3 minute read
Training / Professional Development / Courses
Anxiety and Depression in Youth
Date: Tuesday 20 July 2021, 9:00am - 12:00pm Facilitator: Kathryn Eilken|Cost: $99 per person Anxiety and depression are two common conditions affecting adolescents. In this workshop we will consider the complex interplay of biological and environmental processes which contribute to the emergence and progression of mental health issues in this group. Learn useful tools to help improve the mental health of adolescents.
Navigating Alcohol and Other Drug Services
Date: Thursday 22 July 2021, 9:00am - 12:00pm Facilitator: Samantha Williams|Cost: $99 per person Develop skills and increase your knowledge around assisting individuals who present with alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues. Recognise problematic AOD use, understand the impact on the individual and family/whanau and how to access support services in Canterbury.

Empathy Fatigue and Burnout: Real Threats, Real Solutions
Date: Tuesday 3 August, 9:00am - 11:00am Facilitator: Sarb Johal |Cost: $79 per person Helping people day-in day-out takes its toll. Combine this with so many issues all competing for our ability to care, you may be feeling exhausted, and it may start to come at a cost to your mental and physical health. This workshop acknowledges the impact on those in caring roles. You will gain an awareness of empathy fatigue and burnout and learn how to take action to address how it could be affecting you.

0800 424 399
Register at mherc.org.nz

Training Research Evaluation Advocacy
The Collaborative Trust is committed to assisting the healthy development of young people, through:
• Training the people who work with young people; • Undertaking and disseminating research and
evaluation so that training and services can be based on evidence; • Informing and influencing policy and practice. Loneliness and Connection Tuesday 6 July 9.30am—11.30am

Loneliness is a challenging emotional response or state—Humans are social/communal creatures, for the most part. What is loneliness? Loneliness is the feeling of disconnection from others. We can experience loneliness in families, in marriages, in other relationships, whether we have a successful career or if we are alone. However, being alone is not the same as being lonely. Why is long term loneliness challenging? What can we do about it? How can we model connection for our youth? What strategies can they adapt and adopt into their daily lives for more meaningful connections?
Anxiety in the Teen/Tween Years Thursday 4 November 9.30am—11.30am
With a focus on the significant adults in young peoples lives, this workshop aims to provide a basic understanding of anxiety and how in particular it relates to the tween/teen years. Those who attend will hopefully grow in both confidence and competence in supporting their young person to be brave in the face of anxiety so that the impact is lessened and their wellbeing is enhanced.
For more information or to register visit: www.collaborative.org.nz/whatson

Training Research Evaluation Advocacy
Friday 9 July 12.30pm—1.30pm
Manawa Building, 276 Antigua Street, Christchurch Free to attend, but registration is essential

Our ever popular Research Seminar Series is returning in 2021. This series will present you with research findings on relevant youth focussed topics, which can be used both policy and practice. We welcome anyone with an interest in young people to attend these free lunchtime sessions! BYO lunch.
New Zealand Red Cross National Youth Engagement Strategy The voices of young people
Presented by Fi Sawers, Youth Activator, New Zealand Red Cross
New Zealand Red Cross underwent 18 months of a discovery phase, listening to young people, and key stakeholders to understand where the gaps were and what are some of the current needs for young people (within the scope of work – humanitarian work). From this, the youth engagement strategy was written for New Zealand Red Cross for the next ten years.
Fiona Sawers will share with you why this was done, how they went about it, and the youth engagement strategy which will bring to light some of these findings. A separate research paper is available for all as a koha to the sector that contains all the findings, which New Zealand Red Cross hopes will be useful.
For more information or to register visit: www.collaborative.org.nz/whatson