13 minute read
Services - Programmes
We hope you had a restful and restorative break over the Christmas/New Year period. We look forward to helping you in 2021 with free, confidential, independent information and advice about your rights and the services available in your community. Our service is not-forprofit and delivered by trained volunteers. When you contact us, you can expect to: • not be judged • be treated with respect • get correct information • be listened to • be offered options • have your privacy respected • get help with next steps Our opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. We invite you to come and see us at the Trevor Inch Memorial Library, 141 Percival Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz or check out our website www.cab.org.nz
CEA Charitable Trust and its Curtain Bank are on the move! CEA including its Curtain Bank have moved premises. CEA is now based at 16 Leslie Hills Dr in Riccarton (open now) while the Curtain Bank is housed separately at 55 Ferry Rd in the CBD, re-opening there later in January. What hasn’t changed are the services the charitable trust is providing. Free insulation for homeowners with a CSC and those living at an eligible address is still available, as are recycled curtains and free energy advice. Winter may seem a long time off and keep warm measures may not seem so urgent. However, CEA can get long waitlists in winter. Already they are making insulation appointments for March now! Homeowners without a CSC as well as landlords can also get insulation from CEA but at a cost. Surpluses from unsubsidised insulation assist the charitable side of the trust. So anyone buying unsubsidised insulation is not just keeping their own house warm but is supporting projects that keep those less fortunate warmer. Landlords need to be aware that new insulation standards apply for new and renewed rental contracts from 1 July this year. Where previously old (lower) insulation standards were acceptable, all rentals will soon need to be upgraded to the new standard. For more information contact CEA at info@cea.co.nz or phone 0800 GETWARM or visit www.cea.co.nz

Bereaved by Suicide?

WAVES A Bereaved by Suicide Group
This grief education programme is for adults (18+) who have been affected by the suicide of someone they know.
The group allows members to:
share their thoughts and feelings around what’s happened discuss the nature of suicide gain information and ideas about how to care for themselves and others, including children, after a suicide
The group is facilitated by professional social workers and/or trained facilitators and runs over 8 weeks.
Next programme:
Place: Rangiora Day: Thursdays Dates: 25 February 2021- 15 April 2021 Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
To register your interest in attending please contact Supporting Families in Mental Illness at Phone: (03) 366 9284 or 0800 87 66 82 Text: 022 639 3582 or email waves.canterbury@sfnz.org.nz

Our Mission: To Restore Hope Within Individuals And Families By Providing Emotional, Physical And Spiritual Solutions To Their Needs.
• Counselling Centre • Hope Op Shop • Community Garden • Community Support Team • Fruit and Vegetable Co-op • Food Bank
• Craft Group
115 East Belt Rangiora 7400, PO Box 417 Ph: 03 928 3066 E: support@hopecommunity.co.nz

Support Agencies:
Barnardos Rural Community Social Work Service 03 378 2734
Barnardos rural Community Social Work Service works with children and families who are under stress and
family issues.
CAF North Community and Outreach team
03 339 1126 or 0800 218 219
Child, Adolescent and Family Community Services (CAF) North Community and Outreach team is an outpatient service providing comprehensive psychiatric assessment and therapeutic intervention for children and adolescents 0-17 years (or older if still at school) in their family context.
North Canterbury Victim Support
0800 842 846 or 03 363 8182
For practical support to the victims of crime and trauma and help with court support. Referrals can be made by the Police, community of self.
Work and Income New Zealand 0800 551 001
Immediate appointments available at Rangiora and Kaiapoi for emergencies with family violence. WINZ can provide assistance for relocation expenses and
may qualify for.
Oxford Community Trust 03 312 3006
including referrals for counselling, free legal advice, budgeting, workshops, youth work, holiday programs and a mini bus service.
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust
03 310 6375
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust offers a large range of community services including community youth work, youth drug and alcohol support, family counselling, in home social work, Mana Ake, school attendance services, Karanga Mai Early learning Centre and community Information. 03 327 8945 Kaiapoi Community Support KCS is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust. They offer a range of services including a food bank. 03 310 6375 Restorative Justice Restorative Justice is a service of Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust and works with victims and offenders who have been sent through
process is completely voluntary and is also highly
Presbyterian Support (also called Family Works)
03 313 8588
Offers a range of professional services (including
and in homes. Can help families and elders facing unsafe situations through social work support and counselling for families and younger persons.
Hope Community Trust 03 928 3066
Hope provides a Counselling Centre, budgeting, Op Shop, foodbank, community garden, fruit & vege co-op, clothing co-op and advocacy.
www.waimakariri.govt.nz supported by the Violence Free North Canterbury Network
Afraid to go home?
We are here to help.
Family violence referral and support agencies/groups in North Canterbury

