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Triple P Online Parenting Programmes

Thanks to further funding from the Ministry of Health and support from Whāraurau as part of the Covid-19 public health initiative, there is now a website where whānau have free access to Triple P online parenting programmes. This includes the programmes you’ve grown familiar with AS WELL AS Fear-Less Triple P Online. This is a programme parents and caregivers can do that helps children and young people get on top of anxiety. To access the programme go to: triplep-parenting.net.nz/nz-uken/triple-p

Be Active Exercise Classes

Sport Canterbury offer regular exercises that can be done from the comfort of people’s homes. These are pre-recorded exercise videos, to view go to: sportcanterbury.org.nz/ resources-and-programmes-1/be-activeweekly-sessions-1 Clients can register for the regular Be Active or Online programme by getting in touch with the Sport Canterbury team directly on 0800 BE ACTIVE or email grxsupport@sportcanterbury.org.nz

harm, whether it is their own gambling or someone else’s and we have a satellite clinic in Rangiora! We can talk to you in person, by phone or over Zoom or Skype. Give us a call if you’d like more information: 03 365 9659. Website: salvationarmy.org.nz Office: 126 Bealey Ave, Christchurch. Facebook: The Salvation Army Oasis - Reducing Gambling Harm NZ

Kia ora! The Oasis Centre for Gambling Harm is a branch of the Salvation Army. We support safer gambling policies. If you would like more information about the upcoming Waimakariri class 4 (Pokies) gambling venue policy, please contact Nicky Taylor, Health Promoter, on 021 718 629. We offer FREE education, counselling and support for anyone affected by gambling

What’s Happening in North Canterbury November - December 2021

We are thrilled to announce that we have resumed groups with safe distancing, QR scanning, contact registering, mask wearing, and hand sanitising requirements. To assist with planning at Level 2 please phone 0800 226 695 to register for all face-to-face groups provided by the Cancer Society. We would also like to invite you to join our Cancer Society webinars held fortnightly on a Wednesday from 10–11am. Upcoming Webinars: 10 November 2021, Strategies for Supporters 24 November 2021, Finding a New Normal To join live on Zoom please email: psychologists@akcansoc.org.nz Rangiora Rangiora Patient Support Group Held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10-11.30am at the Centre. Meet in a safe, warm, friendly environment. Rangiora Walking and Coffee Group Meeting every Tuesday 9.30am. Meet at the Jewellery Stand in The Warehouse for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Artisan Café at 10.30 to purchase your coffee and head upstairs. Carers Group Please contact the Centre for more details. Men’s Get Together Held the last Wednesday of the month, 1-2.30pm. Support for men living with cancer. Held on the last Wednesday of the month at different locations across North Canterbury. November location to be advised, please contact the Centre for more details. Blue Bros Exercise Classes for Men 8.15am on Mondays at the Rangiora Fitness Centre, 345 Flaxton Road. Phone Gabrielle on 021 904 907 to register for Rangiora. Prostate Support Group (Prostate Cancer Foundation) Meet second Tues of the month 1.30-3.30pm, Wylie Room. John Knox Centre, 303 High Street, Rangiora. Contact Dean on 021 0224 6078 or rangiora@prostate.org.nz November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month All lung cancer patients and carers are invited to meet to discuss their own support needs. Held at the Centre on Wednesday 17 November 10.30am-12pm. Kaiapoi Kaiapoi Therapeutic Art (acrylics) Class Mondays 10am-12pm, facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street. Parking on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill.

Oxford Oxford Support Group Third Wednesday of the month, 10am at Café 51, High Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans Fonteyn. All patients and carers most welcome.

Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise Classes for Men Kaikoura 10am on Wednesday. Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. New initiatives under consideration Tai Chi class for patients and carers in the Waimakariri district. Please contact 0800 226 695 if you are interested. Craft Group – we are hoping to run the craft group again in December. Contact the Centre for more information or check out our Facebook page for event information. Please call or text Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about any of support our groups. Fundraising and events On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... a ticket to a movie! The Cancer Society North Canterbury is hosting “Respect”, a Biopic of Aretha Franklin at the Oxford Town Hall on Sunday 5 December, 5.30pm. This will be an evening of wonderful entertainment with an incredible movie, drink and nibbles on arrival and the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts, raffles and maybe an auction item too!! Gather some girlfriends, your mum or aunty, your partner or a group of workmates and come along to what will be a fantastic night out. This fundraising event will see all profits go to the Cancer Society North Canterbury to support our local services for cancer patients, whānau and carers. Tickets available at the following locations: • Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora • Emma’s at Oxford, 53 High Street, Oxford • Online at events.humanitix.com/ respect-movie-night For more information please contact Tiff Wafer on 0800 226 695 or 021 139 4909 or email tiffany.wafer@cancercwc.org.nz

Firewood Raffle

Trailer of firewood for next winter! Tickets available at the Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre. 1 ticket $2, 3 tickets $5. Drawn Monday 13 December 2021. “Cancer Society North Canterbury”

Please like or share our page to widen our support network.

Thank you!

Trailer of firewood for next winter! Tickets available at the Cancer Society North Canterbury Centre. 1 ticket $2, 3 tickets $5. Drawn Monday 13 December 2021.

Abbeyfield Waimakariri Monster Garage Sale

Abbeyfield Waimakariri Monster Garage Sale

Saturday 13 November 8am –Household Items, 12noon Saturday 13 November 8am – 12noon 9 Ayers Street, Rangiora Furniture, Antiques, 9 Ayers Street, Rangiora Household Items, Furniture, Antiques, Cushion Covers, Cushion Covers, Jams, Jams, Table Runners, Clothes, Books, PineconesTable Runners, Clothes, Books, Pinecones.



