1 minute read

Rangiora Museum

August – Bruce McLaren

“The Life and Times of a Rangiora Kid’s Kid”

Bruce is the second son of Norma and Tom McLaren and was there for many of the adventures detailed in their books about growing up in Rangiora. But what happened next? What impact did that have on the son of a Rangiora Kid?

Bruce picks up the uproarious tale and describes the incredible life journey he has been on since then, from being a 13-year-old working in a pre-OSH logging gang after “The Big Blow” in the ‘70s, to flying in Forestry helicopters with no doors or seat belts in the ‘80s. Then, after escaping Rangiora and travelling extensively in more than 100 countries around the world, why he suddenly realised what an awesome place this town really is.

Guaranteed to be both hilarious and shocking, with stories his parents have never heard!

This presentation will be held on Thursday 24 August at the Rangiora Museum, 29 Good Street, 7.30pm.

All welcome and donations appreciated from non-members. Supper will be served.

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