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Community Information
Nau mai ki te Tūhaitara Coastal Park
Inspired by Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori/Māori Language Week (13-19 September 2021) this month’s update highlights te reo Māori names of some of the native birds that visit and live in the coastal park. Pūtakitaki/Paradise shelduck Although they congregate in large flocks when they are moulting, pūtakitaki are often seen in single breeding pairs. Pair bonds last for many years and adult birds tend to stay in the same area. We have a resident pair living near our office at Woodend Beach Road. This year we are supporting the nomination of the pūtakitaki for the Forest & Bird, NZ Bird of Year 2021 – we will promote the competition when details are released, please vote pūtakitaki! Kōtare/Kingfisher Kōtare are often seen in the park using the high branches of standing dead wood for a lookout post when they are hunting. These elevated perches are an essential part of their habitat.
Kōtuku/White heron The elegant kōtuku are a legally protected species. Their sole nesting site is in a kahikatea swamp forest near the Ōkārito Lagoon on the west coast of the South Island. We are very fortunate that kōtuku often visit Te Kōhanga Wetlands in the autumn and winter.
Pūteketeke/Crested grebe Pūteketeke are only found in the South Island. These distinctive diving birds, which are rarely seen on land, have been spotted at Te Kōhanga Wetlands. They often carry their very young chicks on their back when they are swimming. As we are coming into breeding season, now is a good time to start looking out for this unique behaviour.

Tōrea pango/Variable oystercatcher Another of Aotearoa’s protected species, tōrea pango, are commonly found along the coast on beaches and estuaries. They are often seen at the water’s edge foraging for shellfish. Unlike the tōrea/pied oystercatcher that nest in braided riverbeds, tōrea pango prefer nesting on beaches in scrapes above the high tide mark. Bring your binoculars and camera next time you’re visiting the park, and let us know which birds you spot! Visit our website to find out more about our work and Te Kōhaka o Tūhaitara Trust:
tuhaitarapark.org.nz or follow us on Facebook at Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park. Ka kite anō.
Dates for your diary Plant-Life-Cycle - Biketober guided bike rides Join Greg and Adele on a guided bike ride to see and hear about the cycles of life that Tūhaitara Coastal Park supports. Places are limited. Call Adele to book your place: 021 0260 6676. Wednesday 6 October, 10am-1pm. FAMILY BIKE RIDE. Meet at TKoT office, 1 Woodend Beach Road, Woodend. Sunday 10 October, 10am-1pm. ADULTS ONLY BIKE RIDE. Meet at TKoT office, 1 Woodend Beach Road, Woodend.

North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support works to connect communities in Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura to ensure communities are safer, more resilient, connected and well informed. A big thank-you to our 3,500+ members who have already signed up to North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support via our Gets Ready website. Gets Ready is a tool used to register members of Neighbourhood Support. Once registered, members will receive official information from Police, Councils and Civil Defence. North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support will work alongside neighbourhoods to create street groups and then ensure these
groups are communicated with. We do this by emailing credible information such as crime prevention strategies, weather warnings, and civil defence emergency information. This information proves to be extremely valuable to all communities. In the event of an emergency, your neighbours are your first line of support. We can assist neighbourhood groups to develop their own emergency plans which outlines working together to combine skills and resources and identify any key needs in times of emergencies. North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support also provides street signs, like the one above, to your neighbourhoods as well as letterbox stickers. These have proven to be very useful to deter crime.
Why Join a Neighbourhood Support Street Group? There’s a strength in numbers. A neighbourhood support group brings local people together to share information, ideas and connectedness. Together, you can assist one another to: • Solve local problems • Reduce crime • Minimise anti-social behaviour • Support victims of crime • Learn to prepare and cope with civil defence emergencies • Engage Police, other emergency services or support agencies • Liaise and co-operate with other likeminded community groups • Decrease social isolation. To join North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support or find out some more information please get in contact with us using the below information. We look forward to connecting with you.
getsready.northcanterbury.net ncns.org.nz facebook.com/ NorthCanterburyNeighbourhoodSupport/
Sarah Saunders manager@ncns.org.nz
SeniorNet North Canterbury
SeniorNet North Canterbury is offering two workshops for October. Both will be held in the Learning Centre, at 178 King Street, Rangiora, in the grounds of the Methodist Church. One-to-One problem solving Wednesday 13 October, 10am This will allow participants to bring their devices to the Learning Centre and discuss any problems with tutors from SeniorNet. Introduction to computers Wednesday 27 October, 10am This session will provide basic information on computers to enable people new to computers or wishing to gain confidence with computers become more familiar with these machines. Further information and register for both courses with Lynda-Marie on 021 107 9169 or
email: hopelmg25@gmail.com
Consultation on the Disability Survey 2023
Statistics NZ is asking for submissions on what content should be included in the next disability survey in 2023. The last survey was in 2013. This consultation presents an opportunity to hear from disabled people, and more accurately reflect their views in the next survey. Submissions close 29 October 2021, 5pm.
stats.govt.nz/consultations/disability-survey-2023-consultation We welcome feedback from disabled people, the general public, academics, government agencies, disability and support organisations, and anyone else with an interest in data for and about disabled people. Please read the consultation document and answer the questions that are of interest to you. Submissions can be made via the online submission form, in writing using the template at the end of the consultation document, or by video or audio recording emailed
to DisabilitySurvey2023@stats.govt.nz Findings from the consultation and our final decisions will be published in 2022. For any questions or to receive help making a submission please email DisabilitySurvey2023@stats.govt.nz, or call Katy Auberson on 04 931 4885 or 0508 525 525 toll-free from within New Zealand.