Monthly meetings, on Fridays 9.30am Support - Connection - Guest speakers

Friday 5th November Amberley School Friday 3rd December RSA Rangiora Friday 10th December Xmas Party

For more information please contact: Marie Simpson - 022 161 2670 or email: marie.mana.ake@wellbeingnc.org.nz Julie Best - 027 451 1567 or email: j.best@wellbeingnc.org.nz

Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park - October/November 2021

There are many ways that we work to protect native wildlife here at Tūhaitara coastal park. Keys areas of our work are supporting native wildlife and threatened species providing habitat and food sources, and running a robust programme of predator control. A great example of attracting wildlife through planting is the Bruce Banks Environment Award-winning project Feast for Flight, designed by students from Kaiapoi North School. Their idea was to plant native trees and shrubs such as tī kouka, harakeke, kohuhu, makomako, karamu and poroporo because they provide the energy-rich nectar and berries that native birds need. This newly planted food forest for birds can be found at the end of Batten Grove, Pines Beach. With support from the Department of Conservation (DoC) and the Working Waters Trust, the endangered endemic kōwaro Canterbury mudfish, has been trans-located to several of our fresh water biota nodes. The fish spawned at the end of winter/early spring, so now is the time to look out for the young fry swimming around. We are working with Larsen’s Signs of Kaiapoi on a series of artistic interpretation panels to create a trail through the park that shares the story of these fascinating animals. Predator control is a cornerstone of our work to protect our vulnerable bird species against introduced mammals. We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of local resident volunteers in Pegasus, Woodend and Pines Beach who are the backbone of our trapping programme. They help make, maintain and monitor our traps and trap lines. We are grateful for the support of our amazingly knowledgeable partners and passionate volunteers, all of whom are vital in taking care of the park’s taonga. To find out more about our work you can: Visit our website tuhaitarapark.org.nz Find us on Facebook at Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park Follow us on Instagram tūhaitara.coastal.park

Predator control volunteers meeting Angela from DoC and her adorable stoat detector. Inside a tracking tunnel - peanut butter is used as a lure on top of moist tracking ink. Visiting animals leave their prints behind.

The endemic endangered kōwaro Canterbury mudfish.

45 Charles Street, Kaiapoi Ph: 327 6917 Email: office@riversidechurch.org.nz Website: www.riversidechurch.org.nz

Riverside Community Church run various activities and have connections with various organisations:

Aroma Mums is dedicated to getting alongside mums and children. Our hope is to encourage the wellbeing of mums and their families, to enjoy each other’s company and have a relaxed time together over coffee and fresh home baking. Every Tuesday during the school term,10am.

Riverside Youth Ages 13-18 Years 9—13 Riverside Youth is loaded with fun, friendships and FOOD!

Open Door—We aim to be available to all in the community who might need a helping hand or just somewhere to visit. Please join us each Thursday 11am-2pm and enjoy a nice cuppa, something to eat and great conversation.

The Care Ministry seeks to demonstrate the love of Christ to those in need whether inside or outside Riverside, and help them walk through challenging life events. A team cook a supply of meals for emergencies and we also have a weekly food boxes for those in need—no cost.

Peke Yake is a group for older people on their own sharing afternoon tea, playing board games or cards, while having friendship and laughter. We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12.30-2.30pm.

Kaiapoi Lodge Residential Care Interdenominational Church Service. Held monthly at Kaiapoi Lodge for residents.

Toastmasters meet at Riverside hall each week. Toastmasters is a place to gain confidence and face the world outside with a smile. It is a warm, relaxed, non-judgmental environment to enjoy learning to talk to groups.

Mobile Foot Clinic—COMMUNITY FOOT CARE CLINICS are held monthly in Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Woodend, and Amberly, bringing affordable care to our Senior Citizens. For more information, or an appointment, please call 021 288 9618.

Civil Defence use Riverside as a civil emergency hub and as their training venue.

The Kaiapoi Garden Club will be 100 years old in 2022 and are looking for past members or relatives of past members, so they can they can find & share mementos, stories, photographs and happenings during the years. If you have any information please phone Jenny at 03 327 7762.

Celebrations start with an Art Deco themed Garden Party on Saturday 26th February, 2022 at Lacebark, Moodys Rd, Clarkville. Tickets available soon. These would make an ideal Christmas present! $25 each.

November Meeting if we are on Level 2 - Wednesday 10th at 7.30pm at Riverside Bowling Club. Please wear a mask.

Speaker - John Archer - Landscaping.

Visitors & New Members very welcome

L O O K I N G F O R T H E P E R F E C T S T O C K I N G F I L L E R ?

Support the Cancer Society this Christmas with this amazing gift package including The Food Connection cook book, a reusable daffodil shopping bag and a voucher for a bag of daffodil bulbs.


Christmas Tree Festival

The North Canterbury News Christmas tree festival is back this year in the Waimakariri District Council Offices, running from 6th – 17th December. With so many event cancelations it will be sure to bring some much needed Christmas joy to the community. The trees will be displayed in the foyer and in the Rakahuri Committee room. The funds raised this year will be donated to Rachels House and Karanga mai Parents College, both organisations doing great work helping mothers and children. It is not too late to register to decorate a tree which costs $200. There are 3 categories – Schools, Non- Profit Organisations and Business’s. The winner in each category wins a prize of $300 of advertising in the North Canterbury News. Business may either decorate their own tree or sponsor a school or non profit group. For further information or a registration form please contact Mary – harriswjandem@gmail.com


Office space to rent in Kaiapoi.

Includes kitchenette and bathroom. 24m2 excluding bathroom

Conditions apply.

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