events and functions that served the interests of the people. I have been preparing my House to ensure it continues to serve and advance the interests of the people through the succession and longevity of Kiingitanga. The challenges we face today are global in their scale.

Our ancestors were distressed and angered when rights that had been assured were set aside, or the Maaori terms used in the agreements were misinterpreted. Through Kiingitanga, they sought ways to bring all this distress to an end.

Great storms have swirled across the oceans to buffet our shores. The winds of change are once more whipping across the land. I foresee further crises heading in our direction and I worry for the safety of all our people, and this, our precious country, Aotearoa.

Since 1858, the Kiingitanga and my people have made a ORQJ DQG GLIÂż FXOW MRXUQH\ WR RYHUFRPH WKHVH GLIÂż FXOWLHV :H KDYH VXUYLYHG PDQ\ FKDOOHQJHV ZDUV ODQG FRQÂż VFDWLRQ poverty and destitution.

7KRXJK ZH DUH IDU IURP À HHWV RI ODUJHU QDWLRQV DW WKH centre of these storms and winds, our distance offers no protection. We are part of the world made by our creator, and this wider world is part of us.

We have also stood alongside others to defend the interests of New Zealand through two major world confrontations, a severe depression and several economic recessions.

The traders are no longer drawn to our shores by the new opportunities they once saw in a land that was unknown WR WKHP EHIRUH WKHLU Âż UVW HQFRXQWHUV ZLWK XV :H PXVW QRZ seek the opportunities.

We have worked with 36 Prime Ministers or Premiers, 56 Governor Generals, and six heads of state to realise our shared vision of peace, justice, and progress through unity. My mother, the late Queen Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, led the way for our people to settle historic grievances with the Crown and successive governments, and to seek opportunities to improve our lives both nationally and internationally.

Our children see the whole world as their domain. They are continuing the voyages of our ancestors far beyond our shores. As their elders, we have a duty to see they travel this new world safely, and to ensure that a peaceful and prosperous haven waits for their home-coming.




We have much of value to share and exchange within and without our wonderful country. We must reach out, but we must do so in a manner that shows the respect for others that we would wish had been shown to our ancestors and ourselves. My intention is to reach out, to encourage the dialogue and the interaction that will lead us to the common ground where the material and spiritual treasures of this nation can be shared in ways that secure the safety, care and progress of all people in Aotearoa into the future – well beyond the next 150 years. I seek my people to the ultimate destination of prosperity, health, good community and peaceful existence with our many neighbours, partners, and global relations. As I review the words of my ancestors, I sense that we must look beyond our times of trial and despair for the vision of what can yet be achieved. Their words inspire me to go out into the World and give people the opportunity to be enriched by this beautiful kaupapa of the Kiingitanga. Let us not try to hold it close and to ourselves. Let us reach out and invite others to join and share our great voyage. I want you my people to allow me to do this, to go with your care and support and sharing the knowledge that you will DOZD\V EH KHUH NHHSLQJ WKH KRPH ¿ UH OLW IRU P\ UHWXUQ IRU , will always return to my home and land. Wherever I go, I will forever return to the foundation of the Kiingitanga, the people.

Nei ra te koorero a ngaa tuupuna, e kore e ngaro, he kakano i ruia mai i Rangiatea. I shall not perish, but as a seed set forth from Rangiatea I VKDOO À RXULVK




“I seek my people to the ultimate destination of prosperity, health, good community and peaceful existence with our many neighbours, partners, and global relations.�











NETBALL - A GRADE WINNER: Ngaa Hau e Wha Runner Up: Ngaati Maahanga

SATURDAY 21 AUGUST 2010 RUGBY LEAGUE WINNERS: Te Waananga o Aotearoa Maniapoto Runner Up: Taranaki League Academy REPRESENTATIVE CHALLENGE WINNER: Aotearoa Maaori Runner Up: NZ Universities RUGBY – TAINUI WAKA CHALLENGE CHALLENGER MATCH WINNER: Tainui Waka Rugby Runner Up: Hamilton Peace Cup Team

MIXED WINNER: Ngaa Purapura o te Tai Hauauru Runner Up: MPD UNIFORM Winner: Waikohikohi RUGBY LEAGUE

HIRANGA TROPHY WINNER: Counties Maaori Runner Up: Te Waiariki

TUMATE MAHUTA CUP WINNERS: Taamaki Ki Raro Runners Up: Maniapoto Hunters

TOUCH - CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER: Mangatangi Runner UP: Tupaea Whaanau

TONGA MAHUTA SHIELD WINNERS: Waikato Maaori Runner Up: Te Puuaha o Waikato

WHAANAU WINNER: Waiwhakaata Runner Up: Ngaati Awahou

RUGBY - TE AA POKAIA CUP (SENIOR) Tokomauri – Challenger for the Koroneihana Shield 2011

SOCIAL WINNER: Waiwhakaata Runner Up: Whaanau Kotahi Roopu

TE HIKU O TE IKA A MAUI ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT Waiuku Maaori Sports – Challenger for Te Hiku o Te Ika a Maui Shield 2011



NETBALL - PREMIERS WINNER: Puke-i-aahua Runner Up: Ngaati Maahanga


B GRADE WINNER: Ngaataierua Runner Up: Te Rau Aroha



KORONEIHANA SHIELD WINNER: Raungaiti Runner Up: Ngaa Hau e Wha

IWI LEADERS FORUM 2010 The willingness of the current National Government to include Maaori at the ‘top table’ of decision-making, represents the greatest opportunity our people have had for decades... And the opportunity for iwi to launch into a new era of economic development and prosperity, was a focus of this year’s Iwi Leaders Forum hosted by Waikato-Tainui during Koroneihana celebrations. Âł:H VWLOO IDFH VLJQLÂż FDQW DQG FRPSOH[ LVVXHV LQ WKH DUHDV of fresh water management, mineral and oil exploration, and climate change, which is likely to stretch goodwill on ERWK VLGHV EXW , DP PRUH FRQÂż GHQW WKDQ HYHU WKDW ZRUNDEOH solutions can be found,â€? said Tukoroirangi Morgan. 52 iwi representatives attended this year’s forum making it one of the largest gatherings of iwi leaders since the establishment of the National Maaori Congress more than 20 years ago. Participants heard presentations from some of the leading minds in Maaoridom including former Justice Sir Taihakurei Eddie Durie (Ret.) on developing a principled framework to guide negotiations around water access and usage. Mark Solomon (Ngaai Tahu) delivered a paper on the opportunities for iwi participation in Public Private Partnerships, and Rikirangi Gage (Whaanau aa Apanui) presented a paper on Oil Drilling & Mining Exploration. “Our message to this Government is that iwi will be the economic powerhouses of the future and are ideally placed to be the natural partners of government in many spheres of activity,â€? said Mr Morgan.

“Public-private partnerships for example, present particularly exciting opportunities, not just for Waikato-Tainui and Ngaai Tahu which are already collaborating on key investment opportunities, but also for other iwi that see the natural synergies existing between long term Maaori aspirations DQG WKH FRXQWU\ÂśV QHHG IRU VLJQLÂż FDQW QHZ LQYHVWPHQW LQ infrastructure, such as schools and hospitals. “Infrastructure is an inter-generational asset and as such, has a very long life that will enable us to secure stable returns on the capital invested, which can then be used to EHQHÂż W WKH JHQHUDWLRQV WR FRPH ´ The Hon Paula Bennett and Hon Tariana Turia talked about the importance of addressing social issues for Maaori including Whaanau Ora, wards of state, and domestic violence. Ms Bennett challenged iwi to take a greater responsibility for troubled whaanau which was met ZLWK FROOHFWLYH VXSSRUW IURP WKH Ă€ RRU LI FRXSOHG ZLWK WKH appropriate government resources. Prime Minister the Rt Hon John Key delivered the keynote address at the forum dinner where he spoke positively of the strong relationships that currently exist between iwi and the Government.




HE KARAKIA Ka ranga te hau ki te muri Ka ranga te hau ki te tonga Kia makinakina ki uta Kia mataratara ki tai Pononga tane Pononga wahine Ka hiri, ka hiri Ka hiritia te ingoa o te Kiingi Ka whakareingia ahau Ka whakamaua kia tina Hui e! Taiki e!




Kaahui Ariki Representative Appointed Gregory Miller is the new Kaahui Ariki representative on the tribe’s executive board, Te Arataura. Gregory Miller (45) Ngapuhi, Rongowhakaata and Ngaiterangi descent, is the General Manager of Toll New Zealand Ltd. At the Annual General Meeting of the tribe’s parliament last month, Kiingi Tuheitia announced the appointment with acknowledgement of the former Kaahui Ariki representative the late Lady Raiha Mahuta, and the legacy she left behind. “With the era of Treaty Settlements coming to a close for this great Iwi, I feel the time is right for this appointment which will add strength to our drive for the social, economic and cultural advancement of our people,” Kiingi Tuheitia told Te Kauhanganui.

Ambassadors present their credentials In foreign policy circles, the presentation of a new ambassador’s credentials to the New Zealand Government is a formal ceremony that is simply part of their job. However, there is one aspect of the busy round of introductions and meetings that, we are told, new ambassadors look forward to with great anticipation. Often they are invited to Ngaaruawaahia to present their credentials to Kiingi Tuheitia. They are formally welcomed onto Tuurangawaewae Marae and hosted by the King’s party in Mahinarangi, the carved meeting house that has received many international guests since it was opened in 1929 by the King’s grand aunt Princess Te Puea. It is here in Mahinarangi that some ambassadors and international guests actually experience and enjoy their ¿ UVW WDVWH RI 0DDRUL KRVSLWDOLW\ VXUURXQGHG E\ WKH ULFK history and most prized taonga of Waikato-Tainui.

Indian High Commissioner - a man of the sea In August, the incoming Indian High Commissioner Admiral (Ret.), Sureesh Mehta came to Tuurangawaewae Marae to pay his respects to Kiingi Tuheitia. Admiral Mehta hails from Goa on the south west coast of India and spent 42 years in the Indian Navy. Both India and NZ share a dependency on sea transport to bring their goods to the world. The High Commissioner expressed surprise at the seatrading prowess of Waikato-Tainui. Before the Raupatu the tribe could boast of 36 ocean-going vessels that travelled regularly between the Waikato and Australia, WKH $PHULFDV DQG WKH 3DFL¿ F ,VODQGV Around 95 per cent of India’s exports travel by sea and India has a long history of ship-building with Lord Nelson’s ship the Victory (made famous after the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805), being built in the shipyards of Mumbai - the second most populated city in the world with approximately 14 million people.






The Waikato has among the lowest ot VWDWHG DV WKH OHDVW OLNHO\ WR EH VLJQL¿FDQ of local government and the effect their standing that’s worth voting for? Or is it

WHY DON’T MAAORI VOTE? Local councils and health boards deal with more things that affect our day to day lives, than most might realise. Speed limits around town, recreational, parks DQG VSRUWV IDFLOLWLHV VLJQDJH SDUNLQJ JUDI¿WL footpaths, rubbish collection, libraries, trees and gardens, bus routes – these types of community needs are decided by those who are elected to councils and boards for your communities. And what’s more, they make decisions about how to spend millions and millions of ratepayer dollars. So if we want our local communities to be more UHÀHFWLYH RI RXU KHULWDJH RXU KLVWRU\ RXU FXOWXUH then we’re going to have to put our hands up to serve on these local bodies. And then the rest of us need to get out there and vote. In this edition we asked a handful of candidates – some new, some old – what motivated them to stand and if they know why not all Maaori take the opportunity to vote in their areas. We also asked a group of rangatahi whether they vote and what kinds of things motivate them to have their say. Imagine the potential if all Maaori were to exercise their democratic right to vote! 7R ¿QG RXW PRUH JR WR www.elections2010.co.nz




MOERA SOLOMON Candidate: Waikato District Council - Ngaaruawaahia This is my fourth term standing and I continue to stand because I have lived here all my life and I will work hard for the community I love, and all who live here. In the Ngaaruawaahia Ward around 57% of the population is Maaori and of that, less than 10% vote. What you end up with is ‘male, pale and frail’. I’ve sat on a national committee looking at that very question - why don’t Maaori vote? What we’ve found is that there are a host of reasons and one of them is that in general, Maaori don’t realise the value of their vote. Maybe if we add this very subject to the National School Curriculum we’ll learn the importance of voting from an early age. Better still, make it compulsory to vote then it becomes compulsory to learn about it.

TIPA MAHUTA Candidate: Environment Waikato - Central I’m a statistic that you will rarely ever see represented in local government: I’m under 40 years of age; I’m a female; and I’m Maaori. I also believe there are a number of important environmental priorities facing our region including integrated river management strategies. I can only speculate why less Maaori vote in this region and maybe it’s a result of raupatu causing almost a state of helplessness or why bother. But seriously, the collective Maaori vote is powerful and as a people we are JRLQJ WKURXJK VLJQL¿FDQW change. Our river settlement is a prime example of the opportunities presented through co-management models. I want to be part of that process and I also want to encourage our youth to get involved. Afterall, it’s your future we’re building.

ter turnout rates for local body elections in the country, and Maaori are QWO\ UHSUHVHQWHG 6R ZK\ LV WKDW" 3HUKDSV ZH GRQ¶W XQGHUVWDQG WKH IXQFWLRQV decisions have on our day to day lives? Maybe we think there’s no-one that we just simply can’t be bothered!

AOTEA MAIPI Candidate: Waikato District Council and Huntly Community Board They say there aren’t enough women in Council and those that stand are men, old & retired farmers. The reason I put my name up is because my whaanau support me, and quite a few Paakeha asked me to stand. They’ve seen my involvement with community projects over the years and they say I’d be good because I’m fair, I’m straight up, and I help people. People are important and that’s what motivates me. A key to getting Maaori to vote is good communication and more encouragement. A kumara vine is a powerful thing. We use these democratic processes all the time - in our schools, in our tribe and even on our Marae to elect our committees. So it’s not new. If the people trust you can do the work, they’ll vote for you.

WARREN ALLEN (POSSUM) Candidate: Hamilton City Council - West I’ve lived in the Waikato for 48 years. I’ve enjoyed 20 years of business success and involve myself with community events and sports. So it’s a natural progression for me to stand for Council because I’m a community person by nature. I can also afford the time to do Council business. Because let’s face it, you get paid peanuts to be a Councillor and you have to put in a lot of commitment which can pull you away from fulltime responsibilities 6R &RXQFLO ZRUN LV GH¿QLWHO\ something you have to have a passion for. By far the greatest issue for me is the lack of Maaori representation in the Hamilton City Council and I believe it is high time that that is addressed. Address that and maybe more Maaori people will get out and vote!

MARAE TUKERE Candidate: Ngaaruawaahia Community Board We’re under represented in local body forums and that’s one of the reasons I am standing - to make sure that our local Maaori community is considered in decision making. Thousands of people converge on our small town every year to attend tribal events so the cultural and economic contribution that Tuurangawaewae Marae and its people make to the Ngaaruawaahia community, must be recognised and valued. Maybe Maaori don’t vote because they weren’t a part of the hierarchy that introduced this process especially when you look back at the town’s history and what happened to our people here. Generations of families who have settled here still don’t know, accept or acknowledge the true history of this town!

ENDINE DIXONHARRIS Candidate: Matamata Piako District Council - Morrinsville The things that happen in Council that affect the Maaori environment motivate me to stand. I want to be an interface for Maaori so I can inform them of their community rights. Maaori don’t easily access social services and education is a problem when you understand that our rangatahi are failing school at ages 13 & 14. So at 15 & 16 years they are trying to get jobs so they can meet their basic needs and their social wants. These are their main priorities. They don’t care about local bodies and what they do. By age 18, they are less likely to vote their priorities are the same. For Ngaati Haua a priority is to have our voice heard at the Council table. “If you want Hau in the House, then get out there and vote.”






Photo, from left:



Ngaati Hauaa, Ngaati Wairere Rukumoana and Kai-a-te-Mata Marae Age 18

Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaati Tahinga ngaa hapuu. Horahora, Pukerewa ngaa Marae. 20 ooku tau. I do vote because not only can I help make a difference for the future of our community, but I can help make a change for the next generation. Learning about these things at school might help rangatahi to understand about voting.

ATAWHAI EDWARDS Ngaati Korokii Kahukura Pohara and Maungatautari Marae Age 18 I think there has been a lack of communication through education and advertising to Iwi Maaori about the importance of a vote. Coming from a poor understanding and interest in the voting system, I do want to make a change and take action. I don’t remember ever discussing these types of things at school let alone learning about them. We didn’t talk about it as a whaanau either so I guess that’s why I don’t know too much about it. I do want input into a better future and a change in frame of mind. Maybe that’s all it takes to get whaanau voting. A better understanding!


At the Waikato-Tainui Rangatahi Summit held ear kinds of things motivate them to vote. Interestingly


I’ve just turned 18 and so now I’m thinking about voting. It’s not really something I’ve thought about before because it sounds like something old people worry about. I don’t really understand the whole concept of voting and what my vote might be worth. Maybe if it was taught in school, then rangatahi would learn about it, become educated on the impacts for our whaanau and our future, and then rangatahi will want to vote.

KIRSTEN WAIKAHINGA PUTLAND Ngaati Mahuta Horahora Marae Age 20 Yes I vote because my vote could make a difference for our people and community. We need to make our voices heard so voting for the right people to do just that, would be great. I don’t just pick anyone. I read their SUR¿OHV DQG LW GRHVQ¶W PDWWHU LI , GRQ¶W know them. I look for people who are going to make our communities better and safer places to live in. I encourage rangatahi to vote because having your say may help you get to places you may never have dreamed of especially with the community on your side.


GAGE THOMPSON Ngaati Tipa Oraeroa Marae Age 22 I haven’t voted before because I don’t know who to vote for. I don’t hear about this stuff and no-ones had an impact that inspires me to vote. This week though, through the rangatahi summit, I’ve been hearing and learning stuff about our tribe and where we are heading. It’s making me think really hard about having a vote.

rlier this month, we asked a handful of rangatahi eligible to vote, whether they do vote and what y, it didn’t appear to be something they had learnt about at school or on the Marae.



Ngaati Whawhaakia Kaitumutumu Marae Age 19

Ngaati Mahuta Taniwha Marae Age 20

Yes I vote. My input can make a change for my community and my Maaori people.

<HV , GR YRWH EXW LQ P\ RSLQLRQ UDQJDWDKL VWULYH WR VHHN EHQH¿WV RU JUDVS WKRVH things that are important in our eyes and what we enjoy doing. If you don’t know the value of doing something, then you won’t do it. Music, arts, waka ama, kapa haka, sports - these are the types of things that motivate us. Kaare te rangatahi e aro ki ngaa tuuaahuatanga e tareka ai te hunga pakeke. Mooku noa nei, ki te kore ahau e kite ngaa hua, e kore rawa ahau e aro ki taua tuumomo mahi. Eengari, i pooti ahau. I pooti ahau i runga i te mea e pirangi ana ahau te kite i ngaa mata Maaori e noho mai ana ki aua tuuru whakahirahira. , KRSH DQG ZLVK WR VHH EHQH¿WV IURP WKH 0DDRUL SHRSOH WKDW JHW WKHVH SRVLWLRQV RQ local bodies.

My whaanau talk about these kinds of things all the time. It’s a waste of time moaning about stuff in your communities if you don’t take that opportunity to have your say by voting. If being in this feature encourages other rangatahi to get out and vote, then that’s a bonus I reckon!




Around 60 rangatahi attended the three-day summit designed to motivate and inspire the tribe’s next generation of potential tribal leaders. “We want to reconnect with our young people and encourage them to bring others with them, to re-engage with their Iwi and to play an active and positive role in helping us deliver the outcomes in Whakatupuranga 2050 – the tribe’s 50 year blueprint for the cultural, social and economic advancement of our people,” says project manager and staff member Johnine Davis.




A range of keynote speakers addressed summit participants including Tuku Morgan, Fonterra’s chair Sir Henry van der Heyden and its CEO John Hutchings, and rangatahi were exposed to a number of topics as well as people who have built successful careers in business, art, health, politics, sports, music, science, environment and media. Activities included a property tour of the tribe’s commercial assets, whaanaungatanga, waiata and historical sessions, and an amazing rangatahi race. A key outcome of the summit was the feedback collated providing facilitators with ideas and concepts that align with Whakatupuranga 2050, and that will assist the tribe to develop an overarching youth strategy to re-engage rangatahi with their Marae and the work of the tribe.

A formal dinner was hosted with inspirational presentations from Maaori role models including 9LFWRULD 8QLYHUVLW\ OHFWXUHU 2FHDQ 0HUFLHU WKH ¿ UVW Maaori woman to gain a Phd in Physics, and Maaori Television personality Julian Wilcox. “With more than half of our registered tribal members under the age of 34 and nearly a quarter aged between 15–24, our investment in our rangatahi is literally an investment in the future of this iwi,” said Johnine. “The raupatu of the 1860s instilled an unshakeable belief that our people are our greatest resource. “Rangatahi are a vital link in the chain that stretches, unbroken, from our tuupuna through our kaumaatua and on down to our tamaariki and mokopuna.” RANGATAHI SUMMIT | 2010 OKETOPA



Review of grant policies DLPV WR PD[LPLVH EHQH¿ WV ,Q WKH SDVW ¿ YH \HDUV :DLNDWR 7DLQXL KDV GLVWULEXWHG RYHU PLOOLRQ LQ JUDQWV WR WKRXVDQGV of tribal members to pursue their academic and sporting dreams, develop their skills and, in the case of our kaumaatua, to help with health and wellbeing expenses. A further $8 million has been distributed to our Marae who remain the focal points for our whaanau and hapuu. Every year policies are reviewed to ensure tribal grants continue to improve the economic, cultural DQG VRFLDO ZHOOEHLQJ RI RXU EHQH¿ FLDULHV :LWK WKH recent settlement of the Waikato River Claim, and the doors opening at the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development, perhaps it’s timely to start funding educational and training initiatives that directly align with the tribe’s strategic goals. *UDQWV DUH D WDQJLEOH EHQH¿ W RI WKH WULEHœV raupatu settlement and they have been going some way towards making a difference at the grass roots. With the demand for grants increasing each year, if grants are to continue to make a difference there needs to be an improvement in the way they are distributed. Using recent criteria, a handful of eligible recipients were entitled to grants of around $50 each. Many would agree this could be viewed as a complete waste of time when you consider the paperwork UHTXLUHG WR DSSO\ IRU WKH JUDQW LQ WKH ¿ UVW SODFH

So what kinds of factors are considered when policies are reviewed each year? For one, the demand for education grants in particular, has increased in recent years but the funding available for distribution has not. More secondary school students and ‘returning to study adults’ are taking up tertiary training and similar programmes. A very pleasing outcome of note, is that more of our people are applying for grants to support their enrolments in Maatauranga Maaori, Te Reo, computer, teaching and information technology courses. Many would say that if the tribal group’s commercial portfolio increases, then so should the funding available for grants.




6R LV LW UHDOO\ WKDW VLPSOH DQ DQQXDO SURÂż W should equal more money for grants? Perhaps not. Whilst our commercial arm may have achieved a Âż QDQFLDO UHWXUQ WKLV \HDU GHVSLWH WKH ORVV ODVW \HDU WKLV has been largely due to having stable, long term high quality tenants continuing to pay rentals. But more important, tribal funding was ‘capped’ for the last three years to ensure that our commercial arm would ‘weather the storm’ during the global recession, and could continue to develop tribal investments.

So how do we strike a balance between LQYHVWLQJ LQ SURÂż W YHUVXV LQYHVWLQJ LQ RXU SHRSOH" $QG HYHQ LI ZH Âż QG WKDW EDODQFH are we still maximising our potential in the ZD\ ZH GHOLYHU WKRVH EHQHÂż WV" The lack of employment opportunities after training is also a problem so there is a strong desire to invest tribal funding in customised training and programmes that will result in our people getting jobs. These types of investments would aim to set up career paths that would see our people working either within the tribal group, or with key organisations implementing our tribal priorities. The partnerships that can be fostered with key organisations can result in the pooling of resources and sustainable employment that directly aligns with Whakatupuranga 2050.

And what about accountability? 7R DVVHVV LI ZH DUH PD[LPLVLQJ EHQHÂż WV WR WULEDO members, we need to know how our grant recipients are getting on which means keeping accurate records of achievement and career paths.

A couple of years ago, we found that there were a substantial number of students not completing their courses. Interestingly, indications were that those PRVW OLNHO\ WR Âż QLVK \HDU SURJUDPPHV ZHUH RXU women who returned to study at around the age of 30, after having their children.

Next Steps? This year’s review is timely in that there have been a QXPEHU RI VLJQL¿ FDQW GHYHORSPHQWV IRU WKH WULEH WKH river claim and the college in particular have already been mentioned. The review will look at the way the grants system has operated in the past alongside current trends, and the funding set aside over recent years, to improve SROLF\ VR WKDW ZH FRQWLQXH WR PD[LPLVH EHQH¿ WV through grant distributions.

One of the key components of Whakatupuranga 2050 that we can all be proud of, is to ensure success in all forms of education and training! Considerations under this year’s review will include: ‡ $UH JUDQWV VXIÂż FLHQWO\ DOLJQHG ZLWK WKH RXWFRPHV we are seeking under Whakatupuranga 2050? ‡ Have we got the criteria right to deliver ‘educational success’? ‡ What constitutes ‘success’ in tribal terms? ‡ How many students in receipt of grants have earned degrees and diplomas? ‡ Should a portion of grant funding be prioritised for particular types of education and training? The review of education grant policies should be completed within the next two months. Other distribution policies are expected to be rolled out shortly after.

Whilst we celebrate our successes, we continually build on the foundations laid by those before us. ‡ In 1995, there were no registered tribal members known to have achieved a PhD as a result of a tribal grant. The tribal register now includes 47 tribal members with PhDs. ‡ There are currently 17 tribal members on PhD scholarships.

‡ In the past two years grants totalling $2 million have been distributed to 1,500 tribal members. ‡ More than $550,000 has been given to WaikatoTainui athletes in sports grants since 2008. ‡ Well over half a million dollars has been distributed to kaumaatua since kaumaatua medical grants were introduced. ‡ More than $6 million has been given out in Marae Facilities grants since 2006. ‡ ,Q WKH SDVW ¿ YH \HDUV :DLNDWR 7DLQXL KDV distributed over $20 million in grants. ‡ ,Q WKH SDVW ¿ YH \HDUV D IXUWKHU PLOOLRQ KDV been distributed to our Marae.




Recognising the role and ongoing contributions made by kaumaatua, is a key driver underpinning the development and improvement of grant criteria. The tribe’s ability to provide kaumaatua with grants for a host of basic health needs, has come a long way ZKHQ \RX FRQVLGHU WKDW MXVW ¿ YH \HDUV DJR RQO\ ZDV GLVWULEXWHG

$QG LQ WKH Âż QDQFLDO \HDU NDXPDDWXD JUDQWV WRWDOOHG PRUH WKDQ Kaumaatua Medical Grants are available to cover the following expenses: a. Whare Mahana Home Insulation project (100 homes); b. Doctors visits and prescriptions; c. Optical services; d. Dental services; and e. Audiology services. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW JUDQWV SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH *UDQWV 2IÂż FHU -DFNLH +DJJLH RQ IUHHSKRQH TAINUI ext 7619, or email: jackieh@tainui.co.nz.

3KRWR \HDU ROG &ODUHQFH Âľ7RPÂś /HY\ 1JDDWL 0DKXWD 7DXSLUL 0DUDH ZDV RQH RI WKH Âż UVW WR UHFHLYH D NDXPDDWXD PHGLFDO JUDQW ZKHQ WKH\ were introduced in 2007, which he used to purchase a new set of pearly white dentures!




Tribal Development Unit Manager Marae Tukere, is overseeing a programme that aims to see the homes of over 700 of our kaumaatua, insulated. Pauhiku Tapara (Ngaati Korokii, Tuurangawaewae Marae) lives in Ngaaruawaahia with his grand-daughter Katrina.

He’s not one to make a fuss so when we asked if we could get a photo for this story of him with the insulation team, the 84-year-old quietly got up and made his way outside to the truck. Even though he had recently undergone surgery to amputate his leg! Keeping our kaumaatua warm and dry during winter is the key objective of the ‘Whare Mahana’ project, explained Marae. “Kaumaatua are our living taaonga. They provide guidance on matters of tikanga, te reo and tribal maatauranga as well as playing a crucial role on Marae and in extended whaanau generally.â€? Cold, damp housing is a major contributor to the incidence of circulatory system disease which statistics show is the most common cause of death for Maaori. Keeping a watchful eye on the work going on around him, and the insulation going into the ceiling and XQGHU WKH Ă€ RRUV 0U 7DSDUD UHFNRQV WKDW WKH KRXVH ZLOO GHÂż QLWHO\ EH ZDUPHU DQG GULHU +LV JUDQG GDXJKWHU

Katrina is extremely grateful. “We’re rapt that this work could be done so quickly and it was all so stress free too,â€? said Katrina. Following the Government’s 2009 budget commitment to better insulate New Zealand’s ageing housing stock, Waikato-Tainui signed a Heads of Agreement with the (QHUJ\ (IÂż FLHQF\ &RQVHUYDWLRQ $XWKRULW\ ((&$ WR XQGHUWDNH D UDQJH RI HQHUJ\ HIÂż FLHQF\ LQLWLDWLYHV 7RJHWKHU ZLWK :HO 1HWZRUNV WKH +XQWO\ (QHUJ\ (IÂż FLHQF\ Trust and Hamilton contractors Eco Insulation, through the Whare Mahana project 100 homes are currently being insulated in the wider Waikato area. Brendon Maloney of Wel Networks is managing the work. “This programme is a great example of how the Iwi is partnering with other organisations to deliver tangible EHQHÂż WV WR RXU WULEDO PHPEHUV ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ WR IXQG LW all ourselves,â€? said Marae. “Our goal over the next three years is to work toward the insulation of another 600 homes in the tribal area. So we’ll be looking for other partners to work with us in the near future.â€? Photo: Installers from Eco Insulation Hamilton, Lewis Jones and Sean Daji (holding the tools) pictured with kaumaatua Pauhiku Tapara (centre).




Given her small stature you could be forgiven for tripping over Atawhai Edwards, but you’d be making a huge mistake if you were to under rate her. That’s because she’s the newest heavyweight world champion in Kyokushin (“Ultimate Truth�) karate. She’s also one of ours. The 18-year-old (Ngaati Korokii Kahukura) from Pohara and Maungatautari Marae says that Kyokushin Karate can be found in around 120 countries and has more than twelve million practitioners, making it one of the largest martial arts styles in the world. We had the pleasure of catching up with Atawhai at the recent Waikato-Tainui Rangatahi Summit and for a heavyweight world champion, she comes across as a pretty cool, totally grounded, and rather humble young lady. Watching her during the Summit, it’s particularly pleasing how enthused she is about her Marae, her whaanau and the work of the tribe. “I want to credit my whaanau - Mum and Dad, Nanny Maki and Nanna Pam, Rahui and Mariana Papa – and friends of course for supporting me through all the training, the bruises and the injuries. “I’ve had some great sponsors too including Linda and Willie Te Aho of IC Solutions and Neil at the Crossroads Sports Bar in Hamilton.

“Tainui Sports grants helped me to get tournament experience in Australia last year and also helped to get me to the World Cup in Spain this year.â€? Atawhai says she’s been practising karate for six years DQG ZDV RQH RI D WHDP RI VL[ Âż JKWHUV ZKR WUDYHOOHG to Spain to compete at the 2010 Kyokushin-Kai World &XS DORQJ ZLWK Âż JKWHUV IURP RWKHU FRXQWULHV The team was led by Duayne and Penita Davies (who has won two world titles) from Davies Karate NZ in Hamilton and true to form, Atawhai is quick to give accolades to her instructors and her fellow team mates,




four of whom also came from Davies Karate NZ (DKNZ). “Karate is much more than just a sport. Karate is a tradition and a philosophy. You have to always be willing to learn, and practice. Talent can only get you so far. After that it’s training and practice. At DKNZ we have a mantra: ‘Perfect practice PDNHV SHUIHFW Âś :H DUH D VFKRRO RI FRQÂż GHQFH ´ Atawhai’s path to world championship glory required her WR EHDW Âż JKWHUV IURP WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP $XVWUDOLD 6RXWK Africa and the karate-world big guns from Russia. “The Russian was monstrous but once you get into the ring, your training takes over and size doesn’t matter so much. (LJKW\ SHUFHQW RI D Âż JKW LV GHIHQFH DQG SHUFHQW RIIHQFH ´ Atawhai hasn’t given a lot of thought to setting her next goals. “Right now, I’m just really enjoying having a short break and spending some time with family and friends...â€?

Sisters hope their efforts will encourage others to follow their dreams Annie and Linda Te Wehenga Tuhakaraina (pictured above with their mokopuna Aniwa Apiata), hope that their efforts will encourage others who dream of returning to tertiary study, to take that step. Supported by Waikato-Tainui education grants, Annie and Linda graduated earlier this year at Ngaataierua Marae with a diploma in teaching. Along with their cousin Tei Tuhakaraina, they are currently completing bachelor degrees. “It’s been hard work but we made it,” said Annie. “Its instilled our mana back inside our hearts and has opened doors to a better life.We’d like to share our special success with our whaanau and friends and maybe this will encourage others thinking about it, to take that step.” Annie says there have been a number of people and organisations supporting their journey and asked if she could take this time in Te Hookioi to acknowledge a few of them.

Ae, of course you can! Congratulations on your diplomas and we wish you all success with your degrees! The Editor. Teenaa koutou katoa e ngaa rangatira e noho mai ana i Te Waananga o Raukawa raua ko Te Waananga o Aotearoa mo ngaa Pouako ka nui te mihi atu ki a koutou. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the tutors from Te Waananga o Raukawa and Te Waananga o Aotearoa, as well as the many friends we have met along the way. This is a special thank you to our awesome friends at the Huakina branch in Pukekohe and not forgetting a special thank you to all our koro and kuia of Ngaati Hauaa, Ngaati Te Oro, Ngaati Wairere, Te Iti o Hauaa, Waimakariki, Rukumoana, Kai-a-te-Mata, Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha, Kutia Koohanga Reo, Te Rau Aroha Koohanga Reo and Te Kura o Waharoa. Ngaa mihi to all the parents, children and staff. Finally we thank the Lord for his love and guidance whilst on our journey. Paimaarire - Annie and Linda Te Wehenga Tuhakaraina




Te Kauhanganui has a new Chair following an election in the tribal parliament at the recent Annual General Meeting. Former board member and Secretary of Te Arataura, Tania Martin (Hiiona Marae) has been elected to the role following a secret ballot overseen by Justice Heta Hingston, a retired Maaori Land Court and Waitangi Tribunal judge. The constitution of Te Kauhanganui requires that the chair be elected with more than 50 percent of the ballot. Mrs Martin was appointed with overwhelming support in the House and we wish her every success in this important role. Te Kauhanganui also heard a presentation from Te Arataura chair Tuku Morgan, who briefed Marae, rangatahi and kaumaatua representatives on the overall performance and DFKLHYHPHQWV RI WKH WULEH RYHU WKH SDVW ¿ QDQFLDO \HDU His presentation was wide-ranging covering enhanced comanagement arrangements around our tuupuna awa, the RSHQLQJ RI WKH WULEHœV À DJVKLS GHYHORSPHQW 7H $:$ DW 7KH Base; the deep sorrow and loss felt at the passing of the late Lady Raiha, the excitement and exhilaration of the fourth Waikato-Tainui Games, and future plans and developments intended for the tribal hub at Hopuhopu.

&KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÂż FHU RI 7DLQXL *URXS +ROGLQJV 0U 0LNH 3RKLR DQG LWV QHZ &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IÂż FHU 0U &KULV -REOLQ delivered presentations on their activities over the past year. It was acknowledged that through the performance and activities of Tainui Group Holdings, the tribe is able to produce the dividends that enable Waikato-Tainui to invest in the talent of its people and contribute to the health and wellbeing of its kaumaatua and our Marae. There was a lively and good natured question and answer session after each presentation, with Te Kauhanganui representatives quizzing the executive team on subjects ranging from the $210 million river fund, to the amounts paid in grants to registered tribal members and groups. Following the Annual General Meeting, a number of tribal members including Taurahere representatives from Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Christchurch and Wellington, DWWHQGHG D JHQHUDO SUHVHQWDWLRQ RSHQ WR DOO WULEDO EHQHÂż FLDULHV

The waters of Whanganui churn with anguish at the passing of its sentinel and elder statesman, Sir Archie Taiaroa on Tuesday 21 September 2010. Described as a truly inspirational Maaori Leader with a gentle presence and genuine care for all New Zealanders, Sir Archie Taiaroa was renowned for his former role as Chairman of Te Ohu Kaimoana - dedicated to the future advancement of Maaori interests in the marine environment. 6LU $UFKLH OHG GHYHORSPHQWV LQ FXVWRPDU\ Âż VKHULHV KROGLQJ VHYHUDO QDWLRQDO SRVLWLRQV which saw him negotiate outcomes with many heads of state. As Chair of the Whanganui River Maaori Trust Board he advocated passion and determination for the ongoing care and protection of the Whanganui River. In 2003, Sir Archie was made a Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his services to Maaori and last year was knighted, an honour he dedicated to his mokopuna. At the invitation of Kiingi Tuheitia, Sir Archie lay in state at Tuurangawaewae Marae before returning home to Ngaapuuwaiwaha Marae in Taumarunui where his three tribes: Ngaati Tuuwharetoa, Ngaati Maniapoto and Whanganui laid him to rest at Poumaanu Urupaa, Tawataa. HAERE E TA KI TUA O PAERAU, HAERE I RUNGA I TO WAKA HAERE I RUNGA I NGAA MAUNGA KOORERO A O TUUPUNA. E MOE NEI I TE WHENUA, KO REWA ATU TO WAKA E TA MA ROTO I TO AWA I WHANGANUI, HE WAI POUNGA HOE MAI NAA OO MAATUA MOE MAI MOE ME I ROTO I TE ARIKI - PAIMAARIRE






7KH &ODLPV DQG (QYLURQPHQW 8QLW KDYH WDNHQ D OHDG UROH WR HQVXUH WKDW :DLNDWR 7DLQXL KDV D SRRO RI TXDOLÂż HG Environmental Commissioners ready and waiting. By the time you read this article, key provisions of the ‘Waikato River Settlement Act’ may have already come into force and RI LPPHGLDWH VLJQLÂż FDQFH LV WKH DFFUHGLWDWLRQ RI RI RXU tribal members as Environmental Commissioners .

Donna extended a special congratulations to Nicholas 0DQXNDX ZKR UDQNHG LQ WKH WRS Âż YH SHUFHQW RI SDUWLFLSDQWV across the whole country. Malibu Hamilton, Jackie Colliar, DQG 7LSHQH :LOVRQ UDQNHG LQ WKH WRS

“Under the new legislation, we are guaranteed participation in specific river-related resource consent processes and that has meant investing in our own Commissioners to hear future applications,� says Claims and Environment Unit Manager Donna Flavell.


“Commissioners will have a say over the future activities of some of New Zealand’s largest public and private entities, including Genesis Energy, Mighty River Power, the Waikato Regional Council and Tasman Pulp and Paper.� The tribe will make up 50 percent of all panels hearing Waikato River consent applications. “In order to become an accredited Environmental Commissioner, our people must complete and pass the “Making Good Decisions� programme developed by the Ministry for the Environment,� said Donna. She was elated to receive advice that so many of our people were newly accredited. After years of building frameworks through robust negotiation, for Donna and her team the appointment of our own as Environmental Commissioners is a realisation of just how effective co-management arrangements can be. “Accreditation empowers our Marae to genuinely participate in decision-making processes at local and regional levels. The training was made possible through the cooperation and support of many including Te Puni Kookiri, the Ministry for the Environment amd the University of Auckland.�

7KH QHZO\ DFFUHGLWHG (QYLURQPHQWDO &RPPLVVLRQHUV DW the time this edition of Te Hookioi went to print, are: ‡ Nicholas Manukau (Waahi) ‡ Malibu Hamilton (Ookapu) ‡ Jackie Colliar (Taniwha) ‡ Tipene Wilson (Poohara) ‡ Denise Ewe (Te Kotahitanga) ‡ Angeline Greensill (Poihaakena) ‡ Makere Rika-Heke (Ngaa-Hau-e-wha) ‡ Rereokeroa Shaw (Te Kotahitanga) ‡ Rangitamoana Wilson (Te Awamaarahi) ‡ Warahi Paki (Mangatangi) ‡ Shirley Tuteao (Maketuu) ‡ Mamae Takerei (Tikirahi) x Tim Manukau (Waahi) x Tahi Rangiawha (Mootakotako) x Maxine Moana-Tuwhangai (Mookai Kainga) x Julian Williams (Waiti) x Maree Pene (Hukanui)



Farmers, Hallensteins, Glassons, Wild Pair, Jeans West, Overland Footwear, Hartleys, North Beach, Meccano, Just Jeans, Hartelys, K & K Fashions, Lush, BNZ, Diva, Valley Images from top: Girl, Texas Radio, Hot Gossip, Perfect Nails, Rox Jewels, Ann’s Massage, Sunglass Hut, Rt Hon John Key Heeni Katipa Style Express, Sharing Shed, Bed Bath and Beyond, Inkworks, Telecom, Paralleland Imported, unveil the Pou at the entrance to the 8QLWHG 7UDYHO $LU 1= 0XI¿ Q %UHDN 7KH %RG\ 6KRS 6PLJJOH /LIH 3KDUPDF\ 3DVFRHV new mall Te AWA. Iconic ceiling Cotton Michael Hill, The Warehouse, Bond & Bond, Noel Leeming, Whitcoulls, Jay Jays, incorporating design elements of the River. On, General Issue, Khatmandu, Post Shop Kiwi Bank, Dick Smith Electronics,Waikato Vodafone, A range of guests Briscoes, Mitre 10 Mega, Rebel Sport, ASB, Baby City, Caroline Eve, The Coffee Club, attend the opening incorporating Farmers and a range of specialty stores celebration. Digital Mobile, Dogs Breakfast, Dress Smart, Adidas, Backdoor Surf, Barkers Outlet Store,



BB’s Cafe, Bendon, Bling, Book Clearance, Blueberry Fashions, Designer Haircare Outlet, Spot prizes, free makeovers and “Te AWA is already becoming an Fila, Jockey Holeproof, Kamikaze, Lotto Sportswear, MacKenzie Country, Max Fashions, an on-air radio competition were important shopping destination for Creem Fashions, Peros Barbers Shop, Pumpkin Patch, Smart Sushi, Stevens, Sunglass just a few incentives to encourage surrounding communities.â€? Style,the Tattoo, Urban Jewellery,Ĺś Australasia’s Walker and Hall,areFlight Centre, Hannahs, busy Trelise shopperCooper, to the July grand best brands represented. opening of the new mall at The Base design creating a truly world class centre. Heathcote Appliances 100%, Jesters,Ĺś Innovative Nandos, No 1 Shoe Warehouse, Postie Hardy’s, Te Rapa in Hamilton. foodcourt, cafes and restaurants to be included. Smiths Sports Shoes, Subway, Plus, Red Rat, Robert Harris, Salt and Pepper,Ĺś AShanton, Ĺś A fully digital Hoyts cinema will also open in 2011. Representing the iconic features of the Waikato River, Bakery, Pixie Photos, LA Barbers, Scoopy’s, Westpac, Farmers, Hallensteins, Hollywood Te AWA is a major development for Tainui Group Holdings, Ĺś 7KH %DVH DWWUDFWV RYHU Âż YH PLOOLRQ YLVLWRUV HDFK \HDU the commercial arm of Waikato-Tainui, and when complete Ĺś 2,500 carparks (500 underNorth cover). Beach, Meccano, Glassons, Jeans West,theOverland Footwear, Hartleys, will house Wild over 90 Pair, retail shops to complement 70 stores trading at The Base. Air-conditioned the mall. Just already Jeans, Hartelys, K & K Fashions, Lush, Ĺś BNZ, Diva,shopping ValleyinGirl, Texas Radio, Hot With a strong fashion and lifestyle focus, STAGE TWO 7H $:$ ZLOO EH IXOO\ FRPSOHWHG LQ DQG ZLOO Âż UPO\ DQFKRU incorporating a foodcourt another 30 retailers,Ann’s will openMassage, Gossip, Perfect Nails,andRox Jewels, Hut, Style Express, Sharing The BaseSunglass as the Waikato’s largest retail destination. in early November. Shed, Bed Bath and Beyond, Inkworks, Telecom, Parallel Imported, United Travel, Air NZ 28









Noho ana i te pakikau o tooku whare. Ka titiro atu ki raahaki ki te tara ki Taupiri, ki ngaa wai tuku kiri o Waikato, ki te korowai o te kohu e kaakahuria naa te mata o te whenua. He hokinga whakaaro ki ngaa moutere o te Moananui-a Kiwa, te pae maumahara ki te tira haere o Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo. Ko te tongikura o Te Panekiretanga, ‘Ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo kia Maaori’. Ko ngaa whaainga ia o te haerenga nei, ko too taatou reo kia koorerotia, kia rangona ahakoa haere maatou ki whea, ka tahi. Ka rua, ko te whiri i ngaa taukaea i waenga i a taatou ngaa Maaori o Aoteroa, ngaa Maohi o Tahiti me ngaa Maoli o Hawaii. E whia kee nei ngaa whakamiharotanga o teenei o ngaa haerenga. I a au e whakarau ana i ngaa pikitia hei whakaraakaitanga moo ngeenei kupu, kakaa ana te kanohi i te menemene. Ko te moutere tuatahi i tatuu ai maatou, ko Tahiti. Uu ana ki Papeete, ka tere whakatangata whenua maatou i a maatou anoo! Ko te reo Wiwii, te reo matua i rangona. Heoi, noo te rongotanga i te reo Maohi e rere ana, ka tere tahuri atu maatou ki a raatou koorero ai. Ko maatou ki te reo Maaori, ko raatou ki te reo Maohi! Miiharo kau ana ki te ngaawari o te mau i te matuu o ngaa koorero ahakoa Maaori atu, Maohi mai ngaa reo. Heoi ko te tino kaupapa o te whakawhiti ki ngaa moutere o Tahiti, ko te haere ki Raiatea, ki te marae o Taputapuatea. Ki reira taakina ai ngaa karakia, ngaa waerea me ngaa karanga. Koinei pea te tino whakamiharotanga o teenei waahanga o te haerenga, haaunga ia te kaukau me ngaa Mako me ngaa Whai! Aue! Noo te tutukitanga o ngaa mahi i Tahiti, ka weherua te tira haere. Ko ngaa ‘aanahera’ ki Los Angeles, ko ngaa ‘haatana’ ki Las Vegas!

Kaaore pea he papa taakaro i tua atu i Las Vegas. I a maatou i reira, ko teetehi o ngaa tokorua o te tira i whakamana i too raaua moe takapau wharanui. Noo reira Taamati koorua ko Hiiria, nei raa te karamihi o te ngaakau ki a koorua. Kua pinea ngaa whatumanawa ki te pine o te aroha, ki te pine e kore nei e waikura e. Ahakoa te miharo o Las Vegas me Los Angeles, i te hihiko te ngaakau ki te haere ki Hawaii. Heoi, te taenga atu ki Hilo i paa mai te rongo, i mate te karanga whaea o Paraone Gloyne. Noo reira i hoki wawe mai maaua ko Paraone ki te whakautu i te karanga o Mate. Haaunga teeraa, i haere tonu ngaa mahi. Ka whakawhiti atu te tira ki te moutere o Maui moo teetehi raa, kaatahi ka tatuu ki Oahu noho ai moo te kotahi wiki. He nui ngaa Maaori e noohia ana te moutere o Oahu, aa, ko te nuinga kua titia ngaa waewae ki Laie. I poowhiritia maatou e Rahira Makekau kia haere ki te Polynesian Cultural Centre noho tahi ai, koorero tahi ai, ngahau tahi ai, kai tahi ai. I konei, i tuia ngaa taura herenga tangata, herenga whakapapa. Heoi, tae rawa ki ngaa raa whakamutunga, i te pohane te ngaakau ki te waa kaainga. Tatuu ana ngaa waewae ki te uukaipoo ka ngaua te kiri e te anu maatao, engari noo te kitenga o ngaa kanohi kua roa e ngaro ana, i manemanea te wairua, i tau ai te mauri, kei whea i tua atu i teeraa! Noo reira, kei te tira haere, ngaa hoaaloha, he mihi mutunga kore ki a taatou katoa i haere tahi ai i runga i te whakaaro rangatira ki too taatou reo! Ko ngaa taura here i whiria e hoa maa, e kore rawa e wetekina. Ko te mihi whakamutunga ki a koe Tiimoti. Naau maatou i whakakoorero, naau maatou i manaaki, naau maatou i whakatira. Kei te kaingaakau, he hokinga whakaaro ki te pae o maumahara, ki too tira haere - E i! Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo.

Na Dr Raukura Roa




)RU 7ULEDO 'HYHORSPHQW 2IÂż FHU +DHUHDWD 3RXWDSX 1JDDWL 0DKXWD 1JDDWL 1DKR 0DXUHD 0DUDH WKH commitment shown by kaumaatua in the production of a CD of traditional Waikato-Tainui waiata mooteatea, was inspirational. Each year the Tribal Development Unit produces a resource for Waikato-Tainui Marae and kura kaupapa schools in the rohe. The resource is created around a particular theme or topic relating to the Kiingitanga. This year a CD featuring tribal waiata mooteatea has been produced along with a booklet of lyrics in Maaori and English, with short introductions on the origin and context of the songs. “This CD is about succession and assisting to strengthen the Marae paepae,â€? said Haereata. “We place a heavy burden on our ruuruhi and kaumaatua who shoulder responsibility for preserving our tribal maatauranga willingly and without complaint. This CD will ensure that our waiata continue to live on in the hearts and voices of future generations – not only at tribal and national hui, but overseas in places like Japan where a visit by our King in 2009, sparked huge interest in our culture. “The preservation and promotion of our tribal heritage, reo and tikanga is one of the cornerstones of Whakatupuranga 2050 and it’s overarching vision is to grow a prosperous, healthy, vibrant and innovative and culturally strong WaikatoTainui Iwi.â€? The collection of waiata was performed by a group of kaumaatua known as ‘Te Roopu Awhina Waiata o Tainui’. They were ably complemented by rangatahi who were past members of the Taniwharau Cultural Group. Participants ranged from 10 to over 70 years old.




For the performers it was an intensive (and exhausting) project involving over 14 hours of recording over a three day period and Haereata said their passion and commitment to ensuring this taaonga was produced to the very best standard, was unwavering. Staff would like to thank WINTEC for their help with the project - in particular the invaluable recording experience and technical knowledge. “We are hugely grateful for the assistance of David Sidwell and Brad Morgan.� TE ROOPU AWHINA WAIATA O TAINUI BACK ROW (L-R) Trixie Quinn (Ngaati Raukawa), Poihaere Barrett (Ngaati Mahuta), Raiha Mahara (Ngaati Te Kiriwai), Te Arawhanaunga Thompson (Ngaati Tiipa), Rangimoni Maru (Ngaati Mahuta), and Reremoana Taingahue (Ngaati Raukawa). FRONT ROW (L-R) Maitera Tutahi-Haumia (Ngaati Toa Rangatira), Hera Haunui (Ngaati Tamainupo), and Hone Haunui (Ngaati Mahuta).

Waikato-Tainui have a selection of marquees available for hire for tribal events and non-tribal events. TENT SIZES 6m x 6m, 9m, 12m, 15m 10m x 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m With the exception of tangi and Poukai, a 50% deposit is required to secure a booking. BOOKINGS & PRICES To check availability and costs, Freephone 0800 TAINUI Call +64 7 824 8689.

To update your contact details on the Waikato-Tainui tribal register or to advise if any whaanau have passed away, contact: The Tribal Registrations Unit Moera (07) 824 8689 extn 7755 email: moeras@tainui.co.nz Teeny (07) 824 8689 extn 7622 email: teenyt@tainui.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 104412




Te Arataura members appointed to Super City boards Chair of Waikato-Tainui Te Arataura, Tukoroirangi Morgan and Te Arataura member Rukumoana Schaafhausen have been appointed to the boards of two of the Council Controlled Organisations of the new Auckland Super City. Mr Morgan has been appointed to the board of Auckland Council Property Ltd (ACPL), which consolidates existing property management and development CCOs into one organisation. Rukumoana Schaafhausen has been appointed to the Regional Facilities, Auckland CCO, which will provide a regional perspective to the development of Auckland's arts, culture and heritage, leisure, sport and entertainment venues. It will integrate relevant council business units to achieve a consistent approach to the management of regional facilities across the Auckland.

“We may have lost the battle for reserved Maaori seats around the Super City Council table but these appointments mean a small victory in the ongoing war for Maaori representation at the highest levels of decision-making,� said Mr Morgan. “I look forward to the challenge of ensuring that Maaori interests and values are represented in the governance of these CCOs. � All CCO directorship appointments will take effect from 1 November 2010. Both appointments are for two years.

New staff member in Comms Unit Kirk MacGibbon joined the Communications Unit in July to replace Kuiarangi Paki who is the Website Content Editor for the University of Waikato. Kirk’s experience includes time as a researcher with former Labour Party leaders the Hon Mike Moore and Prime 0LQLVWHU +HOHQ &ODUN EHIRUH KH PRYHG WR WKH 2IÂż FH RI WKH Retirement Commissioner and then on to the private sector as a public relations consultant. He worked for a number of years as Communications Manager for the Hutt City Council in Wellington and in 2006 moved to New York to ‘take time out’ and begin research on a ERRN KH LV ZULWLQJ ZKLFK LQ KLV RZQ ZRUGV LV ÂłQHDUO\ Âż QLVKHG´ With an impressive set of credentials, Kirk comes to WaikatoTainui full of passion for the job picking up everything he can get his hands on to increase his knowledge of the tribe’s history and settlement achievements. It was his realisation that he knew very little about either, that sparked his interest




in joining the unit and surprised several of his industry peers.

“Like many my knowledge of what happened in our early colonial days was selective at best and at worst, ignorant. But my colleagues have been very helpful and point me in the direction of various books and documents on the history of this tribe and of course they help me with my pronunciation, which is....improving.� After only a short time Kirk insists that this is one of the most satisfying and rewarding jobs he has ever had.

“I’m constantly amazed at the drive and dedication of my colleagues. I feel privileged that I have been given an opportunity to contribute in even a very small way to this tribe’s incredible journey from exile to economic powerhouse.â€? $QG WKH ERRN KHÂśV ÂłQHDUO\ Âż QLVKHG´" Well we’ll just have to wait and see what that’s about but judging from his coffee break koorero, it’s probably about health and nutrition.

OKETOPA / OCTOBER 08 11 12 28 29

Waahi Pa Poukai Te Arataura Hui Mangatangi Poukai Waikato Raupatu River Trust Hui Te Arataura Hui



to our print partners

It feels good to know that you’re working with the best, and so we want to extend our congratulations to the team at ‘Print House’, who won a gold medal at the New Zealand Pride in Print Awards held at Sky City, Auckland in June. After conducting a survey of around 15 print specialists nationwide, Print House has printed Te Hookioi for Waikato-Tainui since we moved to the new format in 2008. The awards ceremony is the ‘Oscar’ night for the New Zealand Printing Industry and recognises excellence. Print House won gold for the production of ‘Danger at Devils Cove’ which was entered in the publication/book category. Print House Director and General Manager, Stephen O’Toole attended the event and said it was great for the team to be acknowledged and commended by their industry peers, particularly as this year’s Print Awards attracted over 1000 entries from throughout the country. Print House were the only commercial sheet-fed offset printer in the Waikato to win this year.

We reckon that’s a pretty good effort!

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Pikitu Poukai Te Awamaarahi Poukai Waikato Raupatu River Trust Hui Te Arataura Hui Te Kauhanganui Hui


Waikare Poukai Reretewhioi Poukai 2I¿ FHV &ORVH

IN-HOUSE DESIGN AND PUBLISHING Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. 451 Old Taupiri Road, Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu, Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Telephone: +64 7 824 8689 Facsimile: +64 7 824 5133


CONTRIBUTIONS AND LETTERS Please send to: The Editor - TE HOOKIOI Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu, Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Email: janetf@tainui.co.nz

The contents of Te Hookioi may not be reproduced in any form either part or whole without the permission of the publisher. Neither Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups) nor individual writers accept any responsibility or liability for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Note: Opinions H[SUHVVHG PD\ QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHÀ HFW WKH SROLF\ RU YLHZV RI :DLNDWR 7DLQXL 7H Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups).




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