For emergencies phone 111 North Canterbury Police phone 105
The role for Police in dealing with family harm is both to attend episodes and to provide information.
Women’s Refuge
24/7 Free phone 0800 733 843 Women’s refuge provides a range of services to families experiencing family violence in North Canterbury.
Battered Women’s Trust 03 364 8900
BWT offers a full range of support services across the
in crisis response via crisis line, which allows for immediate contact. They are the only refuge in Christchurch with two safe houses, one for emergency and one for transitional clients.
Te Whare Hauora (Otautahi Maori Women’s Refuge)
0800 117 474 (24/7 Crisis Line) 03 379 6910
environment that is culturally appropriate for women and their tamariki including community outreach, domestic violence education and training, integrated safety response services and Whanau Ora navigator assistance.
Shakti Ethnic Women’s Refuge
0800 742 584 or 03 389 2028
migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shakti; meaning strength; works to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women of color. It supports women to overcome the barriers that come with migration and inter-generational bonds of cultural oppression.
West Christchurch Women’s Refuge
0800 733 843 or 03 379 0575
West Christchurch WR are a general refuge, which means they support and provide services for all ethnic groups.
Family Violence Agencies
Aviva Family Violence and Sexual Assault Supports.
Family Violence 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) Services for women, children and men 03 378 3847 Sexual Assault Support 03 377 5402
Aviva specialises in sexual and family violence servicesthat support men, women and children to overcome the effects of violence and create safer, more fulfilling futures. Aviva supports whanau throughout the North Canterbury, Hurunui and Waimakariri. Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC) supports adult victims - female and male - of recent or historic rapes and/or sexual assaults.
Oranga Tamariki 0508 326 459
Oranga Tamariki is a statutory social work agency working with families, children and young people under 17 years. Their primary task is to ensure that children and young people are provided with adequate care and protection.
Stopping Violence Services (SVS)
0800 478 778 or 03 365 6266
Stopping Violence Services (SVS) offers a range of services to men, women and youth who use violent and controlling behaviours. SVS offers specialist
issues related to family violence. Contact services are also provided to partners and family/whanau.
He Waka Tapu 0800 HE WAKA (43 9252)
He Waka Tapu is a Kaupapa Maori organisation. Services are therefore delivered using a kaupapa Maori framework encompassing Tinana (physical well-being), Wairua (spiritual well-being), Hinengaro
HEY BRO 0800 439 276
HEY BRO is a number set up for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member.
Aged Concern Canterbury 03 366 0903
The Elder Abuse Service aims to improve the quality of life of older people in abusive situations. The service provides information, advocacy and support.
Sexual Abuse Services
These agencies provide counselling and support to sexually abused children, youth, adults and their families, and consultation and education for the community.
Start Inc
03 355 4414
START is an organisation that provides early intervention, counselling and support for children, youth and adults and their families who have experienced sexual violence or other trauma. START also provides education about sexual violence and other trauma to the wider community.
Stop 03 353 0257
Provides community-based assessment and intervention services for adolescents and adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior and for children who have engaged in concerning sexual behavior. STOP also provides training and consultation to government and community professionals.
Male Survivors Canterbury 03 377 6747
Provides support to men recovering from the effects of sexual abuse. They have extensive resources to help you back to recovery.
Te Puna Oranga 03 381 8472
Te Puna Oranga is a Kaupapa Maori provider who work with whanau affected by Sexual Harm. Our services include Counselling, Social Work Advocacy, Youth Mentoring, Integrated Safety Response, Education (including a parenting and women’s empowerment programme), and a 24/7 Sexual Harm Whanau Crisis Response Line. We embrace Kaupapa Maori values and tikanga to heal
Monday 1st
10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Swim at Dudley Pool ($2.50)
10:30 Walk at Ōtukaikino
Monday 8th
Waitangi Day Holiday Step Ahead Closed Monday 15th
10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Craft - Glass Jar Terrarium Making ($2.00)
10:30 Word Finds/Mandala Art
11:15 Meals on Wheels
Monday 22nd
10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Member Staff Liaison Meeting
11:00 Craft Friendship bracelets ($2.00)
11:00 Board Games
12:30 Bring your own lunch 12:30 Afternoon at Waikuku Beach bring your own picnic lunch, games and a walk 12:00 Bring your own lunch
1:30 Book Circle - bring a recent book or poem you have read to share
1:30 Pool & Darts at the RSA 1:00 Afternoon at Lake Roto Kohatu for walking and games
Wednesday 3rd
Wednesday 10th
10:00 Coffee Morning
Wednesday 17th
10:00 Coffee Morning
Wednesday 24th
10:00 Horse Riding - Waimak Horse Trek
10:30 Op Shopping at the Hope Church 10:30 Day out to Pegasus for Shop BBQ lunch ($2.50) and a walk around the lake
11:15 Meals on Wheels 10:30 Newsletter and programmes for mailing $30 1 hour, $15 1/2 hour
Bring your own lunch and suitable clothes for riding.
Please pay a $10.00 deposit by Friday 19th February.
12:30 Bring your own lunch 12:00 Bring your own lunch
1:30 Walk at Ashley Gorge 1:00 Coffee out for Volunteers
War Memorial Hall, Cnr Albert St & High St BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Phone 0800 688 732 or txt 022 173 1673
Assistance is available for groups and individuals who are keen to provide arts and cultural activities in the Waimakariri District from the Creative Communities New Zealand Scheme.
The next Creative Communities round will close Monday 29 March 2021, for events or activities that take place between 1 May 2021 and 1 May 2022.
The Application Form and Guide for Applicants is available from Council Service Centres and Libraries or from the Council Website at waimakariri.govt.nz
If you have any questions please contact the administrator,
Karen Livingstone Phone 03 311 8901 or 0800 965 468 Email karen.livingstone@wmk.govt.nz
Community Board Funding Available