Age Friendly Update
Kia ora Koutou During the recent lockdown a friend emailed me to say she had written a list of chores to do and hoped it would be over before she got to the one that said ‘Wash bathroom walls’. I remember two friends years ago who would get together and spring clean their houses. Perhaps this is something we could think about when we are asked to have contact with only those in our bubble. It doesn't need to be just doing chores. Sharing meals, writing and telling each other's life stories, gardening, crafts, sorting photos and papers. This is one of the ways we can keep connected with each other. The Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group, scheduled to meet at the end of August didn't due to the lockdown. Madeleine Burdon, our Age-friendly Facilitator with the Council Community Team, is one of the Civil Defence team. They are available to assist anyone needing help during those times. We can all help too by making sure our friends and neighbours are OK. Give them a call, especially if they live alone. Social isolation is not good for anyone. And if you need help call someone. One of the Council's brochures entitled Getting Advice, Shows Strength has lots of helpful contacts: see the lists on waimakariri.govt.nz or phone 0800 965 468. As part of our Agefriendly's housing strategy, I am a member of a newly formed Abbeyfield Waimakariri Steering Group. Abbeyfield New Zealand Inc. is a volunteer run charity committed to providing supported, independent living for older New Zealanders. Each is a family-style home, located close to local amenities and has about 12-14 residents with their own studio unit with ensuite and generally a patio and garden. There are shared areas and facilities including dining, lounge, laundry and gardens. A housekeeper/cook is employed to provide two cooked meals a day and a self-service breakfast, keep communal areas clean and tidy and provide general support for residents. Abbeyfield free up private and public sector housing for other users and contribute to the overall improvement in housing supply. The Steering Group start with a nil budget and are looking for fund-raising and land ideas either to purchase, rent or collaborate with owners. Contact Valda Reveley on 027 271 9961 or valda.sam@xtra.co.nz if you would like to know more or be involved. More information
can be found at abbeyfield.org.nz Haere ora Haere pai (Go with wellness, go with care) Joanne Gumbrell Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group
Soroptimist International North Canterbury
Soroptimist International North Canterbury is an international women’s service organisation that focus on action and creation of opportunities for women and girls by empowering, educating and enabling them to reach their full potential. They undertake projects and raise money that adds value locally. The Club’s August meeting was a meeting with a difference. Members held a Speakers Corner where three of their members, plus the Soroptimist International New Zealand President, talked for 5-7 minutes about their involvement with other groups. • Carol Glover is co-owner of a low cost access nurse practitioner-led health clinic based in Linwood. Patients pay a reduced fee to receive health care, including extended mental health consultations. The clinic promotes and supports the role of the nurse practitioner in general practice. Nurse practitioners diagnose, treat and prescribe - just as a GP would. • Dael Foy is a Trustee of the newly formed
Waimakariri Public Arts Trust whose aim is to raise public awareness of the arts in our communities. In addition, they raise funds for art and sculpture and purchase pieces of art for display in the
District. Their first event will be revealed in September and is associated with the
Blackwell’s Department Store in Kaiapoi 150 year’s celebration. • Joanne Gumbrell, Chair of Waimakariri
Council’s Age-friendly Advisory Group, which is made up of individuals from appropriate local groups and is charged with making it happen. Age-friendly is a
World Health Organisation initiative in response to an aging population. Priorities have changed since Covid-19 with social and digital inclusion, health services, housing and communication becoming more important. The demise of cheques and people not being digitally literate is one example. Their housing sub-group is currently forming an Abbeyfield Steering Group looking to provide an alternative to social housing. Waimakariri District Council is serious about making Waimakariri an even better place for older people to live safe, fulfilling lives. • Kristeen Johnson, the National President of Soroptimist International was visiting the local club. She talked about how education defined her as a person and the personal benefits and confidence she had gained by joining Soroptimists.
“I love this job,” she said. “I get to travel and meet some wonderful people.”
Kristeen congratulated the local club on the work they do. “I’ve never been to a group like this anywhere,” she said. Soroptimist North Canterbury welcomes new members who align with their values and wish to contribute in a meaningful way to empower, educate and enable women and children in North Canterbury to reach their full potential. Anyone interested to find out more can ring their President Anthea Penny on 021 761 543.

