issue 38 | OKETOPA | 2011
| DESIGN & PUBLISHING Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. Communications Unit 451 Old Taupiri Road Private Bag 542, Hopuhopu Ngaaruawaahia 3742 Telephone: +64 7 824 8689
| CONTRIBUTIONS & LETTERS If you would like to add a Marae or tribal event to the calendar, please email for advice on submitting articles, images, closing and publishing dates. All correspondence will be considered, we can not guarantee all stories will be published due to printing deadlines.
| marae panui All Marae are welcome to submit material for our Marae Panui Feature. There is a 500 Word limit and accompanied with a photo of the (at least 300dpi, JPEG) and include a caption. Submission must be approved by Marae Chair
| publication TERMS & CONDITIONS The contents of Te Hookioi may not be reproduced in any form either part or whole without the permission of the publisher. Neither Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc (including agents and subsidiary groups) nor individual writers accept any responsibility or liability for anything done or not done by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, on any of the contents of this publication. Note: Opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the policy or views of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. (including agents and subsidiary groups).
| this months cover Nirai Otimi from Ngaa Taiaatea Wharekura (Ngaati Mahuta, Ngaati Maniapoto) Photo taken by Waikato Matthews - WTTKI
| OKETOPA | raarangi upoko
04 | Office of the Maaori King 08 | Guest Editorial - Roger Pikia 09 | Tai Timu, Tai Pari Exhibition opens at Te Papa Tongarewa 12 | Kiingi Tuheitia Koroneihana Speech 17 | Ayla Adlam sets her sights high 18 | Koroneihana Photo Special 22 | Sir Robert Mahuta Foundation Trust
12 | River News 14 | Waikato-Tainui College updates 16 | Poowhiri for Police at Kaitumutumu Marae 22 | Hospitality in George Moanaroa’s blood 26 | Marae Paanui - Mootakotako Marae 29 | Heremaia Samson Profile 30 | Marae Tukere goes to Council 31 | Thomas Shilton Scholarship Recipient
24 | Radio Tainui 25 | Websites we like 32 | Koroneihana Expo Prize Draws 33 | Koroneihana Sports Results 34 | 2012 Tainui Games Notice 34 | New Staff at Hopuhopu 35 | Tai Morgan keeps the Rhythm 35 | Maramataka raarangi upoko | OKETOPA |
It has been a very busy last few months and much has happened both within our rohe and around the motu. The fifth anniversary Koroneihana celebrations were a major highlight and focus. The Kiingitanga is in good heart and it was pleasing to host Royal Guests from Rarotonga, Tonga, Samoa, and Tahiti. I was pleased to have the Prime Minister, senior politicians and dignitaries from all around the country attend Koroneihana once again. Pleasing too, to see the sports tournament and waka ama races being so hotly contested by people of all ages. I have previously commented on the hard work and dedication that went into the restoration of Mahinaarangi. I want to again take this opportunity to thank everyone involved. The rededication of the Whare Tuupuna was extremely well attended and a very emotional experience. Although the early morning temperature was cold, the sight of Mahinaarangi, beautiful once more, and the sound of the karanga and whaikorero, warmed the hearts of us all. I can only echo the comments I heard many times about the sheer quality of the preservation and restoration work: It was beyond comparison and a fitting tribute to the incredible vision and energy of Te Puea and her whaanau in building the original structure from donations that came from Iwi throughout the motu. Stage two of the project is now underway, with preservation and restoration work focusing on Tuurongo House. During this phase we’ll also be building a new Whare Taonga Storage facility, sited behind Mahinaarangi. The important thing is that everything is running to schedule and progressing as we’ve planned. I have decided to remain in residence in Raukawa and will do so until the project is finished in late October.
Culture Hui I was pleased to meet the new Director of the Auckland War Memorial Museum recently. The Museum Board journeyed down from Taamaki Makau-rau to Ngaaruawaahia to introduce me to Mr Roy Clare, an Englishman who clearly has a passion for museums and culture. He talked in terms of museums able to “engage people in countless stories of human endeavour, heroism, passion, suffering, success and resilience”. I stressed that he would find all those and more within Maaoridom! The meeting was a warm one and I wished him well in his endeavours. I also conveyed my pleasure at the appointment of Warena Taua as my representative to the Taumata A Iwi Board of the Museum. While on the subject of museums, congratulations to all those responsible for putting together the ‘Tai Timu Tai Pari’ exhibition at Te Papa in Whanganui-o-tara (Wellington). It was a very long time in the planning and execution. I was humbled to be one of the guests of honour at the opening of this momentous and inspiring exhibition of our tribal taonga. A huge number of whaanau travelled from all around the motu to be there at the poowhiri, which began at 3.15am. It was a truly magnificent day to be of the Tainui waka! office of the maaori king |
Tikanga in the Workplace Award Developing an awareness of Maaori history and tikanga is something that I believe in strongly. It binds us as a people and protects and nourishes our culture. Maaori do not leave their kawa and tikanga at the door before they go out, although we would all know of employers who think we should! One way that we can build understanding of our culture is through the use of awards that acknowledge and recognise effort and showcase examples of good cultural practices. For the past two years the Office of the King has worked towards the development of just such an award. It therefore gives me great pleasure to announce that the inaugural recipient of the Tikanga in the Workplace Award is Toll Global Networks. The Award was presented to the Executive Chairman of Toll, Mr Paul Little and his senior executives during a function held in August on Te Manukanuka O Hoturoa Marae at Auckland International Airport. I was very pleased to see the effort and dedication go into this event. I look forward to next year’s event and the nominations for the contenders.
Farewell to Sir Anand Satayanand While we celebrate the appointment of Sir Jerry Mateparae to the post of Governor-General, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding service of Sir Anand Satayanand. While I could not attend his formal retirement function we established a firm friendship. We were able to compare ‘renovation stories’ when he hosted me at a morning tea in the newly refurbished Government House in Wellington. Both Atawhai and I wish the Vice Regal Couple well for the future and intend to maintain relationships and contacts with him in the future.
Maaori Women’s Welfare League Elects New President The Maori Women’s Welfare League is an organisation with a long and proud record of achievement. We applaud their work and acknowledge the work of those who have gone before. In her role as Patron of the League, Atawhai delivered a keynote address to their recent annual conference, where she reflected on the sad loss of former President Meagan Joe and congratulated Kataraina O’Brien from Tauranga on winning the presidency. It was heartening to hear of the new President’s intention to work with, and be inclusive of, Hannah Tamaki. Mahitahi and manaakitanga have always underpinned the work of the League and we wish Kataraina well in the role.
The Pacific Leaders Forum Meeting I attended the opening of this important regional Forum of Pacific Leaders at Auckland Museum. Prior to this, however, I agreed to a request for an audience from the President of Tahiti, Mr Oscar Te Maru. He discussed Tahiti’s desire for sovereignty, and I expressed my support for his take, acknowledging the long relationship between our peoples. I indicated my support for President Te Maru’s intention to put the matter back on the Agenda of the United Nations, which we both hope will bring about a satisfactory resolution.
Ratu Te Vita Mara of Fiji In August I met with Ratu Te Vita in my office where we talked of the current situation in Fiji. I expressed my concern for the safety of the Mara family and indeed the people of Fiji.
queen hala’evalu mata’aho of tonga - 85th birthday celebration I attended this celebration in Tonga with my wife and other members of the Household in July. It was a good opportunity for both families to whanaungatanga and keep the relationships strong between our two Houses. She, along with Princess Kekaulike of Hawaii, is the last of the Ariki of her era. They are both treasures. King George and I managed to spend a good three hours together in the Throne Room of the Palace in Nuku’alofa during the celebrations. Observers noted the food and wine being brought into us and our huge smiles when we finally emerged. It was a good meeting!
Tangihanga Te Ao Marama has lost more than a few leading lights in the past few months. Each loss will be keenly felt and we extend our sympathies to all Whaanau pani. To the families of Peter Te Ao, Sophie Muru, Francis Solomon, Wesley Dixon, Dick Green, Rangihinemutu Edith Rawiri, Mamarangi Muru-Kaihau and Tonga Paki, we feel your grief. Whatumoana Paki is deeply missed. To the family of Corporal Grant, killed in the service of his country, we salute your ultimate sacrifice.
Roger Pikia (Waipapa Marae, Ngaati Hikairo) is Chief Executive Officer of Te Arawa Group Holdings Ltd and a member of the Waikato River Authority. He has a corporate commercial background in the primary industries with personal interests in dairy farming, sheep and beef farming and kiwifruit. He was one of a number of rangatahi mentored from a young age by the late Sir Robert Mahuta. It is difficult for me, as it is for most in Waikato-Tainui not to be frustrated by the number and regularity of negative media stories involving the leadership and governance of our social and cultural development.
Sir Robert also understood the need to invest in raising the skill sets of our people, of identifying a range of tribal members - many rangatahi - to be trained to manage and lead this new phase in our tribal development.
It is frustrating because, in reality, Waikato-Tainui has come so far. Not so many years ago we were an impoverished Iwi that lacked the resources and formal structures to support the many needs of our Marae and people.
I was fortunate to be among those identified by Sir Robert, and to be among those who came together regularly to learn, and to be inspired by our rangatira.
We were a people whose voice was ignored by the national and regional governance bodies and leaders who made the decisions that impact on the lives of our people and those in the communities we share in a myriad of ways. Our people were not involved in decision making at all. It was not just the political forums from which we were absent. Commercial companies, environmental bodies, in fact most positions within our communities involving leadership or influence were the preserve of others. However, our traditional leaders stayed strong. Tuupuna with great mana continued to fight for acknowledgement for the wrongs inflicted on our people. They refused to accept the ongoing exclusion and subjugation of our people. They held firm to the laments of our ancestors to right the wrongs. They held firm to the fight for justice, so our people could move from being second-class citizens in the new societies formed on lands where once we had complete domain. The efforts of those leaders, culminated in the settlement of our outstanding land claims in 1995. It was the strength of leaders such as Sir Robert Mahuta who had the mana and skill to navigate our people through to settlement. It was the embrace of the Kingitanga, which nurtured our people through those dark times. Sir Robert also had the foresight to identify the need to strengthen our governance and tribal democratic structures. He recognised the need to ensure we had the governance to cope with the massive pressures and expectations that come when a collective with limited resources and little money, becomes one with hundreds of millions of dollars of assets.
The demands and pressures of this new phase for the tribe, however, out-paced our ability to quickly nurture our next generation of leaders. The practical life lessons of leadership and management cannot be delivered via a classroom. A number of those identified were pushed into leadership, into key positions, before their time. It has been 16 years since Waikato-Tainui achieved settlement. We have come a long way. We now have governance structures for our affairs, and the basic tenets of rules and structures to support our ongoing development. We have a commercial company (Tainui Group Holdings) that now makes us a major economic force in this region, and which provides significant income to drive tribal development. What has lagged behind is a focus on an investment in processes to grow and nurture our future leaders, executives and managers. Little has been done formally to ensure we have leaders who are versed not only in the tikanga and kawa of Waikato-Tainui, but also have the experience in management governance and leadership, and knowledge of best governance and business practises. Leaders who also retain the humility and ethics that comes from commitment and being guided by the wishes of the people. These are not lessons that can be learned solely in a classroom, or on a Marae. These lessons are learned through a range of experiences, lessons that must be learned over time. These lessons are learned, not through being ‘ear-marked for leadership at a young age’, but from committing to striving to be the best you can, and to experiencing the highs of success and the lows of failure – and, most important of all, learning from them. Waikato-Tainui must show leadership in developing paths that will appeal to our future leaders, to have them commit to the tribe or to
| OKETOPA | guest editorial - roger pikia
The long awaited ‘Tai Tumu, Tai Pari - Journey of a People’ exhibition finally opened at Te Papa Tongarewa (Museum of New Zealand) in Wellington during a moving dawn ceremony held Saturday 3rd September at 3.00am.
AAHUATANGA - tai tumu, tai pari - journey of a people | OKETOPA |
Tai Tumu, Tai Pari exhibition has been a collaborative effort by four Tainui affiliated tribes (Hauraki, Waikato, Maniapoto and Raukawa) illustrating an epic journey and story Tainui Aotearoa’s largest tribal grouping. This exhibition will be the first time some taaonga have been on displayed since the famous Te Maaori exhibition in the 1980’s; especially with Uenuku dramatically taking the centre stage in the exhibition, which is kindly on loan from the Te Awamutu Museum for the duration of the exhibition. Te Papa staff estimated 2000 Tainui tribal members who included Kiingi Tuheitia, various iwi leaders, invited dignitaries and guests attended the opening of Tai Tumu, Tai Pari. Staff agreed this was the biggest Poowhiri they had encountered at Te Papa in recent times; with many having to work throughout the night to ensure that everything was perfect for the opening.
Inside the exhibition
Our iconic Taniwharau brass band led in Kiingi Tuheitia and the Kaahui Ariki whaanau, along with other dignitaries into Te Ara a Taane (Te Papa Marae), while the tangata whenua performed a powerful haka Poowhiri welcome. After the formal exchanging of mihi and taaonga, everyone was invited down to the main foyer for entertainment from Waikato’s own Leon Wharekura and Erena Koopu, which was followed by a dawn haakari. As daylight broke across Poneke, Kiingi Tuheitia’s Flag was raised with the Tai Tumu, Tai Pari exhibition flag to the harmonious sound of the Taniwharau brass band. Finally the masses of whaanau got the chance to wander through the exhibition interacting with the various taaonga on display. At the centre of the exhibition proudly stood Uenuku. Many whaanau sat in awe at seeing Uenuku for the first time. The humble chanting of mihi murmured gently through the exhibition as kaumaatua after kaumaatua greeted and acknowledged Uenuku.
Artist replica of Korotangi
At 9am Te Papa officially opened its doors to the general public with many visitors coming specifically to visit the long awaited Tainui Exhibition. With thousands of visitors here for the Rugby World Cup, the iconic Te Papa Museum will be a must see attraction - allowing Tainui to showcase to the World! ‘Tai Tumu, Tai Pari exhibition will run until 2014 with a free entry to all. For more exhibition information and photos please visit: www. or Waikato whanau staying at Maraeroa Marae
| OKETOPA | AAHUATANGA - tai tumu, tai pari - journey of a people
Te Ara a Taane Marae at Te Papa Tongarewa
Taniwharau Brass Band
Ancient kohatu on display
AAHUATANGA - tai tumu, tai pari - journey of a people | OKETOPA |
Six million dollars for River projects Up to $6 million dollars went up for grabs when the Waikato River Clean-Up Trust opened for funding applications on 1 October. The Waikato River Authority is the sole Trustee of the Waikato River Clean-up Trust, formed to oversee the allocation of a thirty-year restoration fund of $210 million, which was an integral part of the Crown's Waikato River settlement with Waikato-Tainui, and supported by Ngaati Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa, Raukawa, and Ngaati Maniapoto. The Authority's co-chairs, Mr Tukoroirangi Morgan and the Hon John Luxton, said the allocation of funding marks the beginning of what will be a long-term process to restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the river. Successful applicants will be notified in early February and funding will be available to enable the successful projects to begin from March next year.