Calling all community groups, non-profit organisations, registered charities and incorporated societies with strong links and benefits to your communities.
Do you need funding for projects, equipment, advertising?
Your Community Board could help with grants up to $500.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre or Library. For more information about funding contact com.board@wmk.govt.nz or phone 0800 965 468.
Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz

Training Research Evaluation Advocacy

The Collaborative Trust is committed to assisting the healthy development of young people, through:
• Training the people who work with young people; • Undertaking and disseminating research and
evaluation so that training and services can be based on evidence; • Informing and influencing policy and practice.

Supporting Young People’s Positive Development and Wellbeing : A Resource Building Workshop Tuesday 16 February 9.30am—11.30am Wellbeing is often portrayed in media and policy as equating with Health, Wealth and Happiness. Yet, anyone who works with young people knows there is much more to being well, and it doesn't look the same from one young person to the next. In this workshop, we will share useful tools for supporting positive youth development in times of change and uncertainty, and what the psychology, economics, health sciences and education literature says about what it really means for young people to 'be well' today.
De escalation Thursday 25 February 9.30am —12.30pm One of the most difficult parts of working with young people is when they become angry or aggressive. Many professionals encounter this behaviour on a regular basis but they are not sure about the underlying causes of this behaviour and how to effectively address it without making the situation worse.
Sowing and Growing the Seeds of Compassion and Kindness Tuesday 9 March 9.30am—11.30am Research has found that compassion is a response that has ensured our survival. Putting compassion and kindness into action repeatedly with awareness, continues to ensure not only our basic biological survival, but it also optimises our physical and psychological wellbeing. How do compassion and kindness benefit us?
For more information or to register visit: www.collaborative.org.nz/whatson
Autumn Activity Providers Workshop

Saturday 27th February, 2021 12.30pm-4.30pm
Pioneer Recreation & Sport Centre, 75 Lyttelton Street, Christchurch
The key focus of this workshop will be on helping people with 'bad backs' - a common issue. Physiotherapist Chris Roberts will explain the key things you need to know to help your class participants manage.
Practical sessions include: The Feldenkrais Method® - an innovative method of movement. Steve Seth from Auckland will introduce us to the joys of drumming. Short, simple meditation practices to incorporate into your sessions.

By visiting the Active Canterbury website www.activecanterbury.org.nz/training/autumn-activity-providers-workshop
This workshop is designed for local activity providers in Canterbury who support others to be active, those who instruct group fitness or work in community exercise. Tertiary students and trainee instructors are also welcome!
Attendance is FREE but registration essential.
For more information, contact: Kris Tynan, Workshop & Training Coordinator Ph/Txt: 021 262 8886 or Email: kris.tynan@xtra.co.nz