You are warmly invited to the Waimakariri Access Group’s Annual General Meeting.
11am Tuesday 12 October 2021
Downstairs meeting room at the Kaiapoi Club on Raven Quay. The AGM meeting will be followed by a brief meeting to accept amendments on the Constitution, then morning tea. The Access Group’s primary aim is to promote access to public spaces and facilities; and have a barrier-free, inclusive environment for all people in the communities that make up our District.
For more information please contact the Acting Chair, Phil Humphries on 03 327 2664 or email waimakaccess@wmk.govt.nz
F: facebook.com/WaimakaririAccess/

Wellbeing Tips
These tips are designed to help get you thinking abouT What will help your mental wellbeing aT The moment. these simple actions are big mood boosters – find whaT Works for you and keep aT it!
Take noTice – me aro tonu give – Āwhina
Think about a skill you have you could share with your whānau, offer to pick groceries up for elderly neighbours or simply give a compliment to a loved one!
Notice the things that make you feel good and do them more often!
It could be your morning coffee, a walk around the block or playing games with your tamariki/children. connect – tūhono
sTay Curious – me whai Whakaaro
Keep in touch with your friends, whānau and colleagues on the phone, through social media, video chats and text.
Learning new things helps to focus your mind and gives you a sense of purpose. It could be learning a language, a craft, or even mastering a tricky recipe. relax – mauri tau
Find ways to rest, switch off and recharge. Reading, mindfulness, yoga and deep breathing are all great ways to unwind. get moving – kia kori
Regular movement and exercise helps release tension and stress and gives you an energy boost!
sTick to a rouTine – whai mahere
It will help you get through each day and adjust to regular life when it goes back to normal.
Daffodil Day – Friday 27 August 2021 This current lockdown has hit the Cancer Society very hard and it came at precisely the wrong time for Daffodil Day 2021; particularly after all the hard work, time and effort that was contributed by our North Canterbury Support Groups and volunteers into co-ordinating in your local areas a fundraising appeal that benefits North Canterbury cancer patients, whānau and carers. The Cancer Society was fortunate to receive additional support from the ANZ and three Kiwi entrepreneurs who together contributed $2 for every $1 donated through ANZ’s Digital Daffodil. This was incredibly generous and we are so grateful. CHOP THE MOP with Jason Clements, Learning Connections Coordinator at Waimakariri District Libraries, does still have his long hair and beard. Due to lockdown, Jason was not able to chop his mop, but it will happen (and he will be hoping soon!!). In the meantime you can still go to youcanforcancer. org.nz/jason-clements and donate. International Coffee Day – Friday 1 October 2021 For International Coffee Day 2021 we would love the support of local cafes and restaurants to donate .50 cents from each coffee purchased to the Cancer Society North Canterbury, in turn providing valuable funds to support cancer patients, their whānau and carers. If you are a business who is keen to be involved please contact Tiff on 021 139 4909 or tiffany.wafer@cancercwc.org.nz and we can chat more. If you are a person who likes their coffee, keep an eye out on our Facebook page (Cancer Society NC) for details of the businesses that are going to support us. In turn please support these businesses by grabbing a group, your girlfriends, mates or work colleagues and head out for a coffee then share, like or tag to thank them for their support of the Cancer Society. Cancer Society North Canterbury Happenings: October While we are at alert level 2 our centre is not open to the general public and all of our face-to-face support groups are on hold. However, we are planning ahead in the hope that we will be able to reopen as soon as possible and have scheduled the following support groups in advance. Please keep up-to-date with information about the groups on our Facebook page, Cancer Society NC or contact the centre on 0800 226 695.
Rangiora Grief and Loss Workshop – Friday 22 October 10.30am–12pm. An education workshop presented by Gabrielle O’Connell, Area Co-ordinator, Cancer Society. Participants will also hear about Seasons for Change, a wellrecognised and respected grief education programme, from facilitator Shona Lawson, Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. Seasons for Change will be offered to cancer patients and carers in Rangiora prior to Christmas. Can Bead Workshop - Thursday 28 October, 10.30am–12.30pm. This is a free jewellery workshop for patients and carers held at the North Canterbury Centre, registrations are required. To find out what’s involved go to caninspire.org.nz Please call or text Gabrielle on 021 904 907 or 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about any of support our groups. “Cancer Society North Canterbury”, please like or share our page to widen our support network. Thank you!
Sponsored Data
The Sponsored Data initiative allows the public to access key health sector websites via mobile phone without incurring data use charges. For some New Zealanders, the cost of mobile data can be a barrier to accessing essential health and wellbeing information and digital health services. Those who cannot access information and services are often those with the highest needs. Sponsored Data (also known as zero-rated data) removes this barrier by providing free access to key health sector websites for anyone using the Spark, Skinny, Vodafone, 2degrees, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks. All mobile data charges for content hosted on these websites are automatically charged back to the Ministry of Health. This ensures Kiwis won’t incur mobile data charges when they need essential information about COVID-19, health information and resources, or access to eligible GP portals. The initiative will be reviewed in June 2021 to determine its renewal period. The following websites have been included within the initiative as at 1 February 2021:
covid19.govt.nz health.govt.nz healthnavigator.org.nz booksonprescription.co.nz depression.org.nz thelowdown.co.nz choicenotchance.org.nz managemyhealth.co.nz health365.co.nz
allright.org.nz mentalhealth.org.nz myexperience.health.nz plunket.org.nz quitstrong.nz smallsteps.org.nz justathought.co.nz
For more information go to: