issue 35 | TIHEMA | december
A special christmas message from kiingi tuheitia 2
| tiihema | office of the maaori king
Christmas is always a special season. It is a time when we reflect on the great achievements of our ancestors, when we fondly remember those who have more recently passed from our presence, and when we rejoice in the company of our family and friends. It is a time to rest and a time to look forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead. As I prepare to enter the fifth year of my reign, this is a very special time for me. I will draw inspiration from the tremendous contribution made by my mother, the late Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, bring my period of respectful mourning to an end, and begin the task of building upon her achievements. There is much to do – but a great deal of groundwork has been done in the past year.
office of the maaori king | tiihema |
With the passage of the Waikato River Settlements Act, Waikato-Tainui has become the first and only tribe in this country to have achieved the settlement of two major Treaty settlement claims. Let us all pay tribute to the superb work of our negotiators, and especially to the late Lady Raiha Mahuta and Tukoroirangi Morgan. The River Settlement gave me great joy as we played our part in hosting the World Rowing Championships on Lake Karapiro. It is an achievement I intend to celebrate with a river hiikoi in the New Year. Now, we are in a position to work in partnership with the Crown and the local authorities of our region to bring the great Waikato River back to health. We are seeing the beginning of a new era in the life of the wonderful river that gives us our identity and shapes our lives. In recent years we have also seen the fruits of our first settlement put to work. We have successful investments and commercial developments that have seen Waikato-Tainui recognised as a powerhouse in the economy of our country and an important creator of jobs in our community. In the New Year, I will be proud to open the new hotel we are building at the Auckland Airport, the most important gateway to Aotearoa New Zealand. We will all take pleasure in seeing the good work continue and more of the wealth created shared across our tribe. In the New Year, I will also be proud to share with you the new Charter that will establish the vision, the goals, the principles and the processes for my time as your King. The Charter draws on the views I have heard as I have moved around the Motu, meeting many of you at the Poukai and listening to your concerns. There is one call that I have heard repeatedly. Above all, you have called for unity in our leadership.
| tiihema | office of the maaori king
I wish to thank the Rangatira of the Motu who have helped me to bring my Charter to the point where it is ready to share with you soon. But there is one important message it contains that I must share with you now. The Charter will confirm that my most important duty and my driving vision is to strengthen the House of Kiingitanga and its Kaitiaki, the people of Waikato-Tainui. In recent years, we have all seen too many long, fruitless, expensive internal disputes within our tribe. They have distracted us from the work of advancing the best interests of Waikato-Tainui, and they have called our tribe into disrepute. We know this cannot be allowed to continue. That is why I took the unusual step recently to publicly express my views in an effort to bring a stop to a dispute that had paralysed two of our most important decision-making bodies – Te Kauhanganui and Te Arataura. It has hurt me to see unsubstantiated allegations of unlawful conduct based on a seriously flawed analysis of the financial performance of Te Arataura. It is being promoted by a person who made a solemn commitment to me to work within these institutions to bring an end to this kind of behaviour. It hurts me even more to know that this person has admitted she made a mistake, has repeatedly agreed to apologise and then failed to honour that agreement, has repeatedly committed to meet with the colleagues she has offended to try and find a path forward, and broken those commitments, and has repeatedly spurned offers by my Kaahui Ariki representative to mediate the process of bringing this senseless dispute to an end. In my capacity as Ariki and Paramount Chief of WaikatoTainui, I have withdrawn my support for the current Chair of Te Kauhanganui in an effort to stop the hurt and start the healing. Our families and tuupuna before us have endured the Raupatu and the land claim fight for seven generations. The Whare Ariki and Kaahui Ariki have carried the burden of leadership constantly through this period.
We still have settlements to achieve before this long battle is done – but I fervently hope to see it done in my lifetime. Our tuupuna have lived and died by the principle that the core of our strength is our unity. I am determined to see the restoration of unity, fairness, and good order to the work of Te Kauhanganui and Te Arataura and across the many houses of our tribe. It is a matter of protecting the Mana of our people – and that is my fundamental duty as your Ariki, Paramount Chief and as your King. I have asked for an independent review of the constitution and governance processes of both organisations, and an audit of their financial performance. The review is being led by the respected Judge Heta Hingston and supported by Mr Craig Raniera Ellison, an experienced professional business Director who has undertaken a number of organisational reviews of other major New Zealand institutions. I hope that Te Kauhanganui will receive the independent reviewers’ first report at its next meeting and that their work will be completed in three months. When their recommendations for improvement have been received and discussed, I will work with Te Kauhanganui and Te Arataura to ensure that they are speedily implemented. I am confident that this work will result in a stronger house to serve both Kiingitanga and all our people in Waikato-Tainui. That said, I turn to other positive developments. Over the last year, progress has been made to strengthen our house in other ways. Work has been completed on the inventory and evaluation of the Royal Kiingitanga Taonga Collection, the assessment of the state and repair of both Mahinarangi and Turongo Houses and the restoration assessment of Princess Te Puea’s homestead. These projects touch the heart of our way of life in the Kiingitanga. The challenge of the fundraising and the work to see that these Taonga live to benefit the lives of generations to come, must now commence. I trust you will continue to assist and help in this important task. We will enter the New Year by hosting a significant international event at Tuurangawaewae. I invite and welcome you one and all to join me at 2pm, Sunday 9th January 2011 at Tuurangawaewae Marae to welcome indigenous people from the four corners of the world as they gather for the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People in Waikato. The four key themes of this hui are; faith, celebration, hope and love.
The inaugural World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People was held in Rotorua in 1996 and since then has been hosted by indigenous people in various countries. We are honoured that this kaupapa is returning to Aotearoa in 2011. In the year to come, we have our own duties to perform as the indigenous people of Aotearoa. We must act to protect and strengthen our traditional interests in the manner in which the water, the foreshore and seabed, mining and conservation, and health, education, social welfare and infrastructure development are regulated and delivered in our country. We must prepare for the referendum on the electoral system that delivers representation in the Parliament of New Zealand, and the review that may change the very constitution of our nation. To deal with these challenges and opportunities, we must focus on our own strength. We must maintain our place at the table of the Iwi Leaders Forum. That is why I have agreed to have the Forum meet during my Koroneihana celebrations for the last three years, and will continue to do so in the future. We must also reach out to others of like mind who live beyond the boundaries of Kiingitanga and the representation provided by the Forum. In unity, there is strength. As I look at the achievements of the last year and as I look to the opportunities ahead, I also remember the one place where unity and harmony are most important at this special time of the year – in our homes and within our families. My Christmas wish to everyone of you is that you love and cherish your families, keep them close and safe, share the joys and the cheer that Christmas brings and be generous to those less fortunate.
No Reira e te Iwi Teenaa koutou kaatoa Kiingi Tuheitia
office of the maaori king | tiihema |
AAHUATANGA - FEATURES 02 | Office of the Maaori King - A Christmas Message 08 | Parekawhia McLean: New CEO 11 | College launches MBA programme 17 | 2010 Ngaa Whakataetae Kapa Haka o Tainui Waka 23 | Taurahere hui ki Australia KOORERO PAKI - STORIES 14 | New Waikato Raupatu River Trust Logo 15 | New Policy Advisor joins River Team 16 | Best World Rowing Champs ever! 18 | What are PPPs? 21 | Whaanau Ora - a legacy to our people 22 | Riarn Richards pursues Ballet dream 25 | Success Profile - Josiah Simmonds 26 | White Ribbon Day 28 | Interns learn about the mahi 29 | Brent Whitiora - Fisheries Surveillance Officer 30 | Radio Tainui celebrates 21 years Loud & Proud! 32 | Patience Te Ao Deputy Chair of Maaori Statutory Board 33 | Puketutu Island FOR YOUR KETE 27 | Free Online Marae Directory 32 | ACCOR Partnership will deliver jobs for Waikato-Tainui 6
| tiihema | raarangi upoko
32 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 37 | 38 | 38 | 39 |
Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu Nursing Scholarship Te Tira Hoe o Waikato 2011 Raupatu and the River Marae Group Insurance Scheme 2011 Tertiary Grants and Scholarships Proposed Waikato Regional Policy Statement Help Marae Stay in Touch Maaori Trade Training Programme 2011 2010/2011 Maramataka
| DESIGN & PUBLISHING Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. Communications Unit 451 Old Taupiri Road Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Telephone: +64 7 824 8689 Facsimile: +64 7 824 5133
| PRINTING & DISTRIBUTION | CONTRIBUTIONS & LETTERS TE HOOKIOI Editor Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Email: janetf@tainui.co.nz
publication TERMS & CONDITIONS The contents of Te Hookioi may not be reproduced in any form either part or whole without the permission of the publisher. Neither Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups) nor individual writers accept any responsibility or liability for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Note: Opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the policy or views of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. (including agents and subsidiary groups). THIS MONTH’S cover | 2010 Tainui Waka Primary Kapa Haka Regionals Te Awamutu Intermediate raarangi upoko | tiihema |
Forty-five year old Parekawhia McLean is of Ngaati Maahanga, Ngaati Patupo, Ngaati Apakura, and Ngaati Korokii descent. Born and raised in Whatawhata, she is a mother of two and recently became a grandmother.
| tiihema | AAHUATANGA - Parkawhia Mclean
Earlier this month she started in one of the most crucial and strategically important positions of the tribe. Fifty four candidates were considered for the role, but Parekawhia McLean has landed the job and has some firm ideas on what she’ll be doing in her first few months. “I’ll be looking at my talent base, what are their strengths, what are the gaps, what do I need? This means looking closely at the level of resources, at the structure and how employees are performing.” She says that her fundamental attitude towards her work is about working hard, loyalty, being a team player and she likes to get the best out of others.
“Our tribe deserves stability and the space to have their aspirations supported.”
In announcing the appointment, Te Arataura Chair Tuku Morgan said, “our people deserve quality and the appointment of Ms McLean is just that.” Mr Morgan says the commercial arm of Waikato-Tainui is achieving outstanding success including the opening of the second stage of Te Awa and stages three and four launching in the New Year. “This CEO appointment is about building a strong and cohesive tribal administration to ensure the benefits of our economic activities can be applied to the achievement of Whakatupuranga 2050 – the tribe’s 50 year blueprint for the economic, cultural and social advancement of Waikato-Tainui. “We needed someone with insight, and someone who can develop our organisation as we move into an exciting postsettlement era.”
Mr Morgan also had some heart-felt words of thanks for Joyce Paekau who has acted in the CEO position for the last 12 months. “On behalf of Te Arataura, Te Kauhanganui and WaikatoTainui tribal beneficiaries, I want to extend a deep debt of gratitude to Joyce. Her commitment to the task has been unwavering. She has provided the trust, stability and the confidence to enable the work to continue. We are extremely fortunate to have someone of Joyce’s calibre willing to step in to provide that comfort.” Ms McLean has held several board positions, a number of high level government roles including advisor to three Prime Ministers, she is a director of Mauriora ki te Ao, a strategy and policy advice consultancy based in Raglan-Whaingaroa where she currently resides.
AAHUATANGA - Parkawhia Mclean | tiihema |
She started in her new role with Waikato-Tainui earlier this month and comes to the tribe with impeccable credentials in public and private sectors, including eight years in Government and Cabinet working for three Prime Ministers – a testament to her political skills and acumen. In this edition we wanted to find out a little bit more about our new CEO Parekawhia McLean, things you probably won’t read in your usual media article...
“Haere mai ki au, ki Te Papa o Rotu. Ki te au te rena, ki te urunga te taka, ki te moenga te whakaarahia. Ahakoa he iti taku iti, he rei kei roto” What is your earliest Marae memory? As a kid at Whatawhata Primary School, Te Whati Tamati used to take us all to the poukai at Te Papa o Rotu Marae. I can remember going to these. My Mum would always give us money for our koha. Who are inspirational leaders in your view? I admire Nelson Mandela for his courage and humility. I was at Tuurangawaewae Marae when he came in the late 1990s. I took a great photo of him and Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu when they walked passed me. Te Puea and Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu for their hard work, determination and building relationships with others. What would you like to be remembered for? For helping others. For my daughters and my mokopuna to come.
| tiihema | AAHUATANGA - Parkawhia Mclean
What is your favourite kai? Creamed paua, raw fish and my Mum's rewena. Where is Aotearoa’s most beautiful ‘best kept secret’? Good question. We have a beautiful country and I have been fortunate to visit many parts. Anywhere near 'water' works for me whether it’s the beach or the banks of the Waikato River. What do you do for relaxation? I run and exercise daily early in the morning so this is what I do to relax. I also read a lot. What is your favourite Maaori legend? Anything with Maui in it because he is a 'nanakia' and I really admire that quality. I wish I could be more like that. What is your favourite whakatauki? He aha te mea nui o te Ao. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. What was the best advice your grandparents ever gave you? My grandparents - Taki and Te Rangitaratara Heu told me to “treat others how you would like to be treated and always remain humble”.
From 2011, the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development and the University of Waikato via the Waikato Management School’s Centre for Corporate and Executive Education, will come together to deliver a Master of Business Administration programme. Underpinned by the unifying principles of Kiingitanga, we will teach our students to think collectively and work collaboratively. We will bring our participants face to face with real-world, realtime business challenges and our graduates will be more than prepared for future global business. Together, the College and the University carry a wealth of Iwi/ indigenous, academic and corporate expertise and we are entering a new and exciting era of collaboration. Kiingi Tuheitia Patron of the College
waikato-tainui college FOR research and development maaori bachelor of arts | | tiihema |
COLLEGE LAUNCHES MBA PROGRAMME MBA Programme Overview The MBA programme is comprised of two parts to give participants greater flexibility for their learning and career progression. The MBA equips existing leaders with the skills necessary to lead strategically in the future. Additionally, the MBA programme broadens functional and technical specialists’ business understanding, and adds best-practice management know-how to the entrepreneurs’ practical knowledge. Graduates emerge ready for strategic leadership positions in New Zealand and throughout the world.
Part II of the MBA programme builds on the knowledge gained in Part I. The second stage focuses on leadership and organisational transformation, sustainability, value creation, and international citizenship.
Part I of the MBA programme is designed to develop the comprehensive business skills required for effective management. It covers knowledge of the business environment and markets, people skills, negotiation skills, team skills, business law, financial decision making, managerial accounting, marketing, operations management and business strategy.
Part II is challenging as participants are constantly called upon to reflect on their interpersonal traits and skills so that they understand the way this reflects on business resolutions.
On the successful completion of Part I, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the tactical issues facing business owners and managers today and will be able to use new skills in the functional areas of their business.
Part II of the MBA also reviews and integrates common strategic business models to create sustainable value in new and existing business operations, while group work gives an opportunity for participants to discuss business from multiple and diverse perspectives encapsulated by case studies that have Maaori and indigenous themes including a variety of case studies related to Waikato-Tainui post settlement experiences as well as Maaori/Indigenous small to medium sized enterprises.
| tiihema | waikato-tainui college FOR research and development
MBA participants graduate with a comprehensive understanding and practical knowledge of business that enables them to confidently lead, transform, sustain and create business in a global environment.
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Corporate and Executive Education
In collaboration with the Waikato Management School
Participants will also be exposed to guest speakers from a range of different backgrounds and experiences.
Participants develop the strategic and transformational leadership skills that are essential in the modern business world.
Participants then review and observe these skills in the international marketplace during an all-expensespaid international study tour of 8–10 days that includes seminars, business visits and meetings with business leaders in foreign markets. This tour is an integral part of the MBA.
WHY CHOOSE WAIKATO? building International Reputation for Excellence The Waikato Management School of the University of Waikato, is one of a small group of elite business schools worldwide to have earned Triple Crown accreditation for its business education programmes. It’s an achievement shared by less than one percent of business schools across the world.This is why the College has partnered with the Waikato Management School (WMS). Leadership in Sustainable Business In partnership with the WMS we’re committed to sustainability in our teaching and research; in fact the Waikato Management School is the only business school in New Zealand to have sustainability integral to our purposes. WMS is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Academy of Business (APABIS), as well as a strategic partner of the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development. Ground Breaking Research In the first ever Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) rankings, WMS was the top performer in the subjects of Accounting, Finance and Management-related disciplines. This achievement was repeated in the (most recent) 2007 rankings. WMS consistently attracts leading international scholars who share their ground-breaking research with students in it’s academic programmes and with scholars overseas via international conferences and publications. Practice-Relevant Programmes We are committed to ensuring all participants receive a research-led, practice-relevant education. The skills of our participants are developed through an education philosophy that promotes the ability to think independently and work collaboratively. Because our faculty are active researchers, participants are exposed to fresh ideas, emerging theory, and real-world, real-time business cases. premium teaching staff Our lecturers write the textbooks. We have an outstanding faculty, and each member of our staff is a distinguished scholar, teacher and highly sought-after business consultant. Our staff confer with major companies and sit alongside senior executives on advisory boards and government task forces. They all have a wealth of knowledge and experience, which they are passionate about bringing into the classroom, and they make learning relevant, exciting and based on real life. Close Corporate Connections Waikato-Tainui has strong links with many Iwi, indigenous and corporate organisations including Ngaai Tahu Holdings Corporation Limited, the Seminoles, Choctaw and Squamish Nations. WMS works closely with some of New Zealand’s most influential companies and organisations – including Telecom, Gen-i, Fonterra, Local Authority Consortium, Blueprint for Learning and AgResearch – offering leadership and management development programmes and collaborating on research initiatives. Maaori Small to Medium Business Enterprises will provide mentoring support and opportunities for participants to complete a Major Research Project within their premises. First Class Facilities Participants will have their own personalised study portal on the award winning MyWeb. The College will provide first class teaching facilities and accommodation for participants to promote an exceptional living and learning environment. Full support services Full support services are provided for participants during their study at the College. We are committed to providing excellent service and our programme co-ordinator is always available to help. Exclusive facilities with internet access and comfortable places to eat, meet, talk and be accommodated are provided within a culturally supportive environment. Forward thinkers Waikato-Tainui were the first to achieve contemporary settlements in New Zealand with the 1995 Waikato Raupatu Settlement and the 2008 Waikato River Settlement in preparation for the future of Waikato-Tainui. WMS programmes have also been running for nearly two decades and continue to be highly sought after by employers, offering a broad range of management qualifications to undergraduate, postgraduate, and research participants and to executives seeking to add formal qualifications to their workplace experience.
waikato-tainui college FOR research and development | tiihema |
mba programme application package Applicants are required to complete an application form and identify three individuals who can provide an evaluation of the applicant’s skills as a manager, and potential as a senior manager. One referee should the applicant’s immediate supervisor, one should be from the senior executive within the applicant’s organisation, and the third referee can be a person of the applicant’s choice. If an applicant is self-employed, customers or suppliers can supply the references. For a MBA Programme Application Package, please contact the College.
Contact the college Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai Academic Director Phone: +64 7 824 5438 Email: saraht@tainui.co.nz Programme Coordinator Phone: +64 7 824 5430 Email: admin1@tainui.co.nz
Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development Private Bag 542, Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Telephone +64 7 824 5430 Fax: +64 7 824 5431 Email: admin1@tainui.co.nz www.tainui.co.nz
| tiihema | waikato-tainui college FOR research and development
James Whetu (Ngaati Maahanga, Te Papa o Rotu Marae) is a new Policy Advisor for the Waikato Raupatu River Trust. James has a Bachelor of Tourism degree from the University of Waikato majoring in Resource, Impacts and Environmental Planning. He is currently enrolled at Massey University studying towards a Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Planning, and hopes to become a registered member/associate of the New Zealand Planning Institute. Formerly employed as an Intermediate Planner for the Waikato District Council, James assisted with the Solid Energy Coal Seam Gas Exploration and Energy Generation Project, and various telecommunication aerial projects positioned on
significant landscapes within the Waikato District. He has over six years experience in environmental planning, both as a consultant and as a consents planner for Council. His experience in coordinating with internal departments and external stakeholders on large complex projects, is a skill he will definitely need to exercise in his new role. James will primarily be involved with the implementation of the Waikato River Settlement particularly in relation to the development of joint management agreements and policy development with local authorities. He will also be providing technical support on key national policy developments in relation to mining and mineral exploration.
Ko te tohu hou nei o te Taratihi Awa Raupatu o Waikato.e whakaatu ana i te koru rua hei tohu i te wehenga kore, i te hononga puumau o Waikato Iwi raaua ko Waikato Awa. E kaha kitea ana te tohu o te 'niho taniwha' hei whakamanawa i te whakataukii 'Waikato Taniwharau', ka mutu ko Taupiri Maunga teenei e tohua ana, aa, ko te Awa raaua ko te Maunga he tuutohu whenua whai mana. He aahua rere noa too teenei tohu hei tauira i te tini o ngaa whakapaparanga, aa, ka rere te au o ake ake ki ngaa mano whakatupuranga e ara mai ana. Koia ko te whakawhenumi o te kikorangi me te kIwikIwi hei tohu i te rangi, i te whenua, i te wai; raatou raatou he taonga tuku iho hei tiaki tauwhiro maa Waikato-Tainui. The new Waikato Raupatu River Trust logo incorporates two koru as symbols of the key principle that Waikato Iwi (tribe) and Waikato Awa (river) are inseparable and intertwined. Incorporated within the design is the 'niho taniwha' pattern that gives rise to the traditional Waikato tribal saying 'Waikato Taniwharau' (Waikato of the many guardians), it also shows Taupiri Maunga, another environmental tribal icon of mana. This design flows open ended symbolising the strength of many generations of tribal history for the benefit of many more generations to come. The mix of blue and grey lends itself to the blending of the sky, water and land. Together these are core elements of our environment that we have a duty to protect.
new policy advisor joins river team
| tiihema |
Alongside New Zealand’s record 10-medal performance at Lake Karapiro in November, special mention must be made of the gold medal effort from the people of Ngaati Korokii Kahukura and Ngaati Haua, whose rohe includes Lake Karapiro. With everyone agreeing it was one of the best World Rowing Championships ever – the 66,000 people who attended the racing set their own world record for the largest attendance in the history of the event – we wanted to extend our own congratulations to the ‘Experience Maaori’ team. From the 150 Pounamu hoe pendants given to medal winners and carved by artists Lewis Gardiner and Thomas Ratima, to the carved ceremonial hoe carved by Tihoi Taylor that was passed on by King Tuheitia to the hosts of the next World Championships, to the opening and closing ceremonies, the kai, the kapa haka performances and guided tours, the cultural elements that permeated the whole event were ‘unique’ and to the highest standard of Aotearoa hospitality. The ‘Experience Maaori’ team was led by Project Manager Lee-Ann Sperling (Poohara Marae). Johnson Raumati (Maungatautari Marae) was responsible for the opening and closing ceremonies, protocol issues, and liaising between mana whenua and the world rowing body, FISA. Other key team members were predominantly from Ngaati Korokii Kahukura, Ngaati Hauaa, Raukawa and Ngaati Maniapoto Marae including: Linda Te Aho (Merchandising), Hinerangi Kara (Promotions and Photography), Tihoi and Te Aroha Taylor (Kapa Haka), Wiki Papa (Guiding), Pamela Matehuirua (Artists – weavers and taa moko), Te Ranga Carving School (Kirikiriroa Marae), Warren McGrath (Tohunga Whakairo), Carlson Wirihana (Waka Tauaa), Steven Winikerei (Security and Maintenance), Poto Davies (Hangi, Kai Maaori and Catering), as well as the 300 local volunteers and the 50 whaanau from Australia that returned home to tautoko the kaupapa. Mean whaanau mean!
| tiihema | best world rowing champs ever!
I te marama o Oketopa 2010 i tuu ngaa whakataetae kapa haka o ngaa kura tuatahi o Tainui i Maniapoto. Ko ngenei nga kura i wikitoria. Ngaa mihinui ki a; 1. Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga 2. Te Roopu Kapa Haka o Noera 3. Te Roopu Kapa Haka o Maeroa 4. Te Wharekura o te Rau Aroha 5. Te Kura Kaupapa Maaori o Bernard Fergusson I te whitu o ngaa raa o Noema ki te kau maa rua, ka tuu ngaa whakataetae kapa haka o te motu o ngaa kura tuatahi ki Whangarei 2011. Ko te tumanako ka uru atu ngeetehi o ngeenei kura ki te taumata. The Tainui Waka Primary Schools Kapa Haka competitions have been hosted for the last six years to provide a platform for tamariki to showcase their cultural heritage through the medium of kapa haka. Kapa haka events ensure that our performing arts, Te Reo and Tikanga Maaori are kept alive, and our people are able to develop the quality of their skills including performing styles, learning how to sing, coordination and agility. Tamariki ranging in age from five to 13 years, learn dedication and commitment through waananga leading up to competition.
Many whaanau note their tamariki develop with an increased confidence not only in kapa haka, but also within their respective kura and communities. This year the 2010 Tainui Waka Primary Schools Regional Kapa Haka competitions were held at the Waitomo Community Cultural and Arts Centre and more than 15 kura registered to compete and participate. The top five place getters will represent Tainui Waka at the national primary schools competition to be hosted in Whangarei on 7-12 November 2011.
Cultural benefits include high self esteem and a sense of belonging to ones Iwi.
ngaa whakataetae kapa haka o tainui waka 2010 | tiihema |
When it came into office, the current National-led Government floated the idea of developing the concept of Public Private Partnerships to build critical public infrastructure, including roads, schools, civic buildings and, controversially, prisons. These partnerships are quite common overseas but have not in current terms, been seen here before. Early last month the Government called for expressions of interest from groups wanting to assist with the development of a new 1,000 bed prison for the Corrections Department at Wiri, South Auckland. At a hui organised by Te Puni Kookiri and the Committee for Auckland, Te Arataura Chairman Tukoroirangi Morgan addressed around 70 CEOs and other business leaders on an Iwi perspective of Public Private Partnerships.
The following is an abridged version of his speech... It gives me great pleasure to provide you with an Iwi perspective on the nature of Public Private Partnerships. We have come a long way since the heady days of our initial Land Settlement in 1995. We are now worth some $700 million and have investments in hotels, fisheries, forestry, agriculture and property. Today, we have the world at our feet and governments at our door. It wasn’t always this way. At one point we were much richer – not just in terms of a thriving culture, heritage and history. Richer financially too – Paakeha noticed.
I want to paint you a picture... The year is 1850 and the Manukau Harbour is a thriving, bustling port. Vessels enter and leave on their way to Sydney, the Pacific Islands and the Americas. The ships belong to Waikato-Tainui. So does much of their cargo. So do the flax mills, the sawmills, the fish processing factories, the eel factories, the thousands of acres of gardens... Most will be aware of ‘Once Were Warriors’. Few will be aware of ‘Once Were Traders’ and ‘Once Were Highly Successful Entrepreneurs’. Those golden years of Waikato-Tainui were cut short by war, invasion, confiscation and exile. The year is now 1863. It began with a belief that to be firm against further sales and prevent the destruction of our culture and way of life we needed to unite under one banner – the Kiingitanga. The election of the first Maaori King, Pootatau Te Wherowhero was a defining moment in my people’s history. Unfortunately it became a pretext for the invasion of the Waikato and the eventual confiscation of 1.2 million acres of land. Land that at the time of the 1995 settlement was valued at $12 billion. We received $170 million. It has been a long and at times tortuous road from Raupatu to Redemption. In 2008 we negotiated terms for the settlement of our River Claim. We still have Outstanding Claims. Waikato-Tainui has an association with PPPs – which will come as a surprise to many of you. On 23 September 1929, Te Puea and 15 of her adopted children gathered at Waipipi, near Tuakau. They started converting a block of neglected
land, once owned by the second Maaori King, Taawhiao, into a productive dairy farm. In January she moved on to the neighbouring block...and on until Te Puea was responsible for projects covering 5,000 acres and supporting several hundred people. Te Puea was fond of quoting the proverb:
‘With one cultivation a man dies, with two he lives.’ It is a proverb that encompasses several key principles underpinning the rebuilding of the mana and fortunes of Waikato-Tainui. First, it emphasises our belief that our purpose is not just to fulfil our personal goals. It is to create and nuture a legacy for those who come after us. We are kaitiaki (guardians) of what has been handed down, as the next generation will be kaitiaki of what we build. Secondly, it illustrates the pre-eminence of land in a Maaori world view and our preference for developments that have their roots in the land. Te Puea described the relationship as:
“The land is our mother and father. It is the loving parent who nourishes us, sustains us... [and] when we die it folds us in its arms.” Thirdly, the proverb embraces the concept of mahi tahi: of working together for the benefit of all. So, when we hear talk of Public Private Partnerships and the readiness of Iwi to participate in them, we can but smile. When Mark Solomon and I bring our tribal asset bases of more than $1.4 billion into this room, we could perhaps ask, in the manner of a recent campaign run by our friends across the ditch, ‘Where the Bloody Hell Have You Been?!’ I was asked to deliver a speech on an Iwi perspective of
PPPs. To Maaori, PPP’s could just as equally stand for People People People. It is all about relationships. The relationship between Waikato-Tainui and Ngaai Tahu began with a series of meetings between myself and Mark Solomon. We then went on to include meetings of our two boards where whakapapa and historical relationships were at the fore. We discussed strategies for the rebuilding of our tribal fortunes. Senior staff were invited into each others organisations. We agreed on the kaupapa. Some months later, we made separate but parallel investments in Ryman Healthcare, a builder and operator of upmarket retirement complexes. Our people might not be able to afford to live in these retirement villages, yet, but we could certainly make sure our people benefited from the rich Paakeha folks who could! Our massive $200 million retail development at The Base in Hamilton was begun with Stephen Tindall and The Warehouse as partners. We didn’t know much about retail development back then. But Stephen Tindall did. We learned all we could from his organisation and then bought him out and continued with the development. Last week we opened Stage Two. Early next year we will open Stage Three. Stage Four will include a massive digital cinema complex that will be open in time for the Rugby World Cup. We intend to screen live games and create our own party central! Anyone who has seen that complex can be under no doubt about its Maaori heritage and whakapapa. The taniwha niho pattern is everywhere. It successfully weaves Maaori aspiration into the achievement of business success. From an Iwi perspective this blending of cultures is important: It reminds us of who we are, where we come from and where we are going – even when we are doing it in a largely Paakeha-dominated world...
Our joint ventures with the Hamilton City Council in the Ibis and Novotel hotels, and our investment in a new hotel development with Accor Hotel Management and Auckland Airport Ltd are long term investments in this country’s tourism sector that bring additional benefits in employment and training for our people. For businesses seeking to work with Iwi, it means doing things slightly differently and recognising the primacy of Maaori values. Don’t get me wrong, we want to make money just like the next fulla. But you’re going to have to learn some new words...
Words like tikanga: this encompasses our heritage, the way we do things, the importance of doing right by our tuupuna and an acknowledgement of our view of ourselves as kaitiaki... Words like kaupapa: the issue or reason behind the things we do. That kaitiaki word, which loosely means guardian, can be distilled down to this very important concept: long term Maaori will be valuable participants in Public Private Partnerships if only because we are tangata whenua. We are not going anywhere. Stability is one of the cornerstones of any PPP arrangement and Iwi offer that. When all Treaty grievances are laid to rest, and Iwi have been returned to a relatively stable footing, just imagine the funding that will be available to invest in this country’s infrastructure. In this country’s future. I say to you, enter the Iwi. Recently the Iwi Leaders Group – that’s a group of elected tribal leaders by the way (we’re neither elitist nor ‘shadowy’!) met with the Prime Minister and Hon Gerry Brownlee to discuss the development of a framework for engagement with Iwi around oil exploration and mining. It is yet another
example of a maturing and growing acceptance not only of the Treaty relationship between the Crown and Iwi, but a growing realisation of the considerable economic benefits that can flow from that partnership. Just a couple of weeks ago, Waikato-Tainui was selected as one of the inaugural 25 providers of Whaanau Ora services. Waikato-Tainui will build two Whaanau Ora ‘super clinics’ to house all these agencies under the one roof. Those buildings will be owned by us, built by us, and largely funded by the State. This Whaanau Ora partnership brings to the fore another key element in our thinking about PPPs. That is, we view them ‘holistically’. They must be part of a wider, transformative strategy to improve the welfare and prospects of our people. Since National took office we have been heartened by their willingness to talk to us as equal partners. No longer will we be talked down to, or included as tokens to provide a veneer of bi-culturalism. This is an exciting time for all New Zealanders. To see Maaori unleashed and moving from what Sir Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta referred to as ‘victims of a history, in which they ... have witnessed history, other people’s history, roll over them and determine their fate.’ His groundbreaking report was issued 27 years ago. I will make his concluding remarks the conclusion to this presentation.
“It is insufficient for a people to simply sit and criticise and bemoan their fate. There are times when they must grasp the opportunity, take the risk and create their own history.” That is what we in this room are in a small way, contributing to now.
A LEGACY TO OUR PEOPLE The launch of Whaanau Ora is the culmination of a decades-long struggle by Maaori to gain control over their own destinies, says Parekawhia McLean, the new CEO of Waikato-Tainui. “We are delighted that the Waikato-Tainui Koiora Collective has been selected to bring Whaanau Ora to life,” said Ms McLean. “Poor health, substandard housing, overcrowded living conditions, educational underachievement, high rates of imprisonment. The system has consistently failed Maaori. One-size-fits-all policies, short-term funding, inadequate resourcing and silo mentalities have seen our people face the same issues that were identified 27 years ago in Sir Robert Mahuta’s ground-breaking Tainui Report. “This is an opportunity for us to further realise the vision contained in our tribal blueprint, Whakatupuranga 2050, which aims to grow a prosperous, healthy, vibrant, innovative and culturally strong Iwi.” More than 100 chairs, chief executives and managers from around the region and across all sectors gathered to hear how Waikato-Tainui intends to operationalise its intergenerational plan, Whakatupuranga 2050, into meaningful and effective support at the grass roots. “Our goal is to further develop and strengthen relationships with and between tribal service providers, Maaori providers, mainstream providers, government agencies and Marae. “We have an inter-generational commitment and custodial responsibility for the care and protection of all who reside in our tribal rohe. It is a whaanau-centred approach supported by Marae working on the ground to assess need and deliver the appropriate support to ensure our people flourish.”
What is the Koiora Collective? The Koiora collective comprises a grouping of health, education, social services, environmental and justice providers operating under the korowai of Waikato-Tainui. Who is in the Koiora Collective? Koiora is made up of the following organisations: 1. Hauora Waikato Maaori Mental Health 2. Ideal Success Charitable Trust 3. JTP Consultants Ltd, Te Kotahitanga 4. Nga Miro Health Trust 5. Raukura Hauora o Tainui Trust 6. Raukura Waikato Social Services 7. Solomon Group Education and Training Academy 8. Waahi Whaanui Trust What is the purpose of the Koiora Collective? Koiora is committed to working together to support whaanau to be the best they can be, to be self-managing and to take responsibility for their own social, cultural and economic development. Can other organisations join the Koiora Collective? Yes. Koiora is open to other organisations committed to working with whaanau. It is expected membership will grow over time. What is the current focus of the Koiora Collective? Koiora has prepared a response to the Government’s Expression of Interest for Whaanau-Centred services. If successful, Koiora will work alongside key government agencies, whaanau and other stakeholders to deliver on a Programme of Action. For more information contact Waikato-Tainui on freephone 0800 TAINUI.
WHAANAU ORA - a legacy to our people | tiihema |
Waikato-Tainui grants are used by their recipients to help them achieve their dreams, whatever they may be. In the case of nine year old Riarn (Ngaati Hauaa, Rukumoana Marae), a Maatauranga Toi grant has helped her parents meet the cost of her studying RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) Ballet at the private Corelli School of the Arts in Browns Bay, Auckland. She has made an auspicious start, with her mother Kathleen Richards recently informing us that in her end of year exams she achieved a mark of 83% "Distinction"- the highest mark achieved in her class this year. She will, according to Kathleen, be receiving the "Most Promising Dancer" trophy at her end of year show. Opened in January 2001, Corelli is an independent, coeducational, specialist day school for Years 1 to 13, providing an emphasis on Music, Dance, Drama, and the Visual Arts. It is dedicated to both academic excellence and the development of outstanding artistic ability in music, dance, drama and the visual arts. Riarn has been studying RAD Ballet since she was five. Her immediate goal is to enter her first competition in 2011 and
compete in the Restricted Classical Ballet Grade (restricted = 1st time competitors). In the medium term she hopes to be Intermediate Grade on Pointe and competing regularly in Ballet competitions. Ultimately, she hopes to achieve a scholarship to study at the NZ School of Dance. It has not been an easy road – she sat her annual RAD exams in October amid frequent hospital visits and telescopic surgery.
“I know that without Waikato-Tainui supporting her she would not have had the extra help she needed to achieve her dreams to date and we are very grateful for that support,” said Kathleen Richards.
| tiihema | RIARNS richards pursues BALLET DREAM
Te Arataura Chair Tukoroirangi Morgan recently met with the Taurahere groups established in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
The tribe endeavours to meet with our people living in Australia annually. Mr Morgan says with thousands of Taurahere across the ditch, it’s important that they understand where the tribe is heading, what we have achieved, and our future plans. It is also an opportunity for them to let us know their needs. The last time a delegation went to Australia was in 2008, with a smaller team travelling across in 2009 to talk about the Waikato River Claim. Mr Morgan was pleased that attendance this year drastically improved. “The numbers this time around were pleasing. We had more than 80 tribal members in Brisbane, 70+ in Sydney and more than 60 - 70 members showed in Melbourne and Perth. The greatest feedback was that these were the biggest turnouts in all areas,” said Mr Morgan. “Our people were extremely supportive of Whaanau Ora concepts. Poor Maaori statistics in the areas of health, education, training, housing, employment, and crime were cited as major catalysts for our people seeking prosperity, and a higher standard of living in Australia. Many said they would return home if we could improve the statistics given previous systems had failed them,” he said. Taurahere committees were asked to provide some ideas around formalising their role under the umbrella of the tribe. A priority for each of them was to ensure that they were the recognised entity operating as the interface between tribal members living in Australia, and Waikato-Tainui. This would provide more clarity around their roles and align their priorities with Whakatupuranga 2050. “Committees have the capacity to network with service providers in housing, training, health, education and employment. They also regularly host tribal events to celebrate tribal identity, tribal milestones, and to support the Kiingitanga through fundraising activities for Koroneihana, events like Waitangi Day celebrations, an annual Koroneihana Ball, and Kapa Haka and Sports activities. ”It was also pleasing to see people at hui who were new to Taurahere Committees.“ When asked how the tribe could support their efforts, all committees were focused on building their membership and asked for regular access to registration data of whaanau living in and around their respective states. Tribal waananga were also very important and participants asked the tribe to consider sending facilitators and kaumaatua to host Waikato-Tainui specific workshops including training and development for rangatahi.
Chairperson: April Taylor waikatokibrisbane@hotmail.com (00617) 3161-0219 (00614) 5024-1417. 5 Solandra Street, Wynnum 4178, Queensland Deputy Chair: Tanirau Hohepa joemstanley@gmail.com Secretary: Ira Tainui ira.tainui@retailadventures.com.au Treasurer: Pauline Herangi pauline.herangi@ato.gov.au Website: www.tainui.com.au
Chairperson: Tipi Tahapeehi waikatopoihakena@hotmail.com. (00612) 9596-1418 (00614) 2480-4782 6 Pindari Rd Peakhurst Heights, New South Wales Deputy Chair: Jubilee Poutapu kpoutapu@bigpond.com Secretary: Te Hiiri Taute (00614) 0368-3981 Treasurer: Kumeroa Poutapu kpoutapu@bigpond.com
Chairperson: Ripeka Biddle corrigirl_122@yahoo.com.au (00613) 9332-2513 Secretary: Ngarongo Moana. ngarongomoana@yahoo.com. (00614) 1305-2452 29 Wells Road, Chelsea Heights, Melbourne Treasurer:
Rose Porima
Chairperson: Geoffrey Kukutai geofku@hotmail.com Dep Chairperson: Jake Moanaroa Secretary Judith Yorke tainuioteurupu@hotmail.com (00614) 0894-6737 4 Shoal Rise, The Lakes Ballajura 6066, Perth Treasurer: Waima Berryman
A report with recommendations around the next steps will be considered by Te Arataura.
The recipient of the Waikato-Tainui/OPUS Engineering scholarship for 2011. The scholarship will include work experience with Opus, a worldwide engineering consultancy that was established following the sale of the state-owned Ministry of Works. Josiah (Ngaatira Marae) received his scholarship from Te Arataura Chair Tukoroirangi Morgan in a moving ceremony that was also attended by the full Te Arataura Board, Josiah’s whaanau and the senior management of Opus. Managing Director of Opus, David Prentice congratulated Josiah on being a stand-out candidate for the scholarship. Also present was Opus Board Chair Alan Isaacs, recently elected vice-president of the International Cricket Council. Josiah is studying for his Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Hons) at Canterbury University and, yes, he was there when the big earthquake hit.
“I was pretty quick to find a doorway as a place of safety and was just glad when it was all over. It was pretty scary,” he said. SUCCESS PROFILE | tiihema |
Last month the Tribal Development Unit hosted its second White Ribbon Day at Hopuhopu to continue to promote the tribe’s stance against family violence, raise awareness and support community, regional and national initiatives. Open to families, schools, Marae and communities, more than 250 people attended including tamariki from five kura and four koohanga. Tribal Development Unit Manager Marae Tukere says the feedback has been great with most appreciative of the advice and information available. “We had the support from a number of community groups who hosted kiosks providing a range of information and resources. Many were impressed by the strong statements from Waikato-Tainui leaders about the tribe’s stand against violence and how the event brought communities together,” said Ms Tukere. “A real highlight of the day was the arrival of 50 motorcycle enthusiasts who detoured from their annual route on the national 2010 White Ribbon Ride – an anti-violence campaign where around 1,000 riders travel through the North and South Islands to a national rally in Ruakaka.” Members of the Super Maaori Fullas and Patriots Defence Force motorcycle clubs were led into Hopuhopu by local riders, and welcomed onto tribal grounds with a traditional wero, something some of the riders had never seen up close or experienced as a participant. 26
| tiihema | WHITE RIBBON DAY
The day finished with a fantastic performance from Hamilton based Native Sons – an eight piece band rising in popularity for its hip hop, jazz, and reggae roots sound.
A not-for-profit event, a koha was gathered and presented to the Whakaruruhau Womens Refuge.
A special thanks to sponsors of the event: Waikato Tainui, Te Puni Kookiri Hamilton, Children Young People and Families Waikato, Ministry for Social Development Waikato, Waikato District Council (Mayoral Fund), Genesis Energy, and Pure Water Services. Special mention also to the community groups who participated and provided advisory, resource and information support: Ngaaruawaahia Community House, Ngaaruawaahia Tuu Tangata Community Trust,
Waikato-Tainui staff are working with the Auckland and Waikato offices of Te Puni Kookiri to put together a free online Marae Directory. Developed from the Marae census completed in 1997, the directory is about providing a platform for Marae to network together, communicate, promote and market their services to local and surrounding communities as well as other communities within the region and throughout Aotearoa. Radio Tainui, Ngaa Miro Health Centre, Waikato DHB, Raukura Waikato Social Services, Te Ahurei a Rangatahi, Waikato District Council, NZ Police, Work and Income Support, Plunket, Whai Marama, Midlands Health Care, Ministry of Education, Te Rapakau Pacific Trust and the Head Injury Society.
Successfully piloted in Auckland, there are currently 75 Marae online as part of this project. Waikato-Tainui Marae are now able to register. Participation is free, ownership of the information remains with Marae, changes to information can only be authorised by Marae, you don’t have to be ‘IT’ savvy to participate, and Marae can opt out whenever they want to. Geographically Waikato and Auckland host many major sporting, tourism, national and international events on a regular basis including World Cup Rowing, Garden Shows, Hamilton V8s, Waka Ama World Champs, Netball, Rugby World Cup, National Field Days etc. Our Marae are presented with the unique opportunity to host visitors or participate in these national and international events. If your Marae is interested in registering on the free online Marae directory, then simply request a questionnaire from maraet@tainui.co.nz. More general information about the project can be found at http://www.maraedirectory.com.
To discuss the project contact Eric Pene and/or Marae Tukere on freephone 0800 824 684 (Eric ext: 7712 and/or Marae ext: 7711). FREE ONLINE MARAE DIRECTORY | tiihema |
Three new interns recently started work with Waikato-Tainui. The aim of developing these internships is to provide our young people with valuable work experience and an insight into the many and varied opportunities that education and training will provide. Tama Hata (Claims and Environment Unit) Tama Hata (Taniwha Marae) started with the Claims and Environment team in mid-November on a 10-week placement. He was the successful recipient of the Waikato-Tainui School of Maaori Pacific Development Scholarship which provides a Waikato-Tainui student with the opportunity to spend their summer break working within our tribal organisation. Tama is in his penultimate year of study towards gaining a BA with a double major in Te Reo and Resource/Environment planning. Tama is involved in various projects which will ensure he gains knowledge about the practical nature of planning and consent processes.
Marama Toka (College for Research and Development) Marama Toka (Waahi Paa) has begun a six month internship with the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development. With a BA in Maaori and Tikanga from Waikato University, she says working as a Project Assistant at the College is opening her eyes to a whole host of future possibilities. “It has always been a dream of mine to be able to work for my Iwi,” she says. One of her first tasks for the College was to track down past Waikato-Tainui grants recipients and the degrees they earned. “The College wanted a database of graduates that could be interested in post-graduate study to benefit Waikato-Tainui in particular and Maaori in general – and to extend the College’s networks of communication generally.” Assisting with the launch of the College’s MBA programme, run in partnership with the Waikato School of Management, has also given her some experience in event management. She says it would be an honour to undertake postgraduate study at the College. “There are people who would encourage me to do more study, so that’s a possibility too!”
| tiihema | INTERNS learn about mahi
Ngawari Tata (Tribal Development Unit) Ngawari Tata (Taniwha Marae) began work with the Tribal Development Unit in mid November and will be working with the unit for the next six months as an administrative assistant. Ngawari is on a Community Max programme with Raukura Hauora o Tainui, which has placed up to 30 rangatahi within various organisations in the community. She is learning and assisting with a range of general administration tasks including data entry and integrity, filing and records management. These types of duties assist with the capture, and storage of records, as well as support future plans for the protection, preservation, and conservation of tribal data.
Right: Ngawari pictured with her little cousin, 3-month old Cyahn Tahu.
Brent Whitiora is the newly appointed Fisheries Surveillance Officer for the Ministry of Fisheries (MFish). Brent’s position is the second to be created as a direct result of the Waikato River Fisheries Accord signed with MFish in 2009. He will work alongside Taroi Rawiri who was appointed earlier this year. Ko Maketu, ko Te Kooraha, ko Te Aaruka ngaa Marae Ko Kaawhia te Moana Ko Ngaati Mahuta te Hapuu Ko Waikato te Iwi Ko Tainui te Waka Ko Brent Whitiora tooku ingoa I live in the beautiful small community of Ngaaruawaahia here in the Waikato with my partner and children. My involvement in the community is something that I am proud of. I am a member of both the Tuurangawaewae Rugby League Club and ngaa Waka Tauaa o Tainui. My passion for the outdoors started at a very young age. I was raised in a small community off the West Coast,
south of Kaawhia called Taharoa. Here I learnt to ride horses, motor bikes, fish, dive and surf. These activities started out as hobbies and have now developed into a career that I see myself in for the rest of my life. Waikato-Tainui and the Ministry of Fisheries have given me an opportunity of a life time. The challenge I am faced with in my role as a Fisheries Officer is to restore and protect the wellbeing of our Tuupuna Awa and educate the public about the laws, regulations and resources of the river and sea. I am very proud and honoured to have been given this opportunity and I look forward to the challenges that this job will bring. Teenaa koutou, teenaa koutou, teenaa taatou katoa.
What a fantastic day for our Iwi station Te Reo Irirangi o Tainui! Some of the hottest new talents to emerge on the local music scene, pulled hundreds into Jesmond Street Ngaaruawaahia for the free Loud & Proud concert last month to celebrate the station’s 21st birthday – a culmination of a two-week on air commemoration. Radio Tainui’s first official broadcast was in 1989 with an emphasis to become a focal point for the promotion and preservation of Te Reo Maaori me ona Tikanga. Determination and belief from volunteers and all the staff who have been involved with the station, has guaranteed its success as 21 years on, Radio Tainui continues to pump the airwaves with some of the best R’n’B, reggae and Maaori music around.
engagement. We were pleased that this year Radio Tainui re-emerged as a contender for market share in the recent Research International radio survey.” The Loud & Proud concert was a fun filled day of memories with live entertainment, market stalls and activities for children. The stage line-up boasted some of our best local talent in the region and included artists such as Cornerstone Roots, Zion Hill, Knights of the Dub Table, Native Sons, Ni-n-Jah, Batta-Lion, Phul-ama, Statik West, Adam Whauwhau, as well as a finale performance from renowned Maaori composer Ruia Aperahama who continues to promote ideals to uplift the Maaori language and role model te reo in New Zealand. We look forward to the next 21 years!
Much of the station’s popularity has hinged on the support of often a very small but dedicated team of staff, along with the raw talent of its announcers, some of whom have gone on to become household names.
Above from left: Announcers and their shows:
Station Manager Trina Koroheke says that “even though we are few in numbers, it is amazing to look back over the years to see what has been accomplished and undertaken in terms of community
Big Mike & Patara - The Big Breakfast
JD & H - Hakari Haakinakina Mata Ahu - He Kuru Pounamu Pango Winterburn - Te Wa Kotahi Kimi King - Kick Back
Right: Scenes from the Loud & Proud concert.
The Dame Te Atairangikaahu Nursing Scholarship has been created in loving memory of Dame Te Atairangikaahu to encourage Tainui students to undertake study at any level, in one of the following Wintec Nursing qualifications: • Bachelor of Nursing
• Bachelor of Midwifery
• Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing
• Master of Nursing
The recipient of this prestigious scholarship will be awarded a maximum of $5,000 per year towards the cost of their tuition fees at the Waikato Institute of Technology, for a period of three years. Apply before 18 February, 2011. For more information and an application form please visit www.wintec.ac.nz/scholarships, a Student Enrolment Centre, or call free on 0800 2 Wintec.
Waikato-Tainui’s 70 per cent joint venture with Accor Hospitality (10%) and Auckland International Airport (20%) will provide much more than just another 263 hotel rooms in time for next year’s Rugby World Cup. The hotel will also provide job opportunities for Waikato-Tainui tribal members wanting to pursue a career in hotel management and hospitality. Accor and Waikato-Tainui’s Tribal Develoment Unit are in discussions with the Ministry of Social Development to develop and provide a pre-employment training programme to introduce up to 30 Waikato-Tainui tribal members to the world of international hospitality. 32
| tiihema | for your kete
The programme will provide graduates with the skills needed to train as apprentice chefs, hospitality staff and hotel management. While the Tainui Auckland International Airport Hotel will provide jobs for our people, Accor Hotels have also urged prospective Waikato-Tainui jobseekers to visit their website at https://jobs.accor.com (There were 17 jobs of all descriptions when we checked the site in the course of this story.) In the meantime, if you’re keen to pursue the training opportunities provided by the new Tainui Auckland International Airport Hotel, please email your details, along with your CV to TDUEnquiries@tainui.co.nz and we’ll put you on our database!
Patience Te Ao elected Deputy Chair of Maaori Statutory Board
Te Arataura Deputy Chair Patience Te Ao (Ngaati Wai, Tauranganui Marae), has been elected Deputy Chair of the ‘Auckland Super City’ Maaori Statutory Board.
The nine members are: Mana Whenua representatives: Ms Anahera Morehu (Ngaati Whaatua); Mr Glenn Wilcox (Ngaati Whaatua); Mr David Taipari (Ngaati Maru, Ngaati Whaanaunga, Ngaati Tamatera, Ngaati Paoa); Mr Glen Tupuhi (Ngaati Paoa/Waikato-Tainui); Mr James Brown (Ngaai Tai Ki Taamaki, Ngaati Paoa, Ngaati Porou, Ngaa Puhi);
Maaori Affairs Minister Dr Pita Sharples said the job of the Board was to be independent advocates representing the interests of mana whenua and mataawaka (residents who affiliate to tribes outside the region) in advising the new Auckland Council.
Mr Wayne Knox (Te Kawerau a Maki, Ngaati Te Ata);
Mr Sharples said he was pleased to welcome such high-calibre people to the task.
Mr Tony Kake (Ngaa Puhi, Waikato-Tainui),
Members of the Board were appointed by an Iwi selection body, comprising a member nominated by each of the mana whenua organisations within the Council’s district.
Ms Patience Te Ao (Ngaati Wai, Waikato-Tainui); Mataawaka representatives: Mr John Tamihere (Ngaati Porou, Whakatohea, Tainui).
In 1845 Te Motu a Hiaroa or more commonly known as Puketutu Island, was sold for the sum of five pounds and 10 blankets. In September of this year Waikato-Tainui signed a settlement agreement with Watercare Services that will see the freehold title to the island eventually transferred to a Trust. Waikato-Tainui and other tangata whenua groups would be represented on that Trust’s board. Donna Flavell, Manager of the tribe’s Claims & Environment Unit said the settlement would allow Watercare Services to proceed with a plan to deposit bio-solids only within the former quarry site, and committed the company to an extensive programme including native planting and landscaping.
“This settlement is a relatively small one but it is significant in terms of its recognition of WaikatoTainui’s claims in Taamaki-Makaurau,” she said. for your kete | tiihema |
Te Tira Hoe o Waikato 2011 is an opportunity for tribal members to once again journey on the Waikato Awa and participate in a range of hands on experiences aimed to reinforce the relationship between our people and their Tuupuna Awa. This initiative will take place from 7 April to 9 April 2011 with an induction programme to be held on Sunday, 4 April 2011. The tira hoe will cover a distance of 142 kms by river, 170 km by road and will include: • • • • •
visits to a number of waahi tapu; a visit to Huka Falls and the Orakei Korako thermal caves; customary activities such as mahi kai, mahi toi, kaitiakitanga, karakia; activities involving river plants, birds and fish; a series of interactive workshops, challenges and activities as well as sessions on environmental issues impacting on the Waikato Awa and their remedies; and will give participants an insight into the Waikato River Settlement.
| tiihema | te tira hoe o waikato 2011
Participant Criteria To participate, tribal members must meet the following criteria: • • • • • •
Be a registered Waikato-Tainui tribal member; Must have a reasonable standard of fitness to complete the journey; Be confident when in the water and able to swim; Have an interest in or be involved with the Waikato River’s protection and restoration; Be willing to participate in projects and initiatives that will help to restore and protect the Waikato Awa after the Tira Hoe; and Be a team player with a sense of humour, ready and willing to give anything a go!
There is a $50.00 registration fee to assist with the costs of hosting the trip. Positions on the Tira Hoe are limited. For more information or to register, please contact: Johnine Davis, Claims and Environment Unit Project Advisor. Email: JohnineD@tainui.co.nz or phone +64 7 858 0405.
Raupatu and the River: Invasion and War, Confiscation of Waikato Lands Waikato-Tainui, as at 1840, possessed their river and their lands in accordance with their tikanga along with other Waikato River Iwi. The Treaty of Waitangi guaranteed in the Maaori text “te tino rangatiratanga o raatou wenua o raatou kainga me o raatou taonga katoa” or in the English text “the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession”. In July 1863, the Crown’s military forces crossed the Mangataawhiri River. In the ensuing war of 1863-64, the Crown’s forces attacked by both land and water. The Crown’s armed steamers and barges played a crucial role in the invasion as they carried Crown forces and supplies up the Waikato River and into the Waipaa River, and shelled Waikato defences. In December 1863, Crown forces occupied Ngaaruawaahia, the home of the King and the political centre of the Kiingitanga. During the war, many communities who supported the Kiingitanga were driven out of the Waikato. In 1864-65 military settlements, including Hamilton and Cambridge, were established on the Waikato River, and also on the Waipaa River. Confiscation of Waikato lands followed in 1865. The Waikato confiscation area extended from the Hauraki Gulf to Karapiro in the east, via Pukekura, Oraakau and the Puuniu River to the south, and from Whaingaroa (Raglan) to Te Puuaha o Waikato in the west.
The Waikato River after Raupatu From the time of the Raupatu, the Crown assumed control of, and exercised jurisdiction over, the Waikato River. The Crown developed legislation that affected the River and established bodies with authority and rights of management over the River and its ecosystems. During the 1950s and 1960s, the Crown began to address the pollution of the River, the impact of flooding on the area and the lack of consistent policy regarding the River. The Waikato Valley Authority was established to control the Waikato River and its tributaries. Waikato-Tainui did not have a formal, or decision-making role, on the bodies that were established. Following the Raupatu and the cessation of hostilities, new settlers occupied the confiscated lands, and farms and towns were developed along the Waikato River. The River was used for farming, coal mining, power generation schemes, the discharge of waste, and domestic and industrial abstraction. The wetlands were drained, flood protection schemes were initiated and sand and shingle were removed. While all of these uses of the Waikato River contributed to the economic growth of New Zealand, they also contributed to the pollution and deterioration of the health of the Waikato River and have significantly impacted on the fisheries and plant life of the River. Extracted from the Deed of Settlement in relation to the Waikato River dated 22 August 2008.
Marae Group Insurance Scheme Proves its Worth
One Waikato-Tainui Marae recently found out what can happen when ‘what ifs’ move from the realm of possibility, to become awful reality. We all see the devastation caused by fires and floods reported in the nightly news, but few of us would consider the role of insurance in recovering from such events. Prudent managers (and people) recognise that it’s much better to plan for the ‘what ifs’ in life, than be left to ponder the ‘if onlys’ after the fact. But this isn’t a story of disaster in the form of a building burning to the ground or an earthquake flattening a community. It is the story of a very, very small fire, and the benefits of planning for those ‘what ifs’. In the case of this Marae a small fire broke out on an electrical switchboard. The flames were extinguished easily enough and everybody was safe. However, those few brief minutes were enough for walls and ceilings to suffer smoke damage. More significantly, the fire was in the Whare Kai where food was being prepared for a major event. Worst of all the smoke damage and loss of power meant the building could not be used. A new venue had to be located and hired for the event. But we said this wasn’t a disaster story. It’s a story with a happy ending, because this particular Marae had taken out Waikato-Tainui Marae Insurance. This story highlights five key benefits provided by this group insurance scheme: 1.
Events like this never seem to happen during ‘business hours’. Crombie Lockwood, the insurance broker for Waikato-Tainui Marae insurance, is the only broker in New Zealand to have a 24 hour 0800 claims service. The Marae was able to get hold of their claims team and speak to a real person who gave immediate and accurate advice on how to deal with the loss.
2. Once all documentation had been assembled, the Claims Officer called the Marae to explain how the claim would be handled and what actions needed to be taken to ensure the Marae received the maximum claim settlement from their policies.
| tiihema | for your kete
The independent broker, working on the Marae’s behalf, acted to prove to the insurer that, in this case, food damaged by the fire and consequent loss of electricity should be classed as a Marae Asset and that the expense of replacing the food should be covered by the policy. Crombie Lockwood negotiated for the insurer to take a common sense approach to settling the claim for damaged food, which may have been a lot more difficult for a client without a broker acting on their behalf.
4. By having ‘open-ended cover’ on the policy there was no argument as to whether or not food had been declared as being on the policy. 5.
Marae Interruption, a component of this insurance policy that is not well understood, met the additional expense of hiring an alternative location to hold the event while the Whare Kai was unusable.
In this story, the total cost for an electrician to repair the damaged switchboard was over $8,000. With the additional expenses of venue hire and the replacement of food, the total cost of this ‘small loss’ escalated to over $13,000. And the happy ending? All of this amount was paid out to the Marae under its Marae Insurance policy in under x weeks/ days. Nineteen Raupatu Marae have now joined the scheme. To find out more about this exclusive Waikato-Tainui Insurance Solution, contact our representative Jared Jackson directly on: 09 623 9941 or 0272 307 024 or email jared.jackson@ crombielockwood.co.nz
Applications are now open for registered tribal members who are resident in New Zealand and who are studying at a tertiary education institution in New Zealand. Financial assistance is available for either full time or part-time courses. The closing date for all 2011 undergraduate, post graduate and masters courses is 28 February 2011. Applications for 2011 Waikato-Tainui Doctoral Scholarships can be made at any time during the year. Other grants available to registered tribal members residing in New Zealand include: Kaumaatua Medical, Maatauranga, Health & Wellbeing Initiatives and Marae Development. Applications under these criteria will be considered monthly. For further information please contact: Jackie Haggie: Grants Officer, Tribal Development Unit, Waikato-Tainui, 451 Old Taupiri Road, Hopuhopu 3742. Email: jackieh@tainui.co.nz. Freephone: 0800 824 684 Ext 7619.
The Waikato Regional Council has released the "Proposed Regional Policy Statement" for public consultation. The Claims and Envioronment Unit has been working closely with council staff to incorporate into the statement, Iwi matters of interest and Waikato River Settlement provisions, prior to public release. This process reflected an excellent example of 'a new era of co-management'. Submissions on the policy close 4pm, Monday 28 February 2011. If you would like to view and download a copy of the proposed policy, go to the Environment Waikato website www. ew.govt.nz and enter the keywords "Proposed Regional Policy Statement" in the Search function. Alternatively, contact Julian Williams of the Claims and Environment Unit to send you a physical copy. The Claims and Environment Unit along with Environment Waikato will be hosting a presentation and discussion of the PRPS on the 20th of January. Please contact Julian if you are interested in attending. Confirmation of the venue, and time of presentation, will be provided during that discussion. Contact details: julianw@tainui.co.nz or (07) 858 0403.
for your kete | tiihema |
Revised Policy inten Help Marae Te Arataura recently reviewed the policy regarding the use of, and access to information on the Waikato-Tainui Tribal Register. The new policy will enable the Tribal administration to provide each Marae executive with a list of the names of people who are affiliated to that Marae, and their contact addresses. For some time the Tribal Development Unit has been liaising with Marae about what would assist them to communicate with their beneficiaries more effectively. Waikato-Tainui, Te Waananga o Aotearoa and WINTEC have again teamed up to host a training programme designed to help participants to obtain the skills and qualifications needed to complete a modern apprenticeship in the trades. There are two trade training programmes; •
Certificate in Trade Technology (Carpentry) (Level 4) and Certificate in Tikanga Maaori (He Papa Tikanga Level 3), and
Certificate in Introduction to Trades (Level 2).
In the first six months you will learn practical skills across a variety of trades. In the second part of the year you can choose one of the trades to study further as a pre- apprentice. The Certificate in Tikanga Maaori (He Papa Tikanga Level 3) will be included as part of the year’s study. For more information please contact maraet@tainui. co.nz or freephone 0800 824 684 ext: 7711.
| tiihema | for your kete
An issue that kept cropping up was the difficulties Marae face trying to contact registered members Having up-to-date contact details are important for all sorts of reasons, including notifying whaanau of upcoming Marae events like general hui, working bees and fundraisers etc. The Tribal Register (or Ben Roll as it is also known) was originally set up to confirm the mandate for Waikato-Tainui to pursue its Raupatu Claim with the Crown. It contains the names, addresses and Marae affiliations of nearly 60,000 registered tribal members.
Safeguarding this information, storing it securely and ensuring it is only used for the purposes of contacting their members has been a key challenge to overcome in assisting Marae to engage with their communities and encourage greater participation.
nded to arae Stay in Touch Before any information will be sent, Marae executives must sign a declaration stating that they will only use the information to assist in the administration and management of the Marae. Chairman of Tuurangawaewae Marae, Pokaia Nepia has welcomed the revised policy.
“It will be a big help to us. Sometimes we need to let our wider Marae whaanau know about something coming up at the Marae, but we aren’t able to do so, because we don’t know where everyone is,” he said. The new policy (and revised tribal registration forms) will come into effect early in 2011. The Privacy Commissioner was consulted and confirmed that the sharing of this information for the purposes of administration and management of the Marae does not breach the provisions of the Privacy Act. However, we must provide people with the ability to request that their information not be shared with their Marae. If you, or someone in your whaanau does not wish for their contact details to be shared with your Marae, then please let the Tribal Development Unit know that your details are not to be forwarded to your Marae. Contact: THE TRIBAL REGISTRATIONS UNIT Freephone: 0800 104 412 Telephone: +64 7 824 8689 extn 7755 or 7622 Email: moeras@tainui.co.nz or teenyt@tainui.co.nz Fax: +64 7 824 5133 Post: Private Bag 542, Ngaaruawaahia 3742
tiihema | Waikato-Tainui OfficeS 22 Close for 2010 -
haanuere | Horahora Poukai 01 Horahora Marae, Horahora Waikato-Tainui Offices 07 Open for 2011 world christian gathering 09 Tuurangawaewae Marae, Ngaaruawaahia Kokohiinau Poukai 16 Kokohiinau Marae, Te Teko Raatana Celebrations 25 Ratana Paa, Ratana, Whanganui Te Arataura Meeting 28 WAIKATO regional policy statement 28 Submissions Close -
PEEPUERE | Taniwha Poukai 05 Taniwha Marae, Waerenga Waitangi DAy 06 Hukanui Poukai 12 Hukanui Marae, Gordonton DAME TE ATAIRANGIKAAHU NURSING SCHOLARSHIP, WINTEC 18 Applications Close Te Arataura Meeting 25 Maurea Poukai 26 Maurea Marae, Huntly Te Kauhanganui Meeting 27 2011 WAIKATO-TAINUI TERTIARY GRANTS 28 Applications Close (for 2011 Semesters 1 & 2) If you would like to add a Marae or tribal event to the calendar, please email Reneer@tainui.co.nz for advice of closing and publishing dates.
maramataka | tiihema |