Customary Fisheries Regulations come into effect Fines of up to $20,000 will be the penalty for breaking new customary fisheries regulations that came into effect last month. The tribe's Raupatu River Trust and appointed kaitiaki can now issue customary fishing authorisations for the harvesting of species such as mullet, flat fish and sharks near the river mouth, and eels, freshwater crayfish and freshwater mussels further upriver. Under the new regulations tribal members can: • Provide food for hui, tangihanga or marae functions • Undertake educational and environmental research • Restore species. Waikato-Tainui chief executive Parekawhia McLean says the regulations are a step towards a cleaner future for the polluted waterway.
| OKETOPA | river news
E ngaa manukura o tea o, nau mai
Your Serene Highness Prince Tungi of Tonga, Princess Moumoutaimi of Tonga, Ratu Tuivanuavoe of Fiji, Queen Pa Ariki of the Cook Islands, Tafaoimalo Parsons of Samoa, Taimalieutu Tamasese of Samoa, Prince Terei’ihinoiatua Cowan of Tahiti, Sir Frederick and Lady Goodwin, Queen’s Representative to the Cook Islands, The Halau Hula o Maiki of Hawai’i, Members of Parliament and Distinguished guests Teenaa koutou katoa E ngaa mana rangatira o te Motu, teenaa koutou katoa. Kua tae mai taatou ki te Tuarima o ngaa Tau Koroneihana i muri i te matenga o taku whaea o Te Arikinui Te Atairangakaahu.
Ka mihi ki aa koutou kupu mihi, ki aa koutou kupu tautoko. Kua ora taku ngaakau i too koutou aawhina i te kaupapa o te Kiingitanga, ka noho huumarie i aa koutou koorero, teenaa koutou. Kua noho au ki te whakaaro i teenei tau kua mahue nei. Kua aata whakaaro ake ki aaku koorero ki a koutou, ki a taatou, noo reira kia aroha mai. Me mihi au ki a koutou i tae mai ki teenei kaupapa whakanui i te Koroneihana, oti raa i te Kiingitanga. Koutou i pau te poo e kanikani ana, koutou i noho tahi, i kai tahi, i koorero tahi. E ngaa manuwhiri, e ngaa kaimahi, e te iwi nui tonu ka nui te hari o taku ngaakau ki te kite i a koutou, kua purena taku kapu. Ki o taatou mate tuatini o ia rohe, o ia rohe. Ka tangi raa. I hiahia au kia tae mai a Koromatua Bob Parker kia whaariki aku mihi taurangi ki a ia moo ngaa mahi nunui i ngaa ruu ki Otautahi. Heoi e Kukupa, e Mark, e te whaanau o Te Waipounamu e ora ana i tae atu ki Otautahi ki te mihi ki a koutou. Heoi, me mihi anoo ka tika. Ko te mahi a Papatuanuku e kore e taea te karo. Kia manawanui koutou, kia manawanui taatou ki te whakauu i ngaa mahi atawhai. I konei te maangai o Hapani, i wheenei hoki raatou i ngaa whiu o Ruaumoko. Aue, i te nui o ngaa parekura o te Taiao. Hei kaupapa koorero anoo maaku, ko teetehi kaupapa uaua. I haere mai eetehi o ngaa rangatira o te Motu kia marama au ki ngaa whakaaro o te Motu. Ka mihi au ki te hunga i haere mai, i koorero mai ki au ngaa kaupapa kanohi ki te kanohi. Teenaa koutou. Ehake i te mea i whanau au ki te Kiingitanga inanahi. Noo mai anoo i ooku tuupuna kee. Ko taku mahi he mirimiri i te kaupapa, he aawhina i te kaupapa, he pau kaha ki te kaupapa. I eetehi waa, ehake teenei i te maamaa, engari e rima tau ki muri nei i tau te whakaaro koinei taaku mahi. Ko eenei tau he tau akoranga mooku, he piki, he heke, he hee, he tika. Araa te whakaaro o eetehi, kua pau te kaha o te Kiingitanga. Kua eke te kaupapa ki te kotahi rau e rima tekau maa toru tau. Ko taaku, noo taatou teenei waa, aa, ka noho mai te kaupapa ki a taatou mokopuna me a raatou mokopuna. He koorero teenei i koorero ki ooku tuupuna, ki tooku whaea, aa, kei konei anoo taatou i teenei raa. Ko taku whakautu ki a koutou, Ehake i te mea ka teetehi kia tika teetehi. Me mate te Kiingitanga kia ora ko ngaa Pou Arahi Iwi? He Rangatira kei konei, he Pou Torangapuu kei konei, he Tangata Whai Rawa kei konei, he Tangata Huumarie hoki kei konei. Kia kaha koutou ki a koutou mahi. Maaku, maa taatou te kaupapa o te Kiingitanga e arahi ki oona piki me oona wero. Kia kaha ki a taatou. Ehake teenei i te tohutohu ki a koutou, maa koutou anoo e whiri mehemea ka piki ki runga i te waka, ka noho raanei ki te tahatika. Kei teenaa, kei teenaa o koutou. I tohua ahau ki te arahi i te waka nei, kia mate raa anoo ahau ka mutu. Kotahi tonu taaku ki teenei kaupapa. Kua tono ahau ki Te Tumuaki, ki a Anaru Tamihana, ko ia e haere hei taringa whakarongo, hei reo koorero ki ngaa koorero a ngaa Pou Arahi Iwi. He mahi tuku
iho teenei i oona tuupuna naa raatou te kaupapa o te Kiingitanga i manaaki i toona tiimatanga mai. E aku rangatira, he mahi taimaha hoki te Kotahitanga. Ko te Kotahitanga te whakautu ki teenei kaupapa. Noo koutou te kaupapa nei, noo taatou te kaupapa nei. Heoi anoo, he kaupapa i noho mai ki a au, ko te ture i te Awa o Waikato. I tae atu au ki te hui i mana ai te ture moo te Awa o Waikato. Naa te Kawana Tianara au i whakamaarama ki ngaa aahuatanga katoa o te mahi nei. I te mutunga i miiharo ahau ki taua mahi, i miiharo hoki i whakaae mai kia noho au ki taua mahi. Kaare i roa i muri mai, i haria mai he taitamaahine noo Turangawaewae nei ki a au. Kua oti i a ia tana tuhinga roa taakuta moo te awa o Waikato te take. Naana i kohi ngaa koorero kia pai ai te tuhi i tana tuhinga. Noo taku paanuitanga, he whakaaro i puta mai, aa, ka toko te whakaaro kia koorero ki a koutou katoa e mahi kereeme ana ki te Kaawanatanga. Mehemea kaare ko te awa, kaare i te kaha te Kaawanatanga. E koorero mai ana te Kaawanatanga he rauemi maa te Motu, he taonga naa Aotearoa katoa te awa nei. Ki a taatou, he tuupuna kee, he awa koiora kee, he mauri toona, he mana toona, he tuupuna i too ai ngaa ngaakau o te iti me te rahi. Ahakoa te rerekee o ngaa whakaaro. Ko te whainga, ko te oranga o te awa kia ora ai te iwi. I eenei marama nei kua tahuri ooku kaha katoa ki te mahi whakatika i ngaa whare tuupuna e tuu nei. Ahakoa i kii mai he waa rawa kore teenei, ko te tohu mai o Mahinarangi, ki te kore ko naaianei, kua tino kore rawa atu. Ahakoa, naa te aroha i tutuki. He mea nui ka mutu i mua i teenei Koroneihana, aa, i tutuki. Kua huri taku titiro ki a Turongo e tuu nei. Kia kaha koutou ki te titiro ki ngaa whakaahua kei teeraa taha o te marae. Ka mihi au ki ngaa taangata katoa i te werawera o te pane kia tere mutu ai ngaa mahi. Ki te hunga i tuku whakaaro mai. Ka nui te mihi o te whatu manawa. E te iwi, i teeraa marama i haere au ki Pooneke ki te tautoko i te hiikoi a Te Koohanga Reo kia moohio ai te Kaawanatanga, he mana too te reo. I muri i koorero mai ngaa puu manawa maatauranga o Ingarangi, ki te ako te tamaiti i roto i oona anoo tikanga ka ora ia i roto i te maatauranga. Tere tonu raa taku whakaaro, e hoa, kua whakamaarama koe i te kaupapa o te Koohanga Reo. Manaakitia te kaupapa o te whaangai i a taatou mokopuna ki te reo me ngaa tikanga, hei reira ka tuu ngaa mokopuna ki ngaa taumata katoa o te ao.
Hoea te waka o Whakaaro Kotahi Kaua te hoe e kumea! Kaua te hoe e hukere! Kia kotahi tonu te hoe, he tupara! Paimaarire ki a taatou katoa.
kiingi tuheitia’s koroneihana speech | OKETOPA |
The College continues to build its academic and research profile by incorporating Iwi and indigenous practises as much as possible into its programmes. The MBA is now into its sixth month and has attracted high profile guest speakers complementing the programme curriculum. Global connections have also been established with the College and the University of Waikato hosting visitors from China. Building its profile in and amongst the community has also been a priority for the College and the Koroneihana celebrations provided an ideal opportunity to create awareness. In the area of research, the College has entered into a 5-year oral health project that will have tangible benefits for the tribe and the wider community. MBA INNOVATION AWARD: In August, the College and the University of Waikato entered the MBA programme for an international innovation award. We have been named one of four international finalists for the Award, which recognises the cultural infusion that we are incorporating into the programme. The other three finalists include:
Above Photo: Judge Craig Coxhead (Ngaati Makino, Ngaati Pikiao, Ngaati Awa and Ngaati Maru)
• The Lisbon MBA Programme in Portugal, (A collaboration between Nova SBE & Catolica-Lisbon SBE); • Entrepreneurship Accelerator and Social Entrepreneurship Catalyst (INSEAD) in Asia/Europe; and • International MBA and Executive MBA in the Netherlands (Nyenrode Business Universiteit). As Te Hookioi went to print, news came through the College had won! Mean! We will go into more detail in the Christmas edition.
Above Photo: MIchelle Hippolite
| OKETOPA | college update
GUEST SPEAKER MICHELLE HIPPOLITE & JUDGE CRAIG COXHEAD Over the past months, our MBA participants were treated to a guest lecture by two prominent individuals. Michelle Hippolite, (Kaihautuu for Te Papa Tongarewa) delivered her presentation in July. Raised in the Waikato, Michelle is of Ngaati Pou and Rongowhakaata descent. MBA participant, Yvonne Hawke described Michelle’s presentation as “inspirational” as she was able to touch on the topic at hand providing key guidelines and tips to our class when working in High Performance Teams.
Above Photo: Sun Yat-Sen visit the college.
In September, Judge Craig Coxhead of Ngaati Makino, Ngaati Pikiao, Ngaati Awa and Ngaati Maru descent, delivered what was described as a truly thought provoking and cryptic outline on the trials and tribulations of Maaori in the area of Law. Currently a Judge for the Maaori Land Court, his skills as a previous Law lecturer at the University of Waikato came in handy as the audience were captivated by his presentation. Guest speakers still to present on the programme include Traci Houpapa (Chair FOMA – Federation of Maaori Authorities), Mark Solomon (Chair, Ngaai Tahu) and Hinerangi Raumati (CFO for Te Waananga o Aotearoa). SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY: In early August, the College alongside the Corporate and Executive Education Department of the University of Waikato, hosted a delegation of Executive MBA Alumni from Sun Yat-Sen University in China. Rahui Papa provided a compelling presentation about Waikato-Tainui and the College followed by an address from Dr Ed Weymes on the differences between Eastern and Western thinking and possible opportunities for business. The visiting group was particularly interested in the model being adopted at the College to incorporate cultural values into the MBA programme. We look forward to future international engagements as we continue to grow our academic programme. MBA 2012 ENROLMENTS: Applications are currently open to enrol in our MBA programme for 2012. To obtain an application form and the MBA brochure, contact our Programme Coordinator, Natalie Lulia on (07) 824 5430 or via email
2011 KORONEIHANA: The Koroneihana celebration this year attracted enormous crowds of people to Tuurangawaewae Marae and we were privileged to promote the College during the event in the Health, Sports & Education expo tent on Paterson Park. We promoted our programmes alongside our colleagues from the Waikato Raupatu Lands Trust and the Waikato Raupatu River Trust. We were humbled by the positive feedback and interest we received from the many people who came to visit our site. HRC RESEARCH PROJECT: The College is part of a five year research project with the University of Otago and Raukura Hauora o Tainui. The project, Te Mana o te Whaanau, is focused on understanding and addressing oral health concerns in the Waikato rohe. The project involves working with ngaa maamaa and their peepi to understand and share knowledge of oral hygiene. We are excited by the opportunity to deliver tangible benefits from the project for our whaanau. The project has an international focus, which is also being undertaken in Australia and Canada. Shortly, Raukura Hauora o Tainui will be recruiting maamaa who are hapuu to participate in the project. If you are an expectant Mum and interested in this project, please contact us here at the College or Rangi Cooper-Te Koi at Raukura Hauora o Tainui. REGISTRATION OF INTEREST: If you would like to become a member of our alumni or are interested in research opportunities that might arise through the College, please contact us at the College to register your interest.
college update | OKETOPA |
A Poowhiri presided over by Marae and Police kaumaatua Koroneihana Cooper JP QSM at Kaitumutumu Marae was an occasion to celebrate an improving relationship with the Police. Sharing the paepae at Kaitumutumu with Koroneihana Cooper were Marae kuia and kaumaatua and senior Police officers from across the region. Facing them, and filling the wharenui to overflowing, were Destry Murphy (Ngaati Maniapoto, Raakaunui Marae), his supporting whaanau and friends, and four probationary Police constables who recently graduated from Wing 267 of the Royal NZ Police College in Porirua. For Destry Murphy, from Taiohi Toa - Youth at Risk – being able to whakapapa back to the people he lives and works with is a key element in addressing crime. He stressed the importance of strengthening partnerships with Waikato-Tainui and working with local people on local solutions to issues. As Kaitakawaenga for Te Kauwhata, Huntly, Taupiri, Ngaaruawaahia and Raglan, Destry Murphy continues the work he was doing in Kirikiriroa, developing programmes that aim to reconnect young Maaori with their culture and support bases. As a non-sworn officer Destry can use his skills to work with at-risk youth and go places where a Police uniform may be seen as threatening. But he can call on Police resources when necessary. The Poowhiri also included the presentation of pounamu taonga to four ‘probationary Constables, three of whom are based in Huntly and one in Morrinsville. Photo: Destry Murphy with his whanau and supporters at Kaitumutumu Marae
| OKETOPA | poowhiri for police
Ayla Adlam has always studied. Whether working part-time or full-time this well-spoken, quietly determined rangatahi (Te Tokanganuianoho Marae) has always believed in continuing education to improve and broaden her range of skills. It was while she was working part-time that she became aware that Accor were looking for candidates to fill a vacancy. “I didn’t think that I would be qualified enough but went along to the interview and... here i am!” Now six months into the job she’s still studying part-time and relishing the responsibility of running the front desk on her own. “Not that there haven’t been one of two little hiccups along the way,” she laughs. “One of the Hotel’s regular customers came in one day and I checked him into his room, as per
"Zion Hill" stands for a Utopian place of unity, peace and freedom; a safe spiritual homeland, which also perfectly describes Kapamahanga, where we met with the group’s bassist, Damian Hepi-Te Huia (Mangatoatoa Marae, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Tuwharetoa) overlooking his beloved Whaingaroa. usual. But I must have had a ‘dyslexic moment’ or something because shortly after I had programmed his room card and handed it to him he was back, saying there appeared to be someone in his room! “Thankfully he was very understanding and now, when I’m on duty, and he comes in we always share a joke about whether I’m sure it’s really his room!” “It’s the kanohi-te-kanohi contact I love the most, and my colleagues are a great team to work with.”
Formed in 2007, Zion Hill have blended rock, soul, blues, roots reggae and, yep, drum and bass influences into a unique and powerful sound that is distinctly their own. The favourite sons of Kaawhia have become a fixture on the local and national music stage. The release of their EP ‘Roots, Rock, Raglan’ last new year’s eve was a milestone as was playing at events like 2010’s Tribal Pride, the 2011 Rangatahi Summit, Pa Wars, the Hamilton Garden Festival and Radio Tainui’s 21st celebrations. The band also keep up a hectic live schedule.
In the short-term Ayla’s aiming to do some more study and be the best she can in her job. And in the longer term?
The quietly spoken Hepi-Te Huia has a ‘day job’, working as a District Maaori Adviser for the Ministry of Education, and is clearly passionate about his music, and Zion Hill.
“Well, airline staff use the Hotel on their stopovers and I’ve got to know a few of the flight attendants who tell some amazing stories of the places they’ve been. I’ve never even been on a plane yet, so I think eventually I’d like to join them...
“We’re really enjoying our music at the moment. The band is humming and we’re pleased with how the new album is sounding. We’ve put heart and soul and just about everything else into it, so now we need our fans to go out and buy it!
Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui inc and Accor Hotel Management have formed a partnership to provide WaikatoTainui tribal members with opportunities to enter the tourism and hospitality industries.
The single ‘Can you feel it?’ was recently included in a Japanese-produced compilation called Pacific Roots. The self-titled debut album is out now.
But remember, we can only help tribal members who are registered and whose contact details are up to date. To download a registration form go to registration To update your contact details phone Teeny Tukere on 0800 Tainui ext.7622
Follow the band on Facebook at ZionHillNZ . PHOTO: (from L to R) Shailah Rudolph (Ohaki Marae, Te Aupouri), Gavin Dempsey (Raakaunui Marae, Ngati Ngutu, Ngati Maniapoto) Ardre Foote (Tirotiro Whetu Marae, Ngaa Rauru, Te Whakakohi),Damian Hepi-Te Huia (Mangatoatoa Marae, Ngaati Maniapoto, Ngaati Tuwharetoa) (Jesse Bates, drummer, AWOL)
zion hill | OKETOPA |
The King’s Grand Ball was a glittering affair attended by around 500 VIPs, including royalty and dignitaries from all over the Pacific and New Zealand. Kimiora simply sparkled, and guests were entertained by the Royal NZ Navy Band, Tina Cross and the Paki Quartet. Tahiti, Tonga and Fiji were represented. There were ambassadors, commissioners, business leaders, religious leaders, academics and tribal leaders. The dresses were spectacular, the women were beautiful, and the gentlemen were dashing. It was a truly fitting celebration of the 5th Anniversary of Kiingi Tuheitia’s coronation. We pay tribute to the kaimahi and the dozens of people who toiled away behind the scenes to make this event such an incredible night to remember... We have chosen a variety of photos from the Inaugural King’s Grand Ball for your enjoyment. Photos available from the Kings Office.
Koroneihana Ball - Photos supplied by the Office of the Maaori King
The fifth anniversary of the passing of ‘The Lady’, Dame Te Ataarangikaahu and the coronation of Kiingi Tuheitia was a time to celebrate the Kiingitanga, and kotahitanga. People of all ages and all races from all around the motu, and overseas, descended on Tuurangawaewae over the five days of celebrations to pay their respects and share in the aroha of the occasion....
The inaugural Sir Robert Mahuta Foundation Oxford Scholarship was awarded to Bobby Brooks (Te Tokanganui-o-noho, Ngaati Rora, Ngaati Paretekawa,) at a dinner hosted at the College for Research and Development in September.
Caption: Hon. Nanaia Mahuta (trustee), Heeni Katipa (trustee), Bobby Brooks and Tipa Mahuta (trustee)
| OKETOPA | sir robert mahuta foundation trust
Trustees Nanaia and Tipa Mahuta wanted a scholarship that recognised academic excellence by supporting gifted Waikato-Tainui students wanting to attend Oxford University. “This was the very University that had a transformative effect on our father and his pursuit of higher learning,” said Nanaia Mahuta. “In awarding this scholarship we wanted to memorialise a belief deeply held by our father – ‘that the tribe needed to carry their wealth between their ears’! We believe that Bobby will be a worthy recipient of this scholarship and will forge a way for other students who want to follow that path” said Tipa Mahuta. Mr Brooks will study synthetic organic chemistry and hopes that his PhD research will contribute to the advancement of diabetes and cancer treatment. “The Foundation immediately saw the potential of this research for Waikato-Tainui and Maaori, so we decided to back him” said Nanaia Mahuta. Bobby Brooks turned a passion for dinosaurs, astronomy and the natural world into a stellar University career, beginning his studies at the age of just 13. By age 20 he had graduated with a Masters in Science. His academic career has been supported via multiple education grants from Waikato-Tainui. Since graduating, Bobby has worked for a number of organisations and intends to continue an association with the Foundation and the College for Research and Development through presenting seminars, mentoring and inspiring other young Maaori to pursue careers in the sciences.
Top Photo: George Moanaroa, with proud mum, Rangi, and sister, Violet.
When George Moanaroa (Ngaati Tahinga, Oraeroa Marae) received a call from Waikato-Tainui’s Tribal Development Unit asking whether he was interested in attending a seminar to find out about the employment opportunities going at the new Tainui Novotel Auckland Airport Hotel he didn’t give himself much of a chance – but he went along anyway. “At that first seminar there were around 100 people,” recalled George. “At the next one, in Auckland there were a lot less, and by the start of the pre-assessment course there were just 15-20 of us.” George was so keen to get into the Hotel he moved to Auckland and, at the conclusion of three weeks intensive training, he graduated with a Level 3 National Certificate in Hospitality, much to the delight of his mother, Rangi, who says ‘hospo’ is in his blood. “He grew up serving as a ‘tea-boy’ at the Koroneihana celebrations... He has made his family very proud with what he has achieved.” “It’s an integral part of our culture, to extend hospitality and now I get to welcome people to our hotel restaurant, and get paid for it,” said George. He has always set himself goals and worked to achieve them. “In five years time I hope to be running the restaurant. I believe in believing in yourself, developing a strong sense of self-worth, drawing strength from your Whaanau and being culturally strong.”
hospitality in george moanaroas blood | OKETOPA |
Radio Tainui welcomes our latest presenter to the airwaves, Lisa Reedy joins Patara Berryman 7am to 10am weekdays on the BIG Breakfast. Originally from Ngati Porou, Lisa grew up in Christchurch and had graced the airwaves of Tahu FM for the past 20 years. “I love waking up real early every weekday morning just to make you laugh, it sounds crazy, but i really love doing the breakfast show”. Let Patara and Lisa Kickstart your day with their unique blend of fun ‘n’ banter, plus the newest urban mix of music and plenty of opportunities to win meke prizes.
You listen to him on the radio every weekday morning so here’s a little more information about the fulla known as “Rartz”
Patara Berryman
(Waikato, Ngaati Whaawhakia, Tuwharetoa, Ngaati Hikairo) Where did you grow up: Born and raised on the west side of the 828, Rahui Pokeka ( Huntly )
How long have you worked at Radio Tainui: I started back in 97 as a rangatahi host before pursuing other work , i have been back for a year now, loud and proud . What are some of your past jobs: I was a presenter on a TV2 rangatahi show called Mai Time for five years before acting as Maru on Korero Mai . I have featured on many programes since and more recently acting on the television feature Nights in the Garden of Spain. Favourite Kai: Pork Bones and puha with huge motumotu and Watties sauce , oh , and freshly baked Maori bread with real butter . And all kai moana Favourite music or artists: RnB , Hip Hop ,
Reggae , Rock , I luv it all – especially Aotearoa music. Favourite Saying: West Favourite holiday spot: As long as it’s by the beach I’m a happy man Do you have any hobbies: I do everything and anything that comes my way. I luv to keep active. I can’t sit still for too long , unless of course its household chores then I’m useless, lol Any final words of wisdom: Whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata Whakamaua te pae tata kia Tina !!! Hii Haa !!!
Lisa Reedy (Ngati Porou, Te Whanau o Uepohatu)
Large and small screen history New Zealand Onscreen – – is a treasure trove of New Zealand large and small screen history. Typing ‘Waikato’ into the search box turned up some beautiful documentaries including ‘People of the Waikato’ a short film made in 1956, featuring the hurdle races that used to be such an exciting part of the Ngaaruawaahia Regatta (since renamed the Tuurangawaewae Regatta). Tangata Whenua – Waikato is also compelling viewing and is one part of a six part documentary on selected Iwi, written, produced and narrated by the late, great historian Michael King. The classic TV series, The Governor, is also available to download.
Nickname: Lis, Angel, Diva, Amazing One etc.. I usually tell people to stop it, just call me Lis but i’ll just have to put up with it! LOL Where did you grow up: Otautahi (Christchurch) How long have you worked at Radio Tainui: I’m the new ‘kid’ at he station, even though I’ve been in Iwi and commercial radio for 20 years(amazing because i’m only 21!) What are some of your past jobs: I’ve been a counsellor, youth worker and a firefighter..ok maybe not the firefighter, i just said that to sound dangerous and cool! Favourite Kai: Hangi, Dad’s roast or mum’s boilup. Favourite music or artists: I listen to anything and everything. Basically anything that i like, i’ll listen to it, i don’t have a specific genre. Favourite Saying: Only in the darkness can you see the stars. Favourite holiday spot: Hamner Springs. Do you have any hobbies: Painting, watching movies(no chick flicks please!) practicing my ninja skills. Any final words of wisdom: If life gives you lemons, squirt them in people’s eyes.
Aunty’s Garden promotes Maaori enterprise Aunty’s Garden – is an initiative jointly funded by Ngaati Kahungungu and TPK. The website aims to link Maaori producers with customers. Typing ‘Waikato’ into the search box reveals a diverse number of Waikato businesses providing a range of products and services, from organic food to river tours; from where to buy hangi kai to paa harakeke and cultural experiences.
Maaori maps provides portal to Marae Still in development, the creators of www. aim to provides a nationwide map of Marae, with photos of each Marae, contact and background information, and photographs. To date the site contains information for Marae in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) and Taamaki (Auckland) regions. Work is continuing towards adding all of Aotearoa’s more than 800 ancestral marae by the year 2013. websites we like | OKETOPA |
On the west coast of te Ika a Maui, on a peninsular between Whaingaroa and Kaawhia harbours, Mootakotako Marae looks out over the majestic Aotea harbour keeping alive the traditions of old and preparing its uri for the future. Our Marae has made leaps and bounds in the researching of traditional information and playing an effective role in environmental management. In early 2000 the Trustees initiated research around koorero tuku iho, hapuu, waahi tapu, ancestors and the traditional boundaries of Mootakotako. A book is now available for whaanau that includes information from Native Land Court minutes and other resources. This work was important to outline who we are, where we connect and sets the foundations to move into the future as a Whaanau, while treasuring our past. This work continues today as we continue the mahi on our outstanding claim for Aotea moana and lands that were taken as a result of Govt policies and laws.
| OKETOPA | marae panui - Mootakotako
Trustees and our Marae Committee have worked hard over the past 11 years to develop a strategic plan for our Marae. We’ve put together an Environmental Management Plan to better exercise our mana whenua and mana moana over our ancestral lands, which was needed during times where tangata whenua were continually being left out of decision making processes. The development of the Mootakotako Environmental Management Plan has seen the Marae play an active role in resource consents within our rohe – in a very similar way to the co-management and co-governance arrangements that were negotiated as part of the River Settlement. Our Marae Environmental team has also progressed work with the Geographical Board to give back ancestral names to paths, roads and natural landscapes. Bridal Veil Falls is a great example where Mootakotako has forged a relationship with the Department of Conservation to provide access to our waahi tapu. A number of pou along the
Photo: Mootakotako whanau
Photo: Mootakotako Tupuna Whare (Te Ohaaki a Mahuta) Tekoteko – Taahauariki.
track educate manuhiri about the significance of the site and the native flora and fauna that can be found there. We have also seen the name of the falls changed back to the original name, Waireinga. Tahi-o-hurae Te Ao Marama Rangiawha, employed as a Waikato River Claim advisor and tribal environmental officer for the past four years, has been a great help in championing the aspirations of our Marae while working towards the broader aims of the Iwi. Tahi has previously served as our Marae Chairman, been a past member of Te Kauhanganui, and also assists in Aotea moana Kaitiaki training.
Tahi represents the new breed of educated, motivated and passionate rangatahi, beautifully fluent in te reo and steeped in Tainuitanga and the Kiingitanga. Mauriora! Photo: Mootakotako whanau
marae panui - MOOTAKOTAKO | OKETOPA |
Nominations opened on 21 September for candidates for WaikatoTainui’s tribal Parliament, Te Kauhanganui. All Marae should have received their election packs by now. All registered tribal members 18 and over are eligible to vote for their Marae candidates and should have received a paanui explaining the election process. Marae can elect their Te Kauhanganui candidates in one of two ways: 1. Postal ballot
2. Hui aa Marae
Elections must be held by 25 November 2011, which Marae candidates for Te Arataura must have nominations in by 25 November 2011. November 25 is also the closing date for Marae who intend to put up one of their members as a candidate for Te Arataura to get nominations form in. Te Arataura candidates must supply a candidate profile and fill out a disclosure form, which will be vetted by the NZ Police.
GUEST EDITORIAL CONTINUES FROM PAGE 8 bring them back, to be our workers, our managers, our governors. They must come back because they see opportunity for our people, and not a short cut to a higher paying job. We must wrap real skills around them, and have those in current leadership be prepared to stand up and provide appropriate role modelling and mentoring for the next round of leaders. It is also time for a review and refinement of our rules and structures. This must be done in a way where politics and pettiness are not allowed to interfere with a process that is crucial to helping ensure we begin to accelerate our journey to achieving our potential as a people. I urge those who have been entrusted with the mantle of leadership to embrace those things that unify us as a people, and to be guided by decisions that understand the many real needs of our people. To be guided by the untapped potential and opportunity of our many tamariiki, our mokopuna, and be guided by what is best for them – not individuals! We are a people who have come far. There is much to celebrate. There is much still to do. I urge those in positions to make a real difference, to put down the Patu, and take up the Ko. To begin the urgent process of preparing our fields for the seeds of progress and growth, and to provide an environment that ensures we are flush with options for leadership as we as an Iwi continue to grow.
| OKETOPA | te kauhanganui elections
Anyone following the fortunes of the Ngaaruawaahia Panthers (our congratulations to Panthers’ coach Richard Waiwai and the team for winning the local grand final in their centenary year), and listeners of Radio Tainui will already know Heremaia Samson (Ngaati Tamainupo/Te Aupouri/Te Rarawa, Waingaro Marae). For the rest of you fullas though, here is a bit of a korero about the man known to many as ‘Meeks’. Working out of an office in the Waikato-Tainui’s administrative headquarters at Hopuhopu, this talented sportsman, popular radio host and fluent speaker of te reo Maaori is responsible for delivering a range of activities under SPARC’s He Oranga Poutama programme.
“I think the relationship between Sport Waikato and Waikato-Tainui provides the best of the both worlds - Sport Waikato provides the resources and capacity to carry out the mahi, and being based in the Waikato-Tainui administration building enables me to work directly and seamlessly with the tribe. The aim of the programme is to “increase the participation and leadership of Maaori in sport and traditional physical activity at the community level”. He Oranga Poutama has three key outcomes: 1. Kaiwhakahaere participating as leaders in their community 2. Increased opportunities to participate in sport and traditional physical recreation 3. Development / Revitalisation of sport and traditional physical recreation Heremaia says that all programmes, projects, workshops, events and initiatives will cover one or more of the key outcomes and most, if not all the mahi, is in collaboration with other groups, organisations and/or key stakeholders.
“The mahi involves everything from administration, coordination, facilitation, implementation and evaluation, but the really important thing for Waikato-Tainui is that I see these aligning with our own Whakatupuranga 2050 health and leadership outcomes.”
Heremaia lists his family as the number one thing in his life – he has four tamariiki and an “awesome partner” – and a clear sense of what he is working towards: “My dream is that Waikato-Tainui are the leaders for Sport, Recreation and Health and the example that the rest of the world wants to follow.” But he reckons the real satisfaction from his job comes from things like the four generations of whaanau who paddled in the same waka ama on the Waikato River recently.
“The 80+ year old kuia and her mokopuna who participated in the hiikoi at the last Waikato-Tainui games were pretty awesome too and so was hearing about the two secondary school students who would not participate in PE until they were introduced to Ki-o-Rahi – their teacher couldn’t believe it!” His life philosophy and the advice he gives his own children is simple and direct: • Love your family always – aroha • Always be proud of who you are and where you’re from – whakapapa • Respect and care for others – manaaki • Strive to be the best “you” possible – Whaia te Iti Kahurangi…
Heremaia is a key member of the team organising the Tainui Games – one of the biggest, and certainly one of the most popular events in the Waikato-Tainui calendar. The Games are to be held on the 18th and 19th of February. Ki-o-rahi, a traditional game with a global following will be one of the ‘new’ sports next year. (We’ll explain the story behind Ki-o-rahi in the next issue of Te Hookioi) Photo: Heremaia Samson at Hopuhopu Sports Park
heremaia samson | OKETOPA |
Photo caption: Marae Tukere at work.
When Marae Tukere (Tuurangawaewae Marae, Ngaati Mahuta) left the Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc Tribal Development Unit that she helped to establish five years ago it was with a mixture of sadness tinged with excitement. Sadness, that she was leaving behind a close-knit team of staff who are responsible for, among other things, the tribal register, Marae development and training, and a comprehensive system of maatauranga, education and kaumaatua grants. The excitement came from the fact that she was headed to a senior position within Waikato District Council. “I’m very proud of what the team achieved in those five years,” said Marae. “We were very mindful of the aims of Whakatupuranga 2050 and our role in helping to deliver the outcomes identified in that strategy. “I think of the programme of Marae seminars that we developed, including Health and Safety for Marae, the Maatauranga resources developed by Haereata Poutapu, the streamlining of the grants processing managed by Jackie Haggie, and the work done on the tribal register that Moera and Teeny look after as particular highlights – as was helping to develop projects like White Ribbon Day and working with the River Team and MSD and Mighty River Power to get our tribal members into jobs and training.” Marae’s formal job title at the Waikato District Council is Pouhono Iwi ki te Haapori (Iwi & Community Partnership Manager). “It’s a bit of a mouthful,” she laughs, but what it really means is that a key part of my role is to bring a Maaori perspective to the work of Council and to assist my colleagues in their interactions with the tribe.
| OKETOPA | marae tukere goes to council
“That includes everything from educating staff about correct pronunciation to identifying the appropriate groups that the Council should be consulting with, to giving advice on particular issues of significance. “One of the major focuses of my role is the implementation of the Joint Management Agreement with Waikato-Tainui. It’s a priority – embedding the relationship principles into the way Council operates, and finalising the seven schedules that specify the areas of co-management and opportunity. “Maaori are not great supporters of, or even all that knowledgeable about, what their Council does, but I want to help change that. No matter where I work though, I will always be Waikato-Tainui!” Ultimately, if there are more of us participating not just in the decision making, but in the delivery of services, then we’ll end up being better served overall. Marae’s ‘free time’ is divided between her Whaanau, her Marae, politics and sports. Her favourite past time is watching her 7 year old, Rihaere, play league for Turangawaewae. When not doing that, she is Assistant Secretary of the Tuurangawaewae Marae Committee, Secretary of the Tuurangawaewae Rugby League Sports and Cultural Club, a Ruunanga Member at Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga, and a first-term member of the Ngaaruawaahia Community Board. And following Tuurangawaewae Marae elections, Marae can now add Rangatahi Representative to Te Kauhanganui to her impressive CV.
When the Waikato-Tainui / Mighty River Power partnership was formalised back in 2003, Thomas Shilton (Whaatapaka Marae, Ngaati Tamaoho) was still harbouring dreams of becoming an All Black. However, despite going on to play in the mighty Mt Albert Grammar 1st XV, when his scholarship physics classes ended up clashing with rugby practice, the equally mighty ex-All Black winger Bryan “BeeGee” Williams, MAG’s coach, gave him some hard advice: Put your studies first. These days he’s studying Process Engineering at Auckland University and has just been awarded the Waikato-Tainui/ Mighty River Power Scholarship for achieving standout marks last year. Thomas and his Whaanau were hosted at a reception held at the offices of Mighty River Power. He has focused his studies on chemical engineering and carbon credit technology.
• Promote the health and well-being of the Tuupuna Awa • Promote the mana whakahaere of Waikato-Tainui over the River • Support the tribal development of Waikato-Tainui
Don Scarlet, Key Relationships Manager at Mighty River Power said that he viewed the scholarship as a case of ‘walking the walk’.
• Building of 20 waka ama • Waikato Tainui Festival • Tuurangawaewae Regatta • Engineering Scholarship • Rahui Pokeka Games • Te Tira Hoe • Waikato-Tainui at Waitangi • Native nursery establishment • Rangatahi Summit • Tainui Waka Kapa Haka Festival
“This partnership is responsible for many other activities but the scholarship is a tangible expression of our partnership with Waikato-Tainui and the River. We want Thomas to be an ambassador for the opportunities that can be unlocked through individual effort in education within Waikato-Tainui.” The scholarship is open to any Waikato-Tainui tribal members currently engaged in study at a University. Applications open on 1st October and close on 1st December 2011 The Waikato-Tainui/Mighty River Power Partnership has been working together over the last 10 years to:
Some of the ways the Waikato Tainui/Mighty River Power partnership have been achieving this is through supporting:
Parekawhia McLean, CEO of Waikato- Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc was appointed to the board of directors of Mighty River Power in 2010.
Photo (L to R): Don Scarlett - Key Relationships Manager, Maxine Moana - Te Arataura Member, Thomas Shilton, Cathy Tarrant - Mighty River Power Communications Manager and Bruce Waters - Regulatory Affairs Manager.
thomas shilton scholarship recipient | OKETOPA |
At this year’s Koroneihana celebrations the Claims & Environment Unit manned a very popular stall in the Expo tent. The objective was to promote the work of the Unit, in particular the development of the Iwi Environmental Management Plan and encourage people to think about what the River meant to them. But it wasn’t all about distributing pamphlets and korero. There were excellent prizes up for grabs too. Congratulations to 8 year old Nyan Kaponga who won the major prize pack. (Ngatira Marae/ Kaitumutumu Marae ) Other winners were: Torjie Wirepakio – Pohatuiri Marae Aotea Apiti – Okapu Marae Joeline – Rakaunui Marae Sireena Kani – Omaeroa Marae Daesghian Thompson – Marokopa Marae For further information and a progress update on the Environmental Management Plan please visit or contact Jackie Colliar on 07 858 0404 or email on Photo: Kaponga Whanau win major prize pack during the 2011 Koroneihana.
Have you moved house? Or maybe you’re moving out of home and want your own copy of Te Hookioi? Let us know your new address and we’ll make sure you get your copy of Te Hookioi with no hassles and no fuss. Simply fill out the form below, return it back to us and we’ll update our database with your new details. Name.................................................................................................................................................................................... Old address.......................................................................................................................................................................... New address......................................................................................................................................................................... Preferred telephone contact number (in case we need to contact you)............................................................................... Email address (for confirmation of new details).................................................................................................................... I want a hard copy of Te Hookioi sent to the address above...........................................................................................[ ] I want to save trees so send my copy of copy of Te Hookioi via email as a PDF............................................................[ ] I confirm that I am a registered member of Waikato-Tainui. (If you are not registered and still want a copy of Te Hookioi go to download and fill out the forms and send them back to us. Once your details have been checked and confirmed you will automatically be added to our mailing list. Terms & conditions: You must be a registered member of Waikato-Tainui to receive Te Hookioi. This form can only be used to update your own contact details. You cannot use it to update information for any other person. Privacy statement: Your contact details will be kept on our tribal register and will only be used for the purposes for which the information was collected (as set out in the Policy for Use of and Access to Information in the Tribal Register). By sending in this form you consent to Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc updating our tribal register. Fax or post the forms to: Tribal Register, Tribal Development Unit, Private Bag 542, Ngaaruawaahia 3742
| OKETOPA | get your copy of te hookioi
Around 70 teams and 1000 competitors came together for the Koroneihana sports tournament with hundreds of supporters urging their teams on to greater efforts. In what turned out to be great weather the competitions were hard-fought and a great spectacle for young and old. Heremaia Samson of Sports Waikato said while overall numbers were down slightly on last year, compared with numbers from five years ago, the numbers were still trending upwards and were very pleasing. Waka ama was a new addition to the Koroneihana Sports programme this year and attracted huge interest. It was good to see Marae and Whaanau teams continuing to support the kaupapa and get involved. Our congratulations go to all those who took part – and the many volunteers and Whaanau who helped create such a fantastic three days of competition. RUGBY LEAGUE Aotearoa Maori Residents (winners) NZ Universities (runners up) Te Kawau Maaro o Maniapoto (winners) Taranaki Sports Academy (runners up) Tumate Mahuta Cup Te Puaha o Waikato (winners) Te Roopu Riiki o Te Rohe Potae (runners up) Tonga Mahuta Shield Tamaki Makaurau (winners) Waikato Maori (runners up) RUGBY Hiranga Trophy Tainui Waka Rugby (winners) Counties Maori (runners up) Te Hiku o Te Ika a Maui Shield Waiuku Maori Sport (winners) Tokomauri (runners up) Koroneihana Shield Raungaiti (winners) Tokomauri (runners up)
NETBALL PREMIERS Pukeiahua (winners) Waharoa United (runners up) A Grade Taharoa TRANC (winners) Ngaati Maahanga (runners up) B Grade Boom (winners) Puutake Blue (runners up)
Waka Ama W2 Novice/Junior 6km Winner: Justice Harrison/Ben Howie W1 Novice Women 6km Winner: Virginia Comer W1 Junior Men 6km Winner: Rhei Pare W1 Junior Women 6km Winner: Storme Pare
Mixed Nga Purapura (winners) Nga Hau e Wha (runners up) Uniform Puutake Blue (winners) Indoor Bowls Makaurau Marae (winners) Turangawaewae Papakainga (runners up)
W1 Women 12km Winner: Rachel Kingi W2 Women/Mixed 12km Winerr: Vonnie Soutar/Helen Heta W1 Men 16km Winner: Tonga White W2 Men 16km Winner: Marty Tapu & Iritana Eparaima Top Whanau Award Pare Whanau Cook Island Ourrigger Club
Uniform Horahora Marae (winners)
Te Aa Pokaia Cup Te Puaha o Waikato (winners) Te Iti o Haua (runners up)
TOUCH Championship Waiwhakata (winners) Tupaea Whanau (runners up)
Rugby B’s Raungaiti B (winners) Ngaati Mahanga (runner up)
IMPORTANT NOTE (sporting results have been condensed - see full results on
Top Club Award Te Arawa Paddlers
koroneihana sport results | OKETOPA |
Tui Kaa (Ngaati Kahungungu ki Tamaki Nui a Rua, Ngaati Tahinga) is not someone who enjoys talking about herself. At all. Luckily, her 16 years with MSD, most lately as an Industry Partnership Advisor working primarily in the field of recruitment and training, speaks for itself. Her six month secondment with the Tribal Development Unit will enable the tribe to more actively and effectively target Waikato-Tainui tribal members with employment and training opportunities.
“I’m passionate about the health and wellbeing of our people” says Tui. “Employment and training are key ingredients to supporting better outcomes for our people.” There will be job opportunities presented through the negotiation of various Accords by the Claims & Environment Group. There will be job opportunities that will come out of Tainui Group Holding’s massive infrastructure investment planned for Ruakura.
“A key priority of the employment and training will be to leverage tribal members into training programmes developed in partnership with key stakeholders and industries to ensure our tribal members are best placed to step into those jobs when they are created,” said Michelle Nathan, Group Manager, Tribal Development. Discuss the programme with Raukura Hauora o Tainui or Te Hauora o Ngati Haua. There are some ‘quick runs’ to be had in liaising with current employers to find out what their current and future needs are and then working to put our tribal members into those jobs. Parekawhia McLean, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc CEO said: “With the development of an employment and training strategy having been a key focus for the tribe there appears to be genuine political will to work with Iwi in the delivery of social outcomes.” “Tui will be a tremendous asset in helping us move this kaupapa forward.” Tui’s contact details are Ph 07 824 8689 ext 7716 or text 029 200 6215.
Michelle Nathan Michelle Nathan has been appointed to the position of GROUP MANAGER, TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT brings with her a wealth of knowledge of the health and social services sector and extensive management, policy and operational experience. She has played a leading role in the implementation of several strategic health initiatives and brings with her good interpersonal skills, which will be beneficial to her team. Michelle is also studying for an MBA at the College for Research & Development.
| OKETOPA | for your kete
PHOTO: Tui Kaa (Ngaati Kahungungu ki Tamaki Nui a Rua, Ngati Tahinga)
noema |
ngaatira pooukai 05
te awamaarahi poukai 24
waikare pooukai 03 reretewhoi poukai 11 Wkktin office closes for 2011 16
PHOTO: Tai Morgan (Te Kauri, Waahi Paa, Ngaati Whawhakia)
At just 16, Tai Morgan (Te Kauri, Waahi Paa, Ngaati Whawhakia) has accomplished what many of us can only dream about: playing in bands, friends with super-cool musos... The young rangatahi, who attends Te Wharekura O Rakaumangamanga, is a talented drummer who has anchored the rhythm section in a number of Waikato bands including Code 7, Irie Heights, Koast2Koast and Spirits. The fact is, Tai has impressed some pretty impressive people with his talent and ambition. He has played gigs with 1814, Sons of Zion and the awesome, Australiabased Paua, and counts the guys from Katchafire among his friends. He’s also made his dad, Stan Morgan – a pretty accomplished musician in his own right – a very proud father!
The famous biannual games will be hosted again in 2012. More details and programme will be available in the Chirstmas Te Hookioi Edition due out in December, with all registration packs will be sent to your Marae Committee. 21 & 22 JanUARY 2012 Surfing, at Manu Bay, Raglan 5 FebRUARY 2012 Indoor Bowls, Waka Ama, Tennis and Ki-o-Rahi, at Tuurangawaewae Marae and Patterson Park 18 & 19 FebRUARY 2012 Hiikoi, Basketball, Volleyball, Netball, Touch, Inclusive Games, Powerpulling, Table Tennis, Chess and Tamariki Activities, at Hopuhopu Sports Park (451 Old Taupiri Road). All Marae Coordinators must contact Pania Paekau by 9 November 2011 Freephone - 0800 TAINUI (824 684) Email -
maramataka | OKETOPA |